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用改造的直剪仪研究了滑带土再生强度与滑动面剩余剪应力比PRSS和强度再生时间的关系。结果表明,滑带土强度再生与上覆滑体压应力关系不大,但较高的剩余剪应力比PRSS妨碍滑带土强度再生,滑带土强度有效再生的界限PRSS在55%到70%之间。剩余剪应力比PRSS小于等于55%时,90 d时滑带土再生强度可达到慢剪强度的70%以上,PRSS大于等于70%时,90 d时滑带土再生强度不足慢剪强度的25%。滑带土强度再生过程中,黏聚力和内摩擦角增速不一致,PRSS小于等于55%时,黏聚力C在前30 d增速较快,30 d时增至慢剪强度[C]的44.6%,此后增速均明显放缓,90 d时其值为慢剪强度[C]的49%。内摩擦角φ在前90 d增速基本一致,90 d时其值占慢剪强度[φ]的90.4%。黏聚力和内摩擦角90 d以后均趋于稳定。  相似文献   

利用电动应变控制式直剪仪及直剪/残余剪切试验仪对南水北调磁县段不同黏粒含量的原状膨胀土进行快剪、饱和快剪、饱和固结快剪和反复直剪试验,研究黏粒含量对其抗剪强度的影响。研究表明:饱和后试样的抗剪强度明显降低,固结后强度提高,且饱和作用对黏粒含量较大的中膨胀土强度的削弱作用更为显著,固结作用对黏粒含量较小的弱膨胀土强度的治愈作用更显著; 随黏粒含量的增大,黏聚力逐渐减小,内摩擦角则先减后增,其临界值在32%左右; 峰值强度后的抗剪强度降低幅度随黏粒含量的增加而增大; 土体的峰值强度f随黏粒含量则先减后增,变化趋势比较平缓; 残余强度r随黏粒含量增加逐渐减小,成指数关系; 残余强度内摩擦角r与黏粒含量成对数关系,黏聚力cr则比较离散。  相似文献   

膨胀土具有胀缩性、多裂隙性和超固结性,在自然条件下极易受到降雨和蒸发的干湿循环效应,土的抗剪强度会随着时间的延续而衰减,造成边坡失稳。以荆门弱膨胀土为研究对象,对经历不同干湿循环次数的荆门弱膨胀土开展环剪试验,并探讨分析其峰值强度和残余强度的变化规律。试验结果表明,试样的抗剪强度与法向压力的大小有关,无论是峰值强度还是残余强度均随着法向压力的增大而增大,同时法向压力越大,试样达到残余强度时所需要的剪切位移也会越小;随着干湿循环次数的增加,膨胀土的峰值强度明显衰减,残余强度虽略有变化但并不明显,可近似认为稳定;经历3次干湿循环后膨胀土的峰值黏聚力和残余黏聚力指标已经近乎一致,峰值内摩擦角和残余内摩擦角之间始终保持在2o左右的差异,基本不受循环次数的影响。  相似文献   

为研究不同边界条件下剪切速率对岩石节理剪切力学特性的影响,采用RDS-200型岩石节理剪切试验系统对人工浇筑的具有相同节理形貌的不规则水泥节理试样进行了常法向应力和常法向刚度2种边界条件下5种剪切速率的直剪试验。结果表明:(1)常法向应力边界条件下,随剪切速率增大,相同法向应力下的类岩石节理峰前剪切刚度减速增大,峰值剪切强度和残余剪切强度呈对数降低;随剪切速率增大,类岩石节理黏聚力减速增大,内摩擦角呈对数降低。(2)常法向刚度边界条件下,随剪切速率增大,相同法向应力的类岩石节理峰前剪切刚度减速增大,峰值剪切强度呈对数降低,较高法向应力下的残余剪切强度先增大后减小;随剪切速率增大,类岩石节理黏聚力呈对数降低,内摩擦角减速增大。(3)与常法向应力边界条件相比,常法向刚度条件下,节理黏聚力平均增加了115.85%,内摩擦角平均降低了8.44%;相同初始法向应力和剪切速率下,峰前剪切刚度、峰值剪切强度和残余剪切强度分别平均增加了11.96%、19.47%和32.32%,峰值法向位移平均降低了40.12%。该研究结论可为不同剪切速率下地表和地下工程岩体节理的剪切失稳评价提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Residual strength of slip zone soils   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
X. P. Chen  D. Liu 《Landslides》2014,11(2):305-314
Slip zones of ancient landslides are commonly composed of fine-grained soils with amount of coarse-grained particle. Residual strength of slip zone soil is an important parameter for evaluating reactivation potential and understanding progressive failure mechanism. In this study, the residual strength is examined by in situ direct shear tests, improved laboratory reversal shear box test, precut specimen triaxial shear test and ring shear test. Some residual shear behaviors are recognized. Field residual strength is the average operational resistance along the sliding surface not an ideal drained strength, which is less than peak and greater than residual strength measured in laboratory. Stress–displacement curves obtained from in situ shear and laboratory reversal direct shear demonstrate strain-hardening which have no significant peak, but the shear stress is decreased gradually with increasing displacement. Residual friction coefficient depends on the normal stress, and this dependence is relevant to the interaction of rolling and sliding of particles. Residual friction angle is closely related to coarse fraction and dry density, appearing a linear increase with increasing coarse fraction and a form of polynomial function with increasing dry density. The influence of shearing rate on residual strength can be negligible.  相似文献   

