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刘恋 《第四纪研究》2019,(5):1289-1296
自然火是地球系统的重要组成部分,与气候、植被关系紧密。全球增温情景下,自然火的演化规律和控制因素已经成为学术界的研究热点,通过整理分析自然火实际监测记录、模型模拟结果以及古记录反映的自然火历史,发现还存在一些亟待解决的问题:全球不同增温情景下自然火增多还是减少?其控制因素如何改变?本文选取距今最近的地质历史时期新生代中的典型增温期"中中新世气候适宜期"和"全新世大暖期",对其自然火研究进行分析总结,归纳得出温度是增温情景下自然火的重要控制因素,但是不同地区自然火控制因素有所不同,雨热条件的季节分配、植被类型的演替、雷电和火山活动等因素也对自然火有重要影响。季风区气候变幅大、植被类型丰富,其自然火演化及控制因素具有复杂性,是自然火研究的重要区域,建议在今后研究中,在东亚季风区选择涵盖未来百年可能增温幅度的理想沉积记录,对其记录的自然火历史、增温幅度、植被演替进行系统研究,进而探讨未来增温情景下自然火的演化规律和控制因素。  相似文献   

陇东黄土高原北部全新世野火历史的木炭屑记录   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
全新世黄土-古土壤剖面保存的木炭屑记录了野火和自然景观演变的过程,本研究通过野外考察采样和磁化率、TOC、木炭屑的实验分析探索陇东黄土高原北部地区全新世野火的历史。研究结果表明:11500aB.P.之前末次冰期,气候干旱,在半荒漠草原植被条件下,自然野火频繁发生;全新世早期(11500~8500aB.P.)野火发生频率大大降低;8500~3100aB.P.为全新世气候适宜期,气候相对比较湿润,生物风化成壤作用强烈,呈现森林草原景观,野火发生几率明显下降,但在古土壤形成早期,木炭屑峰值反映有野火频繁发生,这可能是新石器时代早期老官台文化(8000~7000aB.P.)时期人类用火及其放火烧荒开垦农田等活动的结果;全新世晚期气候向干旱化发展,具有游牧性质的寺洼文化(3250~2650aB.P.)出现在陇东北部黄土高原地区,有一定野火活动。1500aB.P.以后,木炭屑浓度大幅度减少,反映野火很少发生,可能由于本地区半农半牧土地利用方式已经确立,人工-自然复合生态景观形成。  相似文献   

以云南阳宗海1020 cm长的湖泊沉积物岩芯为研究对象,由7个木屑和树叶残体样的AMS14C测年建立岩芯年代框架,以18~19 cm间隔获取52个样品作花粉/炭屑分析,重建了阳宗海流域过去13000年的植被、气候以及森林火灾历史。研究结果表明,过去13000年植被演替、气候变化和森林火灾可分为5个阶段:1)13200~11000 cal.a B.P.,植被以常绿、落叶阔叶混交林为主,气候温凉湿润,森林火灾多发,后期(12300~11000 cal.a B.P.)随着温度和湿度的降低,森林火灾发生愈加频繁;2)11000~8000 cal.a B.P.,松林扩张,阔叶林缩小,气候较上阶段温暖偏干,森林火灾发生次数明显降低;3)8000~5000 cal.a B.P.,松林和常绿阔叶林占优势,且出现暖热性的枫香林,流域内气温升至13000 cal.a B.P.以来的最高值,湿度进一步降低,但森林火灾发生频率低;4)5000~800 cal.a B.P.,松林扩张至最盛,常绿阔叶林收缩,落叶阔叶林成分增加,气温和湿度均明显下降,森林火灾发生频率有所增加;5)800 cal.a B.P.至今,松林和常绿阔叶林收缩,落叶阔叶成分增加,草本植物中禾本科迅速上升,可能与人类活动有关,森林火灾发生频率低。阳宗海花粉/炭屑记录重建的植被、气候和森林火灾史表明,在滇中地区,落叶阔叶成分易引起森林火灾,冷气候导致多发的森林火灾,冷干气候是宜森林火灾发生的气候条件。  相似文献   

