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Researchers have recently realized that the non-tectonic natural fractures are developed in shale formations and significant for the exploitation of shale gas. Studies have shown that the tectonic fractures in naturally fractured reservoirs have influences on the maximization of stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) during hydraulic fracturing. However, the effect of the non-tectonic randomly natural fractures on the fracturing network propagation is not well understood. Laboratory experiments are proposed to study the evolution of fracturing network in naturally fractured formations with specimens that contain non-tectonic random fractures. The influences of the dominating factors were studied and analyzed, with an emphasis on natural fracture density, stress ratio, and injection rate. The response surface methodology was employed to perform the multiple-factor analysis and optimization in the maximization of the SRV. A sensitivity study reveals a number of interesting observations resulting from these parameters on the fracturing network evaluation. It is suggested from the geometry morphology of fracturing network that high natural fracture density and injection rate tend to maximize the fracturing network. The influence of stress contrast on fracturing network is nonlinear; an optimal value exists resulting in the best hydraulic fracturing effectiveness.  相似文献   

Liao  Jianxing  Gou  Yang  Feng  Wentao  Mehmood  Faisal  Xie  Yachen  Hou  Zhengmeng 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(2):279-295

Although hydraulic fracturing has been massively studied and applied as a key technique to enhance the gas production from tight formations, some problems and uncertainties exist to accurately predict and analyze the fracture behavior in complex reservoirs, especially in the naturally fractured reservoirs like shale reservoirs. This paper presents a full 3D numerical model (FLAC3D) to study hydraulic fracturing behavior under the impact of preexisting orthogonal natural fractures. In this numerical model, the hydraulic fracture propagation direction is assumed perpendicular to the minimum principal stress and activated only by tensile failure, whereas the preexisting natural fractures can be activated by tensile or shear failure or a combination of them, and only tensile failure can open the natural fracture as well. The newly developed model was used to study the impact of preexisting orthogonal natural fractures on hydraulic fracturing behavior, based on a multistage hydraulic fracturing operation in a naturally fractured reservoir from the Barnett Shale formation, northwest of Texas in USA. In this multistage operation, two more representative stages, i.e., stage 1 with a relatively large horizontal stress anisotropy of 3.3 MPa and stage 4 with a comparatively small one of 1.3 MPa, were selected to conduct the simulation. Based on the numerical results, one can observe that the interaction between hydraulic and natural fracture is driven mainly by induced stress around fracture tip. Besides, the horizontal stress anisotropy plays a key role in opening the natural fracture. Thus, no significant opened fracture is activated on natural fracture in stage 1, while in stage 4 an opened fracture invades to about 90 m into the first natural fracture. Conversely, the hydraulic fracture length in stage 1 is much longer than in stage 4, as some fluid volume is stored in the opened natural fracture in stage 4. In this work, the shear failure on natural fractures is treated as the main factor for inducing the seismic events. And the simulated seismic events, i.e., shear failure on natural fractures, are very comparable with the measured seismic events.


水平井分段多簇压裂是非常规油气藏开发的关键技术,在合理利用压裂诱导应力增大储层改造体积的同时,避免井间干扰所导致的裂缝砂堵和压裂窜扰,是压裂工艺优化中的关键科学问题。文章针对超临界CO2分段多簇压裂的缝间干扰和井间干扰问题,采用流固耦合的扩展有限元方法研究单井及多井裂缝诱导应力演化特征,充分考虑裂缝内超临界CO2流动和滤失,从非常规油气储层岩性特征、地应力场分布及施工工艺等多方面对压裂扰动应力进行系统研究,揭示单井分段多簇压裂缝扩展机制及应力扰动特征,在此基础上研究多井井间压裂缝干扰规律。结果表明:高水平应力差、高弹性模量的储层中压裂干扰界限较大,低水平应力差、低弹性模量地层需适度增大簇间距,减小簇间干扰;老井压裂后,其邻井压裂缝非对称系数随井间距呈先增大、后减小的趋势;当井间距等于压裂干扰界限时,非对称系数λ达到最大,且井周改造范围最大,但裂缝两翼的非对称性可能导致储层动用不充分。本研究为水平井细分切割压裂和立体式井网设计优化提供理论基础,在“双碳”战略背景下对非常规油气资源高效开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

