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赫英 《地球化学》1992,(1):49-54
本文提供了西华山花岗岩体各类岩石19件样品的稀土元素含量测定数据。由此得出的稀土模式表明,岩体的演化主要经历了岩浆期结晶分异作用和岩浆后期熔体-溶液渗浸改造作用两个阶段。而相应于岩体的结晶、分异和演化,花岗岩中稀土元素含量呈有规律地变化。这一结果和作者所做的实际观察结论及有关其他岩石、矿物及地球化学证据十分一致。  相似文献   

川西甲基卡二云母花岗岩和伟晶岩内发育大量原生熔体包裹体和富晶体流体包裹体。为了查明甲基卡成矿熔体、流体性质与演化特征,运用激光拉曼光谱和扫描电镜鉴定了甲基卡花岗伟晶岩型锂矿床中二云母花岗岩及伟晶岩脉不同结构带内的原生熔体、流体包裹体的固相物质。分析结果表明,甲基卡二云母花岗岩石英内熔体包裹体的矿物组合为磷灰石+白云母、白云母+钠长石、白云母+石墨;伟晶岩绿柱石内富晶体流体包裹体的矿物组合主要为刚玉、富铝铁硅酸盐+刚玉+锂辉石、锂辉石+石英+锂绿泥石;伟晶岩锂辉石内富晶体流体包裹体的矿物组合主要为磷灰石、锡石、磁铁矿、石英+钠长石+锂绿泥石、萤石、富钙镁硅酸盐+富铁铝硅酸盐+富铁硅酸盐+石英;花岗岩浆熔体与伟晶岩浆熔体(流体)具有一定的差异,成矿熔体、流体成分总体呈现出碱质元素(Na、Si、Al)、挥发分(F、P、CO_2)含量增高及基性元素(Fe、Mg、Ca)降低的特征;包裹体中子矿物与主矿物的化学成分具有一定的差别,揭示出伟晶岩熔体(流体)存在局部岩浆分异作用,具不混溶性及非均匀性。因此认为,伟晶岩熔浆(流体)为岩浆分异与岩浆不混溶共同作用的产物,挥发分含量的增高(F、P、CO_2)使伟晶岩能够与稀有金属组成各类络合物或化合物,这对于稀有金属成矿起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

香花岭花岗岩不同岩相的岩石化学、微量元素,元素对比值和包裹体温度,压力与成分等方面的研究表明:香花岭花岗岩为H2O-F-CO2-Cl流体类型,属超临界流体,在超临界流体作用下,岩浆体系内熔体的粘度,内压,组分活动性及含量,胡岩浆演化呈系列变化,导致岩浆体系内的成分强烈分异成层;Nb,Ta等成矿元素,随岩浆体系内超临界流体的聚集而富集,随体系内射气分异作用的发生而矿化,成矿作用发生在岩浆期。其成岩成  相似文献   

巴尔哲超大型稀有稀土矿床富晶体的流体包裹体初步研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
牛贺才  单强  罗勇  杨武斌  于学元 《岩石学报》2008,24(9):2149-2154
巴尔哲矿床是一个超大型稀有稀土多金属矿床,它受巴尔哲碱性花岗岩体(株)控制,稀有稀土矿体分布在巴尔哲岩体上部的钠长石碱性花岗岩中。本文在钠长石碱性花岗岩的石英中发现了大量的富晶体的流体包裹体,并对其进行了初步的激光拉曼光谱和显微测温研究。与一般含盐类晶体矿物的三相流体包裹体不同,巴尔哲富晶体的流体包裹体的晶体不是盐类矿物,而是长石、云母等硅酸盐矿物;同时,该类包裹体内还广泛分布着稀土碳酸盐矿物。富晶体的流体包裹体的发现从微观角度揭示了巴尔哲含矿钠长石碱性花岗岩的形成与岩浆-热液过渡阶段有直接的成因联系,并为阐述巴尔哲岩体稀土元素及氧同位素的地球化学特征提供了新思路。稀土碳酸盐矿物在富晶体的流体包裹体中广泛地分布则充分说明。巴尔哲碱性花岗岩演化到岩浆-热液过渡阶段体系内的稀土元素已经达到足以形成独立稀土矿物的富集程度,其稀土元素矿化受岩浆-热液过渡阶段的制约。  相似文献   

