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Zhou  Shu  Ouyang  Chaojun  Huang  Yu 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(8):3613-3632

Assessing the hazard of potential landslides is crucial for developing mitigation strategies for landslide disasters. However, accurate assessment of landslide hazard is limited by the lack of landslide inventory maps and difficulty in determining landslide run-out distance. To address these issues, this study developed a novel method combining the InSAR technique with a depth-integrated model. Within this new framework, potential landslides are identified through InSAR and their potential impact areas are subsequently estimated using the depth-integrated model. To evaluate its capability, the proposed method was applied to a landslide event that occurred on November 3, 2018 in Baige village, Tibet, China. The simulated results show that the area with a probability of more than 50% to be affected by landslides matched the real trimlines of the landslide and that the accuracy of the proposed method reached 85.65%. Furthermore, the main deposit characteristics, such as the location of maximum deposit thickness and the main deposit area, could be captured by the proposed method. Potential landslides in the Baige region were also identified and evaluated. The results indicate that in the event of landslides, the collapsed mass has a high probability to block the Jinsha River. It is therefore necessary to implement field monitoring and prepare hazard mitigation strategies in advance. This study provides new insights for regional-scale landslide hazard management and further contributes to the implementation of landslide risk assessment and reduction activities.


基于无人机的滑坡地形快速重建与稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对滑坡进行快速准确的定量化调查评价可以为滑坡应急处置提供科学依据。无人机航摄系统以其机动灵活、响应迅速等特点,日益成为地质灾害调查的可靠手段。以册亨平庆组滑坡为例,将无人机摄影测量技术应用于滑坡的调查中,总结出一套基于轻型无人机航摄技术的边坡快速调查与定量评价方法:首先通过多种软件建立高精度三维地质模型,使用有限差分软件进行数值模拟;然后对滑坡变形机制进行分析,并对滑坡稳定性进行评价。研究结果表明:(1)通过Global mapper、Pix4Dmapper、Rhinoceros等软件对无人机采集数据进行处理并建立三维计算模型,具有简便、快捷、可靠的特点;(2)以无人机航摄为核心的滑坡调查评价,能将传统地质的定性分析和数值模拟的定量分析有效结合,为后续应急处置提供有力的依据及数据支撑;(3)册亨平庆组滑坡是在降雨条件下由坡体自重应力作用引发的蠕滑-拉裂式滑坡,调查时滑坡已启动,地面裂缝有加速扩展的趋势。  相似文献   

王琨  肖克炎  李胜苗  甘曦 《地质通报》2015,34(7):1375-1385
在全面收集地质资料的基础上,利用探矿者软件建立了湘西北李梅铅锌矿区的综合地质数据库,利用三维钻孔数据建立了研究区的三维矿床模型,并以矿体模型和地层模型为例,介绍了矿区三维地质建模的一般流程。在矿体模型的基础上,利用地质块段法、地质截面法、地质统计学方法进行了储量估算,并与矿山勘探报告中的储量估算结果进行了对比。研究结果表明,利用探矿者软件进行三维建模和储量估算,操作简便、可视化效果好,不同方法进行储量估算的结果互相印证,真实可靠。  相似文献   

FLAC3D作为ITASCA公司开发的经典岩土数值分析软件,对于复杂三维地质体模型的建立较为困难。本文以甘肃省某滑坡为例,提出以无人机航测影像为基础,采用DJI Terra或者ContextCapture制作可视化三维模型,通过EPS软件提取的等高线在Rhino-griddle平台进行地质体建模,最后将所建模型导入FLAC3D进行稳定性计算,结果表明:基于无人机影像获取的滑坡地形建模与实际地形、地质结构等吻合度极高,能够很好的解决FLAC3D前期建模困难的问题,基于FLAC3D的强度折减法稳定性分析计算结果与滑坡现场实际变形情况基本一致,即将无人机航测应用于复杂三维地质体建模及模型稳定性分析的方法实现了对滑坡发展趋势的快速评价,能够为滑坡等地质灾害的快速、精细化调查与应急分析提供参考。  相似文献   

