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库车坳陷同沉积演化的古地磁研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
邓云山  康健 《沉积学报》1998,16(4):109-113
运用古地磁学方法研究了库车坳陷第三系同沉积褶皱,同褶皱检验发现上新统和渐新统原生剩磁主要是同沉积剩磁,说明该区上新世和渐新世表现出较强的构造活动性;因而,对推断控制库车坳陷油气分布的构造格架和相关的构造形迹有十分重要的地质意义。  相似文献   

运用沉积学和地质构造学理论,分析研究了三明地区下二叠统童子岩组薄煤层与地壳运动、沉积环境、古地形、地质构造等的关系,认为三明地区下二叠统童子岩组的薄煤层主要是由聚煤时期的地壳运动、沉积环境、古地形等原生因素决定的,其次是断裂、褶皱、挤压、火成岩等后生因素的影响和破坏造成的.  相似文献   

酒西盆地晚二叠世古地磁极及其大地构造意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文根据甘肃酒西盆地大黄沟剖面上二叠统“窑沟群”的古地磁资料确定了该盆地晚二叠世古地磁极位置及该区与华北地块的大地构造关系。剖面厚度约684米,共采集33层58个样品。对全部样品进行系统退磁处理后分离出了次生成因的低温分量和原生成因的高温分量。高温分量磁化方向经倾斜改正后密集度显著增强,平均磁化方向为-28.0°N/132.9°E(α95=4.7,K=47.1),相应的古地磁位于42.4°N/350.9°E(A95=3.9,K=67.8),均以99%以上的置信度通过了褶皱检验。由此可知,高温分量是在岩层发生褶皱之前获得的厚生剩磁,所代表的时限属基亚曼反向极性间隔。上述古地磁极位置与其他作者在山西、河北等地获得的结果极为相近,表明酒西盆地至少在晚二叠世就是华北地块的一部分。华北地块与塔里木地块在晚二叠世期间是两个独立的大地构造单元,古边界应位于酒西盆地以西,很可能是阿尔金断裂的前身或与之相当的断裂构造。  相似文献   

<正>1区域地质背景巴音塔拉位于华北地台北缘与内蒙古海西褶皱带接合部位,属于二连盆地腾格尔坳陷南缘的次级构造单元。它是在加里东褶皱带基底上发展起来,由温都尔庙-多伦复背斜演化而来的温都尔庙隆升带上的北北东向狭长断陷系列湖盆之一凹陷主体呈北东向展布,呈狭长的"L"形,凹陷基底由下二叠统海底火山喷发建造和上侏罗统中酸性火山碎屑岩及熔岩组成,东南侧蚀源区出露大面积燕山期岩体。  相似文献   

老鸦岭铜矿床是冬瓜山矿区内一个层控矽卡岩型矿床。区内主要出露三叠系地层,青山背斜是主要褶皱构造,侵入岩以燕山期中酸性岩体为主。矿体呈多层产在下二叠统至下三叠统的远离主接触带的大理岩地层中。矿区内的地层和岩体可能受同一流体的影响;地层和燕山期流体均为成矿提供稀土元素;矿床不同的元素异常组合对成矿有不同的指示作用。  相似文献   

吐鲁番—哈密盆地形成于晚二叠世。盆地构造演化经历了边缘断陷、断坳过渡、扩张坳陷、内部断陷及褶皱回返五个时期。时空上表现出断、坳结合,相互转化,侧向移动和超覆扩张等特征。盆地有晚二叠世以来各地质时代的沉积地层,总厚7000m以上。上二叠统塔尔郎组和下、中侏罗统为主要生油层系,其中的河道砂岩体和席状砂岩体物性条件较好,是主要储集层。盆地油气聚集最有利地区为生油凹陷带内断层与背斜构造圈闭互相配置的次级构造带,它们主要存在于吐鲁番坳陷区内。台北凹陷带北部逆冲推覆构造体下盘及其东段的柯柯亚—台北构造带、托克逊凹陷西部伊拉湖—大河沿逆冲断裂带下盘及其伊拉湖构造带以及中央背斜带等应列为重点勘探对象。  相似文献   

吐鲁番-哈密盆地形成于晚二叠世。盆地构造演化经历了边缘断陷、断坳过渡、扩张坳陷、内部断陷及褶皱回返五个时期。时空上表现出断、坳结合,相互转化,侧向移动和超覆扩张等特征。盆地有晚二叠世以来各地质时代的沉积地层,总厚7000m以上。上二叠统塔尔郎组和下、中侏罗统为主要生油层系,其中的河道砂岩体和席状砂岩体物性条件较好,是主要储集层。盆地油气聚集最有利地区为生油凹陷带内断层与背斜构造圈闭互相配置的次级构造带,它们主要存在于吐鲁番坳陷区内。台北凹陷带北部逆冲推覆构造体下盘及其东段的柯柯亚-台北构造带,托克逊凹陷西部伊拉湖-大河沿逆冲断裂带下盘及其伊拉湖构造带以及中央背斜带等应列为重点勘探对象。  相似文献   

