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内昆铁路为国家I级单线铁路,北起成渝铁路的内江站、南至昆明,其中云南水富至贵州梅花山段为新建段,全长357.643 km。新建河谷段不良地质极其发育,主要分布于水富至大关段,影响和控制着线路方案选择的主要工程地质问题有滑坡、岩堆、危岩落石、泥石流、“顺层”等。内昆线在勘察设计中,对河谷(大型)不良地质体及集中发育分布地段线路方案进行了由浅入深、由宏观至局部的方案研究和比选,采取了“裁弯取直”、“内移作隧”、“外移设桥”等不同工程类型的方案比选,方案多采取绕避。对一些难以绕避的,采取对通过该处具体线位的比选,选择有利于稳定的方案,并采取桩、锚索、挡墙等工程防治措施;比选累计长度逾50 km,在线路方案选择中充分考虑地质因素,仅因地质问题提出的改线地段达20余处,充分体现了地质选线的重要性。内昆线施工开挖揭示及结合竣工工程现状,表明河谷地段线路方案的工程地质比选是合理的,工程措施是有效和可行的。  相似文献   

内昆铁路为国家Ⅰ级单线铁路,北起成渝铁路的内江站、南至昆明,其中云南水富至贵州梅花山段为新建段,全长357.643km。新建河谷段不良地质极其发育,主要分布于水富至大关段,影响和控制着线路方案选择的主要工程地质问题有滑坡、岩堆、危岩落石、泥石流、"顺层"等。内昆线在勘察设计中,对河谷(大型)不良地质体及集中发育分布地段线路方案进行了由浅入深、由宏观至局部的方案研究和比选,采取了"裁弯取直"、"内移作隧"、"外移设桥"等不同工程类型的方案比选,方案多采取绕避。对一些难以绕避的,采取对通过该处具体线位的比选,选择有利于稳定的方案,并采取桩、锚索挡墙等工程防治措施;比选累计长度逾50km,在线路方案选择中充分考虑地质因素,仅因地质问题提出的改线地段达20余处,充分体现了地质选线的重要性。内昆线施工开挖揭示及结合竣工工程现状,表明河谷地段线路方案的工程地质比选是合理的,工程措施是有效和可行的。  相似文献   

应用美国Landsat ETM与法国SPOT2融合图像,对官厅一兰州东750kV送电线路工程进行了遥感工程地质调查。通过遥感信息的提取,对线路走廊带的地形地貌、岩土类型、地质构造、不良地质与特殊地质等进行了遥感解析,对区域工程地质复杂程度进行了分区与评价,对拟选线路方案进行了评价与比选,从工程地质的角度分析了拟选线路的优劣,提出了相应的路线调整建议,为最终线路的确定和设计提供了准确可靠的基础资料。  相似文献   

内罗毕-马拉巴铁路工程是东非"北方走廊"的重要组成部分,是非洲内陆国家发展经济的主干线。铁路线路工程穿越的东非大裂谷,地质复杂、火山地貌、断裂带和拉张裂缝等不良地质极为发育,而东非大裂谷铁路工程建设的研究资料十分匮乏。为了研究穿越东非大裂谷的铁路线路,本文首先介绍了东非大裂谷地形、地貌、裂谷的发育机理、区域断裂分布,然后以铁路沿线经济控制点为主轴,制定了穿越东非大裂谷铁路线路3大通道。分别对线路3大通道穿越的地形、地貌比选,穿越的地层、断裂和地裂缝比选,穿越地震、火山发育比选以及穿越的不良地质灾害比选,最后比选各线路通道的投资以及优、缺点,最终推荐南线通道方案。该线路方案得到肯尼亚政府的肯定和采纳。目前内马铁路正试运营,实践表明内马铁路裂谷段选线是较为成功的,可为同类工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

枝万线选线中的主要工程地质问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邓谊明 《地球科学》2001,26(4):419-423
枝万铁路工程地质条件极为复杂, 控制线路方案的选择. 所进行的研究为工程前期工作的技术储备. 通过对区域地质背景的分析, 在总结工程地质和水文地质特征和规律的基础上, 找出控制线路方案的关键工程地质问题, 经充分研究, 确定选线原则, 指导线路方案的综合比选.   相似文献   