随着国家对矿山安全生产工作的高度重视,矿山应急救援钻井装备与施工技术迅速发展。快速钻进技术与工艺是提升矿山垂直钻进应急救援技术水平的关键。针对矿山救援所遇地层复杂,意外因素多,尤其在抢救被困人员过程中,施工所需时间长等问题,从抢险救援装备选择与工艺配套方面进行了讨论,对实现快速钻进紧急救援,降低事故伤亡率、减少经济损失,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

由中国地质调查局下属的发展研究中心开发的数字地质调查系统主要应用于固体矿山,其目的旨在帮助地质人员实现从矿产资源野外调查到地质成图、矿体圈定、矿床建模、储量估算、报告生成全过程的数字化。本文应用该系统的矿产资源调查野外数据采集子系统,成功实现了对赛什塘铜矿区数十年地质资料(包括槽探、坑探、钻探)的方便快捷的管理,通过固体矿产勘查储量估算子系统实现对矿区部分矿体的三维显示、储量估算和储量报告的生成。  相似文献   

丹巴县莫洛村滑坡的地质成因与稳定评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫洛村滑坡位于大渡河左岸猴子岩水库库尾的梭坡堆积体前缘,是丹巴县古碉的集中分布区之一。由于古碉群独特的历史、人文和旅游价值,其稳定性不论是对古碉群保护,还是对水库蓄水位选择均十分重要。在简介滑坡区域地质环境的基础上,基于地质勘察和现场调查资料,分析了堆积体与滑坡地质成因与稳定现状,同时采用三维强度折减法和二维极限平衡法预测了不同蓄水位与水库运行方案对其稳定性的影响。结果表明:梭坡堆积体是冰川作用形成的;莫洛村滑坡是堆积体前缘近3 300年来蠕变和局部解体形成的,总方量约为4 000×104 m3;导致滑坡变形的原因是1983年后向坡体引水,坡体地下水位抬升;现状下滑坡的二维极限平衡法和三维强度折减法安全系数分别为1.048和1.07,处于临界稳定状态;不论是1 842 m还是1 852 m水位方案,水库蓄水与运行对滑坡稳定的影响均很小;排水是维持滑坡稳定和保护古碉的最有效措施。  相似文献   

基于Micromine软件平台,结合石硐沟银多金属矿相关地质资料,建立三维地表模型并叠加地质数据,能真实有效地揭示与矿床有成因联系的各种因素的相互关系。在此基础上,运用距离反比法对矿体进行空间品位赋值,快速估算矿产资源储量,并构建探采工程系统模型,为矿床的勘探、开采设计和施工管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The 1999 Chi–Chi earthquake triggered the catastrophic Tsaoling landslide in central Taiwan. We mapped the landslide area and estimated the landslide volume, using a high-resolution digital elevation model from airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), aerial photographs and topographic maps. The comparison between scar and deposit volumes, about 0.126 km3 and 0.150 km3 respectively, suggests a coseismic volume increase of 19% due to decompaction during landsliding. In July 2003, the scar and deposit volumes were about 0.125 km3 and 0.110 km3 respectively. These estimates suggest that 4 years after the event, the volume of landslide debris removed by river erosion was nearly 0.040 km3. These determinations are confirmed by direct comparison between the most accurate topographic models of the post-landslide period, indicating a very high erosion rate at the local scale (0.01 km3/year) for the deposit area of the landslide. Such a large value highlights the importance of landslide processes for erosion and long-term denudation in the Taiwan mountain belt.  相似文献   

现有矿业软件的储量估算模块核心方法主要基于地质统计学。文章以河北迁安羊崖山铁矿床为例,通过3DMine软件在数据资料准备、变异函数确定、块体模型构建及储量报告等多方面的应用,规范了矿业软件在资源量估算方面的工作流程。利用普通克里金法和距离幂次反比法分别进行品位插值,完成资源量估算;并与传统储量估算结果进行比较,分析产生误差原因,建立了开采境界模型,计算了矿山开采储量和保有储量;利用赋值参数分析矿体控制程度,指导未来探矿工程重点部位。  相似文献   

Gong  Wenping  Tian  Shan  Wang  Lei  Li  Zhibin  Tang  Huiming  Li  Tianzheng  Zhang  Liang 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(9):4013-4031

