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青藏高原南部洋板块地质重建及科学意义   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
在复杂碰撞造山带中发现、识别和重建能够揭示从洋中脊形成到海沟俯冲消亡洋陆转换过程的洋板块地层(OPS)单元及岩石组合序列,是大陆动力学研究的重大课题。本文在冈底斯地块南部与雅鲁藏布江结合带东段地区发现和识别出大量洋岛、海山、洋内弧、楔顶盆地、大洋盆地等洋板块地层。通过对该洋板块地层岩石组合序列、产出状态与变形变质特征与形成时代、构造环境等的初步研究,得出如下新的认识:(1)新发现的洋板块地层单元是雅鲁藏布江结合带东段在特提斯洋演化过程俯冲消减而形成增生杂岩带的重要组成部分;(2)在青藏高原南部古特提斯和新特提斯洋同时存在并连续演化;(3)南冈底斯带在中生代具有新特提斯增生楔和增生弧的地质背景,并且该增生楔是冈底斯南缘加厚新生下地壳的重要物质组成部分,对斑岩铜矿的形成起了促进作用。  相似文献   

班公湖—双湖—怒江(中北段)—昌宁—孟连对接带广泛出露特提斯大洋岩石圈俯冲消减过程中产生的不同时代、不同构造环境、不同变质程度、不同变形样式的洋板块构造地层系统、增生混杂的构造—岩石组合体,可识别出增生的远洋沉积岩、海沟浊积岩、古生代—中生代蛇绿岩、蛇绿混杂岩、洋岛-海山消减增生楔、洋底沉积增生杂岩,基底残块以及以蓝片岩、榴辉岩为代表的高压—超高压变质岩带,记录了青藏高原原古特提斯大洋形成演化的地质信息。班公湖—双湖—怒江—昌宁—孟连对接带是青藏高原中部一条重要的原古特提斯大洋自北向南后退式俯冲消亡的巨型增生杂岩带,构筑了冈瓦纳大陆与劳亚-泛华夏大陆分界带。  相似文献   

青海可可西里地区蛇绿岩的时代及形成环境   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
青海可可西里地区发现两条蛇绿混杂岩带,它们沿逆冲带分布。古生物、地层和同位素定年资料表明其时代为早石炭世-早二叠世。其岩石组合代表大洋岩石圈残迹。镁铁质岩主要形成于洋岛环境。硅质岩形成于深海、半深海环境,部分生成于洋岛或洋脊附近热水活动区。这是一套弧前蛇绿混杂岩,是古特提斯洋壳俯冲过程中形成的增生楔。这些资料表明,可可西里地区至少在早石炭世就已存在古特提斯洋,洋盆中有一些洋岛,洋盆在早二叠世末期基本闭合。  相似文献   

大洋或弧后洋盆俯冲增生是大陆地壳增长的主导地质作用.重建大陆中消亡的洋地层岩石组合序列是当代大陆动力学和地学研究的重大前沿.洋壳消减杂岩带的厘定是洋板块地质构造重建乃至全球大地构造研究之纲,是理解区域大地构造形成演化及动力学的核心.俯冲增生杂岩带的基本特征:(1)俯冲增生杂岩带物质组成的共性是:以强烈构造变形洋底沉积的硅质岩-硅泥质岩-粉砂岩、凝灰岩;弧-沟浊积岩等为基质;以洋岛-海山灰岩-玄武岩及塌积砾岩,洋内弧残留岩块,超镁铁质蛇绿岩、绿片岩、蓝片岩等为岩块.(2)变形样式:同斜倒转冲断叠瓦构造、增生柱前缘重力滑动构造以及泥质岩的底辟构造;增生楔前缘变形和增生形式受控于大洋或弧后洋盆的规模和洋壳的俯冲速度,也取决于陆缘碎屑供给量及洋底沉积厚度和岩性.(3)宽度和厚度:厚常达几千米,宽达几十公里至数百公里,延长上千公里,是洋壳俯冲消亡过程洋盆地层系统及陆缘沉积物加积的结果.(4)形成机制:是大陆碰撞前大洋(或弧后洋盆)岩石圈俯冲消减的产物.结合带中的早期俯冲增生杂岩带往往卷入晚期的构造混杂作用.  相似文献   

