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桦甸盆地始新世孢粉特征及其古气候指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统研究了桦甸盆地始新世植物孢粉的特征,并采用共存因子分析法定量重建该区始新世气候变化。通过详细鉴定和统计,桦甸盆地始新世桦甸组共鉴定出孢粉85属100种,以被子植物花粉占绝对优势,其中栎粉、椴粉、桤木粉和榆粉含量较高,裸子植物花粉和蕨类植物孢子含量较低,孢粉组合中热带-亚热带分子较多,但含量低于温带及亚热带,属北亚热带温暖湿润气候。通过共存分析获得的桦甸盆地始新世气候参数:年均温为13.6℃~18.4℃、最热月均温23.6℃~27.9℃、最冷月均温5.5℃~7.8℃、年降雨量887~1 206 mm、最湿月降雨量187~236 mm、最干月降雨量16~41mm、最温暖月降雨量45~143 mm。相比较于吉林东部珲春盆地始新世的孢粉植物群和古气候,差异不大,均属典型的温暖湿润的气候环境。  相似文献   

广西南宁盆地渐新世孢粉植物群及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章系统研究南宁盆地琅东高坡邕宁组下含煤段的孢粉,建立1个孢粉组合和3个亚组合.孢粉组合以木本被子植物蕈树科、壳斗科、榆科、胡桃科、杨柳科和木犀科为主,同时见有槭树科、桦木科、芸香科、漆树科、椴树科、冬青科、大戟科、山龙眼科、楝科、珙桐科、忍冬科、山矾科和桑寄生科等成分;草本被子植物花粉少量见到,含莎草科、毛茛科、唇形科、禾本科、菊科、百合科、蓼科、黑三棱科和睡莲科;裸子植物花粉主要为杉科和松科,少量见到罗汉松科;蕨类植物孢子包括凤尾蕨科、水龙骨科、紫萁科、石松科、水藓科和海金沙科.此外,还见有部分藻类分布,含疑源类的皱面球藻属、瘤面球藻属和光面球藻属,亲缘关系不明的环纹藻属以及绿藻门水网藻科的盘星藻属.组合中,裸子植物花粉尤其松科的含量自下而上逐渐减少,藻类主要分布在剖面的中部,蕨类植物孢子更多地见于剖面的上部;因此进而分出3个亚组合.孢粉植物群反映沉积时期的气候温暖湿润,植被类型为亚热带湿生常绿、落叶阔叶混交林.结果表明当时的植物生境稳定、气候温暖,湖泊和湿地逐步发育,在后期形成沼泽环境;孢粉组合一定程度上反映了全球气候在始新世末期急剧变冷后,在渐新世早中期的逐渐回暖过程.  相似文献   

本文系统报道了内蒙古呼伦贝尔市莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗鸽子山化石点下白垩统龙江组孢粉化石,共鉴定49属70种。孢粉组合中,裸子植物花粉占主要地位,主要为气囊分化不完善的“古老型”花粉,南洋杉科、松科、罗汉松科和苏铁类花粉占有一定比例;蕨类植物孢子占次要地位,主要为桫椤科孢子,石松科、海金沙科、卷柏科孢子有一定含量;被子植物花粉少量出现。依据组合面貌,将其命名为Cyathidites--Taxodiaceaepollenites--Tricolpopollenites组合。根据特征分子推断,该孢粉组合所指示的地质时代为早白垩世Aptian--Albian期。孢粉母体植物生态习性反映鸽子山地区早白垩世晚期的气候以温暖、湿润为主,并可能伴有季节性干旱。  相似文献   

吉利明 《沉积学报》1994,12(2):133-142
甘肃兰州西固附近下白垩统河口组上亚组含丰富的孢粉化石,孢粉组合以Piceaepollenites-Cicatricosisporites-Tricslpopollenites为代表,裸子植物花粉略占优势,蕨类植物孢子次之,被子植物花粉很少,地质时代为早白垩世晚期(Aptian-Albian)?该地层是迄今为止民和盆地所发现的下白垩统最高层位?当时民和盆地正处于植物非常繁盛的热带?亚热带区,前期气候较湿润,后期相对干旱?为我国传统植物地理分区的南方区混生过渡带,在数字分类的孢粉植物分区中处于北方区的西北-东北省?  相似文献   

