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石羊河流域平原区土壤入渗特性空间变异的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
在野外原位入渗试验的基础上,建立了简化Philip入渗模型及其土壤转换函数,借助ARCVIEW软件生成了石羊河流域平原区土壤入渗特性参数的空间分布图,并分析了入渗特性的空间变异特征。研究表明,简化Philip入渗模型是点面转化中比较理想的模型,模型参数α的土壤转换函数可以简便地估算土壤入渗特性,两者的结合是研究大尺度土壤入渗空间变异的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

在水平入渗方法的基础上,提出了一种不需测定饱和导水率,仅利用一维垂直入渗试验即可确定Brooks-Co-rey模型参数的新方法.利用封丘县两种质地土壤的入渗资料,对所提出的方法进行了检验.结果表明,只要入渗历时足够长,基质势和重力势作用相当,垂直入渗方法确定的土壤水力参数与水平吸渗方法的预测结果相近;利用预测的参数,数...  相似文献   

紫色土中砾石夹层对土壤水分入渗的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为探究紫色土中砾石夹层对土壤水分入渗的影响因素,通过室内模拟土柱入渗试验,采用一维垂直水头法研究2种砾石粒径(10~20 mm、20~76 mm)和5种砾石含量(0%、10%、20%、30%和40%)分别与累积入渗量、入渗特性和湿润锋进程之间的关系。利用Horton方程和Philip公式验证入渗特性,以及幂函数拟合湿润锋进程。结果表明:① 在相同砾石粒径下,累积入渗量随着砾石含量的增加而减小;对于20~76 mm粒径砾石夹层,20%砾石含量及以上含量对水分入渗的阻碍程度相似。② 当砾石粒径相同时,初始入渗率、平均入渗率、稳定入渗率都随砾石含量的增加而减小;当砾石含量相同时,大粒径砾石夹层的初始入渗率大于小粒径砾石夹层。③ 砾石粒径大小与其对湿润锋的阻碍程度呈负相关。④ Horton方程对累积入渗量变化规律的验证效果要优于Philip公式;幂函数能较好地模拟含砾石夹层土壤中湿润锋的进程。  相似文献   

黄土中水分入渗理论分析对预测土体附加变形及强度弱化十分重要,但现有针对均质地基的Green-Ampt入渗分析模型运用于黄土区还有较多不足。基于黄土入渗饱和-非饱和分层假定,考虑入渗过程中土体实际渗透系数随深度的变化,对Green-Ampt模型进行修正,并用实例进行了验证;通过测量累积入渗量和含水率的时变规律,并结合Philip模型与Green-Ampt模型的相关关系及实际渗透系数随时间的变化关系获取模型参数。结果表明,相比于WGAM和Kostiakov模型,修正模型在黄土区的应用效果更好。在修正模型基础上,分析了饱和渗透系数、饱和含水率、初始含水率以及基质吸力对水分入渗深度的影响规律,并对参数的敏感指数进行了分析与对比。发现土体初始和饱和含水率变化对模型计算结果产生较大影响。该模型的建立对黄土地区水分入渗规律相关研究有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

基于点入渗参数计算土质渠床自由渗漏损失的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于非饱和土质渠床有压单点入渗试验,对自由渗漏情况下土壤有压入渗入渗率随时间的变化过程进行了系统性的分析,建立了渠床土壤有压点入渗经验模型,研究了土壤入渗模型参数与水深之间的函数关系。基于点入渗参数与水深之间的函数关系,提出了沿断面积分计算渠道输水渗漏量的模型。该计算模型通过入渗模型参数全面反映了渠道土质、干容重、含水量和水深对渗漏量的影响。计算实例表明:与考斯加科夫公式计算结果相比较,该计算结果可更真实地反映渠道渗漏量随时间的变化过程,并具有更高的精度,证明利用点入渗参数计算渠道输水渗漏量是可行的。  相似文献   

