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笔者从汶川大地震的成因出发,根据地震序列的类型、发生大地震的时间尺度和都江堰-江油断裂带对地震波的消减,以及成都平原特殊的地壳结构,认为发生大地震或大余震对成都平原的影响有限。在大地震后,随着地壳应力场的改变,可能在成都平原引发小地震,应加强对熊坡活动断裂等的监测,以及附近房地产等工程建设的管理,提高民众的防震意识。地震宏观前兆异常并不是都很明显。单一动物的异常行为,如蟾蜍或青蛙迁徙,不能构成预测地震的依据。大地震诱因是很复杂的,现阶段的科学技术还不能准确预测地震。  相似文献   

地面塌陷的模式及特殊危害   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地面塌陷有三种模式,即冒落式地面塌陷、沉陷式地面塌陷和地堑式地面塌陷。它们造成的特殊危害分别有塌陷地震、形成槽形移动盆地和产生崩塌、滑坡。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程不断加快,城市地下空间安全问题引起广泛关注。本文以影响地下空间安全的典型灾害-地面塌陷为例,开展可能性风险评估研究,为降低地面塌陷灾害损失提供理论支撑。城市地面塌陷成因复杂,为了保证评价过程和结果的客观全面,通过调研对塌陷引发因素进行了总结,从管道因素、病害体因素、环境因素三个方面建立风险发生可能性评价指标体系,并使用AHP-熵权法-灰色关联法组合评价,建立地面塌陷风险评价模型。将该模型应用于郑州市典型地下空洞工程案例进行评估分析,结果表明:地面塌陷风险评价结果与实测结果相符,证明了评估模型的科学性,同时为城市地面塌陷预防提供了决策参考。  相似文献   

地震是地壳运动的表现。它的起因是当地壳中的岩层受到一定力量的作用时,作用力的强度超过岩石强度,岩石则发生破裂,引起地壳运动,这就是地震。地震按其引发的主要原因可分为由地面塌陷和山崩引起的陷落地震、由火山喷发引起的火山地震和由地壳运动引起的构造地震。其中以构造地震最主要,发生次数最多,规模最大,破坏性也最强。许多造成强烈破坏和人损伤亡,1976年的唐山大地震和5·12汶川大地震,都属于构造地震。  相似文献   

福建顺昌地震塌陷的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福建顺昌2007年3月13日发生ML4.9级地震,数日后,震区元坑镇福峰村出现地面塌陷。通过现场勘察和访问,查明了震后地面塌陷形态特征和规模,了解到其附近曾发生过多起地面塌陷现象。在分析地面塌陷的分布特征和地貌地质条件基础上,研究震后地面塌陷的成因机制,认为震后地面塌陷是地震诱发岩溶塌陷引起的,数十年来出现的地面塌陷均属岩溶塌陷,岩溶塌陷受北东向断裂构造控制,呈北东向带状分布在盆地内或低洼缓坡地带,上覆较厚的第四纪覆盖层。  相似文献   

北京市海淀区四季青镇香山村普安店在近几年中发生了多起地面塌陷灾害,给当地村民的生命和财产安全造成严重威胁。要查明地面塌陷灾害的成因,必须先要寻找地下隐伏的空洞。在勘查工作区内,采用高密度电阻率法、孔间电磁波CT法相结合的综合物探手段,成功探测出两处地下空洞,经钻探验证为岩溶发育所致。综合研究分析认为:工作区内下伏基岩为灰岩,属于可溶性碳酸盐类岩石;地下水在基岩面附近,且基岩面的高低变化大,在漫长的潜蚀过程中将土中物质带入溶洞中,在上覆粘性土层中形成"土洞",一旦塌陷至地表,就有可能成为灾害。  相似文献   

