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Ni、Cu和PGE具有不同于其他微量元素的特殊的地球化学性质,这些特殊的性质使得它们在幔源岩浆起源和演化以及岩浆硫化物矿床的成因研究中具有不可替代的作用。在S不饱和的条件下,Ni、Os、Ir和Ru具有相容元素的特性,而Cu和Pd是强不相容元素,因此,它们在玄武岩浆分离结晶过程中常常发生分异。一旦体系达到S饱和,这些元素则会强烈地进入硫化物熔浆,特别是PGE具有极高的硫化物熔浆/硅酸盐熔浆分配系数,极微量的硫化物熔离便可导致残余岩浆中PGE的显著亏损,因此,PGE是玄武岩浆硫化物熔离作用最敏感的示踪元素。硫化物熔离和成矿实质上是幔源岩浆特殊演化过程的结果,所以,Ni,Cu和PGE的特殊性质可用来探讨岩浆硫化物成矿的关键控制因素。Ni、Cu和PGE具有不同的单硫化物固溶体/硫化物熔浆分配系数,因此,它们也是硫化物熔浆结晶分异的重要示踪元素。本文试图从Ni、Cu和PGE地球化学性质和行为入手,并借助一些研究实例,对它们在幔源岩浆起源和演化以及岩浆硫化物矿床成因研究中的示踪意义进行系统介绍。  相似文献   

岩浆Cu-Ni-PGE矿床研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李文渊 《西北地质》2007,40(2):1-28
从全球视野分析研究了世界岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床的大地构造分布和成岩成矿类型,特别是通过上世纪末新发现的加拿大Voisey′s Bay矿床与俄罗斯Noril′sk等世界级矿床特征的对比研究,突出强调了大火成岩省(LIPs)对大规模岩浆硫化物矿床形成的意义,从更加宏观的角度审视了世界级岩浆硫化物矿床形成的地质背景和岩浆作用条件,为中国金川等岩浆Cu-Ni-PGE硫化物矿床的深入研究提供了参照背景。评述分析了当代岩浆硫化物矿床成矿研究中,幔源岩浆中硫化物液相不混溶(熔离)的演化轨迹,对岩浆萃取地壳中的硫改变硫化物饱和度促成不混溶作用发生的可能性和条件进行了探讨,进一步讨论了岩浆演化过程中,亲铜元素(Ni、Cu、Co、Pt和Pd等)进入硫化物液相成为金属硫化物或先期进入先结晶的橄榄石、辉石矿物成为氧化物的物理化学行为,并通过加拿大Sudbury陨石撞击构造成因矿床复合热液对硫化物矿体形成贡献的讨论,提出了热液作用对岩浆硫化物矿床成矿的可能贡献。分析判断了中国岩浆Cu-Ni-PGE硫化物矿床的成矿特点和金川超大型岩浆Cu-Ni-PGE矿床外围的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

甘肃北山黑山岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床橄榄石特征及成因意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
黑山铜镍硫化物矿床是近年在甘肃北山发现的大型岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床,含矿岩体主要由含矿橄榄岩相和南部边缘的角闪辉长岩相构成。研究发现含矿岩体中的橄榄石属贵橄榄石(Fo值为81.54~86.87),其w(Ni)介于(801.53~2 703.19)×10-6;利用橄榄辉长岩中最高Fo值和主量元素反演,表明原始岩浆属高镁玄武质岩浆,w(MgO)=11.65%,w(FeO)=10.12%;橄榄石分离结晶模拟计算结果表明,橄榄石结晶过程中伴随有0.12%~0.17%硫化物熔离,深部岩浆房中橄榄石分离结晶程度小于3%,橄榄石与硫化物最小质量比约14∶1;隙间硅酸盐熔浆和硫化物熔浆作用明显,是造成早期结晶橄榄石成分变化的重要原因。  相似文献   

