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本文描述了产自中国辽宁省北票市早白垩世义县组一新的伤齿龙类化石——柯氏辽宁猎龙(Liaoningvenator curriei gen.et sp.nov.)。它具有伤齿龙类以下特征:数量众多且密集的上颌齿与下颌齿;牙齿的齿冠与齿根之间显著收缩;齿骨侧表面具有一沟,营养孔位于该沟内;远端尾椎背部的神经棘减弱为一个沟。它不同于其它伤齿龙类的特征主要为坐骨靴大,侧面观近乎三角形,坐骨闭孔突细长;尾椎形态转变点位于第7尾椎。系统发育分析表明柯氏辽宁猎龙与短羽始中国羽龙(Eosinopteryx brevipenna)构成姊妹群,位于同一分支内。它们具有如下共同特征:(1)上颌骨和下颌骨前面部分的牙齿前隆无锯齿;(2)颈肋较其相关节的椎体长;(3)肠骨前缘直。辽宁猎龙代表了辽西同等层位发现的第5个伤齿龙类。骨组织研究显示辽宁猎龙的骨骼已接近成熟,死亡时至少4岁。它为该地区的基干伤齿龙类恐龙提供了新的解剖学信息,并丰富了目前中国已知早白垩世伤齿龙类的多样性。  相似文献   

记述了产自河南汝阳盆地早白垩世晚期相互关联的禽龙类9个中前部尾椎椎体化石。由于化石只保存不完整的尾椎部分,其属种难以断定。但它的发现说明,汝阳巨型蜥脚类恐龙动物群中,除了植食性的大型蜥脚类恐龙外,也存在大型鸟脚类恐龙——禽龙类。保存的尾椎椎体系列与发现于比利时的早白垩世贝尼萨尔禽龙相比,不论是大小还是形态构造上均极为相似,从而判断这9个连续的尾椎体分别为第7到第15尾椎。进而推断,河南汝阳盆地产出巨型蜥脚类恐龙动物群化石的沉积地层形成于早白垩世晚期。  相似文献   

伤齿龙类是手盗龙类中较为独特的一支, 时代从中侏罗世到晚白垩世, 主要分布于亚洲(东部和中部)以及北美地区。本文基于前人的研究成果, 结合新标本, 对中国伤齿龙类的系统分类、骨骼形态、骨组织、系统发育关系和古生物地理等方面进行了全面深入的评估与探讨。  相似文献   

根据发现于辽宁省西部下白垩统义县组的一近乎完整翼龙骨架 ,确立了鸟掌龙类一新属新种 :崔氏北方翼龙Boreopterus cuiae gen. et sp. nov.。崔氏北方翼龙以其数量多的牙齿 ,且前部的九对牙齿大于后部的牙齿 ,上下颌的第四对牙齿稍微大于第三对等特征不同于辽西及其周边地区所发现的任何具有头骨保存的翼龙类。总的来说 ,它的牙齿大小和形状的变化不及变化很大的其他鸟掌龙类如Anhanguera piscator和 Coloborhynchusrobustus。这一新分类单元与其它的鸟掌龙类共有相对大的第三和第四对牙齿。辽西早白垩世一新的鸟掌龙类化石@吕君昌$中国地…  相似文献   

在辽西义县组新发现了一具近完整的禽龙类化石骨架.据头骨和牙齿特征建立了一新属、新种--义县薄氏龙(Bolong yixianensis gen.et sp.nov.).它的自近裔性状包括:上颌骨与泪骨之间有一凹坑;在眼眶之上,前额骨后部发育有一前后延长的凹陷;前额骨后侧边缘发育一厚嵴,在厚嵴之上有一前后延长的凹陷;前齿骨腹突向后延伸并与前齿骨腹缘平行;齿骨背侧的前齿骨关节面高度不足齿骨高度的2/3,齿骨前尖位于齿骨自下向上1/3高处;上颌骨牙齿主脊位于牙齿颊面后1/3处,并向后弯曲.与同样在辽西义县组发现的锦州龙Jinzhousaurus的头骨和牙齿相比较,薄氏龙至少有14处不同.包括上颌骨前端不下弯、前齿骨腹突分叉和上颌骨齿齿冠有多条副脊等.它也是迄今在亚洲发现的几种最原始的禽龙类之一.  相似文献   

