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Ultramafic blocks that themselves contain eclogite lenses in the Triassic Su-Lu ultrahigh-P terrane of eastern China range in size from hundreds of metres to kilometres. The ultramafic blocks are enclosed in quartzofeldspathic gneiss of early Proterozoic age. Ultramafic rocks include garnetiferous lherzolite, wehrlite, pyroxenite, and hornblende peridotite. Garnet lherzolites are relatively depleted in Al2O3 (<3.8wt%), CaO (<3.2%) and TiO2 (<0.11 wt%), and are low in total REE contents (several p.p.m.), suggesting that the rocks are residual mantle material that was subjected to low degrees of partial melting. The eclogite lenses or layers within the ultramafic rocks are characterized by higher MgO and CaO, lower Al2O3 and TiO2 contents, and a higher CaO/Al2O3 ratio compared to eclogites enclosed in the quartzofeldspathic gneiss. Scatter in the plots of major and trace elements vs. MgO, REE patterns and La, Sm and Lu contents suggest that some eclogites were derived from melts formed by various degrees (0.05–0.20) of partial melting of peridotite, and that other eclogites formed by accumulation of garnet and clinopyroxene ± trapped melt in the upper mantle. Both ultramafic and eclogitic rocks have experienced a complex metamorphic history. At least six stages of recrystallization occurred in the ultramafic rocks based on an analysis of reaction textures and mineral compositions. Stage I is a high temperature protolith assemblage of Ol + Opx + Cpx + Spl. Stage II consists of the ultrahigh-pressure assemblage Ol + Cpx + Opx + Grt. Stage III is manifested by the appearance of fine-grained garnet after coarse-grained garnet. Stage IV is characterized by formation of kelyphitic rims of fibrous Opx and Cpx around garnet, and replacement of garnet by spinel and pargasitic-hornblende. Stage V is represented by the assemblage Ol + Opx + Prg-Hbl + Spl. The mineral assemblages of stages VIA and VIB are Ol + Tr-Amp + Chl and Serp + Chl ± talc, respectively. Garnet and orthopyroxene all show a decrease in MgO with retrogressive recrystallization and Na2O in clinopyroxene also decreases throughout this history. Eclogites enclosed within ultramafic blocks consist of Grt + Omp + Rt ± Qtz ± Phn. A few quartz-bearing eclogites contain rounded and oval inclusion of polycrystalline quartz aggregates after coesite in garnet and omphacite. Minor retrograde features include thin symplectic rims or secondary amphiboles after Cpx, and ilmenite after rutile. P-T estimates indicate that the ultrahigh-metamorphism (stage II) of ultramafic rocks occurred at 820-900d? C and 36-41 kbar and that peak metamorphism of eclogites occurred at 730-900d? C and >28 kbar. Consonant with earlier plate tectonic models, we suggest that these rocks were underplated at the base of the continental crust. The rocks then underwent ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and were tectonically emplaced into thickened continental crust during the Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

Representative diamond-bearing gneisses and dolomitic marble, eclogite and Ti-clinohumite-bearing garnet peridotite from Unit I at Kumdy Kol and whiteschist from Unit II at Kulet, eastern Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan, were studied. Diamond-bearing gneisses contain variable assemblages, including Grt+Bt+Qtz±Pl±Kfs±Zo±Chl±Tur±Cal and minor Ap, Rt and Zrn; abundant inclusions of diamond, graphite+chlorite (or calcite), phengite, clinopyroxene, K-feldspar, biotite, rutile, titanite, calcite and zircon occur in garnet. Diamond-bearing dolomitic marbles consist of Dol+Di±Grt+Phl; inclusions of diamond, dolomite±graphite, biotite, and clinopyroxene were identified in garnet. Whiteschists carry the assemblage Ky+Tlc+Grt+Rt; garnet shows compositional zoning, and contains abundant inclusions of talc, kyanite and rutile with minor phlogopite, chlorite, margarite and zoisite. Inclusions and zoning patterns of garnet delineate the prograde P–T path. Inclusions of quartz pseudomorphs after coesite were identified in garnet from both eclogite and gneiss. Other ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) indicators include Na-bearing garnet (up to 0.14 wt% Na2O) with omphacitic Cpx in eclogite, occurrence of high-K diopside (up to 1.56 wt% K2O) and phlogopite in diamond-bearing dolomitic marble, and Cr-bearing kyanite in whiteschist. These UHP rocks exhibit at least three stages of metamorphic recrystallization. The Fe-Mg partitioning between clinopyroxene and garnet yields a peak temperature of 800–1000 °C at P >40 kbar for diamond-bearing rocks, and about 740–780 °C at >28–35 kbar for eclogite, whiteschist and Ti-bearing garnet peridotite. The formation of symplectitic plagioclase+amphibole after clinopyroxene, and replacement of garnet by biotite, amphibole, or plagioclase mark retrograde amphibolite facies recrystallization at 650–680 °C and pressure less than about 10 kbar. The exsolution of calcite from dolomite, and development of matrix chlorite and actinolite imply an even lower grade greenschist facies overprint at c. 420 °C and 2–3 kbar. A clockwise P–T path suggests that supracrustal sediments together with basaltic and ultramafic lenses apparently were subjected to UHP subduction-zone metamorphism within the diamond stability field. Tectonic mixing may have occurred prior to UHP metamorphism at mantle depths. During subsequent exhumation and juxtaposition of many other tectonic units, intense deformation chaotically mixed and mylonitized these lithotectonic assemblages.  相似文献   