毛亚晶  秦克章  唐冬梅 《岩石学报》2018,34(8):2410-2424
岩浆铜镍矿床100%硫化物中的Ni含量与赋矿岩石和成矿过程紧密相关,记录岩浆成分、分异程度与硫化物演化过程。硫化物异常高镍(高镍硫化物)往往被认为与科马提质岩浆或者后期热液作用密切相关。近年研究结合勘查证实,赋含高镍硫化物的矿床(高镍铜镍矿床)不仅限于科马提岩,还与苦橄质、玄武质岩浆有关,另外,热液富集作用并不是必要因素。本文总结了世界上高镍铜镍矿床的基本特征和形成机制,分析提出了不同机制的判别标志,并展望了其勘查前景。详细对比高镍铜镍矿床的产出环境、赋矿岩相、矿石特征、矿物组合等特征,该类矿床往往产于大陆裂谷和造山带环境,与基性程度较高的岩浆有关,以橄榄岩赋矿为主,含镍硫化物组合主要为镍黄铁矿-磁黄铁矿-黄铜矿组合,少数为针镍矿-镍黄铁矿-黄铁矿组合。科马提岩相关矿床可将Ni含量大于16%的硫化物定义为高镍硫化物,苦橄质-玄武质岩浆相关矿床的硫化物可分为高镍硫化物(Ni10%)、中镍硫化物(5%~10%)和富铜硫化物(Ni5%,CuNi)。原生高镍硫化物可由富镍岩浆熔离、硫化物从橄榄石中吸取Ni、硫化物结晶分异、硫化物与硫不饱和岩浆反应等机制形成。苦橄质-玄武质岩浆相关的矿床,硫化物与橄榄石的Fe-Ni交换反应是高镍硫化物形成的重要机制。辉石岩源区地幔部分熔融形成富镍岩浆是否为高镍硫化物形成的必要条件尚存争议。不同机制形成的高镍硫化物具有迥异的岩石-矿物组合和地化特征。硫化物矿物组合、橄榄石成分(Fo值、Ni含量、Fo值-Ni含量的相关性)、伴生元素(铜、铂族元素)丰度-配分模式等特征可作为区分不同高镍硫化物形成机制的有效指标。我国新疆黄山南、坡一和青海夏日哈木矿床(部分浸染状矿化橄榄岩)以赋含高镍硫化物为特征,新疆喀拉通克矿床的硫化物则以富铜为特征,中国其余矿床的硫化物均属中镍硫化物。目前研究指示中国的高镍铜镍矿床与母岩浆相对富镍、硫化物与橄榄石Fe-Ni交换作用密切相关,后者可使硫化物Ni含量提升3%~5%。在铜镍矿床勘查方面,稀疏-中等浸染状高镍硫化物矿石即可达到工业品位,稠密浸染状-块状高镍硫化物矿石可达到很高的Ni品位(10%),是高品位镍矿勘查的一个重要方向。造山带环境富水、相对高氧逸度(可高达QFM+1)的岩浆可能是形成高镍硫化物的有利条件,该环境橄榄石Fo值较高(87mol%)的岩体有利于形成高镍硫化物。  相似文献   

