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近年来全岩电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)和原位激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)微量元素地球化学测试在地球科学领域的应用越来越广泛。霓长岩化是碳酸岩型稀土矿常见的蚀变类型,但其中的蚀变矿物微量元素特征与稀土矿化关系并不清楚。本文对川西牦牛坪矿床两期霓长岩化脉(无矿脉和含矿脉)中的霓辉石、钠铁闪石同时开展ICP-MS和LA-ICP-MS微量元素测试。结果表明:同期次的霓长岩化脉中,霓辉石、钠铁闪石全岩ΣREE含量远高于单矿物原位ΣREE含量,背散射图像显示霓辉石、钠铁闪石矿物中叠加了一些氟碳铈矿、重晶石微矿物。不同期次霓长岩化脉中霓辉石原位微量对比,含矿脉中的霓辉石具有更高的La/Nd值(0.19~0.23)、LREE/HREE值(6.58~7.79)、Ce/Nd值(0.95~1.11)、LaN/YbN值(2.07~2.33)。对比全岩微量组成,含矿脉中高含量的La、Ce、LREE、ΣREE,强烈的轻重稀土分异,可能代表了高稀土通量的霓长岩化流体。霓长岩化脉的出现以及脉体中霓辉石、钠铁闪石这些全岩微量、原位微量地球化学指标,可为碳酸岩型稀土矿床找矿勘查提供参考。  相似文献   

川西冕宁-德昌喜马拉雅期稀土元素成矿带长约270 km,宽15 km,包括牦牛坪超大型、大陆槽大型、木落寨中型和里庄小型REE矿床以及一系列矿点和矿化点.该矿带在空间上位于攀西二叠纪古裂谷中,但岩体和矿体均形成于喜马拉雅期,年龄为40~10 Ma.REE成矿作用与喜马拉雅期碳酸岩-碱性杂岩体有关,受印度-亚洲大陆碰撞带东部一系列新生代走滑断裂系统控制.碳酸岩-碱性杂岩体主要侵位于元古代结晶基底和古生代-中生代沉积盖层内.矿区蚀变以霓长岩化为特征,在杂岩体和矿体中形成规模不等的霓长岩蚀变晕.REE成矿作用主要有3种样式,即大陆槽式、牦牛坪式和里庄式.大陆槽式以爆破角砾岩筒矿化为特征,牦牛坪式以典型的脉状矿化系统为标志,里庄式则以浸染状矿化为特色.主要矿石类型有伟晶岩型、碳酸岩型、角砾状和网脉状,矿物组合主要为重晶石 萤石 霓辉石 方解石 氟碳铈矿.流体包裹体和稳定同位素研究表明,成矿流体来源于碳酸岩-正长岩不混溶岩浆系统,但在流体演化的晚期阶段有外部流体的加入.根据综合分析研究,笔者提出了一个可能的REE成矿作用模式.该模式强调,成矿热液流体系统经历了一个复杂的演化过程:从不混溶碳酸岩-正长岩岩浆系统分离出高温、含硫酸盐富RISE的NaCl-KCl卤水,到流体沸腾导致REE-氟碳酸盐和硫酸盐有效沉淀,最后与雨水混合导致少量硫化物沉积.在空间上形成了一个"三层楼"式的REE成矿系统:在深部层位,形成细脉-浸染状矿体(如里庄式矿床);在中部层位,形成脉状矿体(如牦牛坪式矿床);在上部层位,形成角砾岩筒矿体(如大陆槽式矿床).成矿系统发生于喜马拉雅期大陆碰撞带从压扭向张扭转变过渡的构造背景下,新生代大规模走滑断裂及其派生的拉分构造和张性裂隙带促进了含REE岩浆-热液系统的形成.  相似文献   