Abidin Kaya   《Engineering Geology》2009,108(3-4):252-258
The residual shear strength of soils is increasingly becoming an active research area, as landslides occur almost daily all over the world. Since Skempton published his landmark paper in 1964, several researchers proposed correlations between soil index properties and residual friction angle of soils for preliminary estimates. However, recent data gathered from Japanese colluvium soils indicate that previously proposed charts correlating soil index properties with residual friction angle yield very poor estimates. In this study, first previously published Japanese data are reevaluated to establish a theoretical foundation for such correlations. Then, it is shown that equivalent smectite content (ESC) largely controls the residual friction angle of soils. In the second stage of the paper using the data of several researchers, it is shown that there is piecewise linear correlation between the equivalent basal spacing (EBS) and the residual friction angle. This study lays down a foundation for theoretical correlation between EBS and residual friction angle of soils.  相似文献   

The deposition process of tailings in a tailings dam may lead to the anisotropy of mechanical properties of tailings. To investigate the anisotropic shear strength characteristics of a tailings sand, samples deposited under gravity were sheared in a modified direct shear apparatus along different orientations of the shear planes relative to the bedding plane. The experimental results reveal that the anisotropy has a substantial effect on the peak shear strength of the tailings sand, leading to a variation in peak friction angle of 10°. It is found that the effect of anisotropy on the peak shear strength of the tailings sand is mainly attributed to the effect of anisotropy on soil dilatancy. On the other hand, the effect of anisotropy on the residual friction angle of the tailing sand is relatively smaller, likely due to the partial erasure of anisotropy at large shear deformation. The degree of anisotropy is reduced by an increase in normal stress. To achieve more accurate stability analysis of tailings dams, it is suggested to take into account the shear strength anisotropy of tailings soils.  相似文献   

The residual strength of clay is very important to evaluate long term stability of proposed and existing slopes and for remedial measure for failure slopes. Various attempts have been made to correlate the residual friction angle (r) with index properties of soil. This paper presents a neural network model to predict the residual friction angle based on clay fraction and Atterberg's limits. Different sensitivity analysis was made to find out the important parameters affecting the residual friction angle. Emphasis is placed on the construction of neural interpretation diagram, based on the weights of the developed neural network model, to find out direct or inverse effect of soil properties on the residual shear angle. A prediction model equation is established with the weights of the neural network as the model parameters.  相似文献   

