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将碳酸氢铵-二乙三胺五乙酸(AB-DTPA)提取重金属生物有效态的方法应用于重金属污染土壤修复的模拟试验中,该土壤的污染元素主要是铜、锌和镉,试验所用修复材料是钠化膨润土。研究表明,AB-DTPA提取法具有很好的稳定性,而且能准确指示铜、锌、镉元素在土壤中的有效态含量,同时AB-DTPA对土壤中铜、锌、镉元素的提取率也适用于模拟试验中修复效果的平行对比。AB-DTPA提取法在重金属污染土壤修复模拟试验中的应用是可行的。  相似文献   

为研究凹凸棒石-双交联水凝胶微球(SA/PVA/ATP)对镉污染土壤钝化修复的效果,将SA/PVA/ATP添加到镉浓度为3.72 mg/kg的土壤中进行淹水培育,采用模拟酸雨、二乙烯三胺五乙酸(DTPA)和三乙醇胺(TEA)混合提取剂(DTPA提取剂)提取土壤有效态镉;采用欧共体标准局顺序提取方法(BCR)提取土壤中不同形态镉;讨论了SA/PVA/ATP添加量、土壤有效态镉和各形态镉的相关性;计算了钝化容量、修复效率和重金属风险评价指数,探究了SA/PVA/ATP对土壤镉的钝化机理。结果显示,随着SA/PVA/ATP的增加,DTPA提取剂和酸雨提取的有效态镉含量分别从1.72 mg/kg和0.024 mg/kg下降到0.66 mg/kg和0.004 4 mg/kg;土壤中的弱酸可提取态镉和可还原态镉含量分别从1.40 mg/kg和0.81 mg/kg下降到1.01 mg/kg和0.41 mg/kg,而可氧化态镉和残渣态镉含量分别从0.86 mg/kg和0.63 mg/kg增加到0.95 mg/kg和1.27 mg/kg。材料添加量与土壤中有效态镉、弱酸提取态镉和可还原态镉含量呈极显著负...  相似文献   

长江武汉段冲积土壤中重金属的环境地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江沿江全流域的重金属元素镉异常带引发了人们对沿长江流域城市的镉及其他重金属元素的环境地球化学特征及生态效应的关注。本文以长江流域具有重要的经济发展战略意义的武汉为研究区,对长江武汉段沿岸的冲积土壤中主要重金属元素镉、铜、铅、镍、铬的含量和以BCR法分步提取的弱酸提取态、可还原态、可氧化态和残渣态等4种形态的分量进行了较系统的分析,同时,配套分析了蔬菜样品中的重金属元素镉、铜、铅、镍、铬的含量,以便了解重金属元素的环境地球化学特征。结果显示,长江武汉段沿岸的冲积土壤中,重金属镉含量超标;铅、铜、镍元素含量接近国家土壤环境质量标准二级指标,基本上对植物和环境不造成危害和污染,满足一般农田、蔬菜地、茶园、果园、牧场等土壤环境标准;铬元素含量较低,接近其背景值。长江武汉段沿岸的冲积土壤中重金属元素的含量和活动性强的弱酸提取态分量随着采样点位置距离武汉钢铁厂越近而增大,显示重金属污染的部分原因可能是工业生产造成的。重金属元素在表层土壤中存在积累效应,表现为表层土壤中重金属元素含量高于对应深层的含量。重金属元素的形态分布特征与各自的地球化学性质有关,活动性强的弱酸提取态镉和铅分量高,具有潜在的环境危害。这些土壤中种植的蔬菜中,重金属元素镉含量普遍明显超标,部分蔬菜中铅元素含量超标,铜、镍、铬元素含量正常。  相似文献   

研究了固定配比的钠化膨润土与土壤在不同pH条件下对重金属离子的吸附效果。钠化膨润土与污染土壤按质量比1∶10和1∶20的比例混合,用碳酸氢铵-二乙三胺五乙酸(AB-DTPA)法提取土壤中有效态重金属。结果表明,在钠化膨润土与土壤质量比为1∶20的条件下,取得了最佳的修复效果;在pH=9.14时该混合土壤对重金属的总体吸附效果最佳。在实际土壤修复中,针对不同重金属污染,应灵活调整修复材料与污染土壤的配比和土壤的pH条件。  相似文献   

