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本文在关中盆地现有监测网的基础上,基于GIS技术,采用建设监测剖面与编制地下水动态类型图相结合的方法,对关中盆地地下水动态监测网进行了优化调整,形成4横5纵共9条监测剖面、239个监测点的地下水动态监测网,其中潜水监测井120个,承压水监测井119个;利用原有监测井165个,新增监测井74个。新建监测网能够较全面地控制关中盆地区域地下水动态变化,在2011年"严重缺水地区地下水监测项目"中,以动态监测数据为依据,确定了主要干旱区位置,为政府应急抗旱找水打井提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

北京平原地下水水位监测网优化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
文章在北京市地下水水位监测现状基础上,分潜水和承压水对北京平原地下水监测网的监测密度和监测频率进行了优化设计。主要采用编制地下水动态类型图的方法进行了地下水水位监测网的优化,克里金插值法能定量评价依据监测网观测值绘制的地下水水位等高线的精度,因而可以用来评价监测优化结果。并根据时间序列分析和统计检验提供的定量标准优化了地下水水位监测频率。优化后,北京平原共有监测孔400眼,其中利用原有监测孔300眼,新设计监测孔100眼,手工监测频率由原来的每月6次优化为每月1次,专项高频率监测可以由地下水自动监测仪实现。文中还对地下水自动监测仪(DIVER)的监测结果和手工监测结果进行了对比评价,提出了地下水水位监测网的维护、管理措施和信息发布方式。  相似文献   

河套平原浅层地下水动态监测网优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河套平原的地下水动态监测网存在监测井空间布局不合理的问题,限制了地下水研究工作的进一步深入.采用水文地质分析法和克里金插值法,并结合实际情况对河套平原的浅层地下水监测网络进行了优化设计.地下水动态影响因素分区图的编制主要考虑了地貌、包气带岩性、浅水位埋深、含水层渗透系数、年均降水量、年均蒸发量以及地下水开采模数7个因子.结果表明,优化设计的监测网共有监测井428眼,优化后Kriging插值误差标准差为2.53~10.99 m,比优化前(2.75~27.00 m)显著降低,这说明优化设计的监测网精度有很大提高.此外,优化后的监测网不仅能够对河岸带、断裂带、咸淡水交互带、地下水降落漏斗区等关键地段的水位实施监测,还能够满足不同地区对监测井密度的需求,具有一定的参考和实践价值.  相似文献   

在各级水利与自然资源部门地下水监测数据共享机制逐步完善背景下,针对日益凸显的原有监测系统中存在的监测井布局不合理问题以及岩溶含水系统具有的非均质性和各向异性特征,选取徐州市丁楼-茅村和七里沟2个典型水源地,分别采用互信息-距离(T-D)和最大信息最小冗余(MIMR)模型对研究区监测网信息冗余性和最优监测井组合进行了研究...  相似文献   

为开展湖北省地下水监测网络的优化部署,在全省地下水流系统划分的基础上,选取江汉平原重点区地下水系统作为研究区,对该系统地下水监测网进行了优化研究。采用地下水动态类型编图法,从水文地质条件的角度为地下水监测井的布置提供了地质依据。克里金插值法能够定量评价系统内地下水等水位线的插值精度,从而评价监测网密度。研究区现有国家地下水监测工程(自然资源部分)监测井77个,根据监测需求选取临界插值误差标准差值为1.3,优化后新增监测井30个。优化后的监测网有助于获取研究区更加科学全面的地下水动态信息。  相似文献   

应用对应分析方法处理地下水质资料,得出研究区地下水具有如下三种类型:(1)低矿化的弱碱性水;(2)相对高矿化的碱性甚至强碱性水;(3)介于上述两者之间。并由反馈信息得出,现有水质监测点似多了些。根据具体的水质特征,遵照反映不同水环境的监测点应保留、而反映相同或相似水环境的监测点应精简这一原则,对现有水质监测网作了优化分析。新的水质监测点数虽少于原有的,但只要定期的监测,仍能够反映原有水质监测网所能反映的主要信息。  相似文献   

我国地下水动态监测网建设存在监测井点布设不合理、站网密度较低等问题。针对这种状况,阐述国内外应用较多的地下水监测网优化方法,并列举出相关工程应用实例,对未来我国地下水监测网建设提出从推进相关规范标准,应用优化方法、加强站网布设及监测频率等方面推进我国地下水检测站网建设。  相似文献   