与碳酸岩共生的霓长岩   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王凯怡 《地质科学》2015,50(1):203-212
本文归纳总结了从20世纪60年代以来国外与碳酸岩有关的霓长岩的相关研究成果,主要涉及了岩石学、矿物学和地球化学等方面。与碳酸岩有关的霓长岩是碳酸岩侵位时对围岩交代作用产生的岩石,其主要组成矿物为碱性铁镁矿物和碱性长石等。根据霓长岩与碳酸岩的空间关系、其显微结构及矿物共生组合,可将霓长岩划分为低级、中级和高级不同类型。霓长岩的矿物学研究侧重于对其矿物组成及矿物化学成分的研究,据此可了解交代流体的性质、交代作用时的物理条件并追索流体的来源。在霓长岩化过程中,初生碳酸岩浆逸出的大量碱金属和挥发分进入了围岩中形成霓长岩,因此,通过对霓长岩元素和同位素地球化学的研究,有助于理解初生碳酸岩浆的性质和其地幔来源区特征。  相似文献   

冕宁-德昌稀土(REE)矿带位于青藏高原东部,受川西一系列走滑断裂控制,大陆槽矿床是矿带中唯一位于南部的大型REE矿床。在前人研究基础上,结合近年来对整个稀土矿带地质填图和室内研究,重点对大陆槽矿床的成矿特征、赋矿围岩及其蚀变、矿石类型、成矿流体来源和流体包裹体演化等方面与同一矿带内的其它矿床进行了详细对比,进一步总结了碳酸岩型(含碳酸岩-正长岩杂岩体)REE矿床的成矿过程。大陆槽矿床的No.1号和No.3号矿体均位于碳酸岩-正长岩杂岩体内,分别由不同隐爆角砾岩筒所控制。以往研究认为两个矿体的碳酸岩-正长岩杂岩体侵位的年龄都在12Ma左右,本次研究发现在26.49±0.63Ma已经存在碳酸岩-正长岩杂岩体岩浆活动。大陆槽REE矿床受隐爆角砾岩构造活动和风化作用的影响,矿石类型以角砾岩型和风化型为主,脉石矿物和矿石矿物在手标本尺度和镜下很难辨认。通过野外观察、镜下矿物共生组合、包裹体显微测温等研究发现,大陆槽矿化过程和牦牛坪矿床相似,只是矿化规模较小,矿化阶段分为岩浆岩阶段-伟晶岩阶段(600℃)-高温热液阶段(450~350℃)-低温热液阶段(350℃),氟碳铈矿形成于热液阶段的晚期。根据伟晶岩阶段至热液阶段氟碳铈矿中流体包裹体的特征,发现多期次隐爆角砾活动导致大气降水和碳酸岩中脱出的CO_2的加入,使得成矿流体的密度(0.732~0.631g/cm~3)、压力(2436~101bar)逐渐降低,直至成矿。此外,岩相学观察和拉曼测试分析也表明包裹体从熔融包裹体过渡到含重晶石、萤石、天青石子晶的富CO_2包裹体、气液两相包裹体,显示了成矿流体由岩浆至热液的转化过程。大陆槽矿床中的包裹体阴离子以SO_4~(2-)为主,气体以CO_2为主,成矿流体中阳离子主要为K~+、Na~+、Ca~(2+)、Sr~(2+)、Ba~(2+)和稀土元素阳离子,表明流体属于SO_4~(2-)-CO_2-H_2O体系,与矿带中其它矿床的成矿流体体系一致。成矿流体的主要成分是岩浆水、大气水和碳酸岩脱碳作用形成的CO_2,后者导致热液方解石和氟碳铈矿的O同位素(氟碳铈矿和方解石:δ~(18)O=5.8‰~12.5‰)值升高。已有研究显示矿带中不同矿床的脉石矿物如重晶石、天青石的Sr-Nd-Pb同位素与碳酸岩-正长岩杂岩体的相关数值基本一致,表明这些脉石矿物来源于碳酸岩-正长岩杂岩体。多期次隐爆角砾岩化作用及大陆槽断裂相关的构造活动促进了成矿流体的循环,直接或间接导致了大陆槽隐爆角砾岩型和风化型矿石的形成。尽管在大陆槽和牦牛坪矿床可以识别出表生氧化阶段,但这一过程并不伴随稀土矿化,热液阶段才是稀土沉淀的主要阶段。研究还强调了碳酸岩发育的大陆槽No.3矿体和里庄矿床主要出现的霓长岩化与矿化无关,而牦牛坪矿床地表并无霓长岩化蚀变。在以往和本次研究的基础上,建立了川西碳酸岩-正长岩型稀土矿床的成矿模式。  相似文献   

