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东天山大草滩蛇纹岩中发育副矿物铬铁矿,部分铬铁矿具环带结构,核部为铝铬铁矿,富Al贫Fe,Cr2O3为39.27%~42.65%,Al2O3为24.58%~26.21%,Ti O2含量很低(0.20%),Fe O为12.18%~18.14%,而Fe2O3含量为0.33%~7.30%,Cr#为50.6~53.5,Mg#为53.3~68.2,Fe2+#为31.8~46.7。核部铝铬铁矿结晶温度平均约为1 385℃,结晶压力平均为2.77 GPa,推断其形成深度约为86 km,相当于软流圈位置;相对于FMQ缓冲剂的地幔氧逸度为FMQ-4.38~FMQ+0.63 log单位,平均值为FMQ-1.15 log单位;地幔熔融程度F为21.04%~21.28%。推测大草滩蛇纹岩的原岩橄榄岩单元源区为石榴石二辉橄榄岩,形成于亏损的软流圈地幔,可能产自俯冲带环境中的岛弧环境。大草滩铬铁矿的环带结构特征表明其经历了温度由高到低、氧逸度由低到高的过程,反映了大草滩蛇纹岩由最初的高温高压地幔环境被推覆到地壳,随后经历了低温低压的浅程度区域变质作用。  相似文献   

东昆仑清水泉蛇纹岩中铬铁矿特征及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
东昆仑造山带清水泉中超基性岩已蚀变为蛇纹岩,很难对其性质和形成环境进行判断,但蛇纹岩中存在的浸染状和条带状铬铁矿有助于识别超基性岩的性质及形成过程。显微结构和电子探针分析结果显示部分铬铁矿具环带结构,核部为富Al贫Fe的铝铬铁矿,Cr2O3为36%~44%,Al2O3为24%~28%,Ti O2含量很低(0.1%),Fe O为15%~24%,而Fe2O3含量为0.6%~3.0%,Cr#为0.47~0.56,Mg#为0.45~0.62,Fe2+#变化于0.38~0.55,显示出蛇绿岩的特性,由此推测其寄主岩石——方辉橄榄岩属于蛇绿岩成员。核部铝铬铁矿结晶温度平均约为1387℃,结晶压力平均为2.9GPa,推断其形成深度约为88km,相当于软流圈位置。核部铝铬铁矿Cr#-Mg#,Cr#-Ti O2以及Ti O2-Al2O3的关系特征显示其寄主岩石——方辉橄榄岩可能产自俯冲带环境中的弧前位置。  相似文献   

拉萨地块松多超高压变质带含石榴石白云母石英片岩为榴辉岩的围岩,岩石的矿物组合为石榴石、白云母、钠长石、绿泥石、石英及少量金红石、榍石。石榴石具有明显的成分环带,从核部到幔部Xprp=[Mg/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]缓慢升高,Xsps=[Mn/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]逐渐降低,表明石榴石从核部到幔部的成分记录了温度逐渐升高的进变质过程;幔部到边部,Xprp=[Mg/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]略微降低,Xgrs=[Ca/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]明显升高,Xsps=[Mn/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]先升高后降低,表明石榴石边部成分受到了退变质作用改造,呈现扩散环带的特征。利用Thermocalc变质相平衡计算软件在Mn NCKFMASHO体系下计算出含石榴石云母石英片岩的P-T、P-M(H2O)视剖面图,结合石榴石镁铝榴石等值线、钙铝榴石等值线及饱和水含量等值线限定出含石榴石云母石英片岩的峰期变质条件为约27×105k Pa,523/580℃,对应的峰期矿物组合为(g-Jd-Cr-Law(+Phn+q/Coe+H2O)。石榴石核部到幔部成分记录了主要的进变质演化,结合饱和水等值线的变化,判断进变质阶段为升温升压的冷俯冲过程,岩石经历了蓝片岩相至榴辉岩相的变质演化;P-M(H2O)视剖面图及饱和水等值线反映了岩石在减压中的流体行为,通过其变化特征可以确定岩石在峰期之后先经历近等温降压的早期退变质过程,晚期降温降压的退变轨迹则由石榴石边部成分所确定,此过程中,岩石发生了角闪岩相至绿帘角闪岩相变质,并在后期经历了绿片岩相变质叠加。近等温降压的退变质过程反映了快速抬升的构造运动过程,早期硬玉转变为钠长石可能发生在这个阶段。对比含石榴石云母石英片岩与榴辉岩的P-T轨迹,峰期变质温压及变质演化特征,提出含石榴石云母石英片岩曾经历过高压变质,结合野外相互伴生的地质关系,认为该片岩与榴辉岩经历了相同或者相似的俯冲折返过程。  相似文献   