上海市城市道路发生的地面塌陷主要原因为浅部砂层分布区域地下排水管线渗漏引发流砂,导致地下土体流失,地表硬壳层承载力下降。将有限元和离散元二者进行耦合,从管线渗漏位置和对邻近管线影响两个方面诱发地下空洞机理进行数值模拟研究。研究结果表明,管道表面顶部局部渗漏引起地表以下土体流失量最大,底部渗漏造成的影响范围较小;管道断裂渗漏引起的地面塌陷范围比管道局部渗漏大得多,但深度较管道顶部局部渗漏引起的塌陷深度小;邻近管道埋深越大,地表以下土体流失量越大,引起塌陷影响区域范围越大,而埋深较浅时,其所受邻近渗漏管道的影响较大;在对地面塌陷进行监测与预防时,不应仅关注地表沉降变形,关注管道周边的土体变形是一种更加及时有效的方法。  相似文献   

上海市城市道路发生的地面塌陷主要原因为浅部砂层分布区域地下排水管线渗漏引发流砂,导致地下土体流失,地表硬壳层承载力下降。将有限元和离散元二者进行耦合,从管线渗漏位置和对邻近管线影响两个方面诱发地下空洞机理进行数值模拟研究。研究结果表明,管道表面顶部局部渗漏引起地表以下土体流失量最大,底部渗漏造成的影响范围较小;管道断裂渗漏引起的地面塌陷范围比管道局部渗漏大得多,但深度较管道顶部局部渗漏引起的塌陷深度小;邻近管道埋深越大,地表以下土体流失量越大,引起塌陷影响区域范围越大,而埋深较浅时,其所受邻近渗漏管道的影响较大;在对地面塌陷进行监测与预防时,不应仅关注地表沉降变形,关注管道周边的土体变形是一种更加及时有效的方法。  相似文献   

地下矿产资源的开采会引发地面塌陷,这已成为严重制约矿区可持续发展的重要因素。其主要表现形式有:塌陷盆地、塌陷坑、地裂缝、滑坡崩塌等,并引发道路污染和道路改线及居民地和水系的变化。在矿山开发多目标遥感调查与监测过程中,这种地质灾害现象较为突出。本文在总结了地面塌陷的主要类型及其特征的基础上,对塌陷地的遥感识别方法进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

地震作用在地震灾区对地质灾害的发育起到了引发、促进作用,其引发的地灾类型主要有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、潜在不稳定斜坡、地面塌陷、地裂缝等,尤以崩塌、潜在不稳定斜坡、地裂缝等增加比例较大。地震引发的地质灾害具有数量多,规模大、危害大的特点,并主要沿主中央断裂带分布。地震导致斜坡的稳定性降低,产生大量松散物质,为新地质灾害的发生起到促进作用,使地震灾区较长时间内处于地质灾害高发期,产生较大危害。因此,在地震灾区选择安置建房场址时要认真考虑地震后可能新发生的地质灾害的影响,尽量避开潜在危险地带。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an investigation of the possible causes for the collapse of limestone caves in Gaziantep, Turkey. The city contains a lot of man-made caves, at a shallow depth, of various width and length. These caves were mainly excavated to provide work or storage space. As the city has been growing fast with increased population, many structures were constructed over these caves. Recently, two caves collapsed and five houses were damaged. These caves are all made of limestone and it was observed after the collapse that the limestone was saturated with water due to sewer pipe leakage and surface water. Tests were carried out on the limestone and it was determined that the compressive strength of limestone decreases by about 50% and the tensile strength decreased by about 80% when saturated with water. It was concluded that the reduced strength of the limestone combined with additional loads due to the factors mentioned above seem to be the main reason for these collapses.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1999,12(3-4):143-158
Eight caves have been investigated near Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet after the earthquake of 5.2 magnitude of February 1996 which occurred in the eastern Pyrenees (France) and caused moderate damage at the ground surface. The earthquake has been associated with the movement of an E-W fault. The caves had not been visited since the earthquake. Some damage, mainly collapses of soda straws and small rocks, could be attributed to this earthquake. The most interesting cave in the epicentral area is the Paradet cave which is situated on a recently activated fault plane. In this cave, soda straw falls could be attributed to the earthquake, but other more ancient damage was also observed. Analysis of the azimuth of fallen speleothems, which are natural pendulums, may indicate the directions, and an estimation of their mechanical properties gives the threshold of the seismic ground motion amplitude responsible for their collapse, thus supplying information to calibrate damage due to past earthquakes. A statistical study indicates that the main direction of the collapsed soda straws is E-W. Numerical simulations confirm that soda straws are relatively strong objects that may break under certain conditions during earthquakes.  相似文献   


