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数字高程模型在流域水文模型应用中的若干问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
孔凡哲  芮孝芳 《水文》2002,22(5):1-4
数字高程模型(DEM)在流域水文模型中得到了广泛应用,主要是因为DEM能够自动提取流域水文模型所需要的确定流域排水结构的水文信息。回顾并讨论了DEM在流域水文模型应用中的几个问题,主要包括河网自动提取的方法、DEM中排水方向的确定以及封闭洼地的处理,同时还包括在流域水文模型中应用时DEM的结构类型及尺度问题。由于由DEM生成的模拟河网与流域实际河网间存在一定的差别,最后还讨论了如何对模拟河网进行矫正的问题。  相似文献   

数字流域水系构建方法浅析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
基于辽河水系老哈河流域栅格DEM数据,分别采用数字高程流域水系模型(DEDNM)、河流工具RiverTools、地理信息系统Arcview软件,根据地形提取水系信息,构建数字流域,并分析比较了三者在凹陷区域识别、水系、子流域及其拓扑关系生成方面的差异。总的来说,数字高程流域水系模型的可修改性较好;而RiverTools软件可视化程度高,使用方便,并具备强大的图示和地形分析功能;Arcview基于地理信息系统(GIS)更易于进行二次开发。  相似文献   

在对河流水系演变与人类社会发展关系进行归纳总结的基础上,基于历史文献和数字高程模型数据,提取16世纪末至今北运河流域水系4个年份断面(1582年、1820年、1933年和2011年).同时确定河网分级、进行水文分析,计算水系结构参数.结果 表明,16世纪末至今,北运河流域范围逐步缩小,水系格局由亚树枝状向混合状形态演变.1582-1820年是河流长度发育、河流数量、支流发育系数与河网复杂度增加最为显著的阶段,反映了河流主干化的趋势,人类对河流连续性干扰较深.而洪涝引起的水系变动以及人类增加水源、开挖引河、筑堤坝等活动,是水系结构改变的主要原因.  相似文献   

以地理信息软件ArcGIS10.0为平台,基于数字高程模型(DEM),探讨其水文分析模块在流域提取、流域水系提取及河流分级的算法和原理。并以汀江流域为例,详述流域水文地理信息的提取方法和步骤,实现流域边界、流域水系的提取及河网的分级。结果表明:以流域面积为主要控制信息,提取的成果均能较好地吻合流域的实际情况,该方法具有操作简单、成果精度高、提取速度快等特点。流域水文地理信息的自动提取为流域水文设计提供了基础数据,具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

数字高程模型预处理方法的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,简称DEM)是地形表面形态属性的数字化表达,被广泛应用于流域水文模拟中河网水系的提取.从DEM直接提取的河网水系及相关的流域地理空间信息,是分布式水文模拟的地理信息平台.由于DEM中洼地和平坦区的存在会影响水流方向的确定和数字河网的正确提取.因此在河网自动提取过程中必须首先对DEM数据进行预处理.本文对国内外各种DEM预处理方法进行了归纳总结.将DEM数据预处理方法分为两大类:分步处理法,以及一体化处理法.分步处理法按处理对象又可分为洼地处理方法和平坦区处理方法两部分;而一体化处理法则采用迭代算法同时对洼地和平地进行处理.  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS的DEM流域划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程峥  李永胜  高微微 《地下水》2011,(6):128-130
从数字高程模型DEM(Digit Elevation Models)直接提取河网及流域信息,是分布式水文模型开发与应用的基础.本文利用ArcGIS中的水文分析工具从DEM中提取了流域水文特征.主要包括:DEM的预处理、水流方向的确定、水流累积量提取、河网的提取、集水区的提取和流域的划分.本文探讨了两种不同划分流域的方法...  相似文献   

基于DEM与实测河网的流域编码方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
借助于GIS技术对大流域进行划分与编码.修正实测河道上部分栅格单元的高程,以避免大面积“伪洼地”的出现,从修正后的栅格型数字高程模型(DEM)提取出与实测河网比较一致的模拟河网.提取出模拟河网后,再进行河网的编码,以及流域的划分与编码.提出了一种对Pfafstetter规则的改进方法,并且按照改进后的Pfafstetter规则来对河网与流域进行编码.所有编码工作是由本次研究中专门编制的程序来自动完成.将提出的方法应用于黄河流域,将整个黄河流域划分为8 255个子流域并赋予了Pfafstetter编码.  相似文献   