金小赤  张建平等 《地质通报》2002,21(12):823-833
库车盆地的新生界发育比较完整,笔者在库车县城北东方向约50km的库尔哈村西的河谷中测制了剖面。于66层的44号样和90层的50号样品中获得了两个孢粉组合。66层和90层皆属于康村组,两个样品之间相差约200m(真厚度)。在此之前,尚未见到有关康村组孢粉化石的报道。44号样的孢粉组合中被子植物花粉占绝对优势,含量高达94.5%,裸子植物花粉和蕨类植物孢子均少量出现。孢粉面貌反映以草原和灌丛为主的植被类型。50号样的孢粉组合中被子植物花粉占优势(66.5%),裸子植物花粉有较高含量(32.0%),蕨类植物孢子零星出现。孢粉面貌反映盆地周缘广泛分布有以松科为主的高山针叶林带。  相似文献   

湖北屈家岭遗址孢粉、炭屑记录与古文明发展*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
湖北屈家岭遗址附近的河湖相沉积剖面及文化层的孢粉和炭屑分析表明,距今5400—4200年间,遗址周边地区分布有常绿阔叶和落叶阔叶林,大量的禾本科(Gramineae)和松属(Pinus)花粉及炭屑表明这一时期有强烈的人类活动,暖湿的气候条件为屈家岭文化和石家河文化发展奠定了基础。距今4200—2200年间,莎草科(Cyperaceae)花粉和水蕨(Ceratopteris)孢子的减少反映生境干旱化,遗址周边发育由蒿属(Artemisia)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、唐松草(Thalictrum)和蕨类植物组成的坡草丛;这种生境干旱化是由气候变干和强烈人类活动所致。伴随着生境日趋干旱化,屈家岭文化和石家河文化走向衰亡。距今2200年前,莎草科花粉和水蕨孢子含量增加表明这一时期遗址周围生境比较湿润,与此同时,大量的禾本科花粉及高浓度的炭屑指示着又一人类活动高潮期的到来。  相似文献   

以贵州省关岭县南部北盘江试验示范为例,分析了不同等级石漠化土地上的表土孢粉组合特征,揭示了孢粉组合特征与石漠化等级的相互关系。结果显示:石漠化地区的孢粉组合具有鲜明的特征,乔木与灌木合占16.1%,草本与蕨类植物合占58.9%,这反映了石漠化地区以草蕨类植物为主的植被状况;孢粉组合与石漠化等级呈良好的相关性,草蕨类植物随石漠化等级的升高比重由41%增加到77.6%,种类由14种增加到27种,乔木花粉所占比重由6.9%降到2.6%,植物种类不变;孢粉组合反映出三出凤尾蕨等蕨类植物对岩溶石漠化生态环境的适应性和代表性。  相似文献   

何耀堂 《福建地质》2011,30(3):224-232
福建泉州晚第四纪沉积物中孢粉,晚更新世以气候适应范围较宽的木本植物花粉占优势,适应温暖湿润气候的蕨类植物孢子较少;早全新世二者含量相当;中全新世蕨类植物孢子增多,木本植物花粉退居第二;晚全新世蕨类植物孢子占绝对优势,木本植物花粉相对减少。草本植物花粉浓度始终不高,但随着时代更新,种类增多。区内微体古生物在晚更新世和早全...  相似文献   

内蒙古海拉尔盆地大磨拐河组孢粉化石及其时代浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海拉尔盆地大磨拐河组所产孢粉化石分属于3个孢粉组合.下部孢粉组合以蕨类植物海金沙科孢子为主,重要分子有Cicatricosisporites australiensis, Cyathidites minor, C. gracilis, C. minutaestriatus, Appendicisporites problematicus, A.jonsonii,Pilosisporites verus, Impardecispora apiverrucata, I. purverulenta, Triporoletes reticulates, Aequitriradites echinatus等;中部孢粉组合则以两气囊花粉如Pinuspollenites, Piceaepollenites, Abietineaepollenites, Abiespollenites等占绝大多数,同时见少量被子植物花粉Asteropollis sp., Tricolpites sp.等;上部孢粉组合中裸子植物花粉略有减少,但仍占重要地位,重要分子有Cicatricosisporites australiensis, C. minutaestriatus,C. gushanensis, Impardecispora purverulenta ,Foraminisporites wonthagiensis, Aequitriradites verrucosus, Triporoletes singularis, T. reticulates, Polyporites? sp.等.上述孢粉组合大体可与松辽盆地登娄库组,黑龙江省东部城子河组、穆棱组,辽西地区沙海组、阜新组等对比,代表了中国北方早白垩世特有的植物群面貌,而其中Asteropollis, Tricolpites和Polyporites等被子植物花粉化石的发现,可能暗示大磨拐河组的时代为早白垩世中、晚期的巴列姆(Barremian)期-阿普第(Aptian)期,其上部可能上延至早阿尔必(Albian)期.  相似文献   