孙峰  薛世峰  逄铭玉  唐梅荣  张翔  李川 《岩土力学》2019,40(8):3255-3261
射孔作为井筒与储层之间的液流通道,是水力压裂过程中的重要可控性参数。为研究水平井射孔-近井筒破裂机制,采用岩层变形-流体渗流方程描述应力状态变化,应用连续损伤破裂单元表征三维破裂位置与形态演化,并开发有限元求解程序模拟分析了射孔对水平井初始破裂压力、破裂位置及近井筒裂缝复杂性的调控作用。通过与解析模型及射孔压裂物理模型试验结果对比,验证了模型及有限元程序的有效性;水平井破裂压力数值分析结果与现场测试数据吻合较好。研究表明:射孔可调控水平井破裂压力与初始破裂位置,同时对近井筒区域裂缝扩展形态影响显著。通过优化射孔参数可以引导初始破裂向最优破裂面扩展、有效降低破裂压力,减小由于螺旋射孔空间排布引起的水平井近井筒裂缝迂曲与复杂程度,提高致密油气藏压裂改造效果。  相似文献   

页岩储层天然裂缝、水平层理发育,水力压裂过程中可能形成复杂的体积裂缝。针对页岩储层体积裂缝扩展问题,基于流-固耦合基本方程和损伤力学原理,建立了页岩储层水力压裂体积裂缝扩展的三维有限元模型。将数值模型的模拟结果与页岩储层裂缝扩展室内试验结果进行对比,二者吻合较好,从而证明了数值模型的可靠性。通过一系列数值模拟发现:(1)水力压裂过程中水平层理可能张开,形成水平缝,水平与垂直缝相互交错,形成复杂的体积裂缝网络;(2)水平主应力差增大,体积裂缝的分布长度(水平最大主应力方向压裂裂缝的展布距离)增加、分布宽度(水平最小主应力方向压裂裂缝的展布距离)减小,体积裂缝的长宽比增加;(3)压裂施工排量增大,体积裂缝的分布长度减小、宽度增加,压裂裂缝的长宽比降低;(4)天然裂缝的残余抗张强度增大,体积裂缝分布宽度减小、分布长度增加,体积裂缝的长宽比增加。研究成果可以为国内的页岩气的压裂设计和施工提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The production efficiency of shale gas is affected by the interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures. This study presents a simulation of natural fractures in shale reservoirs, based on a discrete fracture network (DFN) method for hydraulic fracturing engineering. Fracture properties of the model are calculated from core fracture data, according to statistical mathematical analysis. The calculation results make full use of the quantitative information of core fracture orientation, density, opening and length, which constitute the direct and extensive data of mining engineering. The reliability and applicability of the model are analyzed with regard to model size and density, a calculation method for dominant size and density being proposed. Then, finite element analysis is applied to a hydraulic fracturing numerical simulation of a shale fractured reservoir in southeastern Chongqing. The hydraulic pressure distribution, fracture propagation, acoustic emission information and in situ stress changes during fracturing are analyzed. The results show the application of fracture statistics in fracture modeling and the influence of fracture distribution on hydraulic fracturing engineering. The present analysis may provide a reference for shale gas exploitation.  相似文献   

