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古土壤力学特性及其对黄土滑坡的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对宝鸡地区野外滑坡灾害调查的结果显示,古土壤与黄土交界面对黄土滑坡滑带具有明显的边界效应。为了研究剪切过程中古土壤的力学特性,开展了饱和原状古土壤偏压固结不排水剪(ACU)和常剪应力排水剪(CQD)试验。ACU试验表明:古土壤应力应变曲线在峰后表现为理想塑性特征,较低围压(100 k Pa)条件下发生剪胀破坏,围压≥200 k Pa时发生剪缩破坏。CQD试验结果表明:古土壤在排水条件下发生剪缩破坏,破坏时轴向应变很小,且破坏速率随固结应力增大而减小。根据试验结果得到了q-p’平面内古土壤临界状态线(CSL),求得φ’为28.8°。同时,结合已有研究成果对黄土和古土壤交界面在涉水过程出现局部破坏进行了机理探讨,这些局部破坏控制了潜在滑动面的边界。  相似文献   

针对蒙自地区膨胀土,进行了饱和重塑条件下的固结排水(CD)与固结不排水(CU)试验,系统研究了饱和土在不同固结围压3、初始干密度d、初始含水量0、剪切速率、排水条件下的应力应变特性。通过对临界状态试验结果的归一化处理,揭示了不同试验方法对同一土样抗剪强度量测差异的内在统一性,得到了重塑饱和膨胀土在固结排水与不排水条件下p'-q-空间内的破坏线。利用双曲线模型较好地拟合了弱硬化型应力应变曲线,用指数曲线模型拟合了弱软化型应力应变曲线,为模拟边坡在降雨条件下的抗剪强度变化及构筑物土体处于正常水位时的强度状态等工况提供了技术参数与理论支持。  相似文献   

刘胜利  陈善雄  刘伟  余飞  罗红明  赵文光 《岩土力学》2013,34(12):3520-3526
为考察片岩残积土的剪切特性,结合鄂西北山区某边坡工程,开展了风化岩残积土大型原位直剪试验,研究了风化岩残积土的结构组成、剪切面破损特性、剪切强度特性及其含石率、起伏度等相关关系。结果表明:该风化岩残积土应力-应变曲线多呈应变硬化特征,无明显峰值;束状孤石和束状石组多为翻滚和啃断破坏,起伏度随含石率的增大而增大,近似呈线性关系;爬坡效应会引起剪胀,造成剪应力和垂直应力的增大;随着垂直应力的增大,剪切破坏机制逐渐由滑移破坏变为啃断破坏,剪压应力比(剪应力与垂直应力的比值)逐渐减小。研究成果可为边坡工程变形及稳定性分析提供参考。  相似文献   

饱和黏土不排水剪切特性及双曲线模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用真空抽吸制样技术制备的饱和重塑黏土,在0.015?3.75 %/min应变速率范围内进行了多组不固结不排水(UU)剪切试验。通过对试验结果的分析,着重探讨了应变速率和约束压力对应力-应变关系及其强度特性的影响。试验结果表明,黏土的应力-应变关系与强度特性基本上不依赖于约束压力,而受应变速率的影响较为显著,强度随应变速率的增加而增长,增长幅度可达70 %,通过对数据的归一化,采用线性拟和建立了不排水强度与应变速率之间的经验关系。进而考虑应变速率对不固结不排水应力-应变关系的影响,对双曲线非线性本构模型进行了研究,详细介绍了模型参数的确定方法,并分别采用静力三轴和扭剪试验结果对模型进行了验证。  相似文献   

为描述非饱和土的应力-应变特性,基于非饱和土三轴剪切试验,提出泊松比变化率(即切线泊松比随轴向应变的变化速率)的概念,发现非饱和土的切线模量和泊松比变化率均随轴向应变的增加呈指数衰减规律,基于此提出了一种描述非饱和土应力-应变关系的新非线性模型。该模型不仅能描述应变硬化,而且能描述应变软化;能对非饱和土三轴不固结不排水剪、固结排水剪、固结不排水剪试验的应力-应变关系进行描述;模型共包含6个参数,物理意义明确,确定方法简便。利用提出的模型对国内外文献中的三轴试验进行了模拟,结果表明,模拟结果与试验数据有很好的吻合度,从而验证了模型对试验数据的合理性和适用性。  相似文献   