金川岩体母岩浆成分及其分离结晶过程的熔浆热力学模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈列锰  宋谢炎 《地质学报》2009,83(9):1302-1316
金川铜镍硫化物矿床是仅次于加拿大Sudbury和俄罗斯Noril’sk-Talnakh 的世界第三大在采镍矿床。金川岩体主要由含二辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩、斜长二辉橄榄岩和橄榄辉石岩组成,岩相学观察表明主要造岩矿物的结晶顺序为:橄榄石→斜方辉石→单斜辉石→斜长石。为了进一步探讨金川岩体母岩浆成分及其分离结晶过程,本文在前人工作基础上根据主要造岩矿物结晶顺序及其电子探针成分,借助熔浆热力学软件“MELTS”的计算,获得金川岩体更为准确的母岩浆成分为:48.2% SiO2,1.00% TiO2,11.3 % Al2O3,12.9% FeO,1.30% Fe2O3,12.6% MgO,10.1% CaO,1.51% Na2O,0.72% K2O,0.04% NiO。MELTS模拟计算表明金川岩体母岩浆的分离结晶经历了两个阶段,在深度约为10.9~12.5km的深部岩浆房经历了约5%的橄榄石以及约4%的斜方辉石分离结晶,并伴随硫化物熔离。在重力作用的影响下,橄榄石、斜方辉石和硫化物向下沉降,形成由下至上的分层:橄榄石-斜方辉石-硫化物-硅酸盐熔浆层,橄榄石-斜方辉石-硅酸盐熔浆层和硅酸盐熔浆层。硅酸盐熔浆首先挤出形成贫硫化物的岩体或喷出地表,之后橄榄石-斜方辉石-硅酸盐熔浆被挤入到7.6~9.2km的浅部岩浆房,经重力分异形成金川I号岩体的上部岩相带和II号岩体顶部的含辉橄榄岩。橄榄石-斜方辉石-硫化物-硅酸盐熔浆层最后被挤入金川岩体,并再次结晶出橄榄石、单斜辉石、斜长石,形成金川岩体的主要岩相和硫化物矿体。这些计算结果不仅与野外和室内岩相学观察吻合,也与硫化物熔离过程的最新研究结果相一致。  相似文献   

我国金川超大型铜镍硫化物矿床是世界上第三大在采岩浆硫化物矿床,Ni开采量仅次于俄罗斯Noril'sk-Talnakh和加拿大Sudbury矿床,其成因研究备受关注。利用激光—等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)原位分析了金川岩体中橄榄石微量元素含量,并探讨了影响元素含量变化的因素,进而阐述成岩及成矿过程。分析结果显示橄榄石中元素Ni,Cr与Fo呈负相关,Mn/Fe与Fo呈正相关,而Mn/Zn,Zn/Fe与Fo无相关性。在原始地幔橄榄石多元素标准化图中,金川Ⅰ号和Ⅱ号岩体橄榄石具相同的配分模式,均显示Cr,V,Ni,Co和Ti的亏损,富集不相容元素Zr,Y,Ti,Sc和Ca的特征。元素变化特征暗示Ⅰ号和Ⅱ号岩体具相同的母岩浆成分;与铬尖晶石的共结使橄榄石亏损Cr,V和Ti元素,而熔离的硫化物及其与橄榄石的相互反应共同影响着橄榄石中Ni和Co元素的含量。Ⅱ号岩体橄榄石较Ⅰ号岩体具较低的Cr和V含量,暗示Ⅱ号岩体母岩浆较Ⅰ号岩体经历了更高程度的演化。橄榄石高的Mn/Zn值(>13)和低的Zn/Fe值(<11)指示金川岩体岩浆可能起源于橄榄岩地幔的部分熔融,而非辉石岩地幔源区。  相似文献   

袁庆晗  苏本勋 《岩石学报》2023,(4):1030-1040
幔源岩浆形成与演化过程中镍(Ni)、钴(Co)具有相似的地球化学行为。金川岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床以Ni、铜(Cu)为主要矿种,Co为伴生,Ni、Co在金川矿床中的空间分布规律同步变化,然而其Ni/Co比值(36.7)远高于地幔值(18.2)。这表明在金川矿床形成过程中Ni-Co发生了共生分离,但Ni-Co分布特征尚不清楚、其控制因素尚不明确。本文对该矿床中主要矿石矿物的Ni、Co含量及分布进行了系统总结,并与脉石矿物进行对比。结果表明矿石矿物镍黄铁矿是最重要的含Ni、Co矿物相,其Ni、Co含量均远高于磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿及脉石矿物。对于脉石矿物,Ni在橄榄石、磁铁矿、铬铁矿内的含量依次降低,在斜方辉石与单斜辉石中含量最低。Co则在铬铁矿、橄榄石内含量依次降低,在斜方辉石、单斜辉石、磁铁矿中含量最低。在硫化物熔离过程中,Ni在硫化物熔体内相容性更强,更加倾向于进入硫化物熔体,使Ni显著富集于硫化物熔体内,而Co则相对富集于硅酸盐熔体内,由此导致Ni-Co解耦。硫化物冷却结晶过程中,Ni、Co倾向于进入最早结晶的单硫化物固溶体(MSS),并在随后分解作用中集中进入镍黄铁矿内,使镍黄铁矿成为金川矿...  相似文献   

