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本文利用高表面活性矿物蒙脱石、蛭石、沸石在一定的介质条件下对Zn2 +进行吸附实验研究。蒙脱石和蛭石对Zn2 +的等温吸附线呈双“S”型 ,而沸石对Zn2 +的等温吸附线则呈“Langmuir”型。三种矿物对Zn2 +的吸附容量大小顺序为 :蒙脱石 >蛭石 >沸石。运用粉晶X射线衍射、红外光谱、差热及热重分析等技术对矿物及矿物吸附Zn2 +后的结构特征进行了研究。结果表明 ,蒙脱石吸附锌后其层间域中吸附锌大量水解形成新的物相 ,而蛭石与沸石吸附锌后水解很少。这为利用高表面活性矿物控制和治理环境污染及其可循环利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

高表面活性矿物对Zn^2+的吸附机理及其环境意义   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本文利用高表面活性矿物蒙脱石、蛭石、沸石在一定的介质条件下对Zn^2 进行吸附实验研究。蒙脱石和蛭石对Zn^2 的等温吸附线呈双“S”型,而沸石对Zn^2 的等温吸附线则呈“Langmuir”型。三种矿物对Zn^2 的吸附容量大小顺序为:蒙脱石>蛭石>沸石。运用粉晶X射线衍射、红外光谱、差热及热重分析等技术对矿物及矿物吸附Zn^2 后的结构特征进行了研究。结果表明,蒙脱石吸附锌后其层间域中吸附锌大量水解形成新的物相,而蛭石与沸石吸附锌后水很解很少。这为利用高表面活性矿物控制和治理环境污染及其可循环利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

改性沸石对重金属离子竞争吸附特性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
以钠型改性沸石为吸附剂,以含有单一的镉、锌、铅溶液以及镉、锌、铅的混合溶液为吸附质,开展了改性沸石中重金属离子的竞争吸附及其影响因素等实验研究。结果表明,当溶液中有多种二价重金属离子存在时,各离子之间存在竞争吸附,竞争能力为Pb2+>Cd2+>Zn2+;Zn2+-Cd2+表现出显著的协同吸附效应,而Zn2+-Pb2+、Cd2+-Pb2+表现出拮抗吸附。  相似文献   

矿物对金属离子的竞争吸附实验研究   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29  
CaCO_3、石英、针铁矿、三水铝矿、高岭土、蒙脱石、水云母等矿物对Ag+、Cu2+、Zn2+、Ni2+、Cd2+、Pb2+和Cr3+金属离子的竞争吸附实验研究表明,在近中性低离子强度溶液中,矿物单位表面积吸附金属离子的大小顺序是:CaCO3>石英>水云母>高岭土>蒙脱石>针铁矿>三水铝矿。这些矿物可分成3组:第一组的矿物有石英、针铁矿和高岭土等1:1层硅酸盐矿物及其他氧化物;第二组为三水铝矿、水镁石和蒙脱石等2:1层硅酸盐矿物;第三组是碳酸盐、硫酸盐、磷酸盐等含氧盐矿物。它们对于金属离子的吸附反应;>SO-+Mn+=>SOM(n-1)+(n=1,2,3)有如下的显平衡常数KM与矿物介电常数ε的关系式:(1)lgk1M=7.813-26.15/ε(2)lgK2M-9.030-26.15/ε(3)lgK3M=11.65-26.15/ε  相似文献   

在pH=4,t=23℃和微量浓度条件下,不改变离子浓度,通过增加吸附液体积进而增加体系中重金属离子含量的方法进行了蒙脱石、伊利石、高岭石对Cu2+、Pb2+、Zn2+、Cd2+、Cr3+等重金属离子吸附容量的实验研究,结果表明,3种矿物吸附容量大小顺序为蒙脱石>伊利石>高岭石,与其阳离子交换容量密切相关.Cu-蒙脱石和Cr-蒙脱石的X射线衍射结果表明,Cu2+、Cr3+通过离子交换作用进入了蒙脱石的层间.同一矿物对不同重金属离子也有不同的吸附容量蒙脱石Cr3+>Cu2+>Zn2+>Cd2+>Pb2+;高岭石Cr3+>Pb2+>Zn2+>Cu2+>Cd2+;伊利石Cr3+>Zn2+>Cd2+>Cu2+>Pb2+.  相似文献   