安徽巢湖大型平卧褶皱研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
巢湖平卧褶皱由一个背斜和一个向斜组成,枢纽呈NNE向,轴面微向NWW平卧背斜根部倾斜。卷入褶皱的地层为上震旦统至上三叠统,厚达3.1km。褶皱分布面积约380km~2,波长9km,波幅18km。后期直立褶皱叠加于平卧褶皱之上,褶皱缩短量达19.17km,缩短率约53.7%,褶皱受控于大玵台阶状滑脱断层。褶皱地层由NWW往SEE运动,是一种变动滑脱褶皱。  相似文献   

荒田铅锌矿床位于官厅铅锌成矿带,其矿体赋存于下二叠统玄武岩组中段下层P1β2-1与茅口组上段P1m2之间的玄武质、灰质角砾岩层中,常富集在背斜的两翼和向斜的槽部,严格受层位、岩性和褶皱构造的控制。矿床与晚二叠世海相基性岩浆喷发有关,后经火山沉积-岩浆期后热液叠加以及多期次构造运动对成矿物质的改造富集。故矿床应属火山沉积-岩浆期后热液叠加-层控矿床。  相似文献   

为了约束龙门山南段的构造运动特征,文章对龙门山南段大川镇附近的下三叠统飞仙关组淡紫灰色泥岩、粉砂岩和宝兴地区的二叠系灰岩开展了古地磁研究。古地磁样品取自10个采样点,其中3个采点为二叠系灰岩;7个采点为飞仙关组淡紫灰色泥岩、粉砂岩。对样品开展了逐步热退磁、岩石磁学(等温剩磁获得曲线和三轴等温剩磁热退磁)及扫描电镜实验。80个样品进行的逐步热退磁实验结果显示,二叠系灰岩样品未分离出稳定的特征剩磁;飞仙关组样品分离出了稳定的特征剩磁,并通过了广义褶皱检验,其特征剩磁的平均方向为:Ds=36.9°,Is=16.5°,α95=5.9°,K=33.8,N=18,对应的古地磁极投在了华南视极移曲线的早三叠世段附近。岩石磁学实验结果表明飞仙关组样品的载磁矿物为磁铁矿,扫描电镜观察展示其为碎屑状的铁氧化物,且无明显成岩后自生特征。结合退磁曲线特征,扫描电镜微观特征,特征剩磁的古地磁极位置和岩石磁学结果,飞仙关组样品的特征剩磁很可能为原生剩磁。该结果表明龙门山褶皱冲断带与四川盆地的没有明显地相对构造旋转运动,自晚三叠世以来,其与龙门山北段以及四川盆地在动力学上是统一的构造单元。  相似文献   

The widespread Sanrafaelic remagnetization reset most of the early Cambrian to mid-Ordovician carbonate platform of the Argentine Precordillera and the calcareous units of the San Rafael Block. We conducted a detailed rock-magnetic study on the Middle-Ordovician limestones of the Ponón Trehué Formation at both limbs of a tight anticline exposed in the San Rafael Block (Mendoza province, central-western Argentina) that are carriers of a syntectonic magnetization of Permian age. We found that the magnetic overprint in the Ponón Trehué Formation is carried by both pyrrhotite and magnetite, with goethite and subordinate haematite likely related to weathering. Hysteresis parameters, frequency dependence of magnetic susceptibility, Cisowski and modified Lowrie-Fuller tests suggest the presence of ultrafine particles of chemical origin. Demagnetization of natural remanent magnetization and of three-axis isothermal remanence confirm pyrrhotite and magnetite as important contributors to the remanence. Both minerals carry the same magnetic syntectonic component suggesting a coeval or nearly coeval remanence acquisition and therefore mineral formation. This and the results of the magnetic fabric analyses indicate an authigenic origin of the magnetic minerals during folding associated with the Sanrafaelic tectonic phase (ca. 280 Ma). Although the chemically active (oxidizing?) fluids expelled from the orogen as it developed in the early Permian is a viable explanation for the Sanrafaelic remagnetization, the role of the nearly coeval magmatism in Precordillera and the San Rafael Block remains to be properly evaluated.  相似文献   