土壤重金属元素可提取态是衡量其生物有效性的重要指标,但其含量随着土壤酸碱性等环境条件的变化而改变,在提取土壤重金属元素可提取态时,不可避免地面临着提取剂与提取方法的选择。中国有关土壤重金属元素可提取态的标准分析方法或技术规范涉及的提取剂多达7种(pH=5.8盐酸溶液、0.1mol/L盐酸溶液、0.43±0.02mol/L硝酸溶液、0.11mol/L乙酸溶液、1mol/L硝酸铵溶液、0.005mol/L DTPA浸提剂、0.01mol/L氯化钙溶液),不同学者对不同提取剂有不同的研究结论,对于通用提取剂的系统研究未见报道。本文选择代表性农耕土壤样品,采用以上7种提取剂提取其中8种重金属元素(镉镍铜锌铬铅砷汞),电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定镉铬铜铅锌镍含量,原子荧光光谱法(AFS)测定砷和汞含量,对比了7种提取剂对各重金属元素的提取率,并研究了土壤酸碱性质对重金属元素提取率的影响。结果表明:(1)稀酸溶液对土壤重金属元素的提取率较高,且与土壤的酸碱性无关;(2) 1mol/L硝酸铵溶液虽然对镉的提取能力表征了镉在酸性土壤中的活性远大于碱性土壤的特点,但其对碱性土壤中铅的提取率...  相似文献   

印染污泥中重金属形态分析及生物有效性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
选取上海某印染厂的印染废水处理后的活性污泥样品,通过盆栽土培试验,用黑麦草对印染污泥进行修复,运用Tessier A连续提取法研究修复后黑麦草根际和非根际印染污泥中铅、铜、镍、锌、镉5种重金属形态的变化,以及重金属的生物有效性与植物中有效态含量之间的关系。结果表明,栽培后根际与非根际环境中各重金属元素具有典型的形态分布特征:铅主要以离子交换态和残渣态存在;铜主要以碳酸盐结合态和残渣态存在;镍由紧结合态(铁锰氧化物结合态+有机结合态)向离子交换态转移;锌的有机结合态和碳酸盐结合态有所增加;镉主要以离子交换态和铁锰氧化物结合态为主,说明镉元素较活泼,具有潜在的环境影响能力,应该给予更多的关注。印染污泥中重金属的生物有效性与重金属元素的性质有关,铜、锌的生物有效性较高,其次是铅,最低是镍、镉。  相似文献   

农田土壤重金属污染是影响中国农产品环境质量安全的主要因素。钝化材料是修复农田重金属污染土壤的关键材料,研究开发出高效土壤重金属钝化材料,对于修复重金属污染农田和保障农产品食用安全非常重要。本文以蒙脱石为原材料,将巯基基团负载在其表面或层间制备巯基改性蒙脱石,借助X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)和傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)等技术表征巯基改性蒙脱石的特性,并开展室内土培试验,采用二乙三胺五乙酸浸提-火焰原子吸收分光光度法分析土壤镉的有效态,通过Tessier修正顺序七步提取法分析土壤镉的赋存形态。结果表明:蒙脱石经巯基改性后不仅新增了C-H、S-H共价键,而且增强了-OH和C=O化学键的活性,能与Cd2+发生巯基及羟基配位吸附。供试土壤添加巯基改性蒙脱石后,由于巯基配位吸附作用使土壤离子交换态镉转化为铁锰氧化物结合态,而增强的羟基配位吸附作用使其转化为碳酸盐结合态,结果使土壤中镉的赋存形态发生显著改变,离子交换态大幅减少,作物根系可吸收的土壤有效镉显著降低。添加1%、3%、5%巯基改性蒙脱石后,土壤有效镉分别降低21.92%、69.11%、...  相似文献   