黑山铜镍硫化物含矿岩体位于中亚造山带南缘北山褶皱带东部,对该岩体的研究有助于正确理解造山带型铜镍硫化物的成矿作用。详细的野外基础地质特征表明黑山矿区仅出露单一的新元古代青白口系地层,无寒武纪地层出露。黑山含矿岩体由早期的方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩和橄榄辉长苏长岩,以及稍晚期的辉长岩脉组成。黑山岩体位于黑山背斜南翼,其初始产状应为一水平或近水平的岩床状岩体,因后期褶皱作用,岩体发生了倾斜形成现今的产状。黑山岩体中橄榄石Fo值为80.5~87.0,其Ni含量为1070×10-6~3461×10-6。借助"MELTS"软件,我们进一步厘定了黑山母岩浆为高镁玄武岩浆 (12.81% MgO, 10.84% FeO, 430×10-6 Ni)。研究表明,黑山橄榄石的主要控制因素为:1)母岩浆的成分;2)后续新鲜岩浆的补充混合作用;3)硫化物熔离作用;4)晶间硅酸盐熔浆作用;5)橄榄石与硫化物之间发生的Fe-Ni交换。模拟计算表明,硫化物熔离与橄榄石结晶几乎同时发生,橄榄石与硫化物的最小质量比约为20:1。1号矿体及矿化体的橄榄石比4号矿体更富Mg和Ni,并且还呈现非常好的负相关关系,表明这些橄榄石与硫化物发生了不同程度的Fe-Ni交换,而与其发生Fe-Ni交换的硫化物更富Ni以及共生的岩浆更为原始。这很可能是因为黑山岩体形成于开放的岩浆通道系统,早期融离的硫化物与后续的新鲜的硫不饱和岩浆发生反应,使得该类硫化物含量减少但硫化物中的金属元素含量增高从而形成1号矿体及矿化体。  相似文献   

金川Ⅰ号岩体橄榄石Ni-MgO相互关系及其地质意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
金川超镁铁质岩体赋存着仅次于加拿大Sudbury和俄罗斯Noril'sk-Talnakh的世界第三大在采铜镍硫化物矿床,岩体以一系列的NE向断层为界分成四个小岩体,由西至东依次为:Ⅲ、Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ岩体.Ⅰ号岩体主要由二辉橄榄岩、含辉橄榄岩和橄榄二辉岩构成,橄榄石在各岩相中均为保存较好的主要造岩矿物.本文研究得到金川Ⅰ号岩体上部二辉橄榄岩和含辉橄榄岩中橄榄石的镁橄榄石F_o值介于83.9~85.7,而其Ni含量为1396×10~(-6)~2043×10~(-6),大多低于从S不饱和玄武岩浆中结晶出来的橄榄石的Ni含量.模拟计算结果表明橄榄石较低的Ni含量是因为橄榄石结晶的同时,发生了强烈的硫化物熔离;橄榄石的Fo-Ni关系还因与晶间硅酸盐熔浆的物质交换而发生改变.模拟计算还证明大约有30%的晶间硅酸盐岩浆与橄榄石发生Fe-Mg物质交换反应,导致早结晶橄榄石的Fo值减少了1~1.5.同时,橄榄石较小的Fo值变化表明,在橄榄石结晶和硫化物熔离过程中,不断有新的岩浆贯入和补充.  相似文献   