变水头入渗试验推求垂向渗透系数的计算方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在Philip与Nestingen土壤水运动计算方法基础上,推导出描述单环变水头入渗试验中水深变化过程的计算公式,提出了确定土壤垂向渗透系数的MP方法.利用土壤非饱和数值模拟及室内土槽入渗试验得到的单环水位变化过程,验证了MP方法推求土壤垂向渗透系数的可靠性.结果表明:MP方法推求的土壤垂向渗透系数比目前采用的Philip方法、Nestingen方法及Green-Ampt方法精度更高,具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

含碎石土壤水分入渗试验研究   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
采用一维积水垂直入渗法测定含碎石土壤的入渗过程,分析碎石含量和碎石组成对土壤水分运动影响。对试验数据采用Kostiakov入渗公式拟合,得出反映入渗速率的拟合参数比值与土石比成幂函数关系;采用简略的Philip垂直入渗方程幂级数解拟合湿润峰随时间的变化,拟合精度高,并发现拟合参数与土石比仍成幂函数关系。采用简单相关分析碎石粒径对入渗过程影响,得出粒径2~3 mm碎石与入渗过程成显著的负相关关系,而>25 mm碎石有利于入渗。研究结果可为含碎石土壤的水循环提供重要的基础。  相似文献   

河水入渗路径和范围对确定地下水补给条件,以及水资源调控和合理利用有着重要意义。针对2015年以来怀柔地区地下水水位回升现象,开展了地下水动态影响因素研究,采集了河水和地下水样品,测试了水化学和氢氧稳定同位素组成。δD-δ18 O数据表明该区有河水入渗补给地下水,河流附近地下水为地下水与入渗河水的混合物。利用地下水δ18O值以及二元混合模型计算了地下水中入渗河水的比例,揭示出地下水中河水占比减小方向与地下水水力梯度下降方向一致;局部河段附近地下水Cl-含量增加,表明河水入渗会引起地下水水质变化。入渗河水影响范围的圈定为评价入渗河水对地下水的影响提供了重要数据。该项工作对理解研究区地下水水文过程、控制因素以及水资源管理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

塔里木河上游绿洲典型地表特征土壤水分入渗性能研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
在塔里木河上游农业绿洲区选取草地、裸地、棉花地和盐碱地4种典型地表特征,用圆盘入渗仪测定土壤水分入渗过程并做模型拟合与分析.结果表明:绿洲内不同地表特征下土壤水分入渗性能存在明显差异,稳定入渗率大小为棉花地(1.02mm.min-1)草地(0.76mm.min-1)裸地(0.36mm.min-1)盐碱地(0.11mm.min-1);在入渗初期,累计入渗量为盐碱地最大,草地和棉花地次之,裸地最小,但随入渗时间增长累计入渗量逐步受控于稳定入渗率.以裸地为参照,棉花地和草地的入渗性能较好,而盐碱地入渗性能较差.应用常用的入渗模型对入渗过程进行了模拟:Kostiakov模型和Horton模型分别对棉花地、草地和裸地、盐碱地均具有最好的模拟效果,这两种模型在本区内有最好的适用性和准确性;Green-Ampt模型在本区的适用性较差.  相似文献   

为了研究压实黄土中的水分垂直入渗规律和非饱和渗透系数函数,在实验室内利用一维土柱垂直入渗模型试验装置,对两组压实黄土土柱试样分别进行了常水头入渗和降雨入渗试验。得到主要结论如下:(1)常水头入渗试验中,累积入渗量和湿润锋前进距离都随入渗时间呈幂函数形式增长,累积入渗量和湿润锋前进距离之间存在线性关系。入渗率在入渗初期最大,之后随入渗时间而快速降低,并在土柱试样底部出水以后达到稳定,且与湿润锋前进距离呈反比关系。(2)降雨入渗试验中,得到两组试样入渗过程中土-水特征曲线数据,分别用van Genuchten模型和Fredlund-Xing模型对两组试样进行了特征曲线拟合。并利用瞬时剖面法处理了入渗过程中水分和水势传感器的监测数据,得到两组试样的非饱和渗透系数,并拟合得到非饱和渗透系数与体积含水率之间的指数函数关系式。同时,采用van Genuchten和Fredlund等渗透系数模型分别对两组试样的非饱和渗透系数进行预测,通过对比模型预测结果和瞬时剖面法实测值,发现van Genuchten渗透系数模型预测结果更接近实测值。  相似文献   