早渐新世全球气候迅速发生了降温,对地球生物产生了重大影响。利用共存分析法对贵州盘州地区石脑组的早渐新世植物群古气候进行了定量重建。植物群大化石指示的古气候参数:年均温(MAT)为15.7~21.9℃、最冷月均温(CMMT)为2.5~16.7℃、最热月均温(WMMT)为21.6~28.1℃、年均降雨量(MAP)为828.0~1 900.0mm、最湿月均降雨量(MPwet)为160.0~343.0 mm、最旱月均降雨量(MPdry)为7.0~54.0mm、最暖月均降雨量(MPwarm)为105.0~180.0mm。孢粉化石指示的古气候参数:MAT为11.5~23.9℃、CMMT为-1.0~16.7℃、WMMT为23.0~27.9℃、MAP为803.0~1 613.0mm、MPwet为116.0~293.0mm、MPdry为17.0~55.0mm、MPwarm为94.0~180.0mm。植物群大化石和孢粉化石的共存分析结果都指示一种温暖的、湿润的亚热带气候,且具有较明显的季节变化,与现在我国东南部地区气候较相似。盘州地区现在气候与早渐新世气候相比,夏季变凉爽多雨。结合我国同时期的植物群古气候参数,结果说明我国早渐新世时气候随纬度升高变化并不大,其分带现象明显低于现在的气候纬度分带变化。  相似文献   

Precipitation over India is driven by the Indian monsoon. Although changes in this atmospheric circulation are caused by the differential seasonal diabatic heating of Asia and the Indo-Pacific Ocean, it is so far unknown how global warming influences the monsoon rainfalls regionally. Herein, we present a Miocene pollen flora as the first direct proxy for monsoon over southern India during the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum. To identify climatic key parameters, such as mean annual temperature, warmest month temperature, coldest month temperature, mean annual precipitation, mean precipitation during the driest month, mean precipitation during the wettest month and mean precipitation during the warmest month the Coexistence Approach is applied. Irrespective of a ~ 3–4 °C higher global temperature during the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum, the results indicate a modern-like monsoonal precipitation pattern contrasting marine proxies which point to a strong decline of Indian monsoon in the Himalaya at this time. Therefore, the strength of monsoon rainfall in tropical India appears neither to be related to global warming nor to be linked with the atmospheric conditions over the Tibetan Plateau. For the future it implies that increased global warming does not necessarily entail changes in the South Indian monsoon rainfall.  相似文献   

山旺中新世植被演替及古气候定量研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文详细研究了山旺中新世22.95 m厚的硅藻土沉积层位上,以10-30 cm为间距所采集的130块孢粉样品,鉴定出111个孢粉类型;古植被演替的研究结果表明由老至新经历的5个阶段:“湿润环境下的混交中生林”,“干旱环境下的混交中生林”,“湿润湖岸环境下的混交中生林”,“山地、湿润及碱性等环境下的混交中生林”,和“碱性环境下的混交中生林”; 同时,首次成功地运用共存分析法定量地恢复了山旺中新世气候,得出古气候参数定量值如下:年平均温度15.6-17.2℃, 最热月平均温度24.7-27.8℃, 最冷月平均温度 5.0-6.6℃, 温度年较差20.5-25℃, 平均相对湿度72-75%, 年平均降雨量1162-1308 mm, 最湿月份平均降雨量148-180 mm, 最干月份平均降雨量16-59 mm, 最干及最湿月份降雨量的差值81-153 mm, 最热月份的平均降雨量108-111 mm。山旺中新世时期的气候波动范围为:年平均温度波动约3℃左右,最冷月份平均温度波动约4℃左右,最热月份平均温度波动约1℃左右,年平均降雨量波动约100 mm左右。总体反映山旺中新世气候温暖潮湿,冬季凉爽,夏季炎热。  相似文献   