稀土是我国最重要的战略性关键金属之一,碳酸岩型稀土矿床是中国乃至全球稀土资源最主要的来源,这类碳酸岩体周围通常发育霓长岩化围岩蚀变.霓长岩化作用是碳酸岩岩浆出溶的流体与围岩相互作用、并最终形成霓长岩的一类地质作用,它是碳酸岩及相关稀土矿化的重要野外标志.本文从概念模型、分类命名、岩相学特征和组分迁移规律等对霓长岩化作用(及其产物)进行综述,并结合实验岩石学资料以及典型稀土矿床的最新研究成果探讨霓长岩化作用对碳酸岩型稀土矿床成因机制的指示意义.霓长岩化作用通常与角砾岩化作用相伴生,后者是碳酸岩岩浆侵位过程的产物.角砾岩化作用使岩体破裂并产生构造裂隙,为碳酸岩流体的运移和后期稀土矿化提供空间.霓长岩的分类命名较为繁杂且混乱,一般按照碱质含量的不同分为钾质和钠质(以及过渡型)霓长岩.霓长岩中的主要矿物有碱性镁铁质矿物(碱性辉石、碱性角闪石)、碱性长石(钾长石-钠长石系列)和云母族(金云母-黑云母系列)矿物."加碱去硅"是原岩发生霓长岩化作用时最重要的组分迁移特征,但并不是所有类型的原岩均遵循这一规律.此外,最新的实验模拟也表明,碱质是霓长岩化过程中稀土元素得以远距离迁移的关键因素.由于具有较高的温度,霓长岩化作用的发生通常早于(少数情况下同时)稀土矿物的沉淀,因此大规模稀土矿化是叠加于霓长岩化蚀变之上的.  相似文献   

稀土是我国最重要的战略性关键金属之一,碳酸岩型稀土矿床是中国乃至全球稀土资源最主要的来源,这类碳酸岩体周围通常发育霓长岩化围岩蚀变.霓长岩化作用是碳酸岩岩浆出溶的流体与围岩相互作用、并最终形成霓长岩的一类地质作用,它是碳酸岩及相关稀土矿化的重要野外标志.本文从概念模型、分类命名、岩相学特征和组分迁移规律等对霓长岩化作用(及其产物)进行综述,并结合实验岩石学资料以及典型稀土矿床的最新研究成果探讨霓长岩化作用对碳酸岩型稀土矿床成因机制的指示意义.霓长岩化作用通常与角砾岩化作用相伴生,后者是碳酸岩岩浆侵位过程的产物.角砾岩化作用使岩体破裂并产生构造裂隙,为碳酸岩流体的运移和后期稀土矿化提供空间.霓长岩的分类命名较为繁杂且混乱,一般按照碱质含量的不同分为钾质和钠质(以及过渡型)霓长岩.霓长岩中的主要矿物有碱性镁铁质矿物(碱性辉石、碱性角闪石)、碱性长石(钾长石-钠长石系列)和云母族(金云母-黑云母系列)矿物."加碱去硅"是原岩发生霓长岩化作用时最重要的组分迁移特征,但并不是所有类型的原岩均遵循这一规律.此外,最新的实验模拟也表明,碱质是霓长岩化过程中稀土元素得以远距离迁移的关键因素.由于具有较高的温度,霓长岩化作用的发生通常早于(少数情况下同时)稀土矿物的沉淀,因此大规模稀土矿化是叠加于霓长岩化蚀变之上的.  相似文献   