利用包气带环境示踪剂评估张掖盆地降水入渗速率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
降水入渗补给速率是干旱半干旱地区地下水资源评价和保护中的重要参数。长期以来在河西走廊中游盆地地下水资源评价中,一直认为地下水位埋深>5m的地带难以产生降水入渗补给。本文在黑河流域中游的张掖盆地分别选择沙丘区和裸地区,综合运用包气带同位素和水化学信息,开展了降水入渗补给研究。包气带氯质量平衡法结果表明:现代气候条件下,张掖盆地地下水位埋深>5m的地带仍存在降水入渗补给,在沙丘覆盖区,地下水位埋深6.3m时,降水入渗补给速率为13.3~14.4mm/a,入渗系数0.10~0.11;在裸地区,地下水位埋深8.6m时,降水入渗补给速率为16.8~18.4mm/a,入渗系数0.13~0.14。  相似文献   

针对在地下水资源评价中入渗补给量采用经验估算存在较大误差的问题,以神东矿区为例,在广泛调查矿区包气带岩性结构并结合野外取样、室内参数测定的基础上,采用数值模拟的方法建立包气带水分运移数值模拟模型,定量模拟矿区内不同地段降雨入渗强度,探讨影响降雨入渗强度的主要因素,计算得出研究区降雨入渗系数大致在0.18~0.27,分析认为影响降雨入渗强度的因素有降雨量、潜水埋深、包气带岩性等。其中在研究区广泛分布的风积沙对地下水资源起到了一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

We consider the impact of using time-lapse seismic data in addition to production data for permeability estimation in a porous medium with multiphase fluid flows, such as a petroleum reservoir under water-assisted production. Since modeling seismic wave propagation in addition to modeling fluid flows in the reservoir is quite involved, it is assumed that the time-lapse seismic data have already been inverted into fluid saturation differences (pseudoseismic data). Because an inversion process often leads to considerable error growth, we will consider pseudoseismic data with large uncertainties. The impact of pseudoseismic data is assessed through permeability estimation with and without such data and through application of some uncertainty measures for the estimated parameters. A multiscale algorithm is used for the parameter estimations, so that potential differences in attainable permeability resolution will be easily revealed. The numerical examples clearly indicate that the permeability estimation problem is stabilized at a higher level of resolution when pseudoseismic data are applied in addition to production data, even if the pseudoseismic data have large associated uncertainties. Use of the parameter uncertainty measures confirm these results.  相似文献   