超基性岩是苏鲁超高压变质地体中一类特殊且十分重要的岩石类型,它们通常呈规模不一的块状、条带状或不规则透镜状 (体) 赋存于区域大面积出露的花岗质片麻岩中。锆石中矿物包体激光拉曼测试、阴极发光图像分析和不同性质锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年等综合研究结果表明,北苏鲁威海地区含橄榄石辉石岩 (样品W1和W2) 中锆石的成因十分复杂,可进一步划分3种不同类型锆石。其中第一类锆石呈自形-半自形晶,阴极发光图像显示清晰的岩浆结晶环带,矿物包体主要为Ol+Cpx+Ap, 记录的207Pb/206Pb年龄为1835~1845Ma,应代表含橄榄石辉石岩的原岩形成时代;第二类为变质重结晶锆石,呈半自形-他形晶,阴极发光图像显示模糊的岩浆结晶环带,矿物包体与第一类完全一致,记录的206Pb/238U年龄变化范围大,为250~784Ma之间,表明部分继承性岩浆结晶锆石明显受到后期岩浆-变质热事件的影响而发生不完全重结晶和Pb丢失,进而使其记录的年龄相对偏新;第三类锆石呈他形晶,为典型的变质锆石,阴极发光图像十分均匀,矿物包体相对少见,主要为Grt+Cpx,记录的206Pb/238U年龄为230~234Ma, 且与苏鲁地体榴辉岩及其围岩中含柯石英锆石微区记录的超高压变质年龄 (225~235Ma) 十分一致,应代表含橄榄石辉石岩的峰期超高压变质时代。超基性岩中超高压变质锆石的准确识别表明苏鲁地体在峰期超高压变质阶段的确存在流体,流体的存在对超高压变质锆石的形成起着至关重要的作用。该项研究不仅准确厘定北苏鲁威海地区超基性岩的原岩形成时代和超高压变质时代,而且对于深入探讨苏鲁-大别超高压地体流体行为、演化规律及其水-岩相互作用机理具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

The Xugou garnet peridotite body of the southern Sulu ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) terrane is enclosed in felsic gneiss, bounded by faults, and consists of harzburgite and lenses of garnet clinopyroxenite and eclogite. The peridotite is composed of variable amounts of olivine (Fo91), enstatite (En92?93), garnet (Alm20?23Prp53?58Knr6?9Grs12?18), diopside and rare chromite. The ultramafic protolith has a depleted residual mantle composition, indicated by a high‐Mg number, very low CaO, Al2O3 and total REE contents compared to primary mantle and other Sulu peridotites. Most garnet (Prp44?58) clinopyroxenites are foliated. Except for rare kyanite‐bearing eclogitic bands, most eclogites contain a simple assemblage of garnet (Alm29?34Prp32?50Grs15?39) + omphacite (Jd24?36) + minor rutile. Clinopyroxenite and eclogite exhibit LREE‐depleted and LREE‐enriched patterns, respectively, but both have flat HREE patterns. Normalized La, Sm and Yb contents indicate that both eclogite and garnet clinopyroxenite formed by high‐pressure crystal accumulation (+ variable trapped melt) from melts resulting from two‐stage partial melting of a mantle source. Recrystallized textures and P–T estimates of 780–870 °C, 5–7 GPa and a metamorphic age of 231 ± 11 Ma indicate that both mafic and ultramafic protoliths experienced Triassic UHP metamorphism in the P–T forbidden zone with an extremely low thermal gradient (< 5 °C km?1), and multistage retrograde recrystallization during exhumation. Develop of prehnite veins in clinopyroxenite, eclogite, felsic blocks and country rock gneiss, and replacements of eclogitic minerals by prehnite, albite, white mica, and K‐feldspar indicate low‐temperature metasomatism.  相似文献   