For landslide displacement, interval predictions are generally more realistic and reliable compared with traditional point predictions. This paper presents a new interval prediction method for landslide displacement integrating dual-output least squares support vector machine (DO-LSSVM) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms. In this new method, the PSO algorithm is employed to optimize coefficients of the least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) model for obtaining point prediction results, and the interval prediction of the landslide displacement is made based on the dual-outputs obtained from the DO-LSSVM model. To assess the rationality of the predictions, three performance evaluation indicators, including the prediction interval coverage probability (PICP), normalized mean prediction interval width (NMPIW), and coverage width-based criterion (CWC), are established. Case studies of the Tanjiahe landslide and the Baishuihe landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir region are then used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in predicting the landslide displacement interval. The case study results demonstrate that this new method has the best overall performance compared with other existing methods, and this new method can provide accurate and reliable results for the medium- to long-term interval prediction of landslide displacement.


Oguz  Emir Ahmet  Depina  Ivan  Thakur  Vikas 《Landslides》2022,19(1):67-83

Uncertainties in parameters of landslide susceptibility models often hinder them from providing accurate spatial and temporal predictions of landslide occurrences. Substantial contribution to the uncertainties in landslide assessment originates from spatially variable geotechnical and hydrological parameters. These input parameters may often vary significantly through space, even within the same geological deposit, and there is a need to quantify the effects of the uncertainties in these parameters. This study addresses this issue with a new three-dimensional probabilistic landslide susceptibility model. The spatial variability of the model parameters is modeled with the random field approach and coupled with the Monte Carlo method to propagate uncertainties from the model parameters to landslide predictions (i.e., factor of safety). The resulting uncertainties in landslide predictions allow the effects of spatial variability in the input parameters to be quantified. The performance of the proposed model in capturing the effect of spatial variability and predicting landslide occurrence has been compared with a conventional physical-based landslide susceptibility model that does not account for three-dimensional effects on slope stability. The results indicate that the proposed model has better performance in landslide prediction with higher accuracy and precision than the conventional model. The novelty of this study is illustrating the effects of the soil heterogeneity on the susceptibility of shallow landslides, which was made possible by the development of a three-dimensional slope stability model that was coupled with random field model and the Monte Carlo method.


徐刚  郑达兴  乔子江  于新兵 《地质通报》2009,28(8):1047-1052
DEM和RS技术是研究滑坡地质灾害的重要资料和手段。近年来,随着高空间分辨率遥感卫星和高精度雷达卫星的上天,可以获取现时性高精度的DEM,使滑坡地质灾害的研究由二维向三维提升。利用IRS-P5数据生成的5m精度的DEM,借鉴GOOGLE的三维可视性原理,将其和高空间分辨率QuickBird(0.61m)数据叠置到数字地球之上,制作成三维可视性图像,进行滑坡环境指标参数提取方法研究。研究结果表明,该方法可直接读取滑坡环境指标的三维参数,具有客观、准确、快速的特点,可为滑坡灾害评估和区域地质灾害危险性评价提供定量化资料。  相似文献   

Li  Bingyao  Hou  Jingming  Ma  Yongyong  Bai  Ganggang  Wang  Tian  Xu  Guoxin  Wu  Binzhong  Jiao  Yongbao 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(1):607-628

Flooding is now becoming one of the most frequent and widely distributed natural hazards, with significant losses to human lives and property around the world. Evacuation of pedestrians during flooding events is a crucial factor in flood risk management, in addition to saving people’s lives and increasing time for rescue. The key objective of this work is to propose a shortest evacuation path planning algorithm by considering the evacuable areas and human instability during floods. A shortest route optimization algorithm based on cellular automata is established while using diagonal distance calculation methods in heuristic search algorithms. The Morpeth flood event that occurred in 2008 in the UK is used as a case study, and a highly accurate and efficient 2D hydrodynamic model is adopted to discuss the flood characteristics in flood plains. Two flood hazard assessment approaches [i.e., empirical and mechanics-based and experimental calibrated (M&E)] are chosen to study human instability. A comprehensive analysis shows that extreme events are better identified with mechanics-based and experimental calibration methods than with an empirical method. The result of M&E is used as the initial condition for the Morpeth evacuation scenario. Evacuation path planning in Morpeth shows that this algorithm can realize shortest route planning with multiple starting points and ending points at the microscale. These findings are of significance for flood risk management and emergency evacuation research.


