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中太平洋海山区富钴结壳的钙质超微化石地层学研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
对“大洋一号”调查船在中太平洋采集的N1-15和N5E-06 2个富钴结壳样品进行了钙质超微化石及其生物地层学的研究与分析.这2个结壳从结构上分为3层: 致密型上层、疏松型中层和致密型下层.在研究中对各结构层和各层中有颜色或细微结构变化的层位都进行了详细的取样和分析.在识别了12个新生代钙质超微化石事件的基础上, 确定了2个结壳致密型上层结壳都为晚更新世以来的沉积, 它们的疏松型中层结壳为上新世到中更新世的沉积.对N5E-06富钴结壳来说, 其致密型下层结壳下部形成于中晚古新世到早渐新世的59.7~ 32.8 Ma期间.N1-15富钴结壳致密型下层的形成时代目前暂时定为中新世.研究注意到在2个结壳中都没有发现可信的晚渐新世到中新世的化石记录, 在个别层位之间存在着沉积间断.   相似文献   

西北太平洋富钴结壳的钙质超微化石地层学研究及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对采自西北太平洋某海山的CHA56富钴结壳样品进行了钙质超微化石及生物地层学的研究与分析,并对其所折射的时代意义进行了探讨.该结壳从构造上分为3层:致密型上层、疏松型中层和致密型下层.在研究中对各构造层和各分层有颜色或细微构造变化的层位都进行了取样分析.在识别化石的基础上,确定了该结壳的疏松型中层为晚中新世到晚上新世(0.5~11.9 Ma)沉积;致密型下层为晚古新世到晚渐新世(56.3~23.2Ma)沉积.研究发现,在致密型下层和疏松型中层之间存在沉积间断.研究认为,新生代渐新世/中新世(O/M)时太平洋深水海洋环境的变化,可能是导致西北太平洋海山上3层构造结壳下、中层间显微构造、色泽和成分发生变化和沉积间断产生的主要原因,下、中层间的界面成为结壳生长过程中一个特定的时间标识.  相似文献   

太平洋海山成矿系统与成矿作用过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文中初步探讨了太平洋海山富钴结壳成矿系统的结构与成矿作用过程。海山成矿系统的控矿要素主要包括地质要素和海洋要素,地质要素主要包括海山的形成、迁移、沉降和水道的开合等,海洋要素主要包括大洋温盐环流、最低含氧带(OMZ)、文石溶跃面、碳酸盐补偿深度和海山周围海水的动力情况等。重点分析了海山漂移和沉降、水道开合、最低含氧带变化、大洋环流以及气候变化等要素对富钴结壳成矿的控制作用。海山为富钴结壳成矿提供了一个容矿空间,稳定的基岩,即长期稳定的容矿空间,是富钴结壳成矿的基本条件;海山的形成年龄、海山的迁移和水道的开合决定并改变了富钴结壳的成矿背景条件,促使海山成矿系统发生演化。最低含氧带作为富钴结壳成矿的地球化学障,是直接的矿源层;而海山周边的地形旋涡沟通了最低含氧带与富氧、富铁的深层和底层水,使得最低含氧带中的成矿金属离子得到氧化,进而发生胶体凝聚沉淀,形成富钴结壳。以西太平洋海山成矿系统为例,将该区白垩纪以来富钴结壳成矿作用过程划分为5个阶段:(1)白垩纪—始新世,(2)始新世末—晚渐新世,(3)晚渐新世—中中新世早期,(4)中中新世早期—晚中新世早期,(5)晚中新世早期—现代,其中(2)、(3)阶段有利于发育富钴结壳。  相似文献   

太平洋海山磷酸盐的锶同位素成分及形成年代   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
作者首次对太平洋不同海山上对富钴结壳伴生的各种产状的磷酸盐的锶同位素成分及其形成年代进行了深入研究。研究表明,我国调查区磷酸盐的^87Sr/^86Sr比值变化于0.70766至0.70842之间,形成年代相当于距今21Ma至39.5Ma。磷酸盐化作用主要发生在晚始新世-早新新世及晚渐新世-早中新世期间。西、中太平洋磷酸盐形成年代的一致性揭示,自晚始新世至早中新世,在太平洋水下海山上曾发生过广泛的磷酸盐化作用,磷酸盐的形成是古海洋环境变迁的一个重要反映。  相似文献   