镁铁质-超镁铁质岩浆结晶分离早期形成镁铁矿物,镁铁矿物中的Ni和Mg是相容元素。随着结晶分离作用的进行,Ni、Mg在硅酸盐岩浆及后形成的硅酸盐物质中的丰度下降。橄榄石中Ni含量及硅酸盐物质MgO/FeO比值都与母岩浆的相关值相关,据此可推断母岩浆的信息,它们之间可由实验测得的系数相联系。当岩浆饱和硫化物时,在结晶分离过程中硫化物珠滴会与镁铁硅酸盐物质一道析出,同时,与硫化物非饱和岩浆相比,过多的Ni会随之析出。这也反映在Ni、Mg含量比无硫化物分离时有更迅速的降低上。Ni、Mg含量变化值可以在VoiseysBay侵入体的模式曲线上反映出,加拿大Labrador的这一侵入体赋存了一个世界级的Ni-Cu-Co硫化物矿床。过去的作法是将侵入体中橄榄石的Ni、Mg含量与Simkin和Smith得出的各种火成岩中橄榄石的Ni、Mg含量相比较以确定Ni亏损,进而假定橄榄石来自硫化物饱和、有经济价值的岩浆。现在的研究显示这种简单的对比会导致错误。将样品数据与模式曲线对比并反映出侵入体矿物结晶堆积特征是重要的方法。使用这一方法,样品数据能很好地被模式曲线拟合。以在VoiseysBay的研究为例,当硫化物液相与硅酸盐矿物被去除后,硫化物非饱和的分离作用期就会显现出来,随后是硅酸盐结晶作用期。  相似文献   

通过对喀拉通克、黄山东、金川和白马寨4个铜镍矿床亲铜元素特征进行比较,结果发现所有矿床具有相似的左倾原始地幔标准化配分模式和铂族元素明显亏损的共同特点;其亲铜元素质量分数却明显不同,铂族元素质量分数最高的金川铜镍矿床以Ni为主,喀拉通克矿床则表现为Cu占优势;矿床的初始岩浆为铂族元素不亏损的玄武质岩浆,应是地幔岩石较高程度部分熔融的产物;少量硫化物预先熔离是造成中国铜镍矿床成矿母岩浆亏损铂族元素和w(Cu)/w(Pd)远大于原始地幔(w(Cu)/w(Pd))的控制因素;不同程度(量)的硫化物熔离导致母岩浆中亲铜元素质量分数不同,R值低不是主要原因;早期发生硫饱和可能是铜镍矿床成矿的必要条件,成矿的关键可能在于新鲜岩浆的不断补给;少量硫化物预先熔离结合不含矿岩石亏损铂族元素,暗示这些矿区深部具有找矿潜力。  相似文献   