Alpine‐type orogenic garnet‐bearing peridotites, associated with quartzo‐feldspathic gneisses of a 140–115 Ma high‐pressure/ultra‐high‐pressure metamorphic (HP‐UHPM) terrane, occur in two regions of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Both exposures are located within NW–SE‐trending strike–slip fault zones. Garnet lherzolite occurs as <10 m wide fault slices juxtaposed against Miocene granite in the left‐lateral Palu‐Koro (P‐K) fault valley, and as 10–30 m wide, fault‐bounded outcrops juxtaposed against gabbros and peridotites of the East Sulawesi ophiolite within the right‐lateral Ampana fault in the Bongka river (BR) valley. Six evolutionary stages of recrystallization can be recognized in the peridotites from both localities. Stage I, the precursor spinel lherzolite assemblage, is characterized by Ol+Cpx+Opx±Prg‐Amp ± Spl±Rt±Phl, as inclusions within garnet cores. Stage II, the main garnet lherzolite assemblage, consists of coarse‐grained Ol+Opx+Cpx+Grt; whereas finer‐grained, neoblastic Ol+Opx+Grt+Cpx±Spl±Prg‐Amp±Phl constitutes stage III. Stages IV and V are manifest as kelyphites of fibrous Opx+Cpx+Spl in inner coronas, and Opx+Spl+Prg‐Amp±Ep in outer coronas around garnet, respectively. The final (greenschist facies) retrogressive stage VI is accompanied by recrystallization of Serp+Chl±Mag±Tr±Ni sulphides±Tlc±Cal. P–T conditions of the hydrated precursor spinel lherzolite stage I were probably about 750 °C at 15–20 kbar. P–T determinations of the peak stage IIc (from core compositions) display considerable variation for samples derived from different outcrops, with clustering at 26–38 kbar, 1025–1210 °C (P‐K & BR); 19–21 kbar, 1070–1090 °C (P‐K), and 40–48 kbar, 1205–1290 °C (BR). Stage IIr (derived from rim compositions) generally records decompression of around 4–12 kbar accompanied by cooling of 50–240 °C from the IIc peak stage. Stage III, which post‐dates a phase of ductile deformation, yielded 22±2 kbar at 750±25 °C (P‐K) and 16±2 kbar at 730±40 °C (BR). The granulite–amphibolite–greenschist decompression sequence reflects uplift to upper crustal levels from conditions of 647–862 °C at P=15 kbar (stage IV), through 580–635 °C at P=10–12 kbar (stage V) to 350–400 °C at P=4–7 kbar (stage VI), respectively, and is identical to the sequence recorded in associated granulite, gneiss and eclogite. Sulawesi garnet peridotites are interpreted to represent minor components of the extensive HP‐UHP (peak P >28 kbar, peak T of c. 760 °C) metamorphic basement terrane, which was recrystallized and uplifted in a N‐dipping continental collision zone at the southern Sundaland margin in the mid‐Cretaceous. The low‐T , low‐P and metasomatized spinel lherzolite precursor to the garnet lherzolite probably represents mantle wedge rocks that were dragged down parallel to the slab–wedge interface in a subduction/collision zone by induced corner flow. Ductile tectonic incorporation into the underthrust continental crust from various depths along the interface probably occurred during the exhumation stage, and the garnet peridotites were subsequently uplifted within the HP‐UHPM nappe, suffering a similar decompression history to that experienced by the regional schists and gneisses. Final exhumation from upper crustal levels was clearly facilitated by entrainment in Neogene granitic plutons, and/or Oligocene trans‐tension in deep‐seated strike–slip fault zones.  相似文献   

Coesite inclusions in garnet have been found in eclogite boudins enclosed in coesite‐bearing garnet micaschist in the Habutengsu Valley, Chinese western Tianshan, which are distinguished from their retrograde quartz by means of optical characteristics, CL imaging and Raman spectrum. The coesite‐bearing eclogite is mainly composed of porphyroblastic garnet, omphacite, paragonite, glaucophane and barroisite, minor amounts of rutile and dotted (or banded) graphite. In addition to coesite and quartz, the zoned porphyroblastic garnet contains inclusions of omphacite, Na‐Ca amphibole, calcite, albite, chlorite, rutile, ilmenite and graphite. Multi‐phase inclusions (e.g. Czo + Pg ± Qtz, Grt II + Qtz and Chl + Pg) can be interpreted as breakdown products of former lawsonite and possibly chloritoid. Coesite occurs scattered within a compositionally homogenous but narrow domain of garnet (outer core), indicative of equilibrium at the UHP stage. The estimate by garnet‐clinopyroxene thermometry yields peak temperatures of 420–520 °C at 2.7 GPa. Phase equilibrium calculations further constrain the P–T conditions for the UHP mineral assemblage Grt + Omp + Lws + Gln + Coe to 2.4–2.7 GPa and 470–510 °C. Modelled modal abundances of major minerals along a 5 °C km?1 geothermal gradient suggests two critical dehydration processes at ~430 and ~510 °C respectively. Computed garnet composition patterns are in good agreement with measured core‐rim profiles. The petrological study of coesite‐bearing eclogite in this paper provides insight into the metamorphic evolution in a cold subduction zone. Together with other reported localities of UHP rocks from the entire orogen of Chinese western Tianshan, it is concluded that the regional extent of UHP‐LT metamorphism in Chinese western Tianshan is extensive and considerably larger than previously thought, although intensive retrogression has erased UHP‐LT assemblages at most localities.  相似文献   

Widespread evidence for ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism is reported in the Dulan eclogite‐bearing terrane, the North Qaidam–Altun HP–UHP belt, northern Tibet. This includes: (1) coesite and associated UHP mineral inclusions in zircon separates from paragneiss and eclogite (identified by laser Raman spectroscopy); (2) inclusions of quartz pseudomorphs after coesite and polycrystalline K‐feldspar + quartz in eclogitic garnet and omphacite; and (3) densely oriented SiO2 lamellae in omphacitic clinopyroxene. These lines of evidence demonstrate that the Dulan region is a UHP metamorphic terrane. In the North Dulan Belt (NDB), eclogites are characterized by the peak assemblage Grt + Omp + Rt + Phn + Coe (pseudomorph) and retrograde symplectites of Cpx + Ab and Hbl + Pl. The peak conditions of the NDB eclogites are P = 2.9–3.2 GPa, and T = 631–687 °C; the eclogite shows a near‐isothermal decompression P–T path suggesting a fast exhumation. In the South Dulan Belt (SDB), three metamorphic stages are recognized in eclogites: (1) a peak eclogite facies stage with the assemblage Grt + Omp + Ky + Rt + Phn at P = 2.9–3.3 GPa and T = 729–746 °C; (2) a high‐pressure granulite facies stage with Grt + Cpx (Jd < 30) + Pl (An24–29) + Scp at P = 1.9–2.0 GPa, T = 873–948 °C; and (3) an amphibolite facies stage with the assemblage Hbl + Pl + Ep/Czo at P = 0.7–0.9 GPa and T = 660–695 °C. The clockwise P–T path of the SDB eclogites is different from the near‐isothermal decompression P–T path from the NDB eclogites, which suggests that the SDB was exhumed to a stable crustal depth at a slower rate. In essence these two sub‐belts formed in different tectonic settings; they both subducted to mantle depths of around 100 km, but were exhumed to the Earth's surface separately along different paths. This UHP terrane plays an important role in understanding continental collision in north‐western China.  相似文献   