针铁矿/水界面反应性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择针铁矿对Pb2+、Cu2+、Cd2+等3种重金属离子的吸附实验,开展矿物/水界面反应性研究.金属离子(M2+)在矿物-水溶液间分配有多种表面反应机制,这些表面反应发生作用的条件主要取决于吸附质水化学性质和矿物表面荷电性,因此,溶液pH值是影响矿物/水界面反应性的关键因素.在不同pH值条件下, 表面羟基可通过发生质子化或去质子化反应而使得矿物表面产生荷电性并发生改变,而金属离子的水解则可显著加快金属羟基配合物的形成,从而进一步增强了矿物/水界面反应.本实验条件下针铁矿表面对重金属离子的吸着量随pH值升高而升高,在一个较窄的pH值范围内吸附率急剧升高,呈S形分布.针铁矿对3种不同的重金属离子的吸附能力的强弱顺序是Cu2+>Pb2+>Cd2+.无论是Langmuir方程还是Freundlich方程,都能较好拟合针铁矿对重金属离子的等温吸附过程.Freundlich方程的n值均在0.1~0.5之间,说明重金属离子在针铁矿表面的吸附并不能简单地归结为单配位或双配位模式,可能存在着多种吸附结合形态.表观吸附常数KM值的变化规律,说明重金属离子与针铁矿表面反应模式及其表面吸附形态发生了变化,具体的吸附形态还有待谱学研究进一步证实.  相似文献   

为了从深层次揭示控制黏土矿物天然气吸附能力的主要因素, 选择不同来源和成因的泥页岩中的常见黏土矿物进行了甲烷等温吸附实验.分析显示不同类型的黏土矿物气体吸附能力差异明显, 各种黏土矿物甲烷吸附容量次序为蒙脱石>>伊蒙混层>高岭石>绿泥石>伊利石>粉砂岩>石英岩.黏土矿物结晶结构决定了矿物片层之间的层间孔隙和聚合体颗粒之间粒间孔隙的形态和大小, 从而决定着其表面积和气体吸附性能.黏土矿物甲烷吸附能力与电镜扫描所反映的微孔隙发育程度密切相关.研究表明, 黏土矿物的气体吸附能力不仅与黏土类型有关, 而且明显受成岩演化程度和岩石成因的影响.此外, 随粒度减小孔隙连通性和内表面积的不断增加, 黏土矿物气体吸附能力有所升高.   相似文献   

Cu2+和Cd2+在蒙脱石-胡敏酸复合体上的吸附及其竞争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤和水体中的腐殖酸常常与粘土矿物紧密结合成为特殊的复合体.这种粘土矿物-腐殖酸复合体对重金属的吸附作用既有别于粘土矿物,更有别于腐殖酸.以蒙脱石和胡敏酸分别作为粘土矿物和腐殖酸的代表,通过一系列实验研究了Cu2+、Cd2+在单一体系和共存体系条件下在蒙脱石-胡敏酸复合体上的吸附作用,同时探讨了二者的竞争特点.实验结果表明,在单一体系条件下,蒙脱石-胡敏酸复合体对Cu2+的吸附量始终明显大于Cd2+,且二者的吸附量均随其初始浓度的增大而呈线性增大;而在Cu2+和Cd2+共存体系条件下,Cu2+的吸附量始终略大于Cd2+的吸附量,即复合体对Cu2+的吸附有较好的选择性.在吸附过程中,复合体中的蒙脱石与Cd2+和Cu2+的阳离子交换作用处于主导地位.无论是在单一体系还是在共存体系中,Cd2+优先替换电价相同而半径略大的Ca2+,而Cu2+则优先替换半径相近、电价低的Na+.因此,Cd2+的存在使Cu2+在复合体上的吸附量明显地减小,而Cu2+的存在对Cd2+的吸附几乎没有影响.这些实验结果将有助于深入探讨重金属离子在土壤、水体等环境中的迁移-固定行为.  相似文献   

