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胡庆成  闫浩  吴春明 《地质论评》2014,60(3):601-610
斑岩—浅成低温热液型Cu—Au成矿流体最具代表性的是H2O—Cl—S流体。流体的性质强烈控制着Cu、Au的成矿行为,包括溶解性、迁移形式和气—液分配。流体的氧逸度和流体中Cl、S物种相对含量决定金属在流体中的溶解形式,高氧逸度的高温高盐度流体中Cu、Au主要和Cl络合,S-3也可能是促进Au溶解的重要S物种形式。而过量的S有利于Cu、Au等元素以含S离子络合物进入液相流体,与含S中性络合物配分进入气相流体并迁移Au至浅成低温热液环境形成矿床。岩浆需要经历充分的分异,出溶成分和性质有利于金属迁移的流体,形成高品位的斑岩型Cu、Au矿体;上覆叠加浅成低温热液型Au矿体可能需要初始的成矿流体状态进入NaCl—H2O的超临界区、有效的演化方式、良好的流体缓冲环境和有利的Au沉淀场所。相分离和流体—流体反应是沉淀斑岩—浅成低温热液型Cu—Au矿体最重要的流体演化方式。气相流体具有独特的流体性质和演化方式,可能成为十分重要的成矿流体。  相似文献   

文章对与陆相火山岩有关的浅成低温金矿、斑岩铜矿和玢岩铁矿产出的大地构造背景、火成岩性质和矿化蚀变特征、成矿流体以及成矿物质来源等方面进行了综述.三类矿床在成矿地质条件上各具特色,表现在:成矿构造背景上,斑岩铜矿和浅成低温金矿均以岛弧和活动大陆边缘为主,其次是陆内环境;而长江中下游玢岩铁矿的形成环境可能为陆内似裂谷环境.浅成低温金矿、斑岩铜矿及玢岩铁矿的主要围岩分别为中、酸性火山岩系、中酸性次火山岩及中基性次火山岩;围岩蚀变分别以硅化、钾化、钠化为特征.浅成低温金矿床成矿流体以低盐度、低温(200~300℃)为主;而斑岩铜矿中则主要是高温(400~800℃)高盐度的流体;玢岩铁矿成矿温度介于两者之间.从低硫亚类浅成热液矿床、高硫亚类浅成热液矿床到斑岩型矿床,流体中大气水含量逐渐减少,岩浆水含量逐渐增多.成矿物质来源上,Fe主要来源于赋矿的火山-次火山岩或原始岩浆,Cu,Au,S和Na等成矿物质的来源更为复杂,还可能来源于与岩浆无关的围岩,其他的可能还包括Cu,S的岩浆混合来源以及Na的高盐卤水来源.一些特殊的岩石类型,如埃达克岩、橄榄玄粗岩及碱性岩与陆相火山岩矿床有密切联系.  相似文献   

紫金山地区的斑岩-浅成热液成矿系统   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42       下载免费PDF全文
紫金山地区绢云母-冰长石型浅成热液矿床、酸性硫酸盐型浅成热液矿床和斑岩矿床是以花岗闪长斑岩侵入体为中心的斑岩-浅成热液成矿系统的产物。其中,斑岩矿床与发育于花岗闪长斑岩顶部的高盐度岩浆流体有关;酸性硫酸盐型浅成热液矿床是近岩浆源的、从改造斑岩矿床后形成的含岩浆挥发份的热水中淀积形成的;而绢云母-冰长石型浅成热液矿床则是被侵入体侧向加热、侧向流动的中性—弱酸性热水淀积产物(相当于远成热液矿床)。  相似文献   

磁铁矿危机与铜金热液成矿   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
磁铁矿结晶造成氧化性岩浆中的硫酸根被还原为硫酸氢根,进而将铜、金等元素以硫酸氢根络合物的形式萃取到流体相中,形成成矿热液,这一现象称之为磁铁矿危机。这一过程是斑岩型和浅成低温热液型铜金矿床成矿的关键因素之一。对于斑岩型矿床,由于成矿体系是处于封闭、半封闭环境,硫酸根的还原过程主要发生在热液中,反应过程中释放出大量的氢离子,使成矿热液的p H值降低,硫酸根氧化还原电位升高,在成矿的后期,往往出现镜铁矿蚀变,氧逸度达到磁铁矿-赤铁矿氧化还原缓冲线附近。对于浅成低温热液型矿床,硫酸根的还原主要发生在岩浆中,反应不释放氢离子,因此体系的氧逸度趋于下降且变化较小。岩体的成矿潜力主要受控于初始铜金含量,而铜金含量则主要受控于氧逸度和源区岩石的性质。年轻的俯冲洋壳发生部分熔融,形成具有高初始铜金含量的氧化性岩浆,是形成斑岩型铜金矿床最重要的地质过程。高硫型浅成低温热液型矿床深部有斑岩型铜金矿床的几率较大。  相似文献   

