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红枫湖、百花湖沉积物中磷的存在形态研究   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:34  
湖泊沉积物中磷存在形态,是理解湖泊系统中磷的生物地球化学循环的重要方面,对研究湖泊富营养化等环境问题具有重要意义。本次工作中,采用连续提取化学分析技术,对红枫-百花尖沉积物中磷的存在形态及其剖面变化进行了研究,磷的存在形态包括:吸附态磷(Losely sorbedP)、铁结合态磷(Fe-bound P)、钙结合态磷(Ca-bound P)、矿物晶格中结合力强的残留态磷(Detrial-P)和有机态  相似文献   

采集了7组滇池近代沉积物柱芯,测定了其中总P(TP)、Fe、Al、Ca的含量,并首次获得了埋深大于25 cm的沉积物的不同形态磷的数据,分析了TP与不同形态磷的时空分布特征及TP与总Fe、Al、Ca含量的关系,探讨了滇池内源磷释放潜力的区域差异和制约因素。结果表明,自北向南,TP含量出现随深度先升高后降低的变化特征,各形态P之间的关系为:碎屑磷(DP)>有机磷(OP)≈铁结合态磷(Fe-P)>闭蓄态磷(Oc P)>钙结合态磷(Ca-P)>铝结合态磷(Al-P)>可交换态磷(SRP)。纵向上Fe-P随深度逐渐升高,Oc P逐渐降低,其它形态P的变化规律不明显;区域上TP、DP、OP、Fe-P、Ca-P和Al-P南部高于北部。在滇池南部DP通量较高的区域,TP与Fe、Al呈正相关关系,与Ca呈负相关关系,其它区域无相关性。分析表明,滇池南部内源磷的释放潜力大于中部和北部,而南部内源磷受DP输入的影响,风浪扰动对北部内源磷的释放有更强的抑制作用。  相似文献   

太湖及其主要入湖河流沉积磷形态分布研究   总被引:57,自引:6,他引:57  
选择了我国第三大浅水湖泊--太湖及其主要入湖河流进行沉积磷形态的连续提取研究.太湖湖区沉积磷中不稳态磷(LP)及铝结合态磷(Al-P)含量很低,其余形态磷为铁结合态磷(Fe-P)<钙结合态磷(Ca-P)<有机磷(Org-P).河流沉积物中有机磷的相对含量高于湖泊沉积物,绝对含量平均值约为湖泊沉积物的3.9倍,铁结合态磷的绝对含量约为湖泊沉积物的3/4,湖区沉积物Fe-P含量与水体中PO3-4-、Chla呈显著正相关关系,同时与间隙水的氧化性呈显著负相关关系.太湖各湖区沉积物的磷形态表现为空间差异较大,活性组分的差异性要大于活性较差的组分.总的来说北部湖区沉积物中Fe-P和Org-P含量高于其他湖区,这与太湖北部湖区水体高营养级和藻类爆发关系密切.湖区沉积磷的垂直分布规律较复杂,既有随深度增加的,也有随深度降低的,河流沉积物同样如此.这与太湖及河流生态条件、污染物排放以及沉积动力学条件不同有关.  相似文献   

永定河沉积物中磷的存在形态及其指示意义   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
采集官厅水库的永定河入库口附近沉积物,采集深度77cm,以1cm做为一个层位单元进行分割,测定其中11个层位的总磷,同时对这些层位沉积物中二钙结合态磷、八钙结合态磷、铝结合态磷、铁结合态磷进行连续分级提取,有机磷通过灼烧法测定,残留态磷由总磷与上述五种形态磷差减确定。结果显示:沉积物中总磷含量在580.3~1276.2μg/g,主要成分为无机磷,平均占总磷的比例为88%;残留态磷为沉积物中磷的主要形态,含量占总磷50%以上。在沉积物深度75~20cm的沉积年份中,永定河向官厅水库输送的残留态磷量不断增加,且增速逐渐加快,主要为水土侵蚀的产物。从沉积深度20cm以来的沉积年份里,总磷的输入量不断减少,但以二钙结合态磷为主的生物有效磷输入量随总磷的含量降低而持续增加,主要来自工业和生活污水,反映了官厅水库上游永定河流域内工业和生活污水排放所占的比重日益增加,成为官厅水库富营养化污染的主要来源,以致官厅水库富营养化的趋势增强。  相似文献   