The main hole (MH), and pre-pilot holes PP1, and PP3 of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project (CCSD) penetrated three different garnet peridotite bodies in the Sulu ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, which are 80 m, 120 m, and 430 m thick, respectively. The bodies occur as tectonic blocks hosted in eclogite (MH peridotite) and gneisses (PP1 and PP3 peridotites). The peridotites in the MH are garnet wehrlites, whose protoliths were ultramafic cumulates based on olivine compositions (Fo79-89) and other geochemical features. Zoned garnet and omphacite (with 4-5 wt.% Na2O) are typical metamorphic minerals in these rocks, and, along with P-T estimates based on mineral pairs, suggest that the rocks have undergone UHP metamorphism. SHRIMP U-Pb isotope dating of zircon from the garnet wehrlite yielded a Paleozoic protolith age (ca. 346-461 Ma), and a Mesozoic UHP metamorphic age (ca. 220-240 Ma). The peridotites in PP1 consist of interlayered garnet (Grt)-bearing and garnet-free (GF) peridotite. Both types of peridotite have depleted mantle compositions (Mg# = 90-92) and they display transitional geochemical features. The intercalated layers probably reflect variations in partial melting rather than pressure variations during metamorphism, and the garnets may have been formed by exsolution from orthopyroxene during exhumation. These peridotites were probably part of the mantle wedge above the subduction zone that produced the UHP metamorphism and thus belonged to the North China Block before its tectonic emplacement. The exhumation of the subducted Yangtze Block brought these mantle fragments to shallow crustal levels. The ultramafic rocks in PP3 are dominantly dunite with minor garnet dunite. Their high Mg# (92-93) and relatively uniform chemical compositions indicate that they are part of a depleted mantle sequence. The presence of garnet replacing spinel and enclosing pre-metamorphic minerals such as olivine, clinopyroxene and spinel suggests that these rocks have undergone progressive metamorphism. SHRIMP U-Pb isotope dating of zircon from these rocks yielded two age groups: 726 ± 56 Ma for relic magmatic zircon grains and 240 ± 2.7 Ma for the newly formed metamorphic zircon. The older group is similar in age to granitic intrusions within the Dabie-Sulu belt, suggesting that the PP3 garnet peridotite may record the early emplacement of the peridotite into the crust. The younger dates coincide with the age of UHP metamorphism during continent-continent collision between the Yangtze and North China Blocks, suggesting that these peridotites were subducted to depths equivalent to the coesite facies and later exhumed. Thus, the garnet peridotites in the CCSD cores include both ultramafic rocks that existed originally in the subducted plate and rocks from the mantle wedge above the subducted plate, i.e., part of the North China Block.  相似文献   

大别山碧溪岭和山东荣成分别发育壳源和幔源的石榴二辉橄榄岩。它们在扬子板块向华北板块的俯冲过程中与俯冲板片一起经历了超高压变质作用。这两种原岩来源不同的石榴橄榄岩中的橄榄石具有相似的结晶学优选方位(LPO):[100]轴主板密垂直于面理面,[010]轴主极密平行于线理,这种橄榄石结晶学优选方位明显不同于高温地幔橄榄岩包体中的橄榄石组构,也不同于最近在超高压变质地体中发现的水导致的橄榄石组构。我们认为碧溪岭和荣成石榴二辉橄榄岩中的这种橄榄石组构可能是在相对较干的超高压变质条件下形成的。本研究为大陆深俯冲超高压变质石榴橄榄岩橄榄石组构特征提供了第一手资料。  相似文献   

The Maowu eclogite–pyroxenite body is a small (250×50 m) layered intrusion that occurs in the ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane of Dabieshan, China. Like the adjacent Bixiling complex, the Maowu intrusion was initially emplaced at a crustal level, then subducted along with the country gneisses to mantle depths and underwent UHP metamorphism during the collision of the North and South China Blocks in the Triassic. This paper presents the results of a geochemical and isotopic investigation on the metamorphosed Maowu body. The Maowu intrusion has undergone open system chemical and isotopic behavior three times. Early crustal contamination during magmatic differentiation is manifested by high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707–0.708) and inhomogeneous negative Nd(T) values of −3 to −10 at 500 Ma (probable protolith age). Post-magmatic and pre-UHP metamorphic metasomatism is indicated by sinusoidal REE patterns of garnet orthopyroxenites, lack of whole-rock (WR) Sm–Nd isochronal relationship, low δ18O values and an extreme enrichment of Th and REE in a clinopyroxenite. Finally, K and Rb depletion during UHP metamorphism is deduced from the high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios unsupported by in situ Rb/Sr ratios. Laser ICP-MS spot analyses on mineral grains show that (1) Grt and Cpx attained chemical equilibrium during UHP metamorphism, (2) Cpx/Grt partition coefficients for REE correlate with Ca, and (3) LREE abundances in whole rocks are not balanced by that of the principal phases (Grt and Cpx), implying that the presence of LREE-rich accessory phases, such as monazite and apatite, is required to account for the REE budget.

