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离龙类是热河生物群具有代表性的脊椎动物,在辽西等地广泛分布,而冀北地区作为热河生物群的重要产地,在白垩纪地层中尚未发现离龙类信息.本研究在冀北滦平盆地确认了离龙类化石的存在,化石为满洲鳄未定种和离龙类未定种,产出于九佛堂组,时代为早白垩世.此次发现填补了河北省早白垩世离龙类化石的空白,为研究冀北热河生物群的生态环境和生命演化提供了新材料,对于研究中国北方热河生物群离龙类地理地史演化具有重要意义.  相似文献   

满洲鳄:中国辽宁晚中生代半水生爬行动物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发现于辽宁西部凌源晚侏罗世 /早白垩世非海相义县组中的满洲鳄 ( Monjurosuchus)化石新材料 ,为解决其系统位置这一长久争议的问题提供了确切的实物依据 :满洲鳄为双孔型离鳄类 ( Choristodera)爬行动物中一较原始成员。保存精美的、独一无二的表皮构造使我们对该类中生代爬行动物的外表特征有了新的认识。满洲鳄四足具蹼 ,它至少是半水生的。  相似文献   

辽西晚中生代热河生物群中首次发现具胚胎的软壳蛋化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细记述了辽宁省锦州市义县晚中生代热河生物群中两类爬行动物的蛋化石,其中离龙类蛋化石发现于早白垩世九佛堂组上部,翼龙类蛋化石发现于早白垩世义县组上部的金刚山层。经研究,离龙类蛋化石不仅含有胚胎,而且为软壳蛋。翼龙类蛋化石没有显示硬壳结构,很可能同样为软壳蛋。这些蛋化石的发现对于我们了解这两类爬行动物的生殖方式和发育演化历史将具有重要科学意义。  相似文献   

辽西义县组蝾螈类化石新发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在辽西葫芦岛市附近的早白垩世义县组地层中发现1处新的蝾螈化石点。新台门一带出露的湖相沉积地层主要是一套灰绿色安山岩与紫色泥质粉沙岩的互层。该层中除了产蝾螈化石外,还有诸如Ephemeropsis,Eosestheria,Liaoningocladus等其他动植物化石。过去发现的Liaoxitriton化石点是在同一地区比新化石层稍高的层位中发现的。该类蝾螈化石曾报道产于早白垩世的九佛堂组,但是新近的野外调查表明,该化石点所在层位也属义县组。  相似文献   

辽西建昌县喇嘛洞镇肖台子地区出露一套沉积地层,富含介形类、脊椎动物及大量植物化石.经区域地层研究,结合1:2000地质剖面实测以及对该剖面各层化石的采集,并对植物化石进行重点研究,确定了此套地层位于义县组之上,属于九佛堂组.生物化石组合面貌与“热河生物群”晚期群落特征一致,其时代为早白垩世.  相似文献   

王清利  陈文  张彦 《地质论评》2008,54(1):125-133
辽西喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县孤山义县组火山岩下为湖相沉积层(1∶20万地质图说明书中称金刚山组),上与九佛堂组为平行不整合接触。笔者等选取了不整合面之下的义县组安山岩分别进行了长石的激光微区40Ar39Ar定年和锆石的SHRIMP UPb定年研究。结果表明:义县组安山岩形成于126Ma左右。经与义县盆地义县组剖面对比,孤山义县组安山岩对应于义县盆地义县组火山旋回的第二亚旋回。据此可以推断九佛堂组沉积时限应晚于126Ma,对九佛堂组沉积的下限时代提供约束。此外,喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县孤山安山岩的形成时代与北票四合屯地区义县组尖山沟层之下的玄武安山岩形成时代、义县地区义县组的砖城子层的形成时代以及凌源地区义县组的大王杖子层形成时代大体一致。表明孤山地区义县组下部的湖相沉积层位于北票地区尖山沟层、义县地区砖城子层及凌源地区大王杖子层之下。  相似文献   

辽西凌源热水汤地区中生代含蝾螈化石地层新知   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在辽西凌源热水汤地区新发现一套夹于中酸性和酸性火山岩中的含蝾螈等化石的沉积层,可以称之为热水汤层.该层所产蝾螈化石特征类似于内蒙宁城县山头乡道虎沟地区海房沟组的初螈类,其伴生植物化石组合显示介于中侏罗世海房沟组至早白垩世义县组之间的特征,其时代置于中侏罗世晚期较为合适.同时,将热水汤层及其上覆、下伏酸性和中酸性火山岩一并划归髫髻山组.  相似文献   

根据发现于辽宁省西部朝阳地区下白垩统九佛堂组的离龙类一具有头骨的不完整骨架,建立Simoedosauridae科中的一新属新种:朝阳辽西龙:Liaoxisaurus chaoyangensis gen.et sp.nov.。朝阳辽西龙的下颌缝合部短,小于下颌长度的2O ,牙齿齿槽近似正方形,区别于任何已知的进步的离龙类。它吻部相对较短,占头骨总长的49.8 。  相似文献   

