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华北北部麻粒岩相带构造区划及其早前寒武纪构造演化   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
李江海  翟明国 《地质科学》1997,32(3):254-266
作者在编绘华北北部高级变质岩区的变质地质图(1:2000,000)的基础上,对麻粒岩相带构造区划提出了新方案,提出相带内部构造单元的边界与变质相界线并不协调崐的新认识。这一巨型麻粒岩相带可以划分为南北两个亚区,它们分别具有不同的岩石组合、崐变质特点及演化历史。北亚区为早元古代陆缘活动带的组成部分,由TTG质杂岩和少量表壳岩系组成,主要经历1期变质;南亚区为太古代克拉通的组成部分,与克拉通内主要构造单元具有密切联系,经历多期变质,由孔兹岩区、剪切构造带、TTG杂岩一表壳岩穹隆等单元组成。整个麻粒岩相带及其邻区记录了中太古代一早元古代初华北克拉通北部小陆块形成、稳定,直至拼合形成较大的克拉通陆块,再发生陆内裂谷及陆缘构造活动,最终发生克拉通化的构造地质演化过程。  相似文献   

冀东地区麻粒岩相变质作用的演化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
陈曼云  李树勋 《岩石学报》1996,12(2):343-358
据冀东迁安-遵化一带麻粒岩相区的变质岩石、变质矿物及其组构特征、变质作用的温度、压力条件,结合同位素年代学资料,以及岩浆作用、构造变形作用和变质作用之间的关系,可将本区太古代变质作用划分为两期。太古代第一期变质作用只限于表壳岩包体岩石中,变质级为高角闪岩相和辉石麻粒岩相,第二期变质作用发生在晚太古代,早期变质阶段是在紫苏花岗岩侵位以后发生的辉石麻粒岩相变质作用,晚期变质阶段发生在稍后侵位的基性侵入岩体、英云闪长岩、奥长花岗岩等深成侵入体中,变质级达角闪麻粒岩相。早元古代第一期角闪石榴二辉麻粒岩型岩脉,遭受了辉石麻粒相变质作用,第二期角闪石榴斜长辉石岩型岩脉经历了角闪麻粒岩相变质作用。这些变质作用在早期岩石中都有不同程度的叠加。麻粒岩相变质作用的温度在700℃~920℃,压力在0.88~1.14GPa。变质作用的PTt演化呈现了逆时针近等压冷却的轨迹  相似文献   

李江海  翟明国 《岩石学报》1998,14(2):176-189
晋北-冀西北高级变质的灰色片麻岩-花岗质片麻岩杂岩基底内广泛发育晚太古代高压麻粒岩构造透镜体或岩片,几个典型地段的构造填图研究表明,高压麻粒岩主要出露于龙泉关-桑干构造带的东北段,即冀北陆缘活动带与恒山-五台绿岩带之间的高级变质基底内。高压麻粒岩形成与出露的过程中,主要经历4期构造变形:D1低角度逆掩剪切变形;D2NW向伸展作用;D3区域规模的NNE-NE向褶皱;D4大规模右旋走滑剪切变形。以上变形明显受区域构造所控制,先后涉及鄂尔多斯和阜平陆块晚太古代构造拼合,太古代末五台裂谷的张开及闭合,以及早元古代冀北陆缘活动带向南俯冲造成的掀斜作用。  相似文献   

南岭东段麻粒岩相变质岩的发现及其地质意义   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本文报道了在南岭东段闽西南中元古代桃溪组变质岩中发现的麻粒岩相变质岩。其矿物组合和化学成分显示这些变质岩的原岩是沉积岩。成岩格子和温压计算限定它们的峰期变质作用发生在750-880℃和1.1GPa的高温高压条件下,表明这些表壳岩由于构造作用曾经成为下地壳的物质组成,并经历了麻粒岩相变质作用。等温降压的P-T-t轨迹指示它们很可能是在中生代伸展构造背景下快速抬升到浅部。这些麻粒岩的成分显然与东南沿海地区发现的基性麻粒岩捕虏体的不同,暗示这两地区下地壳的物质组成可能存在差异,也许这就是造成两个地区花岗岩类型不同的最主要原因。  相似文献   