在致密油藏水平井体积压裂开采过程中,压裂液通过缝网与基质接触并发生逆向渗吸作用,由于接触面积很大渗吸作用不可忽视;但目前关于表征致密储层的渗吸作用,从而研究渗吸对水平井体积压裂生产过程影响的研究尚未深入.为了解决以上问题,首先利用毛管束模型,通过考虑致密储层中边界层的特征,建立了解析的渗流参数计算表达式,用以计算致密储层的渗透率、毛管力、相渗曲线这3个关键渗流参数;同时,基于以上关键渗流参数和渗吸控制方程建立了适用于致密储层的渗吸速度计算模型;然后,将渗吸项作为源汇项加入到考虑缝网的双孔单渗模型中.最后,在真实水平井体积压裂开采过程中,耦合渗吸作用.研究表明,相比于不考虑边界层特征的致密油藏,边界层的存在将大幅度减弱储层的渗吸能力,同时也说明了在致密储层中,边界层的存在是不可忽视的,如果在渗吸计算中忽视致密储层的边界层特征会严重高估渗吸对致密储层产能的影响.   相似文献   

水力压裂是青海共和盆地干热岩地热资源开发的难点技术问题之一。本文基于升级改造的大尺寸真三轴水力压裂物理模拟实验系统模拟干热岩储层高温高压环境,利用青海共和盆地露头岩心进行水力压裂物理模拟实验,揭示干热岩储层水力裂缝的起裂和扩展规律。通过物理模拟实验发现:干热岩储层裂缝起裂可以通过文中提出的起裂模型判断起裂方式和预测起裂压力;水力裂缝在岩石基质中的扩展形态简单,仅沿最大主应力方向延伸;但是水力裂缝会受到岩石中弱面的影响,发生转向沿弱面延伸,形成较复杂的裂缝形态。因此,建议在干热岩储层实际施工中,在天然裂缝发育较丰富的层段开展水力压裂,以实现复杂裂缝网络提取地热能。  相似文献   

The significance of natural fractures in unconventional shale hydrocarbon formations has opened new research frontiers in hydraulic fracturing. Among many of its unique contributions to gas production, the interaction between natural fractures and hydraulic fractures has long been experimentally and computationally investigated. Here, we experimentally investigated the evolution of the fracturing network with a self-developed ultrasonic testing system. Laboratory experiments are proposed to study the propagation of hydraulic fracture in naturally fractured model blocks that contain random micro-fractures. Our analysis suggests that the total fracture width obtained by ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) can reflect the dynamic evolution of the fracturing network. The nonlinear fracturing network evolution process is closely related to the variation of the total fracture width. It is suggested from the total fracture width that the maximum fracture network can be realized with greater natural fracture density, large injection rate, and smaller stress ratio. The study presents a better insight into the response of random naturally fractured shale formation under hydraulic fracturing treatment by analyzing the variation of UPV in real time.  相似文献   

李奔 《地质与勘探》2020,56(3):627-634
水力压裂是页岩油气增产的主要手段,其核心是向储层连续泵入压裂液迫使储层产生水力裂缝/缝网形成油气运移高效通道,从而达到油气增产的目的。相较人工主缝,微裂缝具有数量大、缝宽小、走向复杂等特点,常规支撑剂无法对其形成有效支撑,如何提高微裂缝的导流能力是进一步提高页岩油气产能的关键。微缝导流能力实验表明:微支撑剂嵌入页岩裂缝表面导致一定程度的渗透率损害,但支撑微裂缝的渗透率仍比页岩基质渗透率高出2~3个数量级,仍可为页岩油气运移提供有效渗流通道。本文系统分析了微支撑剂对微裂缝的支撑特性、微支撑剂的长距离输运性能及辅助降滤等特征,提出了微支撑剂对致密油气增产的内在机制。结合我国致密油气储层基质孔隙尺度,形成了考虑微裂缝开度及基质孔隙尺寸的微支撑剂选配原则。  相似文献   