辽西朝阳地区下白垩统九佛堂组一新的离龙类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高春玲  吕君昌  刘金远  季强 《地质论评》2005,51(6):694-697,i0003
根据发现于辽宁省西部朝阳地区下白垩统九佛堂组的离龙类一具有头骨的不完整骨架,建立Simoedosauridae科中的一新属新种:朝阳辽西龙:Liaoxisaurus chaoyangensis gen.etsp.nov.。朝阳辽西龙的下颌缝合部短,小于下颌长度的20%,牙齿齿槽近似正方形,区别于任何已知的进步的离龙类。它吻部相对较短,占头骨总长的49.8%。  相似文献   

义县组岩性以基性、中基性火山岩、火山碎屑岩为主,局部发育有富含“热河生物群”化石的沉积层。在这些沉积层之下、义县组复成分底岩之上,发现有4个沉凝灰岩层,与基性、中基性火山岩呈互层状产出,其岩性以沉凝灰岩或含砾凝灰质粉砂岩为主。这些凝灰岩层厚度虽小,但分布较广泛,走向延伸稳定。根据辽西地区中生代火山岩活动的基本规律,沉凝灰岩层与基性、中基性火山岩的空间展布特征及野外地质综合研究将义县组早期火山活动划分出5个火山作用旋回,并确认四合屯、黄半吉沟、尖山沟、以及上园、大康堡、河夹心等地富含“热河生物群”化石的沉积层均属于同一火山旋回(第五旋回)的产物。这一发现极大地丰富了辽西地区中生代陆相盆地火山-沉积作用的研究内容,并将促进火山活动与生物灭绝事件方面的研究工作。  相似文献   

The Yixian Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of China is famous for its fossils of early angiosperms, and these fossils have shed otherwise unavailable light on the evolution of angiosperms. The seeds in Archaefructus and Nothodichocarpum are inserted along the dorsal of the fruits while those in Sinocarpus are along the ventral of the fruits, suggesting different Bau‐plans and pathways deriving the carpels in these plants of the Early Cretaceous. Adding further fossil evidence, here we report a novel fossil angiosperm, Neofructus lingyuanensis gen. et sp. nov, with its seeds inserted on both ventral and dorsal sides of the fruits documented through light microscopic and SEM observations, suggesting a novel way forming gynoecium in the Yixian Formation. These fossil angiosperms indicate that angiosperm gynoecia in the Yixian Formation (the Barremian to Aptian) are derived in obviously different ways, implying an evolutionary scenario for angiosperms quite different from formerly assumed.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota, one of the most important Mesozoic lagerstätten in East Asia, is especially well-known for occurrences of fossil feathered dinosaurs and early angiosperms. However, the terrestrial biodiversity, especially the fossil wood record, is poorly known. In this study, several structurally preserved coniferous wood specimens from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation are investigated, based on collections from the Heichengzi Basin in Beipiao of western Liaoning, Northeast China. Four species referred to four genera of fossil wood are described, including Taxodioxylon heichengziense sp. nov., Thujoxylon beipiaoense sp. nov., Sciadopityoxylon liaoningense Ding and Protocedroxylon shengjinbeigouense sp. nov. These new records enlarge the fossil wood diversity of the Yixian Formation up to 10 species in 9 genera, and provide further insights into the forest vegetation composition of the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota. Systematic analysis of the floral constitution indicates that the petrified forests of the Yixian Formation are dominated by conifers, represented by Araucariaceae, Podocarpaceae, Sciadopityaceae, Pinaceae and Cupressaceae in the western Liaoning region. Palaeoclimatical analysis of the fossil wood assemblage implies that the western Liaoning region was dominated by a cool temperate, wet and seasonal climate with variable interannual water supply in the western Liaoning region during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Two incomplete bones referred to ankylosaur scapulocoracoid and humerus are described, which were discovered from the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Dachengzi Town, Kazuo County, Liaoning Province. Ankylosaur dinosaurs have ever been found in the Lower Cretaceous Yixian, Fuxin and Sunjiawan Formations of western Liaoning. The occurrence of ankylosaurs within Jiufotang Formation improves our knowledge on the ankylosaur stratigraphic distribution. Based on the length of scapulocoracoid, the new dinosaur is estimated to exceed 6.0 meters long, representing the largest ankylosaur in western Liaoning.  相似文献   