World-class Ni-Cu-PGE deposits: key factors in their genesis   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
Magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits form as the result of segregation and concentration of droplets of liquid sulfide from mafic or ultramafic magma, and the partitioning of chalcophile elements into these from the silicate melt. Sulfide saturation of a magma is not enough in itself to produce an ore deposit. The appropriate physical environment is required so that the sulfide liquid mixes with enough magma to become adequately enriched in chalcophile metals, and then is concentrated in a restricted locality so that the resulting concentration is of ore grade. The deposits of the Noril'sk region have developed within flat, elongate bodies (15 × 2 × 0.2 km) that intrude argillites, evaporites and coal measures, adjacent to a major, trans-crustal fault and immediately below the centre of a 3.5 km-thick volcanic basin. Studies of the overlying basalts have shown that lavas forming a 500 m-thick sequence within these have lost 75% of their Cu and Ni and more than 90% of their PGE. Overlying basalts show a gradual recovery in their chalcophile element concentrations to reach “normal” values 500 m above the top of the highly depleted zone. The ore-bearing Noril'sk-type intrusions correlate with those basalts above the depleted zone that contain “normal” levels of chalcophile elements. The high proportion of sulfide (2–10 wt.%) associated with the Noril'sk-type intrusions, the high PGE content of the ores, the extensive metamorphic aureole (100–400 m around the bodies), and the heavy sulfur isotopic composition of the ores (+8–+12 ∂34S) are explicable if the ore-bearing bodies are exit conduits from high level intrusions, along which magma has flowed en route to extrude at surface. The first magma to enter these intrusions reacted with much evaporitic sulfur, at a low “R” value and thus gave rise to sulfides with low metal tenors. Successive flow of magma through the system progressively enriched the sulfides in the conduits, losing progressively less of their chalcophile metals, and thus accounting for the upward increase in metals in successive lava flows above the highly depleted flows. The Voisey's Bay deposit lies partly within a 30–100 m-thick sheet of troctolite, interpreted as a feeder for the 1.334 Ga Voisey's Bay intrusion, and partly at the base of this intrusion, where the feeder adjoins it. Studies of olivine compositions indicate that an early pulse of magma through the feeder and into the intrusion was Ni depleted but that subsequent pulses were much less depleted. Trace element, Re-Os and S and O isotope data, and mineralogical studies indicate that the magma pulses interacted with country gneiss, probably principally in a deeper level intrusion, extracting SiO2, Na2O, K2O and possibly sulfur form the gneiss, which accounts for the magma becoming sulfide saturated. The Jinchuan deposit of north central China occurs within a 6 km-long dyke-like body of peridotite. The compositions of olivine within the dyke, the igneous rocks themselves, and the ore are all inconsistent with derivation of the body from ultramafic magma, as originally supposed, and indicate that the structure forms the keel of a much larger intrusion of magnesian basalt magma. Flow of magma into the intrusion has resulted in olivine and sulfide being retained where the keel was widening out into the intrusion. The West Australian komatiite-related deposits occur in thermal erosional troughs which have developed due to the channelisation of magma flow and the resulting thermal erosion of underlying sediments and basalt by the hot komatiite magma. The sediments are sulfide-rich, and may have contributed substantially to the sulfide of the ores. The mineralisation in the Duluth complex occurs in troctolitic intrusions along the western margin of the complex as a result of magma interacting with and extracting sulfur from the underlying graphite- and sulfide-bearing sediments. No magma flow channels have been identified so far, and the lack of magma flow subsequent to the development of sulfide immiscibility is regarded as the reason why these deposits are not of economic grade. When most major Ni-Cu sulfide deposits are compared, they prove to have a number of features in common; olivine-rich magma, proximity to a major crustal fault, sulfide-bearing country rocks, chalcophile element depletion in related intrusive or extrusive rocks, field and/or geochemical evidence of interaction between the magma and the country rocks, and the presence of or proximity to a magma conduit. The features are thought to explain the three key requirements (sulfide immiscibilty, adequate mixing between sulfides and magma, and localisation of the sulfides) discussed and have important implications with respect to exploration. Received: 9 January 1998 / Accepted: 21 September 1998  相似文献   