蒙脱石与滑石矿物对菲吸附-解吸行为的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用批量处理平衡实验,考察蒙脱石与滑石矿物对菲的吸附解吸行为。采用Henry和Freundlich方程对其吸附等温线进行分析比较,并着重考察软阳离子K+对上述两种矿物吸附菲的影响机制。研究结果表明:蒙脱石对菲的吸附等温线表现出明显的非线性,吸附/解吸有滞后现象,Freundlich方程最符合其吸附/解吸曲线;滑石吸附菲的能力较之蒙脱石的强,且吸附呈线性,其吸附曲线与Henry方程吻合程度最好。此外,随着溶液中K+离子浓度增加,蒙脱石吸附菲的能力增强,而滑石吸附菲的能力减弱,说明软阳离子K+对蒙脱石吸附菲有明显的强化作用,而对滑石吸附菲却有抑制作用。说明黏土矿物内部结构与表面理化性质控制着污染物的吸附-解吸环境行为,从而影响着PAHs等污染物的迁移转化。  相似文献   

13X沸石分子筛对饮用水中NH_4~+-N吸附性能的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
白峰  马鸿文 《现代地质》2003,17(2):163-170
研究了 13X沸石分子筛对饮用水中低浓度NH+4 N的吸附性能 ,包括影响吸附的主要因素、沸石对NH+4 N的吸附效果、沸石的再生效果及沸石对NH+4 N的吸附机理。实验表明用NaOH处理的沸石比未处理的沸石对NH+4 N的吸附效果要好。在 pH值为 6 5~ 7 5、吸附时间为 2 0min、吸附温度为 2 0~ 30℃的条件下 ,沸石对NH+4 N的吸附率接近 10 0 % ,沸石对NH+4 N的吸附量可达 16 32mg/g。用直接焙烧法进行再生活化处理后的沸石对NH+4 N的吸附率仍接近 10 0 % ,沸石对NH+4 N的吸附机理是以离子交换吸附作用为主。 13X沸石吸附NH+4 N的过程符合Langmuir吸附等温模式。实验证明 ,利用 13X沸石净化含低浓度NH+4 N的饮用水具有良好的工业化应用前景。  相似文献   

The adsorption of pentachlorophenol (PCP) onto quartz, kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite and iron oxides has been investigated by batch equilibrium techniques. The pH-dependent isotherms are curves with peak values, the position of which is at about pH = 5-6 depending on the mineral species. Based on distribution of both speciation of surface hydroxyls on minerals and PCP in solution a surface reaction model involving surface complexation and surface electrostatic attraction is presented to fit the pH-dependent isotherms, and both reaction constants are calculated. The results show that on quartz and phyllosilicate minerals the predominant adsorption reaction is surface complexation, meanwhile both of surface electrostatic attraction and surface complexation are involved on the iron oxide minerals. The reaction constants of surface electrostatic adsorption are usually one to three orders in magnitude, larger than that of surface complexation. The concentration-dependent isotherms can be well fitted by Langmnir equation with the correlation coefficient R〉0.93 for kaolinite and iron oxides. The maximum adsorption is found in the order: hematite 〉 lepidocrocite 〉 goethite 〉 kaolinite 〉 quartz 〉 montmorillonite ≈ illite, which can be interpreted by consideration of both reaction mechanism and surface hydroxyl density. The significant adsorption of PCP onto mineral surfaces suggests that clay and iron oxide minerals will play an important role as HIOCs are adsorbed in laterite or latertoid soil, which is widespread in South China.  相似文献   

有机粘土的特性及其对肥料养分的缓释作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本研究表明 ,表面活性剂 2号不仅可以吸附在蒙脱石、高岭石和凹凸棒石的表面上 ,还可进入蒙脱石的层间 ,将其晶层撑开 ,并以双层小于 65°角斜交于蒙脱石的晶片之间 ,同时有极少量的表面活性剂 2号以单层方式直立于晶片上 ,形成石蜡质构型。由于粘土矿物对表面活性剂 2号的吸附作用 ,使其热性质发生变化 ,去除吸附水的温度降低并出现放热峰。此外 ,还使得有机粘土的含水量和吸湿率较原土有显著降低。有机粘土应用于肥料工业的复混肥生产中 ,不仅可以使其有效成粒率提高 3 0 % ,还可使其养分释放具有显著的缓释效果。  相似文献   

