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榴辉岩常用温压计在应用中应注意的问题   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
陈意叶凯  吴春明 《岩石学报》2005,21(4):1067-1080
本文通过再现相平衡实验数据和检查热力学活度模型两种手段,对榴辉岩中几种常用的温压计进行了检验,发现榴辉岩中某些常用温压计存在以下问题:(1)在 Eliis and Green(1979)、Powell(1985)、Krogh(1988)和 Ravna(2000)四种石榴石-单斜辉石温度计中只有 Ravna(2000)的版本能较好的再现相平衡实验数据。(2)将石榴石-单斜辉石温度计应用于含 X_(Jd)>0.55绿辉石的榴辉岩中会出现很大的误差。(3)Green and Hellman(1982)的石榴石-多硅白云母温度计计算的高压含多硅白云母榴辉岩变质温度普遍偏高,但是计算超高压榴辉岩的结果能较好的与 Ravna(2000)的石榴石-单斜辉石温度计计算结果保持一致。(4)Waters and Martin(1993)的石榴石-单斜辉石-多硅白云母压力计、Ravna and Terry(2004)的石榴石-单斜辉石-多硅白云母-蓝晶石-柯石英/石英温压计的精度都受到了 Holland(1990)的单斜辉石活度模型的限制,它们不能适用于绿辉石 X_(Jd)>0.55的榴辉岩,而 Waters and Manin(1996)对 Waters and Martin(1993)的版本做了一个经验校正,弥补了单斜辉石活度模型的缺陷,因此可以适用于绿辉石 X_(Jd)>0.55的榴辉岩。(5)Nakamura and Banno(1997)的石榴石-绿辉石-蓝晶石-柯石英温压计因运用了不恰当的石榴石和铁钙辉石的活度模型,从而使得计算结果与岩相学观察结果不一致。因此,我们建议:对于绿辉石 X_(Jd)<0.55的多硅白云母榴辉岩,可以运用 Waters and Martin(1993)压力计和 Ravna(2000)的温度计联合求解温压;对于含高硬玉组分(X_(Jd)>0.55)绿辉石的超高压多硅白云母榴辉岩,可选用 Waters and Martin(1996)压力计和 Green andHellman(1982)的温度计联合求解温压;对于含有石榴石 绿辉石 蓝晶石 柯石英矿物组合的榴辉岩,在 X_(Jd)<0.55的情况下。可选用 Ravna and Terry(2004)的温压计求解温压。在应用这些温压计时,应注意各温压计的适用温压范围和成分范围,尤其是石榴石 X_(Jd)、Mg~#和绿辉石 X_(Jd)的范围。另外,由于矿物中 Fe~(3 )的含量对温度计算结果影响很大,所以还必须合理地校正所选矿物的 Fe~(3 )。  相似文献   

榴辉岩中传统地质温压计新解:来自PT视剖面图的证据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
石榴石-单斜辉石(GC)温度计和石榴石-单斜辉石-多硅白云母(GCP)压力计是确定榴辉岩形成温压条件的最常用方法,二者主要依据石榴石、绿辉石和多硅白云母中相组分之间的交换和转换变质反应.依据MORB成分计算的PT视剖面图表明,在不同榴辉岩矿物组合中,控制3个矿物相成分变化的相组分之间的变质反应不同.在低温含绿泥石、滑石和蓝闪石榴辉岩组合中,石榴石和绿辉石的镁含量主要受到含水矿物脱水反应的控制,并都随温度升高而升高,二者之间的铁镁交换反应并不起主要作用.因此,在自然界含有蓝闪石等含水矿物的低温榴辉岩中,由于绿辉石相对富镁而常常导致GC温度计结果偏低.在含有硬柱石的高压-超高压榴辉岩中,石榴石中的钙含量受到硬柱石的控制,随着压力升高或温度降低,硬柱石含量增加,使石榴石中钙降低,此时石榴石-绿辉石-多硅白云母之间的转换反应对石榴石成分的影响会很微弱,由于石榴石相对贫钙而导致GCP压力计结果偏低.在含有蓝晶石的中温高压-超高压榴辉岩中,矿物成分的变化受到石榴石-绿辉石之间的铁镁交换反应和石榴石.绿辉石.多硅白云母-蓝晶石-石英/柯石英之间的一系列转换反应控制,因此,GC和GCP温压计都能给出相对合理的结果.在低压普通角闪石榴辉岩中,石榴石和绿辉石中的镁含量主要反应压力变化,有时并不指示变质作用温度.在含有蓝闪石等含水矿物的低温榴辉岩中,Thermocalc程序中的平均温压(avPT)方法可以给出比较合适的温度,但压力结果与GCP压力计一样也会偏低一些.在蓝闪石和绿帘石等含水矿物消失后的中温蓝晶石榴辉岩中,avPT方法难以给出合理的PT信息.相对来说,视剖面图方法能够给出最多的PT信息,是目前确定变质岩PT条件的最好方法.  相似文献   

