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磷灰石裂变径迹退火是一个繁杂的化学动力学过程,清楚地了解其退火的影响因素对于该技术的应用十分重要。文章概述了磷灰石裂变径迹退火动力学模型的发展史,并结合以往对其退火影响因素的研究,将磷灰石裂变径迹退火影响因素分为自身和外部环境两方面:自身影响因素包括化学成分、晶体结构、径迹长度与半径、径迹与结晶轴的方位关系,其中化学成分对退火起到主导作用;外部环境影响中,温度是主导因素,压力和蚀刻条件的改变也会影响退火。研究成果有利于完善磷灰石裂变径迹的实验室退火模型,提高其作为热历史记录器的精度。  相似文献   

磷灰石裂变径迹热年代学研究的进展与展望   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
综述了磷灰石裂变径迹热年代学研究在退火模型及模拟方法、造山带及造山后剥露历史、构造热成像及地形演变和成矿作用等方面的一些理论和应用成果,分析了目前在磷灰石裂变径迹退火机理、数据解释和应用等方面研究中存在的主要问题,指出了磷灰石裂变径迹热年代学研究今后会朝着深层次退火机理、新的应用领域、自动化技术和可操作性等方向发展.  相似文献   

磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周海  雷川 《西北地质》2013,(1):168-177
磷灰石裂变径迹是一种揭示岩石低温热年代学的有力工具。通过对国内外相关文献的广泛阅读,综述了磷灰石裂变径迹分析方法的原理、研究进展和地质意义及其在相关地质领域的应用。总结了影响磷灰石裂变径迹退火行为的主要影响因素,包括:①磷灰石的主要元素及238U的富集。②α衰变亏损。③压力及应力,以及实验观察时需要注意的问题。简要介绍了关于磷灰石裂变径迹退火过程的多元退火模型的建立及控制因素。对于目前的退火模型应用情况,结合前人研究总结了目前该方法的独特性及现行退火模型的不足之处。并对磷灰石裂变径迹在关于盆地热演化史、断层研究和造山带隆升分析(主要针对青藏高原隆升分析)中的应用做了简单、概要的剖析。  相似文献   

压力对磷灰石裂变径迹退火的影响初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磷灰石裂变径迹分析技术是确定岩石低温热历史的一种有效方法,其退火后径迹长度受多种因素影响,如温度、压力、磷灰石的化学成分、径迹与结晶C轴的夹角、蚀象直径(Dpar)以及年龄等,但压力的影响很少有文章论述.在调研大量国内外资料的基础上,通过将统计后的数据作图来阐明压力对径迹退火的影响.研究结果表明压力对径迹的退火具有重要影响,压力越大,退火后得到的径迹长度越短,且随着压力的增大,径迹变短的程度也在增大.当压力小于150 MPa时,压力的影响可以忽略,这时径迹退火主要受温度影响.压力和温度在磷灰石裂变径迹退火时起到相互弥补的作用,即高压、低温与低压、高温都能达到相同的退火程度.  相似文献   

锆石裂变径迹(ZFT)年代学:进展与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
裂变径迹技术是解决各种与时间-温度相关的地质问题的一种低温年代学手段.与磷灰石相比,锆石裂变径迹具有较高的封闭温度和退火区间,有其特定的地质意义和应用.自20世纪90年代以来,开展了大量锆石裂变径迹退火的研究,包括退火特性、径迹测量、退火模型,以及来自露头和钻孔样品的退火研究.首先介绍了锆石裂变径迹的分析程序、测量标准...  相似文献   

磷灰石裂变径迹退火行为是磷灰石裂变径迹技术模拟热历史的基础,退火程度的不同会导致径迹的长度不同,其中退火的各向异性(与结晶C轴夹角不同退火行为不同)是导致长度差异的重要因素。首先利用C轴投影模型将任意夹角的径迹转化成与C轴平行的径迹,以此消除分布方位的影响,进而探讨实际测量长度相同而分布方位不同的径迹模拟的热历史之间的差异。研究结果表明,磷灰石裂变径迹与结晶 C轴夹角不同揭示的最高古地温之间最大差异为15℃,用来研究剥蚀量和年轻造山带冷却抬升速率引起的最大差异可分别达到430 m及1.5℃/Ma,揭示构造抬升事件的初始抬升时间最大可相差2Ma。因此,在实际模拟热历史时应注意该参数的影响,准确测量磷灰石裂变径迹与结晶C轴的夹角将有助于提高模拟热历史的精度。  相似文献   

