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热液体系中Si的络合作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不同温度、PH和硅浓度条件下,实验标定了Au-SiO以及Sn-SiO2之间的络合反应:Au^++H3SiO4^-之间的络合反应:Au^++H4SiO=AuH3SiO4 lgK=-1.65436+9611.21/T;Sn^4++4H3SiO4^-=Sn(H3SiO4)4;lgK200c=42.73。通过与Au-Cl、Au-HS以及Sn-OH络合物迁移能力的比较,表明在具地质意义的P睡EH条件下,A  相似文献   

蒙脱石中铁的赋存状态的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对徐闻、三水、高州等地五个样品的X射线衍射分析,化学全分析,分析它们为含铁量不同的蒙脱石,层间可交换阳离子主要为Ca^2+。几个样品穆斯堡尔谱表明铁主要以Fe^3+的形式存在,含铁量较高的样品XGA、XSA、SS的谱可以拟合出Fe^3+的二对四级双峰,表明铁在蒙脱石中占据两种不等同的八面体位置。  相似文献   

河北山前平原地下水^32Si年龄初探   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
^32Si是放射性同位素,半衰期约140a可以测定50~1000a地下水的年龄,本文用Fe(OH)3共沉淀法从天然水中提取SiO2回收率可达30%~98%,然后提取和纯化^32P,将H3PO4溶液和Pico-flour^TMLLT混合制备计数溶液,用液体闪烁计数法测量中^32P的放射性,本底计数为4.80cph,仪器效率为45.34%,然后用公式计算样品的^32Si放射性浓度和地下水的^32Si年  相似文献   

相山铀矿田成矿作用的地球化学模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
相山铀矿田是我国最大的火山岩型热液铀矿田,在地质地球化学和高温高压实研究的基础上,利用地球化学模式程序EQ3/6模拟了成矿热水溶液的形成过程和减压排泄区铀成矿作用。计算机模拟结果表明,通过大气降水与碎斑熔岩相互作用,可以形成富含F和SiO2等矿化剂的含铀热水溶液;由于铀以UO2F^3和UO2(CO3(^2-3等配合形式存在,非常稳定,即使在深部强还原环境中仍能能够迁移;酸性和碱性环境,尤其是强酸性  相似文献   

放射性同位素^32Si及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
放射性同位素^32Si的半衰期介于常用的环境同位素^3H和^14C之间,能测定50 ̄1000a之间水的年龄,是一个其它同位素所不能替代的测年工具,本文介绍了^32Si的起源、在水圈各部分的分布规律,影响因素、测试方法及其在海洋学、冰川学和水文地质学方面的应用研究。  相似文献   

腾冲地热水化学特征及腐蚀机理探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从腾冲地热成因的角度,分析其地热水化学的总体特征和赋存规律。在此基础上对地热水pH值、流速、溶解氧、CO2及Cl^-、SO4^2-、SiO3^2-、Ca^2等对金属材料的腐蚀机理进行讨论。  相似文献   

离子交换蒙脱石的热稳定性研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
经A1^3+,Cr^3+,Pb^2+等12种不同金属离子交换的Ca基蒙脱石的差热(DTA)和热重(TG)分析表明,其第一吸热峰区的峰形和失重量发生了明显的变化,第二吸热峰的脱羟终止温度普遍下降;其放热峰的峰值温度和强度也发生了变化,经Pb^2_,K+,Ba+等离子交换的蒙脱石的放热峰基本消失。金属离子的电子构型对蒙脱石层间阳离子配体水的脱失温度有显著影响。  相似文献   

金在碱性富硅热液中溶解和迁移的实验研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
樊文苓  王声远 《矿物学报》1995,15(2):176-184
实验测定了金在碱性富硅溶液中的溶解度,并标定了Au与SiO2之间的配合关系Au^+H2SiO^-4=AuH3SiO^04在80 ̄250℃的温度范围内,其平衡常数为lgK=-1.9889+10085。18/T(T为绝对温度)各温度下的平衡常数值与Au-HCl-SiO2-H2O体系中得到的结果一致。它表明溶液在酸性和碱性条件下,SiO2均作为配位体,与Au形成AuH3SiO^04在热液中溶解、迁移。A  相似文献   