大别山东段超高压变质带中变质花岗岩富硅、贫钙、贫铝,属偏碱性花岗岩,围岩为含榴辉岩包体的超高压副片麻岩。变质花岗岩稀土元素总量多在(100-200)×10^-6,具有较大的负铕异常,其原岩应为壳源型花岗岩。元素地球化学特征表明变质花岗岩原岩与古造山作用有关。变质花岗岩中存在大量由岩浆型内核和变生型边缘构成的变质增生锆石。结合锆石U-Pb年龄资料认为,变质花岗岩应由古老花岗岩变质形成,而不是超高压变质作用之后部分地壳岩石重熔的产物。岩石中有富锰和贫锰两种石榴子石,通过富锰石榴子石-黑云母、贫锰石榴子石-多硅白云母等矿物对的温压计算可知变质花岗岩在400-500℃、0.6-0.8GPa条件下经历过变质作用。但几种间接证据反映出变质花岗岩可能经历过超高压变质作用。  相似文献   

视剖面图温压计研究进展评述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吴佳林  翟明国  张红  贾晓亮 《岩石学报》2015,31(6):1711-1721
视剖面图温压计是目前定量估算变质温度和压力的主要方法之一。其理论基础为热力学平衡原理与质量守恒定律。利用内恰的热力学数据库和相应的成分-活度模型对特定成分体系进行视剖面图计算,可以正演模拟给定温度和压力条件下的矿物组合、矿物丰度及其成分,与实测岩石对比,可以准确获取岩石的形成温度和压力。在应用视剖面图温压计时,应选择受全岩成分影响小、且受退变质作用影响微弱的矿物成分;对于有成分变化的体系,应结合多种方法恢复有效全岩成分。文中通过视剖面图对KFMASH(K2O-Fe O-Mg O-Al2O3-Si O2-H2O)体系下不同矿物组合内多硅白云母硅含量及其等值线斜率的研究,认为多硅白云母硅含量及其等值线斜率主要由不同矿物组合内多硅白云母参与的契尔马克替换及纯转换端元反应中的主导反应决定,进一步深化了对变质过程中控制矿物成分变化的内部缓冲反应机制的理解,从而也可为选择和应用矿物温压计提供指导。因此,视剖面图方法是目前研究变质岩石形成条件及变质作用精细过程的最佳方法之一。  相似文献   

本文对义敦地体内出露的前寒武系绿泥石云母片岩和石榴子石云母片岩进行了矿物学、岩石学和地球化学研究,明确了2类云母片岩主要由石榴子石、斜长石、黑云母、白云母、绿泥石和石英组成,具有高Al_2O_3、低TiO_2,富集K、Rb、Sr、Ba等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素,富集轻稀土,亏损重稀土的特点。原岩恢复结果显示:2类云母片岩的原岩为砂岩和泥质砂岩。利用地质温压计估算这些变质岩形成的条件为460~480℃和0.57~0.79 MPa,结合矿物组合特征,说明岩石经历了绿片岩相变质作用。由于中、晚三叠世金沙江洋和甘孜—理塘洋相继关闭,区内经历了快速的抬升过程。结合前人岩石地球化学、火成岩中继承锆石年代学等方面的资料,我们认为义敦地体南、北地壳厚度存在着明显的差异:北段昌台地区地壳较薄,地壳厚度约23.7 km,而南段中甸地区地壳较厚,地壳厚度约63.2 km。  相似文献   

