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针对复杂洪水灾害系统中随机、模糊、灰色等各种不确定性,结合洪水灾害风险管理广义熵智能分析的理论框架,以最大熵原理和属性区间识别理论为基础,建立了基于最大熵原理的洪水灾害风险属性区间识别模型(AIRM-POME),利用梯形模糊数和层次分析法相结合的方法确定评价指标权重,采用均化系数综合AIRM-POME计算得到的属性测度区间,由置信度准则和特征值公式对各评价单元进行危险、易损等级的评定和排序,并根据联合国对自然灾害风险的定义及其定量表达式给出风险等级。将模型应用到荆江分洪区洪水灾害风险分析中,实例研究表明,模型合理可靠,深层次地刻画了各种不确定性,是一种风险分析新方法,可推广应用到其他自然灾害的风险分析中。  相似文献   

滑坡灾害风险评价的系统分析   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
从系统理论的观点出发,提出了滑坡灾害复杂大系统的概念,并以这一概念为基础,探讨了滑坡灾害风险特征及滑坡灾害风险评价的基本内容,提出并系统地阐述了以滑坡危险性分析、承灾体易损性分析和滑坡灾害破坏损失评估为核心内容的滑坡灾害风险评价的系统理论。  相似文献   

气候变化对洪水灾害影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
气候变化背景下包括洪水在内的极端天气与气候事件频发已引起国际社会的广泛关注,研究气候变化对洪水灾害的影响既是全面理解气候变化影响的重要内容,也是减轻洪水灾害风险的实际需要。从气象水文和灾害风险两大领域综述了气候变化对洪水灾害影响的研究进展,从反映洪水灾害系统的雨情、水情和灾情角度,全面总结了当前国内外对极端降水、极端径流和洪水损失的变化及归因研究,梳理了研究方法与研究成果方面的主要进展及存在的问题,并探讨了未来的研究方向。指出加强数据积累,完善气候模式与水文模型的耦合,加强承灾体脆弱性及其变化的评估,综合洪水致灾过程与灾情结果的分析,推动气象水文与灾害风险学科领域的交叉研究应成为未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

吴越  刘东升  陆新  宋强辉 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z2):342-348
目前承灾体易损性评估尚处于经验评估阶段,制约了单体滑坡灾害财产风险评估的定量化程度。为此,针对典型承灾体(建筑结构物),提出一种单体滑坡灾害财产风险评估模型。认为财产风险是坡体失稳概率、承灾体在滑坡作用下的失效概率以及承灾体价值的乘积。避开了易损性评估,从一个新的角度来评估滑坡灾害财产风险。通过研究,验证了该模型正确反映了滑坡成灾过程中各种因素对财产风险的影响,从而为单体滑坡灾害财产风险的定量化评估提供了新的途径。另外以该模型应用研究为基础,提出承灾体安全范围的概念,对于每一个承灾体而言,将单体滑坡灾害影响范围划分为:危险区域、相对危险区域和安全区域,为建设工程选址或场地风险评估提供了实用指标,具有一定的工程实用价值。  相似文献   

针对三峡水利枢纽工程建成蓄水后,涉水新型城镇建设面临的地质灾害及其风险定量评价难问题,在地质灾害精细化调查基础上,以重庆市万州区大周镇集镇区为例,通过分析计算地质灾害的发育特征、稳定性和危害性,构建了基于斜坡单元的危险性评价和基于危险源分析的承灾体易损性评价的城镇尺度地质灾害风险评价框架。定量计算不同重现期降雨极值情景下的斜坡稳定性和不同灾害强度下承灾体易损性,实现了库区集镇区地质灾害风险评价; 基于社会经济发展和地质灾害风险现状分析,提出了大周镇集镇区国土空间规划建议。地质灾害风险评价结果对制定地方发展规划具有指导意义,评价方法对同类沿江城镇地质灾害风险评价具有参考价值。  相似文献   

多源遥感数据支持下区域滑坡灾害风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滑坡风险管理是防灾减灾的有效途径之一,而灾害风险评价是风险管理的基础和依据。以三峡库首区为研究区、多源遥感影像为主要数据源,利用立体像对技术及光谱分析等方法快速提取地形地貌、地表覆被、地质及水文条件等滑坡孕灾环境信息,应用随机森林模型分析区域滑坡危险性;采用面向对象方法建立典型承灾体识别规则,快速提取建筑物及交通道路等信息,综合分析滑坡危险性及承灾体信息,以实现区域滑坡灾害风险评价。结果显示:高风险区面积为41 km2,约占研究区面积的9%,主要集中于人口聚集的城镇和交通建设用地等经济价值大的地区。其评价结果与野外实地调查情况基本吻合。  相似文献   