干湿循环对非饱和膨胀土抗剪强度影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐丹  唐朝生  冷挺  李运生  张岩  王侃  施斌 《地学前缘》2018,25(1):286-296
膨胀土是一种气候敏感性土体,研究在干湿循环过程中膨胀土剪切强度的变化,对了解在自然界周期性蒸发和降雨作用下原位膨胀土体工程性质的变化以及由此导致的地质灾害发生过程具有重要意义。文中以重塑非饱和膨胀土为研究对象,模拟了3次干湿循环过程,对每次干燥路径中的试样进行了直剪试验,重点分析含水率、正压力及干湿循环次数对膨胀土剪切强度的影响,得到如下主要结果:(1)在干燥过程中,随着含水率的减小,试样的刚度、脆性、抗剪强度值(峰值剪切应力)、抗剪强度指标(黏聚力、内摩擦角)及抗剪强度损失(峰值强度与残余强度之差)均呈增加趋势;(2)正压力越高,试样的剪切强度和残余强度越大,而破坏后的峰值强度损失越小,破坏韧性增加;(3)在3次干燥过程中,试样的剪切强度及黏聚力呈先增加后减小的趋势,在第二次干燥过程中达到峰值,但内摩擦角受干湿循环的影响无明显规律;(4)试样经历多次干湿循环后,其剪切特性越来越类似于超固结土,脆性显著增加;(5)干燥过程和干湿循环对试样残余剪切强度的影响都不明显,残余剪切强度基本都在100 kPa附近变化;(6)非饱和膨胀土在干湿循环及干燥过程中剪切强度的变化除了与吸力有关外,还与其微观结构调整和裂隙发育状态密切相关,需要综合非饱和土力学和土质学理论对试验现象进行分析。  相似文献   

为了获得不同初始颗粒粒径分布和含水率对层间错动带颗粒破碎和剪切强度特性的影响,通过对比泥夹碎屑、泥夹粉砂、全泥型3种不同层间错动带类型与现场3种不同含水率(10%、7%和3%)试样在法向压力2~10 MPa作用下的反复直剪试验和剪切面颗粒粒径分析试验结果,可得出以下结论:①粗颗粒越多(d60越大),采用相对颗粒破碎势Br量化的颗粒破碎程度越大;②较干颗粒(低含水率)由于磨损产生了更多的细小颗粒,而较湿颗粒(高含水率)由于破裂和摩擦产生了较大颗粒;③粗颗粒仅对峰值抗剪强度产生一定的影响,且粗颗粒越多,残余强度包线非线性越强;④黏聚力和内摩擦角随含水率线性减小,且低含水率试样残余强度包线非线性最强;⑤残余内摩擦角随颗粒破碎后的黏粒含量(<2 μm)线性减小。提出的残余内摩擦角初步预测公式可供实际工程参考。  相似文献   

为了解决复活蠕滑型黄土滑坡强度参数的取值问题,开展完全软化强度与残余强度的对比试验研究。以山西地区典型黄土为研究对象,采用预压固结法制备饱和重塑试样,并进行反复直剪强度试验获取完全软化强度和残余强度参数。试验结果表明:黄土的完全软化强度以黏聚力为零、颗粒未发生定向排列为主要特征。完全软化强度与二次固结应力和黏粒含量有关。试样在二次固结应力小于300kPa时的应力-应变曲线呈应变软化型,完全软化强度大于残余强度,黏粒含量高的试样应变软化更显著; 试样在二次固结应力大于等于300kPa时的应力应变曲线呈理想塑性型,完全软化强度近似等于残余强度。完全软化内摩擦角与残余内摩擦角的差值和预压固结应力、二次固结应力及黏粒含量有关。完全软化内摩擦角与残余内摩擦角的差值随二次固结应力的增大而减小,最终趋于0。当预压固结应力小于300kPa时,内摩擦角差值及黏粒含量对内摩擦角差值的影响随着预压固结应力的减小呈乘幂性增大; 当预压固结应力大于等于300kPa时,完全软化强度近似等于残余强度,可用完全软化强度近似代替残余强度。研究结论为复活蠕滑型黄土滑坡稳定性分析时强度参数的取值提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

The shear behavior of soils rich in amorphous clay-size materials was not well reported in the literature. This study analyzed the direct shear and ring shear test data of soil samples containing 55–74% amorphous materials in the clay fraction from a slow-moving landslide in eastern Honolulu, HI. The direct shear test results showed that the undisturbed soil samples when not sheared internally had peak cohesion (c) of about 50 kPa and internal friction angle (Ø) of about 10°. This implies that the amorphous clay-size materials provided strong interparticle bonds for the soils. Breaking of the bonds during the softening process and redistribution of the amorphous clay-size materials were primarily responsible for the drop from the peak strength to the residual strength (c=0, Ø=10° from back calculation with SLOPE/W and c=0, Ø=5–7° from the ring shear test). The drained residual failure envelope is stress dependent due to the interaction of the gel-like amorphous clay-size materials with crystalline silt- and sand-sized particles. The amorphous clay-size materials act as the contact between crystalline particles. The contact increases with increasing consolidation stress, resulting in a decrease in the shear strength and the residual friction angle.  相似文献   