吴大清  彭金莲 《地球化学》1996,25(3):242-250
合成PbS和ZnS对Ag^+、Cu^2+、Cd^2+、Fe^2+、Mn^2+、Mg^2+、Sb^2+和Bi^3+等离子吸附量与温度关系的实验研究表明,其遵从Kelvin公式:在A类吸附,即抗衡离子交换型吸附中,温度上升,其吸附量升降由反应热决定,本实验中A类吸附多为上升型;而大部分B和C类吸附,即朗谬尔型及反朗谬尔型的吸附量则随温度上升呈指数下降。例外的仅有PbS对Bi^3+离子的吸附,其吸附量随  相似文献   

硫化物吸附金属离子的实验研究:——Ⅱ类型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴大清  彭金莲 《地球化学》1996,25(2):181-189
合成PbS、ZnS对金属离子Ag^+、Cu^2+、Cd^2+、Zn^2+、Fe^2+、Mn^2+、Mg^2+、Sb^2+和Bi^3+的吸附等温线(50℃)研究表明,其可分为A、B、C三类:A类,线性型,即吸附量随吸附离子浓度增加而呈线性上升,并表现出百分之百吸附,属于此类的吸附有PbS对Ag^+、Cu^2+离子吸附和ZnS对Ag^+、Cu^2+、Cd^2+离子的吸附;B类,朗谬尔型,即随吸附离子的  相似文献   

本文利用矿物物理研究方法对我国内蒙、浙江、甘肃等地的钙基、钠基、镁基蒙脱石的物质成分、晶体结构和层间OH,H_2O的排布结构进行了研究,并获得下列结论: 1.由X衍射和拉曼分子光谱分析深入研究了蒙脱石阳离子配位体结构特征,提出其空间群为C_(2/m) 型。 2.建立了蒙脱石水结构模式,有3种主要类型:①层间大阳离子附近的束缚态水分子;②层间无大阳离子位置上的非束缚态水分子;③颗粒表面依靠氢键相连的水分子集合体。 3.利用群理沦,提出了蒙脱石OH~-的振动模式,由振动分析指出蒙脱石中OH~-具有12个振动模式。  相似文献   

粘土矿物对形成过渡带气的催化作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷怀彦  关平 《沉积学报》1995,13(2):14-21
本文分析了有机质在粘土矿物中的赋存状态,测定了粘土矿物的表面酸、实验模拟了低演化程度的烃源岩及其抽提物干酪根+不同粘土矿物的催化机制、并通过粘土催化醇脱水反应对粘土过渡带有机质成气机理进行了探讨。研究结果表明,过渡带气的形成主要是受蒙脱石粘土矿物的催化所致,其原因是成岩过程中蒙脱石向混层矿物转化在蒙脱石晶间发生大量的铝代硅,因此在粘土表面产生电荷不平衡而形成酸性,井以路易斯酸和布郎酸作用于有机质,使碳-碳键发生断裂以形成气态烃。  相似文献   

Al, Ca, Mg and Na montmorillonites were reacted with acid aqueous solutions in order to test the assumption of equilibrium underlying solubility determinations of thermodynamic properties of montmorillonite. The value calculated for the equilibrium constant varied with pH over the pH range 1.5–4.2. Hence montmorillonite was not in a unique state of equilibrium with all solutions over this range. Therefore the derivation of thermodynamic properties of montmorillonite by the application of a single step dissolution equation to results of solubility studies in mildly acidic solutions is invalid. Indications of solute activity control by a secondary solid phase were given by: (1) the dependence of the solution concentrations of some, but not all, montmorillonite constituent elements upon each other; and (2) a lack of congruency in the dissolution of montmorillonite. These indications were confirmed by a principal components statistical analysis, which showed that the solution activities of Si, Al and H after long-term treatments of the mineral from undersaturation were always related by the same expression. This particular expression is equivalent to an equilibrium constant for the reversible dissolution of a secondary solid phase that is enriched in silicon by comparison with montmorillonite. An aluminous solid phase was also shown to be formed.  相似文献   