The hydraulic fracturing technique has been widely applied in many fields, such as the enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), the improvement of injection rates for geologic sequestration of CO2, and for the stimulations of oil and gas reservoirs. The key points for the success of hydraulic fracturing operations in unconventional resources are to accurately estimate the redistribution of pore pressure and stresses around the induced fracture and predict the reactivations of preexisting natural fractures. The pore pressure and stress regime around hydraulic fracture are affected by poroelastic and thermoelastic phenomena as well as by fracture opening compression. In this work, a comprehensive semi-analytical model is used to estimate the stress and pore pressure distribution around an injection-induced fracture from a single well in an infinite reservoir. The model allows the leak-off distribution in the formation to be three-dimensional with the pressure transient moving ellipsoidically outward into the reservoir from the fracture surface. The pore pressure and the stress changes in three dimensions at any point around the fracture caused by poroelasticity, thermoelasticity, and fracture compression are investigated. With Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, we calculate the natural fracture reactivations in the reservoir. Then, two case studies of constant water injection into a hydraulic fracture are presented. This work is of interest in the interpretation of microseismicity in hydraulic fracturing and in the estimation of the fracture spacing for hydraulic fracturing operations. In addition, the results from this study can be very helpful for the selection of stimulated wells and further design of the refracturing operations.  相似文献   

地层内部总存在孔隙、裂隙、层理、裂缝、断层等结构特征从而体现为地层地质非均质性,并在人工注采过程中发生不同尺度的破裂而体现为跨尺度的裂缝时空延展特征和致裂机理。以致密油为代表的非常规油气藏开采开发在我国油气产能中占比越来越大,并往往利用水力压裂储层改造技术产生人工裂缝以增强油气渗流而实现其规模经济开发;同时,这类低渗透油气藏亦是CO2压裂、注入和封存的重要对象。文章基于真三轴大型物理模型水力压裂实验和工程尺度下水力压裂微地震监测结果,通过不同尺度裂缝/裂隙活动所致声发射和微地震事件的时空展布研究岩体多尺度裂缝的破裂特征。研究表明,无论是相对稳定的真三轴水力压裂,还是实际地质工程尺度下的水力压裂微,岩石原生裂缝、裂隙分布趋势和方位对裂缝扩展具有主控作用。  相似文献   

郭建春  李根  周鑫浩 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3123-3129
页岩气藏一般具有低孔隙、低渗透等特征,对其实施缝网压裂是高效开发页岩气的最佳途径。采用位移不连续法建立线弹性二维均质地层诱导应力场分布数学模型,通过水平应力差异系数对顺序压裂和交替压裂的裂缝间距进行优化研究。结果表明,水平应力差异系数受到裂缝净压力、裂缝缝长、原地应力场等因素的影响;裂缝净压力越大、缝长越长,水平应力差异系数越小;随着与裂缝距离的增加,水平应力差异系数呈现先减小后增加的趋势,因此,存在后续裂缝形成复杂网络的最佳裂缝间距;顺序压裂裂缝间距不宜过大,且后续压裂裂缝间距应适当减小;交替压裂裂缝间距最优时,缝间水平应力差异系数最小,对中间裂缝形成缝网最有利。  相似文献   

采用真三轴物理模型试验机、水力压裂伺服系统、声发射定位系统以及压裂液中添加示踪剂等方式,在真三轴条件下对大尺寸页岩水平井进行了水力压裂物理模拟试验,通过裂缝的动态监测和压裂后剖切等分析了裂缝的扩展规律,并对页岩压裂缝网的形成机制进行了初步探讨。结果表明:(1)水力裂缝自割缝处起裂并扩展、压开或贯穿层理面,形成相对较复杂的裂缝形态;(2)裂缝中既有垂直于层理面的新生水力主裂缝,又有沿弱层理面扩展延伸的次级裂缝,形成了纵向和横向裂缝并存的裂缝网络;(3)水力裂缝在延伸过程中会发生转向而逐渐垂直最小主应力;(4)水力裂缝在扩展过程中遇到弱层理面时的止裂、分叉、穿过和转向现象是形成页岩储层复杂裂缝网络的主要原因,而弱结构面的大量存在是形成复杂裂缝的基础。其研究结果可为页岩气藏水平井分段压裂开采等提供有力技术支持。  相似文献   