晚冰期月亮湖炭屑记录反映的古气候演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
伍婧  刘强 《地质科学》2013,48(3):860-869
位于大兴安岭中段的月亮湖地处季风/非季风影响过渡地带,其沉积岩心下部886~546 cm的炭屑记录揭示了末次冰期晚期到全新世早期(20.9~10.8 cal.ka B.P.)的古气候演化历史,反映了东亚季风对研究区气候的影响。研究区炭屑浓度的变化主要由可供燃烧的生物量决定,生长在气候温暖时期的森林草原能够提供更多可供燃烧的生物量。在同一植被类型的条件下,气候寒冷湿润时炭屑浓度低,气候温暖干旱时炭屑浓度高。20.9~18.0 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度较低, 气候寒冷偏干,18.0~15.3 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度最低,气候寒冷湿润,15.3~14.4 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度增高,气候开始向温暖的方向发展,14.4~11.8 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度快速变化,气候也经历了一系列的快速变化,11.8~10.8 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度总体较高,气候温暖湿润。<50 μm的炭屑浓度指示了区域火演化的历史, >50 μm的炭屑则反映了当地野火发生的状况。  相似文献   

如何根据沉积物中的炭屑记录准确重建火历史是当前古火研究的热点.在古火研究中,大于125μm的大炭屑和小于125μm的微炭屑是最常用的炭屑数据.本文根据大兴安岭以北的漠河县图强泥炭剖面(TQ)的微炭屑面积浓度(AC)、微炭屑颗粒浓度(MiN)和大炭屑颗粒浓度(MaN)这3种不同类型的炭屑数据并利用目前国际上使用比较广泛的CharAnalysis模型定量重建了该地区的火历史.研究结果表明,同一沉积剖面不同类型的炭屑数据所重建的火历史总体规律基本一致,均表现出在距今1690年以来着火次数为12~14次;火事件间隔期变化均较为平缓,单次火事件的平均间隔期为81~124年;火事件发生频率经历了先上升后下降再上升的变化趋势,平均频率为3.5~4.1次/500年.但3种不同类型的炭屑数据重建火事件的次数、频率和间隔期之间仍有一些差异.这种差异可能是由于炭屑破碎程度不同所致.  相似文献   

依据河北衡水南张庄600 m深HS1钻孔中529块岩心样品的孢粉分析,结合古地磁、光释光测试建立的年代地层格架,初步建立了河北平原中部衡水地区3.50 Ma BP以来孢粉组合的更迭序列。在3.50~2.58 Ma BP期间,研究区沉积环境稳定,主要是极浅水泛滥平原与浅湖相沉积,孢粉不丰富,孢粉组合结构简单,反映降水、气温等变化幅度小,气候由温暖湿润逐渐过渡到冷干;2.58~0.78 Ma BP期间,植被出现频繁波动,我国东部古季风气候格局已经基本形成,表现出气候频繁变化的不稳定性,具有早期温和偏干、中期温暖湿润、晚期温凉偏干的气候演化特征;780~15 ka BP期间,孢粉带组成成分较为丰富且复杂,在不同时期乔木植物与草本-灌木植物互为消长、相互更迭,反映气候变化幅度大、频率高的特点;15 ka BP至今,气候总体表现为干,其波动频率较快,植被属森林和草原兼而有之的类型。  相似文献   

详细介绍了8 Ma以来全球气候变化的规律,研究表明地球上主要发生过3次冷气候事件:第一次冷气候事件大约发生在距今7 Ma,一股强烈的干冷气流刮过欧洲大陆,穿越赤道地区直达非洲大陆,使得原始森林开始萎缩,面积的缩小导致古猿与人类发生演化分异;第二次冷气候事件大约发生在距今4.2 Ma,那时干冷气候持续发展,非洲大陆的原始森林进一步萎缩,并逐渐演化为稀树草原,出现了南方猿人和傍人;第三次冷气候事件大约发生在距今2.3 Ma,全球气候变化波动较大,冷-暖气候交替发育,地球上出现了真正意义上的人(人属),并逐渐演化成现代人。根据目前的研究,人类的起源和演化与古地理、古环境和古气候变化密切相关,人类演化历史大致可分为7个时期:撒海尔猿人—原初猿人时期、地居猿人时期、南方猿人—傍人时期、能人—鲁道夫人时期、匠人—直立人时期、先驱人—海德堡人时期和智人时期。  相似文献   