着重介绍了洋板块地层的概念、模式、组成及失序变化特征。造山带混杂岩和大陆边缘增生复合体是经历俯冲碰撞消亡后的古洋沉积记录,利用微体古生物地层学和同位素年代学方法可以重建造山带混杂岩和大陆边缘增生复合体的原始地层。洋板块地层(学)是用来描述沉淀在洋壳基底之上的沉积岩和火成岩序列的术语,其开始于洋中脊形成,终止于该洋中脊被移入到汇聚边缘增生楔。从造山带混杂岩中重建的古大洋地层的基本组成大体相似,但因大洋岩石圈的岩浆背景不同,造成不同时期和不同类型的洋板块地层组成也会有差异。在前人研究成果的基础上, 笔者通过对不同类型洋板块地层进行分类,介绍了如何从经历碰撞造山过程的增生造山带进行洋板块地层的重建。引入“洋板块地层学”概念的主要目的在于通过对因俯冲增生而消亡的具有洋壳基底的构造洋盆和边缘海盆地的地层单元进行重建,恢复已消失洋的地层组成单元,这对造山带地层解析、造山带构造古地理恢复、重大构造变革期古地理学研究和板块重建等都将起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江缝合带是新特提斯洋俯冲消亡的残余,记录了新特提斯洋打开—闭合的全过程。本文以雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段仲巴地区南侧的纳久混杂岩为研究对象,进行了详细的放射虫年代学,砂岩碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素年代学以及碎屑组分统计研究。我们的数据表明,纳久混杂岩中硅质岩含有大量保存较好的放射虫化石,包含Pseudodictyomitra carpatica带典型分子,根据放射虫时代组合确定其时代为早Barremian阶;混杂岩中砂岩岩块主要为岩屑砂岩,不同样品碎屑锆石得出的最大沉积年龄介于95~73 Ma之间。碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄源区分析表明,碎屑物质来自北侧的冈底斯岩浆弧和拉萨地体。纳久混杂岩南侧的砂岩沉积时代为早白垩世,碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄源区表明具有典型的特提斯喜马拉雅特征。我们的数据表明,纳久混杂岩基质时代为早白垩世,砂岩岩块时代为晚白垩世,与北侧的早白垩世蛇绿岩共同组成了白垩纪的增生楔,随着印度与欧亚大陆的碰撞仰冲到特提斯喜马拉雅之上。  相似文献   

东南亚特提斯构造格架复杂,特别是印支板块西缘琅勃拉邦-黎府构造带构造演化及区域构造线连接更是争议不断. 通过老挝西北部填图工作,首次在黎府构造带北部南莫溪地区发现保存完整的蛇绿混杂岩,为探讨黎府构造带的属性以及区域古地理格局,选取了蛇绿混杂岩中的含放射虫硅质岩、辉长岩以及洋岛海山中的礁灰岩,开展了岩相学、古生物学、锆石LA?ICP?MS U?Pb年代学、岩石地球化学研究. 结果表明,该蛇绿混杂岩出露端元包括蛇纹岩、蛇纹石化橄榄岩、辉长岩、辉绿岩、玄武岩和硅质岩,蛇绿岩套层序特征完整;辉长岩LA?ICP?MS锆石U?Pb年龄为350.4±3.3 Ma,成岩为早石炭世;洋岛海山中珊瑚种属为Thamnopora sp.和Paracravenia sp.,所属时代为中二叠世;硅质岩岩石地球化学元素特征指示其为生物成因,沉积环境为洋盆或开阔的盆地环境,放射虫共鉴定出9属30种,所属时代为中泥盆世-早石炭世. 综合本次研究,反映出南莫溪蛇绿混杂岩所代表的洋盆具有长期的演化历史,从晚泥盆世开始,一直持续到中二叠世还未结束,演化时间至少超过135 Ma,指示了该蛇绿混杂岩代表残留的古特提斯洋盆,而非弧后盆地. 认为黎府构造带向北应与琅勃拉邦构造带相连,且该区域从晚泥盆世开始一直存在古特提斯洋.   相似文献   

洋板块地层学是对具洋壳的盆地(大洋盆地、弧后和弧间盆地)在各种构造环境中形成的火成-沉积原生建造序列重建的地层学分支学科。洋板块地层(简称OPS)是指洋壳从洋中脊一直到海沟俯冲带之间形成的火成岩基底序列,以及沉淀在洋底基底序列之上的沉积岩和火山岩的盖层序列。OPS生成后在洋盆关闭历程中被传送进入海沟。在海沟中,部分被俯冲消减进入地幔,部分通过刮削拼贴、底劈拼贴和构造折返等方式堆积在海沟与弧前之间,形成俯冲增生杂岩(楔)带(简称SAC)。因此,如何从SAC中重建OPS序列是当前国际地学研究热点。OPS序列重建的关键是从SAC中划分出属于不同构造环境的亚类,在精细划分亚类的基础上,按不同的亚类分别进行OPS序列重建。本文以青藏特提斯二叠纪OPS为例,提出并论述了从SAC中划分OPS亚类的方案和各亚类的OPS序列模型。  相似文献   