李晓照  邵珠山  戚承志 《岩土力学》2019,40(11):4249-4258
岩石内部细观裂纹的存在,对压缩作用下岩石剪切断裂的宏观现象有着重要的影响。然而,能够通过解析解阐释细观裂纹几何特性、围压等影响因素对压缩作用下剪切断裂面角度变化趋势的研究很少。基于Ashby模型中提出的裂纹尖端应力强度因子,提出了一种改进的考虑裂纹角度影响的应力强度因子表达式。利用该改进的应力强度因子表达式,推出了一个可以预测岩石峰值强度的裂纹扩展、应变与应力之间的本构关系。结合本构关系的峰值强度与摩尔-库仑失效准则,得到了岩石损伤与内摩擦角、黏聚力、剪切强度及失效断裂面角度之间的理论关系;讨论了围压、裂纹尺寸、角度及摩擦系数对岩石宏观剪切断裂面角度的影响,通过试验结果验证了模型合理性。结果表明:随着损伤增大,内摩擦角、黏聚力及剪切强度不断减小;随着围压增大、摩擦系数增大和初始裂纹尺寸减小,剪切断裂面角度不断增大;随着裂纹角度增大,剪切断裂纹面角度先减小后增大。  相似文献   

The marly formations of the city of Iraklion in Crete, Greece, are described and classified according to their mineralogy and physical properties. The residual angle of friction of these marls was determined using ring shear apparatus and the results were correlated with mineral composition and index properties, such as Atterberg limits and grain size distribution. Furthermore, for better understanding of the determined interrelationships between the physical characteristics and the residual strength of these marls, a number of marl-bentonite mixtures were also tested. Thus, the influence of the variation in clay mineral content on the residual strength was studied and correlations with clay-sized fraction and plasticity index were attempted.  相似文献   

基质吸力对非饱和土抗剪强度的影响   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
林鸿州  李广信  于玉贞  吕禾 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1931-1938
在自然界和工程实践中遇到的土大多数是非饱和土,研究吸力对非饱和土抗剪强度的作用,对于工程实践具有重要的意义。通过压力板仪和直剪仪组合试验,探讨了击实土抗剪强度和基质吸力的关系。试验结果表明:凝聚力在饱和度为40%-60%时最大,而内摩擦角则随饱和度增加而有所减少。进一步对比土-水特征曲线与抗剪强度的关系,并整合前人研究成果,指出了非饱和土中吸力对其抗剪强度影响的规律。对于无黏性土,在边界效应区不产生假凝聚力,且内摩擦角不变;在过渡区与非饱和残余区,假凝聚力和基质吸力的关系存在峰值且变化较大,内摩擦角则随吸力增加而增加。对于黏性土,残余体积含水率所对应的最小吸力可能是影响抗剪强度的界限值,小于此吸力值,φb可近似为常数。但在非饱和残余区,凝聚力将随土状态路径的不同而变化。对于重塑土,凝聚力降低;而对于原状土,则凝聚力可能不变或增加。  相似文献   

Based on a laboratory study of drained direct shear tests of remoulded, pre-cut and polished specimens and drained ring shear tests of uncut and remoulded specimens of slip surface materials of five landslide soils, significant correlations of the mobilized shear strength parameters, cohesion (c, c r) and internal friction angle (Φ, Φr), are proposed. The investigated soils consisted of the slip surface material belonging to tuffaceous clay, mudstone, loess and siltstone. Most of the previous studies on residual shear strength measured by reversal direct shear and ring shear devices have obtained significantly different results using the two devices, even when pre-cut and polished specimens were used in the direct shear device. In this study, the residual shear strength values of remoulded specimens measured by a ring shear device are shown to significantly correlate with the drained large displacement shear strength values of remoulded specimens, which were measured using pre-cut and polished specimens in a direct shear device. The correlation between the cohesion measured in the two shear devices is expressed by the linear relationship, $ {c_{\text{r}}} = 0.{7394}c - {6}.{6857} $ , while the correlation between the friction angle measured in the two devices is expressed by the linear relationship, $ {\Phi_{\text{r}}} = {1}.0{852}\Phi - {6}.0{247} $ . The proposed linear correlations for effective cohesion (c′) and effective friction angle (Φ′) have yielded significant coefficients of determination within an effective normal stress range of 30–150?kN/m2.  相似文献   

