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在全球变暖的背景下,我国多数大江大河源区存在冰川退缩、雪线上升以及多年冻土和季节冻土明显退化等现象,并由此造成河源区产流量减少以及生态环境恶化等诸多问题,这在内陆河山区流域体现的较为明显,但目前分布式水文模型中很少涉及冻土水热耦合问题。文章以黑河干流山区流域为例,构建了一个内陆河高寒山区流域分布式水热耦合模型(DWHC)。模型基于土壤水热连续性方程将流域产流、入渗和蒸散发过程融合起来,在植被截留、入渗、产流和蒸散发计算方面也有所改进和创新,部分模块具有多个可选择方案。模型设计了与中尺度大气模式MM5的嵌套接口,也可以用地面气象资料驱动。模型在1 km×1 km网格基础上,以日为时间步长,将流域土壤分为18类,土壤剖面分为3~5层不等,流域植被概化为9类。模型只需要土壤初始含水量、初始地温和常规气象资料,以及土壤和植被物理参数,就能够连续演算各层土壤的温度、液态含水量、固态含水量、感热传导、潜热变化、水势梯度、导水率以及水分入渗和毛细上升量等水文循环要素。主要介绍了模型的基本原理和构建思路,有关模型的地面资料驱动结果和与MM5嵌套结果部分,参见后续文章(Ⅱ)、(Ⅲ)。  相似文献   

水文模型在估算冰川径流研究中的应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰川径流估算是气候变化风险评估和水资源可持续管理的重要内容.冰川径流估算方法主要包括:直接观测法、冰川物质平衡法、水量平衡方程法、水化学示踪法和水文模型法.本文首先对五种方法的应用情况进行简要总结,进而重点阐述水文模型法在估算冰川径流研究中的应用现状.水文模型法是冰川径流估算研究中使用最频繁的方法,使用方式主要包括耦合冰川模块和开发新的冰川水文模型.冰川水文模型中的消融算法主要包括温度指数模型(度日因子法)、修正的温度指数模型、能量平衡模型.受当前观测条件限制,修正的温度指数模型兼顾能量平衡模型和温度指数模型的优势而成为冰川水文模型中最流行的方法.随着学科的发展进步,能量平衡模型与水文模型的耦合将会成为未来的研究重点,发展大尺度分布式冰川水文模型是冰川水文学的未来发展方向之一.  相似文献   

Regional climate model (RCM) outputs are often used in hydrological modeling, in particular for streamflow forecasting. The heterogeneity of the meteorological variables such as precipitation, temperature, wind speed and solar radiation often limits the ability of the hydrological model performance. This paper assessed the sensitivity of RCM outputs from the PRUDENCE project and their performance in reproducing the streamflow. The soil and water assessment tool was used to simulate the streamflow of the Rhone River watershed located in the southwestern part of Switzerland, with the climate variables obtained from four RCMs. We analyzed the difference in magnitude of precipitation, maximum and minimum air temperature, and wind speed with respect to the observed values from the meteorological stations. In addition, we also focused on the impact of the grid resolution on model performance, by analyzing grids with resolutions of 50 × 50 and 25 × 25 km2. The variability of the meteorological inputs from various RCMs is quite severe in the studied watershed. Among the four different RCMs, the Danish Meteorological Institute provided the best performance when simulating runoff. We found that temperature lapse rate is significantly important in the mountainous snow and glacier dominated watershed as compared to other variables like precipitation, and wind speed for hydrological performance. Therefore, emphasis should be given to minimum and maximum temperature in the bias correction studies for downscaling climatic data for impact modeling in the mountainous snow and glacier dominated complex watersheds.  相似文献   