大兴安岭铜钼矿床主要与古生代和中生代浅成侵入岩和火山-次火山岩有关,矿床形成于陆缘岩浆岩带、造山带和深大断裂带中.成矿期主要为加里东期、华力西期和燕山期.矿化围岩为花岗闪长岩、花岗闪长玢岩、二长花岗岩、安山岩、英安岩、流纹岩、安山玢岩、流纹斑岩和火山碎屑岩.围岩蚀变主要有硅化、绢云母化、钾长石化、水白云母化、伊利石化、绿泥石化、碳酸岩化.矿石中主要工业元素为Cu和Mo,伴生有益组分为Ag、Au、Re等.成矿类型有:①斑岩型铜钼矿床;②火山-次火山热液型铜钼矿床.大兴安岭铜钼矿床主要由陆缘岩浆岩带、造山带、深大断裂带的火山-次火山作用及小型侵入作用形成,成矿流体沿着火山机构、岩浆侵入构造、区域构造等运移,热动力、压力、扩散力等使成矿流体产生上升运动和局部循环运动,成矿流体的迁移、萃取、扩散、交代作用等使成矿物质产生富集.  相似文献   

黑龙江金厂金矿床地质特征及成因探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对矿体围岩花岗闪长岩,花岗斑岩类和隐爆角砾岩筒控矿-容矿构造及矿石组分的研究,将金厂矿床金矿化类型分为破碎蚀变岩型,裂隙充填型和角砾岩型;对矿物学和同位素地球化学的研究结果表明,成矿物质主要来源于深部(岩浆源),在成矿作用早期阶段成矿流体主要为岩浆水,晚期阶段有部分大气水的加入,金厂金矿床是中生代火山-次火山活动的产物,矿床属浅成温岩浆期后热液型金矿床。  相似文献   

二十一站-宝兴沟( 铜) 金矿床( 点) 位于上黑龙江断陷盆地的东南部。区域地质背景及典型矿床研究表明,矿床不仅受NE 向断裂构造控制,还受其同期的岩浆岩控制。对宝兴沟金矿床的流体包裹体测试结果、矿床围岩蚀变和与火山穹窿构造间的关系等研究,表明宝兴沟金矿可能是中硫型浅成低温热液型矿床,二十一站和十五里桥( 铜) 金矿床可能是高硫型浅成低温热液型矿床( 点) 。区域地质特征、遥感解译、航磁异常及Au、Ag、Cu 化探异常分布特征显示了本区可能存在两种环境的斑岩型--浅成低温热液型成矿热液系统。在此基础上,结合铜元素化探异常和火山穹窿等特征,提出了在十五桥金矿床、二十一站铜金矿一带寻找斑岩型铜钼矿化类型,在NW、NNE 向构造带内找寻与浅成低温热液系统有关的矿床。  相似文献   

吉林延边地区斑岩型-浅成热液型金铜矿床   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
吉林延边地区为我国滨太平洋带的一个重要的金属成矿区。与中生代火山-次火山侵入活动有关的斑岩型。浅成热液型矿床在时空上、成因上构成一个成矿系列。本文选择四个代表性矿床(小西南岔、闹枝、五凤和刺猬沟),较详细地介绍它们的成矿地质背景、矿床地质特征、流体包裹体、稳定同位素及成矿机制等。通过这些矿床的描述,勾画出一幅从中生代火山盆地边缘的隆起带的斑岩型矿床(小西南岔)→中生代火山盆地内部的断隆块的斑岩-浅成热液过渡型矿床(闹枝)→中生代火山盆地内部断裂带的浅成热液型矿床(五凤和刺猬沟)的全景。  相似文献   