Wet chemistry kinetics and powder and polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS and P-EXAFS) spectroscopy were combined to investigate the mechanism of Ni uptake on montmorillonite, at pH 8, high ionic strength (0.2 M Ca(NO3)2), initial Ni concentration of 660 μM, and solid concentration of 5.3 g/L. Approximately 20% of Ni sorbed within the first 24 h; thereafter, the Ni uptake rate slowed, and 12% of the initial Ni concentration remained in solution after 206 d of reaction time. Powder EXAFS spectra collected on wet pastes at 1, 14, 90, and 206 d showed the presence of Ni-Ni pairs at ∼3.08 Å in an amount that gradually increased with time. Results were interpreted by the nucleation of a Ni phase having either an α-Ni-hydroxide- or a Ni-phyllosilicate-like local structure. The latter possibility was confirmed by recording P-EXAFS spectra of a highly textured, self-supporting montmorillonite film prepared in the same conditions as the wet samples and equilibrated for 14 d. The orientation distribution of the c*-axes of individual clay particles off the film plane, as measured by quantitative texture analysis, was 32.8° full width at half maximum, and this value was used to correct from texture effect the effective numbers of Ni and Si nearest neighbors determined by P-EXAFS. Ni atoms were found to be surrounded by 2.6 ± 0.5 Ni atoms at 3.08 Å in the in-plane direction and by 4.2 ± 0.5 Si atoms at 3.26 Å in the out-of-plane direction. These structural parameters, but also the orientation and angular dependence of the Ni and Si shells, strongly support the formation of a Ni phyllosilicate having its layers parallel to the montmorillonite layers. The neoformation of a phyllosilicate on metal uptake on montmorillonite, documented herein for the first time, has important geochemical implications because this dioctahedral smectite is overwhelmingly present in the environment. The resulting sequestration of sorbed trace metals in sparingly soluble phyllosilicate structure may durably decrease their migration and bioavailability at the Earth’s surface and near surface.  相似文献   

温淑瑶  杨德涌  陈捷 《矿物学报》2001,21(3):453-456
黑山膨润土及其酸化土、碱处理酸化土的X射线衍射数据及放大4500倍和33000倍的扫描电镜照片展示了不同浓度硫酸与膨润土作用后膨润土结构的变化及微观形貌的变化。分析表明:膨润土的主要矿物组分是蒙脱石,还有少量方英石和长石,膨润土经酸化改性后,随着硫酸浓度的增加,蒙脱石含量减少,结晶程度变差,颗粒表面粗糙程度增加。这为研究膨润土的酸化改性机理提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

Reduction of octahedral Fe in the crystalline structure of smectites influences, possibly controls, surface-sensitive physical and chemical properties. The purpose of this study was to investigate if reduction of structural Fe by Na-dithionite or bacteria affects the chemical environment of constituent cations in montmorillonite, employing solid state multinuclear (29Si and 27Al) magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy. Reduction of structural Fe resulted in a positive (down field) chemical shift of the main Si Q3 (Q3(0Al)) site which was strongly correlated with Fe(II) content and inferred that distortions in Si-OT (T=Si, Al) bond angles and Si-O bond lengths occur with increasing layer charge. The line width (W) of the 29Si Q3 signal also increased with increasing levels of reduction. No change occurred in the position of the peak maximum for the octahedral Al (27AlVI) signal; however, an increased W was observed for this peak with increasing Fe(II) content. These results are attributed to decreases in Si-O-T bond angles and Si-O bond distances, corresponding to a better fit between the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets brought about by the presence of Fe(II) in the clay structure. The increased 27AlVI signal width (W) may also be due to a lessening of the paramagnetic influence of Fe(III) nuclei and enhancement of 27AlVI signals with different quadrupole coupling constants (QCC). Multinuclear MAS NMR analyses of dithioniteand microbially-reduced montmorillonite indicate that reduction of structural Fe caused reversible changes in the smectite structure, at least as far as this method could discern.  相似文献   

用盐酸对高岭石和蒙脱石进行酸活化改性,再对酸活化后的蒙脱石进行羟基铝柱撑改性,然后采用X射线衍射仪对改性前后的矿物结构进行表征,并在此基础上,采用Hammett指示剂法,以正丁胺-环己烷滴定在H0为+4. 8~-5. 6酸强度范围的固体表面酸上,测出各粘土在不同酸强度下的酸量,拟合得到其酸强度分布曲线,最后以异丙苯裂解转化为模型考察了各粘土固体酸的催化性能。实验结果表明,高岭石和蒙脱石经酸活化后虽然可以提高异丙苯转化率,但是催化稳定性却有所降低;蒙脱石经过羟基铝柱撑改性后不仅大幅度提高了异丙苯转化率,而且还提高了催化稳定性。  相似文献   