河南汝阳白垩纪一新的结节龙类恐龙化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据一新材料,命名了一新的结节龙类甲龙——洛阳中原龙(新属新种),Zhongyuansaurus luoyangensis gen et sp. nov.。其头骨的形态和尾椎的特征显示该标本属于结节龙类甲龙。它以头骨长宽比约为1.4∶1、头骨顶骨区平坦,顶视,头骨的后边缘及眼眶之后的侧边缘平直;肱骨远端与近端的宽度几乎相等,肱骨近端后表面的M.latissimus dorsi和M.teres major附着处为凹陷面而不是疤结,以及坐骨主干较平直等特征区别于其它的结节龙类甲龙。  相似文献   

豫西崤山北部出露一系列中酸性小岩体,为探讨其成因、深部动力学背景及成矿潜力,对其中之一的龙卧沟岩体进行了锆石定年和地球化学成分分析研究。龙卧沟岩体的岩性为斑状黑云母二长花岗岩,发育钾长石巨斑晶。LA—ICP—MS锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄为(128±1)Ma,岩体形成时代为早白垩世。龙卧沟岩体具有高硅、富碱高钾、贫镁低钙的特征,属于高钾钙碱性系列,A/CNK值介于1.00~1.11,岩石学和地球化学特征表明其属于富钾钙碱性花岗岩类(KCG)。龙卧沟岩体的稀土配分模式具有轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损的特征,(La/Yb)_N范围为18.55~26.92,无明显Eu异常,微量元素蛛网图中Rb和了h富集,具有明显的Nb-Ta负异常。龙卧沟岩体高Sr、低Y,具有埃达克岩属性,它是加厚大陆下地壳的部分熔融形成的,部分熔融源区残余相矿物包括石榴石、金红石和角闪石。崤山北部地区在早白垩世经历了岩石圈拆沉作用,是对中国东部中生代岩石圈巨大减薄的地质响应之一。龙卧沟岩体形成时代位于东秦岭地区广泛而强烈的成岩成矿作用时限内,且其显示了Au、Ag、Mo和W明显异常,表明龙卧沟岩体(含隐伏部分)具有较大的成矿潜力。  相似文献   

巨齿兰州龙(新属、新种)是发现于中国甘肃省兰州盆地早白垩世地层中的一新鸟脚类恐龙,其牙齿是世界上已知植食性恐龙中最大的。兰州龙下颌长1m,每侧有14个齿槽,而单个牙齿宽约4cm,这是已知恐龙中的首次报道。分支系统学分析发现巨齿兰州龙与非洲早白垩世Lurdusaurus arenatus关系密切。它们代表了鸟脚类恐龙进化中四足行走的笨重的一新支。兰州龙的发现也表明欧亚大陆与非洲在早白垩世具有较密切的联系。  相似文献   

胡晋元  姜涛  李志广 《江苏地质》2019,43(4):595-598
中国已知的豆齿龙类化石有贵州关岭晚三叠世新铺中国豆齿龙、多板砾甲龟龙及云南富源中三叠世康氏雕甲龟龙。记述了一件楯齿龙目豆齿龙亚目的新材料,产自云南富源法郎组竹杆坡段,时代为中三叠世拉丁期,标本(编号C.1924)现收藏于重庆自然博物馆,该标本保存有完整的背甲、尾椎和四肢的部分骨骼,背甲由500多枚小骨板组成,背甲整体结构与康氏雕甲龟龙相似,但背甲中部无沟和脊,背甲骨板表面无放射沟和嵴,排列更加致密,侧壁相对更为发达,由连接紧密的3~4排骨板组成,四肢骨相对于康氏雕甲龟龙来说更为粗壮。根据上述特征,认为是雕甲龟龙属的一个新种——粗壮雕甲龟龙(Glyphoderma robusta sp. nov.),这是继康氏雕甲龟龙之后在云南富源发现的第二个豆齿龙类物种。  相似文献   