随着磷灰石低温热年代学技术理论研究的不断完善和发展,它已被广泛用于地质体定年、构造-热演化、地形地貌演化等研究领域。该文首先对磷灰石裂变径迹和(U-Th)/He热定年技术近几年的研究进展进行了综述,在此基础上阐述了低温热年代学方法在塔里木盆地构造-热历史和物源分析领域的应用效果。多组分动力学退火模型的建立、激光剥蚀ICP-MS方法的提出及裂变径迹自动测试仪的开发极大地推动了磷灰石裂变径迹技术的发展。对于磷灰石(U-Th)/He热定年技术,FT-等效圆校正模型极大地降低了He年龄校正过程中产生的误差;辐射损伤捕获扩散模型首次揭示了晶格缺陷对4 He扩散的影响模式;辐射损伤积累和退火模型有效地解释了克拉通盆地部分磷灰石样品裂变径迹年龄小于He年龄的现象。塔里木盆地巴楚隆起的低温热年代学数据和热史模拟结果揭示出巴楚隆起自中生代以来曾经历过185~140Ma、140~100Ma、75~50 Ma等三期快速隆升事件,主要是由羌塘地体、拉萨地体、印度板块与欧亚板块南缘碰撞引起的。塔北隆起钻孔内浅部样品的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄和(U-Th)/He年龄都大于相应的地层年龄,记录的是物源区南天山的热信息;其热史模拟结果揭示出南天山曾经历过晚中新世—早上新世(15~5 Ma)一期快速隆升事件,并以此构建了塔里木盆地北部与南天山晚中新世—上新世构造-沉积耦合演化模式。  相似文献   

目前裂变径迹低温热年代学的理论基础是建立在温度是导致径迹退火的唯一诱因之上的。然而,辐射损伤是否能够促进裂变径迹退火尚处于争论中。文章采用云南临沧四块花岗岩样品的磷灰石裂变径迹测试分析方法,对辐射损伤与裂变径迹退火行为之间的关系进行了研究。云南临沧磷灰石单颗粒年龄71~15 Ma,封闭径迹长度9~16μm, U含量24~290μg/g。统计分析结果表明,磷灰石封闭径迹长度以及单颗粒年龄分别随相应U含量增加而减小。综合分析认为,这种变化趋势初步表明了辐射损伤能够促进裂变径迹退火,是导致裂变径迹退火的另一诱因,为辐射损伤诱发裂变径迹退火行为研究提供了新证据。  相似文献   

磷灰石裂变径迹数据的热史反演及其局限性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
施小斌  王捷 《地质科学》1998,33(2):187-194
应用一种局部优化方法——模拟退火法对磷灰石裂变径迹长度分布及径迹年龄进行热史的反演。反演中采取了Laslet等(1987)的扇型径迹退火模型。通过对理论热史模型及实测资料的反演,结果表明应用磷灰石裂变径迹数据提取热史信息是有效的。但是,由于径迹的退火主要受温度的控制,因此以前记录在径迹中的热史信息有可能被后期高温改造而难以反映。指出磷灰石径迹资料在冷却盆地的应用可以获取较精确的热史信息,而在有复杂演化史的盆地中精度较差。  相似文献   