朱元甡  刘九夫 《水文》2013,33(2):1-5
分析梳理了防洪减灾风险、风险及其分析、风险管理和治理等概念,指出防洪减灾理念从20世纪早期的"控制洪水"到20世纪后期的"减小洪灾损失"再到21世纪初的"降低洪灾风险"的演变,与防洪减灾形势、社会公共管理水平等密切相关;防洪减灾风险源于洪水时空变化的不确定性、承灾体的不确定性和防灾减灾措施实际效果的不确定性等,需要根据具体问题做具体分析;防洪减灾风险管理指采取多方参与方式,在洪灾发展周期的不同阶段,针对多种不确定性,综合分析各种风险,力求做出相对科学的决策。在防洪减灾风险管理的研究和实践中,应重视有关人文因素及其不确定性、构建风险分析文化的重要性。  相似文献   

在划分气象风险等级时,传统地质灾害气象风险预警方法忽略了承灾体脆弱性因素,且气象风险预报等级整体偏高,导致高等级风险区空报率较高。基于此,提出基于机器学习的滑坡、崩塌灾害气象风险预警方法。利用信息量法,分析气象因素影响程度。选取坐标点、降雨量、易发生等级,将其作为机器学习人工神经网络的输入节点,判断是否发生崩塌、滑坡灾害;针对地质灾害区域,根据影响程度计算气象引发因子指数,结合滑坡、崩塌灾害潜势度G和承灾体脆弱性M,确定气象风险预警指数R,划分预警级别,完成滑坡、崩塌灾害气象风险预警。实验结果表明,设计方法有效降低了三级预报和四级预警空报率,提升了预警精细化程度。  相似文献   

万州区是三峡库区内危岩发育较为典型的地区。文章以戴家岩危岩为例,提出了适用于危岩的风险评价模型,并结合防治规划,提出了危岩灾害风险管理对策建议。首先根据危岩可能的破坏模式,将危岩分为滑塌式危岩、坠落式危岩和倾倒式危岩三类,然后选取天然、暴雨及暴雨加地震三种工况分别计算危岩在各工况下的稳定性,从而找出最危险工况并得到该工况条件下危岩的破坏概率,再结合危岩强度对危岩进行危险性评价。研究区的承灾体分类主要包括人口和财产两方面,根据承灾体与危岩体的相对空间距离和各危岩强度来确定各承灾体的易损性。最后,将危岩的破坏概率与承灾体的危害度相乘得到危岩破坏的风险结果。  相似文献   

路堑边坡全寿命周期风险评估及管理的技术框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
路堑边坡在设计、施工和运营过程中边坡灾害、承灾对象及其成灾模式有较大的不同,将面对不同的风险事件及可能性,需要开展差异化的风险评估和全寿命周期的风险调控。提出一个基于霍尔三维结构的路堑边坡系统分析模型和路堑边坡全寿命周期风险评估及管理的技术框架,在边坡规划设计、施工建造和运营服务这3个典型的工程寿命周期内,阐明风险分析中范围界定、数据采集和信息编目的工作要点,危险性分析中破坏概率的不同定义与分析方法,危害后果分析中承灾体识别、灾害到达承灾体的概率、承灾体的时空概率和易损性等关键指标的定义与确定思路,以及各阶段风险定性与定量估算的适用方法;分别论述在上述3阶段开展边坡风险评价与效益分析、风险调控方案比选及控制规划、风险调控对策实施及监测、校核与修正的技术流程与实施要点;并讨论了风险容许标准的确定原则和提高风险评估精度及可靠性的思路。研究成果初步规范了路堑边坡全寿命周期风险评估及管理的工作流程和技术方案,希望能抛砖引玉,并在实践中逐步发展和完善。  相似文献   