贵州古地理的演变   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王立亭 《贵州地质》1994,11(2):133-140
贵州已知的最老地质记录距今约1400Ma,在这漫长的地质历史时期中,古地理及其演变具如下特点:(1)可分为前震旦纪、震旦纪-志留纪、泥盆纪-晚三叠世中期及晚三叠世中期以后四个阶段,每个阶段的古地理格局具明显的继承性和一致性,而各个阶段又有显著的差异,这种差异是在相对短的地质时期内完成的。(2)演化的总趋势地壳由洋壳演化为陆壳、其厚度增大、活动性减弱,沉积盆地由洋盆转化为克拉通内陆盆地;古环境由海洋转化为陆地;沉积物由海相深水碎屑岩演化为陆相红色碎屑;沉积类型由海相活动性组合演化为陆相活动性组合。(3)贵州地壳经历了由北向南及由南向北的漂移,但始终位于低、中纬地区,气候以温湿为主。(4)沉积物具明显的大规模的旋回性,这种旋回性显示出古地理演变的周期性。(5)影响贵州古地理格局及其演变的主导因素是古构造及构造运动。  相似文献   

深沪湾海底古森林座落在北纬24°37′~40′,东经118°38′~40′,,福建省晋江市深沪湾潮间带中下部.在1986年该古森林被发现时仅有树桩7棵,其中4棵样品被鉴定为松科(Pinaceae)植物,与现代油杉属(Keteleeria carr.)的木材结构相似. 为进一步研究深沪湾海底古森林,我们于1998年10月上旬特大低潮时,对古森林遗迹进行了测量及编号,共发现65棵古树桩,分布在中、南、北3个不同区域.因大部分古树的木材保存尚好,我们拟对所有古树桩的木材进行鉴别,以确定其森林群落的基本类型、组分及优势种,为恢复其生长时期的古植被、古气候与古生态提供依据.第一批共取6个木材样品进行比较观察,其中1号样品因木材较为坚硬,制片前曾经软化处理,2~6号样品的木材已炭化、腐朽,采取炭蜡包埋.上述样品经切片、脱蜡、染色、脱水后制成永久光学切片.现将观察结果简要报道如下.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地位于青藏高原北部,受高原隆升以及全球气候影响,新近纪盆地内古环境发生显著变化。通过对新近纪柴达木盆地一里坪凹陷孢粉特征进行分析,恢复盆地植被类型和环境演化过程,进而探讨高原构造隆升和全球气候变化对盆地古环境的影响。结果表明,一里坪凹陷新近纪孢粉组合以裸子植物繁盛,被子植物较为常见,旱生植物发育为主要特征。孢粉特征指示柴达木盆地一里坪凹陷整体新近纪属于半干旱—干旱气候,古环境演化受青藏高原隆升强度以及全球气候影响显著:下油砂山组环境为亚热带森林,上油砂山组环境为温带森林—草原,狮子沟组环境转变为寒温带草原—半荒漠。该时期环境背景,不利于一里坪凹陷在新近纪发育大规模优质烃源岩  相似文献   

We show how sedimentary charcoal records from multiple sites within a single landscape can be used to compare fire histories and reveal small scale patterns in fire regimes. Our objective is to develop strategies for classifying and comparing late-Holocene charcoal records in Midwestern oak- and pine-dominated sand plain ecosystems where fire regimes include a mix of surface and crown fires. Using standard techniques for the analysis of charcoal from lake sediments, we compiled 1000- to 4000-yr-long records of charcoal accumulation and charcoal peak frequencies from 10 small lakes across a sand plain in northwestern Wisconsin. We used cluster analysis to identify six types of charcoal signatures that differ in their charcoal influx rates, amount of grass charcoal, and frequency and magnitude of charcoal peaks. The charcoal records demonstrate that while fire histories vary among sites, there are regional patterns in the occurrence of charcoal signature types that are consistent with expected differences in fire regimes based on regional climate and vegetation reconstructions. The fire histories also show periods of regional change in charcoal signatures occurring during times of regional climate changes at ~ 700, 1000, and 3500 cal yr BP.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(17-18):2167-2184
The northwestern Great Basin lies in the transition zone between the mesic Pacific Northwest and xeric intermountain West. The paleoenvironmental history based on pollen, macroscopic charcoal, and plant macrofossils from three sites in the northwestern Great Basin was examined to understand the relationships among the modern vegetation, fire disturbance and climate. The vegetation history suggests that steppe and open forest communities were present at high elevations from ca 11,000 to 7000 cal yr BP, and were replaced by forests composed of white fir, western white pine, and whitebark pine in the late Holocene. Over the last 11,000 years, fires were more frequent in mid-elevation forests (10–25 fire episodes/1000 years) and rare in high-elevation forests (2–5 fire episodes/1000 years). Applying modern pollen–climate relationships to the fossil pollen spectra provided a means to interpret past climate changes in this region. In the past 9000 years summer temperatures decreased from 1 to 4 °C, and annual precipitation has increased 7–15%. These results indicate that the millennial-scale climate forcing driving vegetation changes can be quantified within the intermountain West in general and northwestern Great Basin in particular. In addition, fire can be considered an important component of these ecosystems, but it does not appear to be a forcing mechanism for vegetation change at the resolution of these records.  相似文献   