塔仁本洋岛型玄武岩是中特提斯洋古洋壳的重要组成部分,是班公湖怒江缝合带内构造混杂岩中局部有序部分的特殊洋壳残片。它以具有海底爆发相与远洋放射虫硅质岩相整合和大洋板内碱性玄武岩的构造环境为主要特征。它的发现丰富了班怒带的研究内容,证明当时中特提斯洋曾经有发育完好的古洋壳存在  相似文献   

藏南仲巴地区混杂岩隶属雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段增生楔构造单元,其中玄武岩与放射虫硅质岩、硅质页岩及泥岩伴生产出,多呈枕状构造,玄武岩时代由伴生硅质岩中放射虫组合约束为早白垩世。仲巴地区混杂岩内玄武岩具有高P_2O_5(0.34%~0.87%),低Al_2O_3(13.48%~15.38%)和Mg~#值(15~35),高Fe(全Fe_2O_37.62%~13.16%)、Ti(TiO_2=1.76%~3.11%)和贫Si(SiO_2=43.57%~51.99%)特征,为一套Fe—Ti玄武岩,且呈碱性,是玄武岩浆依高铁贫硅趋势发生较高程度结晶分异演化的产物。轻重稀土元素分馏较为明显((Ia/Yb)_N=8.48~32.04),无明显Ce、Eu异常,富集大离子亲石元素(L几E)(如Ba、Th)和高场强元素(HFSE)(如Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf),无明显Nb、Ta异常,呈现典型OIB型地球化学特征。地球化学特征指示仲巴玄武岩形成于洋岛环境,且处于一个拉张的构造背景下,其岩浆源区为主要由石榴石橄榄岩组成的富集地幔,发生了6%~10%部分熔融,岩浆上升过程中没有或很少受到地壳混染。本文认为仲巴玄武岩可能为地幔热柱成因,指示新特提斯洋洋盆早白垩世可能存在热点。  相似文献   

Ocean Plate Stratigraphy in East and Southeast Asia   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Ancient accretionary wedges have been recognised by the presence of glaucophane schist, radiolarian chert and mélange. Recent techniques for the reconstruction of disrupted fragments of such wedges by means of radiolarian biostratigraphy, provide a more comprehensive history of ocean plate subduction and successive accretion of ocean floor materials from the oceanic plate through offscraping and underplating.Reconstructed ocean floor sequences found in ancient accretionary complexes in Japan comprise, from oldest to youngest, pillow basalt, limestone, radiolarian chert, siliceous shale, and shale and sandstone. Similar lithologies also occur in the mélange complexes of the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and other regions. This succession is called ‘Ocean Plate Stratigraphy’ (OPS), and it represents the following sequence of processes: birth of the oceanic plate at the oceanic ridge; formation of volcanic islands near the ridge, covered by calcareous reefs; sedimentation of calcilutite on the flanks of the volcanic islands where radiolarian chert is also deposited; deposition of radiolarian skeletons on the oceanic plate in a pelagic setting, and sedimentary mixing of radiolarian remains and detrital grains to form siliceous shale in a hemipelagic setting; and sedimentation of coarse-grained sandstone and shale at or near the trench of the convergent margin.Radiolarian biostratigraphy of detrital sedimentary rocks provides information on the time and duration of ocean plate subduction. The ages of detrital sediments becomes younger oceanward as younger packages of OPS are scraped off the downgoing plate.OPS reconstructed from ancient accretionary complexes give us the age of subduction and accretion, direction of subduction, and ancient tectonic environments and is an important key to understanding the paleoenvironment and history of the paleo-oceans now represented only in suture zones and orogenic belts.  相似文献   