胶东海阳岩体属于中生代早白垩世晚期岩浆活动的产物。该岩体主要岩性为似斑状中粗粒黑云角闪二长花岗岩、晶洞中粗粒正长—碱长花岗岩和晶洞似斑状中—细粒碱长花岗岩。其中,晶洞碱长花岗岩记录了明显的熔—流体作用痕迹,对其进行相关研究有助于深入认识花岗质熔体与流体的作用特征。海阳岩体内部广泛发育晶洞构造,晶洞内可见萤石及碳酸盐矿物,是宏观流体活动的证据;碱性长石和钠长石的共结结晶是熔—流体作用的岩相学证据;岩石还发育显微球粒结构,这是由于岩浆过冷却度急剧增大导致不同矿物相发生快速结晶,造成岩浆成分上的不混溶而形成钠长石和碱性长石的交生现象。碱长花岗岩和黑云角闪二长花岗岩锆石CL图像显示为岩浆锆石特征,U-Pb年龄分别为113±1 Ma和112±1 Ma。碱长花岗岩HY11-07和HY11-13号锆石轻稀土元素富集(ΣLREE为561.26×10^(-6)~1018.47×10^(-6)),Ce的正异常较弱(δCe为1.91~3.42),显示出受流体作用的趋势。总之,本次研究显示胶东海阳岩体中晶洞碱长花岗岩受到过岩浆中的流体作用。其可能过程是岩浆侵位后,其含有的大量流体及挥发分因快速减压而迅速逃逸,导致大量矿物的固相线温度快速提高,熔体过冷度急剧加大,造成海阳岩体大量晶洞构造和显微球粒结构的形成。  相似文献   

江西雅山花岗岩岩浆演化及其Ta-Nb富集机制   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
李洁  黄小龙 《岩石学报》2013,29(12):4311-4322
雅山岩体是华南地区著名的富含钽铌矿的稀有金属花岗岩。从早阶段到晚阶段花岗岩中的云母的Li、F和Rb2O含量逐渐升高,其类型变化为“黑鳞云母→Li-云母→锂云母”。锆石的Zr元素被Hf、U、Th、Y和P等元素的置换比例随着岩浆演化程度升高而增大。云母和锆石矿物成分变化特征与全岩体系的Zr/Hf、Nb/Ta比值不断下降而F、Li和P2O5含量逐渐升高的趋势一致,将可以用于指示岩浆演化程度。在岩浆演化过程中不断富集的P、F、Li元素增加了熔体中非桥氧数(NBO),促使钽-铌元素在岩浆中的溶解度加大而逐渐富集,在最晚阶段的黄玉锂云母花岗岩具有最高的Ta、Nb元素含量。因此,雅山花岗岩具有较高的F、Li、P2O5含量是其岩浆演化及其Ta-Nb富集的重要机制。西华山花岗岩中的云母与雅山花岗岩中的锂云母相比,具有明显较低的F、Li、Rb2O含量,表明西华山花岗岩的岩浆演化程度相对低于雅山花岗岩。西华山花岗岩中的钨富集与流体作用密切相关,体系氧逸度的降低促使了钨成矿。因此,岩浆演化程度的不同可能是造成华南稀有金属花岗岩发生不同成矿作用(如Ta-Nb矿和W矿)的重要原因。  相似文献   

以香花岭花岗岩型铌钽矿床为例,把花岗岩熔体内的组分按其活动性分为活动组分、有效活动组分和惰性组分3类;论述了花岗岩熔体在超临界流体作用下(流体—熔体,流体—岩石作用),粘度、内压、结构、组分活动性及相对含量等,随岩浆演化而呈现的一系列变化,同时,铌钽等成矿元素随岩浆体系内超临界流体聚集而富集,随体系内射气分异作用的发生而矿化,成岩作用和成矿作用表现为一连续过程,在这一过程中,结晶分异作用和交代、溶蚀作用并存,沉淀作用和溶解作用交替,实质上是岩浆体系的内部分异作用或自组织作用过程,成矿作用发生在广义岩浆作用范畴,矿床属岩浆成因。  相似文献   