洪水灾害分析与评估的综合集成方法   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
从系统论的观点出发,提出了洪水灾害复杂大系统的概念,讨论了该系统的组成特征及其高维性、动态性、复杂性等特征和基于定性与定量的综合集成方法,探讨了洪水灾害系统模拟、预测、评估与决策的综合分析方法。为进一步开展洪水灾害的管理与调控方法的研究奠定了基础,并将有利于促进资源、环境与社会的协调发展。  相似文献   

This study presents the methodology and procedure for risk assessment of flood disasters in central Liaoning Province, which was supported by geographical information systems (GIS) and technology of natural disaster risk assessment. On the basis of the standard formulation of natural disaster risk and flood disaster risk index, of which weights were developed using combined weights of entropy, the relative membership degree functions of variable fuzzy set (VFS) theory were calculated using improved set pair analysis, while level values were calculated using VFSs, including hazard levels, exposure levels, vulnerability levels and restorability levels, and the flood risk level for each assessment unit was obtained using the natural disaster index method. Consequently, integrated flood risk map was carried out by GIS spatial analysis technique. The results show that the southwestern and central parts of the study area possess higher risk, while the northwestern and southeastern parts possess lower risk. The results got by the assessment model fits the area of historical flood data; this study offer new insights and possibility to carry out an efficient way for flood disaster prevention and mitigation. The study also provides scientific reference in flood risk management for local and national governmental agencies.  相似文献   

汾河防洪专家系统的设计与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
汾河中游防洪决策支持系统是以管理科学、运筹学、控制论和行为科学为基础,以计算机、仿真技术和信息技术为手段,是辅助管理决策人员在防洪决策活动中,具有智能作用的人一机网络系统。系统由图文信息系统、历史暴雨洪水、雨情水情测报、洪水预报调度、人工演绎系统、智能辅助系统、数据管理系统、操作使用说明等8个部分组成。汾河防洪专家系统是该系统的智能分析部分。本文着重阐述了汾河防洪专家系统的设计思想和实现途径、建立防洪专家知识库的步骤和技巧,以及系统的运行和扩展。  相似文献   

This study presents a methodology for risk analysis, assessment, combination, and regionalization of integrated drought and waterlogging disasters in Anhui Province, which is supported by geographical information systems (GIS) and technique of natural disaster risk assessment from the viewpoints of climatology, geography, disaster science, environmental science, and so on. Along with the global warming, the occurrences of water-related disasters become more frequent and serious. It is necessary to determine the mode of spatial distribution of water-related disaster risk. Based on the principle of natural disaster risk, natural conditions, and socioeconomic situation, drought and waterlogging disaster risk index, which combined hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and restorability, was developed by using combined weights, entropy, and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Drought and waterlogging disaster risk zoning map was made out by using GIS spatial analysis technique and gridding GIS technique. It was used for comparing the relative risk of economic and life losses in different grids of Anhui Province. It can also be used to compare the situation of different levels of drought and waterlogging disaster combination risk in a similar place. The result shows that the northwestern and central parts of Anhui Province possess higher risk, while the southwestern and northeastern parts possess lower risk. The information obtained from statistical offices and remote sensing data in relation to results compiled were statistically evaluated. The results obtained from this study are specifically intended to support local and national governmental agencies on water-related disaster management.  相似文献   

The traditional studies on drought disaster risk were based on the ground point data, which were unable to realize the continuity of space and the timeliness. It is shown that the monitoring and evaluation precision on drought were reduced significantly. However, remote sensing data in adequate spatial and temporal resolution can overcome these limitations. It can better monitor the crop in large area dynamically. This study presents a methodology for dynamic risk analysis and assessment of drought disaster to maize production in the northwest of Liaoning Province based on remote sensing data and GIS from the viewpoints of climatology, geography and disaster science. The model of dynamic risk assessment of drought disaster was established based on risk formation theory of natural disaster, and the expression of risk by integrating data came from sky, ground and space. The risk indexes were divided into four classes by data mining method, and the grade maps of drought disaster risk were drawn by GIS. It is shown that the spatial and temporal risk distributions of maize at each growth stage changed over time. The model has been verified against reduction in maize yield caused by drought. It demonstrated the reasonability, feasibility and reliability of the model and the methodology. The dynamic risk assessment of regional drought disaster for maize can be used as a tool, which can timely monitor the status (the possibility and extent of drought) and trends of regional drought disaster. The results obtained in this study can provide the latest information of regional drought disaster and the decision-making basis of disaster prevention and mitigation for government management and farmers.  相似文献   