为优选农安支线供水工程输水线路,依据输水线路布置原则,对拟定的东线、西线、东西组合线和河道线共4 条比选方案,采用比选法和层次分析法,从施工条件、运行管理、供水安全和投资费用等方面进行了线路优选分析计算,结论为西线方案最优。西线方案具有工程布置相对容易、运行管理方便、供水较为安全及投资费用低的优点。论文还对河道输水的弃选方案进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

在重庆九龙坡区滨江路工程勘察工作基础上,通过分段工程地质条件、问题以及拟建工程对已建工程影响、环境条件的改变等多方位的分析评价,从工程地质的角度对拟建工程的两个线路方案进行分析比选。  相似文献   

南水北调中线大宁河补水工程区域工程地质条件概述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对南水北调中线大宁河补水工程线路地面地质调查,初步评价了西线剪刀峡(檀木-茅草坡)方案工程地质条件,认为一级泵站大昌八角丘场址工程地质条件优越,剪刀峡水库库尾二级取水泵站檀木场址较神基坪场址工程地质条件适宜。自大昌八角丘至剪刀峡隧址区地表岩溶发育,岩溶涌水、涌泥、局部高地应力是该隧洞段关键性工程地质问题。檀木至茅草坡深埋长隧洞存在高地应力至软岩流变、长隧洞局部高压涌水、局部岩溶涌水、沿河断裂接触性岩溶涌水等工程地质问题。  相似文献   

贵昆铁路六沾复线梅花山至天生桥段穿越梅花山主脉,地形、地质条件极其复杂,地质构造、不良地质及特殊岩土极其发育,为铁路选线、设计及施工带来极大困难。通过综合地质勘察方法与手段,基本查明了区域内的工程地质特征及各线路方案的工程地质条件,为线路方案的比选提供了可靠的基础地质资料。影响选线的关键地质因素主要为沿观音河、树舍沟成群分布的滑坡、岩堆及危岩落石、深埋长隧的岩溶与岩溶水危害、煤窑(矿)采空区。通过对梅花山至天生桥段长隧方案、短隧方案、观音河出露方案工程地质条件综合定性分析、工程数量及投资比较,比选推荐了观音河出露方案以乌蒙山一号、二号隧道穿越梅花山主脉,地质条件较好,施工安全性较高,施工、运营后效果良好。  相似文献   

活动构造区山地环境铁路选线研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在活动构造发育的山地环境进行选线是铁路、公路等工程建设关注的重大工程地质问题。文章结合我国西南地区新建昆河铁路玉蒙段的选线研究,论述近场区地质环境、新构造运动与地震、活动断裂与地震危险性、山地灾害等内外动力地质作用的区域性特征及重大工程地质问题,并从工程地质条件与技术、经济等方面论证比选最优线路走向方案。可供类似区域地质环境的山区铁路、公路选线借鉴。   相似文献   

基于水文学的定义和内涵,应用描述性-解释性-人本性的思想方法,从问题、学科、方法3个维度入手,总结出水文科学发展演进的3条主线,剖析了各条主线不同阶段之间的辨证关系,并认为:体现上述3个维度的3条主线相互交叉,在研究对象、科学认知、方法手段和技术平台层面会形成水文学科新的生长点.针对地球水圈系统复杂多变的态势,加之水文学理论的发展曾受到方法的分割和不同方法之间互不交流的妨碍,诠释了水文学中的经验性方法与理论性公式之间的关系,并着重解读了确定性方法与随机性途径之间对立统一的相容性,最后阐述了背景环境变化和不确定性干扰情形下采取各种不同思维方式的"组合"来研究水文循环路径/过程"组合"的重要性.  相似文献   

孙莉莉 《地质论评》2022,68(4):68041479-68041480
为进一步规范地学类研学路线、课程建设与管理,顺利开展地学研学路线、课程的推荐与评选,中国地质学会秘书局修订了《中国地质学会精品地学研学路线、课程评选办法(试行)》,并经中国地质学会第40届理事会第三十七次常务理事会议(通讯)审批通过,现予以印发,请遵照执行。  相似文献   