受特殊地质构造条件影响,川西—藏东地区板岩、千枚岩等变质岩风化强烈,形成的残积土具有较为广泛的分布,对这一地区的变质岩残积土的动力特性开展研究,具有重要的意义。利用动三轴试验仪对川西—藏东地区板岩残积土进行分析测试,重点研究不同含水率、不同固结应力和振次下的动强度参数变化规律。结果表明,含水率和固结应力对试样动强度影响明显;在相同固结应力、固结比条件下,强度随含水率增大而减弱;在相同含水率、固结比条件下,强度随固结应力增大而增强,但都不呈正比例关系。板岩残积土的动强度指标动黏聚力随含水率的增加而明显减小,对含水率敏感性较强;动摩擦角则随含水率增加变化量较小,对含水率敏感性较低。  相似文献   

不排水条件下砾石土的应变率效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
詹传妮  王琛  何昌荣 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):428-0432
为研究应变率对砾石土应力、应变、强度特性的影响和应变率效应产生机制,对砾石和黏土混合备制的饱和砾石土心墙料,在应变率0.028~0.690 %/min范围内进行了不同围压下的固结不排水三轴压缩试验,定量地分析了三轴不排水抗剪强度的应变率效应。试验结果表明,不同的应变率下砾石土应力-应变曲线具有相似性;应变率增大10倍,不排水抗剪强度增大7.4%~29.9%;砾石土的应变率效应是剪切产生的孔隙水压力和土料本身黏滞性共同作用的结果,在不同的围压下二者发挥的程度不同  相似文献   

花岗岩残积工作为一种特殊土,在我国东南地区分布广泛,但其特殊的结构特性使得该类土体的工程事故频发。针对广东省肇庆市播植县某边坡残积土进行了一系列三轴试验,研究结构性花岗岩残积土在三轴应力状态时的应变和孔压变化特征,以及结构性花岗岩残积土的剪切结构性屈服特性,为相关工程提供借鉴。三轴压缩试验分别针对原状土、重塑正常固结土和重塑超固结土,试验结果表明,原状土和重塑超固结土均表现出一定的结构性,排水剪切时均表现出明显的剪胀性,应力-应变曲线均表现出应变软化,不排水剪切的超静孔压均为先增大后减小,但原状土超静孔压减小的幅度更大;超固结土的不排水抗剪强度符合SHANSEP理论,试验常数Λ_0为0.67;重塑正常固结土的归一化刚度随着加载的进行缓慢减小,ε_1=15%左右时完全屈服;原状土和重塑超固结土的归一化刚度曲线不能重合,分别于ε_1=1.5%和ε_1=1%左右发生结构性屈服,并且均在ε_1=15%左右发生整体破坏,围压越大,结构性土的刚度曲线变化规律越接近于扰动土。  相似文献   

软黏土加载速率效应特性试验研究:进展与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量的室内和现场试验都表明,软黏土的强度与变形速率相关。为了更深入地认识软黏土的加载速率效应特性,首先分析了一维应力条件下先期固结压力和三轴应力条件下不排水抗剪强度的加载速率效应及应力-应变关系的归一化,探讨了一维和三轴条件下的5个速率方程(2个指数形式和3个对数形式)在拟合黏土先期固结压力和不排水强度加载速率效应上的适用性;使用5个速率方程估计了一维和三轴条件下的加载速率参数,以及拟合了加载速率参数与液塑限的关系,并且分析了复杂应力(十字板剪切和旁压条件)下的非理想土单元体的黏土加载速率效应特性等;讨论了黏土加载速率效应特性在一维和三维、压缩与伸长、不同超固结比(OCR)条件下的统一性;最后,从香港黏土压缩与伸长和不同OCR条件下的剪缩、剪胀特性方面更深入地探讨了软黏土加载速率效应特性,并讨论了典型的剪缩、剪胀方程在黏土的力学特性模拟中的有效性。结果表明,为更好地描述黏土的应力剪胀特性,现有典型的剪胀关系需要更一步改进。  相似文献   