Various soil zones such as Bw, C1, and C3 are developed on spilite. Montmorillonite, vermiculite and chlorite is moderately occurred in the C1 and C3 soil zones, in contrast montmorillonite and vermiculite are absent in Bw soils whereas illite and sesquioxide are relatively increased. The high cation exchange capacity (CEC) of montmorillonite and vermiculte and moderate CEC of chlorite and illite resulted in the high adsorption of heavy metals. The adsorption of the heavy metals on spilite soil zones was studied at different concentrations and pH levels. Heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and copper were selected for adsorption studies considering their contribution as toxic metals in the environment. The initial solute concentrations ranged from 7.0 × 10−3 to 1.0 × 102 mg/L. The sorption behavior of Cd2+, Pb2+, and Cu2+ on soil zones of spilite was investigated using the batch equilibrium technique at 25°C. The characteristics of the adsorption process were investigated using Scatchard plot analysis (q/C vs. q) by the batch equilibrium technique at 25°C. In the adsorption of heavy metals, deviation from linearity in the plot of q/C versus q was observed, indicating the presence of multi-model interaction and non-Langmuirean behavior. When the Scatchard plot showed a deviation from linearity, greater emphasis was placed on the analysis of the adsorption data in terms of the Freundlich model, in order to construct the adsorption isotherms of the metal(s) at particular concentration(s) in solutions. The adsorption behavior of these metal ions on spilite soil zones is expressed by the Freundlich isotherms. Adsorption constants and correlation coefficients for the Cd, Pb, and Cu on spilite soil zones were calculated from Freundlich plots.  相似文献   

The increase in heavy metal contamination in freshwater systems causes serious environmental problems in most industrialized countries, and the effort to find eco-friendly techniques for reducing water and sediment contamination is fundamental for environmental protection. Permeable barriers made of natural clays can be used as low-cost and eco-friendly materials for adsorbing heavy metals from water solution and thus reducing the sediment contamination. This study discusses the application of permeable barriers made of vermiculite clay for heavy metals remediation at the interface between water and sediments and investigates the possibility to increase their efficiency by loading the vermiculite surface with a microbial biofilm of Pseudomonas putida, which is well known to be a heavy metal accumulator. Some batch assays were performed to verify the uptake capacity of two systems and their adsorption kinetics, and the results indicated that the vermiculite bio-barrier system had a higher removal capacity than the vermiculite barrier (+34.4 and 22.8 % for Cu and Zn, respectively). Moreover, the presence of P. putida biofilm strongly contributed to fasten the kinetics of metals adsorption onto vermiculite sheets. In open-system conditions, the presence of a vermiculite barrier at the interface between water and sediment could reduce the sediment contamination up to 20 and 23 % for Cu and Zn, respectively, highlighting the efficiency of these eco-friendly materials for environmental applications. Nevertheless, the contribution of microbial biofilm in open-system setup should be optimized, and some important considerations about biofilm attachment in a continuous-flow system have been discussed.  相似文献   

Interaction of heavy metals with clay minerals can dominate solid-solution reactions in soil, controlling the fate of the metals in the environment. In this study we used powdered and polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) to investigate Cu sorbed on Llano vermiculite and compare the results to reported Cu sorption mechanism on Wyoming (WY) smectite and reduced South African (SA) vermiculite. Analysis of the Cu K-edge spectra revealed that Cu sorbed on Llano vermiculite at high ionic strength (I) has the greatest degree of covalent bond character, followed by Cu sorbed on montmorillonite at high I, and Cu sorbed on reduced SA vermiculite at high I. Cu sorbed on clay minerals at low I has the least covalent character. EXAFS data from Cu sorbed Ca- and K-equilibrated Llano vermiculites showed the presence of a second-shell Al, Si, or Mg backscatterer at 3.02 Å. This distance is consistent with Cu sorbing via a corner-sharing monodentate or bidentate bond. Polarized XANES and EXAFS results revealed that the angle between the Cu atom and the mineral sorption sites is 68° with respect to the [001] direction. From the bond angle and the persistence of the second-shell backscatterer when the interlayer is collapsed (K-equilibration), we conclude that Cu adsorption on the Llano vermiculite is not occurring in the interlayer but rather Cu is adsorbing onto the edges of the vermiculite. Results from this research provide evidence that Cu forms inner-sphere and outer-sphere complexes on clay minerals, and does not form the vast multinuclear surface precipitates that have been observed for Co, Zn, and Ni.  相似文献   