Tsunami hazard in coastal areas susceptible to flooding, although reduced (in terms of probability of occurrence), may pose a high risk. Therefore, in these areas, a detailed evacuation planning of the affected population is required as a risk mitigation measure. The knowledge and enforcement of evacuation routes may reduce the population vulnerability, making it more resilient and reducing risk. This paper presents a GIS approach for modelling evacuation routes based on the optimal path search problem, of the graph theory, which is implemented on ArcCasper tool. The methodology proposed considers the elements involved in the evacuation process, the worst credible tsunami inundation scenario (hazard extent and travel time), the number of people that needs to be evacuated in different time scenarios, the safe areas or destination points of the evacuation routes, the roads network characteristics and finally the time available to evacuate. The knowledge of those elements allows predicting some possible outcomes of the evacuation, such as the arrival time of the evacuees to a shelter and the identification of congestion hot spots resulting from the application of a flocking model which simulates the path to be used by evacuees avoiding obstacles. The municipality of Cascais was used to test the methodology proposed in this study. Cascais is one of the largest urban centres located about 25 km west of Lisbon, Portugal, with a high density of infrastructure along the coastline whereby most of the population and economic activities are exposed to a tsunami. The results, presented in the form of maps, allow identifying the optimal evacuation routes as well as the unfeasible routes. This crucial information could be used to the evacuation optimization regarding the location of meeting points and vertical shelters as well as to improve the accessibility of the areas to be evacuated.  相似文献   

An evacuation trigger is a point on the landscape that, once crossed by a wildfire, triggers an evacuation for a community. The Wildland-Urban Interface Evacuation (WUIVAC) model can be used to create evacuation trigger buffers around a community using fuels, weather, and topographic inputs. A strategic, community-scale application of WUIVAC for the town of Julian, California was investigated. Eight years of wind measurements were used to determine the worst-case (strongest) winds in 16 directions. Surface fire rate of spread was used to calculate evacuation trigger buffers for the communities of Julian and nearby Whispering Pines, and for three potential evacuation routes. Multiple trigger buffers were combined to create fire planning areas, and trigger buffers that predict the closure of all evacuation routes were explored. WUIVAC trigger buffers offer several potential benefits for strategic evacuation planning, including determination of when to evacuate and locating potential evacuation routes.  相似文献   

Bai Long  Lu Zi  Du Xinru  Gao Fang 《地球科学进展》2016,31(11):1197-1204
The exploitation of (ultra) low airspace resource has become an important component of optimizing the utilization of airspace and has received worldwide attention. It is the major form for UAV activity, which reveals great socioeconomic prospects. Firstly, the background of exploiting (ultra) low airspace resource and challenge for UAV activities were analyzed in regional areas. Then, legal rights for UAV activities and routes design in overseas and domestic research were reviewed. Second, the forms of regional rules for UAV activities in (ultra) low airspace were summarized, which included height-density rule, coverage area rule and isolation area of rule. Third, based on the air network of UAV(s) and aiming at the demand of aerial lanes for different requirements, the development from the method of 3D city model to the Cost-to-go was prospected. The findings are as follows: UAV activities’ aerial lanes design includes high-density as general rules and coverage area rule, isolation area rule as special rules. On the basis of 3D city model, improved method of Cost-to-go is applied to the choice of the optimal aerial lanes; based on ground buildings and residents’ actual conditions in regional area, the rules and methods are good for the (ultra) low airspace resources development and better solve the problem of UAV activities coordination. Furthermore, the rules and methods play an important role even in the implementation of the national airspace system.  相似文献   

 The establishment of comprehensive development plans, in general, and the proper selection of highway routes, in particular, require an assessment of landslides or instability hazards in the project sites. The frequent landslides that occurred along the routes of major highways in Jordan, and particularly along the Amman-Na'ur-Dead Sea highway and Irbid-Jerash-Amman highway, have substantially increased the cost of construction and caused a considerable delay in the completion of work. The study of many landslides that occurred in the last 25 years along the highway routes and in the sites of some major civil engineering projects in Jordan has led to the recognition of major factors that affect the stability of slopes, and thus the safety and economics of these projects. The geological formation, structural features, topographic characteristics, geometry, and climatic conditions were adopted as the basis for the classification of terrains in terms of their stability. Each factor has been assigned a rating to indicate its relative contribution to the overall stability according to engineering judgment and past experience. The areas have been classified into 5 groups according to their total stability rate. The simplicity, comprehensiveness, and accuracy are the main characteristics of the proposed classification. Its significance stems from its helpfulness as a guide to the geotechnical and highway engineers in assessing the overall stability of the alternative routes of proposed highway projects. Received: 3 December 1996 · Accepted: 29 April 1997  相似文献   