四川冕宁里庄稀土元素矿床矿石类型及金云母Ar-Ar年龄   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
四川冕宁-德昌稀土元素成矿带长约270 km,宽15 km,该成矿带包括牦牛坪超大型、大陆槽大型、木落寨中型和里庄小型稀土元素矿床及一系列矿点和矿化点。里庄稀土元素矿床作为矿带中唯一矿化特征以细脉浸染状为主的矿床,该矿床细脉浸染状矿化特征的成因和围岩蚀变特征尚未得到详细研究。文章将通过详细野外调查和室内研究,总结矿石类型和碳酸岩、正长岩蚀变特征,揭示细脉浸染状矿化特征的成因。研究表明,里庄矿床矿石类型以细脉浸染状为主,兼有少量角砾状。细脉浸染状矿石呈致密块状,矿物共生组合主要为氟碳铈矿+方解石+萤石+天青石+金云母,大规模的氟碳铈矿形成于热液阶段晚期并叠加在早期方解石、萤石和天青石等脉石矿物之上。细脉浸染状矿石全岩稀土元素配分显示LREE富集(33430×10~(-6)~46530×10~(-6)),HREE亏损(160×10~(-6)~192×10~(-6)),稀土元素总量高(33620×10~(-6)~46690×10~(-6)),全岩稀土元素配分特征与碳酸岩和正长岩相似,但后两者稀土元素总量较低。与牦牛坪发育脉状矿化系统、大陆槽角砾岩筒系统相比,里庄矿化特征以细脉浸染状为主,其可能是由于张性裂隙不发育造成的。区内正长岩-碳酸岩杂岩体广泛发育强烈的蚀变作用。正长岩发育典型霓长岩化,这种蚀变以钾长石被钠长石交代为特征,并形成次生鳞片状黑云母,少量半自形氟碳铈矿叠加在钠长石和黑云母之上。碳酸岩广泛发育红化,其原生表面洁净的方解石被流体交代,大量氟碳铈矿叠加在蚀变方解石之上。矿区矿体赋存在正长岩-碳酸岩杂岩体中,BSE图像及显微镜观察显示氟碳铈矿叠加在蚀变碳酸岩-正长岩之上,结合已有数据发现矿石及部分脉石矿物与碳酸岩-正长岩在微量元素和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成特征的一致,表明碳酸岩-正长岩杂岩体提供了本矿床稀土元素矿化的物质来源。此次研究中发现,在里庄矿床中大量发育与氟碳铈矿密切共生的金云母。文章对该金云母进行了Ar-Ar同位素测年,获得金云母形成年龄为(26.0±1.1)Ma,误差范围内与已报道的氟碳铈矿SIMS Th-Pb年龄和正长岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄一致,进一步说明REE成矿与正长岩-碳酸岩在成因上具有一致性。  相似文献   

江西相山CUSD3钻孔铀矿化蚀变带元素活动性探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文以江西相山科学深钻CUSD3钻孔铀矿化段为研究对象,在详细岩心观察和岩相学研究的基础上,将其分为矿化中心带、近侧强蚀变带、旁侧中等蚀变带、远侧弱蚀变带和外侧微弱蚀变带,由内向外热液蚀变强度依次减弱。蚀变类型主要为钠长石化、绿泥石化、伊利石化、碳酸盐化和磷灰石化等。运用标准化Isocon图解法分析表明,U含量与蚀变岩中Na_2O、FeO、CaO、MnO、P_2O_5含量呈正相关,主要与钠长石化、伊利石化、碳酸盐化、磷灰石化有关,且成矿流体为碱性富P流体;SiO_2和K_2O含量与U含量呈相反迁移特征,主要为岩石中钠长石交代石英和钾长石所致;蚀变带中,Fe_2O_3、MgO含量向两侧逐渐降低,与两侧黑云母和斜长石的绿泥石化有关;微量元素Sr、Pb、Zn、Mo、W、Bi、Sb、Zr、Hf等与U呈正相关,结合各蚀变带中U元素含量较未蚀变新鲜岩石明显富集,表明成矿流体和物质并非来源于围岩。此外,蚀变带中稀土元素总量、δEu值、重稀土含量与U含量呈正相关,指示成矿流体可能为深部来源。  相似文献   