东菲律宾海新型富铁锰结壳的古海洋环境记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尝试恢复东菲律宾海新型深水水成富铁锰结壳典型样品生长过程中所记录的古海洋环境.通过对其微间距取样样品的地球化学和铀系年代学综合研究, 得到了该结壳的3个主要生长阶段及其对应的古海洋环境.第一阶段为晚中新世晚期-早上新世的结壳快速生长期, 壳层结构疏松并含有较多的火山碎屑物质, 对应着中中新世初期-上新世早期的南极底流活跃和降温; 第二阶段为早、中上新世的结壳生长间断期, 形成深海粘土沉积, 表明此时南极底流的减弱和升温; 第三阶段为中上新世以来的结壳缓慢生长期, 指示着南极底流的再次活跃和强降温, 其强度和范围均超过第一阶段, 更利于致密和高纯壳层的发育.研究区的这段古海洋学历史在以往研究中一直不甚明了.   相似文献   

中太平洋地区两个铁锰结壳的生长幕研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对3块中太平洋铁锰结壳样品进行的生物地层学及其结构构造、元素地球化学剖面的综合研究发现,铁锰结壳的生长主要集中于两个形成环境存在差异分别由不同因素控制的形成阶段,一个是约25Ma以来其形成环境氧化程度由南极底层流(AABW)控制的对应于结壳新壳层的生长幕,另一个是渐新世之前其形成环境氧化程度由环赤道表中层洋流和高密度温盐表层水下沉控制的对应于结壳老壳层的生长幕,而在早、中渐新世处于两种环境的转换期,也正好是海退期、大洋低生产力期、低CCD和生物碳酸盐低产率期,形成结壳生长的主要生长间断。该研究成果对于进一步了解太平洋的古海洋、古环境演变有一定意义。  相似文献   

富钴铁锰结壳的控矿要素和成矿过程——以西太平洋为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以西太平洋海山的麦哲伦海山群和马尔库斯-威克海山群为例,研究了富钴铁锰结壳(富钴结壳)形成过程中地质要素和海洋要素的作用,重点分析了海山漂移和沉降、水道开合、最小含氧带(OMZ)、大洋环流,以及气候变化等要素对富钴结壳形成的控制作用。基于对麦哲伦海山和马尔库斯-威克海山结壳样品剖面Mn/Fe值曲线的综合研究,结合控矿要素和成矿背景分析,将该区白垩纪以来富钴结壳的成矿过程划分为五个阶段:(1)自垩纪-始新世,(2)始新世末-晚渐新期,(3)晚渐新期-中中新期早期,(4)中中新期早期晚中新期早期,(5)晚中新期早期-现代,其中(2)、(3)阶段有利于发育富钴结壳。  相似文献   

李杰  徐钰林 《现代地质》1998,12(3):336-343,T002
研究了菲律宾海盆东北部“大洋钻探工程”125航次782A孔晚始新世以来的放射虫化石。根据Sanfilippo等1985年的分带,将研究区自下而上划分为10个带。讨论了始新世与渐新世、渐新世与中新世、中中新世与晚中新世、中新世与上新世以及上新世与第四纪的界线。研究区存在两个沉积间断,分别位于晚渐新世与早中新世晚期之间和中中新世与晚中新世之间。研究区第四纪放射虫化石仍以暖水分子为主,冷水分子分布较浅。依据放射虫化石分异度曲线得出,晚第三纪以来本区存在5个相对暖水期和5个相对较凉期,渐新世时处于冷水期,这与钙质超微化石复合分异度和碳酸钙含量曲线的变化是一致的。晚渐新世与早中新世晚期之间的沉积间断是由于中新世南极冰盖扩展造成大洋底层洋流活动加剧而形成的。  相似文献   