Sm–Nd isotope analyses of minerals yielded three internal isochrons with ages of 221±5 Ma and (T)=−5.4 for an eclogite, 231±16 Ma and (T)=−6.2 for a garnet websterite, and 236±19 Ma and (T)=−6.9 for a garnet clinopyroxenite. The Cpx/Grt chemical equilibrium and the consistent mineral isochron ages indicate that the metasomatic processes mentioned above must have occurred prior to the UHP metamorphism. These Sm–Nd ages agree with published zircon and monazite U–Pb ages and constrain the time of UHP metamorphism to 220–236 Ma. The Maowu and Bixiling layered intrusions are similar in their in situ tectonic relationship with their country gneisses, but the two bodies are distinguished by their magma-chamber processes. The Bixiling magmas were contaminated by the lower crust, whereas the Maowu magmas were contaminated by the upper crustal rocks during their emplacement and differentiation. The two complexes represent two distinct suites of magmatic rocks, which have resided in the continental crust for about 300–400 Ma before their ultimate subduction to mantle depths, UHP metamorphism and return to the crustal level.  相似文献   

A high‐P granulite facies gneiss complex occurs in north‐west Payer Land (74°28′?74°47′N) in the central part of the East Greenland Caledonian (Ordovician–Devonian) orogen. High‐P metamorphism of the Payer Land gneiss complex resulted in formation of the assemblages Grt + Cpx + Amp + Qtz + Ru ± Pl in mafic rocks, and Grt + Ol + Cpx + Opx + Spl in rare ultramafic pods. Associated metapelites experienced anatexis in the kyanite stability field. Peak metamorphic assemblages formed around 800–850 °C at pressures of c. 1.4–1.7 GPa, corresponding to crustal depths of c. 50 km. Mafic granulites contain abundant reaction textures, including the replacement of garnet by symplectites of Opx + Spl + Pl, indicating that the high‐P event was followed by decompression while the granulites remained at elevated temperatures. Charnockitic gneisses from Payer Land show evidence of late Archean (c. 2.8–2.4 Ga) crustal growth and subsequent Palaeoproterozoic (c. 1.85 Ga) metamorphism. The gneiss complex experienced intense reworking during the Caledonian continental collision. On the basis of Caledonian monazite ages recorded from the high‐P anatectic metapelites, the clockwise P–T evolution and formation of the high‐P granulite facies assemblages is related to Caledonian crustal thickening, which resulted in formation of eclogites approximately 300 km north of Payer Land. The Payer Land granulites comprise a metamorphic core complex, which is separated from the overlying low‐grade supracrustal rocks (the Neoproterozoic Eleonore Bay Supergroup) by a late Caledonian extensional fault zone, the Payer Land Detachment. The steep, nearly isothermal, unloading P–T path recorded by the granulites can be explained by erosional and tectonic unroofing along the Payer Land Detachment.  相似文献   

Garnet, as a major constitutive mineral of eclogite, is important for Sm–Nd dating of eclogite due to its high Sm/Nd ratio and its stability during retrogression. However, a comprehensive study of the petrography, mineral chemistry, garnet water content, and Sm–Nd isotopic composition of eclogites from the Bixiling massif, Central Dabie Zone (CDZ), reveals significant modification of the Sm–Nd isotopic system in garnet as a result of retrogression. This problem constitutes a challenge for Sm–Nd dating of the Bixiling eclogites, with the Sm–Nd isochron ages of 218 ± 4 to 210 ± 9 Ma reported in the literature being younger than 226 ± 3 Ma, which is the generally accepted peak metamorphic age of the CDZ. Petrographic analysis reveals heterogeneity in colour within single fractured garnet grains. There are light‐pink garnet (Grt‐P) and red garnet (Grt‐R) types that possess distinct chemical compositions. Compared to Grt‐P, Grt‐R has higher Fe and andradrite contents but lower Al and grossular contents. Grt‐P also has lower water contents (15–35 ppm) than Grt‐R (34–65 ppm), which, together with the spatial association between Grt‐R and fractures, suggests that the colour change is related to fluid alteration. Grt‐P is an ultra‐high‐pressure (UHP) mineral, and Grt‐R is the product of the interaction between Grt‐P and a fluid during retrogression. Moreover, Grt‐R features lower Sm and Nd contents but higher Sm/Nd ratios than Grt‐P. The Sm–Nd isochrons defined by UHP minerals (Grt‐P+Omp+Rt or Grt‐P+Cpx+WR) from three eclogite samples yield consistent ages of 226.0 ± 3.8 Ma, 225.0 ± 3.9 Ma and 226.2 ± 6.9 Ma, which are identical to the peak metamorphic age of 226 ± 3 Ma for the CDZ. The retrogressed garnet (i.e., Grt‐R), omphacite and rutile, together define a pseudoisochron with younger ages of 218.9 ± 5.9 to 202.8 ± 4.8 Ma, which are geologically meaningless. The increase in the Sm/Nd ratio with constant or lower 143Nd/144Nd ratios during the transformation of Grt‐P to Grt‐R was probably the cause of these younger ages.  相似文献   