Estimating recharge at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA: comparison of methods   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Obtaining values of net infiltration, groundwater travel time, and recharge is necessary at the Yucca Mountain site, Nevada, USA, in order to evaluate the expected performance of a potential repository as a containment system for high-level radioactive waste. However, the geologic complexities of this site, its low precipitation and net infiltration, with numerous mechanisms operating simultaneously to move water through the system, provide many challenges for the estimation of the spatial distribution of recharge. A variety of methods appropriate for arid environments has been applied, including water-balance techniques, calculations using Darcy's law in the unsaturated zone, a soil-physics method applied to neutron-hole water-content data, inverse modeling of thermal profiles in boreholes extending through the thick unsaturated zone, chloride mass balance, atmospheric radionuclides, and empirical approaches. These methods indicate that near-surface infiltration rates at Yucca Mountain are highly variable in time and space, with local (point) values ranging from zero to several hundred millimeters per year. Spatially distributed net-infiltration values average 5 mm/year, with the highest values approaching 20 mm/year near Yucca Crest. Site-scale recharge estimates range from less than 1 to about 12 mm/year. These results have been incorporated into a site-scale model that has been calibrated using these data sets that reflect infiltration processes acting on highly variable temporal and spatial scales. The modeling study predicts highly non-uniform recharge at the water table, distributed significantly differently from the non-uniform infiltration pattern at the surface. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study was based on the analysis of isotopic compositions of hydrogen and oxygen in samples from precipitation, groundwater and stream water. In addition, parts of groundwater samples were dated by carbon-14 and tritium. These data are integrated to provide other views of the hydrologic cycle in the Hsinchu-Miaoli groundwater district. The groundwater district is principally composed of Pleistocene and Holocene aquifers. The Pleistocene aquifers are highly deformed by folding and faults into small sub-districts with areas of only tens of square kilometers. These aquifers are exclusively recharged by local precipitation. The Holocene aquifers cover narrow creek valleys, only tens of meters in thickness. The local meteoric water line (LMWL), constructed from rainfall samples in the Hsinchu Science Park, is described by the equation δD=8.02δ18O+10.16, which agrees with the global meteoric water line. In addition, the precipitation isotopic compositions can be categorized into two distinct end members: typhoon type and monsoon type. The groundwater isotopic compositions are perfectly located on an LMWL and can be considered a mixture of precipitations. Based on the mass balance of isotopic compositions of oxygen and hydrogen, infiltration is more active in the rainy season with depleted isotopic compositions. The amount of infiltration during May–September is roughly estimated to comprise at least 55% of the whole year’s recharge. The isotopic compositions of stream water are expressed by a regression equation: δD=7.61δ18O+9.62, which is similar to the LMWL. Although precipitation isotopic compositions are depleted during summer time, the isotopic compositions contrarily show an enriched trend in the upstream area. This is explained by the opposite altitude effect on isotopic compositions for typhoon-related precipitations.  相似文献   

Lu  Yunmeng  Liu  Tiezhong  Wang  Tiantian 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):2003-2024

Storm surge induced by hurricane is a major threat to the Gulf Coasts of the United States. A numerical modeling study was conducted to simulate the storm surge during Hurricane Michael, a category 5 hurricane that landed on the Florida Panhandle in 2018. A high-resolution model mesh was used in the ADCIRC hydrodynamic model to simulate storm surge and tides during the hurricane. Two parametric wind models, Holland 1980 model and Holland 2010 model, have been evaluated for their effects on the accuracy of storm surge modeling by comparing simulated and observed maximum water levels along the coast. The wind model parameters are determined by observed hurricane wind and pressure data. Results indicate that both Holland 1980 and Holland 2010 wind models produce reasonable accuracy in predicting maximum water level in Mexico Beach, with errors between 1 and 3.7%. Comparing to the observed peak water level of 4.74 m in Mexico Beach, Holland 1980 wind model with radius of 64-knot wind speed for parameter estimation results in the lowest error of 1%. For a given wind model, the wind profiles are also affected by the wind data used for parameter estimation. Away from hurricane eye wall, using radius of 64-knot wind speed for parameter estimation generally produces weaker wind than those using radius of 34-knot wind speed for parameter estimation. Comparing model simulated storm tides with 17 water marks observed along the coast, Holland 2010 wind model using radius of 34-knot wind speed for parameter estimation leads to the minimum mean absolute error. The results will provide a good reference for researchers to improve storm surge modeling. The validated model can be used to support coastal hazard mitigation planning.


For water management purposes, information about an entire aquifer system is generally more important than information about a specific spring. Since a karstic aquifer system might drain to several outlets, conclusions derived from a single spring can be misleading for characterization and modeling. In this study we apply a conceptual model to an Alpine dolomite karst system in Austria. The particular challenge was that several small springs with strongly varying hydrological behavior and diffuse flow into surrounding streams drain this system. Instead of applying the model to a single spring, it was calibrated simultaneously to several observations within the system aiming to identify the karst system’s intrinsic hydrodynamic parameters. Parameter identification is supported by modeling the transport of water isotopes (δ18O). The parameters were transferred to the whole system with a simple upscaling procedure and a sensitivity analysis was performed to unfold influence of isotopic information on parameter sensitivity and simulation uncertainty. The results show that it is possible to identify system intrinsic parameters. But the sensitivity analysis revealed that some are hardly identifiable. Only by considering uncertainty reasonable predictions can be provided for the whole system. Including isotopic information increases the sensitivity of some intrinsic parameters, but it goes along with a sensitivity decrease for others. However, a possible reduction of prediction uncertainty by isotopic information is compensated by deficiencies in the transport modeling routines.  相似文献   