张丽娟  张立飞  初旭 《地球科学》2018,43(1):164-175
榴辉岩相变质岩石的温压研究对理解高压-超高压变质带的形成和演化具有重要意义,但西南天山低温榴辉岩运用石榴石-绿辉石(-多硅白云母)温压计计算的压力普遍低于相平衡模拟的结果.为此,在Zhang et al.(2017)对含霓辉石榴辉岩研究结果的基础上,对该区域内榴辉岩及其脉体中的绿辉石进行了岩相学和矿物化学的研究,结果表明绿辉石普遍发育环带结构:从核部到边部,Fe3+含量降低,Al含量增加,Fe3+/Al比值的降低对应于霓石含量的降低和硬玉含量的升高.相平衡模拟中硬玉分子等值线的计算结果表明具有最高硬玉含量的边部绿辉石在降压阶段生长.因此,具有最高含量的硬玉组分的绿辉石并不一定代表峰期压力,在应用石榴石-单斜辉石(-多硅白云母)传统温压计时需谨慎,尤其是应用于低温的、具有复杂环带模式的矿物组合时要尤为慎重.   相似文献   

云南三江地区昌宁-孟连杂岩带中的澜沧岩群内出露多种类型变沉积岩,主要包括含十字蓝晶石榴云母片岩、石榴云母片岩、硬绿泥石白云母片岩和绿泥蓝闪钠长片岩等。系统的岩相学观察、矿物化学和相平衡模拟研究结果表明,不同类型的变沉积岩保存了不同的变质演化历史。含十字蓝晶石榴云母片岩记录了自中温榴辉岩相降温降压至角闪岩相的退变质过程,峰期矿物组合为石榴子石+蓝晶石+多硅白云母+硬玉,变质温压条件为600~750℃和19~30kbar。通过石榴子石的X_(Prp)和X_(Grs),和多硅白云母的Si值限定石榴云母片岩的峰期矿物组合包括石榴子石+多硅白云母+绿辉石+硬柱石+钠云母,峰期温压条件为430~475℃和17~19.5kbar。硬绿泥石白云母片岩矿物组成包括硬绿泥石+多硅白云母+钠云母,然而峰期矿物组合则以多硅白云母+钠云母+纤柱石为特征,通过多硅白云母的Si值限定峰期温压条件约为300~330℃和17~19kbar。石榴云母片岩和硬绿泥石白云母片岩较为一致地记录了从峰期硬柱石蓝片岩相升温降压至绿帘石蓝片岩相的退变质过程。绿泥蓝闪钠长片岩主要通过变质反应和成因矿物学特征大致估算其温压条件约为430~520℃和9~11kbar。岩石地球化学性质研究结果表明,这些变沉积岩的平均化学成分与大陆岛弧、活动大陆边缘和上地壳沉积物成分较为接近,其原岩主要为一套成熟度较差的泥砂质岩类和少量的中基性火山岩。该泥砂质原岩的沉积物源以中酸性岩浆岩为主,存在不同程度古老沉积物的加入。构造判别图解表明,研究区样品主要形成于大陆岛弧或活动大陆边缘的构造背景。变质作用特征和原岩地球化学属性综合分析表明,昌宁-孟连杂岩带内大面积分布的澜沧岩群均发生不同程度的俯冲-消减过程,表现出多样的变质演化P-T轨迹的特征,表明澜沧岩群经历了多期/多阶段复杂的构造演化历史。  相似文献   