土壤活性组分提取剂的研制及初步试验结果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
土壤的活性组分能够反映土壤实际污染状况及对环境的危害,选择适当的土壤浸提剂是准确评价土壤活性组分的关键技术,已有的提取剂局限于不同元素和不同土壤类型,提取步骤繁琐,实验周期长,重现性不高。本文研制了一种提取土壤中活性组分的新型提取剂——AIE,提取剂组成为0.25 mol/L醋酸-0.25 mol/L醋酸铵-0.005 mol/L DTPA-0.2%对苯二酚混合溶液。国家标准物质提取实验表明,AIE提取剂能够有效提取土壤中多种元素的活性组分(有效态磷、有效态钾、有效态锰、有效态铜),具有很好的通用性。AIE提取剂与三种通用提取剂(Mehlich 3、AB-DTPA、盐酸)的实验比较表明,AIE对作物营养组分盐基离子(K、Na、Ca、Mg)的提取效果高于AB-DTPA和盐酸,与Mehlich 3的提取量变化规律基本一致;对Fe、Mn、P和重金属元素的提取值70%高于或相当于其他三种提取剂。应用AIE提取土壤的活性组分,适用于提取作物营养组分和重金属元素,既可提取有效态又可提取缓效态,且样品无需针对不同元素做分别处理,多种元素提取方法一致,比已有的提取剂实验周期缩短3~5倍,有利于大批量样品的分析测试;AIE实际应用的重现性较好,大多数元素提取量的相对标准偏差低于8%;AIE的缓冲能力强,提取液的pH值升高幅度(0.07~0.9)均未超过缓冲溶液的缓冲范围,可同时适用于酸性和碱性土壤。总体上AIE通用性优于Mehlich 3和AB-DTPA提取剂,是已有提取分析方法的补充和完善。  相似文献   

土壤中重金属有效态分析技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤重金属有效态含量作为评价土壤污染程度的指标越来越被认可,为了更好地研究土壤中重金属有效态的分析测试方法,本文综述了近年来土壤中重金属有效态分析技术研究进展。重点阐述了单步提取法、连续提取法,对单步提取法中中性盐、络合剂、酸溶液三类提取剂、电感耦合等离子体等仪器分析方法进行综述。建立有效、准确的土壤中重金属有效态的测试方法,以及标准物质等方面的研究,将为土壤污染风险评估及土壤污染修复工作起到指导作用。  相似文献   

王静  吴宇峰  王斌  张磊  王鑫  赵一 《岩矿测试》2015,34(4):464-470
毒性淋溶提取法(TCLP)是美国法定的一种生态环境风险评价方法,通过提取土壤中的重金属有效态判断土壤重金属污染状况和评估污染区域生态风险。本文应用TCLP法提取天津市某工业园区内及周围农田土壤中的有效态Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法和原子吸收光谱法分别测定重金属全量和有效态,结合单项污染指数和内梅罗综合污染指数评价了重金属生态风险。结果表明:研究区Zn是首要污染物,主要来源于镀锌厂、金属制品厂和电镀厂,其次是Pb和Cu污染,Cd无污染;Pb、Zn可能具有同源性或伴生关系;大部分土壤处于安全水平,重金属污染率不到30%,但农田土壤出现了Zn的轻度污染。重金属全量是影响重金属有效态含量较大的因素,当Zn全量大于环境质量标准限值(300 mg/kg),Pb全量大于80mg/kg时,有效态Zn、Pb与其全量均呈正相关。因此,可以使用TCLP法将土壤重金属全量与有效态进行量化评价重金属生态风险。  相似文献   

Metals including lead, chromium, arsenic, zinc, cadmium, copper and mercury can cause significant damage to the environment and human health as a result of their mobilities and solubilities. The selection of the most appropriate soil and sediment remediation method depends on the site characteristics, concentration, types of pollutants to be removed, and the end use of the contaminated medium. The approaches include isolation, immobilization, toxicity reduction, physical separation and extraction. Many of these technologies have been used full-scale. This paper will review both the full-scale and developing technologies that are available. Contaminants can be isolated and contained to minimize further movement, to reduce the permeability of the waste to less than 1×10−7 m/s (according to U.S. guidelines) and to increase the strength or bearing capacity of the waste. Physical barriers made of steel, cement, bentonite and grout walls can be used for isolation and minimization of metal mobility. Another method is solidification /stabilization, which contains the contaminants in an area by mixing or injecting agents. Solidification encapsulates contaminants in a solid matrix while stabilization involves formation of chemical bonds to reduce contaminant mobility. Another approach is size selection processes for removal of the larger, cleaner particles from the smaller more polluted ones. To accomplish this, several processes are used. They include: hydrocyclones, fluidized bed separation and flotation. Addition of special chemicals and aeration in the latter case causes these contaminated particles to float. Electrokinetic processes involve passing a low intensity electric current between a cathode and an anode imbedded in the contaminated soil. Ions and small charged particles, in addition to water, are transported between the electrodes. This technology have been demonstrated in the U.S. full-scale, in a limited manner but in Europe, it is used for copper, zinc, lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and nickel. The duration of time that the electrode remains in the soil, and spacing is site-specific. Techniques for the extraction of metals by biological means have been not extensively applied up to this point. The main methods include bioleaching and phytoremediation. Bioleaching involves Thiobacillus sp. bacteria which can reduce sulphur compounds under aerobic and acidic conditions (pH 4) at temperatures between 15 and 55°C. Plants such as Thlaspi, Urtica, Chenopodium, Polygonum sachalase and Alyssim have the capability to accumulate cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc and can therefore be considered as an indirect method of treating contaminated soils. This method is limited to shallow depths of contamination. Soil washing and in situ flushing involve the addition of water with or without additives including organic and inorganic acids, sodium hydroxide which can dissolve organic soil matter, water soluble solvents such as methanol, nontoxic cations, complexing agents such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), acids in combination with complexation agents or oxidizing/reducing agents. Our research has indicated that biosurfactants, biologically produced surfactants, may also be promising agents for enhancing removal of metals from contaminated soils and sediments.