裂变径迹技术以样品用量少、封闭温度低以及测年范围广等优势,被广泛应用于地质学研究中。完全退火或部分退火样品可有效记录岩体的冷却-剥露历史,限制构造活动起始时间,探讨上覆岩石的风化剥蚀历史与矿床保存变化之间的关系,定量化矿床隆升剥蚀量,实现找矿预测; 锆石裂变径迹封闭温度对应天然气生成温度区间,可运用于油气勘探研究计算中; 近年来结合元素含量分析的裂变径迹技术还可进行物源分析,LA-ICP-MS技术的引进为测量低U含量矿物的径迹带来了曙光。系统总结了磷灰石与锆石裂变径迹退火特性的研究成果,以及温度、化学成分、结晶各向异性及Dpar值等因素对磷灰石径迹退火特性数据解释可能产生的影响,锆石径迹热稳定性的降低主要受制于辐射损伤效应。实验室退火特性研究为了解繁杂的径迹退火化学动力机制提供了重要的理论参考,但在实际的数据解释中需结合地质背景,以获得更为清晰的地质热事件演化研究时间格架。结合径迹测年在矿床、山体隆升剥蚀、盆地热史等研究的典型案例分析,以期为裂变径迹应用的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Helium diffusion from apatite is a sensitive function of the volume fraction of radiation damage to the crystal, a quantity that varies over the lifetime of the apatite. Using recently published laboratory data we develop and investigate a new kinetic model, the radiation damage accumulation and annealing model (RDAAM), that adopts the effective fission-track density as a proxy for accumulated radiation damage. This proxy incorporates creation of crystal damage proportional to α-production from U and Th decay, and the elimination of that damage governed by the kinetics of fission-track annealing. The RDAAM is a version of the helium trapping model (HeTM; Shuster D. L., Flowers R. M. and Farley K. A. (2006) The influence of natural radiation damage on helium diffusion kinetics in apatite. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.249, 148-161), calibrated by helium diffusion data in natural and partially annealed apatites. The chief limitation of the HeTM, now addressed by RDAAM, is its use of He concentration as the radiation damage proxy for circumstances in which radiation damage and He are not accumulated and lost proportionately from the crystal.By incorporating the RDAAM into the HeFTy computer program, we explore its implications for apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. We show how (U-Th)/He dates predicted from the model are sensitive to both effective U concentration (eU) and details of the temperature history. The RDAAM predicts an effective He closure temperature of 62 °C for a 28 ppm eU apatite of 60 μm radius that experienced a 10 °C/Ma monotonic cooling rate; this is 8 °C lower than the 70 °C effective closure temperature predicted using commonly assumed Durango diffusion kinetics. Use of the RDAAM is most important for accurate interpretation of (U-Th)/He data for apatite suites that experienced moderate to slow monotonic cooling (1-0.1 °C/Ma), prolonged residence in the helium partial retention zone, or a duration at temperatures appropriate for radiation damage accumulation followed by reheating and partial helium loss. Under common circumstances the RDAAM predicts (U-Th)/He dates that are older, sometimes much older, than corresponding fission-track dates. Nonlinear positive correlations between apatite (U-Th)/He date and eU in apatites subjected to the same temperature history are a diagnostic signature of the RDAAM for many but not all thermal histories.Observed date-eU correlations in four different localities can be explained with the RDAAM using geologically reasonable thermal histories consistent with independent fission-track datasets. The existence of date-eU correlations not only supports a radiation damage based kinetic model, but can significantly limit the range of acceptable time-temperature paths that account for the data. In contrast, these datasets are inexplicable using the Durango diffusion model. The RDAAM helps reconcile enigmatic data in which apatite (U-Th)/He dates are older than expected using the Durango model when compared with thermal histories based on apatite fission-track data or other geological constraints. It also has the potential to explain at least some cases in which (U-Th)/He dates are actually older than the corresponding fission-track dates.  相似文献   

The accuracy and validation of geo- and thermochronological dating hinges on the availability of well-characterised age reference materials. The Mesoproterozoic gabbroic anorthosite FC1 from the Duluth Complex, Minnesota is a reference material for zircon U-Pb and a suggested reference material for apatite fission-track dating. We evaluate FC1 as (U-Th)/He reference material, and determine its apatite U-Pb, and zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He age. Our dating results constrain the thermal history of FC1, showing that fast cooling occurred between ~ 1099 and 1040 Ma from ≥ 600 °C to ~ 200 °C. The zircon (U-Th)/He data from air-abraded grains give a robust isochron age of 1037 ± 25 Ma (2s) without overdispersion. The within-grain homogeneity of U and Th, the availability of FC1 zircon, and the absence of radiation-damage effects on the (U-Th)/He age support its use as reference material. Unabraded zircon grains give lower and more dispersed ages, highlighting the usefulness of air abrasion to control for α-ejection in (U-Th)/He dating. Our apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He single-grain ages vary between 180 and 300 Ma. Their wide dispersion argues against the use of FC1 apatite as (U-Th-Sm)/He reference material and makes the interpretation of their low-temperature thermal history complicated.  相似文献   

(U-Th)/He测年技术:α离子射出效应及其校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(u-Th)/He测年技术是近年来低温热年代学研究领域快速发展的一个重要分支,被应用于磷灰石、锆石、榍石、石榴子石等多种矿物,并且磷灰石(U-Th)/He在目前已知的所用低温热年代学指标中具有最低的封闭温度和较强的热敏感性,此外矿物的(U-Th)/He分析还可用来反演样品所经历的热历史,因此该技术在地质学中得到了广泛的应用.随着对(U-Th)/He方法研究程度的提高,影响测年结果的各种因素也被相继发现和认识.从(U-Th)/He测年的基本原理出发,详细介绍了矿物内 α离子的射出效应及其对氦年龄计算的影响与校正,进一步说明了矿物成分环带、晶体形状、比表面积等因素对于氦年龄校正的作用,并详细阐述了已有的针对这些因素的不同校正模型的原理、特点、发展历程以及前缘研究方向.  相似文献   

磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)和(U-Th)/He(AHe)是目前研究地壳表层(<5 km)中构造演化与气候驱动相互作用且记录超过1 Ma热历史最有效的手段之一。AFT和AHe这两种方法对低温(40 ℃~120 ℃)敏感, 能够较精确地获得地下1~4 km处的构造-热演化信息, 可用于解决地质体定年、盆地热历史、造山带演化、热液矿床及含油气盆地中生排烃与运移时限等诸多地质问题。本文系统归纳了这两种方法的原理、定年影响因素、年龄-高程法及应用中容易混淆的概念等内容, 并以北美西部大盆地卡林型金矿床、美国阿第伦达克山脉东部马西山、塔里木盆地早古生代的热历史演化为例, 详细阐述了它们的应用过程。为有效、合理地将磷灰石低温年代学应用于地学, 在具体的应用过程须注意以下问题: 充分把握研究区的构造背景, 根据研究目的合理设计采用剖面, 综合使用多种测年方法, 以及采用合理的数据处理、分析方法解释磷灰石低温年代学年龄数据。  相似文献   

Since studies on deep-sea cores were carried out in the early 1990s it has been known that ambient temperature may have a marked affect on apatite fission track annealing. Due to sluggish annealing kinetics, this effect cannot be quantified by laboratory annealing experiments. The unknown amount of low-temperature annealing remains one of the main uncertainties for extracting thermal histories from fission track data, particularly for samples which experienced slow cooling in shallow crustal levels. To further elucidate these uncertainties, we studied volcanogenic sediments from five deep-sea drill cores, that were exposed to maximum temperatures between ∼10° and 70 °C over geological time scales of ∼15-120 Ma. Mean track lengths (MTL) and etch pit diameters (Dpar) of all samples were measured, and the chemical composition of each grain analysed for age and track length measurements was determined by electron microprobe analysis. Thermal histories of the sampled sites were independently reconstructed, based on vitrinite reflectance measurements and/or 1D numerical modelling. These reconstructions were used to test the most widely used annealing models for their ability to predict low-temperature annealing. Our results show that long-term exposure to temperatures below the temperature range of the nominal apatite fission track partial annealing zone results in track shortening ranging between 4 and 11%. Both chlorine content and Dpar values explain the downhole annealing patterns equally well. Low chlorine apatite from one drill core revealed a systematic relation between Si-content and Dpar value. The question whether Si-substitution in apatite has direct and systematic effects on annealing properties however, cannot be addressed by our data. For samples, which remained at temperatures <30 °C, and which are low in chlorine, the Laslett et al. [Laslett G., Green P., Duddy I. and Gleadow A. (1987) Thermal annealing of fission tracks in apatite. Chem. Geol. 65, 1-13] annealing model predicts MTL up to 0.6 μm longer than those actually measured, whereas for apatites with intermediate to high chlorine content, which experienced temperatures >30 °C, the predictions of the Laslett et al. (1987) model agree with the measured MTL data within error levels. With few exceptions, predictions by the Ketcham et al. [Ketcham R., Donelick R. and Carlson W. (1999) Variability of apatite fission-track annealing kinetics. III: Extrapolation to geological time scales. Am. Mineral. 84/9, 1235-1255] annealing model are consistent with the measured data for samples which remained at temperatures below ∼30 °C. For samples which experienced maximum temperatures between ∼30 and 70 °C, and which are rich in chlorine, the Ketcham et al. (1999) model overestimates track annealing.  相似文献   