开屏沟纯橄岩位于柴达木盆地北缘西段,岩石发生强烈的蛇纹石化,因此很难解析其性质和形成环境,本文通过对橄榄岩内发育的铬铁矿进行研究,探讨纯橄岩的性质及形成过程。岩相学观察和电子探针测试表明,铬铁矿具有明显核边结构,核部为铝铬铁矿,具有相对高Al_2O_3,低FeO~T、TiO_2、Cr~#特点,指示寄主原岩形成于俯冲带(SSZ)环境,寄主原岩为俯冲带橄揽岩。核部铝铬铁矿为岩浆型铬铁矿,通过计算得到其结晶温度平均为1372℃,结晶压力平均为2.96GPa,Δlgf_(O2)/sub平均为-1.42,表明其形成于地幔软流圈。边部为高铁铬铁矿,具有低Al_2O_3,高FeO~T、TiO_2、Cr~#特征,指示铬铁矿边部受到蛇纹石化蚀变与富Fe流体的共同作用。综上,推测开屏沟纯橄岩原岩形成于SSZ环境,后期受到流体交代改造发生蛇纹石化,最终暴露地表。  相似文献   

刘鑫  汤艳杰 《岩石学报》2018,34(11):3315-3326
冀西北姚家庄存在一套晚三叠世的超镁铁岩-正长岩杂岩体,岩体内发育具有环带特征的单斜辉石。辉石的环带有两种:简单环带和复杂环带。简单环带一般为正环带,辉石核部的MgO和Cr2O3含量高,Si O2、Fe O和Na2O含量低;边部的主要氧化物含量与核部刚好相反。简单正环带可以分为两类,其中核边接触带平滑、由核到边化学成分具有渐变特征的正环带辉石可能是岩浆在分离结晶或地壳混染过程中形成。而核边接触带有熔蚀结构、由核到边化学成分突变的正环带辉石可能是早期结晶的辉石颗粒受到晚期低镁岩浆的溶蚀改造而成的。复杂环带具有核-幔-边结构,其中,核部低镁高铁、幔部高镁低铁、边部与核部相似,但其Mg#更低,这些特征暗示了岩浆混合作用的存在,形成辉石核部的母岩浆可能来自富集的岩石圈地幔,幔部高Mg#的特征指示了软流圈地幔物质的贡献,其边部低Mg#的特征则指示了地壳物质的加入。具有韵律环带的复杂辉石是在岩浆多期侵入的过程中形成的。辉石环带的组成特征表明,姚家庄杂岩体是由岩浆多期侵位形成的,后期侵入的岩浆与前期就位的岩浆不断反应,形成了具有多种不同环带特征的辉石,并最终形成了空间上由外到内依次为辉石岩、辉石正长岩和正长岩的环状杂岩体。结合前人的研究成果,推测形成姚家庄岩体的岩浆主要来源于富集的岩石圈地幔,并由少量地壳组分和软流圈物质的贡献。  相似文献   