A distributed water–heat coupled model (DWHC) is calibrated by using daily precipitation data from 26 hydrological and meteorological stations: daily averaged air temperature data from the 11 stations and daily pan evaporation data (E601) from the 15 stations in 2000. Six tests by using different spatial interpolation methods to calculate the above daily meteorological data in each 1 km × 1 km grid, are designed to simulate the mean daily runoff generated from the research Heihe mountainous watershed in 2000. Due to spatial sparseness and asymmetry of the hydrological and meteorological stations, the results of the six tests have little differences. The interpolation method in 3-D mode considering altitude is not better than those taking no account of altitude, nor are the model results when the daily meteorological data at the two stations far from the research watershed are complemented. At last, a nearest neighbor interpolation method in 2-D mode is used to calibrate the DWHC model, in which the revised Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency NSE, balance error B, determinate coefficient R 2, root mean square error RMSE and average absolute error MAE is about 0.61, 0.08%, 0.73, 25.0 and 15.8 m3s−1, respectively. However, by using the daily data in 1999 to validate the model, the NSE, B, R 2, RMSE and MAE are, respectively, 0.63, −2.98%, 0.77, 34.9 and 20.3 m3s−1. The reason that the model result is not favorable is mainly because of the lack of detailed soil information, meteorological data and vegetation data; even worse, the basic equations for runoff generation processes are mainly derived from the research results in other regions and meanwhile, its flow concentration method should be improved too. The water balance of the research watershed in 2000 is also discussed in this paper. Though the runoff simulation results are not favorable, the estimated evapotranspiration and runoff components are in accordance with the usual knowledge qualitatively, parts of which meet with the field measurements. According to the model results, the runoff is mainly generated from the land surfaces and shallow soil layers in this cold mountainous watershed. The alpine meadow has evident water conservation function based on the model results, field investigation and field observation results. The DWHC model also reproduces the formation processes of the thick-layered ground ice to some extent, though it is suppositional due to lack of detailed soil, vegetation and meteorological information.  相似文献   

中国高寒区水文学中的一些认识和参数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对中国高寒区水文数据和参数缺乏、机理不清的现状,应用祁连山葫芦沟寒区水文小流域观测数据及相关研究成果,率定并获取了高寒区水文模拟中的几个关键参数:① 降水观测误差校正系数及公式;② 固液态降水分离的临界气温;③ 高寒灌丛降水截留参数;④ 土壤完全冻结温度;⑤ 积雪消融的临界气温。认识到若全球变暖引起植被带上移,则山区流域蒸散/降水比例增大、径流系数必然减小;现有降水数据难以满足高寒区水文模拟的需要,降水截留模拟有待改进,冰川、积雪消融缺乏高精度简单估算方法;长时间水文模拟中必须考虑风吹雪、冻土类型演替及冻结深度变化,以及冰川运动和体积变化;需加强冻结层下水、积雪升华和冰川汇流观测试验研究。  相似文献   

以黑河出山日平均流量作为对比,利用26个降水站点、11个气温站点和14个潜在蒸发站点2000年日资料,模型设计了6套气象因子空间分布方案,进行数值模拟试验,结果表明,在黑河流域现有观测站点的情况下,利用各种空间插值方法所得结果基本相当,考虑地面高程的三维插值与不考虑地面高程的二维插值结果相差不大,补充距离研究区较远的站点观测资料,模型结果反而变差。最终模型采用基于二维算法的最近距离法(nearest),利用2000年资料校正模型,计算与实测黑河日出山平均流量序列的效率系数为0.6101,平衡误差为0.0808%。以1999年资料验证模型,效率系数和平衡误差分别为0.6270和-2.9824%。模型基于水热连续方程模拟了黑河山区流域水热交换和耦合过程,探讨了流域的水量平衡,分析了水量平衡因子的时空分布,其模拟结果表明,内陆河高寒山区流域主要为浅表产流,高山草甸具有拦蓄降水和水源涵养作用,并反映了高山地区浅表土壤地下厚层冰的聚集过程。各种模型结果与本区野外实际调查结果基本一致,也符合当前对寒区流域水文循环过程的定性认识。  相似文献   

The distributed water-heat coupled (DWHC) model is calibrated, with the help of the Mesoscale model version 5 (MM5), by calculating the daily precipitation, the daily average air temperature at the 2.0 m heights and the daily potential evaporation in Heihe mountainous watershed area and its vicinity (96.786°∼102.284°E, 37.328°∼40.601°N, 17 × 104 km2), from February 11 to June 30, 2003. The MM5 model periodically ran every 10 days in 3 km × 3 km grid resolution with an integral time step of 3 s. In the MM5 model, many scheme or options are consulted or adopted, such as the Grell scheme cumulus parameterization method, the Dudhia option, the cloud-radiation scheme, MRF PBL option and the modified Oregon State University Land-surface model (OSULSM). According to the projection transform methods, the MM5 outputs are interpolated to the 1 km × 1 km grid in Alberts projection by using triangle-based cubic interpolation (Cubic) and nearest neighbor interpolation (Nearest) methods, with which the DWHC model shares the same method. The result shows that, when the Nearest method is used, the Nash-Sutcliffe equation value of the daily average runoff is 0.79, the balance error is −0.79% and the goodness of fit R 2 value is 0.81. Meanwhile, when the Cubic method is used, the Nash-Sutcliffe equation value, the balance error and the R 2 value are 0.79, −0.65% and 0.80, respectively. Though the runoff simulation result is not favorable, it is still better than that using measured data at the meteorological and hydrological stations; the latter has a Nash-Sutcliffe equation value of 0.61. The MM5-DWHC model results also show that runoff mainly occurs on land surfaces and from shallow soil layers. According to model calibration results, certain outputs of MM5 are singular to some extent and the DWHC model is very sensitive to the initial values.  相似文献   