The Permian Huangshanxi Cu–Ni deposit is the second largest magmatic sulfide deposit discovered to date in a major Ni–Cu province related to protracted basaltic magmatism in eastern Xinjiang, China. It is hosted by a small mafic–ultramafic intrusion comprised predominantly of lherzolites, olivine websterites, gabbronorites, and gabbros. The Huangshanxi intrusion is coeval with Permian basalts of tholeiitic and alkaline affinities in the Tuha and Tarim basins, respectively. To evaluate a possible genetic relationship between the Huangshanxi intrusion and a specific type of coeval basalt in the region, as well as ore genesis in the intrusion, we have carried out an integrated mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical study. Our data reveal that the Huangshanxi intrusive rocks are characterized by relatively flat chondrite-normalized REE patterns, depletion in Nb and Ta, and elevated εNd values varying between 6 and 10. These features are similar to those of coeval tholeiitic basalts in the nearby Tuha basin, but are significantly different from those of coeval alkaline basalts in the relatively remote Tarim basin. The geochemical similarities and differences suggest that the Huangshanxi intrusion is genetically related to the tholeiitic basalts in the Tuha basin, not to the alkaline basalts in the Tarim basin, as suggested previously by some researchers. This implies that regional exploration for the Huangshanxi-type Cu–Ni deposits should be centered in the Tuha basin instead of the Tarim basin. More specifically, the uplifted areas around the Tuha basin where similar intrusions may have been brought close to the surface should be carefully examined for mineralization potential. Intrusive relations and mass balance constraints from incompatible trace elements and sulfide abundances suggest that the Huangshanxi intrusion represents a dynamic magma conduit through which multiple pulses of magma ascended to higher levels or to the surface. Numerical simulation of magma evolution and mixing calculations using Sr–Nd isotopes indicate that selective assimilation of S-bearing crustal materials is important for sulfide saturation during the early stages of magma evolution when lherzolites formed. Fractional crystallization may have also played a role in the attainment of sulfide saturation during the later stages of magma evolution when olivine websterites and gabbronorites formed. In both cases, immiscible sulfide droplets were retained in the conduit to form disseminated sulfide lenses while the fractionated silicate liquids and buoyant phases such as plagioclase continued to ascend. Extremely low PGE tenors in the sulfide ores of the Huangshanxi deposit suggest that the parental magma was highly depleted in chalcophile elements possibly due to previous sulfide segregation at depth.  相似文献   

Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide mineralization occurs within olivine clinopyroxenite, hornblende-bearing clinopyroxenite, and magnetite-hornblende-rich rocks in the Ural-Alaskan-Type Duke Island Complex in Southeast Alaska. The addition of large amounts of sulfur from country rocks occurred during fractional crystallization of the parental magma when clinopyroxene was becoming a liquidus mineral. Textural interfaces between sulfide and silicate minerals are strongly interlobate, and differ significantly from net-textures that are developed in many Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. Sulfide-free olivine clinopyroxenite is an adcumulate; residual liquid was efficiently expelled from the accumulating crystal pile. A significant interstitial liquid component is observable only in the form of interstitial sulfide in the S-rich rocks. Rounded sulfide inclusions and blebby to vermicular sulfide-silicate intergrowths indicate that silicate crystallization occurred under conditions of sulfide saturation. The presence of dense sulfide liquid inhibited the growth of silicate minerals and led to the development of interlobate grain boundaries. Strong, localized wetting of sulfide liquids on crystallizing silicates, and downward percolation of sulfide liquid through a crystallizing mush may have contributed to the evolution of these textures. Residual silicate liquid was removed from the system due to a combination of buoyant advection and compaction, but dense sulfide liquid remained.  相似文献   

新疆东天山香山岩体橄榄石特征及其成因意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新疆东天山香山镁铁-超镁铁杂岩体位于东天山镜儿泉-黄山镁铁-超镁铁质岩带的西段,由香山东、香山中、香山西3个岩体组成。其中香山中产出中型铜镍矿,香山西为小型铜镍-钒钛铁复合型矿床。香山岩体橄榄石为贵橄榄石,Fo值多为81.90~85.66,Ni含量为638×10-6~2 283×10-6。模拟计算得出香山岩体母岩浆w(MgO)=10.70%,w(FeO)=10.66%,属于高镁玄武质岩浆。香山岩体橄榄石中Ni含量的最大值为2 283×10-6,母岩浆中Ni含量为326×10-6,是由原始地幔发生14%的部分熔融而成。香山岩体在橄榄石结晶过程中伴随硫化物熔离,隙间硅酸盐和硫化物对橄榄石作用明显,造成早期结晶橄榄石成分改变。  相似文献   

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