磷污染是水污染的重要组成部分,因其可造成水体富营养化、水质下降,从而引起人们的广泛关注。研究沉积物中不同磷赋存形态及其分布特征有助于了解沉积物中磷的行为特征及迁移能力,从而为水体富营养化防治提供支撑。磷矿的开采、冶炼对矿区内水资源环境可能产生严重影响,本文以安宁磷矿区内河流、水库为研究区域,分析了不同水系沉积物磷元素赋存形态及分布特征,并对其生态风险进行评估。采用X射线荧光光谱法测定研究区水系沉积物总磷(TP)含量,并基于顺序提取及Hupfer改进的磷形态分析方法,将研究区各水系沉积物中磷分为弱吸附态磷(NH4Cl-P)、可还原态磷(BD-P)、金属氧化物结合态磷(NaOH-P)、钙结合态磷(Ca-P)、残渣态磷(Res-P)等5种形态,采用单因子污染指数法对其进行生态风险评估。结果表明:研究区水系沉积物样品中TP含量范围为567.6~48115.5mg/kg,NH4Cl-P含量范围为0.07~115.2mg/kg,BD-P含量范围为8.84~802.5mg/kg,NaOH-P含量范围为21.3~3129.5mg/kg, Ca-P含量范围为12~45098mg/k...  相似文献   

不同干燥方式对湖泊沉积物磷提取的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以滇池5个典型区域表层沉积物为例,研究了自然风干、低温烘干和真空冻干等3种干燥方式对沉积物中磷的形态含量及其生物有效性测定的影响。结果表明:烘干、风干过程促进了沉积物有机磷的降解转化和微生物磷的释放,导致有机磷的含量偏低,总磷含量却比冻干高。各形态磷受不同干燥方式的影响程度不同,风干样品中BD-P较高,冻干样品中NaOH-rP含量最高,NH4Cl-P、HCl-P、残渣磷(Residual-P)由于含量较低或其化学性质比较稳定而差异不大。冻干样品中生物可利用磷分别比风干、烘干高26.7%、20.2%,表明冻干处理能较为真实地反映沉积物中磷的组成特征,是比较理想的样品干燥方式。各形态含量顺序为:藻类可利用磷(AAP)〉NaHCO3可提取磷(Olsen-P)〉水溶性磷(WSP)〉易解吸磷(RDP)。沉积物中Olsen-P与NH4Cl-P、BD-P、NaOH-rP、活性磷及上覆水体总磷水平呈显著正相关,因此可作为评价滇池沉积物磷的生物有效性的重要指标。  相似文献   

滇池现代沉积物中磷的地球化学及其对环境影响   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
湖泊沉积物中,磷是产生富营养化的重要元素.湖泊中磷元素含量、地球化学行为以及它的复杂矿物学特征,使人们对磷的研究极为重视.滇池湖中总磷超标10.3倍,底泥沉积物中P2O5平均含量0.52%,最高可达1.92%.滇池地处磷矿区,是磷质来源最丰富的湖泊,统计表明,磷含量每年在不断增长.滇池沉积物中磷主要以吸附态、有机态、铁结合态、钙结合态、铝结合态等几种形式存在.这些形态磷在底泥中是不稳定的,它们在环境改变条件下,又将磷释放到水体中.微生物在磷的循环过程中起了重要作用,乳酸菌对不溶性磷酸盐的分解,使湖泊中可溶磷含量增高.聚磷菌对磷元素的富集以及聚磷菌死亡后发生有机磷的矿化作用,是湖泊中水合磷酸盐矿物沉积的重要途径.当湖泊中这种不稳定的水合磷酸盐矿物在条件具备的情况下,经沉积物覆盖成岩作用后,最终形成磷灰石。  相似文献   