王璜  王贵玲  岳高凡  甘浩男 《地质学报》2020,94(7):2124-2130
水力压裂技术是成功实现干热岩资源开发利用的重要手段之一,数值模拟技术能够精准预测水力裂缝扩展。针对典型花岗岩,借助黏性单元法,分别模拟了致密花岗岩和天然裂缝存在情况下的水力裂缝扩展特征,得出以下结论:致密花岗岩的水力裂缝形态单一,天然裂缝的存在增加了压裂后裂缝的复杂性;致密花岗岩水力裂缝拓展主要分为憋压和拓展两个交替往复的阶段,当存在天然裂隙时,水力压裂过程会变得复杂;天然裂缝存在时,水力裂缝的缝长和缝宽分别为致密花岗岩的5. 7倍和1. 7倍;缝网的形成需要借助复杂的压裂工艺实现。研究结果可以为增强型地热系统(EGS)储层水力刺激工作提供理论支持。  相似文献   

储层岩体中的天然结构面对水力压裂缝网改造具有重要的影响。本文采用真实破裂过程分析软件RFPA2D-Flow,在考虑岩体非均质性和岩体渗流-应力-损伤破裂特性的基础上,对不同尺度天然结构面影响的水力压裂裂缝扩展与演化行为进行了模拟分析和讨论,研究结果表明:(1)当水力裂缝遇天然非闭合裂隙时,在水力裂缝靠近非闭合裂隙区间形成拉张应力区,水力裂缝与区间非闭合裂隙间微元体累进性张拉破坏是导致水力裂缝与非闭合裂隙贯通的主要机制;(2)层理等优势结构对水力压裂裂缝扩展及缝网形态影响十分显著,当最大主应力方向与层理面走向小角度相交时,层理结构面对水力裂隙的扩展起主要作用,当最大主应力方向与层理面走向大角度相交时,最大主压应力与层理面共同对缝网扩展起主导作用,随着优势结构面的增多和差应力的增大,水力压裂形成的缝网范围和复杂性程度随之增大;(3)储层水力压裂是一种局部范围内的短暂动力扰动过程,尽管断层的存在可以极大地影响水力裂缝的扩展模式,增大水力裂隙扩展高度,但相比于储层埋深,水力压裂对断层封闭性的破坏范围和断层活动性的扰动程度十分有限。  相似文献   

潘林华  程礼军  张烨  张士诚  王飞 《岩土力学》2015,36(12):3639-3648
页岩储层孔隙度和渗透率极低,天然裂缝和水平层理发育,常规压裂增产措施无法满足页岩气的开发要求,水平井多段分簇压裂是页岩气开发的关键技术之一,该技术能够大幅度提升压裂改造的体积、产气量和最终采收率。为确定页岩储层水平井多段分簇射孔压裂的起裂点和起裂压力,采用有限元方法建立了水平井套管完井(考虑水泥环和套管的存在)多段分簇射孔的全三维起裂模型。数值模型的起裂压力与室内试验结果吻合较好,证明了数值模型的准确性和可靠性。利用数值模型研究了页岩水平井多段分簇射孔压裂的起裂点和起裂压力的影响因素,研究发现:射孔孔眼附近无天然裂缝或水平层理影响,起裂点发生在射孔簇孔眼的根部;射孔簇间距越小,中间射孔簇的干扰越大,可能造成中间的射孔簇无法起裂;射孔密度和孔眼长度增大,起裂压力降低;天然裂缝的存在,在某些情况能够降低起裂压力且改变起裂位置,主要与天然裂缝的分布方位及水平主应力差有关;水平层理可能会降低起裂压力,但与垂向主应力与水平最小主应力的差值有关。获得的起裂压力变化规律,可作为进一步研究水平井多段分簇射孔条件下的裂缝扩展规律的基础,可以为压裂设计和施工的射孔参数确定及优化给出具体建议。  相似文献   