Eight caves have been investigated near Saint-Paul- de-Fenouillet after the earthquake of 5.2 magnitude of February 1996 which occurred in the eastern Pyrenees (France) and caused moderate damage at the ground surface. The earthquake has been associated with the movement of an E-W fault. The caves had not been visited since the earthquake. Some damage, mainly collapses of soda straws and small rocks, could be attributed to this earthquake. The most interesting cave in the epicentral area is the Paradet cave which is situated on a recently activated fault plane. In this cave, soda straw falls could be attributed to the earthquake, but other more ancient damage was also observed. Analysis of the azimuth of fallen speleothems, which are natural pendulums, may indicate the directions, and an estimation of their mechanical properties gives the threshold of the seismic ground motion amplitude responsible for their collapse, thus supplying information to calibrate damage due to past earthquakes. A statistical study indicates that the main direction of the collapsed soda straws is E–W. Numerical simulations confirm that soda straws are relatively strong objects that may break under certain conditions during earthquakes. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   


Anthropogenic sinkholes are generally due to the collapse of man-made underground caves and represent a major threat, especially in urban contexts, where they could cause damage to people, buildings and lifelines. The hinterland of Naples (Campania, Southern Italy) is one of the most urbanized areas of Italy and is historically affected by frequent sinkhole phenomena. This study analyzes a database of both man-made caves and sinkholes collected by the authors over several years. The aim is to comprehend the predisposing and triggering factors of sinkholes in order to attempt a zonation of occurrence. The predisposing factor resulted to be the presence of a preexisting network of caves within the Campanian Ignimbrite tuff and their geometric features. Generally, the shallower the depth of the chamber roof and the lower the thickness of the vault, the higher is the frequency of sinkholes. Furthermore, an intrinsic fragility is represented by the access shafts of vertical wells, usually filled in and abandoned. Meanwhile, the main triggering mechanism identified consists in saturation of the subsoil, due to water leaks coming from buried sewage and water pipelines. The macrozonation of sinkhole occurrence shows that the highest class is achieved where the tuff is shallow and both man-made caves and historical sinkholes are present.


恩口煤矿已关停20年,地下水位已恢复,但地面塌陷灾害时有发生,为了探讨恩口煤矿闭坑后的岩溶塌陷成因机理,总结水位恢复中与恢复后的致塌模型,文章梳理了恩口煤矿区岩溶塌陷的时空分布、土体结构等基本特征,着重于分析煤矿闭矿后岩溶塌陷的发生与地下水位恢复过程的相关性,提出水位恢复中与恢复后2个阶段发生岩溶塌陷的成因机理与致塌模式。第1阶段,主要致塌模式为浮托—软化型,理论模型来源于基坑突涌的产生条件公式,发育地段主要集中在以往塌陷密集分布区,与采矿降水过程中加速土洞的形成相关,塌陷发生的数量明显低于疏干排水过程;第2阶段,致塌模式为潜蚀—失稳型,是指由地下水位在岩土界面自然波动引发的岩溶塌陷,仅零星发生。文章为娄底市进行地质灾害易发性、危险性评价与防治规划,提出科学、经济、可行的防治措施与建议,同时,为湘中类似地区的岩溶塌陷预测与防治区划提供参考。   相似文献   