铝硅酸盐矿物成岩演化对形成过渡带气的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生油成气的过程不只是简单的有机物之间的转化,而是无机和有机两个系统综合运动的产物,它们之间相互联系相互制约。成岩作用伊始,两系统独立演化,均受成岩环境的制约。一旦环境适合于有机物裂化分解,两系统就共同发挥作用,通过质子的转移而相互作用。由于生物热催化过渡带气埋藏浅、热演化程度不高等特点,铝硅酸盐矿物成岩作用主要表现为:砂质岩以机械压实作用、胶结作用、溶解作用、矿化交代、自生矿物充填作用为主,泥质岩最显著的变化就是矿物的成岩演化,即蒙脱石→伊/蒙混层→伊利石,及蒙脱石→绿/蒙→绿泥石的成岩演化,其实质是有机与无机相互作用,即赋存在粘土中有机质的有机酸使砂质岩发生溶解,和碎屑岩溶解孔隙水中的Al3+替代蒙脱石晶层间的Si4+,形成质子酸,对有机质形成过渡带气起着催化作用。  相似文献   

Zinc uptake in suspensions (?3.7 g L−1) of MX80 montmorillonite was investigated at pH 4.0 and 7.3, a total Zn concentration ([Zn]total) of 500 μM, and dissolved Si concentrations ([Si]aq) of ∼70 and ∼500 μM in 0.5 M NaCl, by kinetics experiments and polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structure (P-EXAFS) spectroscopy. Differential thermogravimetric analysis verified the cis-vacant character of the montmorillonite. No Zn uptake occurred at pH 4.0, confirming that cation exchange was hampered by the high ionic strength of the suspension. At pH 7.3 and low [Si]aq (∼70 μM), Zn uptake occurred rapidly during the first hour of reaction, and then leveled off to 50 μmol/g montmorillonite at 168 h. The uptake rate is consistent with Zn sorption on pH-dependent edge sites. At pH 7.3 and high [Si]aq (∼500 μM), the initial sorption rate was similar, but Zn sorption continued, reaching 130 μmol/g at 168 h, and was paralleled by Si uptake with a Si/Zn uptake ratio of 1.51(10), suggesting formation of a Zn (hydrous) silicate. P-EXAFS data indicated that the first oxygen coordination shell of sorbed Zn is split into two subshells at 1.97(2) and 2.08(3)-2.12(2) Å for all EXAFS samples. These two distances are assigned to a mixture of tetrahedral (IVZn) and octahedral (VIZn) Zn complexes. The proportion of IVZn was lower in the high [Si]aq samples and decreased with reaction time. Al low [Si]aq and 216 h of reaction, nearest cationic shells of 0.6(4) Al in the film plane and 0.5(4) Si out of the film plane were detected at 3.00(2) and 3.21(2) Å, respectively, and were interpreted as the formation of IVZn and VIZn mononuclear complexes at the edges of montmorillonite platelets, in structural continuity to the (Al, Mg) octahedral sheets. At high [Si]aq, in-plane Zn and Al and out-of-plane Si neighbors were detected at 4 h, indicating the formation of Zn phyllosilicate nuclei at the layer edges. At 313 h, Zn-Al pairs were no longer detected, and Zn atoms were surrounded on average by 3.4(5) in-plane Zn at 3.10(1) Å and 1.7(9) out-of-plane Si at 3.30(2) Å, supporting the precipitation of a Zn phyllosilicate. Thus, dioctahedral Al phyllosilicate may act as a nucleating surface for the heterogeneous formation of trioctahedral Zn phyllosilicate at [Si]aq relevant to natural systems.  相似文献   

Some of the Lower Pleistocene bentonites of Milos and Kimolos islands, Greece, are valued for their white colour and physicochemical properties. They contain opal-CT and, sometimes, zeolite along with smectite, and have been derived from the alteration of rhyolitic volcanic rocks. The Miloan white bentonites contain Tatatilla-type montmorillonite and beidellite. The Kimolian ones have Chambers-type montmorillonite. The alteration process involved removal of alkalis and uptake of Mg, probably from sea water. Si is either redistributed or partially removed. The Kimolian white bentonites have higher brightnesses, L* and whiteness index values, and lower yellowness index and ΔE*ab values compared with the Miloan ones. The variations in white colour are inversely related to the abundance of Fe oxides and anatase, the occurrence of Fe in the smectite structure and its oxidation state. The presence of silica minerals is not an important factor affecting colour, but is undesirable since it imparts high abrasiveness in commercial products. The formation of white bentonites of high quality requires the removal of alkalis and silica during alteration of acid volcanics in order to avoid crystallization of zeolites and opal-CT. Fe needs to be incorporated into the smectite structure. Such conditions are rarely attained. Received: 25 September 1996 / Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

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