采用3D Mine矿山建模软件,综合云南省马关县万龙山锌锡铜矿山所属的地物化遥及各种探矿工程数据,在三维环境下建立了矿山的探矿工程数据库和矿体模型,并指导找矿圈矿工作。根据矿区基本地质统计,进行资源储量估算和相关综合研究。建模工作与万龙山生产勘探保持同步,在前期的探矿工程数据质检和见矿工程统计数据提供方面、中期的协同矿体圈连和直观反映各矿体三维空间形态及数字特征方面、后期的矿体资源量估算与应用等方面使地质勘探工作更为高效、便捷,有效促进勘查工作进程。  相似文献   

The planning stages of mining require comprehensive and detailed analyses. The proper determination of the orebody boundary is one of the most important points to provide optimum model structure and projections. The limits can be determined by different methods based on the site geology. Although some three dimensional (3D) models were proposed for providing detailed information concerning a mine deposit, developing a solid model via a 3D approach is novelty. In other words, surface modeling should be performed for creating a solid model and determining limits of the deposit. In this way, sensible generation of the surface model can be achieved. This study investigated the estimation capability of the polynomial approach, which is a novel spatial interpolation method, for modeling a coal deposit surface. The performance of the proposed model was compared with some conventional methods in the literature. The results showed that the polynomial interpolation method is an effective method to employ for surface modeling of a mine deposit.  相似文献   

基于三维可视化技术的隐伏矿体预测   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈建平  吕鹏  吴文  赵洁  胡青 《地学前缘》2007,14(5):54-62
在现代成矿预测理论研究基础上,利用已有的商业三维地质建模软件,建立了一套基于三维可视化技术的隐伏矿体三维立体定量预测方法和流程,结合云南个旧锡矿实例探讨大比例尺隐伏矿体三维定量预测的数据预处理、三维地质建模过程和三维定量预测方法。使用三维可视化技术结合找矿信息量法确定了研究区找矿有利靶区,计算了含矿远景单元的找矿概率,估算了工程验证区金属资源矿体量。应用实例表明了应用三维可视化技术进行隐伏矿体三维定量、定位和定概率的有效性。  相似文献   

余忠 《探矿工程》2018,45(6):81-84
滑坡土体变形及其处理是滑坡治理施工中的重要问题。本文以浙江省金华市兰溪洞源村滑坡隐患治理工程为例,介绍了施工过程中出现局部不稳定问题后,施工单位与相关单位一道采取的一系列措施,包括对土体的新近变形特征与变形原因分析、应急抢险措施、应急排险效果监测、后续施工方案等内容。这些措施取得了良好的效果,为类似施工提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

城市应急管理模型之设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市建设的快速发展 ,各类危及国家和人民群众生命财产安全的突发性事故灾害时有发生 ,尽管各有关部门的抢救队伍在实施抢险救援中发挥了积极作用 ,但各抢险救援力量专业单一、分散行动 ,形成不了合力 ,难以及时有效处置重大或特大突发性、综合性、大面积的城市事故灾害 ,特别是像地震以及的美国的 9 1 1那样突发性事故。我们目前开展的震害预测与灾害快速评估系统只是针对地震的 ,而地震是小概率事件。因此要应对城市各种重大突发事件 ,城市有必要建立一种应急机制或综合的应急管理信息系统。根据“数字城市”的思想 ,通过一个通信系统与信息系统集成的平台 ,统一协调公安、消防、急救、交警、公共事业、民防、地震等政府部门 ,为市民提供快速、及时的各种救助和相应的服务。统一报警、统一指挥、快速反应、联合行动 ,从而有效地减少损失。  相似文献   

重庆市万州区荆竹屋基滑坡特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文通过对重庆市万州区孙家镇荆竹屋基滑坡的野外调查、应急抢险工作,对滑坡发生前后变形特点、滑坡形成机制以及突发性地质灾害应急处理方法等进行了总结和分析。荆竹屋基滑坡属大型基岩顺层、先牵引后推移混合型滑坡,滑坡具有变形快、裂缝、声响、掉块局部垮塌等前兆现象特征明显的特点。调查和分析发现,滑坡前缘不合理采石活动是荆竹屋基滑坡形成的主要因素。作者认为增强全社民地质灾害防灾意识、科学判断快速反应、应急预案中的实用性与操作性和岩质顺向坡的危害性等是未来万州区地质灾害防治工作的重点。  相似文献   

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