基坑土体侧向卸荷真三轴试验研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
对武汉地区具有代表性的粉质粘土,用基坑开挖过程中坑周土体的应力路径在真三轴上进行模拟试验,得到平面应变条件下固结不排水卸荷试验结果,将其整理成应力-应变关系曲线、孔隙水压力-竖向应变关系曲线、中主应力系数-竖向应变关系曲线和卸荷试验应力路径图。试验结果表明,竖向( )压力不变,侧向( )卸荷时,其应力-应变关系随固结压力的增加,由应变硬化型向应变软化型转化;固结压力较低时,表现为剪胀,固结压力较高时,表现为先剪缩,后剪胀;当中主应力( )始终大于但接近于侧向压力( ),按所定义的中主应力系数bd值较稳定;有效应力路径随固结压力增大产生偏转。这些结论为进一步研究粘性土中主应力的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Lantau Island, the largest outlying island of the territory of Hong Kong, experienced a severe rainstorm on 4–5 November 1993, which induced >800 slope failures on natural terrain there. Detailed field investigations were carried out to study the failure modes, in relation with various influencing factors. It was found that the occurrence of slide-debris flows has a close relationship with bedrock geology, slope gradient, vegetation cover and micro landform. The failure modes of slide-debris flows may be classified into translational slides and rotational slides, and the former are predominant. Analysis of the hydrological response of colluvial slopes during the rainstorm indicated that the majority of the failures were caused by the development of a perched water table in the thin surface layer of colluvium of volcanic origin due to infiltration during the heavy rain. Undisturbed soil samples from south Lantau have been subjected to anisotropically consolidated undrained compression tests at comparatively low stress levels. Constant deviatoric stress path tests (CQD) simulating the stress path in the field at in situ stress levels have been performed to investigate soil behavior. The CQD test results indicate that the material of slopes at undisturbed state is brought to dilation because of the increase in pore water pressure caused by infiltration of rain water. For a translational slide, the displacement, resulting from dilation, may destroy cohesion along the failure surface and locally within the interior of the slide. The surplus water during the intense rainstorm was able to equilibrate the reduction in pore pressure caused by dilation, and the dilation and displacement may be further increased. The strain-softening after significant strains triggered debris flow mobilization. However, for a rotational slide, the increase in pore water pressure caused by surplus water infiltration during the intense rainstorm could not equilibrate the reduction in pore pressure caused by dilation, much or even all of the sliding block could not mobilize into a debris flow.  相似文献   

During the last decade, soil degradation coupled with global climate changes has increased hydrogeological hazards in Mexico. In tropical volcanic terrains, alteration processes have enhanced the formation of clay minerals that promote water retention and result in soil/rock weakness. Intense seasonal rainfall can trigger the liquefaction and remobilization of these low-resistance terrains. During the first week of October 1999, heavy rains affected eastern Mexico, including Puebla State. As a consequence, approximately 3000 mass movements, consisting of rock and soil slides and slips, debris flows and avalanches were generated in this area. In the town of Teziutlán (Puebla), which is located on volcanic deposits, a single mass-movement event caused approximately 150 deaths. In the present work we identified two types of mass movements in the Teziutlán area—Type 1: superficial erosion of an unwelded ignimbritic sequence forming small detrital fans, and Type 2: thin soil slide/debris flow from the remobilization of a volcanic sequence composed of clay-rich paleosols interbedded with ashfall horizons. The clay-rich volcanic paleosols favored the formation of perched water tables on a hydraulic aquiclude. Positive pore-water pressures triggered the failure. Based on these results, the principal human settlement in the Teziutlán area may be threatened by future debris flows, which could cause serious harm to the dense population and severe damage to its infrastructure. It is necessary to prevent future deaths and damage by installation of mitigative measures based on detailed studies. Without any further study, it will not be possible to prevent and mitigate a natural disaster with the same magnitude as the 1999 catastrophic hydrogeological phenomena.  相似文献   

Landslides and slope failures are recurrent phenomena in the Indian Himalayas. The study area comprises the hill slopes along a road stretch of 1.5 km at a distance of 9 km from Pipalkoti on Chamoli–Badrinath highway (NH-58) in the Garhwal Himalayas, India. Based on the field survey, contour map, and the hillshade, the study area has been divided into different zones. Three different zones/slopes in this study area including one potential debris slide, one stable debris slope, and one potential rock slide have been undertaken for investigation and modeling. Field mapping, data collection related to slope features and soil/rock sample collection, and discontinuity mapping for all the slopes have been carried out in field. Soil samples have been tested in the laboratory to determine the physico-mechanical properties. These properties along with some material properties from the literature have been used as input parameters for the numerical simulation. To investigate the failure process in the debris/rock slides as well as stable debris slope, the slopes were modeled as a continuum using 2D finite element plain strain approach. Shear strength reduction analysis was performed to determine the critical strength reduction factor. The computed deformations and the stress distributions, along the failure surface, have been compared with the field observations and found to be in good agreement. The analysis results indicated rock/debris slide slopes to be highly unstable. The debris slide modeling depicted failures both above and below road levels as observed in field. The rock slide modeling could depict the exact pattern of failure involving 3 sets of discontinuities simultaneously as observed in real-field scenario which is a major limitation in case of limit equilibrium analysis. The field-observed stable slope comes to be stable through FE analysis also. Based on these analyses, landslide hazard assessment of the study area could be done.  相似文献   