Holocene fire disturbance and vegetation history were reconstructed using macroscopic charcoal and pollen accumulation rates from two lake sediment records (Holtjärnen and Klotjärnen) collected in the boreal forest of central Sweden. The records were used to examine the potential drivers associated with changes in fire regime. Climate, vegetation and human activity were all identified as factors variously influencing the fire regime. In the early Holocene, near bicentennial fire return intervals were regionally widespread, suggesting that fire disturbance was largely regulated by climate at that time. In the mid‐ and late Holocene, vegetation exerted an important control on the fire regime. During the mid‐Holocene, the expansion of thermophilous broadleaf vegetation offset the influence of warmer climate by altering the local microclimate and by changing the structure and flammability of the available fuels. During the transition to the late Holocene, thermophilous vegetation decreased in abundance and Pinus increased, resulting in a more flammable forest even though the climate was cooling and moistening. Fire disturbance correspondingly increased. The modern boreal forest was established in the late Holocene as Picea expanded regionally as the climate cooled, moistened, and became increasingly continental. Although no change in the frequency of fire was apparent at this time, increased stand densities likely facilitated greater fuel consumption in subsequent fires. Within the last millennium, human action markedly modified the forested landscape, altering the fire regime.  相似文献   

Paleoenvironmental reconstructions are important for understanding the influence of long-term climate variability on ecosystems and landscape disturbance dynamics. In this paper we explore the linkages among past climate, vegetation, and fire regimes using a high-resolution pollen and charcoal reconstruction from Morris Pond located on the Markagunt Plateau in southwestern Utah, USA. A regime shift detection algorithm was applied to background charcoal accumulation to define where statistically significant shifts in fire regimes occurred. The early Holocene was characterized by greater amounts of summer precipitation and less winter precipitation than modern. Ample forest fuel and warm summer temperatures allowed for large fires to occur. The middle Holocene was a transitional period between vegetation conditions and fire disturbance. The late Holocene climate is characterized as cool and wet reflecting an increase in snow cover, which reduced opportunities for fire despite increased availability of fuels. Similarities between modern forest fuel availability and those of the early Holocene suggest that warmer summers projected for the 21st century may yield substantial increases in the recurrence and ecological impacts of fire when compared to the fire regime of the last millennium.  相似文献   

Forest fires play a key role in the global carbon cycle and thus, can affect regional and global climate. Although fires in extended areas of Russian boreal forests have a considerable influence on atmospheric greenhouse gas and soot concentrations, estimates of their impact on climate are hampered by a lack of data on the history of forest fires. Especially regions with strong continental climate are of high importance due to an intensified development of wildfires. In this study we reconstruct the fire history of Southern Siberia during the past 750 years using ice-core based nitrate, potassium, and charcoal concentration records from Belukha glacier in the continental Siberian Altai. A period of exceptionally high forest-fire activity was observed between AD 1600 and 1680, following an extremely dry period AD 1540–1600. Ice-core pollen data suggest distinct forest diebacks and the expansion of steppe in response to dry climatic conditions. Coherence with a paleoenvironmental record from the 200 km distant Siberian lake Teletskoye shows that the vegetational shift AD 1540–1680, the increase in fire activity AD 1600–1680, and the subsequent recovery of forests AD 1700 were of regional significance. Dead biomass accumulation in response to drought and high temperatures around AD 1600 probably triggered maximum forest-fire activity AD 1600–1680. The extreme dry period in the 16th century was also observed at other sites in Central Asia and is possibly associated with a persistent positive mode of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). No significant increase in biomass burning occurred in the Altai region during the last 300 years, despite strongly increasing temperatures and human activities. Our results imply that precipitation changes controlled fire-regime and vegetation shifts in the Altai region during the past 750 years. We conclude that high sensitivity of ecosystems to occasional decadal-scale drought events may trigger unprecedented environmental reorganizations under global-warming conditions.  相似文献   