内蒙古中部太古代麻粒岩递增变质成因   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
刘喜山 《岩石学报》1996,12(2):287-298
由早元古代造山运动早期自北西向南东推覆作用引起并使之得以保存的太古代变质作用强度逆转的剖面出露在内蒙古中部的固阳-武川地区。变质镁铁质岩石中矿物组合的变化在低级区为阳起石+绿帘石+绿泥石→普通角闪石+钠长石→普通角闪石+斜长石→石榴石(或透辉石)+普通角闪石+斜长石→无色角闪岩+钠长石;在高级区为普通角闪石+斜长石→紫苏辉石+透辉石+斜长石→石榴石+透辉石(2)+石英。这些变化已被用来恢复太古代时期从低绿片岩相到麻粒岩相的递增变质序列及尔后经历的近等压冷却的退变质作用过程。高级区变质表壳岩与低级区绿岩带的岩石组合、岩石化学、岩石地球化学和变质作用演化序列的对比研究结果表明,两者属于太古代同一火山-沉积单位。其变质程度的不同起因于在经受区域性递增变质作用时,两者处在地壳的不同位置  相似文献   

吴昌华  韩光 《地质论评》1989,35(1):1-12
通常认为暗色麻粒岩是基性火山岩层遭受高级变质的产物。文章根据内蒙集宁和山西阳高地区的高级变质区的岩石组合、结构构造、矿物共生、地质温度计等9方面资料,论证了工作区暗色麻粒岩不是基性火山岩的进变,而是原始苏长辉长岩的逆变(degeneration,指由原始岩浆岩的高温矿物组合变为变质矿物组合),根据麻粒岩的矿物组合和组构变化,结合其它地质和物理化学特征,将工作区的暗色麻粒岩分成了A、B、C三种类型,大体相应于苏长辉长岩变为暗色麻粒岩的逆变序列。文章最后提出了麻粒岩和麻粒岩相的修订意见,并指出高级区麻粒岩并非一定属于太古代产物。  相似文献   

内蒙古中部早元古代造山事件中麻粒岩相低压变质作用   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
刘喜山  金巍 《地质学报》1992,66(3):244-256
内蒙古中部早元古代麻粒岩相低压变质地壳,根据富铝片麻岩中的长石种类和岩石组合,可划分为南北2个带、6个岩石组合。它们代表着不同的变质层状岩系序列及其所经历的变质作用的温度、压力条件和构造背景。矿物的包裹结构和反应边组构,记录了高温低压矿物组合取代了中温高压矿物组合:石榴子石+石英→紫苏辉石+斜长石,蓝晶石→矽线石及石榴子石+蓝晶石/矽线石+石英→堇青石。岩石的变形组构、矿物组合的转变关系和变质作用的PTt轨迹表明:本区与变质作用同期的高温正滑韧性剪切作用,是麻粒岩相低压变质地壳形成的主要原因。由中温高压变质环境转入高温低压变质环境是造山事件中推覆作用与拉伸作用联合作用的结果。  相似文献   