拉萨地块松多榴辉岩主要矿物组合为石榴子石、绿辉石、角闪石、多硅白云母、绿帘石、金红石。石榴子石环带不明显,核部成分均一,从核部到边部,镁铝榴石和钙铝榴石含量降低,可能分别记录了榴辉岩峰期及退变质过程信息。绿辉石显示微弱的成分环带,硬玉含量从核部到边部略有升高,部分绿辉石边部发育韭闪石退变质边,反映了在减压过程中外来流体进入体系的过程。多硅白云母具有高的Si含量(3.5~3.6),其中石榴石包体中的多硅白云母相对基质中的白云母有更高的Si值。本文利用Thermocalc变质相平衡模拟软件,结合详细岩相学观察,在NCKMn FMASHTO体系下,模拟松多含多硅白云母榴辉岩的变质演化过程。其中,榴辉岩峰期矿物组合为g+o+law+phn+ru,石榴石核部最大镁铝榴石值和石榴子石包体中多硅白云母最大Si值确定的榴辉岩峰期温压条件约为620℃,32×105Pa,榴辉岩经历了近等温降压的退变质过程。相平衡模拟结果表明拉萨地块松多榴辉岩经历了超高压变质作用过程,并经历了相对快速的折返过程到中部地壳层次。  相似文献   

义敦岛弧形成于晚三叠世大规模俯冲造山作用过程中,位于松潘甘孜地体和羌塘地体之间。稻城边部岩体是义敦岛弧带内规模巨大的复式花岗质岩体,由花岗岩、花岗闪长岩和钾长花岗岩组成。大量暗色镁铁质微粒包体发育于花岗闪长岩和钾长花岗岩中,且其与寄主岩石的接触界线明显。暗色镁铁质微粒包体具有细粒结构,发育石英眼构造、针状磷灰石和具环带结构的斜长石斑晶。文中以稻城岩体寄主岩石和暗色微粒包体中斜长石、黑云母和角闪石为研究对象,开展岩相学和电子探针原位化学成分分析,厘定了矿物形成的物理化学条件,探讨了岩浆混合作用过程及其形成的构造环境。研究表明:花岗闪长岩和暗色微粒包体中的斜长石主要为中长石,其核部呈浑圆状;前者核部的An值(21~50)显著高于幔部(21~34);后者则发育典型的突变环带,An值(29~44)呈波状变化且相对集中。暗色微粒包体与寄主花岗闪长岩中斜长石的An值部分重叠表明二者形成过程中存在含量的岩浆混合作用。斜长石环带中的An值随Al2O3、FeO、MgO和CaO含量的升高而升高,但随SiO2、Na2O和K2O含量的升高而降低。寄主岩石和暗色微粒包体中角闪石富镁铁,阳离子特征为:CaB=1.56~1.75,Ti=0.08~0.13,属于钙质角闪石,具壳源特征,其结晶温度分别为697~725 ℃和680~705 ℃。花岗闪长岩中黑云母的Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)为0.37~0.45,显示出富Fe贫Ca、Mg,属于典型的岩浆成因黑云母。黑云母TiO2含量变化范围为3.54%~4.62%,Al2O3含量变化范围为13.89%~15.15%;黑云母的氧化系数为0.08~0.11,Mg#为0.39~0.46,MF值为0.36~0.44,单位分子中阳离子数AlⅥ为0.03~0.11,以单位分子中Ti和Al阳离子数计算的黑云母结晶温度为584~624 ℃,表明其结晶温度较高,具壳幔混源特征。稻城岩体是以壳源为主的壳幔混源成因的I型花岗岩,暗色微粒包体是由镁铁质岩浆与长英质岩浆不同程度的混合作用形成的。  相似文献   