应用常规的气象水文数据并结合GIS,建立了一个适合西北干旱区内陆河山区流域的以日为步长的分布式径流模型,并对黑河干流山区出山径流进行了模拟计算和讨论。模型以子流域作为最小的产流、汇流单元,根据植被覆盖将各子流域分为裸地区、乔木区、牧草区和冰川区,并根据实际调查将土壤分为 3层,各分区单独进行水量平衡计算。产流过程以土壤储水能力和储水量表征,而储水能力和储水量等则由土壤的孔隙度、干密度和厚度等表征。入渗原理基于土壤储水率平衡原理,并考虑重力势的作用。实际蒸散发与蒸发力和土壤体积含水量的乘积成正比,不同的土壤和植被具有不同的调节参数。模拟结果表明,模拟效果较差的原因是区域日降水过程具有较大的随机性,难以用有限的站点合理计算区域日降水量。寻找一个合适的区域日降水量计算方法是目前少资料大型流域分布式水文模型模拟成功的关键。  相似文献   

A shortage of water has limited the socio-economic development of the Heihe River Basin in northwestern China and has led to many ecological and economic problems. Only the development and application of integration tools can effectively represent the functionality of the watershed and aid in strategic decision making. In the framework of SME, modular and hierarchical model building can simplify the research work. According to the main ideas and key processes commonly used in distributed hydrological models, and combined with the spatial characteristics of the mountainous region of the Heihe River Basin, a unit hydrological model was developed using stella, which was an icon-based software package specifically designed for dynamic systems modeling, and an algorithm for spatial distribution in SME was introduced. This paper describes only the model structure and basic equations, whereas in the next paper, model calibration results using the data measured at meteorological stations, together with land use data and soil data, will be further introduced.  相似文献   

概念性水文模型在出山径流预报中的应用   总被引:37,自引:6,他引:37  
根据HBV水文模型的基本原理,建立了西北干旱区内陆河出山径流概念性水文模型。该模型反映了我国西部山区流域的径流形成特征,将山区流域划分为高山冰雪冻土带和山区植被带两个基本海拔景观带来对山区径流的形成和汇流过程进行模拟计算,以常规气象站的月气温和降水量为模型的初始输入,模拟计算月出山径流量。应用该模型对河西走廊黑河祁连山北坡的山区流域水量平衡进行了模拟计算,并对年径流和逐月分配进行了预报。结果表明,从枯水年到丰水年,降水量、蒸发量、径流量和径流系数均增加,而冰川融水和积雪融水对出山径流的补给比重则减少,这表明了冰雪融水对径流的具有调节作用。黑河山区流域径流系数远比干旱内流区的平均值大,但要小于全国的平均径流系数。所提出的内陆河山区流域出山径流的模拟和预报模型对年径流量和月分配的预报具有较好的精度,可用于黑河以及其他西北干旱区内陆河出山径流的预报,为内陆河流域中下游的水资源分配和开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

面向流域水资源管理,提出了一个基于GIS/RS的流域分布式水文模型,模型主要包括单元水文模型与河网汇流模型两大部分。单元水文模型涉及到冠层截留、融雪、蒸散发、坡面流、非饱和土壤水运动和地下水出流等水文物理过程。产流计算考虑到地形坡度的影响采用基于地形指数的计算方法。汇流演算基于河网结构采用分段马斯京根方法。模型的大部分参数与输入信息可以利用GIS和RS技术获取,能够对气候变化和人类活动对下垫面的改变,做出快速的模拟与响应。  相似文献   

冰川水文模型研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
定量评估冰川变化对干旱区流域/区域水资源管理、海平面上升以及冰川自然灾害预防等十分重要。从冰川产流(消融)和汇流两个水文物理过程出发,介绍了国内外冰川水文模型的研究进展,对目前应用最广的两类消融模型——基于气象因子的统计模型和基于物理机制的能量平衡模型进行了分析和讨论;从冰川表面、内部以及下部汇流3个方面阐述了冰川汇流模型所取得的成果。表明冰川产流(消融)模型已相对较为成熟,而冰川汇流过程目前仍处于探索阶段。构建适合不同规模和类型冰川的、包含冰川运动信息的分布式冰川水文物理模型是今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