冀东地区新太古代麻粒岩相变质作用及其大地构造意义   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
魏春景 《岩石学报》2018,34(4):895-912
冀东地区的早前寒武纪基底保留有太古宙克拉通普遍发育的"穹窿-龙骨构造",如卢龙-双山子表壳岩系呈近南北向带状分布于以TTG片麻岩为主构成的太平寨卵形构造域、迁安片麻岩穹窿和安子岭片麻岩穹窿之间,洒河桥线性构造带呈北东向切割太古宙构造线分布。在太平寨卵形域和洒河桥线性带中常见有零散分布的麻粒岩相表壳岩块体和古元古代变质基性岩墙。表壳岩块体包括基性和泥砂质麻粒岩和BIF型铁矿等,变质基性岩墙也发育高压麻粒岩相组合,变质锆石年龄为~1.81Ga。本文总结了近年来对该区麻粒岩的研究进展。太平寨卵形域中的基性麻粒岩以中粒二辉麻粒岩为主,有些样品的角闪石周围出现叠加变质形成的微粒矿物组合,个别样品见辉石周围发育石榴石冠状体,形成‘红眼圈’结构;利用稀土元素温度计确定二辉麻粒岩的峰期达到了~1000℃的超高温条件,麻粒岩中的锆石仅记录新太古代末期变质年龄(~2.50Ga),与周围TTG质岩石的结晶时间近于相同。洒河桥线性带中的基性麻粒岩以细粒高压麻粒岩组合为主,偶见中粒二辉麻粒岩残留,其峰期P-T条件分别为800~860℃/1.0~1.2GPa和950~1070℃/1.0GPa;麻粒岩中锆石主体记录新太古代末期变质年龄,但出现少量古元古代变质锆石(1.97~1.83Ga),石榴石-全岩Lu-Hf等时线年龄为1.77~1.78Ga。由此推测太平寨和洒河桥地区都经历了新太古代末期超高温麻粒岩相变质作用,又在古元古代晚期遭受了高压麻粒岩相差异性叠加,太平寨地区受叠加较弱,仍然保留太古宙的卵形构造,而洒河桥一带受叠加较强,形成了线性变形带。太平寨卵形域的泥砂质麻粒岩可识别出4阶段的变质矿物组合:包括包体组合、峰期组合、固相线(或最后)组合以及叠加组合。相平衡模拟表明固相线组合的P-T条件为870~890℃/~0.7GPa,峰期组合可达到1000℃/1.1GPa,石榴石中富钙斜长石包体指示麻粒岩早期经历了低压高温变质阶段。由此构建麻粒岩P-T轨迹为逆时针型,包括3个阶段:低压加热至超高温(AG-I),近等温升压至压力峰期(~1.1GPa)(AG-II),和峰后降压降温至固相线(AG-IIIa)以及在亚固相线下的降温降压过程(AG-IIIb)。锆石定年表明泥砂质麻粒岩原岩沉积年龄稍早于2.50Ga,变质年龄为2.48~2.50Ga。泥砂质麻粒岩的峰期变质条件和时代均与二辉麻粒岩一致,叠加组合的P-T条件与高压麻粒岩相似,反映泥砂质麻粒岩也受到了古元古代晚期变质作用影响。依据太平寨麻粒岩的逆时针型P-T轨迹,推测麻粒岩相变质作用包括如下构造过程:(i)AG-I指示表壳岩层受到后续地幔极高温岩浆喷发被埋深加热,或者受到下部TTG质岩浆海的加热过程;(ii)AG-II指示被加热的岩石(总伴有BIF铁矿层)被破碎并在在密度驱动下沉入岩浆海深部,达到下地壳深度;(iii)AG-IIIa/b对应沉入岩浆海深部的岩石伴随穹窿上升发生减压冷却的过程。很多地质观测和数值模拟研究表明太古宙克拉通的形成受太古宙特有的垂直构造体制控制,与太古代之后线性造山带的构造体制完全不同。  相似文献   