水体中富营养化水平与磷元素的赋存形态密切相关。目前围绕引起富营养化关键因子之一的磷形态的垂向分布特征、各磷形态间的迁移转化行为及其影响因素取得了比较明确的研究进展。为进一步揭示不同磷形态在沉积物-水体系中迁移转化行为随时空的变化特征,本文采用磷钼蓝分光光度法对沱江流域简阳段间隙水中可溶性活性磷(SRP)、可溶性非活性磷(SUP)及总溶解性磷(TDP)进行测定;采用SMT法和改进的沉积物无机磷形态连续提取法对沉积物中总无机磷(TIP)、总磷(TP)、难提取磷(Res-P)、可交换态磷(Exc-P)、铁结合态磷(Fe-P)、铝结合态磷(Al-P)、钙结合态磷(Ca-P)进行提取,磷钼蓝分光光度法进行测定,以揭示沉积物-水体系中磷的赋存形态垂向分布行为特征,并将实验数据与十年前该地区磷的赋存形态结果进行对比,探讨磷赋存形态的变化趋势及影响因素。结果表明:间隙水中SRP、SUP和TDP的含量分别为0.004~0.36mg/L、0.080~3.19mg/L和0.056~3.28mg/L;沉积物中TP、TIP、Res-P、Exc-P、Al-P、Ca-P含量分别为1235.40~1646.94mg/kg、860.00~1318.59mg/kg、130.31~537.13mg/kg、1.35~14.10mg/kg、0.007~0.12mg/kg、743.13~1109.91mg/kg,Fe-P未检出。对比十年前后沉积物-水体系中磷赋存形态的变化可知,由于受到外源磷输入的影响,间隙水中SRP、SUP以及TDP含量虽然在-10cm以上变化不明显,但在-10cm以下明显增大,且导致沉积物中TP、TIP含量增加;偏碱性的沉积环境导致Al-P的释放,其含量明显减小;Exc-P含量的减小与其转化为稳定的Ca-P或Res-P形态有关。研究认为:随着时空的变化,沱江简阳段沉积物呈现外源磷输入和内源磷释放的综合污染。总体而言,由于输入的磷形态大部分以稳定的Ca-P和Res-P形态存在于沉积物中,使得表层间隙水中生物可直接利用的磷含量总体变化不大,该地区富营养化程度不会加重。维持沉积环境的弱碱性,有利于Al-P、Exc-P等向Ca-P的有效转换,抑制河流富营养化。  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物中三种磷提取方法比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
水体沉积物中磷的分级提取没有统一的方法,大多数的提取方法只对沉积物中无机磷(IP)进行了研究,有机磷(OP)是作为一个整体被研究,OP的形态尚不清楚。文章探讨了SMT法、Ivanoff法和Golterman法三种方法对湖泊沉积物中磷形态提取的特征,分析了各方法应用于IP和OP形态提取的联系和差别。结果表明SMT法提取的钙磷(Ca-P)是Golterman法提取Ca-P的16倍,Golerman法提取的铁铝结合态磷(Fe/Al-P)是SMT法提取的近3倍。从OP提取结果来看,Goterlman法>Ivanoff法>SMT法,Golterman法和Ivanoff法提取的酸可提取有机磷相差较大,其他形态OP含量则相当。研究结果对于沉积物磷形态分析提取方法的合理选择具有指导意义。  相似文献   