姬书安  张培 《地球学报》2022,43(1):1-10
广西壮族自治区扶绥县那派盆地早白垩世新隆组中产有包含蜥脚类、兽脚类、鸟脚类、疑似鹦鹉嘴龙类的恐龙动物群,但鸟脚类的属种鉴定尚不能进一步确认.最近发现于那派盆地新的鸟脚类肠骨、坐骨化石材料,显示出基干禽龙类的典型形态,其特征又不同于该类群其他已知属种,应代表禽龙类一新属新种,被命名为广西那派龙Napaisaurus gu...  相似文献   

To date three taxa of troodontid theropod dinosaurs have been recognized from Upper Cretaceous strata in two regions of the Kyzylkum Desert in Uzbekistan. The Cenomanian Khodzhakul Formation in the southwestern Kyzylkum Desert has yielded isolated serrated teeth and some postcranial bones of an indeterminate troodontid. In the central Kyzylkum Desert troodontids are known from the Cenomanian Dzharakuduk Formation (Urbacodon itemirensis) and the Turonian Bissekty Formation (Urbacodon sp.). Urbacodon itemirensis is known from a single dentary whereas Urbacodon sp. is represented by isolated teeth, maxilla and dentary fragments, a partial braincase, and some postcranial bones. The troodontid affinities of Urbacodon are supported by several synapomorphies: presence of a subotic recess; reduced basal tubera placed directly under the occipital condyle; maxilla participating in the margin of the external naris; nutrient foramina on dentary situated within a deep lateral groove; dentary without distinct interdental plates; large number of small dentary and maxillary teeth; teeth constricted between root and crown; anterior dentary teeth smaller, more numerous, more closely spaced than those in the middle of the tooth row, and implanted in a groove; posterior dorsal vertebrae with tall and posterodorsally tapering neural spines; and presence of a midline sulcus on the neural arches of distal caudals. Among Troodontidae, Urbacodon resembles Byronosaurus, Gobivenator, and Xixiasaurus in the absence of serrations on the tooth crowns and having premaxillary teeth that are D-shaped in cross-section. However, phylogenetic analysis did not recover a clade of Asiatic troodontids with unserrated teeth.  相似文献   

A new troodontid dinosaur,Daliansaurus liaoningensis gen.et sp.nov.,is erected based on a nearly complete specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Beipiao City,Liaoning Province,China.This well preserved skeleton provides important new details of the anatomy for Liaoning troodontids,and gives new insight into their phylogenetic relationships and evolution.Daliansaurus is distinguished from other troodontids by an enlarged ungual on pedal digit IV,which is approximately the same size as the sickle-shaped second ungual,and is differentiated from other Liaoning troodontids by a number of characters of the skull,manus,pelvis,and hindlimb.A phylogenetic analysis recovers Daliansaurus within a subclade of Liaoning troodontids that also includes Sinovenator,Sinusonasus,and Mei.We erect a name for this group—Sinovenatorinae—and argue that it reflects a localized radiation of small-bodied troodontids in the Early Cretaceous of eastern Asia,similar to previously recognized radiations of Liaoning dromaeosaurids and avialans.As more Liaoning theropods are discovered,it is becoming apparent that small,feathered paravians were particularly diverse during the Early Cretaceous,and future work is needed to clarify how this diversity arose,which species coexisted,and how these numerous species partitioned niches.  相似文献   

记述了辽宁义县早白垩世九佛堂组的一件初鸟类(Avialae)化石,其嘴里无牙,前肢明显长于后肢,尾巴由20多节尾椎组成,叉骨呈U字形,飞行羽毛超过了身体的长度。各种特征表明,新发现的初鸟类真正具有了飞行能力,代表了恐龙向鸟类演化过程中的又一中间环节。正式将其命名为中华神州鸟(Shenzhouraptorsinensisgen.etsp.nov.)。  相似文献   

A specimen collected from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China, represents a new genus and species of troodontid theropod. The new taxon is named and described on the basis of the holotype and the only known specimen, which comprises an articulated skeleton with the presacral vertebral, shoulder girdle and forelimbs missing as preserved. Diagnostic features of the new species include nasals that are sinusoid in lateral view, absence of a passage connecting the antorbital and maxillary fenestrae, relatively large teeth, plate-like chevrons forming a band along most of the length of the tail, and a long neck between the femoral head and shaft. The temporal constraints of the three paravian groups (Troodontidae, Dromaeosauridae and Aves) combined with the character distributions among the earliest known troodontids indicate a rapid evolution at the base of the Troodontidae.  相似文献   