内蒙古文圪气镁铁-超镁铁杂岩体主要由辉石岩和角闪石岩组成,普遍发育角闪石环带的角闪石岩位于岩体南部,呈伟晶结构,主要由角闪石(>95%)和磷灰石(3%~5%)组成。选取环带较明显的两个角闪石样品,采用EMPA和LA-ICPMS分别做主量和微量成分剖面,环带角闪石边部为铁韭闪石,核部为韭闪石。从核部到边部,SiO2、MgO、Na2O含量逐渐降低,Al2O3、TiO2、FeOT、K2O和碱金属(Na2O+K2O)逐渐升高。中稀土、重稀土元素和Sc最大值位于核部,最小值位于边部;轻稀土元素、高场强元素、大离子亲石元素及过渡金属元素最大值位于幔边部,最小值位于核部,反映了核部氧逸度较高、温度和压力较低,边部氧逸度较低、温度和压力较高,是两期不同成分、温度、压力和氧逸度岩浆结晶的表现,并且角闪石岩受到后期高氧逸度低温热液的改造。环带角闪石的形成机理与文圪气岩体中铂族元素矿化过程相吻合。文圪气岩体与华北地台北缘中泥盆世镁铁质-超镁铁质岩具有相同的岩石组成、成因和构造背景,环带角闪石具有幔源角闪石特点,核部平均温度大于732℃,边部大于770℃,核、边部温度均小于950℃,结晶压力≤272 MPa,结晶深度≤12.4km。环带角闪石的结晶过程可能与文圪气岩体中铂族元素的成矿过程类似。  相似文献   

华北地块北缘西段巴音诺尔公—狼山地区的牙马图岩体以二长花岗岩为主,岩体中广泛发育岩浆暗色包体,二者界线明显.包体为岩浆结构,大多数具有塑性外形,发育淬冷边、反向脉,存在多种不平衡结构和矿物组合,如斜长石环带、石英眼斑、针状磷灰石等,显示岩浆混合特征;包体的SiO2含量为48.40%~55.40%,寄主花岗岩SiO2含量为65.03%~72.85%,具有明显的SiO2含量间隔;与寄主花岗岩相比,包体的Fe、Mg、Ca、Ti含量较高;包体和寄主花岗岩的主要氧化物之间具有很好的线性关系,微量元素和稀土元素特征相似.包体和寄主花岗岩的这些地球化学特征显示出明显的岩浆混合趋势.岩相学和元素地球化学特征表明暗色包体是基性岩浆侵入到酸性岩浆淬冷的产物,牙马图岩体存在两种岩浆的混合作用.  相似文献   

豆英状铬铁矿按其矿物化学组分分为高铝型(Cr#值为20~ 60)和高铬型(Cr#值为60~80)两类(Thayer,1970),在全球已报道的豆英状铬铁矿中普遍为在一岩体内只存一种类型的矿体,而在同一岩体内发现两种类型的铬铁矿体较少见.位于雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段普兰岩体中首次发现同时存在高铬型和高铝型铬铁矿,岩体由地幔橄榄岩、辉长辉绿岩、火山岩等组成.地幔橄榄岩主要为方辉橄榄岩、纯橄岩和少量二辉橄榄岩.在方辉橄榄岩中发现7处透镜状的铬铁矿矿体露头,矿石类型主要有致密块状、稠密浸染状和稀疏浸染状等.矿体长2~6m,厚0.5~2m,矿体的最大延伸方向为北西-南东向,与岩体的展布方向一致,矿石的Cr#=52~88,高铬型铬铁矿包括Cr-2~5矿体,Cr#值为63~89,高铝型铬铁矿有Cr-1和Cr-6矿体,Cr#=52 ~55.矿石中脉石矿物主要为橄榄石、角闪石、蛇纹石等.普兰地幔橄榄岩的矿物结构显示,岩体经历了强烈的部分熔融以及塑性变形作用,地幔橄榄岩的地球化学特征显示岩体形成于MOR,后受到SSZ环境的改造.并且依据铬尖晶石-橄榄石/单斜辉石的矿物化学成分,识别出普兰地幔橄榄岩至少经历了3次不同的部分熔融,包括早期部分熔融(~10%)、晚期部分熔融(20%~30%)和局部的减压部分熔融作用(~15%).对比其他铬铁矿矿体和地幔橄榄岩的矿物组合,矿物化学和地球化学等,显示普兰豆荚状铬铁矿矿体与典型高铬型、高铝型铬铁矿具相似性,并存在较大的找矿空间.  相似文献   