High-resolution charcoal and pollen analyses were used to reconstruct a 12,000-yr-long fire and vegetation history of the Tumalo Lake watershed and to examine the short-term effects that tephra deposition have on forest composition and fire regime. The record suggests that, from 12,000 to 9200 cal yr BP, the watershed was dominated by an open Pinus forest with Artemisia as a common understory species. Fire episodes occurred on average every 115 yr. Beginning around 9200 cal yr BP, and continuing to the present, Abies became more common while Artemisia declined, suggesting the development of a closed forest structure and a decrease in the frequency of fire episodes, occurring on average every 160 yr. High-resolution pollen analyses before and after the emplacement of three distinct tephra deposits in the watershed suggest that nonarboreal species were most affected by tephra events and that recovery of the vegetation community to previous conditions took between 40 and 100 yr. Changes in forest composition were not associated with tephra depositional events or changes in fire-episode frequency, implying that the regional climate is the more important control on long-term forest composition and structure of the vegetation in the Cascade Range.  相似文献   

High-resolution charcoal and pollen analyses were used to reconstruct a 4600-yr-long history of fire and vegetation near Taylor Lake in the wettest forests of coastal Oregon. Today, fires in these forests are rare because the season of ignition does not coincide with months of dry fuels. From ca. 4600 to 2700 cal yr B.P. fire episodes occurred at intervals of 140±30 yr while forest vegetation was dominated by disturbance-adapted taxa such as Alnus rubra. From ca. 2700 cal yr B.P. to the present, fire episodes have become less common, occurring at intervals of 240±30 yr, and fire-sensitive forest taxa, such as Tsuga heterophylla and Picea sitchensis, have become more prominent. Fire occurrence during the mid-Holocene was similar to that of the more xeric forests in the eastern Coast Range and suggests that summer drought was widespread. After ca. 2700 cal yr B.P., a decrease in fire episode frequency suggests that cooler conditions and possibly increased summer fog allowed the establishment of present-day Picea sitchensis forests within the watershed. These results provide evidence that fire has been an important disturbance agent in the Coast Range of Oregon, and variations in fire frequency and climate have led to the establishment of present-day forests.  相似文献   

The record of charcoal in lake sediments indicates that fire has always been an important ecological factor in the forest history of northeastern Minnesota. The annually laminated sediments of Lake of the Clouds permit precise dating of the charcoal peaks and record the changes in the influx of various pollen types. A detailed record of the past 1000 yr shows that the average frequency of fire is approximately 60–70 yr, with a range of about 20–100 yr. The amount of charcoal in sediments dating between 1000-500 y.a. is consistently higher than that for the last 500 yr, although the fire frequency for the two periods was not appreciably different. Pollen analysis shows no change or only short-term changes in the percentages of major pollen types following charcoal peaks.  相似文献   

Charcoal was sampled in four soil profiles at the Mayumbe forest boundary (DRC). Five fire events were recorded and 44 charcoal types were identified. One stratified profile yielded charcoal assemblages around 530 cal yr BP and > 43.5 cal ka BP in age. The oldest assemblage precedes the period of recorded anthropogenic burning, illustrating occasional long-term absence of fire but also natural wildfire occurrences within tropical rainforest. No other charcoal assemblages older than 2500 cal yr BP were recorded, perhaps due to bioturbation and colluvial reworking. The recorded paleofires were possibly associated with short-lived climate anomalies. Progressively dry climatic conditions since ca. 4000 cal yr BP onward did not promote paleofire occurrence until increasing seasonality affected vegetation at the end of the third millennium BP, as illustrated by a fire occurring in mature rainforest that persisted until around 2050 cal yr BP. During a drought episode coinciding with the ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly’, mature rainforest was locally replaced by woodland savanna. Charcoal remains from pioneer forest indicate that fire hampered forest regeneration after climatic drought episodes. The presence of pottery shards and oil-palm endocarps associated with two relatively recent paleofires suggests that the effects of climate variability were amplified by human activities.  相似文献   

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