采用7步连续浸提法对库布齐沙漠响沙湾沙粒中磷的各种存在形态进行了分析测定,并对沙粒样进行了分级形态研究。结果表明:在库布齐沙漠响沙湾沙粒中总磷(TP)的含量为137.21~362.09μg/g,其主要成分为无机磷(IP),平均占TP的比例为94.60%;而有机磷(Or—P)的含量为7.88~19.12μg/g,平均占TP的5.40%。在所有不同粒度的沙样中,自生钙结合磷(Ca—P)含量最高,占TP的58.95%~80.05%,其次是原生碎屑磷(De—P)。占TP的8.13%~30.22%,二者占IP的绝大部分;其他各形态磷含量的高低顺序为:有机磷(Or—P)〉吸附态磷(Ads—P)〉铁结合态磷(Fe—P)〉闭蓄态磷(Obs—P)〉铝结合态磷(AI—P)。在所取沙漠颗粒物样中TP、Ca—P、De—P、Or—P、AI—P各自的含量都是随颗粒物粒度的减小而增大,而Ads—P含量则相反;Fe—P、Obs—P的含量受颗粒物粒度变化的影响不大。  相似文献   

Utilizing a sequential extraction technique this study provides the first quantitative analysis on the abundance of sedimentary phosphorus and its partitioning between chemically distinguishable phases in sediments of the Bering Sea, the Chukchi Sea and the Mackenzie River Delta in the western Arctic Ocean. Total sedimentary phosphorus (TSP) was fractionated into five operationally defined phases: (1) adsorbed inorganic and exchangeable organic phosphorus, (2) Fe-bound inorganic phosphorus, (3) authigenic carbonate fluorapatite, biogenic apatite and calcium carbonate-bound inorganic and organic phosphorus, (4) detrital apatite, and (5) refractory organic phosphorus. TSP concentrations in surface sediments increased from the Chukchi Sea (18 μmol g−1 of dried sediments) to the Bering Sea (22 μmol g−1) and to the Mackenzie River Delta (29 μmol g−1). Among the five pools, detrital apatite phosphorus of igneous or metamorphic origin represents the largest fraction (~43%) of TSP. The second largest pool is the authigenic carbonate fluorapatite, biogenic apatite as well as CaCO3 associated phosphorus (~24% of TSP), followed by the Fe-bound inorganic phosphorus, representing ~20% of TSP. The refractory organic P accounts for ~10% of TSP and the readily exchangeable adsorbed P accounts for only 3.5% of TSP. Inorganic phosphorus dominates all of phosphorus pools, accounting for an average of 87% of the TSP. Relatively high sedimentary organic carbon and total nitrogen contents and low δ13C values in the Mackenzie River Delta together with the dominance of detrital apatite in the TSP demonstrate the importance of riverine inputs in governing the abundance and speciation of sedimentary phosphorus in the Arctic coastal sediments.  相似文献   

太湖东部湖湾水生植物生长区底泥氮磷污染特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
向速林  朱梦圆  朱广伟  许海 《沉积学报》2014,32(6):1083-1088
为了解太湖东部湖湾(贡湖湾、光福湾、渔洋湾)表层底泥中氮、磷的污染特征及其与水生植物生长的关系,采集了各湖湾滨岸带水生植物生长区的表层底泥,探讨了水生植物的生长与分布对表层底泥中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)及总有机碳(TOC)等含量的影响,并对表层底泥进行营养评价.结果表明,水生植物生长密集区底泥中TN、TP、TOC的含量均显著低于水生植物零星生长区,说明水生植物的生长对太湖东部湖湾表层底泥中营养盐与有机碳含量具有较为明显的影响;相关性分析显示,表层底泥中TOC与TN含量呈显著相关性(R2=0.832 8),而与TP的相关性则较弱(R2=0.166 5),反映了TOC在湖泊底泥中的沉积可能成为湖泊氮的重要来源,而对磷的影响较小.利用有机指数与有机氮指数两种方法分别对东部各湖湾底泥进行污染评价,贡湖湾、光福湾、渔洋湾底泥有机指数平均值分别为0.142 7、0.228 6与0.208 6,均属较清洁与尚清洁水平,而各湖湾有机氮指数平均值均为Ⅲ与Ⅳ级,说明底泥已遭受了一定程度的氮污染.因此,对水生植物零星生长区表层底泥中氮含量的控制与削减有利于湖泊富营养化的预防与治理.  相似文献   