岩浆(型)碳酸岩研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
主要从岩石学,矿物学,岩石分类,C,O,Sr同位素,碳酸岩与矿化的关系等各方面对(碱性)碳酸岩的研究进行了较为全面的总结,并结合近20年来实验岩石等,流体包裹体研究,CO2^- H2O-NaCl流体体系的性质的研究,对碳酸岩岩浆的来源及成因,岩浆-热液的演化进行了分析和探讨,碳酸岩形成至少经历了三个阶段,即岩浆阶段,岩浆期后阶段(气相碳酸岩/岩浆热液阶段),交代碳酸岩阶段,而作为与碳酸岩在空间和成因上有密切联系的基性,超基性岩,碱性岩杂岩体,则经历了碳酸岩成岩阶段以前的岩浆不混熔作用,结晶分异作用,岩浆结晶作用以及碳酸岩形成之后的围岩蚀变(霓长岩化)作用。  相似文献   

川西冕宁-德昌REE成矿带是中国最重要的REE成矿带之一,包括牦牛坪超大型REE矿床、大陆槽大型REE矿床:木落寨中型REE矿床和里庄小型REE矿床等。REE成矿作用与碳酸岩-碱性杂岩体有关,受印度-亚洲大陆碰撞带的一系列新生代走滑断裂系统控制。碳酸岩-碱性岩杂岩体主要侵位于元古代结晶基底岩石和古生代-中生代沉积盖层。碳酸岩主要为方解石碳酸岩,碱性正长岩以英碱正长岩为主,两者微量元素分布模式及Sr-Nd同位素组成特征相一致,表明两者为岩浆不混溶产物,因此两者的成岩时代应该基本相近。然而,前人研究成果表明,牦牛坪碳酸岩中钠铁闪石K-Ar年龄为31.7Ma,正长岩全岩K—Ar年龄为40.8Ma,两者相差10Ma。此外,研究表明,大陆槽、木落寨和里庄REE矿床碳酸岩-正长岩杂岩体成岩年龄与其相应的成矿年龄基本一致,而牦牛坪REE矿床两者相差甚远。本文利用碳酸岩中方解石进行了Sm—Nd等时线年龄测定,结合前人资料,重新厘定了牦牛坪REE矿床碳酸岩的成岩年龄和矿床的成矿年龄,分别为29.9Ma和26~27Ma,两者在误差范围内相一致。  相似文献   

The Precambrian migmatitic gneisses at Alnö have been altered to fenite by fluids emanating from alkaline and carbonatitic magmas intruded during early to middle Cambrian times. Fenitization, related to carbonatitic sources, was promoted by peralkaline, carbonate-rich fluids, in which the main chemical components and REE were mobile. Composition-volume relationships of progressively fenitized protolith suggest mainly isovolumetric equilibration, but a modest decrease of volume (6%) did occur in the highest grade of the process. The fenitizing fluids introduced essentially CaO, CO2, Na2O, and K2O while removing SiO2 and Al2O3. Different trends of fenitization, defined as sodic, potassic and intermediate, show differing REE distribution and abundance patterns. The sodic carbonate-rich fluid introduced all the REE, but the La/Lu ratio was high. The extreme REE enrichments of high-grade fenites are associated with the widespread formation of calcite, apatite and possibly titanite. The potassic carbonaterich fluid introduced essentially light REE, but produced also the redistribution of heavy REE in the high-grade fenites. REE distribution patterns of intermediate fenites suggest the re-equilibration of fenite with a highly oxidizing alkaline fluorine-rich fluid, possibly in a later post-magmatic episode.  相似文献   

Re-mapping of the Alnö complex has radically reduced the area identified as fenite, in comparison with the classic work of Eckermann (1948). A marginal fenite zone, generally 500–600 m wide, is present around the complex, and the petrography and mineralogy of six selected key areas have been investigated in detail. Fenitization of the country rock migmatitic gneiss led to replacement of quartz, feldspars, biotite and chlorite by alkali pyroxene and amphibole, new generations of feldspars, calcite, titanite, fluorite and apatite. In some areas, however, a distinctive narrow band of fenitization, referred to as contact fenite, adjacent to large sövite dykes, contains mineral assemblages that include phlogopite, nepheline, melanite and wollastonite. Amphiboles in the fenites are richterite, katophorite, arfvedsonite and eckermannite. There is a very wide variation in the composition of pyroxenes which vary between diopside, aergirine-augite and aergirine. Although trends from aergirine to aegirine-augite and aegirine-augite to diopside have been defined, which are similar to those of other fenite localities, distinctive trends for the eastern part of the aureole have been identified that converge on aegirine, and approximate trends in some series of alkaline igneous rocks. Analyses of mica, garnet, wollastonite and feldspar are also presented and discussed. The mineralogical data are used to estimate the conditions of temperature, oxidation state, and activity of CO2, H2O and silica pertaining during the fenitization process. The fluids with which the fenites equilibrated were apparently different in composition in different parts of the aureole, and varied with time, implying more than one magmatic source. The various evolutionary trends identified in the pyroxenes and amphiboles, in particular, are explained in terms of two main fluid types, which emanated from ijolitic and carbonatitic magma sources.  相似文献   