浅成低温热液金矿床研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
胡朋  赫英  张义  江思宏  刘妍 《黄金地质》2004,10(1):48-54
浅成低温热液金矿床是一种重要的金矿类型,近年来其找矿勘查和成因理论研究取得了很大的进展。它不仅产出于中新生代,而且在中生代以前也有产出。该类型金矿成矿与岩浆活动密切相关,岩浆成分具高K特征,成矿物质组成显示出深部来源的特征。高硫化浅成低温热液金矿床与斑岩型铜-金矿床往往密切共生,它们可能是同一成矿系统的产物,在有利的构造条件下可能在其旁侧发育低硫化浅成低温热液金矿床,如紫金山地区。我国东南沿海和西南太平洋地区不同类型浅成低温热液金矿床是不同构造-岩浆背景下的产物。  相似文献   

刘斌  马启波 《地质与资源》1999,8(3):136-146
九十三沟金矿床产于延边复向斜北东端杜荒子-汪清中生代陆相火山断陷盆地东部的石英闪长斑岩内接触带角砾岩中,近南北向断裂构造控制金矿体的产出.成矿物质来自白垩纪浅成侵入体石英闪长斑岩,成矿热液为富含钾质的气水溶液.矿床属岩浆期后中低温热液型金矿床.  相似文献   

黑云母化学成分差异可反映出岩浆岩的性质(全岩铝饱和指数、I/S型花岗岩)、氧逸度、挥发分特征并指示岩浆源区。为了探究不同岩浆体系的性质对成矿差异性的影响,本文选择与长江中下游成矿带的武山铜矿和江南造山带的竹溪岭钨(钼)矿相关的花岗闪长斑岩中的黑云母作为研究对象,对其开展了岩相学、主量元素和原位微量元素分析。结果表明,两地黑云母均富镁贫铁,竹溪岭岩体中的黑云母相对富集Li、Nb等不相容元素,而武山岩体的黑云母富集Ni、V等相容元素。基于黑云母地球化学特征建立了成岩体系与成矿体系的联系:武山铜矿与黑云母相平衡的岩浆体系具有高Cl、高氧逸度特征,有利于Cu富集成矿;而竹溪岭钨(钼)矿的岩浆体系具高F、低氧逸度特征,有利于W富集成矿。  相似文献   

Biotite is an important hydrated ferromagnesian silicate mineral in igneous rocks and porphyry deposits. The determination of chemical compositions of biotite plays an important role in both igneous petrology and ore forming processes. This paper summarizes research results of magmatic and hydrothermal biotites exemplified by the Lakange porphyry Cu–Mo deposit and the Qulong porphyry Cu deposit in the Gangdese porphyry–skarn metallogenic belt, Tibet. Biotite mineral chemistry can provide critical insights into classification, geothermometer, geothermobarometry, oxygen fugacity, petrogenesis and tectonic setting, evaluating magmatic-hydrothermal process by halogen and halogen fugacity ratios, and distinguishing between barren and mineralized rocks. Biotite provides the latest mineralogical evidence on metallogenic prognosis and prospecting evaluation for porphyry Cu polymetallic deposits or magmatic hydrothermal deposits.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Mamut deposit of Sabah, East Malaysia, is a porphyry type Cu‐Au deposit genetically related to a quartz monzonite (“adamellite”) porphyry stock associated with upper Miocene Mount Kinabalu plutonism. The genesis of the Mamut deposit is discussed based on petrology of the intrusives in the Mount Kinabalu area combined with ore– and alteration–petrography, fluid inclusion and sulfur isotope studies. Groundmass of the adamellite porphyry at Mamut is rich in K which suggests vapor transport of alkaline elements during the mineralizing magmatic process, while the groundmass of the post‐ore “granodiorite” porphyry at Mamut contains small amounts of normative corundum suggesting depletion in alkaline elements at the root zone of the magma column. Sub‐dendritic tremolitic amphibole rims on hornblende phenocrysts in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest interaction between the mineralizing magma and the exsolved fluids. Occurrences of clinopyroxene microphenocrysts and pseudomor‐phic aggregates of shredded biotite and clinopyroxene after hornblende phenocrysts in the barren intrusives imply lower water fugacity and decreasing in water fugacity, respectively. Compositional gap between the core of hornblende phenocrysts and the tremolitic amphibole rims and those in the groundmass of the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggests a decrease in pressure. Higher XMg (=Mg/(Mg+Fe) atomic ratio) in the tremolitic amphibole rims in the Mamut adamellite porphyry compared to those of the barren intrusions suggests high oxygen fugacity. High halogen contents of igneous hydrous minerals such as amphiboles, biotite and apatite in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest the existence of highly saline fluids during the intrusion and solidification of the mineralizing magma. Fluid inclusions found in quartz veinlet stockworks are characterized by abundant hypersaline polyphase inclusions associated with subordinate amounts of immiscible gaseous vapor. Both Cu and Au are dispersed in disseminated and quartz stockwork ores. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite as well as magnetite are the principal ore minerals in the biotitized disseminated ores. Primary assemblage of intermediate solid solution (iss) and pyrrhotite converted to the present assemblage of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite during cooling. Subsequent to biotitization, quartz veinlet stockworks formed associated with retrograde chlorite alteration. The Cu‐Fe sul–fides associated with stockwork quartz veinlet are chalcopyrite and pyrite. Overlapping Pb and Zn and subsequent Sb mineralizations were spatially controlled by NNE‐trending fractures accompanying the phyllic and advanced argillic alteration envelope. Sulfur isotopic composition of ore sulfides are homogeneous (about +2%) throughout the mineralization stages. These are identical to those of the magmatic sulfides of Mount Kinabalu adamellitic rocks.  相似文献   