对采自内蒙古苏尼特左旗白音乌拉乡晚石炭世—早二叠世宝力高庙组和敖汉旗安庆沟乡晚石炭世酒局子组的凝灰岩和凝灰质砂岩开展了古地磁学研究。宝力高庙组和酒局子组样品退磁特征表明,高温剩磁分量均以赤铁矿为主要载磁矿物,可能携带了岩石形成时期的特征剩磁分量。层面校正后2个组平均特征剩磁分量分别为:D=159.3°,I=-33.1°,α95=8.7°;D=328.8°,I=31.3°,α95=5.7°。这反映了内蒙古中部晚石炭世—早二叠世位于北纬17°—18°N。将所获得的古地磁结果与已发表的相邻地区古地磁数据进行比较,并结合古生物、古气候等地质数据,推测晚石炭世—早二叠世时内蒙古中部与华北地块关系密切,距离较近,而远离西伯利亚地块,内蒙古中部晚石炭世—早二叠世时可能是华北地块的组成部分。  相似文献   

为探讨准噶尔盆地南缘二叠纪-三叠纪盆地构造性质及构造演化过程,笔者对盆地南缘小渠子背斜保存较完整的T/P 不整合进行了几何学、运动学和沉积韵律旋回特征的分析。T/P 不整合具有同构造不整合的特点,表现为不整合之下削蚀、之上超覆,是由于盆地南缘经历晚二叠世-早三叠世区域性挤压作用造成的。通过对小渠子地区深层地质结构的分析,认为晚二叠世-早三叠世的构造演化过程与早石炭世伸展断陷的反转密切相关。  相似文献   

普光气田是一个储量规模大、埋藏深、资源丰度高的整装海相气田。气田发现于2003年,至2005年底累计探明储量2510.7×108m3。普光背斜构造的气藏圈闭面积为45.6km2,主要含气层段为下三叠统飞仙关组及上二叠统长兴组礁滩相白云岩。烃源岩为下志留统龙马溪组和上二叠统龙潭组泥岩和页岩。论述了气田的发现和勘探过程及气藏的基本地质特征,总结了它对我国碳酸盐岩和成熟盆地油气勘探的启示。  相似文献   

In order to better understand the tectonic relationship between the Dunhuang block (DHB) and its adjacent blocks, and to constrain the timing of the closure of the Paleo-Asian ocean, a combined geochronologic and paleomagnetic investigation has been undertaken on Early Permian tuff, basalt flows and sandstones from the Shuangbaotang Formation in the northwestern part of the DHB. U-Pb zircon dating indicates that the age of the strata is between 280.6 ± 2.9 Ma and 291.4 ± 2.6 Ma. Thermal demagnetization of a three-component isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM), and Curie point experiment suggest that magnetite dominates in the rock samples analyzed. In addition, there is a minor amount of hematite in some sandstones. Stepwise thermal demagnetization successfully isolated stable characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) from 11 tuff layers, two lava flows and nine sandstone beds. Two components were isolated from all samples: a lower temperature component (LTC) and a higher temperature component (HTC). The LTC is near the direction of the present-day geomagnetic field and produced a negative fold test, indicating it is a viscous remanent magnetization in the present-day geomagnetic field. Most of the HTC are reverse polarity (Normal = 4, reverse = 158), which is in accordance with the Kiaman Reversed Superchron that spans the Late Carboniferous-Permian interval. In addition, the HTC of all studied sites passed the fold and reverse tests, suggesting that they likely represent primary remanent magnetization. The tilt-corrected mean direction from all sites (tuff, basalts and sandstones) is Ds = 1.7°, Is = 43.1°, ks = 403, α95 = 1.5°, N = 22. The mean paleopole of the site-mean direction-corresponded VGPs lies at 74.5°N, 268.5°E with A95 = 1.6°. Considering the consistent inclination values recorded among the studied tuff, basalts and sandstones, and the low degrees of anisotropy within all samples, we suggest that there is no significant inclination shallowing caused by depositional compaction in the sedimentary layers of the studied section. Taking into account the results from this study as well as previous Late Paleozoic paleomagentic studies from adjacent tectonic blocks, we conclude that the DHB formed part of the amalgamated Dunhuang-North China-Alxa-Qaidam mega-block during the Early Permian, but was separated from the Tarim block by a small ocean (here named the Qiemo-Xingxingxia paleo-ocean) at this time. A comparison of the Early Permian paleolatitudes of these and other adjacent blocks suggest that the Paleo-Asian ocean (sensu lato) was still open at this time. Combined with other geological evidence, a paleogeographic reconstruction of the Paleo-Asian ocean has been reconstructed for the Early Permian.  相似文献   