The Mianning–Dechang(MD) rare earth element(REE) belt, located in the northern Kangdian axis(KDA) in the western margin of the Yangtze platform, is one of the most economically significant REE mineral belts in China. REE mineralization is associated with Himalayan carbonatite–alkaline complexes. The Lizhuang nordmarkite occurred in the northern part of the MD REE belt. The majority of zircons from the Lizhuang nordmarkite are characterized by pronounced positive Ce yet slightly negative Eu anomalies and high U/Yb. Moreover, all zircons have stable Hf isotopic compositions with initial ~(176) Hf/(~(177)Hf) ratios ranging from 0.282739 to 0.282808 and an average value of 0.282773. The negative Lu/Hf and positive ε_(Hf)(t) range from-0.98 to-0.94(average value of-0.96) and from-0.56 to 1.89(the majority is positive, with an average of 0.66), respectively. These characteristics indicate that the rock is derived from an enriched mantle and subducted material. LA-ICP-MS analysis of the zircons from the intrusion yields a weighted mean ~(206)Pb/(~(238)U) age of 28.57±0.61 Ma. During this period, the tectonic activity in the KDA is not plate subduction but an intraplate tectonic exhibiting fold–thrust and strike–slip behaviors in the western marginal zone of the Yangtze platform(WMYB). We suggest the possibility of an existing eastward old slab subduction under WMYB combined with a regional tectonic evolution. The Lizhuang nordmarkite may be derived from an enriched mantle beneath the western part of the Yangtze craton, which originated from the remelting of the Tethys subducting slab, because of the Himalayan strike–slip that formed a special type of REE deposit called strike–slip-type REE deposits.  相似文献   

The Weishan REE deposit is located at the eastern part of North China Craton (NCC), western Shandong Province. The REE-bearing carbonatite occur as veins associated with aegirine syenite. LA-ICP-MS bastnaesite Th-Pb ages (129 Ma) of the Weishan carbonatite show that the carbonatite formed contemporary with the aegirine syenite. Based on the petrographic and geochemical characteristics of calcite, the REE-bearing carbonatite mainly consists of Generation-1 igneous calcite (G-1 calcite) with a small amount of Generation-2 hydrothermal calcite (G-2 calcite). Furthermore, the Weishan apatite is characterized by high Sr, LREE and low Y contents, and the carbonatite is rich in Sr, Ba and LREE contents. The δ13CV-PDB (−6.5‰ to −7.9‰) and δ13OV-SMOW (8.48‰–9.67‰) values are similar to those of primary, mantle-derived carbonatites. The above research supports that the carbonatite of the Weishan REE deposit is igneous carbonatite. Besides, the high Sr/Y, Th/U, Sr and Ba of the apatite indicate that the magma source of the Weishan REE deposit was enriched lithospheric mantle, which have suffered the fluid metasomatism. Taken together with the Mesozoic tectono-magmatic activities, the NW and NWW subduction of Izanagi plate along with lithosphere delamination and thinning of the North China plate support the formation of the Weishan REE deposit. Accordingly, the mineralization model of the Weishan REE deposit was concluded: The spatial-temporal relationships coupled with rare and trace element characteristics for both carbonatite and syenite suggest that the carbonatite melt was separated from the CO2-rich silicate melt by liquid immiscibility. The G-1 calcites were crystallized from the carbonatite melt, which made the residual melt rich in rare earth elements. Due to the common origin of G-1 and G-2 calcites, the REE-rich magmatic hydrothermal was subsequently separated from the melt. After that, large numbers of rare earth minerals were produced from the magmatic hydrothermal stage.  相似文献   