Owing to imperfect boundary conditions in laboratory soil tests and the possibility of water diffusion inside the soil specimen in undrained tests, the assumption of uniform stress/strain over the sample is not valid. This study presents a qualitative assessment of the effects of non‐uniformities in stresses and strains, as well as effects of water diffusion within the soil sample on the global results of undrained cyclic simple shear tests. The possible implications of those phenomena on the results of liquefaction strength assessment are also discussed. A state‐of‐the‐art finite element code for transient analysis of multi‐phase systems is used to compare results of the so‐called ‘element tests’ (numerical constitutive experiments assuming uniform stress/strain/pore pressure distribution throughout the sample) with results of actual simulations of undrained cyclic simple shear tests using a finite element mesh and realistic boundary conditions. The finite element simulations are performed under various conditions, covering the entire range of practical situations: (1) perfectly drained soil specimen with constant volume, (2) perfectly undrained specimen, and (3) undrained test with possibility of water diffusion within the sample. The results presented here are restricted to strain‐driven tests performed for a loose uniform fine sand with relative density Dr=40%. Effects of system compliance in undrained laboratory simple shear tests are not investigated here. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

降雨诱发坡面型泥石流形成机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于野外调查和室内测试分析,依据岩土体破坏准则理论,结合典型坡面型泥石流进行剖析,从坡面型泥石流形成的影响因素、运动学特征、动力条件、形成与演化过程等方面,探讨了降雨诱发坡面型泥石流的形成机理。研究结果表明:坡面流以平移式滑动方式破坏为主,通常发生于残坡积土层厚度小(≤2.0 m)的陡坡地带(坡度≥40°),降雨是坡面型泥石流的主要触发因素,雨水入渗促使斜坡残坡积岩土体饱和软化,当土体含水率超过28%~30%,粘聚力、内摩擦角与含水率关系曲线都出现了明显的拐点,即饱和度超过75%时,其粘聚力和内摩擦角都发生急剧降低,斜坡土体由稳定状态向破坏状态演化。遇持续降雨(或暴雨)作用,此种残坡积土局部发生失稳下滑——流土,进而在动水压力作用下发生下泻造浆形成坡面泥石流。  相似文献   

For numerical studies of geotechnical structures under earthquake loading, aiming to examine a possible failure due to liquefaction, using a sophisticated constitutive model for the soil is indispensable. Such model must adequately describe the material response to a cyclic loading under constant volume (undrained) conditions, amongst others the relaxation of effective stress (pore pressure accumulation) or the effective stress loops repeatedly passed through after a sufficiently large number of cycles (cyclic mobility, stress attractors). The soil behaviour under undrained cyclic loading is manifold, depending on the initial conditions (e.g. density, fabric, effective mean pressure, stress ratio) and the load characteristics (e.g. amplitude of the cycles, application of stress or strain cycles). In order to develop, calibrate and verify a constitutive model with focus to undrained cyclic loading, the data from high-quality laboratory tests comprising a variety of initial conditions and load characteristics are necessary. It is the purpose of these two companion papers to provide such database collected for a fine sand. Part II concentrates on the undrained triaxial tests with strain cycles, where a large range of strain amplitudes has been studied. Furthermore, oedometric and isotropic compression tests as well as drained triaxial tests with un- and reloading cycles are discussed. A combined monotonic and cyclic loading has been also studied in undrained triaxial tests. All test data presented herein will be available from the homepage of the first author. As an example of the examination of an existing constitutive model, the experimental data are compared to element test simulations using hypoplasticity with intergranular strain.  相似文献   