In order to assess the structural evolution of the Brive basin and the Paleozoic activity of surrounding major faults in the French Massif Central, we carried out a paleomagnetic study on Early Permian rocks from this basin. Positive-fold tests and solely reversed polarities indicate that the characteristic remanent magnetization is likely to be primary. Early Permian tilt-corrected site mean declinations vary from 207°–167° indicating that the Brive basin experienced internal vertical-axis rotations. On the contrary, Late Permian paleomagnetic site means exhibit a circular Fisherian distribution showing no relative rotations. Detailed analyses of Permian paleomagnetic data from five contemporaneous basins of the French Massif Central reveal that these basins share the same equatorial paleolatitude with stable Europe throughout the Permian. However, in Early Permian, three of the five basins experienced differential rotations. The Saint-Affrique basin not only suffered internal deformation during the Early Permian, but the basin as a whole underwent a full-scale counterclockwise vertical-axis block rotation with respect to stable Europe. As a consequence, paleomagnetic data from similar late orogenic basins have to be thus carefully considered for establishment of Apparent Polar Wander paths.  相似文献   

通过对柴达木地块天峻县组合玛地区晚二叠世13个采点的系统古地磁测定,揭示了一组高温特征剩磁分量.实验结果表明,采样剖面获得的晚二叠世古地磁结果具有正、反极性,其特征剩磁方向为:Dg=333.7°,Ig=37.3°,Kg=35.4,N=9,α95 =8.8;Ds=333.9°,Is=41.7°,Ks=69.9,α95 =6.2°,相对应的古地磁极位置为:64.0°N,342.4°E,A95=5.9°,古纬度为24.0°N.这一高温分量通过了倒转检验,我们认为这一高温特征剩磁分量很可能代表了研究区晚二叠世时期的原生特征剩磁.通过对比塔里木地块晚石炭-晚二叠世古地磁结果,发现两块体在晚石炭世存在明显的古纬度差(16.6±9.3°),而在晚二叠世其古纬度差(3.5±5.4°)在古地磁误差范围内并没有明显差别,从构造意义上说,说明柴达木地块在晚二叠世已是塔里木地块的一部分,结合地质资料,认为柴达木地块在晚二叠世时古地理位置处于塔里木地块的南缘或西南缘,这表明柴达木/塔里木地块间的古阿尔金断裂的形成时代不可能早于晚石炭世时,很可能形成于晚二叠世以后.  相似文献   

通过解析灰家堡金矿田地质和地球物理等资料,建立该矿田成矿构造模式,并应用构造地球化学研究方法了解Au和其他微量元素在不同构造部位分布情况,最后将研究结果应用于找矿勘探实践。灰家堡背斜是龙潭组及其之上地层由弯滑褶皱作用形成的。背斜中Au元素在垂向上主要沿着构造蚀变体和背斜轴分布,在横向上背斜核部越紧闭金矿化越强,显示了明显的背斜控矿特征。微量元素因子分析显示成矿元素组合为Au、As、Sb、Hg和Tl。对应分析表明构造蚀变体中的角砾岩主要富集Sb和Tl,龙潭组和长兴组的生物碎屑灰岩主要富集Au,龙潭组的黏土岩、粉砂质黏土岩等主要富集Hg和As。原生晕垂向分带序列自下而上为Tl-Sb-Hg-Au-As。在综合成矿构造模式和构造地球化学研究的基础上,认为黔西南二叠系-三叠系浅海碳酸盐台地相区的背斜/穹窿及相关的逆断层构造组合区是重要的找矿区域,Au、As、Sb、Hg和Tl元素异常套合最好的地段为找Au有利靶区,高As/Tl比值地段深部找矿潜力大,且碳酸盐岩和黏土岩组合部位是有利的富Au部位。  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic measurements were made on samples from Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian aged rocks from the Omulevka terrane, northeast Russia. The Omulevka terrane is a fragment of continental margin that forms a major component of the Kolyma–Omolon superterrane, a superterrane that constitutes the core of northeast Russia. All samples were collected from sites along the Taskan river, and all showed a very strong secondary overprint and in some cases more than one. With detailed thermal demagnetization, a component of magnetization that decayed towards the origin when viewed as an orthogonal plot was commonly present and showed better clustering of magnetization directions in stratigraphic coordinates. All of the sites sampled were tilted, but none had enough variation in bedding attitude to perform fold tests. Comparing data between localities was used as a pseudo fold test and indicates that in all but one case the characteristic remanent magnetization found represents a magnetization acquired very early in the history of the rock. Interpretation of these data in terms of both virtual pole positions and paleolatitude changes with time shows that the Omulevka terrane and the adjacent Omolon terrane were together at low latitudes in Silurian and Devonian time and until late Devonian their latitude was consistent with them being closely related to the Siberian Craton. Between Devonian and Permian times, the paleolatitudes of the terranes decreased and, when compared with equivalent reference paleolatitudes for the nearby Siberian platform, show a clear latitudinal separation. From Permian to Jurassic time, the Omulevka and Omolon terranes move steadily northwards, reducing the relative latitudinal separation from Siberia. By late Jurassic to early Cretaceous time, the observed and equivalent Siberian paleolatitudes are identical, indicating the accretion of the Kolyma–Omolon superterrane to the eastern Siberian continent.  相似文献   

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