郭永丽  张文静  滕彦国 《水文》2013,33(4):45-54
以东北地区某石油烃污染场地为例,在充分掌握研究区内地质、水文地质条件以及相关污染监测数据的基础上,以最优化监测决策支持系统——MAROS为平台,对研究区内现有地下水污染监测网进行优化设计。在阐述数理统计方法、Delaunay方法以及修正的CES方法原理的基础上。分别对区内单井浓度变化趋势和监测网系统污染物质量的空间矩特征、监测井的冗余性以及单井监测频率的有效性进行了分析:基于MAROS平台优化结果,并结合现有地下水污染监测网中取样点的冗余性、空间分布以及监测频率的有效性的分析,提出了该研究区的地下水污染监测网的优化设计方案并分析了其相关影响因素及不确定性因素的影响。研究结果显示,在现有地下水污染监测网中可以去除5口监测井,并根据每口井中污染物浓度的变化趋势、空间分布及其冗余性调整为一年四次、一年一次、两年一次或不监测,进一步提高区内地下水污染监测网的监测效率、降低监测费用,并对地下水污染防治和修复工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

淄博市大武水源地是中国北方罕见的特大型岩溶-裂隙地下水水源地,地下水开采量为52×10~4m~3/d。为了对岩溶地下水进行有效监测,需要建立最优的地下水监测网。文中在对岩溶地下水流系统分析的基础上,建立了地下水流系统确定性-随机性数学模型,运用有限元与卡尔曼滤波耦合的模拟递推算法,对大武水源地地下水监测网进行了优化设计,结果显示:现有地下水位动态监测网难以达到监测目标,最优地下水位监测网由14个监测井,每月监测一次的监测频率组成,比现有地下水位监测网减少了2个监测井。  相似文献   

文章指出了我国地下水环境面临的严峻形势,分析了国内地下水监测体系存在的问题。以北京地区为例,回顾了地下水监测的历史和发展过程,介绍了北京地区1:5万精度的立体分层区域监控网和地下水污染源监控网。针对北京在南水进京和京津冀协同发展的新水情条件下,提出了地下水环境监测网未来发展的对策与建议,指出必须要对监测网定期优化(包括点位密度、监测频率、测试组分)、搭建数据共享平台、争取尽快立法,以确保这项工作顺利开展。  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000400   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monitoring of regional groundwater levels provides important information for quantifying groundwater depletion and assessing impacts on the environment Historically,groundwater level monitoring wells in Beijing Plain,China,were installed for assessing groundwater resources and for monitoring the cone of depression.Monitoring wells are clustered around well fields and urban areas.There is urgent need to upgrade the existing monitoring wells to a regional groundwater level monitoring network to acquire information for integrated water resources management.A new method was proposed for designing a regional groundwater level monitoring network.The method is based on groundwater regime zone mapping.Groundwater regime zone map delineates distinct areas of possible different groundwater level variations and is useful for locating groundwater monitoring wells.This method was applied to Beijing Plain to upgrade a regional groundwater level monitoring network.  相似文献   

In the Daqing region of China there are 34 groundwater well fields with a groundwater withdrawal of 81.9×104 m3/d. Due to over-abstraction of the groundwater resources from the 1960s to present, a cone of depression up to 4,000 km2 has formed in the area. To monitor the change in the groundwater environment, it is necessary to design an effective groundwater-monitoring network. The sites for monitoring groundwater level were selected by applying the finite-element method coupled with Kalman filtering to the area in which the groundwater resources have been extensively exploited. The criterion is a threshold value of the standard deviation of estimation error. This threshold value is determined by the tradeoff between maximum information and minimum cost, in which the maximum information is characterized by the standard deviation and the minimum cost is equivalent to the number of observation wells. The groundwater flow model was calibrated by an optimal algorithm coupled the finite-element method with Kalman filtering by using the data from 16 observation wells from 1986 to 1993. A simulation algorithm coupled with the finite-element method with Kalman filtering analyzed the location data obtained from the existing 38 observation wells in the same region. The spatial distribution of standard deviation of estimation error is computed and the locations that have the maximum standard deviation are selected as additional sites for augmenting the existing observational well network at a given threshold value of the standard deviation surface. Based on the proposed method for selecting a groundwater level monitoring network, an optimal monitoring network with 88 observation wells with the measurement frequency of 12 times per year is selected in the Daqing region of China.  相似文献   

An entropy-based approach is applied to identify redundant wells in the network. In the process of this research, groundwater-monitoring network is considered as a communication system with a capability to transfer information, and monitoring wells are taken as information receivers. The concepts of entropy and mutual information are then applied to measure the information content of individual monitoring well and information relationship between monitoring well pairs. The efficiency of information transfer among monitoring wells is the basis to judge the redundancy in the network. And the capacity of the monitoring wells to provide information on groundwater is the point of evaluation to identify redundant monitoring wells. This approach is demonstrated using the data from a regional-scale groundwater network in Hebei plain, China. The result shows that the entropy-based method is recommendable in optimizing groundwater networks, especially for those within media of higher heterogeneities and anisotropies.  相似文献   

针对目前地下水观测网存在的层次不清问题,提出了基于信息熵技术的新的分类方法。列举了观测网层次混乱问题的表现、原因和可能造成的后果,提出地下水观测网具有层次性,而且这种层次性必须与地下水流动系统的层次性对应;认为地下水观测网就是一种信号通讯网,水位信号具有可传递性、差异性以及衰减性等特征,可以运用信息熵理论中的互信息概念定量刻画观测孔之间的信息联系,并以这种信息联系程度作为观测孔层次分类的主要依据;以河北平原地下水观测网为例,研究了区域尺度和局部尺度观测网的分类,结果表明信息熵方法可以很好地解决此类问题。  相似文献   