太平洋西部深海沉积物中有机质、氮、磷的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
鲍根德 《沉积学报》1987,5(1):114-124
本文通过对太平洋西部(南纬2°-8°,东径170°-173°20')水深在3800-5200米7个站位柱状样中有机质、氮、磷的含量分析,并与沉积物中粒度、微古、底栖生物、矿物资料的对比研究,指出了太平洋西部深海沉积物中有机质、氮、磷的分布规律,控制因素及地球化学特征。资料研究表明:有机质、氮主要来自海水的化学作用及生物作用的沉淀物,而磷同时又有火山喷发时颗粒无机磷的加入;有机质、氮的含量分布与沉积物类型密切有关,在某种程度上,对太平洋西部的沉积环境起了标志作用。  相似文献   

对崇明东滩采集的表层样和柱状样品,进行样品的总磷(TP)、无机磷(IP)和有机磷(OP)以及有机质含量等的测定,分析了磷的分布变化特征并对其影响因素和环境意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Dianchi Lake is a eutrophic lake in southwestern China. Sediment and the bottom water samples were taken from six sites in the east, west, south, north and center of the lake, respectively, in December 2002. Total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in sediments were high and reached a maximum value of 6.66 g/kg. There was a soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration gradient at the sediment–water interface. In the present study, sediment P was divided into loosely adsorbed P (NH4Cl-P), redox-sensitive P (BD-P), metal oxides bound P (NaOH-P), calcium bound P (HCl-P), and organic P (Org-P). At three of the six sites selected, the concentrations of different P forms in sediments followed the order: NaOH-P, Org-P>HCl-P>BD-P>NH4Cl-P in the profile, and in the southern lake the order was HCl-P>NaOH-P, Org-P>BD-P>NH4Cl-P in the top 15 cm layers of the sediments. The sediment profiles showed that different forms of P had an increasing trend upward toward the sediment surface. There is a considerable potential for release from the sediment into the overlying water and sediment P could be the dominant factor determining the trophic status of the lake if the external load is reduced. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Concentrations and vertical distributions of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and their different forms in sediments obtained from nine locations of Lake Dalinouer in September 2008 were analyzed. The results demonstrated that TP in surface sediments ranged from 0.493 to 0.904 g/kg, and inorganic phosphorus was the main fraction of total phosphorus, ranging from 335 to 738 mg/kg. Simultaneously, the autogenetic calcium phosphorus (ACa-P) was the main fraction of inorganic phosphorus, ranging from 145.4 to 543.2 mg/kg. Vertical distribution of different phosphorus forms in different sediment cores was distinguishing, and most of them tended to increase toward the surface sediment, indicated that the phosphorus concentration was related to the humanity with a certain extent. The relationships between TP and occluded phosphorus and ACa-P were significant. Nitrogen in the sediment was composed mainly of organic nitrogen, accounting for grater than 80 % of TN. NO3 ?-N was the dominate fraction of inorganic nitrogen in the surface sediment, ranging between 51 and 346 mg/kg (151.1 ± 104.4 mg/kg), and accounting for between 2.2 and 17.7 % of total sediment nitrogen (6.2 ± 5.6 %). The ratio of organic carbon and TN in sediment was in range of 6.0–25.8 and presented a tendency of lake centre >lake sides, indicating that nitrogen accumulated in the sediments from lake sides came mainly from terrestrial source and nitrogen was mainly autogenetic in lake centre. Ratio of N:P in all sampling sites was below 14, indicated that N was the limiting nutrient for algal growth in this lake.  相似文献   