High-resolution X-ray computed tomography has been carried out on a suite of komatiite samples representing a range of volcanic facies, chromite contents and degrees of alteration and metamorphism, to reveal the wide range of sizes, shapes and degrees of clustering that chromite grains display as a function of cooling history. Dendrites are spectacularly skeletal chromite grains formed during very rapid crystallization of supercooled melt in spinifex zones close to flow tops. At slower cooling rates in the interiors of thick flows, chromite forms predominantly euhedral grains. Large clusters (up to a dozen of grains) are characteristic of liquidus chromite, whereas fine dustings of mostly individual ~20-μm grains form by in situ crystallization from trapped intercumulus liquid. Chromite in coarse-grained olivine cumulates from komatiitic dunite bodies occurs in two forms: as clusters or chains of euhedral crystals, developing into “chicken-wire” texture where chromite is present in supra-cotectic proportions; and as strongly dendritic, semi-poikilitic grains. These dendritic grains are likely to have formed by rapid crescumulate growth from magma that was close to its liquidus temperature but supersaturated with chromite. In some cases, this process seems to have been favoured by nucleation of chromite on the margins of sulphide liquid blebs. This texture is a good evidence for the predominantly cumulus origin of oikocrysts and in situ origin of heteradcumulate textures. Our 3D textural analysis confirms that the morphology of chromite crystals is a distinctive indicator of crystallization environment even in highly altered rocks.  相似文献   

La Cabaña peridotite is part of a dismembered ophiolite complex located within the metamorphic basement of the Coastal Cordillera of south-central Chile, and is the only location in Chile were Cr-spinels have been described so far. The La Cabaña peridotite is part of the Western Series unit, which comprises meta-sedimentary rocks, metabasites, and serpentinized ultramafic rocks. This unit has been affected by greenschist-facies metamorphism with reported peak PT conditions of 7.0–9.3 kbar and 380°–420 °C. Within La Cabaña peridotite Cr-spinels are present in two localities: Lavanderos and Centinela Bajo. In Lavanderos, Cr-spinel occurs in small chromitite pods and as accessory/disseminated grains with a porous or spongy texture in serpentinite, whereas in Centinela Bajo Cr-spinel is present as accessory zoned grains in partly serpentinized dunites, and in chromitite blocks. All Cr-spinels display variable degrees of alteration to Fe2+-rich chromite with a variation trend of major elements from chromite to Fe2+-rich chromite similar to those observed in other locations, i.e., an increase in Fe2O3 and FeO, a decrease in Al2O3 and MgO. Cr2O3 content increases from chromite to Fe2+-rich chromite in chromitite pods from Lavanderos and chromitite blocks from Centinela Bajo, but decreases in ferrian chromite zones in accessory grains from Centinela Bajo. The minor element (Ti, V, Zn, Ni) content is mostly low and does not exceed 0.4 wt.%, with the exception of MnO (<0.9 wt.%), which shows a correspondence with increasing degree of alteration. Cr# (Cr/Cr?+?Al) versus Mg# (Mg/Mg?+?Fe2+) and Fe3+/Fe3++Fe2+ versus Mg# plots are used to illustrate the Cr-spinel alteration process. Overall, the Cr-spinels from Lavanderos (chromitite pods and disseminated grains) exhibit Cr# values ranging from 0.6 to 1.0, Mg# (Mg/Mg?+?Fe2+) below 0.5, and (Fe3+/Fe3++Fe2+) <0.4. Cr-spinels from chromitites in Centinela Bajo have Cr# and Mg# values that range from 0.65 to 1.0, and 0.7-0.3, respectively, and (Fe3+/Fe3++Fe2+)?3+/Fe3++Fe2+) ratio is less than 0.4 in chromite cores and Fe2+-rich chromite, and >0.5 in ferrian chromite and Cr-magnetite. Interpretation of the data obtained and Cr-spinel textures indicate that the alteration of Cr-spinel is a progressive process that involves in its initial stages the reaction of chromite with olivine under water-saturated conditions to produce clinochlore and Fe2+-rich chromite. During this stage the chromite can also incorporate Ni, Mn, and/or Zn from the serpentinization fluids. As alteration progresses, Fe2+-rich chromite loses mass resulting in the development of a spongy texture. In a later stage and under more oxidizing conditions Fe3+ is incorporated in chromite/Fe2+-rich chromite shifting its composition to an Fe3+-rich chromite (i.e., ferrian chromite). Depending on the fluid/rock and Cr-spinel/silicate ratios, Cr-magnetite can also form over Fe2+-rich chromite and/or ferrian chromite as a secondary overgrowth. The compositional changes observed in Cr-spinels from La Cabaña reflect the initial stages of alteration under serpentinization conditions. Results from this study show that the alteration of Cr-spinels is dependent on temperature. The degree and extent of alteration (formation of Fe2+-rich and/or ferrian chromite) are controlled by the redox nature of the fluids, the Cr-spinel/silicate and the fluid/rock ratios.  相似文献   