构造热演化是沉积盆地基础地质研究的重要内容,更是油气勘探中不可或缺的部分,多种古地温方法的综合对比研究是目前热史研究主要发展趋势。本文将裂变径迹(FT)和(U-Th)/He热年代学、镜质体反射率法(Ro)和盆地模拟等技术相结合,运用正演和反演的方法重建了川东北地区埋藏–剥露热演化历史。研究表明川东北地区自晚白垩世埋深达到最大后进入剥蚀阶段,大约从92 Ma开始隆升,经历了快速隆升–缓慢隆升–加速隆升三个阶段,整个过程的剥蚀量大约3~4 km,且两次大的剥露过程分别受控于雪峰山的隆起造山以及大巴山的推覆和青藏高原的隆升作用。研究还建立了综合热年代学、Ro和盆地模拟技术恢复复杂构造–热演化历史的方法,这对于复杂环境下的构造热演化历史的恢复以及海相油气勘探具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Recent data on He diffusion challenge the temperature sensitivity of apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronology: the damage induced by recoil of U and Th decay series during emission of α particles (α-recoil damage) has been proposed to modify He-diffusion properties through time. However, we propose that annealing of these irradiation defects may be an important phenomenon and may be significant in case of slowly-cooled or reheated basement rocks. To test this hypothesis, we developed a quantitative model including an explicit treatment of α-recoil damage, annealing, and their effect on He-diffusion kinetics, and calibrate it against literature data. Our model is based on two hypotheses: (1) helium is in equilibrium between an apatite crystal and its defects and (2) alpha-recoil damage annealing can be described analogously to fission-track annealing. This model has been embedded into a Monte Carlo simulation of helium production/ejection/diffusion and applied to data from the French Massif Central; a complex slowly-cooled terrain with burial reheating, where the thermal history has been constrained by previous fission-track (FT) data including FT length distributions. (U–Th)/He ages are close to the FT ages from the same samples and are generally reproducible among replicates, but some samples present He-age dispersion that is not correlated with crystal size. Our model reproduces the Massif Central data very well except for three samples where He ages are older than corresponding FT ages. We show that annealing of irradiation damage has an important impact on retentivity of helium and that the He content, [He] is only a rough approximation of the damage level. In particular our results show that independence of He ages on crystal sizes, in case of reheated samples, is a clear indication of the higher He retentivity induced by α-recoil defects and that an explicit treatment of defect annealing is required for a correct interpretation of (U–Th)/He ages in such a case. More generally a correlation with the crystal size can bring information on the thermal path only if the age of defects, well represented by the fission-track age, is available, due to the dependence of the partial retention zone on damages. Conversely, in case of rapid cooling or for samples having low U and Th contents, damage effects can be ignored without significant effects on He ages.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He analyses require the liberation of intact idiomorphic apatite grains from rock samples. While routinely being carried out by mechanical methods, electrodynamic disaggregation (ED) offers an alternative approach. The high-voltage discharges produced during the ED process create localised temperature peaks (10000 K) along a narrow plasma channel. In apatite, such high temperatures could potentially reduce the length of fission tracks, which start to anneal at temperatures > 60 °C, and could also enhance He diffusion, which becomes significant at 30–40 °C over geological time scales. A comparison of fission-track analyses and (U-Th)/He ages of apatites prepared both by mechanical (jaw crusher, disk mill) and ED processing provides a way of determining whether heating during the latter method has any significant effect. Apatites from three samples of different geological settings (an orthogneiss from Madagascar, the Fish Canyon Tuff, and a muscovite-gneiss from Greece) yielded statistically identical track length distributions compared to samples prepared mechanically. Additionally, (U-Th)/He ages of apatites from a leucogranite from Morocco prepared by both methods were indistinguishable. These first results indicated that during electrodynamic disaggregation apatite crystals were not heated enough to partially anneal the fission tracks or induce significant diffusive loss of He.  相似文献   

To determine the long-term landscape evolution of the Albertine Rift in East Africa, low-temperature thermochronology was applied and the cooling history constrained using thermal history modelling. Acquired results reveal (1) “old” cooling ages, with predominantly Devonian to Carboniferous apatite fission-track ages, Ordovician to Silurian zircon (U–Th)/He ages and Jurassic to Cretaceous apatite (U–Th–Sm)/He ages; (2) protracted cooling histories of the western rift shoulder with major phases of exhumation in mid-Palaeozoic and Palaeogene to Neogene times; (3) low Palaeozoic and Neogene erosion rates. This indicates a long residence time of the analysed samples in the uppermost crust, with the current landscape surface at a near-surface position for hundreds of million years. Apatite He cooling ages and thermal history models indicate moderate reheating in Jurassic to Cretaceous times. Together with the cooling age distribution, a possible Albertine high with a distinct relief can be inferred that might have been a source area for the Congo Basin.  相似文献   

利用镜质组反射率和磷灰石与锆石的(U-Th)/He年龄一起模拟了川东北地区三叠纪以来的构造-热演化特征。结果表明早三叠世的热流值在51~66mW/m2,自晚三叠世至白垩纪随盆地性质由前陆盆地演化为陆内坳陷盆地,热流缓慢降低直至现今的44.5mW/m2。但在晚白垩世—古新世时期受燕山晚期构造运动的影响,热流有一个微弱增高的现象。同时,磷灰石和锆石的He年龄揭示了川东北地区大致在晚白垩世期间开始隆升且抬升剥蚀量较大。因此,磷灰石和锆石的(U-Th)/He年龄可以揭示后期详细的冷却历史。  相似文献   

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