基于TM遥感图像解译和野外调研,分析了攀西地区大渡河、安宁河深切河谷地貌特征和断裂带构造变形特征,建立了安宁河断裂带晚新生代5阶段变形历史。研究表明,中新世晚期—上新世早期,安宁河断裂以挤压走滑活动为主;上新世晚期至早更新世时期,断裂以斜张走滑活动为主,活动强度较弱;早中更新世之间发生的元谋运动使昔格达组湖相地层褶皱变形;中晚更新世时期发生断陷作用,形成安宁河两堑夹—垒的构造格局;晚更新世—全新世时期又以左旋走滑活动为主。综合安宁河、大渡河河谷地貌和晚新生代地层记录和变形特征,提出了攀西高原晚新生代4阶段隆升模式:中新世早中期(12Ma之前)以缓慢隆升与区域夷平化作用为主,中新世晚期—上新世早期(12~3.4Ma)是高原快速隆升与河流强烈下切的时期,上新世晚期—早更新世(3.4~1.1Ma)为昔格达湖盆发育时期,中晚更新世—全新世(1.1Ma以来)是高原快速隆升与河谷阶地发育时期。最后指出,至上新世晚期(3.4Ma以前),攀西高原海拔高度可能超过了3000m。  相似文献   

南海南北缘具有不同地球物理特征和地质构造特征。南海北缘新生代盆地为断陷型盆地;南海南缘则发育周缘前陆盆地、板缘拉张盆地。北缘盆地的沉降以两幕发展为特征,南缘的盆地的沉降以三幕发展为特征。南海北缘盆地经历了古新世一始新世盆地形成时期、渐新世一中中新世盆地发展期、晚中新世一第四纪盆地成熟期三个阶段;南海南缘盆地经历了古新世一中始新世初始盆地形成、晚始新世一中中新世盆地发展、中中新世末盆地遭受压扭改造、晚中新世一第四纪盆地定型期四个阶段。造成南北缘差异的原因是边缘性质不同:北缘为拉张型边缘;南缘北侧是拉张型边缘,南缘南侧是挤压型边缘。  相似文献   

The marine Tertiary sequence in the north part of the South China Sea may be divided into 18 LateOligocene to Pliocene calcareous nannofossil zones and one unnamed Eocene assemblage based on an analysisof calcareous nannofossils from 40 offshore boreholes. The unnamed Eocene assemblage has been found onlyon the northeast margin of the Zhujiangkou basin. The 18 cakareous nannofossil zones of the Late Oligoceneto Pliocene were deposited in succession, but their development degrees are different. Among the 18 calcareousnannofossil zones, those corresponding to Martini's (1971) NN4- NN5 zones, NN11 zone and NN13-NN15zones are well developed, relatively persistent laterally and also widely distributed. They are the importantmarkers for the stratigraphical subdivision and correlation of the Upper Tertiary between the various basins inthe north part of the South China Sea. Based on the calcareous nannofossils and the sedimentsry features coup-led with the foraminifer zonation in certain basins, the present paper discusses the sedimentary characteristicsof the marine Tertiary and as well as the distribution and development of the sedimentary hiatus in the region.The calcareous nannofossil markers for the Upper / Lower Tertiary and the Quaternary / Tertiary boundaries,and the characteristics and geological significance of the reworked calcareous nannofossils are also discussed inthe paper.  相似文献   

In the past15 years,the Cenozoic calcareous nannofossilsin the East China Sea were biostratigraphically studied duringthe extensive offshore petroleum exploration in a number ofbasins on the shelf of the East China Sea.A number of Pale-ocene to Quaternary nannofossil zones were recognized basedon the nannofossils from m any offshore wells (SBMGS,1989,1985 ) .These previous studies indicated a lot of biostratigraphicproblems,resulting in difficulties in the understanding of afurther detail…  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of planktonic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages, geological dating of the major elements of the section (layers) in the Co-rich manganese crust of the Magellan seamounts has been accomplished. The ore crust layers were formed at the following age intervals: layer I-1 in the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene, layer I-2 in the Middle-first half of Late Eocene, layer II in the Middle-Late Miocene, and layer III in the Pleistocene. Relict layers of the older crust, which underlies the main section in some places, are dated at the Campanian-Maestrichtian and Late Paleocene(?). Data on foraminifers generally fit the results obtained previously based on the analysis of nannoplankton assemblages. Insignificant discrepancies in the datings require further refinement and explanation. Biostratigraphic investigations of the sedimentary cover made it possible to identify the Aptian-Turonian, Campanian-Maestrichtian, Late Paleocene-Eocene, and Miocene rock associations and the unlithified Pliocene-Quaternary sediments. Comparison of the structure and composition of ore crust layers with the coeval rocks of the sedimentary cover revealed that layers I-1 and I-2 were deposited at depths corresponding to the shelf-upper bathyal zone (shallower than 600 m). Relict layers could be formed at even shallower depths up to the photic zone. The upper layers II and III were formed under nearly present-day conditions.  相似文献   