Deformed and metamorphic ultramafic to mafic rocks emplaced into the Archaean Sargur supracrustal series (>3.0 Ga) in Karnataka, southern India, represent layered igneous bodies. The terrane has been affected by several episodes of deformation and metamorphism in the time span from 3.4 to 2.5 Ga ago.During the regional metamorphism about 2.5 Ga ago the igneous bodies re-equilibrated partly or completely at conditions of the upper amphibolite to granulite facies. The development of sagvandites with enstatite + magnesite and anthophyllite + magnesite-bearing assemblages, and of mafic garnet—pyroxene charnockites indicates the presence of CO2-rich intergranular fluids (XCO2 ? 0.5) in these rocks during metamorphism.The physical conditions of metamorphism have been estimated by applying methods of geothermobarometry to the recrystallized ultramafic assemblages with olivine, pyroxenes and spinel and to the charnockitic assemblages with garnet, pyroxenes, plagioclase and quartz. A best temperature estimate of 700 ± 30°C was derived with the geothermometers of Evans and Frost (Ol—Spi), Fabriès (Ol—Spi), Wells (Opx—Cpx), Powell (Opx—Cpx), Ellis and Green (Gra—Cpx), Lal and Raith (Gra—Opx), and Danckwerth and Newton (Al2O3-content in opx). A mean pressure estimate of 8.6 ± 0.8 kbar has been obtained with the models of Perkins and Newton (Gar—Opx/Cpx—Plag—Qtz). The PT data indicate a minimum crustal thickness of about 35 km at c. 2.5 Ga in this part of the South Indian Archaean craton.  相似文献   

An ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic slab at Yangkou Beach near Qingdao in the Sulu region of China consists of blocks of eclogite facies metagabbro, metagranitoid, ultramafic rock and mylonitic orthogneisses enclosed in granitic gneiss. A gradational sequence from incipiently metamorphosed gabbro to completely recrystallized coesite eclogite formed at ultra-high-pressures was identified in a single 30 m block; metagabbro is preserved in the core whereas coesite eclogite occurs along the block margins. The metagabbro contains an igneous assemblage of Pl+Aug+Opx+Qtz+Bt+Ilm/Ti-Mag; it shows relict magmatic textures and reaction coronas. Fine-grained garnet developed along boundaries between plagioclase and other phases; primary plagioclase broke down to Ab+Ky+Ms+Zo±Grt±Amp. Augite is rimmed by sodic augite or omphacite, whereas orthopyroxene is rimmed by a corona of Cum±Act and Omp+Qtz layers or only Omp+Qtz. In transitional rocks, augite and orthopyroxene are totally replaced by omphacite, and the lower-pressure assemblage Ab+Ky+Phn+Zo+Grt coexists with domains of Omp (Jd70–73)+Ky±Phn in pseudomorphs after plagioclase. Both massive and weakly deformed coesite-bearing eclogites contain Omp+Ky+Grt+Phn+Coe/Qtz+Rt, and preserve a faint gabbroic texture. Coesite inclusions in garnet and omphacite exhibit limited conversion to palisade quartz; some intergranular coesite and quartz pseudomorphs after coesite also occur. Assemblages of the coronal stage, transitional and UHP peak occurred at about 540±50 °C at c. 13 kbar, 600–800 °C at ≥15–25 kbar and 800–850 °C at >30 kbar, respectively. Garnet from the coronal- through the transitional- to the eclogite-stage rocks show a decrease in almandine and an increase in grossular±pyrope components; garnet in low-grade rocks contains higher MnO and lower pyrope components. The growth textures of garnet within pseudomorphs after plagioclase or along grain boundaries between plagioclase and other phases are complex; the application of garnet zoning to estimate P–T should be carried out with caution. Some garnet enclosing quartz aggregates as inclusions shows radial growth boundaries; these quartz aggregates, as well as other primary and low-P phases, persisted metastably at UHP conditions due to sluggish reactions resulting from the lack of fluid during prograde and retrograde P–T evolution.  相似文献   