常剪应力路径下含气砂土的三轴试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔亮  刘文卓  袁庆盟  董彤 《岩土力学》2019,40(9):3319-3326
天然气水合物完全分解时,产生的气体使得能源土孔隙压力急速增加,有效应力减小,进而引起土体液化破坏。此时深海能源土斜坡的应力状态与静力液化失稳过程可简化为含气土在常剪应力排水(或不排水)应力路径下的破坏问题。以此为背景,提出了制备含气砂土试样的改进充气管法,并开展了含气砂土的常剪应力路径三轴试验。22组试验结果表明:同一孔隙比的含气密砂在不同围压与常剪应力下具有相同的失稳线;含气砂土试样失稳时的应力比和体变均随初始相对密实度的增大而增大;含气密砂在常剪应力路径下饱和度对失稳特征影响的规律性在排水与不排水条件下均不明显,但在不排水条件下含气砂土的孔压(或体变)对变形的敏感性降低;含气密砂在常剪应力路径到达失稳点之后,排水条件下是瞬变的液化鼓胀破坏,不排水条件下是渐变的剪切破坏。  相似文献   

路堤下深厚软土侧向变形的沉降影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李国维  蒋华忠  杨涛  盛维高 《岩土力学》2008,29(10):2817-2821
通过三轴蠕变试验和平面应变蠕变试验,研究路堤下深厚的海相沉积软土侧向变形对沉降的影响作用。试验结果表明,荷载作用下软土的瞬时沉降是非线性的,剪应力作用产生了不可恢复的侧向变形,侧向变形产生的附加沉降也是重要组成部分。软土的侧向变形在不排水条件下只有鼓胀变形,且持续发展;在排水条件下是鼓胀变形和收缩变形的迭加。在排水条件下软土的侧向变形发展过程和剪应力水平有关,在低剪应力水平下侧向变形对沉降的影响不显著,在高剪应力水平下则侧向变形对沉降的影响不能忽视,剪应力对沉降的影响贯穿于沉降全过程。  相似文献   

For numerical studies of geotechnical structures under earthquake loading, aiming to examine a possible failure due to liquefaction, using a sophisticated constitutive model for the soil is indispensable. Such a model must adequately describe the material response to a cyclic loading under constant volume (undrained) conditions, amongst others the relaxation of effective stress (pore pressure accumulation) or the effective stress loops repeatedly passed through after a sufficiently large number of cycles (cyclic mobility, stress attractors). The soil behaviour under undrained cyclic loading is manifold, depending on the initial conditions (e.g. density, fabric, effective mean pressure, stress ratio) and the load characteristics (e.g. amplitude of the cycles, application of stress or strain cycles). In order to develop, calibrate and verify a constitutive model with focus to undrained cyclic loading, the data from high-quality laboratory tests comprising a variety of initial conditions and load characteristics are necessary. The purpose of these two companion papers was to provide such database collected for a fine sand. The database consists of numerous undrained cyclic triaxial tests with stress or strain cycles applied to samples consolidated isotropically or anisotropically. Monotonic triaxial tests with drained or undrained conditions have also been performed. Furthermore, drained triaxial, oedometric or isotropic compression tests with several un- and reloading cycles are presented. Part I concentrates on the triaxial tests with monotonic loading or stress cycles. All test data presented herein will be available from the homepage of the first author. As an example of the examination of an existing constitutive model, the experimental data are compared to element test simulations using hypoplasticity with intergranular strain.  相似文献   

李新明  贾亚垒  王志留  尹松 《岩土力学》2022,43(12):3327-3334
为研究应变速率对原状膨胀土力学性状的影响,通过GDS三轴试验系统进行了不同速率和围压下的固结不排水三轴剪切试验,分析了应力−应变曲线、孔隙水压力、剪切强度以及破坏模式随应变速率的变化规律。结果表明:不同应变速率下,膨胀土应力−应变曲线均呈应变硬化型。随着应变速率的增加,不排水剪切强度单调递增,引入应变速率参数ρ0.9后发现,不排水强度增长率为14.3%~23.2%,平均值为18.4%。低围压下,应变速率对孔隙水压力影响较小,随着围压的增大,孔隙水压力的发展趋势由软化型转变为硬化型,孔隙水压力峰值随应变速率的增大而减小。原状膨胀土应变速率效应与其多裂隙性密切相关,破坏形式表现为小应变速率下主剪切带与次剪切带共存,大应变速率下仅有主剪切带,裂隙或多剪切带的出现强化了膨胀土强度的应变速率效应。  相似文献   

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