Flood disasters and its consequent damages are on the rise globally. Pakistan has been experiencing an increase in flood frequency and severity along with resultant damages in the past. In addition to the regular practices of loss and damage estimation, current focus is on risk assessment of hazard-prone communities. Risk measurement is complex as scholars engaged in disaster science and management use different quantitative models with diverse interpretations. This study tries to provide clarity in conceptualizing disaster risk and proposes a risk assessment methodology with constituent components such as hazard, vulnerability (exposure and sensitivity) and coping/adaptive capacity. Three communities from different urban centers in Pakistan have been selected based on high flood frequency and intensity. A primary survey was conducted in selected urban communities to capture data on a number of variables relating to flood hazard, vulnerability and capacity to compute flood risk index. Households were categorized into different risk levels, such as can manage risk, can survive and cope, and cannot cope. It was found that risk levels varied significantly across the households of the three communities. Metropolitan city was found to be highly vulnerable as compared to smaller cities due to weak capacity. Households living in medium town had devised coping mechanisms to manage risk. The proposed methodology is tested and found operational for risk assessment of flood-prone areas and communities irrespective of locations and countries.  相似文献   

基于自然灾害风险原理,结合青海省气象数据、地理信息数据、社会经济数据,并利用主成分分析法、GIS自然断点法对青海省暴雨洪涝灾害致灾因子危险度、承载体易损度评估模型以及暴雨洪涝灾害风险度进行评估,结果表明:青海省不同强度降水日数均呈增多趋势,新世纪以来中雨日数及强降水日数增加趋势尤为明显;暴雨洪涝灾害致灾因子危险度呈由东南向西北降低的趋势,承载体易损度为东北部地区最高,南部以及西部地区最低;暴雨洪涝风险较高的地区主要集中在东部地区,互助、湟中、大通、西宁为高风险区,东部大部地区、环青海湖地区为较高风险区,西部地区为低风险区。该评估结果可以在气象灾害风险管理业务中进行应用,可以加强对暴雨洪涝灾害风险的影响程度及影响区域的判定,为地方防灾减灾救灾工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Suburban areas have become rapid development zones during China’s current urbanization. Generally, these areas are also regional precipitation centers that are prone to flood disasters. Therefore, it is important to assess the flood risk in suburban areas. In this study, flood risk was defined as the product of hazard and vulnerability based on disaster risk theory. A risk assessment index system was established, and the analytic hierarchy process method was used to determine the index weight. The Fangshan District in Beijing, China, which is an example of a typical suburban area undergoing rapid urbanization, was selected for this study. Six factors were considered in relation to hazard, and three factors were considered for vulnerability. Each indicator was discretized, standardized, weighted, and then combined to obtain the final flood risk map in a geographical information system environment. The results showed that the high and very high risk zones in the Fangshan District were primarily concentrated on Yingfeng Street, Xingcheng Street, Xincheng Street, and Chengguanzhen Street. The comparison to an actual flood disaster suggested that the method was effective and practical. The method can quantitatively reflect the relative magnitude and spatial distribution patterns of flood risk in a region. The method can be applied easily to most suburban areas in China for land use planning and flood risk management.  相似文献   

Jin  Ju-Liang  Fu  Juan  Wei  Yi-Ming  Jiang  Shang-Ming  Zhou  Yu-Liang  Liu  Li  Wang  You-Zhen  Wu  Cheng-Guo 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):155-178

Regional waterlog disaster integrated risk system, affected by natural, social, and economic systems and its combination relationship, is a complex system with certain structure and function. Waterlog disaster integrated risk results from the combined effects of regional environment, impact factors, vulnerability, and disaster-reducing capability of flood hazards in the drainage area. Waterlog disaster integrated risk system can be divided into four subsystems of hazard, vulnerability, disaster-reducing capability, and disaster conditions. Evaluation indexes are selected using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method, and the evaluation index system is established. Then, the waterlog disaster integrated risk evaluation model is proposed based on set pair analysis method. Taking Huaihe river in Anhui Province of China as the typical area in this study, the results show that the proposed approach is able to obtain the spatial distribution characteristics of waterlog hazard, vulnerability, mitigation capabilities, and integrated disaster risk within the study area. From the quantitative point of view, identification of the areas with high flood risk can provide a scientific basis for the flood management and technical support.


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