露头是地质考察的重点,结合无人机倾斜摄影测量技术构建数字露头实景三维模型并实现露头可视化研究能够为解决传统地质研究中存在的效率低、危险性高和数据复用性差等问题提供全新的思路。论文研究了倾斜影像三维建模、数字露头三维可视化和全景影像可视化等三维技术,并基于Cesium开源三维地球引擎研发了数字露头实景三维Web平台。平台实现了高精度露头实景三维模型的可视化,并将露头相关的描述、图片、视频、全景、文献、观察点、地质标绘等信息与露头三维模型有效结合,实现了露头三维模型上传与实景漫游、露头相关地质信息自主提供、分享、互动与可视化展示。论文通过实例证明了平台云端地质考察应用的有效性和新颖性。该平台作为第21届国际沉积学大会虚拟野外地质路线考察的首选,已成功应用于15条路线中的12条。相比传统地质研究手段,露头云端三维可视化研究能够帮助地质学者更加全面、直观地理解露头地质现象的时空展布和地质特征,并且支持数字环境下露头资源的共建、共享,节省了地质考察的时间和成本。  相似文献   

龙游石窟1~3号洞室稳定性分析及安全通道路线的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高千  王靖  杨志法  张路青  祝介旺  郑舰  傅燕 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2713-2721
龙游石窟是一个大型古地下洞室群,具有重要文物价值。但龙游石窟正面临着风化速度加快,围岩变形破坏越来越严重等问题。在洞室群内部设置安全通道的方法是保证旅游安全和实现洞室群长期保护的一个重要措施。为制定设计安全通道的合理方案,对洞室群分布区的变形破坏现象进行了现场地质调查,并根据调查结果重点分析了洞室群洞口区域、顶板、公共边墙和岩柱的变形破坏特征。并利用有限差分程序FLAC3D进行了数值计算分析,对安全通道所经过区域的洞室围岩稳定性进行了评价。在计算过程中,利用网格单元的安全系数计算方法对比分析了安全通道的不同设计方案,初步确定了龙游地下洞室群1~3号洞室安全通道的设计路线。  相似文献   

A steady-state subsidence forecast model was developed as a proof of concept to estimate changes in surface elevations of the wetlands and evacuation routes across coastal Louisiana for the years 2015, 2025, 2050, and 2100. Subsidence estimates were derived from an empirical study published by the National Geodetic Survey. Forecasted vertical change was subtracted from current surface elevations. Land and evacuation routes estimated to have surfaces at or below 0 m in elevation, NAVD88, were quantified and classified as vulnerable to inundation hazards. The extent of the coastal zone susceptible to hurricane induced storm surge was also evaluated relative to surge models published by the National Weather Service. The results indicate spatially heterogeneous rates of subsidence that are forecasted to consume nearly 50 % of the existing coastal margin wetlands by 2100. The most significant rate increases are anticipated between 2015 and 2050. Relative to the impact on evacuation routes, subsidence occurring between the 2015 and 2025 forecast years expanded at slower rates when compared to the latter half of the century. Subsidence adjusted storm surge forecasts reveal similar patterns. The methods employed and findings produced demonstrate forecasting capabilities that provide emergency managers and transportation engineers with resources applicable to evacuation modeling, hazard mitigation, environmental sustainability research, costal restoration efforts, and more.  相似文献   

张成信  孙莉莉  张丽华 《地质论评》2021,67(5):67051230-67051230
中国地质学会近日在推动地学科普研学工作方面又迈出重要一步:经专家评审和公示环节,中国地质学会决定授予“长白山火山地质探秘”等14 条路线为中国地质学会第一批精品地学研学路线。  相似文献   

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