In summary, the main techniques that have been used for metal removal are solidification/stabilization, electrokinetics, and in situ extraction. Site characteristics are of paramount importance in choosing the most appropriate remediation method. Phytoremediation and bioleaching can also be used but are not as well developed.  相似文献   

为了研究一种高效的多种重金属污染土壤修复剂,本文采用了一种具有OH-缓释功能的改性Mg(OH)2,通过重金属污染土壤稳定化修复实验,探讨了改性Mg(OH)2对污染土壤中多种重金属(Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn)的稳定效率及对多种重金属形态分布的影响。结果表明,投加改性Mg(OH)2对土壤中多种重金属均有稳定作用,对Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn的稳定效率分别为72.42%、34.53%、87.64%和97.65%,且改性Mg(OH)2的投加使重金属交换态质量明显减少、残渣态质量增加,进一步提高了重金属的稳定性,降低了重金属生物有效性;另外,改性Mg(OH)2具有OH-缓释性,可使土壤长期保持一定的碱性,是一种经济有效的土壤修复剂。  相似文献   

The use of treated urban wastewater for irrigation is a relatively recent innovation in Botswana and knowledge is still limited on its impact on soil heavy metal levels. The aim of this study is to analyze and compare heavy metal concentration in secondary wastewater irrigated soils being cultivated to different crops: olive, maize, spinach and tomato in the Glen Valley near Gaborone City, Botswana. The studied crop plots have been cultivated continuously under treated wastewater irrigation for at least 3 years. Most crop farms have sandy loam, loamy sand soils. Based on food and agriculture organization, heavy metal threshold values for crop production have been studied. Results showed that the wastewater irrigated soils in the Glen Valley have higher cadmium, nickel and copper than desirable levels, while the levels of mercury, lead and zinc are lower than the maximum threshold values recommended for crop production. The control sites show that the soils are naturally high in some of these heavy metals (e.g copper, zinc, nickel) and that crop cultivation under wastewater irrigation has actually lowered the heavy metal content. Comparing between the crops, mercury and cadmium levels are highest in soils under maize and decline linearly from maize to spinach to olive to tomato and control site. By contrast, concentrations of the other metals are at their lowest in maize and then increase from maize to spinach to olive to tomato and to control site.  相似文献   

黄春雷  宋金秋  潘卫丰 《地质通报》2011,30(9):1434-1441
基于对浙东沿海某典型固废拆解区重金属元素大气干湿沉降特征的研究,探讨了重金属元素干湿沉降输入对土壤环境的影响。结果表明,研究区露天焚烧等不规范的固废拆解行为造成大气质量恶化,对土地质量造成严重的负面影响。区内干、湿沉降中Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn、Ni等重金属元素的含量均远高于浙江省干、湿沉降平均值和其它相关标准值,并且其年沉降通量在省内居高,尤其是Cu、Zn两种元素每年每平方百米沉降通量分别达7108g、11420g。研究显示,大气沉降能大大增加研究区土壤重金属元素的含量水平,Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb平均年增加量分别达3426ng/g、5819ng/g、6.50ng/g、582ng/g,并且年增加率较大,Pb、Cu、Zn等重金属元素的年增加率达0.5%以上。  相似文献   