矿物生长过程(或之后)捕获(或沿裂隙浸入)的成矿流体(或熔体)被圈闭在晶体缺陷、窝穴(或愈合裂隙)中与主矿物有相界的物质称为矿物中包裹体,其中的内含物随物理化学条件变化出现的盐析物(固相)谓之子矿物。子矿物是在相对封闭体系中由流体或熔体直接生长的固相;在流体中生长时有足够的生长空间,子矿物常呈自形晶;在熔体中生长时,首先沿包裹体腔壁析出与主矿物成分相同的子矿物;随后按吉布斯(Gibbs)相律演化(Романцев 1977)。可见,研究子矿物是了解成矿溶液(或熔体)特征的天然样品,流体包裹体中子矿物主要有石盐、钾盐等卤化物,其次有硫化  相似文献   

香花岭花岗岩不同岩相的岩石化学、微量元素、元素对比值和包裹体温度、压力与成分等方面的研究表明:香花岭花岗岩为H2O-F-CO2-Cl流体类型,属超临界流体。在超临界流体作用下,岩浆体系内熔体的粘度、内压、组分活动性及含量,随岩浆演化呈系列变化,导致岩浆体系内的成分强烈分异成层;Nb、Ta等成矿元素,随岩浆体系内超临界流体的聚集而富集,随体系内射气分异作用的发生而矿化,成矿作用发生在岩浆期。其成岩成矿作用为一连续过程。在这一过程中,岩浆的结晶分异作用和交代、熔蚀作用并存,沉淀作用和溶解作用交替,实质上是岩浆体系的分异作用或自然组织作用过程  相似文献   

阿尔泰伟晶岩中流体熔融包裹体成分的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
吴长年  朱金初 《地球化学》1995,24(4):351-358
对阿尔泰可可托海、柯鲁木特和库威伟晶岩锂辉石及绿柱石中单个流体熔融包裹体各相成分,借助激光拉曼探针进行分析,鉴定出固体相为不同硅酸盐子晶矿物,定量给出了流体相成分。根据子晶矿物和流体相成分估算了整个流体熔融包裹体的成分,并据此进一步讨论了熔体中流体的溶解度问题。流体熔融包裹体成分研究表明熔体中流体已达饱和或过饱和,流体相与熔体相发生分离,相应残余伟晶岩浆体系进入晶体+熔体+流体三相共存的岩浆-热液  相似文献   

New fieldwork, mineralogical and geochemical data and interpretations are presented for the rare-metal bearing A-type granites of the Aja intrusive complex(AIC) in the northern segment of the Arabian Shield. This complex is characterized by discontinuous ring-shaped outcrops cut by later faulting. The A-type rocks of the AIC are late Neoproterozoic post-collisional granites, including alkali feldspar granite, alkaline granite and peralkaline granite. They represent the outer zones of the AIC, surrounding a core of older rocks including monzogranite, syenogranite and granophyre granite. The sharp contacts between A-type granites of the outer zone and the different granitic rocks of the inner zone suggest that the AIC was emplaced as different phases over a time interval, following complete crystallization of earlier batches. The A-type granites represent the late intrusive phases of the AIC, which were emplaced during tectonic extension, as shown by the emplacement of dykes synchronous with the granite emplacement and the presence of cataclastic features. The A-type granites consist of K-feldspars, quartz, albite, amphiboles and sodic pyroxene with a wide variety of accessory minerals, including Fe-Ti oxides, zircon, allanite, fluorite, monazite, titanite, apatite, columbite, xenotime and epidote. They are highly evolved(71.3–75.8 wt% SiO_2) and display the typical geochemical characteristics of post-collisional, within-plate granites. They are rare-metal granites enriched in total alkalis, Nb, Zr, Y, Ga, Ta, REE with low CaO, MgO, Ba, and Sr. Eu-negative anomalies(Eu/Eu* = 0.17–0.37) of the A-type granites reflect extreme magmatic fractionation and perhaps the effects of late fluid-rock interactions. The chemical characteristics indicate that the A-type granites of the AIC represent products of extreme fractional crystallization involving alkali feldspar, quartz and, to a lesser extent, ferromagnesian minerals. The parent magma was derived from the partial melting of a juvenile crustal protolith with a mantle contribution. Accumulation of residual volatile-rich melt and exsolved fluids in the late stage of the magma evolution produced pegmatite and quartz veins that cut the peripheries of the AIC. Post-magmatic alteration related to the final stages of the evolution of the A-type granitic magma, indicated by alterations of sodic amphibole and sodic pyroxene, hematitization and partial albitization.  相似文献   