大型灌区陆地水循环模式的参数化方案:LWCMPS_ID   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王旭升  杨金忠 《地学前缘》2005,12(Z1):139-145
地表水系统、地下水系统和土壤植物大气连续体的强烈耦合作用是大型灌区水文过程的基本特点,这导致对大型灌区的陆地水循环和水资源进行评价必须采取综合的方法,然而目前还缺少适用的模拟工具。农业灌区的水文特征与天然流域存在显著差别,常规流域水文模型和陆面过程参数化方案用于大型灌区陆地水循环的分析还存在较大的困难。LWCMPS_ID是本文提出的一个适用于大型灌区陆地水循环模式的参数化方案,采用分块集中参数模型简明地实现了地表水、地下水和土壤水的动力学耦合分析,并且包含了一个土壤水冻结融化的简化模型。对处在黄河流域的内蒙古河套灌区,用LWCMPS_ID进行20 年水文动态的模拟,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

利用中尺度气候模式MM5计算黑河山区流域2003年2月11日到6月30日的日降水量、2.0 m高度的日平均气温和潜热,并将其嵌套到DWHC模型中。MM5运行周期为10 d,积分步长为3 s,空间分辨率为3 km。保持DWHC模型土壤参数、植被参数、经验参数和可调参数等不变,仅对模型初始参数进行了调整,利用最近距离法(nearest)将MM5输出结果插值到1 km×1 km格点上,所计算的黑河干流出山口日平均流量与实测序列的NSE=0.79,B=-0.79(%),EV=0.79,R2=0.81。利用基于三角网格的立体插值法(cubic)所获结果与此相当,NSE=0.79,B=-0.65(%),EV=0.79,R2=0.80。这说明利用MM5 DWHC嵌套模型来模拟流域日平均流量是可行的。MM5 DWHC嵌套模型在径流模拟方面,比利用地面资料驱动结果要好。MM5 DWHC嵌套模型的计算结果表明,内陆河高寒山区流域存在明显的浅表产流特征,这与地面观测资料驱动结果一致。模型调试结果表明,MM5输出结果存在某种奇异性,且输出的非汛期降水量明显偏大。  相似文献   

The water resource and its change of mountainous area are very important to the oasis economic system and ecosystem in the arid areas of northwest China. Accurately understanding the water transfer and circulation process among vegetation, soil, and atmosphere over different hydrological units in mountainous areas such as snow and ice, cold desert, forest and grassland is the basic scientific issue of water research in cold and arid regions, which is also the basis of water resource delicacy management and regulation. There are many research results on the hydrological function of different land covers in mountain areas, basin hydrological processes, however, there are only very limited studies on the water internal recycle at basin scale. The quantitative study on the mechanism of water internal recycle is still at the starting stage, which faces many challenges. The key project “Study on water internal recycle processes and mechanism in typical mountain areas of inland basins, Northwest China” funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China will select the Aksu River and Shule River Basin, which have better observation basis, as study area. The internal mechanism of moisture transfer and exchange process of different land cover and atmosphere, the internal mechanism of water cycle in the basin, and water transfer paths in atmosphere will be studied through enhancing runoff plot experiments on different land cover, analyzing the mechanism of water vapor transfer and exchange between different land covers in the watershed by isotope tracing on the water vapor flux of vegetation water, soil moisture and atmospheric moisture, improving the algorithms of remote sensing inversion and ground verification on land surface evapotranspiration on different land cover, and analyzing the water vapor flux from reanalysis data, and the coupling modeling of regional climate model and land surface process model. At last, the effect of different land cover in hydrological process of mountain area, and the impact of land cover on downstream oasis will be systematically analyzed.  相似文献   

分布式降雨径流物理模型的建立和应用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
根据流域降雨径流的主要过程,考虑流域气象及下垫面要素的空间异质性,建立了具有物理基础的分布式降雨径流模型。模型将流域离散为栅格计算单元,并按水流特性分栅格单元为坡面单元和河网单元。在坡面单元上主要计算降雨、下渗、坡面流、壤中流等水文过程,而河网单元则主要计算河道汇流过程。模型利用空间权重插值方法将雨量站点的降雨量插值到各个计算单元,采用运动波方程来计算坡面流,将壤中流概化为垂向流和侧向流,分别用Green-Ampt公式和运动波方程来模拟,河道汇流也采用运动波方程。模型结构简单、参数的物理意义明确,大多数参数可利用DEM、土壤类型图、植被类型图直接获取,少数敏感参数通过率定确定。模型在浙江省甬江上游黄土岭流域和皎口流域进行了应用和检验,其结果令人满意。  相似文献   