首次发现产自辽西义县皮家沟下白垩统九佛堂组保存有解剖构造的木化石,利用木化石切片法对木化石解剖特征进行研究。当前木化石均为硅化保存,其中一块标本保存有髓、初生木质部、次生木质部等解剖构造。其髓部主要由薄壁细胞构成,初生木质部为内始式,次生木质部为Protophyllocladoxylon型。部分木化石标本表面密布大小不一的孔洞,推测为昆虫幼虫的觅食痕迹。此外,木化石产出层位还发现有大量丝碳化石,表明义县地区早白垩世九佛堂组沉积时期存在野火事件,而频发的火山喷发活动可能是野火事件的诱因。  相似文献   

辽西地区义县组昆虫化石及其生物地层、古生态学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为热河昆虫群的重要组成部分,辽西地区义县组昆虫化石内容独特、丰富,共有49科83属,明显区别于同属热河昆虫群的大北沟组和九佛堂组,生物地层单位称为Epheeropsis trisetalis-Sinaeschnidia cancellosa组合,时代为晚侏罗世晚期-早白垩世早期.昆虫群反映了当时温暖而潮湿的气候环境及因地形不同引起的小气候的存在.  相似文献   

袁崇喜 《地质学报》2004,78(4):464-467
本文记述了一件产自辽宁锦州义县早白垩世九佛堂组燕鸟 (Yanornis)化石的新标本。研究标本不但自身保存非常精美 ,而且其嘴里还完整地保存了它捕获的最后一件猎物——吉南鱼 (Jinanichthys longi-cephalus)。该标本的研究 ,不仅对燕鸟的生存环境、生活习性、捕食类型等研究提供了直接的证据 ,而且对于探讨辽西热河生物群中脊椎动物的“集群死亡”的原因也具有重要的意义  相似文献   

Traditionally, the lacustrine deposits in Yixian County of Western Liaoning have been assigned to either “the Dakangpu Bed” of the Yixian Formation or the Jiufotang Formation. However, a 206Pb/238U age of 126.47±0.87 Ma is newly obtained from the tuff sample (06051) of the lacustrine deposits in the Baitaigou fossil site of Potaizi village, Yixian County, indicating that the lacustrine deposits in Potaizi area are approximately equivalent to the Wumingshan volcanics of the Sihetun Bed of the Yixian Formation in Beipiao. From our new dating data have arisen some new problems: Where could we find the Jiufotang Formation in Yixian County? How widely distributed is the Jiufotang Formation in Western Liaoning? Could the traditionally named Jiufotang Formation somewhere in Western Liaoning be the synchronous deposits of other litho-units (e.g. the Yixian Formation) in different facies? Could some lacustrine deposits somewhere in Western Liaoning have been assigned to the Jiufotang Formation?  相似文献   

辽宁北部秀水盆地秀D1井孢粉组合及其地层意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孢粉化石采自辽宁省北部秀水盆地的秀D1井,分析、鉴定和系统研究结果表明,来自秀D1井井深62.1~1089.7m的孢粉化石自下而上划分为3个孢粉组合,下部孢粉组合(井深703.85~1089.7m)以Osmundacidites-Klukisporites-Podocarpidites为代表,地质时代为晚侏罗世堤塘期(Tithonian),中部孢粉组合(井深381.5~699.3m)以Densoisporites-Cicatricosisporites-Piceaepollenites为代表,地质时代为早白垩世贝里阿斯期(Berriassian),上部孢粉组合(井深62.1~339m)以Cicatricosisporites-Impardecispora-Pinuspollenites为代表,地质时代为早白垩世凡兰吟期—欧特里夫期(Valanginian-Hauterivian)。秀D1井钻遇地层所含孢粉组合特征在区域上可以与冀北地区大北沟组,辽宁西部地区下白垩统义县组、九佛堂组,松辽盆地东南缘下白垩统火石岭组、沙河子组所产的孢粉组合对比。含孢粉组合地层时代的确定解决了井柱地层的划分,以及与区域地层的对比关系,同时为区域地层古生物研究提供了翔实的基础资料。  相似文献   

The fossil clam shrimp genus Cratostracus was first described from the Turonian–Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) Qingshankou Formation in the Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces of China, and it has been found to range down into the Aptian Guantou Formation in Zhejiang Province of southeastern China. Recently, species tentatively attributable to it (Cratostracus? cheni) has been recorded in the well-known Jehol Biota bearing Barremian–lower Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) Yixian Formation in western Liaoning Province of northeastern China. The species described in this paper as Cratostracus? tunisiaensis sp. nov. was recovered from the Sidi Aïch Formation in the Chotts area of southern Tunisia. Although only tentatively attributed to Cratostracus, its occurrence is consistent with a Barremian (Early Cretaceous) age for the formation. This first direct dating of the Sidi Aïch Formation gives a valuable insight for the stratigraphy of the region and will make it possible to more precisely correlate the different outcrops of the Sidi Aïch Formation. Moreover, the new fossil discovery allows a reconstruction of the paralic ecosystem that characterized the study area during the Barremian.  相似文献   

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