Cherts in the Zhongba mélange of the western Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ) contain well preserved radiolarian assemblages. These radiolarian assemblages indicate that the Zhongba mélange has middle Jurassic–early Cretaceous remnant, are coeval with those from the central and eastern parts of the YZSZ. Cherts from the Najiu area yield Aalenian to Aptian radiolarians, while cherts interbedded with siliceous mudstones from the Bielongjiala area yield Aptian radiolarians, indicating that terrigenous-derived sediments were deposited during early Aptian. The above observations indicate that the entire YZSZ have a similar geochronological framework and thus they underwent similar geological evolution: (1) during the Jurassic, the Neo-Tethys was a wide ocean with pelagic sediments distal from continents; (2) during the Cretaceous (around 130–120 Ma), the Neo-Tethys started to subduct along the southern margin of the Lhasa block, and terrigenous-derived siliceous mudstone began deposition.  相似文献   

Ocean plate stratigraphy (OPS) is essential to understanding accretionary wedges and complexes along convergent plate margins. Mélanges within accretionary wedges and complexes are the products of fragmentation and mixing processes during and following OPS accretion. A new term, ‘OPS mélange’, is proposed here for mélanges composed mostly of blocks of OPS with an argillaceous matrix, and for a mixture of mélanges of multiple origins with either broken or coherent formations. An OPS mélange results from the fragmentation and disruption of OPS, without admixing of other components. Three major types of OPS mélange can be distinguished on the basis of their components: turbidite type, chert–turbidite type, and limestone–basalt type. These three types potentially form similar mélanges, but they are derived from different parts of the OPS, depending on the level of the decollement surface. The concept of ‘OPS mélange’ can be applied to most of the mélanges in accretionary prisms and complexes worldwide. In addition, this proposal recognizes a distinction between processes of fragmentation and mixing of OPS components, and mixing of ophiolite components, the latter of which results in serpentinite mélanges, not OPS mélanges. Mélanges composed of OPS sequences occur worldwide. The recognition of OPS mélanges is a key aspect of understanding tectonic processes at convergent margins, which result in mélange formation in orogenic belts globally.  相似文献   

渭北奥陶系的放射虫燧石岩   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
渭北奥陶系的放射虫燧石岩是在稳定的华北地台上形成的远洋沉积.它们产在赵老峪组深水碳酸盐地层的下部,并以层位稳定、纹层发育、富含放射虫骨骼、成岩交代组构清楚,以及在剖面上与薄层的硅质页岩呈韵律互层等为等征,表明是深水的放射虫软泥在成岩作用早期由生物蛋白石经溶解-再沉淀反应快速转变而成.这种产在地台上的远洋沉积虽不多见,却是海平面大规模上升及其伴生的重大地质事件的反映.渭北放射虫燧石岩的时代相当于中奥陶世卡拉道克期.当时正值全球性海平面上升,秦岭古海盆也在发生强烈扩张与俯冲,因此,华北地台南缘下沉,使渭北地区变成了弧后深水盆地的北部边缘.当时研究区的古地理位置也恰好处于低纬度的赤道附近.这些都为放射虫燧石岩的堆积提供了有利的条件.由于当时钙质浮游生物尚未大量兴起,所以其沉积作用不受CCD的控制,水深较之现代的类似物可能要浅得多.  相似文献   

The Avdella Mélange in the northern Pindos Mountains and its equivalent formation, the Loggitsion Unit in the Othris Mountains expose early Mesozoic (Mid-Late Triassic) oceanic fragments beneath the Western Greek Ophiolite Belt of the Inner Hellenides, Northern Greece. The mélange consists of locally interfingering blocks and slices of ribbon radiolarite, radiolarian chert and pillow basalt and is usually overthrust by Jurassic ophiolites. New Middle and Upper Triassic radiolarian biostratigraphic data are presented from radiolarites and basalt-radiolarite sequences within mélange blocks. Pillow basalts associated with the radiolarites provide clues to the opening of the Neotethyan ocean basin. The radiolarians indicate a Middle Triassic age (latest Anisian, probably early Illyrian), which is documented for the first time in the northern Pindos Mountains. The new radiolarian biostratigraphic data suggest that rift-type basalt volcanism already began in pre-Ladinian time (late Scythian?—Anisian). These basalts were then overlain by Upper Anisian to Carnian (?Norian) radiolarites.  相似文献   