This paper presents new data on chromium mineralization in a fenitized xenolith in Mt. Kaskasnyunchorr in the Khibiny alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia) and summarizes data on Cr mineralogy in the Khibiny Mountains. Protolith silicates that contained Cr3+ admixture are believed to be the source of this element in the fenite. Cr-bearing (maximum Cr2O3 concentrations, wt %, are in parentheses) aegirine (5.8), crichtonite-group minerals (2.1), muscovite (1.3), zirconolite (1.1), titanite (1.0), fluorine-magnesioarfvedsonite (0.8), biotite (0.8), ilmenite (0.6), and aenigmatite (0.6) occur in the fenite. The late-stage spinellides of the FeTi-chromite-CrTi-magnetite series, which are very poor in Mg and Al and which formed after Crrich aegirine and ilmenite, are the richest in Cr (up to 42% Ct2O3). Cr concentrations grew with time during the fenitization process. Unlike minerals in the Khibiny ultramafic rocks where Cr is associated with Mg, Al (it is isomorphic with Cr), and with Ca, chromium in the fenites is associated with Fe, Ti, and V (with which Cr3+ is isomorphic) and with Na in silicate minerals. Cr3+ Mobility of Cr3+ and the unique character of chromium mineralization in the examined fenites were caused by high alkalinity of the fluid.  相似文献   

Ijolites from the type locality at Iivaara, Finland, form a continuous series of magmatic rocks ranging from urtites to melteigites. Both Ni and Cr, but also the large ion lithophile light-rare-earth elements, Zr, Hf, Nb, Rb, Sr and Ba are low in concentration. The Nd contents equal those of the neighboring fenites, Sr is distinctly less abundant, and there is no significant Eu anomaly. The 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr of the ijolites demonstrate a systematic covariation between the data of carbonaties from the Kola Alkaline Province (Sr – 13.8, Nd + 5.6) and those of the fenites at Iivaara (Sr + 132.9, Nd – 24.7) with Sr varying from +0.3 to +23.9 and Nd varying from-9.2 to-19.3. The trace element abundances and the isotopic data give evidence for a crystallization of the rocks from a liquid generated by melting (rheomorphism) of high-grade fenitized country rocks rather than from a primary mantle-derived magma which was contaminated at crustal levels. The fenitization of wall rocks preceding the ijolite magma formation was clement selective. Mixing of elements during the fenitization process between the designated components carbonatite (or derivative fenitizing fluid) and wall rock should have been dynamical depending on the stability of the wall rock mineral assemblages in contact with the fenitizing fluids, the migration velocity of these fluids, and their capacity of the respective elements. Such dynamical mixing explains best the variation of the isotope ratios withont systematic covariation of the respective element concentrations.  相似文献   