宋衍茹  叶凯  续海金 《岩石学报》2009,25(1):147-158
苏鲁超高压变质地体中发现了大量包裹在超高压(UHP)变质片麻岩和混合岩中的造山带石榴橄榄岩。根据它们的野外产出特征和全岩地球化学成分,其中一部分石榴橄榄岩的原岩来自于亏损地幔,后来被卷入俯冲陆壳并经受过俯冲陆壳产生的熔/流体的交代。但是,对这些岩石早期的亏损过程尚缺乏清晰的认识。本文报道了东海芝麻坊石榴子石二辉橄榄岩早期变质演化的新证据。根据详细的变质反应结构观察和矿物成分研究,芝麻坊石榴子石二辉橄榄岩在经历高压低温俯冲带型超高压变质之前经历了至少两期变质演化。其原岩矿物组合由石榴子石变斑晶的高Ca-Cr核部及其中包裹的高Mg单斜辉石、高Al-Cr斜方辉石和高Mg-Ni橄榄石所记录;指示芝麻坊石榴子石二辉橄榄岩的原岩为高温-高压的富集石榴子石二辉橄榄岩。第二期矿物组合为包裹在低Cr变斑晶石榴子石幔部和细粒新生石榴子石核部的大量富Al铬铁矿和高Mg低Ni橄榄石以及少量高Mg斜方辉石。该期组合未发现单斜辉石,表明岩石随后被转变为高温低压的难熔尖晶石方辉橄榄岩或尖晶石纯橄岩。芝麻坊石榴子石二辉橄榄岩的早期变质演化记录了它们被卷入大陆板片俯冲带之前的地幔楔上升对流过程。笔者认为芝麻坊石榴子石二辉橄榄岩的原岩来源于早期俯冲大洋板片之上的深部高温富集地幔楔,洋壳俯冲过程中的地幔楔对流导致其上升到弧后或岛弧之下的地幔楔浅部,减压部分熔融使原本富集的石榴子石二辉橄榄岩转化为难熔的尖晶石方辉橄榄岩或尖晶石纯橄岩。  相似文献   

Laser Raman spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence (CL) images show that zircon from Sulu‐Dabie dolomitic marbles is characterized by distinctive domains of inherited (detrital), prograde, ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) and retrograde metamorphic growths. The inherited zircon domains are dark‐luminescent in CL images and contain mineral inclusions of Qtz + Cal + Ap. The prograde metamorphic domains are white‐luminescent in CL images and preserve a quartz eclogite facies assemblage of Qtz + Dol + Grt + Omp + Phe + Ap, formed at 542–693 °C and 1.8–2.1 GPa. In contrast, the UHP metamorphic domains are grey‐luminescent in CL images, retain the UHP assemblage of Coe + Grt + Omp + Arg + Mgs + Ap, and record UHP conditions of 739–866 °C and >5.5 GPa. The outermost retrograde rims have dark‐luminescent CL images, and contain low‐P minerals such as calcite, related to the regional amphibolite facies retrogression. Laser ablation ICP‐MS trace‐element data show striking difference between the inherited cores of mostly magmatic origin and zircon domains grown in response to prograde, UHP and retrograde metamorphism. SHRIMP U‐Pb dating on these zoned zircon identified four discrete 206Pb/238U age groups: 1823–503 Ma is recorded in the inherited (detrital) zircon derived from various Proterozoic protoliths, the prograde domains record the quartz eclogite facies metamorphism at 254–239 Ma, the UHP growth domains occurred at 238–230 Ma, and the late amphibolite facies retrogressive overprint in the outermost rims was restricted to 218–206 Ma. Thus, Proterozoic continental materials of the Yangtze craton were subducted to 55–60 km depth during the Early Triassic and recrystallized at quartz eclogite facies conditions. Then these metamorphic rocks were further subducted to depths of 165–175 km in the Middle Triassic and experienced UHP metamorphism, and finally these UHP metamorphic rocks were exhumed to mid‐crustal levels (about 30 km) in the Late Triassic and overprinted by regional amphibolite facies metamorphism. The subduction and exhumation rates deduced from the SHRIMP data and metamorphic P–T conditions are 9–10 km Myr?1 and 6.4 km Myr?1, respectively, and these rapid subduction–exhumation rates may explain the obtained P–T–t path. Such a fast exhumation suggests that Sulu‐Dabie UHP rocks that returned towards crustal depths were driven by buoyant forces, caused as a consequence of slab breakoff at mantle depth.  相似文献   

The CCSD‐PP1 drillhole penetrated a 110‐m‐thick sequence of the Zhimafang ultramafic body in the Sulu ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, east China. The sequence consists of interlayered garnet‐bearing (Grt) and garnet‐free (GF) peridotite. Eleven layers of Grt‐peridotite, ranging from 1.2 to 9.5 m in thickness, have an aggregate thickness of 54.49 m, whereas eight layers of GF‐peridotite, ranging from 2.2 to 14.2 m in thickness, have a total thickness of 57.53 m. The boundaries between the two rock types are gradational. The Grt‐peridotites have slightly higher contents of Al2O3, CaO and SiO2, and lower Mg#s (0.90–0.92) than the GF‐peridotites (Mg#s 0.91–0.93). Both contain low TiO2 (<0.05 wt%) and have higher modal abundances of enstatite (average 10 vol.%) than diopside (1–5 vol.%), typical of depleted‐type upper mantle. The diopside in these rocks has high and relatively uniform Mg# members (0.93–0.95), but highly variable Al2O3 (0.2–2.3 wt%), Na2O (0.5–2.5 wt%) and Cr2O3 (0.38–2.09 wt%). Enstatite (En92?93) contains very low Al2O3 (0–0.3 wt%). Both porphyroblastic and equigranular garnet are present. The equigranular varieties are zoned, from core to rim in Cr2O3 (3.4–4.2 wt%), MgO (18.4–17.5 wt%) and Al2O3 (21.1–20.1 wt%). Titania is very low in all the garnet, mostly <0.05 wt%. Chromite or chromium (Cr)‐spinel occur both in the Grt‐ and GF‐peridotite, and are characterized by high contents of Cr2O3 (49–58 wt%) and FeO (24–43 wt%), similar to that in iron‐rich Alpine‐type peridotites. Based on the bulk‐rock MgO–FeO compositions, the Zhimafang Grt‐peridotite probably underwent 20–30% partial melting, whereas the GF‐peridotite may have undergone as much as 35–40% partial melting, suggesting that the two rock types owe their differences to different degrees of partial melting rather than to pressure differences during metamorphism.  相似文献   