华南是我国重要的战略性矿产资源基地,以花岗岩相关的稀有和稀土金属成矿作用而举世瞩目。其中,铌的成矿作用一般与过铝质高分异花岗岩有关,稀土元素则随岩浆演化程度增强而富集程度降低,而江西铁木里含黑云母碱长花岗岩体同时富集铌和稀土元素,矿化组合极具特色。本文在详细的矿物岩相学研究基础上,利用电子探针、飞秒激光电感耦合等离子质谱对铌和稀土矿物进行了矿物地球化学分析,借此对铁木里碱长花岗岩中铌和稀土元素的富集机制进行探讨。铁木里岩体由肉红色含黑云母碱长花岗岩(r-G)和灰白色含黑云母碱长花岗岩(g-G)组成,发育暗色包体。r-G中的铌矿物主要为岩浆期形成的铌铁金红石,稀土矿物包括岩浆期形成的硅钛铈矿、独居石、磷灰石和热液期形成的独居石和氟碳(钙)铈矿。g-G中的铌矿物包括岩浆期形成的铌铁金红石和热液期形成的铌铁金红石、易解石、铌铁矿,稀土矿物包括岩浆期磷灰石和热液期磷灰石、独居石、氟碳(钙)铈矿。暗色包体为岩浆混合成因,内含磷灰石、独居石和零星的硅钛铈矿、金红石。矿物组合特征显示,铁木里碱长花岗岩中的铌和稀土元素经过了岩浆和热液两个时期的富集。应用金红石、磷灰石、绿泥石等矿物成分特征约束了岩浆-...  相似文献   

富氟花岗岩体系岩浆流体内稀土元素演化规律的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高温高压实验结果表明,随着富氟过铝花岗质岩浆分离结晶作用的进行,在与熔体相共存的流体相中,REE浓度呈有规律地变化:当温度从750℃下降至接近固相线(570℃)时,流体相中REE浓度逐渐降低,这一规律与REE在稀有金属花岗岩体上部岩相带中REE含量贫化的地质事实相一致。在富氟过铝质花岗岩体系中,REE易于分散进入某些造岩矿物(如黑云母等)和副矿物(如萤石和锡石等)中,从而不利于REE形成热液矿床。  相似文献   

中酸性岩浆体系成矿流体及微量元素地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
从流体成矿作用角度出发,与酸性岩浆体系有关的成矿流体可以分为:酸性岩浆硅酸盐熔融体,岩浆一热液过渡阶段硅酸盐熔融体及其分异的流体,酸性岩浆熔体分异形成的热水成矿溶液。酸性岩浆体系主要提供热源和部分矿质,其提供的热源驱动地下水淋滤、萃取围岩中的成矿物质形成地下水热液成矿流体。变质岩混合岩化形成花岗质岩浆过程中所形成的混合岩化成矿流体。在此基础上,讨论了上述不同成矿流体的微量元素地球化学特征及其对成矿的控制作用。  相似文献   

与岩浆作用有关的热液矿床的形成,在一定程度上是岩浆体系内富含挥发分流体的组成、压力及性质演变的结果。长英质岩浆中无水硅酸盐矿物的结晶导致挥发性组分以气泡形式存在。气泡的体积随岩浆演化程度增强而不断增大,由于两不混溶流体之密度差而产生的力的作用使气泡相对硅酸盐熔体(+晶体)超前向上迁移,最终到达岩浆房顶部。长英质岩浆中富含挥发分流体的迁移运动是通过气泡的上浮实现的。气泡能否上浮主要取决于气泡的体积大小和受力的强度。只有体积较大的气泡才可能迅速迁移并到达岩浆房顶部。修正后的Darcy定律对气泡(岩浆体系中的流体)的上述运动特征给予了物理学方法的描述。  相似文献   