牡丹江地区出露的黑龙江杂岩是由变质基性岩、泥质片岩、大理岩和变硅质岩系列组成的类似于蛇绿岩层序的构造混杂岩,代表了佳木斯地块西南缘碰撞增生的产物。钠长石和绿帘石变斑晶中共生的矿物组合(钠云母+蓝闪石+多硅白云母+绿帘石)的地质温压计估算结果表明,黑龙江杂岩的峰期变质的温压条件为 T=320~480℃, p=800~1600MPa,为典型的绿帘-蓝片岩相高压变质作用。黑龙江杂岩带中泥质片岩所含的多硅白云母单矿物给出的40Ar/39Ar坪年龄为164.9Ma±0.5Ma。根据白云母中K-Ar同位素体系的封闭温度(350~430℃)接近于得到的黑龙江杂岩的峰期变质温度,可以认为40Ar/39Ar坪年龄指示了这期高压变质事件的年龄,也证实了黑龙江杂岩带中普遍存在一期中侏罗世末期的变质-热事件。  相似文献   

松多榴辉岩出露于拉萨地块的石英片岩中,主要由较为基性的金红石榴辉岩和较为酸性的石英榴辉岩组成。榴辉岩相矿物组合为石榴子石 绿辉石 绿帘石±多硅白云母±石英±金红石。岩石发生了较强烈的退变质作用,退变质矿物有角闪石、绿帘石、石英、钠长石及绿泥石。石榴子石变斑晶具有生长环带结构,变斑晶和基质石榴子石主要落入C类榴辉岩区,少数石榴子石变斑晶边部和基质石榴子石落入B类榴辉岩区;单斜辉石主要为绿辉石,少数Ⅰ世代和Ⅲ世代为普通辉石;角闪石均为钙质角闪石。根据石榴子石-绿辉石-多硅白云母矿物温压计计算,获得的温压范围为630~777℃和2.58~2.70GPa,峰期变质条件接近于石英-柯石英转变线。榴辉岩的原岩经历了从高绿片岩相、角闪岩相、榴辉岩相、角闪岩相到高绿片岩相的变质过程,这反映了与古特提斯洋闭合有关的俯冲进变质作用和随后的折返退变质作用。  相似文献   

牡丹江地区出露的黑龙江杂岩是由变质基性岩、泥质片岩、大理岩和变硅质岩系列组成的类似于蛇绿岩层序的构造混杂岩,代表了佳木斯地块西南缘碰撞增生的产物.钠长石和绿帘石变斑晶中共生的矿物组合(钠云母+蓝闪石+多硅白云母+绿帘石)的地质温压计估算结果表明,黑龙江杂岩的峰期变质的温压条件为T=320~4800℃,p=800--1600MPa,为典型的绿帘-蓝片岩相高压变质作用.黑龙江杂岩带中泥质片岩所含的多硅白云母单矿物给出的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar坪年龄为164.9Ma±0.5Ma.根据白云母中K~Ar同位素体系的封闭温度(350~430℃)接近于得到的黑龙江杂岩的峰期变质温度,可以认为~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar坪年龄指示了这期高压变质事件的年龄,也证实了黑龙江杂岩带中普遍存在一期中侏罗世末期的变质-热事件.  相似文献   

Multiple regression analysis on an extended dataset has been performed to refine the relationship between temperature, pressure, composition and the Fe–Mg distribution between garnet and clinopyroxene. In addition to a significant dependence between the distribution coefficient KD and X GrtCa and X GrtMg#, as shown by the experimental data, the effect of X GrtMn has also been incorporated using data from natural Mn‐rich garnet–clinopyroxene pairs. Multiple regression of data (n=360) covering a large span in pressure, temperature and composition from 27 experimental datasets, combined with 49 natural high‐Mn granulites from Ruby Range, Montana, USA, and Karnataka, India, yields the P–T –compositional relationship (r2=0.98): where KD=(Fe2+/Mg)Grt/(Fe2+/Mg)Cpx, X GrtCa=Ca/(Ca+Mn+Fe2++Mg) in garnet, X GrtMn= Mn/(Ca+Mn+Fe2++Mg) in garnet, and X GrtMg#=Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) in garnet. The Fe2+–Mg equilibrium between garnet and clinopyroxene does not seem to be affected by variations in the sodic content of the co‐existing clinopyroxene in the range X CpxNa=0–0.51. Comparisons between the new and former calibrations of the garnet–clinopyroxene Fe2+–Mg geothermometer clearly demonstrate how the various parameters in each case affect the calculated temperatures. Application of the new expression gives reasonable results for natural garnet–clinopyroxene pairs from various rock types and settings, and should be preferred to previous formulations. Using the new calibration to the self‐consistent dataset of Pattison & Newton (Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 1989, 101, 87–103) suggests a systematic deviation with regard to both temperature and composition between their dataset and the datasets used in the present calibration.  相似文献   