南祁连拉脊山口增生楔的结构与组成特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
造山带内增生楔/增生杂岩结构与组成的精细研究可为古洋盆演化和古板块构造格局重建提供最直接证据。北祁连构造带发育多条增生杂岩带,记录了阿拉善和中祁连地块之间原特提斯洋的俯冲和闭合过程,然而南祁连构造带大地构造演化长期存在争议。地质填图结果表明,南祁连构造带拉脊山口地区存在一套强烈片理化的玄武岩、灰黑色和红色硅质岩、砂岩和泥岩组合,它们与一套呈现"块体裹夹于基质"结构特征的混杂岩共同构成了增生杂岩,发育双重逆冲构造、逆冲断层、无根褶皱、紧闭褶皱和透入性面理。该增生杂岩与蛇绿岩之间为断层接触,并位于断层下盘。混杂岩是由斜长花岗岩(561Ma)、斜长岩(507Ma)、辉绿岩、玄武岩、硅质岩和砂岩等外来或原地岩块与浊流成因的细碎屑岩基质共同组成;基质和砂岩块体均发育同沉积构造,呈现出滑塌堆积典型特征。空间上,拉脊山口增生杂岩与上覆蛇绿岩被断层所分割且共同仰冲于中祁连南缘青石坡组浊积岩之上,具有与东侧昂思多地区增生杂岩和蛇绿岩相似的岩石组成、构造变形和时空结构特征。它们与南侧的岛弧带共同构成了南祁连构造带寒武纪-早奥陶世沟-弧体系,指示了寒武纪-早奥陶世时期南祁连洋盆向南俯冲。  相似文献   

The results of study of the volcanic rocks of the Khabarovsk accretionary complex, a fragment of the Jurassic accretionary prism of the Sikhote Alin orogenic belt (the southern part of the Russian Far East), are presented. The volcanic rocks are associated with the Lower Permian limestones in the mélange blocks and Triassic layered cherts. The petrography, petrochemistry, and geochemistry of the rocks are characterized and their geodynamic formation conditions are deduced. The volcanic rocks include oceanic plume basalts of two types: (i) OIB-like intraplate basalts formed on the oceanic islands and guyots in the Permian and Triassic and (ii) T(transitional)-MORBs (the least enriched basalts of the E-MORB type) formed on the midoceanic ridge in the Permian. In addition to basalts, the mélange hosts suprasubduction dacitic tuff lavas.  相似文献   

Many concepts and interpretations on the formation of the Franciscan mélange have been proposed on the basis of exposures at San Simeon, California. In this paper, we show the distribution of chaotic rocks, their internal structures and textures, and the interrelationship between the chaotic rocks and the surrounding sandstones (turbidites). Mélange components, particularly blueschists, oceanic rocks, including greenstone, pillow lava, bedded chert, limestone, sandstone, and conglomerate, have all been brecciated by retrograde deformation. The Cambria Slab, long interpreted as a trench slope basin, is also strongly deformed by fluidization, brecciation, isoclinal folding, and thrusting, leading us to a new interpretation that turbiditic rocks (including the Cambria Slab) represent trench deposits rather than slope basin sediments. These rocks form an accretionary prism above mélanges that were diapirically emplaced into these rocks first along sinistral-thrust faults, and then along dextral-normal faults. Riedel shear systems are observed in several orders of scale in both stages. Although the exhumation of the blueschist blocks is still controversial, the common extensional fractures and brecciation in most of the blocks in the mélanges and further mixture of various lithologies into one block with mélange muddy matrix indicate that once deeply buried blocks were exhumed from considerable depths to the accretionary prism body, before being diapirically intruded with their host mélange along thrust and normal faults, during which retrograde deformation occurred together with retrograde metamorphism. Recent similar examples of high-pressure rock exhumation have been documented along the Sofugan Tectonic Line in the Izu forearc areas, in the Mineoka belt in the Boso Peninsula, and as part of accretionary prism development in the Nankai and Sagami troughs of Japan. These modern analogues provide actively forming examples of the lithological and deformational features that characterize the Franciscan mélange processes.  相似文献   

报道了采自恩格尔乌苏缝合带的蛇绿混杂岩硅质外来岩块中的二叠纪阿尔拜虫目放射虫化石,包括3属7种,可以划分为2个放射虫化石组合,能够与日本、美国的放射虫化石带进行对比,其地质时代分别为早二叠世和中二叠世晚期—晚二叠世早期。恩格尔乌苏缝合带位于华北板块和塔里木板块之间,这些放射虫化石的发现为研究恩格尔乌苏缝合带的构造演化提供了新的证据。鉴于其中最新的放射虫组合的地质时代为中二叠世晚期—晚二叠世早期,认为华北板块与塔里木板块之间自中二叠世晚期—晚二叠世早期曾经存在古海洋,即华北板块和塔里木板块的拼合时间是晚二叠世晚期。  相似文献   

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