This paper describes an avialian bird from the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation in Yixian county, western Liaoning, China, which is named as Shenzhouraptor sinensis by Ji et al. on July 15, 2002. Shenzhouraptor sinensis is characterized by no teeth in its mouth, the forelimbs longer than the hindlimbs, a long tail with more than 23 caudal vertebrae, U-shaped wishbone, and remiges longer than the total length of ulna and manus. It is certain that the new avialian bird is really capable of powerful flight, representing a missing link between theropod dinosaurs and birds.  相似文献   

Based on a new nearly naturally preserved skull and four cervical vertebrae of the pterosaur Feilongus sp. from the lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Beipiao, western Liaoning province, northeastern China, the diagnosis of Feilongus is amended. The revised diagnosis notes long, curved, needle-shaped teeth that are confined to the jaw far anterior to the nasoantorbital fenestra; posterior teeth that are slightly smaller than the anterior teeth; cervical vertebrae elongated with a ratio of length to width greater than 5; tooth number of about 78; and two cranial sagittal crests.  相似文献   

Based on a nearly complete lower jaw from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning Province, a new ctenochasmatid pterosaur: Liaoxipterus brachyognathus gen, et sp. nov. is erected. Liaoxipterus brachyognathus is different from any known pterosaurs with skulls preserved from western Liaoning Province and its peripheral areas in that the anterior part of the mandibular symphysis is expanded, being widest between the fourth alveolus of each side. Liaoxipterus brachyognathus is assigned to Ctenochasmatidae based on the following characters: the rounded anterior end of the lower jaw is spatulated and dorsoventrally flattened and marked heterodonty in the dentition is absent. It differs from other ctenochasmatid pterosaurs in having relatively small number of teeth. Liaoxipterus is distinguished from some ornithocheirids, which have expanded anterior parts of the mandibular symphyses, such as Anhanguera piscator,Coloborhynchus robustus in which the teeth of the new pterosaur are not as variable.  相似文献   

New hadrosaurid material is recorded from Fontllonga (Ager syncline, province of Lleida), in the Catalonian Pyrenees, comprising a dentary with part of the dental battery, recovered from Late Maastrichtian strata (Tremp Formation), close to the presumed Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. This hadrosaurid is more derived than is Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus from the Haeg Basin (Romania), but lacks a number of features that diagnose the clade Hadrosaurinae plus Lambeosaurinae. It is attributed to the Euhadrosauria on the basis of the following synapomorphies: dentary teeth not recurved distally, narrow dentary crowns, and denticles not supported by subsidiary ridges. The phylogenetic relationships of the best-known iguanodontids and hadrosauroids are evaluated using mandibular and dentary tooth characters. On the basis of a cladistic analysis, the family of Hadrosauridae is diagnosed by more than 29 dentary tooth positions, parallel-sided vertical furrows formed by dentary alveoli, and absence of caudal secondary ridges. Within Hadrosauridae, successive sister-groups of Hadrosaurinae plus Lambeosaurinae are the Fontllonga taxon and Telmatosaurus. The clade Hadrosaurinae plus Lambeosaurinae is characterised mainly by a coronoid process inclined rostrally and by the absence of secondary ridges on dentary crowns. The Fontllonga find suggests the diversity of European hadrosaurids at the end of the Cretaceous to have been greater than previously thought. Moreover, the primitive character of European hadrosaurids as compared to western North American and Asian relatives may be explained in terms of geographical isolation during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A nearly complete right maxillary or left dentary tooth(NHMG 10858) from the Lower Cretaceous Xinlong Formation of the Napai Basin, Fusui County, Guangxi, southern China, is described. The tooth is large in size, with a CBL of 37 mm. Given the geological age and its crown morphology, including the size, it is most likely that the tooth belongs to a carcharodontosaurid. The recovered specimen represents one of the largest theropod teeth hitherto reported from the Early Cretaceous of Asia.  相似文献   

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