Applying Fe2+–Mg exchange geothermometers to natural samples may lead to incorrect temperature estimates if significant Fe3+ is present. In order to quantify this effect, high-pressure experiments were carried out in a belt apparatus in a natural system close to CFMAS at 5 GPa and 1,100–1,400 °C. The oxygen fugacity in the experiments was at or below the Re–ReO2 buffer. This is at significantly more oxidized conditions than in previous experiments, and, as consequence, higher Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios were generated. The Fe3+ content of garnet in the experiments was quantified by electron microprobe using the flank method. Making the usual assumption that Fetotal = Fe2+, the two-pyroxene thermometer of Brey and Köhler (J Pet 31:1353–1378, 1990) reproduced the experimental temperature to ±35 °C and the garnet–clinopyroxene Fe2+–Mg exchange thermometer of Krogh (Contrib Miner Pet 99:44–48, 1988) overestimated the temperatures on average by only 25 °C. On the other hand, application of the garnet–olivine (O’Neill and Wood in Contrib Miner Pet 70:59–70, 1979) and garnet–orthopyroxene (Harley in Contrib Miner Pet 86:359–373, 1984) exchange geothermometers yielded an underestimation in calculated temperatures of >200 °C. However, making explicit accounting for Fe3+ in garnet (i.e. using only measured Fe2+) leads to a vast improvement in the agreement between calculated and experimental temperatures, generally to within ±70 °C for the garnet–orthopyroxene geothermometer as well as noticeable improvement of calculated temperatures for the garnet–olivine geothermometer. Our results demonstrate that the two-pyroxene and garnet–clinopyroxene thermometers are rather insensitive to the presence of Fe3+ whilst direct accounting of Fe3+ in garnet is essential when applying the garnet–olivine and garnet–orthopyroxene thermometers.  相似文献   

A Report on a Biotite-Calcic Hornblende Geothermometer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a biotite-calcic hornblende geothermometer which was empirically calibrated based on the gamet-biotite geothermometer and the gamet-plagioclase-hornblende-quartz geobarometer, in the ranges of 560-800℃ (T) and 0.26-1.4 GPa (P) using the data of metadolerite, amphibolite, metagabbro, and metapelite collected from the literature. Biotite was treated as symmetric Fe-Mg-AlVI-Ti quaternary solid solution, and calcic hornblende was simplified as symmetric Fe-Mg binary solid solution. The resulting thermometer may rebuild the input garnet-biotite temperatures well within an uncertainty of ±50℃. Errors of ±0.2 GPa for input pressure, along with analytical errors of ?% for the relevant mineral compositions, may lead to a random error of ±16℃ for this thermometer, so that the thermometer is almost independent of pressure estimates. The thermometer may clearly discriminate different rocks of lower amphibolite, upper amphibolite and granulite facies on a high confidence level. It is assume  相似文献   

A garnet–biotite–Al2SiO5–quartz (GBAQ) geobarometer was empirically calibrated using more than 700 natural metapelites with a broad compositional range of garnet and biotite under P–T conditions of 450–950°C and 1–17 kbar. In the calibration, activity models of garnet and biotite identical to those in the garnet–biotite (GB) geothermometer of Holdaway [American Mineralogist 2000, 85: 881–892] were used. Therefore, the GBAQ geobarometer and the GB geothermometer can be simultaneously applied to iteratively estimate metamorphic P–T conditions. Successful applications of the GBAQ geobarometer to natural metapelites certify its validity. Most importantly, when plagioclase is absent or CaO components in garnet and/or plagioclase are deficient, this geobarometer may prove useful for estimating metamorphic pressures. The random error of the present GBAQ geobarometer is inferred to be around ±1.8 kbar. An electronic spreadsheet is available as Table S4 to apply the GBAQ geobarometer in combination with the GB geothermometer.  相似文献   

Garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometry has been applied to numerous rock types from the blueschist and eclogite terrain of the Sesia zone in the Western Alps. Discrepancies in apparent temperatures of up to 600° C have been found suggesting substantial deviation from ideal behaviour of the garnet-clinopyroxene equilibria in certain assemblages. Assemblages containing jadeitic pyroxenes rather than omphacitic or diopsidic pyroxenes yield very low K D (2.0) values and correspondingly high apparent temperatures (> 1,000° C). The garnets coexisting with high-Na pyroxenes have compositions similar to those coexisting with omphacitic pyroxenes. Departure from ideal behaviour of these garnets is likely to be minor and is accomodated in the formulation of the geothermometer. Numerous examples of coexisting garnet-clinopyroxene pairs indicate that there is no obvious relationship of K D with jadeite content in pyroxenes with jadeite content less than 70%, but at higher values, K D varies inversely with the jadeite content. The dependence of K D upon the jadeite content in the high-Na pyroxenes is believed to be due to the preference of M2 sites for Fe2+ in the enstatite-jadeite substitution (Fe2+MgNa–1Al–1). This substitution is usually very limited and has no demonstrable effect upon X Fe Cpx when the M1 (Fe2++Mg) content of the pyroxenes is high as in omphacitic and diopsidic pyroxenes. However, when the M1 (Fe2++Mg) content is low, as in jadeitic pyroxenes, the non-ideality of the enstatite type exchange has a marked effect on X Fe Cpx and consequently on garnet-clinopyroxene calculations.  相似文献   

A garnet-omphacite-kyanite-coesite geothermobarometer is constructed to estimate the peak metamorphic pressure of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogites. For this we use a quaternary regular solution model for garnet, and propose a new model for sodic pyroxene that assumes double site solid-solution (Na,Ca)M2(Al,Fe3+,Fe2+,Mg)M1Si2O6, where cations in the M2- and the M1-sites mix randomly but with inter-site interactions, not only between nearest neighboring cations but also between next nearest neighboring cations. In the new model, overall excess interaction parameters are quantitatively deduced from the previous experimental data and critical temperature, and the activity of the jadeite component agrees reasonably with that based on the Landau theory. Furthermore, the relations of the calculated order parameter to temperature and composition are consistent with other experimental works. These facts support the usefulness of the new model. Application of our geothermobarometer to kyanite eclogite gave metamorphic conditions around 3.4 GPa and 800 C for both samples from the Dora Maira Massif, Western Alps, and from Rongcheng County, in the Su-Lu region of eastern China. Received: 30 December 1996 / Accepted: 25 August 1997  相似文献   

The relatively low-variance mineral assemblage of a talc-kyanite eclogite from Dabie Shan enabled application of both conventional geothermobarometers (garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometer and the garnet-omphacite-phengite geobarometer) and a multi-equilibrium method to determine peak P-T conditions (THERMOCALC, average PT). The results were highly discrepant: 840 °C / 31.1 kbar vs. 590 °C / 29.8 kbar. Mössbauer spectroscopy showed that Fe3+/Fetotal in omphacite was significantly higher than the value obtained from standard formula recalculation. When the activities were corrected for Fe endmembers, geothermobarometry gave consistent results (606 °C / 31.3 kbar vs. 585 °C / 30.8 kbar). These are close to those obtained earlier by average PT, confirming the robustness of the multi-equilibrium approach. The high Fe3+ concentration in omphacite is best explained using a Ca-eskola endmember Ca0.5[]0.5AlSi2O6 and allowing corresponding vacancies in the omphacite structure.Editorial responsibility: W. Schreyer  相似文献   