The chemical compositions of rock-forming minerals have been determined for both altered and least-altered igneous rocks spatially associated with numerous mineralized zones (Nucleus Au–Bi–Cu–As deposit, Revenue Au ± Cu and Stoddart Cu–Mo ± W mineral occurrences, and Laforma Au–Ag deposit) across the Freegold Mountain area, Yukon, Canada. Within the study area, K-feldspar has a narrow compositional range (89.4–91% Or), whereas plagioclase spans a wide range (4.4–70.07% An). In all of the investigated samples, T Ab = T An = T Or, suggesting that magmatic equilibrium between the coexisting plagioclase and K-feldspar was maintained. Igneous amphibole phenocrysts from hypabyssal dikes are typically calcic, whereas the Stoddart Cu–Mo ± W, Laforma Au–Ag, and Goldy Au mineralization are associated with Mg-enriched primary amphibole of edenite composition, and Au–Bi–Cu–As mineralization from Nucleus is related to Al-enriched primary amphibole of ferropargasite composition. Primary biotite phenocrysts across the Freegold Mountain area re-equilibrated with oxidized magma (f(O2) values between 10–13 and 10–11.5 bars, lying between the Ni/NiO and the magnetite/haematite buffers). However, biotite and amphibole phenocrysts from Stoddart, Goldy, Laforma, and the Highway zones crystallized from a more oxidized magma, as indicated by their elevated X Mg up to 0.65, relative to biotite and hornblende from Nucleus and Revenue characterized by a lower X Mg (typically < 0.50). This suggests that various sources and (or) rapid emplacement were involved in magma genesis, as further supported by the considerable variation of pressure (1.8–7.3 kb) of amphibole crystallization and of the total Al content in least-altered biotite (2.6–2.9 afu) within the Freegold Mountain area. Biotite and apatite equilibrated within the T range of 520–780°C, consistent with temperatures of equilibration between ilmenite and magnetite, and their compositions indicate that they formed from an oxidized I-type magma. Magma differentiated by fractional crystallization (indicated by the presence of normally zoned plagioclase with Ca-rich cores and Na-enriched outer rims) and multiple magma mixing (supported by the presence of reversed zoned plagioclase and coexistence of normally and reversely zoned plagioclase). Lower X Mg biotite associated with the mineralized (Cu–Mo ± W) potassic alteration incorporated more F and Cl relative to least-altered biotite with higher X Mg. In both Nucleus and Revenue Au–Cu mineralizations, secondary biotite composition varies with respect to the associated alteration mineral assemblages. Although secondary biotite in the skarn re-equilibrated with F-poor fluids, secondary biotite from the pervasive biotitization is related to F- and Cl-enriched fluids, and secondary biotite from the phyllitic zone is related to F-, Cl-, and Mg-depleted fluids, thus consistent with a change in mineralizing fluid composition during mineralization.  相似文献   