本文主要针对目前地下水观测网存在的层次不清问题,提出了基于信息熵理论新的分类方法。文章列举了观测网层次问题的表现,原因和可能造成的后果,提出地下水观测网的层次性应该对应地下水流动系统的层次性。认为地下水观测网就是一种信号通讯网,水位信号具有可传递性、差异性以及衰减性等特征,可以运用信息熵理论中的互信息概念,定量刻画观测孔之间的信息联系,并以这种信息联系程度作为观测孔层次分类的主要依据。作者以河北平原地下水观测网为实例,研究了区域尺度观测网的分类,结果表明信息熵方法可以很好地解决此类问题。  相似文献   

BP神经网络方法在地下水动态监测网质量评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文运用BP神经网络方法构建了地下水动态监测网的质量评价模型,并以甘肃省武威盆地的地下水位监测网为例进行了实例研究。研究表明,在武威和清源附近地下水监测点密度大于0.09/km^2的三个区域,需要进一步调整地下水监测点结构。武威以东、双城以南的地下水位漏斗区和武威以西的山前地带,需要增加地下水监测点。其它地下水监测点密度小于0.03/km^2的地区,则需要根据实际情况而决定。  相似文献   

随着人类经济社会活动的加剧,地下水遭受污染的范围和强度不断加大,尤其是浅层地下水面临污染的风险更大。如何及时发现并科学评价浅层地下水污染程度和治理的效果,迫切需要简单易行、有效可靠的浅层地下水分层监测井。传统的浅层地下水分层监测井存在占地多,监测层位少等问题,巢式监测井监测5层,连续多通道监测井口径小,因此有必要研究即占地少,又能监测多层,而且监测井井管口径能满足不同种类监测仪器的安装要求。通过室内和野外试验,研究了集束式浅层地下水分层监测井建设过程中止水方法、止水材料、粒径、止水层厚度及止水效果检验、下管方式等关键技术,实现同一孔内监测100 m以内的多层含水层或多个含水段的分层监测,施工口径小,占用土地少,建设成本经济。集束式监测井可以应用到地下水监测、环境污染调查研究等多个领域,该研究将为集束式浅层地下水分层监测井建设施工提供理论依据和技术支撑,使未来的监测更加精细化、准确化,为今后监测井的发展提供新的思路和研究方向。  相似文献   

A discrete entropy-based approach is used to assess the groundwater monitoring network that exists in Kodaganar River basin of Southern India. Since any monitoring system is essentially an information collection system, its technical design and evaluation require a quantifiable measure of information and this measure can be derived using entropy. The use of information-based measures of groundwater table shows that the existing monitoring network contains a sufficient number of wells but is not well designed for the measurement of groundwater level. Entropy-based results show that 15 wells are vital to measure regional groundwater level, not 28 wells which are being monitored effectively in this basin.  相似文献   

Hydraulic gradient is a fundamental aquifer characteristic required to estimate groundwater flow and quantify advective fluxes of pollutants. Graphical and local estimation schemes using potentiometric head information from three or four wells are used to compute hydraulic gradients but suffer from imprecision and subjectivity. The use of linear regression is recommended when hydraulic head data from a groundwater monitoring network consisting of several wells are available. In such cases, statistical influence analysis can be carried out to evaluate how each well within the network impacts the gradient estimate. A suite of five metrics, namely—(1) the hat-values, (2) studentized residuals, (3) Cook’s distance, (4) DFBETAs and (5) Covariance ratio (COVRATIO) are used in this study to identify influential wells within a regional groundwater monitoring network in Kleberg County, TX. The hat-values indicated that the groundwater network was reasonably well balanced and no well exerted an undue influence on the regression. The studentized residuals and Cook’s distance indicated the wells with the highest influence on the regression predictions were those that were close to high groundwater production centers or affected by coastal-aquifer interactions. However, the wells in the proximity of the production centers had the highest impact on the estimated gradient values as ascertained using DFBETAs. The covariance ratio which indicates the sensitivity of a monitoring well on the estimated standard error of regression was noted to be significant at most wells within the network. Therefore, networks seeking to address changes in groundwater gradients due to climate and anthropogenic influences need to be denser than those used to ascertain synoptic gradient estimates alone. The magnitude of the groundwater velocity was greatly underestimated when the influential wells were excluded from the network. The direction of flow was affected to a lesser extent, but a complete gradient reversal was noted when the network consisted of only four peripheral wells. The influence analysis therefore provides a valuable tool to assess the importance of individual wells within a monitoring network and can therefore be useful when existing networks are to be pruned due to fiscal constraints.  相似文献   

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