A climatic reconstruction has been carried out on the Stirone pollen sequence (northern Italy), covering the Pliocene period from the Zanclean to the early Gelasian (˜5.1 to ˜2.2 Ma). Despite the existence of a number of hiatuses, the section provides a clear picture of the vegetation and climatic evolution during this time interval, which includes the first glacial-interglacial cycles of the Northern Hemisphere. The climate of this period has been quantified using the 'Climatic Amplitude Method' developed for the Neogene, and five climatic parameters have been estimated. The results show that at the beginning of the Pliocene and during the interglacial periods the climate was warm and humid (mean annual temperature from 16 to 20°C, mean annual precipitation from 1100 to 1500–1600 mm), similar to that found elsewhere in the northwestern Mediterranean area. However, during the first glacial periods the reconstructed climate differs from that found at other Mediterranean sites: the mean annual temperature, the temperature of the warmest and coldest months show lower values than those found during the lower Pliocene, but no marked reductions are observed in the annual precipitation, allowing the continuous presence of a forested environment. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that from at least the Upper Pliocene the Po region has been a special region from the point of view of both vegetation and climate. The difference is particularly marked during the earliest glacial phases in northern Italy.  相似文献   

辽宁抚顺盆地始新世古气候定量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用德国科学家 Mosbrugger 和 Utescher 在 1997 年提出的共存分析法对辽宁抚顺盆地始新世古气候进行定量重建。通过共存分析获得的抚顺盆地始新世古气候参数为:年均温度为 14.3~19.8℃(中值为 17.05℃),最热月均温为 24.1~27.7℃,最冷月均温为 2.5~10.9 ℃,年较差为 17.7~22.7℃,年降雨量为 803.6~1 113.3 mm (中值为 958.45 mm),最大月降雨量为 179.4~268.1 mm,最小月降雨量为 10.2~12.7 mm。与现代气候对比发现:始新世时气温较现在(7.8℃)高9.25℃,年降雨量较现在(734.5 mm)多约224 mm,始新世时属于亚热带季风气候,现今为温带季风气候。  相似文献   

青藏高原南部上新世花粉植物群及其古气候   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
<正> 在青藏高原南部,上新世沉积物主要是山间湖盆沉积物,而山间湖盆沉积物的花粉源,主要来自邻近山地不同植被带的植物和邻近开阔地的植物,因此,其花粉谱往往是不同植被类型植物所产花粉的综合物。花粉谱中存在的这种叠加,造成了古植被和古环境重建的复杂性,也使研究者难于对花粉谱作直接的生态解释。而主成分分析可使分解此  相似文献   

The modern analogue technique (MAT) was applied to six pollen sequences from the Belledonne Massif (northwestern French Alps) to estimate the effect of altitude and local parameters on pollen‐based climate reconstruction during the Lateglacial and the early Holocene. The six sites (Le Vivier (345 m a.s.l.), Les Etelles (700 m a.s.l.), La Coche (980 m a.s.l.), Montendry (1330 m a.s.l.), Le Grand Leyat (1660 m a.s.l.), La Gouille (1800 m a.s.l.)) are located in different vegetation belts (mixed deciduous woods, conifer woods, alpine pastures with maple). The main vegetation changes in the past are recorded at each site. The evolution of four climate parameters (coldest month temperature, warmest month temperature, mean annual temperature, annual precipitation) was quantitatively inferred from pollen data using MAT. The curves obtained were compared to the Les Etelles site, which was the least affected by non‐local pollen transport. The results show consistent trends for the climate parameters reconstructed at the different sites. However, the reconstruction does not indicate a decrease in temperature values related to the increasing elevation. Difficulties in reconstructing the altitudinal variations of climate parameters from pollen data during the periods studied are discussed and perspectives for improvement are considered. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the relationships between Abies and Picea abundance in surface pollen and sub-alpine coniferous forest (SCF) distribution, elevation and climate in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau using a large modern pollen data set consisting of 857 samples. Results indicate that Abies and Picea pollen are abundant in the southern and eastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, where SCF dominates the landscape. Pollen percentages of both Abies and Picea show a unimodal pattern with changes in elevation and climate, and their optima occur at elevations from 2500 to 4000 m a.s.l., mean annual temperature from −1 to 10 °C and mean annual precipitation from 450 to 850 mm. The optimal elevation of Abies and Picea pollen distribution decreases with latitude from c . 4000 m in the south (21–32°N) to c . 2500 m in the north (43–49°N). The spatial pattern of Abies and Picea pollen abundance is highly correlated with the modern distribution of these taxa, which is largely controlled by elevation and climate. These relationships could provide a practical reference for interpretation of fossil pollen data in terms of climate and elevation in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