We investigated rutile needles with a clear shape preferred orientation in garnet from (ultra) high-pressure metapelites from the Kimi Complex of the Greek Rhodope by electron microprobe, electron backscatter diffraction and TEM techniques. A definite though complex crystallographic orientation relationship between the garnet host and rutile was identified in that Rt[001] is either parallel to Grt<111> or describes cones with opening angle 27.6° around Grt<111>. Each Rt[001] small circle representing a cone on the pole figure displays six maxima in the density plots. This evidence together with microchemical observations in TEM, when compared to various possible mechanisms of formation, corroborates a precipitate origin. A review of exchange vectors for Ti substitution in garnet indicates that rutile formation from garnet cannot occur in a closed system. It requires that components are exchanged between the garnet interior and the rock matrix by solid-state diffusion, a process we refer to as “open-system precipitation” (OSP). The kinetically most feasible reaction of this type will dominate the overall process. The perhaps most efficient reaction involves internal oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ and transfer from the dodecahedral to the octahedral site just vacated by $ {\text{Ti}}^{ 4+ }: 6\,{\text{M}}^{ 2+ }_{ 3} {\text{TiAl}}\left[ {{\text{AlSi}}_{ 2} } \right]{\text{O}}_{ 1 2} + 6\,{\text{M}}^{ 2+ }_{ 2, 5} {\text{TiAlSi}}_{ 3} {\text{O}}_{ 1 2} = 10\,{\text{M}}^{ 2+ }_{ 3.0} {\text{Al}}_{ 1. 8} {\text{Fe}}_{0. 2} {\text{Si}}_{ 3} {\text{O}}_{ 1 2} + {\text{M}}^{2+} + 2 {\text{e}}^{-} + 1 2\,{\text{TiO}}_{ 2} . $ OSP is likely to occur at conditions where the transition of natural systems to open-system behaviour becomes apparent, as in the granulite and high-temperature eclogite facies.  相似文献   

A re-evaluation of the olivine-spinel geothermometer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Irvine olivine-spinel geothermometer, as formulated by Jackson (1969), appears to yield magmatic temperatures when applied to plutonic rocks such as the Stillwater Complex but Evans and Wright (1972) have demonstrated that it gives temperatures in excess of 2,000 ° C when applied to volcanic assemblages. A re-evaluation of the geothermometer has shown that more realistic temperatures can be obtained for volcanic rocks by using a different free energy value of FeCr2O4 in the formulation. The revised geothermometer gives temperatures in the range 1,100–1,300 ° C for samples from Kilauea and 500–800 ° C for basic plutonic rocks from layered intrusions, indicating that Mg and Fe2+ have re-equilibrated at subsolidus temperatures in these intrusions as suggested by Irvine (1965). This theory was tested by heating uncrushed natural samples from layered intrusions to magmatic temperatures for periods ranging from two days to four weeks. The result was a marked increase in the Mg/Fe2+ ratio in the spinels and a decrease in the Mg/Fe2+ ratio in the olivines, confirming that considerable subsolidus re-equilibration had taken place in the unheated samples.  相似文献   

A detailed high-pressure experimental study of two mafic xenoliths, in which coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene (± plagioclase, spinel and olivine) were crystallized over a P–T range of 10–30 kbar and 950–1200°C, has revealed significant differences in temperatures from those estimated for coexisting garnets and clinopyroxenes using the Ellis & Green Fe–Mg exchange thermometer. The results show perfect matching at 30 kbar, 1150–1200°C, but increasing deviation at lower pressure and lower temperature, with the Ellis & Green calibration reaching a Δ T (overestimate) of c. 145°C at 10–12 kbar and 950°C. The grossular content of the garnet increases from c. 21 mol.% at 10 kbar to 26–31 mol.% at 30 kbar. These results confirm other recent experimental studies that show that the pressure correction, and possibly to a lesser extent the correction for grossular content, applied by Ellis & Green, are not appropriate for lower pressure conditions, and give estimated temperatures that are significantly high when applied to granulitic terranes formed at c. 10 kbar. The new reconnaissance results allow a graphical interpolation of a garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometer based on the Fe–Mg exchange reaction which should be applicable to assemblages formed under lower crustal conditions.  相似文献   

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