<正>In the present study,we present the occurrence and emplacement of chromite ore deposits from two abandoned mines(Kankavali[Janoli]and Wagda) in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra,India.These ores,that occurred as lenses and are associated with metamorphic and ultrabasic rocks,consist of octahedral grains of chromite,while clinochlore is present between the interstices of these grains.The Kankavali(Janoli) and Wagda ores revealed a dominance of Cr_2O_3 followed by FeO and variable proportions of A1_2O_3,MgO,and SiO_2.The former deposits have a slightly higher Cr_2O_3(average 52 wt%) and FeO(~18 wt%) than those from Wagda(Cr_2O_3~50 wt%,FeO~25 wt%).The similar Cr~# values(0.73 for Kankavali[Janoli],0.74 for Wagda) correspond to those reported for typical podiform-type chromite deposits.We suggest that the ores were emplaced as phacoliths in folded outcrops with a steep easterly dip and a northwest-southeast trend.We postulate the continuation of the fold structure from Janoli to Wagda(~4.5 km apart) and the probable (sporadic) occurrence of chromite along this stretch.The possibility of the contribution of chromite grains from these areas to the coastal placer deposits cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Three complexes in the zones of the Ishimbinskii and Tatarka deep faults in the Transangarian part of the Yenisei Range were studied to reproduce their metamorphic evolution and elucidate distinctive features of regional geodynamic processes. The results of our geological and petrological studies with the application of geothermobarometry and P-T metamorphic paths indicate that the Neoproterozoic kyanite-sillimanite intermediate-pressure metamorphism overprinted regionally metamorphosed rocks of low pressure of Middle Riphean age. The kyanite-sillimanite metamorphism was characterized by (1) the development of deformational structures and textures and kyanite-bearing blastomylonites with sillimanite, garnet, and staurolite after andalusite-bearing regional-metamorphic mineral assemblages; (2) insignificant apparent thickness of the zone of intermediate-pressure zonal metamorphism (from 2.5 to 7 km), which was localized near overthrusts; (3) a low geothermal gradient during metamorphism (from 1–7 to 12°C/km); and (4) a gradual increase in the total metamorphic pressure from southwest to northeast with approaching the overthrusts. These features are typical of collisional metamorphism during the thrusting of continental blocks and testify that the rocks subsided nearly isothermally. The process is justified within the scope of a model for the tectonic thickening of the crust via rapid thrusting and subsequent rapid exhumation and erosion. The analysis of our results with regard for the northeastern dips of the thrusts allowed us to consider the intermediate-pressure metapelites as products of collision metamorphism, which were formed in the process of a single thrusting of ancient rock blocks from the Siberian Platform onto the Yenisei Range.  相似文献   