处理DEM中闭合洼地和平坦区域的一种新方法   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
数字高程模型(DEM)中的闭合洼地和平坦区域影响着流域排水网络的自动提取.目前已提出很多方法来处理这两种地形,但均针对已经形成的DEM单元网格进行处理,结果往往生成伪河道及平行河道.在回顾分析了这些方法存在的问题后,提出了一种新的处理方法,该法认为DEM中的闭合洼地和平坦区域是由于低质量的资料输入、生成DEM时的内插误差等引起的.通过增加输入地形高程信息,避免了DEM中平坦区域和闭合洼地的生成,从而使由DEM生成的河网与实际河网能够精确拟合.实例分析表明,该方法效果明显.  相似文献   

胡晓婷 《地下水》2012,(1):147-149
利用数字高程模型DEM(Digital Elevation Models)直接提取河网及相关流域信息,是分布式水文模型开发与应用的基础。本文深入讨论了在GIS环境下,从DEM提取流域的基本原理和方法,并且以全中国流域为例,介绍了当前GIS在中国流域研究中的应用。  相似文献   

基于地貌扩散和水动力扩散的流域瞬时单位线研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
芮孝芳  石朋 《水科学进展》2002,13(4):439-444
流域汇流是地貌扩散和水动力扩散共同作用的结果。用宽度函数描述地貌扩散,用河道响应函数描述水动力扩散,从而导出了流域地貌瞬时单位线的表达式。建立了长江三峡区间沿渡河流域的数字高程模型(DEM),由此自动生成了该流域水系,并提取了流域地貌瞬时单位线公式所需的地貌信息。23场洪水的检验结果表明:所建议的流域地貌瞬时单位线公式用于流域汇流计算具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

The recent development of digital representation has stimulated the development of automatic extraction of topographic and hydrologic information from digital elevation model input, using geographic information system (GIS) and hydrologic models that integrate multiple databases within a minimal time. The objective of this investigation is to compare the drainage extracted from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data with the drainage digitized from topographic data (1:50,000) and also to draw attention to the functions of an add-on tool in ArcGIS 9.2 (Arc Hydro v.2) of Kuttiyadi River basin. The analysis reveals that the watershed extracted from the SRTM digital elevation model (DEM) (90 m resolution) is having an area of 668 km2 and that from toposheet is 676 km2. The river mouth in the drainage network from the SRTM DEM is found to be shifted to the northern side from where it actually exists. The drainage network from SRTM DEM at stream threshold 15 (0.0002 % of maximum flow accumulation) is delivering best results than the other threshold value in comparison with the drainage pattern derived from toposheets. The study reveals the importance, reliability, and quaintness of drainage network and watershed derived from the SRTM using the Arc Hydro Tool, an extension for Environmental Systems Research Institute ArcGIS. The advantage of the Arc Hydro Tool is that it would help a novice with little GIS knowledge to run the model to obtain watershed and drainage network.  相似文献   

A morphometric evaluation of Tamiraparani subbasin was carried out to determine the drainage characteristics using GIS model technique. Extraction of the subbasin and stream network model has been developed to quantify the drainage parameters in the study area. The input parameters required to run this model are: a pour point, a minimum upstream area in hectares, and a digital elevation model. After execution, the model provides a drainage basin with Strahler’s classified stream network supported by thematic layers like aspect, slope, relief, and drainage density. The developed model reveals that the drainage area of this subbasin is 2,055 km2 and shows subdendritic to dendritic drainage pattern. The basin includes seventh order stream and mostly dominated by lower stream order. The slope of the study area varies from 0° in the east to 61° towards west. The presence of Western Ghats is the chief controlling factor for slope variation. Moreover, the slope variation is controlled by the local lithology and erosion cycles. The bifurcation ratio indicates that the geological structures have little influence on the drainage networks and the drainage density reveals that the nature of subsurface strata is permeable.  相似文献   

In this study, a digital elevation model was used for hydrological study/watershed management, topography, geology, tectonic geomorphology, and morphometric analysis. Geographical information system provides a specialized set of tools for the analysis of topography, watersheds, and drainage networks that enables to interpret the tectonic activities of an area. The drainage system maps of Zagros Mountains in southwest Iran have been produced using multi-temporal datasets between 1950 and 2001 to establish the changes between geomorphic signatures and geomorphic aspect during time and to correlate them with recent neo-tectonics. This paper discusses the role of drainage for interpreting the scenario of the tectonic processes as one of important signatures. The study shows variation in drainage network derived from topography maps. Thus, changes in drainage pattern, stream length, stream gradient, and the number of segment drainage order from 1950 to 2001 indicate that Zagros Mountain has been subjected to recent neo-tectonic processes and emphasized to be a newly active zone.  相似文献   