通过对岩溶洞穴垮塌的岩石力学原理及塔里木盆地奥陶系实钻资料的分析,基本明确了洞穴埋藏垮塌的控制因素是岩石抗弯强度、洞穴尺度、洞穴距风化暴露面的距离等,并得到了洞穴垮塌深度的定量图版。该图版对于钻前预测现今埋藏于地下的碳酸盐岩洞穴是否已经垮塌、洞穴埋藏演化史精确恢复以及对裂缝—洞穴型储层的评价预测具有较强的实践意义。  相似文献   

汶川地震触发崩塌滑坡数量及其密度特征分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
“5·12”汶川地震由于震级高、持续时间长、震区地质环境复杂,因而触发了大量的崩塌、滑坡。地震一年来,作者根据灾后对崩滑地质灾害的应急排查,并结合震后有限的ALOS、ASTER以及航空摄影等多源数据对地震重灾区的崩滑体数量进行了统计分析,获得确定性的崩滑灾害点有16704处,但是,由于排查范围及遥感数据的局限性,上述数据并不能代表这次地震触发崩塌滑坡总的数量。为了查明这个问题,本文在上述资料的基础上,采用不同烈度地区典型抽取样本统计的方法,获得了不同烈度区崩塌滑坡的发育密度,进而根据不同烈度区面积统计得出了本次地震触发崩塌滑坡数量的估计值,并与国际上若干大地震触发崩塌滑坡数量及分布面积进行了对比分析。最后,作者给出了灾区地震触发崩塌滑坡的密度分布图,并讨论了其分布特征。本文的研究结果表明:汶川地震触发的崩塌滑坡数量约为3.5万处,分布面积约为10×10^4km^2,发育密度最高在映秀一北川断裂上盘都江堰和彭州段以及沿岷江河谷的映秀一草坡段,约为5~6处/km^2。  相似文献   

自三峡水库蓄水以来,三峡库区巴东县库岸段发生上万次与水库蓄水相关的水库地震,最大震级5.1级。近几年发表相关论文50篇左右,侧重于水库地震的震源机制解、水库地震与坝前水位的关系、单个较大型水库地震以及微地震群的成因机理问题,对水库地震时间上的周期性以及空间上扩展规律研究尚少。本论文在野外地质调查(包括泉水流量的调查)基础上,结合近几年发表的文献资料,对巴东县库岸段水库地震变迁过程进行了深入的研究,得出了以下3点结论:(1)从时间上看,巴东水库地震的爆发具有周期性,表现为长周期和短周期。(2)溶洞坍塌型水库地震的分布呈线状,其形成机理与高孔隙水压以及动水圧过程密切相关。(3)同时野外泉水调查研究也表明三峡库区巴东段水库地震与溶洞坍塌具有密切关系,并且从机理上说明了水库地震空间扩展机制。  相似文献   

Tian  Shujun  Zhang  Jing  Shi  Benben  Zhang  Shanshan 《Landslides》2022,19(1):85-97
Landslides - Numerous collapses and landslides caused by the Wenchuan earthquake provide abundant loose materials for a large number of debris flows that occurred after the earthquake. Most of the...  相似文献   

5.12汶川大地震诱发大型崩滑灾害动力特征初探   总被引:50,自引:8,他引:42  
5.12汶川大地震发生于地质环境条件异常脆弱的龙门山地区,加上地震震级高、释放能量大,持续时间长等特点,汶川地震不仅直接诱发了数以万计的崩滑地质灾害,且表现出非常独特的动力学特征。在对汶川地震灾区崩滑灾害进行大量调查的基础上,结合建构筑物和斜坡岩体在地震过程中的变形破坏特点,本文从地震动力学和斜坡变形破坏成因机理的角度,揭示了汶川地震诱发的大型崩滑灾害具有震裂溃屈、临空抛射和碎屑流化等独特的动力学特征,为强震诱发地质灾害成因机理研究提供了新的认识。  相似文献   

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