The Zhaxikang Pb-Zn-Sb polymetallic deposit is one of the most important deposits in the newly recognized southern Tibet antimony-gold metallogenic belt.Compared to the porphyry deposits in the Gangdese belt,much less researches have addressed these deposits,and the genesis of the Zhaxikang deposit is still controversial.Based on field investigation,petrographic,microthermometric,Laser Raman Microprobe(LRM) and SEM/EDS analyses of fluid,melt-fluid,melt and solid inclusions in quartz and beryl from pegmatite,this paper documents the characteristics and the evolution of primary magmatic fluid which was genetically related to greisenization,pegmatitization,and silification in the area.The results show that the primary magmatic fluids were derived from unmixing between melt and fluid and underwent a phase separation process soon after the exsolution.The primary magmatic fluids are of low salinity,high temperature,and can be approximated by the H2O-NaCl-CO2 system.The presence of Mn-Fe carbonate in melt-fluid inclusions and a Zn-bearing mineral(gahnite) trapped in beryl and in inclusions from pegmatite indicates high Mn,Fe,and Zn concentrations in the parent magma and magmatic fluids,and implies a genetic link between pegmatite and Pb-Zn-Sb mineralization.High B and F concentrations in the parent magma largely lower the solidus of the magma and lead to late fluid exsolution,thus the primary magmatic fluids related to pegmatite have much lower temperature than those in most porphyry systems.Boiling of the primary magmatic fluids leads to high-salinity and high-temperature fluids which have high capacity to transport Pb,Zn and Sb.The decrease in temperature and mixing with fluids from other sources may have caused the precipitation of Pb-Zn-Sn(Au) minerals in the distal fault systems surrounding the causative intrusion.  相似文献   

We remelted and analyzed crystallized silicate melt inclusions in quartz from a porphyritic albite-zinnwaldite microgranite dike to determine the composition of highly evolved, shallowly intruded, Li- and F-rich granitic magma and to investigate the role of crystal fractionation and aqueous fluid exsolution in causing the extreme extent of magma differentiation. This dike is intimately associated with tin- and tungsten-mineralized granites of Zinnwald, Erzgebirge, Germany. Prior research on Zinnwald granite geochemistry was limited by the effects of strong and pervasive greisenization and alkali-feldspar metasomatism of the rocks. These melt inclusions, however, provide important new constraints on magmatic and mineralizing processes in Zinnwald magmas.The mildly peraluminous granitic melt inclusions are strongly depleted in CAFEMIC constituents (e.g., CaO, FeO, MgO, TiO2), highly enriched in lithophile trace elements, and highly but variably enriched in F and Cl. The melt inclusions contain up to several thousand ppm Cl and nearly 3 wt% F, on average; several inclusions contain more than 5 wt% F. The melt inclusions are geochemically similar to the corresponding whole-rock sample, except that the former contain much more F and less CaO, FeO, Zr, Nb, Sr, and Ba. The Sr and Ba abundances are very low implying the melt inclusions represent magma that was more evolved than that represented by the bulk rock. Relationships involving melt constituents reflect increasing lithophile-element and halogen abundances in residual melt with progressive magma differentiation. Modeling demonstrates that differentiation was dominated by crystal fractionation involving quartz and feldspar and significant quantities of topaz and F-rich zinnwaldite. The computed abundances of the latter phases greatly exceed their abundances in the rocks, suggesting that the residual melt was separated physically from phenocrysts during magma movement and evolution.Interactions of aqueous fluids with silicate melt were also critical to magma evolution. To better understand the role of halogen-charged, aqueous fluids in magmatic differentiation and in subsequent mineralization and metasomatism of the Zinnwald granites, Cl-partitioning experiments were conducted with a F-enriched silicate melt and aqueous fluids at 2,000 bar (200 MPa). The results of the experimentally determined partition coefficients for Cl and F, the compositions of fluid inclusions in quartz and other phenocrysts, and associated geochemical modeling point to an important role of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids in influencing magma geochemistry and evolution. The exsolution of halogen-charged fluids from the Li- and F-enriched Zinnwald granitic magma modified the Cl, alkali, and F contents of the residual melt, and may have also sequestered Li, Sn, and W from the melt. Many of these fluids contained strongly elevated F concentrations that were equivalent to or greater than their Cl abundances. The exsolution of F-, Cl-, Li-, ± W- and Sn-bearing hydrothermal fluids from Zinnwald granite magmas was important in effecting the greisenizing and alkali-feldspathizing metasomatism of the granites and the concomitant mineralization.Editorial Handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   