前期土壤含水量对水文模拟不确定性影响分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘金涛  张佳宝 《冰川冻土》2006,28(4):519-525
前期土壤含水量是影响洪水形成的重要流域物理因素,在该次水文模拟中土壤初始含水量采用新安江日模型计算得出.研究中,通过改变日模型模拟的时间长度TP,来研究初始时刻土壤含水量的变化对洪水模拟精度的影响.结果表明:初始土壤含水量对于洪水模拟的精度有显著影响,不同日模型计算时间可以使次洪初始土壤蓄水量W的变化达到42%,而相应的洪峰偏差达到57.7%.土壤和降雨观测数据分析显示,土壤体积含水量与前期累积降雨量有一定地相关关系.为有效解决传统模型与流域真实物理属性数据的融合问题,初步建立了实测土壤体积含水量数据与模型中土壤湿度参数及前期降雨的经验关系.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature on alpine mountainous cold regions, which is one of basic parameters of the regional hydrological and meteorological conditions, directly affects glacial recession, snow melt, distribution and freezing thawing process of permafrost, evapotranspiration, vegetation growth, and various underlying surface change process, and then changes the regional hydrological and ecological environment, becomes the important parameter of the research on land surface process and the study of eco-hydrological process. This paper tried to provide an overview of research on land surface temperature, and to introduce its influence factors and the ways to obtain land surface temperature data in high mountainous cold region. Relative to low elevation plain, the land surface temperature was significantly affected by local altitude, terrain and plant cover. There were some methods to obtain land surface temperature, such as measurement in situ, retrieval based on remote sensing and calculation by land surface process models, but there were some limitations while used on alpine mountainous cold regions. Land surface temperature data from meteorological stations were only about level bare ground, and the influence of terrain or vegetable cover was not considered. Therefore, the data could not represent the information of region scale on mountainous area. Land surface temperature retrieval from remote sensing data, because of calculation theory, ground observation verification and spatiotemporal resolution, made it difficult to fulfill research on hydrology, land surface process and eco-hydrological process in alpine mountainous area. Land surface process models estimated land surface temperature in the experimental sites with high accuracy, but reduced the accuracy while upscale to the region scale on the mountainous cold area, because of the error from input control meteorological, soil and plant variables, and the error of ground observation site verification. The future research on land surface temperature on alpine mountainous cold regions should strengthen field observations and improve data accuracy, to build a physical land surface temperature estimation method with topographic and vegetation parameters, and to contribute to research on land-atmosphere-water process in alpine mountainous regions.  相似文献   

As an important exchange process of water and heat between the cryosphere and the atmosphere, snow and glacier sublimation is a principal pathway of moisture content loss of cryosphere. The observations and simulations of snow and glacier sublimation for the process and influencing factors were conducted earlier in the Antarctic and the Arctic Pole, North America and northern Europe, and had made great progress. Based on the analysis of the sublimation of ice and snow and the latent heat of sublimation in different regions and climatic conditions, the influencing factors to sublimation of ice and snow were analyzed. Although sublimation of ice and snow is an important part of regional hydrological process and energy budget balance, under humid climate conditions, sublimation of ice and snow is inhibited. it is greatly affected by local topography(elevation, slope and aspect), vegetation and meteorological elements, resulting in large differences in reported sublimation of ice and snow. However, there are many factors that affect the sublimation, resulting in the obvious spatial and temporal differences of research results. The researches lack of long-term, systematic observation and research, and which has contributed to the lack of understanding in the water-heat process of snow and glacier. There are still great uncertainties and difficulties in this study that need to be overcome.  相似文献   

以van Genuchten模型表述的土壤水分特征曲线为基础,推导出流域单点缺水量,并结合TOPMODEL模型中地形指数与地下水位关系,建立了反映地形和土壤特征共同影响的蓄水容量模型,通过统计方法从栅格尺度蓄水容量获得流域尺度蓄水容量曲线,取代传统新安江模型中率定的蓄水容量曲线。以淮河流域紫罗山子流域为例,分析地形特征与土壤类型对蓄水容量的影响;并与实测流量过程以及原新安江模型模拟的流量过程对比,表明模型能较好地模拟场次洪水过程。模型将蓄水容量曲线显式表述,减少了新安江模型参数,为无资料地区的水文模拟提供了分析方法。  相似文献   

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