全球范围内出露的碳酸岩大多为钙质、镁质、铁质碳酸岩,少量为钠质和硅质碳酸岩,极少有富Sr碳酸岩的报道,其岩石成因、资源意义及对碳酸岩岩浆演化的指示意义尚不清楚。本次在四川省牦牛坪稀土矿区南部包子山稀土矿床的露天采坑中发现了超级富Sr的碳酸岩,其呈不规则的脉状侵入到构造角砾岩中。岩石呈紫色-淡紫色,微晶-斑状结构,斑晶主要为萤石,基质主要为菱锶矿、方解石、氟碳铈矿、氟碳钙铈矿、金云母、重晶石并含少量的金属硫化物和氧化物。全岩的微量元素分析表明,其稀土元素总量(∑REE)达3.5%~6.1%,Sr含量达19.0%~27.7%,已超过稀土矿床和锶矿床的工业品位要求。岩石中的中、重稀土元素含量占稀土元素总量的1.14%~1.77%,一些高价值稀土元素含量较高,如Pr(939×10~(-6)~1399×10~(-6))、Nd(2783×10~(-6)~3937×10~(-6))、Gd(237×10~(-6)~320×10~(-6)),因此除轻稀土元素外,中、重稀土和锶元素也具有重要的资源意义。岩石强烈富集REE、Sr、Ba,而明显亏损P、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf元素,可能与岩浆演化过程中锆石和其它基性矿物的结晶分离有关。全岩的Sr-Nd同位素组成与牦牛坪、里庄稀土矿床的碳酸岩相似,表明它们为同源岩浆产物。笔者认为,富Sr的碳酸岩代表了碳酸岩岩浆演化晚期的产物,REE、Sr、Ba、F和S元素均在岩浆演化晚期的碳酸岩中高度富集。碳酸岩岩浆超浅成侵位至构造角砾岩中,并与下渗的大气水相遇导致岩浆的淬冷和微晶-斑状结构的形成。早期基性矿物(如霓辉石、黑云母)及碳酸盐矿物(如方解石、白云石等)的结晶分离是造成晚期碳酸岩中稀土元素富集的重要原因。富Sr碳酸岩中石英斑晶的发现和其较低的SiO_2含量表明碳酸岩岩浆演化晚期可能是硅饱和的,且这种岩浆具有很低的SiO_2溶解能力。以菱锶矿(体积分数 50%)为主要碳酸盐矿物的稀土碳酸岩可能代表了一种新的碳酸岩类型,明显不同于已知的钙质、镁质、铁质和钠质碳酸岩。  相似文献   

The first carbonatite dyke at Bayan Obo is well exposed on the surface for a length and width of approximately 60 m and 1.1–1.5 m, respectively. Along its strike, the fenitized H1(Qs) and H2(Cs) quartzite is replaced by Na-amphiboles, aegirines, and alkali-feldspars, intermittently stretching as far away as 800 m in length. Based on petrographical characteristics, the dyke's fenitized wall rocks are divisible into different zones:(1) outer,(2) middle, and(3) inner. The outer zone is 5–17 m from the NW margin of the dyke. The middle zone is located at 3.5–5 m from the NW margin of the dyke. The inner contact zone is located between direct contact with the dyke and 3.5 m from the dyke. In the outer zone, upon visual examination, no evidence of outcrop fenitization was found and the major elemental rock composition is nearly identical to the unaltered H1 and H2 lithologies. In the thin sections, however, small amounts of Na-amphibole and phlogopite are present. Despite relatively poor development throughout the 5 m of fenitization, the wall rocks have retained at least a small geochemical signature comparable to the original sedimentary protolith. The fenites occurring in the inner zone exhibit distinct variations, not only for the sharp contact at the outcrop scale, but also for variations in major, rare earth elements(REE), and trace elements and Sm-Nd isotope composition. The wall rocks within 3.5 m have undergone strong fenitization, inheriting the geochemical signature derived from the carbonatite dyke. Fenitization in the middle zone was not as strong, at least compared to the inner zone, but was stronger than the outer zone. Compared to some trace elements and REEs, the major elements are relatively immobile during fenitization. The Sm-Nd isotope data for the carbonatite dyke and the adjacent fenitized wall rocks, where the Sm and Nd originate solely from the dyke, plots as a six-point isochron with an age of 1308±56 Ma. This age is identical to that of ore-bearing dolomite carbonatite and the related ore-forming events, indicating that there may be a petrogenetic link between the two. Based on Sr and Nd isotope compositional data, the first carbonatite dyke may be derived from an enriched mantle.  相似文献   

Trachytic rock and its altered rock-fenite-in the Bayan Obo ore district, Inner Mongolia, China, were referred to as slate or feldspar rock before, and identified by the authors for the first time (in 1992). In the paper the mineral assemblages, structures and textures and petrochemical compositions of the rocks, as well as the electron microprobe analysis of feldspars in the rocks are described. The Sm-Nd isochron age of the trachytic rock is 1096±56 Ma, with INd=0.51100+4 (2σ) and εNd(t)= -4.4±0.7. Alterations of the trachytic rock, including microclinization, riebeckitization, aegirinization and biotitization, and accompanied rare element and REE mineralizations are discussed. Based on the occurrence of the trachytic rock and associated fenitization it is deduced that the Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE ore deposit is genetically related to magmatic-hydrothermal activity of an alkali carbonatite complex.  相似文献   

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