The problem of predicting the geometric structure of induced fractures is highly complex and significant in the fracturing stimulation of rock reservoirs. In the traditional continuous fracturing models, the mechanical properties of reservoir rock are input as macroscopic quantities. These models neglect the microcracks and discontinuous characteristics of rock, which are important factors influencing the geometric structure of the induced fractures. In this paper, we simulate supercritical CO2 fracturing based on the bonded particle model to investigate the effect of original natural microcracks on the induced‐fracture network distribution. The microcracks are simulated explicitly as broken bonds that form and coalesce into macroscopic fractures in the supercritical CO2 fracturing process. A calculation method for the distribution uniformity index (DUI) is proposed. The influence of the total number and DUI of initial microcracks on the mechanical properties of the rock sample is studied. The DUI of the induced fractures of supercritical CO2 fracturing and hydraulic fracturing for different DUIs of initial microcracks are compared, holding other conditions constant. The sensitivity of the DUI of the induced fractures to that of initial natural microcracks under different horizontal stress ratios is also probed. The numerical results indicate that the distribution of induced fractures of supercritical CO2 fracturing is more uniform than that of common hydraulic fracturing when the horizontal stress ratio is small.  相似文献   

页岩气藏矿场压裂实践表明,储层有效改造体积(effective stimulated reservoir volume,简称ESRV)是影响页岩气藏体积压裂水平井生产效果的关键因素,ESRV的准确计算对页岩气藏压裂方案评价与体积压裂水平井产量预测具有重要作用.基于页岩储层改造体积(stimulated reservoir volume,简称SRV)多尺度介质气体运移机制,建立了SRV区域正交离散裂缝耦合双重介质基质团块来表征单元体渗流模型(representation elementary volume,简称REV),并结合北美页岩储层实例研究了次生裂缝间距、宽度等缝网参数对页岩气藏气体运移规律的影响.在此基础上根据SRV区域次生裂缝分布特征,采用分形质量维数定量表征裂缝间距分布规律,结合页岩气藏次生裂缝间距对基质团块内流体动用程度的影响规律,得到了页岩气藏体积压裂ESRV计算方法.结果表明SRV区域次生裂缝间距对基质团块内吸附及自由气影响较大,次生裂缝间距小于0.20 m时可以实现SRV区域基质团块内流体向各方向裂缝的"最短距离"渗流.选取北美典型页岩储层生产井体积压裂数据进行ESRV计算,页岩气藏目标井ESRV占体积压裂SRV的37.78%.因此ESRV受改造区域次裂缝分布规律及SRV有效裂缝间距界限的影响,是储层固有性质及人工压裂因素综合作用的结果.   相似文献   

夏磊  曾亚武 《岩土力学》2018,39(11):4269-4277
为了探究应力阴影效应对交替压裂中压裂间距选取的影响,基于优化后的颗粒流离散元流固耦合计算模型,模拟并分析了双初始水力裂缝下因应力阴影效应产生的诱导应力的分布情况,并与理论解析解进行对比,证明了该数值方法的合理性。在此基础上,分析了应力阴影效应在不同各向异性地应力场及初始压裂间距条件下对新水力裂缝的起裂压力及扩展形态的影响,研究结果表明:初始各向异性应力场不改变裂缝周边的应力场,不影响新水力裂缝的起裂压力;随着初始压裂间距的减小,应力阴影效应增强,新水力裂缝的起裂压力逐渐增加。初始水力裂缝间距与初始各向异性应力场共同影响新水力裂缝的扩展形态,随着初始水力裂缝间距或初始水平地应力场差异系数的增大,应力阴影对新水力裂缝的扩展方向的影响逐步减弱;初始水力裂缝对新水力裂缝的扩展有一定的限制作用,在一定程度上不利于形成复杂的裂缝网络。根据以上分析结果,对交替压裂中压裂间距的优化进行了定性的探讨。  相似文献   

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