黄沙坪矿床是湘南地区最大的铅锌矿床,除铅、锌外,可供开采利用的矿种还包括钨、锡、钼、铜、铁、硫等。矿区内岩浆作用复杂、成矿元素多样、矿化类型丰富,是研究湘南地区斑岩-矽卡岩-热液脉型Cu多金属与矽卡岩W-Sn多金属复合成矿作用的理想对象。为查明矿区Cu多金属与W多金属复合成矿机理,本文在已有研究的基础上,从岩石学、矿物学及元素地球化学等方面分别对区内石英斑岩和花岗斑岩这两类成矿岩体开展了系统研究。结果表明,两类岩体具有相似的源区特征,但在源区性质及其演化过程方面仍存在差异:石英斑岩侵位深度更浅,具有相对较高的氧逸度和较低的形成温度;而花岗斑岩则侵位相对更深,具有更高的形成温度和极高的分异演化程度、更低的氧逸度。这些地球化学特征差异可能是制约石英斑岩成铜矿而花岗斑岩成钨矿的重要原因。  相似文献   

汇聚板块边缘岩浆中金属和氯的地球化学性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了铜(Cu)、金(Au)、铼(Re)和氯(Cl)在汇聚板块边缘岩浆中的性质。在岛弧型的火山岩岩浆演化的早期,Cu、Au和Re均表现为中度不相容元素,含量随SiO2含量的增加而增加。在SiO2质量分数为58%时,多数岛弧型火山岩中Au、Cu的含量会突然大幅度下降。这一变化与铁和钛的变化是耦合的,铁和钛均由不相容元素变为相容元素,显示钛磁铁矿开始结晶了。进一步的研究表明,钛磁铁矿的结晶使硫酸根被还原为氢硫酸根,后者与Au、Cu形成氢硫酸根络合物,被萃取到流体相中,从而形成成矿流体。这一过程可以很好地解释Au、Cu矿床广泛分布于汇聚板块边缘的现象。与Au、Cu相反,Re的含量在SiO2质量分数为60%时才开始下降,而且是缓慢下降。这是因为Re通常比Au、Cu更亲石。此外,Re还具有强烈的挥发性。氯在东Manus岩浆中表现为高度不相容的特点。氯的性质主要受压力、初始水含量和岩浆演化分异程度的控制。计算结果显示,由于MORB和OIB含水量低,分异演化程度低,氯在上述岩浆中表现为高度不相容的特点。相比之下,氯在岛弧岩浆中的性质就复杂得多。随着水含量和岩浆房深度的不同,氯的性质可以从相容变到高度不相容。  相似文献   

黑云母是花岗质岩石中常见的造岩矿物,其成分可以有效指示花岗岩形成的物理化学条件和岩石成因。巴斯铁列克矿床是近年来在新疆阿尔泰造山带南缘发现的首例二叠纪矽卡岩型钨多金属矿床。矿区出露多种类型二叠纪含钨花岗岩。为理清花岗质岩体之间、岩体与钨多金属矿化之间的关系,文章采用电子探针测定了黑云母花岗岩、二长花岗岩、二云母花岗岩和钾长花岗岩中的黑云母成分。结果表明,所有黑云母具有富铁、高铝、贫镁特征,含铁指数(Fe2+/(Mg+Fe2+))为0.66~0.80,二云母花岗岩属铁质黑云母而黑云母花岗岩、二长花岗岩和钾长花岗岩属铁叶黑云母。所有岩石是具有A型特征的I型花岗岩。不同类型岩石中黑云母的成分差异与岩浆来源、分异演化程度有关。二云母花岗岩中黑云母的w(MgO)与结晶温度最高,与黑云母平衡流体的log(fHF/fHCl)值(-1.13~-1.25)最低,log(fH2O/fHF)值(4.64~4.96)最高,母岩浆相对富Cl;黑云母花岗岩中log(fHF/fHCl)值最高,log(fH2O/fHF)最低,与二长花岗岩是同一岩浆房不同演化阶段的产物,与二云母花岗岩和钾长花岗岩属不同的岩浆体系,母岩浆相对富F元素。黑云母花岗岩与W矿化关系更密切。  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Duolong gold‐rich porphyry copper deposit is a newly discovered deposit with proven 5.38 Mt Cu resources of 0.72% Cu and 41 t gold of 0.23 g t?1 in northern Tibet. Granodiorite porphyry and quartz diorite porphyrite are the main ore‐bearing porphyries. A wide range of hydrothermal alteration associated with these porphyries is divided into potassic, argillic and propylitic zones from the ore‐bearing porphyry center outward and upward. In the hydrothermal alteration zones, secondary albite (91.5–99.7% Ab) occurs along the rim of plagioclase phenocryst and fissures. Secondary K‐feldspar (75.1–96.9% Or) replaces plagioclase phenocryst and matrix or occurs in veinlets. Biotite occurs mainly as matrix and veinlet in addition to phenocryst in the potassic zone. The biotite are Mg‐rich and formed under a highly oxidized condition at temperatures ranging from 400°C to 430°C. All the biotites are absent in F, and have high Cl content (0.19–0.26%), with log (XCl/XOH) values of ?2.74 to ?2.88 and IV (Cl) values of ?3.48 to ?3.35, suggesting a significant role of chloride complexes (CuCl2 and AuCl2) in transporting and precipitating copper and gold. Chlorites are present in all alteration zones and correspond mainly to pycnochlorite. They have similar Fe/(Fe+Mg), Mn/(Mn+Mg) ratios, and a formation temperature range of 280–360°C. However, the formation temperature of chlorite in the quartz‐gypsum‐carbonate‐chlorite vein is between 190°C and 220°C, indicating that it may have resulted from a later stage of hydrothermal activity. Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios of chlorites have negative correlation with AlIV, suggesting oxygen fugacity of fluids increases with decreasing temperature. Apatite mineral inclusions in the biotite phenocrysts show high SO3 content (0.44–0.82%) and high Cl content (1–1.37%), indicating the host magma had a high oxidation state and was enriched in S and Cl. The highest Cl content of apatite in the propylitic zone may have resulted from pressure decrease, and the lowest Cl content of apatite in the argillic zone may have been caused by a low Cl content in the fluids. The low concentration of SO3 content in the hydrothermal apatite compared to the magmatic one may have resulted from the decrease of oxygen fugacity and S content in the hydrothermal fluid, which are caused by the abundant precipitation of magnetite.  相似文献   