华北克拉通两类早前寒武纪麻粒岩(HT-HP和HT-UHT)及其相关问题   总被引:35,自引:23,他引:12  
翟明国 《岩石学报》2009,25(8):1753-1771
华北克拉通广泛存在高级变质的早前寒武纪岩石,其中高温高压(HT-HP)麻粒岩和高温超高温(HT-UHT)麻粒岩近年来备受人们的关注,并将它们视为探讨早前寒武纪大陆演化的关键课题.HT-HP麻粒岩主要是含石榴石的基性麻粒岩,它们以透镜体或强烈变形的岩墙状出露于片麻岩中.HT-UHT麻粒岩主要是富铝的变质沉积岩系,俗称孔兹岩系,其中有含假蓝宝石和尖晶石等矿物组合,指示部分岩石的变质温度高于900~1000℃.本文探讨了这两类麻粒岩的出露状况、变质过程与变质历史、原岩与变质年龄.初步研究表明:①两类麻粒岩在变质的峰期温度和压力上有很大的重叠区间,都经历了一个近等温-略升温的降压变质;②两类麻粒岩很有可能在峰期和随后的降压变质阶段是同时的或有关联的;③HT-HP和HT-UHT麻粒岩的分布特征是线状或面状分布仍有待进一步查明;④高级变质的麻粒岩代表了华北克拉通的最下部地壳,它们变质的温压体系、岩石的刚性程度、分布特征、岩石组合以及抬升速率等具有与显生宙明显的不同.本文从而指出两类麻粒岩是否有成因联系是今后研究中非常值得注意的问题,深入研究将会对华北克拉通早期地壳演化、构造和动力学机制提供丰富的资料和证据.  相似文献   

华北克拉通的组成及其变质演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
华北克拉通早前寒武纪变质基底主要由五套不同类型的变质岩系组成。克拉通在形成过程中经历了多期构造活动、多期岩浆侵位、多期变质作用以及不同程度的混合岩化和深熔作用,岩石已遭受多次不同地质作用的叠加改造,因此华北克拉通具有复杂的演化历史。从太古宙到古元古代末的克拉通形成,华北克拉通主要经历了五期区域变质作用。鞍山地区的古—中太古代经历了角闪岩相变质作用改造,尚未获得变质年龄数据。但在TTG岩系中已获得3 560 Ma和3 000~3 300 Ma早期的变质年龄。河南鲁山太华杂岩的中太古代斜长角闪岩中获得2 776~2 792 Ma和2 671~2 651 Ma两期变质作用年龄信息,代表了新太古代早期的变质作用。新太古代麻粒岩-TTG岩系和新太古代花岗-绿岩系都经历了新太古代晚期—古元古代初的变质作用改造。在古元古代阶段,在华北克拉通北缘在1 965~1 900 Ma期间发生了中低压/高压麻粒岩相变质,局部发生超高温变质,这期变质作用与陆块间的俯冲碰撞及其后的地幔上涌有关。在古元古代晚期(1 890~1 800 Ma)在华北克拉通的中部及东部的胶—辽—吉带发生了高压麻粒岩相-角闪岩相的区域变质,代表了陆块间的碰撞拼合过程。不同变质岩系类型经历的变质作用反映了不同的构造背景。太古宙晚期大量的TTG岩系及呈面状分布的中/低压麻粒岩主要出露在华北克拉通的中北部,普遍具有逆时针的p-T轨迹,反映了地幔柱底板垫托的构造环境。新太古代的花岗-绿岩系在新太古代晚期—古元古代早期经历的变质作用多为顺时针的p-T演化轨迹,反映其发生可能与弧后+地幔柱联合作用的构造背景。古元古代晚期的两期变质作用多表现为高压麻粒岩相的顺时针p-T演化轨迹,反映了不同陆块(地块)之间碰撞拼合的过程,意味着类似显生宙的板块构造体制已经出现。  相似文献   

华北地台部分麻粒岩地体及包体的地球化学特征对比   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
华北地台麻粒岩包体(汉诺坝)与麻粒岩地体(西望山、蔓菁沟)存在明显的岩石地球化学特征差异,麻粒岩包体总体成分偏基性,麻粒岩地体总体成分偏长英质。形成时间、空间及构造背景的不同是造成成分差异的重要因素。汉诺坝麻粒岩包体是在拉线环境下玄武质岩浆底侵下地壳后结晶分异过程中堆晶作用的结果,其主、微量元素成分受控于辉石和斜长石堆晶的相对比例;下地壳物质的混染作用不是造成麻粒岩包体Nb、Ta、Th、U亏损的惟一因素,底侵的玄武质岩浆可能发生了含钛矿物相的结晶分离,造成了汉诺坝麻粒岩包体Nb、Ta亏损,而下地壳的麻粒岩相变质作用则使Th、U发生亏损。麻粒岩地体存在两种不同性质的微量元素组成,反映了两种不同构造环境的并置,是构造挤压抬升的结晶。  相似文献   