Quartz‐andalusite‐fuchsite rocks in an Archaean greenstone belt at Menzies, Western Australia, are described in their geological setting. They are shown to have developed from intense metasomatism of layered rocks of komatiitic composition. Ratios of the immobile components Al2O3, TiO2, Cr, V and Zr are consistent, despite wide variations in their absolute values, and compare closely with those of an underlying komatiite suite. Marked depletion of Ca, Na, Mg and Fe has led to a strongly peraluminous composition and enhanced Cr values. Silicification and introduction of K has also occurred. Most of the metasomatism took place before peak metamorphism, and the mineral assemblage is now dominated by andalusite, fuchsite, and recrystallized quartz. Schlieren or vein‐like segregations rich in andalusite, chromite, rutile and minor sulphides and tourmaline are interpreted as the original fluid pathways, where concentration of immobiles was achieved through solution of mobile components, and volume loss. They have been termed residual veins. Metasomatism is believed to have taken place by synvolcanic processes analogous to those operating in modern hot spring systems. The rocks were severely modified by metamorphism and tectonism. The fuchsitic rocks at Menzies are compared to similar rocks in other areas.  相似文献   

周志强 《地质与勘探》2021,57(5):981-993
青海茫崖石棉矿区超基性岩体是由原岩以纯橄岩、辉橄岩和橄辉岩为主体组成的富镁质超基性岩体,经历自变质和后期多期热液的叠加变质蚀变作用,经蛇纹石化后形成蚀变完全的蛇纹岩岩体,其中部分蛇纹岩又进一步发生滑石化及碳酸盐化蚀变为滑石菱镁片岩、菱镁滑石片岩、滑石片岩和菱镁岩等。本文在野外地质调查基础上,在室内通过镜下岩矿综合鉴定、全岩化学成分分析以及电子探针成分分析等手段进行了岩石化学特征、矿物学特征及其蚀变演化过程研究。结果表明,该变质超基性岩体蛇纹岩主要特征组合矿物为蛇纹石(利蛇纹石、叶蛇纹石、纤蛇纹石)、磁铁矿、菱镁矿、滑石、水镁石、铬铁矿,变余矿物有斜方辉石、单斜辉石和铬铁矿,滑石菱镁片岩类主要组成矿物为菱镁矿、滑石、蛇纹石及磁铁矿,局部可见石英脉。该地区变质超基性岩体较完整地记录了橄榄岩水化、滑石化及碳酸盐化作用过程的各个阶段,超基性岩蚀变演化过程主要有两个作用阶段:(Ⅰ)橄榄石、辉石类矿物的蛇纹石化作用及蛇纹石绿泥石化作用;(Ⅱ)富Ca、CO2流体交代蛇纹石、滑石及水镁石的碳酸盐化作用。蛇纹石化等变质蚀变作用促进了Si、Mg及Fe元素化学活动性,使元素发生富集与迁移,对于次生矿物的形成与演化起到了一定的催化作用。多期不同组成流体热液的交代作用过程,清晰地展示了利蛇纹石、纤蛇纹石和叶蛇纹石的演化序列,以及滑石、水镁石、铬铁矿和磁铁矿的形成过程及标形特征。  相似文献   

张然  熊发挥  徐向珍  刘钊  杨经绥 《地质学报》2019,93(7):1655-1670
依拉山蛇绿岩位于班公湖-怒江缝合带中部,主要由蚀变较强的方辉橄榄岩和纯橄岩及豆荚状铬铁岩组成。铬铁矿矿体集中分布在依拉山岩体北部,围岩以纯橄岩为主,少量为方辉橄榄岩。铬铁岩中铬尖晶石的电子探针分析结果表明Cr~#值为64.2~73.9,Mg~#值为46.9~71.6,TiO_2为0.03%~0.31%,Al_2O_3为4.5%~18.7%,指示依拉山铬铁矿为高铬型铬铁矿。方辉橄榄岩的稀土元素及微量元素配分模式指示其具有深海地幔橄榄岩的特征,铬铁矿的铂族元素具有IPGE富集而PPGE亏损的特点,呈现出右倾的配分模式,且Pd/Ir与Pt/Pt~*之间不存在明确的相关性,反映出依拉山岩体经历了岩石-熔体反应的演化过程。结合其他岩体内铬铁矿的对比研究,提出依拉山铬铁矿可能是在俯冲带环境下,由玻安质熔体与岩石反应形成,并经历了多阶段的演化过程,即早期的洋中脊(MORB)环境以及后期的俯冲带(SSZ)的改造。  相似文献   