陈宏  林炳章  张叶晖 《水文》2014,34(3):1-5
可降水量是估算可能最大降水(PMP)的一个重要中间量。为验证不同方法推求可降水量的准确性,利用1998~2010年东南沿海五省(自治区)及香港地区共13个探空站和地面露点资料,分别采用3种不同方法(探空法、经验公式法和假绝热法)计算各站的大气可降水量,并对三种估算方法的结果进行比较。结果表明:经验公式法求得可降水量最小,探空法次之,假绝热法求得结果最大,偏差随着纬度变化。纬度越低,假绝热法推求的可降水量相对误差越大,且在有降水日时的偏差更为明显;经验公式法和假绝热法得到的结果均与探空法的可降水量相关性较强;三种求算方法得到的大气可降水量年内变化基本一致。建议在PMP估算中,利用地面最大12 h持续露点温度通过假绝热法推求可降水量时,应考虑纬度校正。  相似文献   

当前分布式水文模型的参数确定仍主要依赖率定方式, 在缺资料地区应用受到限制。建立一种基于变动饱和带产流模式和网格水滴汇流方法的分布式产汇流模型, 提出利用下垫面特征来确定模型参数的方法。结合野外入渗试验和参数敏感性分析, 建立地表饱和水力传导度(K0z)和饱和水力传导度随深度衰减系数(f)2个敏感性产流参数与地形参数、土壤类型数据的定量统计关系, 利用野外坡面流观测试验确定坡面汇流参数, 并在多个实际流域进行应用验证。结果表明: ①利用地形参数确定K0z与使用遥感资料确定K0z的模型精度进行对比, 在姜湾实验流域场次洪水模拟的平均确定性系数从0.82提高至0.86, 洪峰与洪量误差的平均绝对值分别降低了2.2%和0.95%, 但峰现时间误差平均绝对值增大了4%(仍控制在2 h内)。②建立姜湾等14个流域参数f率定值与不同深度土壤类型数据的定量关系, 移用至七邻等6个流域进行验证, 表明参数f关系式与模型率定的精度非常接近, 相对误差的平均绝对值为2.8%, 场次洪水模拟的平均确定性系数为0.83, 洪峰与洪量误差的平均绝对值为10.07%和6.86%, 峰现时间误差的平均绝对值为2.61 h。提出的敏感性产流参数确定方法与野外实测、模型率定、遥感资料推求等方式进行对比, 均具有较高的参数估计精度和场次洪水模拟精度, 在缺资料地区具有适用性。  相似文献   

葛孟琰  马瑞  孙自永  龙翔  邢文乐  王烁  尹茂生 《地球科学》2018,43(11):4246-4255
高寒山区的地表水与地下水相互作用的定量研究对水资源的评价及管理等具有重要意义,而目前在高寒山区开展的地表水与地下水相互作用的定量研究相对较少.以黑河上游葫芦沟流域为研究区域,采用温度示踪方法对高寒山区河水与地下水的相互作用进行了研究,并对温度示踪方法在高寒山区的适用性进行了讨论.监测了研究区两个时段的地温、河水水位、地下水水位以及河床沉积物底部不同深度处的温度,并对温度系列数据进行定量分析,计算了不同位置处河水入渗流速.结果表明:研究区河水水位普遍高于地下水水位;河床底部温度在9月份整体低于7月;流速计算结果表明监测时段内主要为河水入渗补给地下水,入渗速率整体介于2×10-6~5×10-5 m/s.温度示踪法在高寒山区的适用性分析表明:在地下水受多途径补给时,温度示踪法仅指示河水对地下水的补给,而其他水源对地下水的补给还要通过同位素方法和数值模拟等其他手段进行计算.影响高寒山区河水对地下水补给的因素主要有:河水与地下水水位、河床沉积物的水力传导系数与热容.   相似文献   

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