Silica-deficient sapphirine-bearing rocks occur as an enclave within granulite facies Proterozoic gneisses and migmatites near Grimstad in the Bamble sector of south-east Norway (Hasleholmen locality). The rocks contain peraluminous sapphirine, orthopyroxene, gedrite, anthophyllite, sillimanite, sapphirine, corundum, cordierite, spinel, quartz and biotite in a variety of assemblages. Feldspar is absent.
Fe2+/(Fe2++ Mg) in the analysed minerals varies in the order: spinel > gedrite ≥ anthophyllite ≥ biotite > sapphirine>orthopyroxene > cordierite.
Characteristic pseudomorph textures indicate coexistence of orthopyroxene and sillimanite during early stages of the reaction history. Assemblages containing orthopyroxene-sillimanite-sapphirine-cordierite-corundum developed during a high-pressure phase of metamorphism and are consistent with equilibration pressures of about 9 kbar at temperatures of 750–800°C. Decompression towards medium-pressure granulite facies generated various sapphirine-bearing assemblages. The diagnostic assemblage of this stage is sapphirine-cordierite. Sapphirine occurs in characteristic symplectite textures. The major mineralogical changes can be described by the discontinuous FMAS reaction: orthopyroxene + sillimanite → sapphirine + cordierite + corundum.
The disequilibrium textures found in the Hasleholmen rocks are characteristic for reactions which have been in progress but then ceased before they run to completion. Textures such as reaction rims, symplectites, partial replacement, corrosion and dissolution of earlier minerals are characteristic of granulite facies rocks. They indicate that, despite relatively high temperatures (700–800° C), equilibrium domains were small and chemical communication and transport was hampered as a result of dry or H2O-poor conditions.  相似文献   

High‐pressure granulites are an important record of geodynamic processes in overthickened or subducted continental crust. Orthopyroxene‐free assemblages in granitic (ternary feldspar(s) + quartz + garnet + kyanite + rutile), intermediate (ternary feldspar(s) + quartz + garnet + clinopyroxene ± kyanite ±rutile ± titanite) and basic (garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± quartz + rutile) compositions indicate formation conditions at mantle depths. Clinopyroxene compositions in Variscan high‐pressure granulites are unusual in that they include omphacite (in plagioclase‐bearing rocks thus not eclogite) and Al‐rich diopside (i.e. indicating high Ca‐Tschermak content), with both yielding temperatures above 900 °C. Problems such as compositional zoning, multiple generations of key phases in reaction domains and unmixing of high‐temperature solid‐solution phases during cooling (ternary feldspars, omphacite) clearly indicate disequilibrium and require very careful interpretation as to which phases and compositions possibly represent a former equilibrium association. Pressure–temperature (P–T) determination by the pseudosection method, although allowing prediction of mineral assemblages, compositions and molar proportions for a fixed bulk composition for modelled P–T conditions, still requires reliable activity–composition information for the key phases feldspar and clinopyroxene as well as an interpretation of former equilibrium compositions in the investigated samples, i.e. the same restrictions applying to conventional thermobarometry. The interpretations of some recently determined pseudosections for the composition of Variscan clinopyroxene‐bearing high‐pressure granulites contradict numerous published P–T paths. However, quantitative information from thermobarometry or pseudosections must be integrated with key petrographic observations. In the case of the Variscan example, it is argued that petrographic observations and published P–T paths are consistent with mineral assemblages predicted in pseudosections and support existing tectonometamorphic models.  相似文献   