高岭石和蒙脱石吸附胡敏酸的对比研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
高岭石和蒙脱石分别是暖湿和冷干气候带内典型土壤的代表性矿物,对二者吸附胡敏酸特点的对比研究可以为探索不同地带土壤中重金属的环境行为提供重要的依据。笔者通过一系列实验研究了pH值、离子强度和胡敏酸初始浓度对胡敏酸在高岭石和蒙脱石上吸附量的影响,重点剖析了引起高岭石和蒙脱石在吸附胡敏酸方面表现出的共性和差异的原因。研究结果表明:1)在pH=5条件下,胡敏酸在高岭石和蒙脱石上的吸附量均随着胡敏酸初始浓度和离子强度的升高而逐渐增加;2)胡敏酸在高岭石和蒙脱石上的吸附量均随着pH值的升高而降低;3)pH<6时,高岭石吸附的胡敏酸量多于蒙脱石,pH>6时则相反。这是由高岭石和蒙脱石在不同pH条件下吸附胡敏酸的机制不同造成的。在pH<6时,高岭石与胡敏酸之间的静电引力起主导作用,其次是配位交换作用和氢键作用。此时,蒙脱石以氢键作用为主要吸附机制。在pH>6时,高岭石和蒙脱石的主要吸附机制分别是疏水性作用和阳离子键桥。  相似文献   

以皂石、高岭石、绿泥石和伊利石为原材料,分别与赖氨酸进行反应,研究赖氨酸在上述粘土矿物上的吸附行为, 并运用粉末X-射线衍射技术(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外吸收光谱术(FTIR)和热重(TG)等分析方法,表征反应前后粘土 矿物的变化。实验结果表明,不同粘土矿物对赖氨酸的吸附等温线均符合Freundlich等温方程,且不同粘土矿物对赖氨酸的 饱和吸附量大小顺序为:皂石>蒙脱石>绿泥石>高岭石>伊利石;XRD结果表明皂石对赖氨酸的吸附发生在矿物层间,而绿 泥石、高岭石和伊利石对赖氨酸的吸附主要在矿物表面进行;FTIR和TG结果表明赖氨酸主要取代粘土矿物层间吸附水,以 氢键的形式与Si-O-Si(IVAl)键合。实验结果将有助于进一步探明环境中粘土矿物对有机质的吸附机理。  相似文献   

粘土矿物的掺杂对沉积物吸持Cu、Zn能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过考察粘土矿物及掺杂粘土矿物前后沉积物的吸附/解吸特性,分析了伊利石与蒙脱石对重金属污染沉积物中Cu与Zn稳定固定化的可行性。结果表明:伊利石与蒙脱石的掺杂均降低了沉积物吸持Cu的能力(最大下降量分别为5.4%和3.8%),伊利石的掺杂同样降低了沉积物吸持Zn的能力(最大下降量为4.4%),但蒙脱石掺杂后沉积物吸持Zn的能力明显增强,最高增加5.7%。因此,蒙脱石具有固定污染沉积物中Zn的能力,但不能提高污染沉积物中Cu的稳定性。  相似文献   

蒙脱石等粘土矿物对重金属离子吸附选择性的实验研究   总被引:71,自引:6,他引:65  
矿物质与重金属离子间的相互作用已是当今环境科学、矿物学,土壤化学等学科领域研究的热点。通过蒙脱石,伊利石和高龄石在一定的介质条件下对Cu^2+、Pb^2+、Zn^2+、Cd^2+、Cr^3+五种重金属离子的竞争吸附实验研究,阐明了三种粘土矿物对五种重金属离子的吸附选择性。  相似文献   

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