Sediment phosphorus (P) fractions and profile distribution at submerged macrophyte growth zone, emergent macrophyte growth zone and open-water zone were studied in Wuliangsuhai Lake, China, as well as the correlations among water content, grain size, and organic matter and P fractions. Among the three surveyed zones, the highest concentrations of most P forms occurred in the surface sediment and the lowest between a depth of 12 and 22 cm, except HCl-P and NaOH-P. Sediment phosphorus was mainly associated to inorganic forms (>50%) in three surveyed areas, and the highest value of inorganic phosphorus (IP) in the surface sediment was obtained from submerged macrophyte growth zone. Submerged and emergent macrophytes increased the IP content by 107 and 44 μg/g, respectively, in the surface sediment compared with open-water zone. Vertical profiles of IP in the three surveyed zones showed that the concentrations decreased from surface to 12 cm depth and then increased. There was a similar trend in the sediment profiles of organic phosphorus (OP) and total phosphorus (TP), but the highest concentration of OP and TP in surface sediment was obtained from the emergent macrophyte growth zone. Compared with open-water zone, the emergent macrophyte increased TP content in surface sediment by 1.73 times to 1,320 μg/g, while submerged macrophyte enhanced TP content in the surface sediment by 1.13 times to 865 μg/g. It was observed that in macrophyte growth zones, a strong linear correlation existed between organic matter and OP (r > 0.98), and the maximum concentrations of OP were present in the areas with maximum concentrations of organic matter. Results show that, although rooted macrophyte could uptake directly P from sediments, it is responsible for increasing the internal P loading especially OP by reducing current velocities, attenuating wave energy and generating organic residue in Wuliangsuhai Lake.  相似文献   

Recycling of phosphorus (P) from sediments contributes to the development of bottom-water hypoxia in many coastal systems. Here, we present results of a year-long assessment of P dynamics in sediments of a seasonally hypoxic coastal marine basin (Lake Grevelingen, the Netherlands) in 2012. Sequential phosphorus extractions (SEDEX) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) indicate that P was adsorbed to Fe-(III)-(oxyhydr)oxides when cable bacteria were active in the surface sediments in spring. With the onset of summer hypoxia, sulphide-induced dissolution of the Fe-(III)-(oxyhydr)oxides led to P release to the pore water and overlying water. The similarity in authigenic Ca-P concentrations in the sediment and suspended matter suggest that Ca-P is not formed in situ. The P burial efficiency was ≤ 32%. Hypoxia-driven sedimentary P recycling had a major impact on the water-column chemistry in the basin in 2012. Water-column monitoring data indicate up to ninefold higher surface water concentrations of phosphate in the basin in the late 1970s and a stronger hypoxia-driven seasonal P release from the sediment. The amplified release of P from the sediment in the past is attributed to the presence of a larger pool of Fe-bound P in the basin prior to the first onset of hypoxia. Given that P is not limiting, primary production in the basin has not been affected by the decadal changes in P availability and recycling over the past 40 years. The changes in P dynamics on decadal time scales were not recorded in sediment profiles of total P or organic C/total P.  相似文献   

南四湖及主要入湖河流沉积物中磷的赋存形态研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用沉积物磷形态SMT提取方法,分析了南四湖及主要入湖河流丰水季节表层沉积物、独山湖及微山湖区沉积岩芯中磷的含量及形态组成变化,研究了磷的埋藏演化过程与人为污染特征.结果表明,老运河表层沉积物中磷的含量最高,为13068.3 mg/kg,以OP及NaOH-P为主,其富集系数分别为6.5和9.0,主要是与来自济宁市的废水污染有关.其余表层沉积物以HCl-P为主;受人为污染的影响,NaOH-P、OP产生一定程度的富集,其富集系数分别为1.0.3.7、1.3~6.0;部分沉积物中高含量的有机质加重了OP的富集.独山湖及微山湖沉积岩芯中以HCl-P和OP为主;20世纪60年代末期以来,随着湖泊生产力的提高及早期成岩过程中有机质的矿化分解,独山湖及微山湖沉积岩芯中TOC含量自下而上呈指数增加,这也导致了沉积物中OP的增加;独山湖及微山湖沉积岩芯6~0 cm和5~0 cm较高的OP及NaOH-P含量,指示了20世纪80年代中期以来磷的人为污染过程.  相似文献   

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