A series of striking migmatitic structures occur in rectilinear networks through western Fiordland, New Zealand, involving, for the most part, narrow anorthositic dykes that cut hornblende‐bearing orthogneiss. Adjacent to the dykes, host rocks show patchy, spatially restricted recrystallization and dehydration on a decimetre‐scale to garnet granulite. Although there is general agreement that the migration of silicate melt has formed at least parts of the structures, there is disagreement on the role of silicate melt in dehydrating the host rock. A variety of causal processes have been inferred, including metasomatism due to the ingress of a carbonic, mantle‐derived fluid; hornblende‐breakdown leading to water release and limited partial melting of host rocks; and dehydration induced by volatile scavenging by a migrating silicate melt. Variability in dyke assemblage, together with the correlation between dehydration structures and host rock silica content, are inconsistent with macroscopic metasomatism, and best match open system behaviour involving volatile scavenging by a migrating trondhjemitic liquid.  相似文献   

东南极格罗夫山镁铁质麻粒岩的变质作用   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
俞良军  赵越等 《岩石学报》2002,18(4):501-516
东南极内陆-格罗夫山存在一套经历了麻粒岩相变质作用的镁铁质麻粒岩和斜长角闪岩。变质反应结构显示该区多为单一的区域性麻粒岩相变质作用。但是,对含石榴石的镁铁质麻粒岩的详细工作则显示了包括3个阶段的近等温降压(ITD)的顺时针PT演化轨迹,M1:0.93GPa>800℃:M2:0.65GPa,733-850℃;M3:0.46-0.61GPa,并有着与拉斯曼丘陵相似的演化历史。根据矿物组合和成分、变质反应结构及温压计算结果,格罗夫山镁铁质麻粒岩可能为高压麻粒岩。  相似文献   

The Tongbai granulites are present mainly as xenoliths in granodioritic gneisses. The xenoliths with a zircon age of 470Ma are older than the host rocks of granodioritic gneisses which yield a zircon age of 435Ma. It is suggested that the granulites were transported from the lower crust to the upper level along with granodioritic magma. Geothermometrical and geobarometrical studies based on the coexisting minerals (Opx-Cpx and Opx-Gar) show that the granulites were crystallized at 818 –840 °C and 9.5−9.8 × 108 Pa corresponding to the lower crust. Tectonically, the Shangdan suture zone constitutes the boundary between the North China and Yangtze plates. The zone is char acterized by the occurrence of ophiolites in the western part and by that of granulites in the eastern part. So the western part marks the upper crustal level of the Qinling belt, while the eastern part represents the exposure of a deeper level. The results of isotopic dating and the geochemical characteristics of the xenoliths are consistent with those of metatholeiites of the ophiolites in the western part. Therefore, it is assumed that both ophiolites found in the west and granulites found in the east all represent the remnants of the ancient Qinling ocean plate. The difference is that the ophiolites are pieces of obducted fragments from the ocean floor during the subduction in the Early Palaeozoic. However, in the Tongbai area, when the ocean floor was subducting towards the lower crust, it underwent a granulite fades metamorphism. Subsequently, granodioritic magma formed by partial melting trapped some fragments of granulite upwards. This project was jointly granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk of Germany  相似文献   

Granulite facies gabbroic and dioritic gneisses in the Pembroke Valley, Milford Sound, New Zealand, are cut by vertical and planar garnet reaction zones in rectilinear patterns. In gabbroic gneiss, narrow dykes of anorthositic leucosome are surrounded by fine‐grained garnet granulite that replaced the host two‐pyroxene hornblende granulite at conditions of 750 °C and 14 kbar. Major and trace element whole‐rock geochemical data indicate that recrystallization was mostly isochemical. The anorthositic veins cut contacts between gabbroic gneiss and dioritic gneiss, but change in morphology at the contacts, from the anorthositic vein surrounded by a garnet granulite reaction zone in the gabbroic gneiss, to zones with a septum of coarse‐grained garnet surrounded by anorthositic leucosome in the dioritic gneiss. The dioritic gneiss also contains isolated garnet grains enclosed by leucosome, and short planar trains of garnet grains linked by leucosome. Partial melting of the dioritic gneiss, mostly controlled by hornblende breakdown at water‐undersaturated conditions, is inferred to have generated the leucosomes. The form of the leucosomes is consistent with melt segregation and transport aided by fracture propagation; limited retrogression suggests considerable melt escape. Dyking and melt escape from the dioritic gneiss are inferred to have propagated fractures into the gabbroic gneiss. The migrating melt scavenged water from the surrounding gabbroic gneiss and induced the limited replacement by garnet granulite.  相似文献   