The mineralogy of the transported Fe-Ni-Cr-laterite ore bodies from the Edessa area in Northern Greece was studied. The special emphasis was on the textural features and chemistry of chromite. The chromite was residually inherited in laterites from weathered ultramafic rocks and it displays zonation. Three main zones were optically distinguished: an inner chromite zone, an intermediate ferritechromite zone and a magnetite rim. These three zones have distinct compositions. The major oxides MgO and Al2O3 decrease from the chromite core to the ferritechromite zone, while FeOt increases and Cr2O3 either increases or decreases. A characteristic chemical feature of the chromite is the very high Mn-content in the ferritechromite zone, up to 20%wt MnO. Chemical zonation has, however, been detected in optically unzoned chromite cores rimmed by magnetite.The zoning and the high Mn-content of the chromite is a result of serpentinization in the presence of Mn-rich fluids, following lateritic weathering and finally Alpine low-grade metamorphism.  相似文献   

Talc mineralization of ultramafic affinity in the Eastern Desert of Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Petrographical and petrochemical studies of the talc host rocks of Rod Umm El-Farag and Wadi Thamil in the Eastern Desert of Egypt reveal that they consist mainly of metavolcanic rocks, whilst the geology, petrography, mineralogy, chemistry and quality of the enclosed talc lenses reveal that the ore has ultramafic affinity. The setting of the talc ore is similar to that hosted by metavolcanic rocks in terms of the type of host rocks, but it differs in its ultramafic affinity, resembling the talc ore hosted by ultramafic rocks. The parent ultramafic rocks occur in the form of small bodies obducted later along a tectonized fault plane within metavolcanic host rocks (Precambrian) and their tuffaceous equivalents. The metavolcanic host rocks consist mainly of metabasalts, meta-andesites and metatuffs with a smaller amount of dacite, rhyolite and tuffaceous lava. The metamorphic grade is low corresponding to greenschist facies. The calc-alkaline and tholeiitic characters of the volcanic rocks are determined by the behaviour of trace elements on some chemical discrimination diagrams. After the emplacement of the ultramafic bodies, they underwent regional metamorphism which was accompanied by further serpentinization. Metasomatic changes, related to regional metamorphism (corresponding to the emplacement of granitic plutons at a distance) include talc, carbonate, tremolite and chlorite formation. SiO2, H2O and CO2 have been supplied from hydrothermal solutions but all other constituents are considered indigenous to the ultramafic bodies, and none of the metavolcanic components have been added during talc formation. Mineralogically, the talc ore is relatively simple, including talc, tremolite, actinolite, chlorite and chromite. On the basis of mineral abundances, pure talc (>90% talc), chlorite-rich and tremolite-actinolite-rich (50–70% talc) ore types have been recognized. Chromite is largely zoned and occurs as disseminated grains within the talc matrix. Cr, Al and Mg were released during the formation of ferrite chromite and accommodated in the talc and chlorite structures. The chemical data show that there is very little variation in the contents of MgO, Fe2O3, FeO, NiO, Cr2O3, and Co between the parent ultramafic rocks and talc ore. Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3 and FeO are the main impurity oxides in the talc ore. They decrease the whiteness of the ore and consequently limit the use of talc. Received: 26 March 1999 / Accepted: 10 October 1999  相似文献   

塔里木南缘浅变质岩系变质矿物特征及变质条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在塔里木盆地南缘和田地区的阿其克、皮牙曼、杜瓦、康开依、桑株水库一带断续出露一套浅变质岩地层,主要岩石类型有变质杂砂岩、变质钙质砂岩、细粒片岩及少量千枚岩、变质砾岩、大理岩等.岩石中主要变质矿物为绿泥石、白云母、石英、方解石和少量黑云母、钠长石.本文着重就岩石中片状变质矿物绿泥石、白云母、黑云母的发育特点、化学成分特征、变质矿物组合以及它们的晶体化学成分所反映的变质温、压条件进行了研究,并在此基础上推断出该套变质岩属于由区域低温动力变质作用引起的低绿片岩相变质产物.  相似文献   

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