韩治虹  黄帅  花卫华 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):470-475
以往水系的勾绘、采样点位的布设工作均由人工在地形底图上手工完成,工作量大,且影响化探工作进度。通过规则网格的数字高程模型生成水系网,实现了精确度较高的水系网提取算法。该算法先按照水系级别和水系长度进行样点初布,然后检测样点的数量及密度是否达到要求,再根据布样要求进行样点的补充与修改,据此研究水系沉积物采样自动化布置方法,实现基于等高线的水系沉积物采样点的自动布设,提高了化探采样工作效率。  相似文献   

数字高程模型信息提取与数字水文模型研究进展   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:43  
回顾了数字高程模型(DEM)数据的信息提取方法,阐述了由DEM提取的信息在水文水资源领域应用的现状,探讨了数字模型在水文科学中的作用和数字水文在数字地球所处的地位及应用前景。  相似文献   

数字地形分析技术在分布式水文建模中的应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
论述了在栅格数字高程模型(DEM)的基础上,利用数字地形分析技术来完成地形评价、河网指示、流域分割、子流域参数化等项工作的理论与方法。并结合江西潋水河流域的实际工作进行了详细的说明。研究结果表明,通过数字地形分析的方法,利用栅格DEM实现流域离散化并从中提取分布式水文模型所需要的输入参数是一种行之有效的手段。  相似文献   

在甘肃和青海交界地区的1:257Y民和县幅、临夏市幅和定西市幅数字区域地质调查中,以“数字填图系统(RGMAP)”为平台,使用遥感ETM^+数据和地形数据对岩石地层进行了信息挖掘。数据准备主要是遥感和数字地形多源信息的提取和预处理.从数字地形图的等高线数据中提取高程,进而提取汇水网络等水文信息和地形参数。遥感数据经过地形校正、线性增强、色彩拉伸,进行空间分辨率增强,经彩色合成并结合数字高程,实现了对调查区构造-地层区划和部分岩石地层单元的识别。实践证明该项工作是地质填图的重要辅助手段。  相似文献   

利用DEM提取流域水系时洼地与平地的处理方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
在利用数字高程模型(DEM)模拟坡面流提取流域水系特征过程中,对洼地和平地的处理是首先需要解决的关键问题。针对现有方法对复杂地形DEM中平地、洼地及其复合情形处理效率和效果的不佳,提出了洼地的分类与归并、有效填洼、平地的分类、基于出流代价的河谷平地排水流向构建等新的处理方法,并在开发的软件系统中得到实现。实验结果表明:采用该方法可对复杂洼地进行有效处理,构建的河谷平地水流流向在顾及周边地形的同时向可能形成的河道收敛,避免了平行河道、伪河道等奇异河道的产生,由此提取的流域水系与实际自然水系基本一致。  相似文献   

An evaluation of morphometric parameters of two drainage networks derived from different sources was done to determine the influence of sub-basins to flooding on the main channel in the Havran River basin (Balıkesir-Turkey). Drainage networks for the sub-basins were derived from both topographic maps scaled 1:25.000 and a 10-m resolution digital elevation model (DEM) using geographic information systems (GIS). Blue lines, representing fluvial channels on the topographic maps were accepted as a drainage network, which does not depict all exterior links in the basin. The second drainage network was extracted from the DEM using minimum accumulation area threshold to include all exterior links. Morphometric parameters were applied to the two types of drainage networks at sub-basin levels. These parameters were used to assess the influence of the sub-basins on the main channel with respect to flooding. The results show that the drainage network of sub-basin 4—where a dam was constructed on its outlet to mitigate potential floods—has a lower influence morphometrically to produce probable floods on the main channel than that of sub-basins 1, 3, and 5. The construction of the dam will help reduce flooding on the main channel from sub-basin 4 but it will not prevent potential flooding from sub-basin 1, 3 and 5, which join the main channel downstream of sub-basin 4. Therefore, flood mitigation efforts should be considered in order to protect the settlement and agricultural lands on the floodplain downstream of the dam. In order to increase our understanding of flood hazards, and to determine appropriate mitigation solutions, drainage morphometry research should be included as an essential component to hydrologic studies.  相似文献   

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