The prime objective of this work is to provide a reference to predict the peak shear strength of rock fractures. The paper studied some shear properties of rock fractures and proposed an empirical formula for the peak shear strength of rock fractures based on 3D morphology parameters. The rock fractures were induced in cylindrical sandstone and marble specimens by means of indirect tension. A rock direct shear apparatus (RDS-200) was adopted to conduct direct shear tests on five groups of rock fractures under different levels of normal load. Before the direct shear test, 3D morphology parameters of rock fracture surfaces were obtained using a 3D optical scanner. By analyses of direct shear test data, the relationships between peak shear strength, peak shear displacement, peak dilatancy angle, residual friction coefficient and peak normal stress were found. According to the evolution trends of peak shear strength and peak dilatancy angle along with the normal stress, an empirical formula was proposed to predict the peak shear strength of rock fractures in both sliding and cutting failure modes considering the 3D morphology parameters of rock fracture surfaces. The empirical formula could be commonly used for different types (sandstone and marble) and grain sizes (powder-grained, fine-grained, medium-grained and coarse-grained) of rock fractures.  相似文献   

基于工程包边法的膨胀土抗剪强度干湿循环效应试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据包边法施工中填芯重塑膨胀土和包边石灰改性膨胀土的实际工程状态,设计了反映其运营状态的干湿循环过程,对6次干湿循环前、后膨胀土的强度特性进行了较为系统地试验研究。结果表明,在压实度为90%~96%时,干湿循环前重塑膨胀土和石灰改性膨胀土慢剪强度及强度参数均随干密度单调增加,而干湿循环后其黏聚力c随干密度单调增加,干密度对内摩擦角φ的影响则明显变小;重塑膨胀土和石灰改性膨胀土干湿循环后的残余强度受干密度制约性不大,但干湿循环前、后重塑膨胀土和石灰改性膨胀土的残余强度参数存在差异,且干湿循环幅度对膨胀土强度参数也有一定的影响;在分析干湿循环前、后反复剪切试验结果及膨胀土边坡长期破坏机制的基础上,认为对于膨胀土路堤,在进行强度参数选取时宜适当考虑干湿循环及其幅度对于残余强度参数的影响;利用石灰改性膨胀土包边处理填筑膨胀土路基较为适宜。  相似文献   

为了研究一种简化的方法评价非饱和黄土抗剪强度,本文利用常规直剪仪对非饱和重塑黄土进行固结快剪试验,Whatman s No.42型滤纸测试固结前和剪切后土样吸力,研究同一正应力下初始吸力和剪后吸力的变化趋势及机理,并用非饱和直剪测试结果对常规直剪和滤纸法测得的吸力与强度进行了效验。研究表明,土-水特征曲线的进气值和残余值对固结前和剪切后干密度和吸力的变化起控制作用,获得初始吸力与剪后吸力的变化关系。基于Vanapalli模型,提出了利用土样初始土-水特征曲线、有效黏聚力和有效内摩擦角预测非饱和黄土抗剪强度的公式,研究结果简化了非饱和土强度测试方法,节约了时间,为非饱和土抗剪强度理论在工程实践中推广应用提供新思路。  相似文献   

结构面抗剪强度参数对岩质边坡稳定的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
边坡工程中,结构面抗剪强度是非常重要的力学参数,合理地选择确定抗剪强度的方法,常常要分析c、值在边坡稳定中的作用。根据极限平衡原理,对10~30m高的平面滑动型边坡不同抗剪强度的控稳结构面c、值在边坡稳定中的作用进行了定量分析。研究表明c值对稳定系数的影响随坡高增大逐渐减弱,值对稳定系数的影响随坡高增大逐渐增强。得到了不同坡高下c、值边坡稳定作用等值曲线,该曲线很容易确定抗剪强度参数c、值在边坡稳定中的作用。  相似文献   

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