位于西南三江构造火成岩带义敦弧南段的中甸弧,以发育印支期斑岩型铜矿床和燕山期矽卡岩-热液石英脉型钼-钨-铜矿而著称.针对普朗、地苏嘎和休瓦促成矿岩体中的榍石单矿物,利用EMPA和LA-ICP-MS测定化学成分,探讨化学成分对成岩成矿的指示意义.普朗、地苏嘎和休瓦促岩体榍石均为岩浆来源.普朗岩体榍石形成温度为743~754℃,休瓦促岩体榍石形成温度为702~753℃.根据榍石的δCe、δEu推断三个岩体氧逸度高低顺序为:普朗>地苏嘎>休瓦促,榍石中的Cu含量对母岩浆中的Cu金属量变化不敏感,不能单独作为母岩浆Cu金属量的判别标志;钼成矿对岩体的氧逸度要求不高,在利用榍石中的Mo含量判断母岩浆中的Mo金属量时要综合考虑氧逸度和辉钼矿结晶的影响;岩体中的F含量能降低岩浆粘度,对钼成矿有促进作用,可以作为Mo成矿的指标;榍石中的W、Sn含量对Mo-W矿床具有指示作用,休瓦促Mo-W矿岩体中榍石的W、Sn含量要高于普朗和地苏嘎不成Mo-W矿的岩体.   相似文献   

矿床的形成与其成矿地质体的成因和岩石化学性质密切相关,因此有必要对岩体碱度与成矿关系进行深入研究。通过甘肃省沃尔给花岗岩体的采样测试,并对国内52个各类矿床中与成矿有关岩体中黑云母的主量元素化学成分进行统计和分析,进行寄主岩石碱度判别。研究结果显示:研究区与Cu、Au成矿有关的岩体位于高碱度区域内,而与Sn矿形成有关的岩体均属于低碱度岩石系列。岩浆熔体早期至岩浆后期热液阶段,氧逸度的变化由高到低,介质的碱度逐渐增强,Cu、Au矿床的形成大致经历上述的成岩成矿过程。岩浆结晶过程早期低氧逸度、高碱度有利于Sn的活化迁移,岩浆期后热液阶段的高氧逸度、低碱度有利于锡石的沉淀,但是由于锡石沉淀过程中不断消耗O2,致使其较高的氧逸度显著降低。认为碱度与氧逸度之间相互作用、相互影响进而引起矿化的发生。  相似文献   

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