Abstract Phase relations and mineral chemistry for garnet (Grt), orthopyroxene (Opx), sapphirine (Spr), water-undersaturated cordierite (Crd), osumilite (Osu), sillimanite (Sil), K-feldspar (Kfs), quartz (Qtz) and a water-undersaturated liquid (Liq) have been determined experimentally in the system KFMASH (K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O) under low PH2O and fO2 conditions. Four compositions have been studied with 100 [Mg/(Mg + Fe)] ranging from 65.6 to 89.7. Based on our experimental data, a P-T grid is derived for the KFMASH system in the presence of quartz, orthopyroxene and liquid. Osumilite has been found in various mineral assemblages from 950 to 1100°C and 7.5 to 11 kbar. In the temperature range 1000-1100°C, the pair Os-Grt is stable over a pressure range of about 3kbar. The divariant reaction Os + Opx = Grt + Kfs + Qtz runs to the right with increasing pressure. Because osumilite is the most magnesian phase it is restricted to Mg-rich compositions at high pressure. The reaction defining the upper pressure stability limit of Os-Grt is located around 11 kbar with a nearly flat dP/dT slope over the temperature range 950–100°C. Over the entire temperature range investigated osumilite is not stable beyond 12 kbar. The data imply a restricted pressure range between 11 and 12 kbar for the stability of the assemblage Os-Opx-Sil-Kfs-Qtz. At 1050°C and above, osumilite occurs in various mineral assemblages together with the high-T pair Spr-Qtz. When coexisting with garnet, orthopyroxene or sapphirine, osumilite is always the most magnesian phase. At 1050 and 1100°C, liquid is invariably the most Fe-rich phase in the run product. Our data support a theoretical P-T grid for the KFMAS system in which osumilite is stable outside the field of the high-T assemblage Spr-Qtz. Moreover, our grid indicates that Os-Opx-Sil-Kfs-Qtz has a more restricted pressure and compositional stability domain than Os-Grt, in agreement with natural occurrences. Osumilite is stable over a large pressure range, such that in Mg-rich rocks, and at high temperature, it can occur at any depth in normal thickness continental crust.  相似文献   

中国太古宙地质体组成、阶段划分和演化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
沈其韩  钱祥麟 《地球学报》1995,16(2):113-120
我国太古宇陆壳主要见于华北克拉通区内,由高级变质的麻粒岩相带、角闪宕相区和低、中级变质的绿岩-花岗岩区组成。按地质时序可划分为始、古、中、新太古4个阶段。麻粒岩相带的组成主要由英云闪长质片麻岩为主和少量表壳岩或主要由表壳岩含一些花岗质岩石。绿岩-花岗岩区时代主要属新太古代,绿岩属基性火山-沉积建造,基性岩的原岩物质来自相对亏损的上地幔,形成于大陆边缘的裂谷环境。太古宙末,板块体制已经形成,麻粒岩相带是板块体制的俯冲碰撞机制的产物。对克拉通古陆块能长期成为大陆的解释,应认为是下地壳的挤压环境,促使陆壳以板底垫托叠置、垂直增生所致。  相似文献   

综述了近年来麻粒岩中p-T-t轨迹的研究现状。内容涉及到麻粒岩相变质作用的温压条件及时间跨度,同时指出:结合岩石中的矿物组合、后成合晶及反应结构,利用矿物温压计是目前确定p-T-t轨迹的主要手段。  相似文献   

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