A new approach is proposed to obtain quantitative temperature reconstructions from Early and Middle Pleistocene pollen and megafloral records. Utilizing the indicator species concept pioneered by Iversen (1944, Geologiska Föreningen Förhandlingar Stockholm 66, 463–483), the new methodology overcomes the problem of non-analogue plant communities by only taking into account the presence/absence of taxa rather than their relative abundances. Based on the present day thermal tolerances of the taxa from a fossil assemblage, the temperature interval in which all taxa from this assemblage can coexist is determined. A databank containing the climate tolerances of 85 taxa from European pollen records was established. To increase the temperature resolution of the method, procedures were developed to assess the most likely intervals for the actual temperatures within the calculated common thermospheres and the routine evaluation of the mean temperatures of the warmest and coldest months (MTW and MTC). After calibrating the approach on modern assemblages, it was applied to Tiglian and Holsteinian pollen sequences from Lieth (northern Germany) and Lac du Bourget (northern French Alps). For both records the method yields detailed temperature reconstructions of temperate and cold episodes. During the coldest episode of the Lieth section, the MTC may have been as low as −16°C. Corresponding MTW values range from 14.5 to 21°C, thus testifying to a strong continentality at that time. During the warmest period reconstructed for the Lieth section, the MTC was similar to the value as measured in the area today (1.5°C), whereas the MTW was probably higher than at present (20.1°C). For the coldest interval from the Lac du Bourget pollen sequence, the reconstructed MTC values reach a minimum of −15°C. Corresponding MTW values range from 15 to 22°C, again implying a strong continentality. For the warmest period our approach yields MTC values between −2 and 2°C and MTW values between 16.5 and 22°C. For both records, the resolution for the MTW and MTC reaches 1.5 and 2.5°C, respectively.  相似文献   

Modern meteorological observations in South China from 1960 to 2009 show a strong correlation between winter temperatures and two snowfall parameters, the southern boundary of the snow and the number of snowy days. Based on this relationship, the variation in annual winter mean temperature in South China from 1736 to 2009 was reconstructed using data acquired from Chinese historical documents dating from the Qing dynasty, such as memos and local gazettes. The reconstructed time series were used to analyse variations in winter temperature in South China. Significant interannual and interdecadal changes were found. The maximum temperature difference between neighbouring years was 3.1 °C for 1958–2009 and 3.0 °C for 1736–1957, whereas the maximum temperature difference between adjacent decades was 0.8 °C for the 1960s–2000s and 0.6 °C for the 1740s–1950s. The 2000s was the warmest decade; the mean temperature was 1.6 °C higher than that of the 1870s, which was the coldest decade between the 1740s and the 2000s. The mean winter temperature was warmer in the 18th and 20th centuries and coldest in the 19th century.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(15-17):1701-1716
We present the first area-average time series reconstructions of warmest month, coldest month and mean annual surface air temperatures across Europe during the last 12,000 years. These series are based on quantitative pollen climate reconstructions from over 500 pollen sites assimilated using an innovative four-dimensional gridding procedure. This approach combines three-dimensional spatial gridding with a fourth dimension represented by time, allowing data from irregular time series to be ‘focussed’ onto a regular time step. We provide six regional reconstructed temperature time series as well as summary time series for the whole of Europe. The results suggest major spatial and seasonal differences in Holocene temperature trends within a remarkably balanced regional and annual energy budget. The traditional mid-Holocene thermal maximum is observed only over Northern Europe and principally during the summer. This warming was balanced by a mid-Holocene cooling over Southern Europe, whilst Central Europe occupied an intermediary position. Changes in annual mean temperatures for Europe as a whole suggest an almost linear increase in thermal budget up to 7800 BP, followed by stable conditions for the remainder of the Holocene. This early Holocene warming and later equilibrium has been mainly modulated by increasing winter temperatures in the west, which have continued to rise at a progressively decreasing rate up to the present day.  相似文献   

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