A new ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, the Marun-Keu eclogite–peridotite–gneiss complex was established in the Polar Urals (Russia). Owing to the P–T parameters of formation of garnet peridotites obtained for the first time, it was established that they experienced UHP metamorphism with a peak in the diamond stability field (39 kbar, 830oC) due to subduction of rocks of the Marun-Keu complex to the mantle (a depth of more than 100 km). Relics of plagioclase peridotites preserved in central parts of large peridotite bodies and petrochemical data are evidence that Marun-Key garnet peridotites cannot be of mantle origin. A basic-ultrabasic intrusion, which formed in the upper crust, can be considered as their protolith. Later, rocks of the massif plunged to the mantle along the subduction zone and metamorphosed under high-P to ultrahigh-P conditions.


Recent petrological studies on high‐pressure (HP)–ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in the Moldanubian Zone, mainly utilizing compositional zoning and solid phase inclusions in garnet from a variety of lithologies, have established a prograde history involving subduction and subsequent granulite facies metamorphism during the Variscan Orogeny. Two temporally separate metamorphic events are developed rather than a single P–T loop for the HP–UHP metamorphism and amphibolite–granulite facies overprint in the Moldanubian Zone. Here further evidence is presented that the granulite facies metamorphism occurred after the HP–UHP rocks had been exhumed to different levels of the middle or upper crust. A medium‐temperature eclogite that is part of a series of tectonic blocks and lenses within migmatites contains a well‐preserved eclogite facies assemblage with omphacite and prograde zoned garnet. Omphacite is partly replaced by a symplectite of diopside + plagioclase + amphibole. Garnet and omphacite equilibria and pseudosection calculations indicate that the HP metamorphism occurred at relatively low temperature conditions of ~600 °C at 2.0–2.2 GPa. The striking feature of the rocks is the presence of garnet porphyroblasts with veins filled by a granulite facies assemblage of olivine, spinel and Ca‐rich plagioclase. These minerals occur as a symplectite forming symmetric zones, a central zone rich in olivine that is separated from the host garnet by two marginal zones consisting of plagioclase with small amounts of spinel. Mineral textures in the veins show that they were first filled mostly by calcic amphibole, which was later transformed into granulite facies assemblages. The olivine‐spinel equilibria and pseudosection calculations indicate temperatures of ~850–900 °C at pressure below 0.7 GPa. The preservation of eclogite facies assemblages implies that the granulite facies overprint was a short‐lived process. The new results point to a geodynamic model where HP–UHP rocks are exhumed to amphibolite facies conditions with subsequent granulite facies heating by mantle‐derived magma in the middle and upper crust.  相似文献   

The Kulet eclogite in the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan, is identified as recording a prograde transformation from the amphibolite facies through transitional coronal eclogite to fully recrystallized eclogite (normal eclogite). In addition to minor bodies of normal eclogite with an assemblage of Grt + Omp + Qz + Rt ± Ph and fine‐grained granoblastic texture (type A), most are pale greyish green bodies consisting of both coronal and normal eclogites (type B). The coronal eclogite is characterized by coarse‐grained amphibole and zoisite of amphibolite facies, and the growth of garnet corona along phase boundaries between amphibole and other minerals as well as the presence of eclogitic domains. The Kulet eclogites experienced a four‐stage metamorphic evolution: (I) pre‐eclogite stage, (II) transition from amphibolite to eclogite, (III) a peak eclogite stage with prograde transformation from coronal eclogite to UHP eclogite and (IV) retrograde metamorphism. Previous studies made no mention of the presence of amphibole or zoisite in either the pre‐eclogite stage or coronal eclogite, and so did not identify the four‐stage evolution recognized here. P–T estimates using thermobarometry and Xprp and Xgrs isopleths of eclogitic garnet yield a clockwise P–T path and peak conditions of 27–33 kbar and 610–720 °C, and 27–35 kbar and 560–720 °C, respectively. P–T pseudosection calculations indicate that the coexistence of coronal and normal eclogites in a single body is chiefly due to different bulk compositions of eclogite. All eclogites have tholeiitic composition, and show flat or slightly LREE‐enriched patterns [(La/Lu)N = 1.1–9.6] and negative Ba, Sr and Sc and positive Th, U and Ti anomalies. However, normal eclogite has higher TiO2 (1.35–2.65 wt%) and FeO (12.11–16.72 wt%) and REE contents than those of coronal eclogite (TiO2 < 0.9 wt% and FeO < 12.11 wt%) with one exception. Most Kulet eclogites plot in the MORB and IAB fields in the 2Nb–Zr/4–Y and TiO2–FeO/MgO diagrams, although displacement from the MORB–OIB array indicates some degree of crustal involvement. All available data suggest that the protoliths of the Kulet eclogites were formed at a passive continent marginal basin setting. A schematic model involving subduction to 180–200 km at 537–527 Ma, followed by slab breakoff at 526–507 Ma, exhumation and recrystallization at crustal depths is applied to explain the four‐stage evolution of the Kulet eclogite.  相似文献   

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