Baerzhe Be–Nb–Zr–REE deposit is hosted in alkaline granite (125 Ma) which intrudes in the late Jurassic Baiyingaolao Formation in the middle of the Great Hinggan Metallogenic Belt in China. The ore‐forming granite consists of three lithological facies: arfvedsonite‐bearing alkaline granite at the bottom, aegirine‐bearing albite aplite in the middle and pegmatite crust on the top. The albite aplite is the main orebody. We recognized three magmatic‐hydrothermal stages: orthomagmatic stage, late‐magmatic stage and hydrothermal stage, with the late‐magmatic stage being divided into two substages, the pegmatite substage and the aplite substage. Petrographic study on the granite, the microthermometric study on fluid inclusions and in situ laser‐ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis for quartz‐hosted melt inclusions reveal the process of magmatic‐hydrothermal evolution. The finding indicates that primary magma evolved to more peralkaline by fractional crystallization, with synchronously increasing high field strength elements. An extremely high content of Zr and Nb are in the melt inclusions from last stage albite aplite (Zr, min 52 548 ppm, and Nb, min 4104 ppm). This implies that the residual magma directly formed the orebody of rare metal elements. Meanwhile, volatility was increasing during the magma evolution process and F‐bearing aqueous fluid was oversaturated at temperatures higher than 800°C. The separation of fluid from magma caused Li‐REE enrichment in F‐bearing fluid and depletion in residual melt, and led to the difference of the Y/Ho ratio between whole rock compositions and melt inclusion data. Fluid separated into a high‐salinity liquid and a low density vapor phase above 697°C, and enriched REE in the high‐salinity liquid. The oxygen isotope data shows mixing between primary magmatic‐hydrothermal fluid and meteoric water. The ubiquitous pseudo‐secondary fluid inclusions have a wide range of salinity below 462°C, which is similar to the melting temperatures of REE‐bearing daughter minerals. A model involving the mixing by meteoric water could be a mechanism for precipitation of REE minerals.  相似文献   

REE Characteristics of the Kalatongke Cu-Ni Deposit, Xinjiang, China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
On the basis of the study on the REE geochemistry of the ore minerals and host rocks of the Kalatongke Cu-Ni deposit, Xinjiang, it is indicated that the major ore minerals, sulfides, were sourced from the host mafic-ultramafic magma. Characterized by low REE content of sulfide, such a Cu-Ni sulfide deposit occurring in the orogen is obviously different from that on the margin of the craton. Because the mafic-ultramafic rocks from the Cu-Ni sulfide deposit occurring in the orogen is water-rich and the REEs of some sulfides show a particular "multiple-bending" pattern, which suggests coexistence of multiple liquid phases (fluid and melt), the sulfide melt possibly contains a great deal of hydrothermal fluids and increasingly developed gases and liquid-rich ore-forming fluids after the main metallogenic epoch (magmatic segregation stage).  相似文献   

锡在地质过程中表现出亲氧、亲硫和亲铁三重特性。在地幔岩浆过程中,锡是一种中等不相容的金属元素。锡成矿主要与酸性岩浆活动有关,其地球化学性质决定了其成矿主要受源区性质、氧逸度以及挥发分含量、岩浆结晶分异等因素控制。高度结晶分异可使锡在岩浆中进一步富集,是锡成矿相关花岗岩的普遍特征;锡为变价元素,岩浆体系氧逸度影响源区中锡的迁移能力和分离结晶过程中锡的元素行为,还原性岩浆体系有利于锡富集成矿。富含F、Cl和B等挥发组分对锡元素的迁移和富集起积极的作用。全球锡矿床分布与俯冲带关系密切,特提斯和环太平洋构造域是主要蕴藏区。重要的锡成矿事件表现出区域性和阶段性的特征。结合锡的地球化学特性以及锡矿分布特征,我们认为最有利锡成矿的动力学机制是俯冲板片后撤机制。俯冲板片后撤引发深部软流圈地幔上涌,导致强烈的壳幔相互作用,形成低氧逸度、富F、Cl和B等花岗岩,有利于锡成矿。对于华南晚白垩世锡成矿事件,新特提斯洋俯冲板片发生后撤是其成矿地球动力学背景。  相似文献   

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