Twelve calcareous nannofossil biozones of Late Oligocene-Late Miocene in Northern Egypt were defined and correlated with their corresponding biozones in Egypt and other parts of the world. These are arranged from the top to base as Zone NN12, Zone NN11, Zone NN10, Zone NN8, Zone NN7, Zone NN6 Zone NN5, NN4, Zone NN3, Zone NN2 Zone NP25 and Zone NP24. In the present study (Boughaz-1 Well), the Late Miocene unconformably overlies the Middle Miocene. This unconformity surface is recognized by the missing of calcareous nannofossil zones NN7 to NN9. While, in North Sinai (Malha-1 Well), the Early/Middle Miocene boundary cannot be recognized, where the Middle Miocene unconformably overlies the topmost Oligocene, and it is defined by the missing calcareous nannofossil zones NN1 to NN4.  相似文献   

In order to determine the age of the sedimentary hiatus and its geological significance, a study of the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy was carried out. Detailed strutigraphical data of the Late Oligocene-Eariy Miocene diagnostic species thus obtained. The nannofossil zonation of this interval was subdivided and the Oligocene-Miocene boundary was further determined. Several last Late Oligocene events were recognized, indicating a long-term sedimentary hiatus in the uppermost Upper Oligocene.The time span of the hiatus was estimated for about 2.2 Ma, at least from 23. 9 to 26. 1 Ma. The lithological and geophysical data from Site 1148 indicate some abrupt sedimentary changes that occurred below and above the hiatus. This hiatus at Site 1148 was probably related to the tectonic change, a major ridg ejmnp during the seafloor spreading in the Late Oligocene South China Sea.  相似文献   

通过大洋一号船DY105--12 /14 航次采集的结壳样品,对中太平洋CL、CM2、CM3、CX、CQ、 CA、CB 海山结壳的主要成壳元素Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu 的含量进行了测试统计,并与邻区的麦哲伦海山、马绍尔群岛、夏威夷群岛和莱恩群岛进行了对比,中太平洋各海山以及不同区域海山结壳的主成分之间存在一些差异,这主要与各海山结壳的物质来源、成壳环境和成壳时代的差异有关。不同形态类型的结壳主成分具有一定的差别,其主要原因可能是生长机制和形成环境不同造成的。  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty nine samples have been studied from the Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian of three deep wells drilled in Jiza’-Qamar Basin, Eastern Yemen to determine the calcareous nannofossil zones and the age of the sediments. Forty-seven calcareous nannofossil species were identified and four biozones were determined in the present study (CC21–CC24). These biozones are assigned to the Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian ages. Most of the studied species in this work refer to tropical–subtropical environment. The Campanian–Maastrichtian Boundary was determined in Al-Fatk well based on the last occurrence of Eiffelithus eximus and the last occurrences of Uniplanarius sissinghii and Uniplanarius trifidus.  相似文献   

缅甸D区块构造特征与油气储层评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究区D区块位于缅甸中部,包括钦敦凹陷北部和沙林凹陷南部,面积12384km2。D区块以南分布有许多油田。其中,Letpanto油田紧临该区块,在D区块内还有许多人工井或油苗,是油气聚集的有利场所,勘探潜力很大。为了研究该区的勘探方向,笔者从区域构造和沉积演化入手,分析研究了该区的生油层、储层和盖层的沉积相带特征和有利的油气聚集带。其中,晚始新世巴当组是始新世地层中产油的储层,为区块主要生油岩系;中新世和渐新世砂岩为良好储层;渐新世尧河组泥岩为较好的盖层;晚中新世到早上新世之间形成的各类局部构造圈闭均可能成为油气聚集场所,展示了良好的油气远景。  相似文献   

Regional cross sections at the scale of the eastern Maghreb based on subsurface and field data allow presenting the structural styles related to the Middle-Late Eocene compressional events. The structural cross sections depict that the Late Eocene front of the Atlas Belt extends far through the Northern Africa plate margin comparatively to the Late Miocene front cropping out in the Eastern Tunisian Atlas. The sections allow proposing a new subsurface front for the Atlas belt encompassing a large part of the Pelagian-Sirt basins. The consequences of this particular configuration are discussed at the scale of the south Tethys margin and replaced in the frame of the geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean Domain.  相似文献   

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