景明  李烨  陈盈余  陈家玮 《现代地质》2014,28(6):1194-1201
生物炭应用在土壤中具有CO2减排、改善土壤性质等作用,研究表明生物炭土壤有助于农作物产量和质量的提高,同时对污染物有较好的吸附效果,能控制其迁移,但对于近年关注的土壤中Cr(Ⅵ)和生物炭的作用研究却很少。通过土柱淋滤实验,研究土壤中添加生物炭后对Cr(Ⅵ)的迁移影响,特别是对其进行模拟酸雨淋滤实验,进一步研究了生物炭土壤对Cr(Ⅵ)的锁定效果。结果表明:仅施加1%的生物炭,就能够大幅度提高土壤系统固定Cr(Ⅵ)的能力,小粒径生物炭对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附固定能力更加明显,在一定条件下是大粒径的固定吸附量的3倍,在酸雨淋滤作用下也不易解吸,说明生物炭的添加能有效抑制Cr(Ⅵ)在土壤中的迁移,起到原位锁定的作用,这对农田土壤开发治理提供了重要手段和依据。  相似文献   

烟台市是山东半岛蓝色经济区核心城市之一。通过对山东省烟台市生态地球化学资料的系统整理,发现土壤主要污染因子是Cd、As、Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn等重金属元素,工矿三废排放是土壤重金属的主要来源;过量施用化肥和工矿污染形成的酸雨使区内土壤明显酸化,土壤根系土中镉等元素在酸性环境中活化迁移能力明显增强,有毒重金属镉等通过土壤-水-植物活化迁移量大,经食物链向人体中转移危险性增大。土壤重金属污染和土壤酸化成为烟台市域内两项重大的生态环境问题,为土地污染防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Heavy metal concentrations in samples collected from the London 2012 Olympic Village were determined using a three-step sequential extraction and a rapid extraction method. Metal toxicity was measured by employing the Microtox? solid phase analysis. Both extraction methods produced comparable results (p?=?0.996), but the rapid method produced higher readings. A number of heavy metals were detected using the two extraction methods, including aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead and zinc; beryllium, molybdenum, niobium and titanium were also found in low concentration ranging between 0.16 and 27.10?mg/kg in the total acid digestion. The total metal levels in all the soil samples were within the UK Soil Guideline Value (SGV) except for lead which ranged between 62.9 and 776.2?mg/kg. The 30?min EC50 of different soil fractions was 2?C5.8?g/L. In the absence of any of heavy metals in the SGV, the Dutch Guideline values were referred. Mathematical models for a number of metals were generated based on the changes in EC50 values between each (F1, F2 and F3) soil fractions and the initial toxicity in the non-fractionated samples. The resulting models produced good R2 values (>96%) for predicting the change in toxicity of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper by measuring their changes in concentrations. These models could substantially reduce the time requires to determine the toxicity in the samples; they would be a useful tool in the clean up process where monitoring of metal toxicity is required.  相似文献   

At present, the prior-established threshold values are widely used to classify contaminated agricultural soils with heavy metals under the cultivation of a variety of crops, without considering the different sensitivity of plants to heavy metals. Evaluation of the characteristics of cadmium transfer from a polluted calcareous soil to cultivated wheat crop and assessment of the efficiency of using the threshold values to reflect the soil pollution risk by cadmium in Zanjan Zinc Town area at the northwest of Iran were the goals of this study. Totally, 65 topsoil (0–20 cm) and corresponding wheat samples of an agricultural region in the proximity of a metallurgical factory were collected and analyzed for cadmium concentration. The results revealed that industrial activities strongly control cadmium distribution in the studied soils. Relatively high bioavailable cadmium contents (mean 0.77 mg kg?1) were found in the soils, notwithstanding their alkalinity. It was observed that just 22.5% of the studied area around the Zinc Town is covered by polluted soils with the cadmium concentration exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of 5 mg kg?1, whereas cadmium concentration in wheat grains of 19 sampled plants is higher than the threshold value of 0.2 mg kg?1. Among these polluted plants, a total of eight samples were grown in areas classified as unpolluted soils with cadmium, based on the soil threshold value. It seems that this misclassification of polluted soils is mainly related to the crop sensitivity to heavy metals uptake from the soil which should be considered.  相似文献   

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