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羌塘盆地性质及构造演化   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
羌塘盆地位于班公湖-怒江缝合带和西金乌兰-金沙江缝合带之间,是一沉积盆地,分为羌南坳陷、中央隆起、羌北坳陷。盆地形成演化受特提斯构造带地球动力学控制。对盆地地层格架和区内碎屑岩的主要矿物成分、化学成分、微量元素以及火成岩化学成分的分析表明,羌塘盆地系不同类型盆地叠置而成的多旋回叠合盆地。晚古生代至中生代初为克拉通裂谷盆地、晚三叠世-侏罗纪为前陆盆地、白垩纪-第四纪为挤压抬升阶段,形成山间断陷盆地。   相似文献   

占王忠  谭富文 《地质论评》2020,66(5):1261-1274
北羌塘坳陷下—中侏罗统雀莫错组广泛发育一套巨厚的蒸发岩沉积。本文依据羌科 1井、羌资 16井和地表露头资料,通过地层划分对比、沉积微相分析、沉积序列研究等方法,对北羌塘坳陷早—中侏罗世岩相古地理环境进行了恢复,分析了成钾条件。研究表明,北羌塘坳陷早—中侏罗世受班公湖—怒江中特提斯洋盆进一步扩张的影响,进入了被动大陆边缘盆地演化阶段,裂陷作用在坳陷内形成的两个裂陷槽控制着雀莫错组沉积。羌塘中部地带的隆起,使得海水仅从双湖狭小的通道向北浸漫。受海水和淡水的共同作用,在坳陷内发育一套咸水—半咸水陆缘近海湖泊相沉积。北羌塘坳陷雀莫错期海(湖)平面和古气候经历了多次旋回,半封闭的古构造格局,频繁的海侵的盐类物源补给和极端炎热干旱气候条件耦合下,北羌塘坳陷雀莫错期古盐湖具备成盐成矿条件,其中半岛湖—普若岗日底隆起区是成盐成钾的有利区。  相似文献   

通过对羌塘盆地南北两侧构造带地质特征、构造演化历程及盆地内部中生代地层充填特征的分析,探讨了羌塘盆地中生代构造属性及地球动力学机制。研究表明:羌塘盆地经历了早、中三叠世前陆盆地,晚三叠世早、中期被动陆缘盆地,晚三叠世晚期—侏罗纪羌北前陆盆地和羌南陆被动陆缘裂陷—坳陷盆地及早白垩世前陆盆地等地质演化历程;盆地南北边界构造带复杂而有序的地球动力学环境和构造演化,决定了羌塘盆地中生代为一复杂的多旋回叠合盆地。  相似文献   

羌塘盆地东部中生代沉积特征与构造演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
羌塘盆地东部基底由前石炭纪吉塘岩群组成,沉积盖层为晚古生代一白垩纪地层。其中,中生代海相地层在盆地内分布广泛,沉积体系多样,构造古地理转换频繁。中生代盆地包括南羌塘坳陷、唐古拉山隆起带、北羌塘坳陷等3个构造单元,内部又可以划分出不同时期多个次级凹陷和凸起。盆地的发展和演化既受南、北两侧板块结合带控制,又受盆地内部被分划性断裂带围限的各断块差异性活动约束,依次经历了晚三叠世前陆盆地阶段,“北羌塘”早-中侏罗世伸展裂陷盆地发育阶段,多玛侏罗纪-早白垩世早期被动大陆边缘陆表海盆地发展阶段、晚期前陆盆地阶段,晚白垩世南羌塘山间压陷盆地演化阶段。实质上,该盆地是不同时期原型盆地有序叠加而构成的大型叠复式盆地。  相似文献   

羌塘盆地东部晚三叠世-侏罗纪构造-沉积演化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以野外实测剖面为基础,结合区域地质调查,通过地层学、岩石组合特征及沉积盆地分析,并综合区域构造演化背景及年代地层学等最新研究成果,对羌塘盆地东部上三叠统-侏罗系岩石组合、沉积类型和沉积相特征进行了对比研究,明确了羌塘盆地东部晚三叠世-侏罗纪的地层分布特征、沉积相类型、展布特征及构造-沉积演化过程。以区域性角度不整合为标志,将羌塘盆地东部上三叠统-侏罗系划分为2个构造层(卡尼阶-诺利阶构造层和瑞替阶-基默里阶构造层),并详细叙述了不同构造层内各地层的分布范围、厚度变化及岩性特征。研究区上三叠统-侏罗系以海陆过渡相和海相沉积为主,其中海陆过渡相包括三角洲相和潮坪-泻湖相,海相包括碳酸盐缓坡、蒸发台地、局限台地、滨海、浅海、半深海和深海相沉积。卡尼期主要发育滨海-浅海-半深海-深海相沉积(北羌塘坳陷)和滨浅海沉积(南羌塘坳陷)。诺利期早期以碳酸盐岩缓坡-混积陆棚沉积为主,诺利期晚期、赫塘期-巴柔期、卡洛期和基默里期主要发育潮坪-三角洲相沉积(北羌塘坳陷)和滨浅海沉积(南羌塘坳陷),巴通期和牛津期以蒸发台地-局限台地-混积陆棚沉积为主。沉积相东西向带状展布,东部低隆起是分割南北相带的重要构造单元,并在巴通期及牛津期为水下隆起,控制着羌塘东部局限台地、蒸发台地及台地边缘的分布。将区域构造背景与沉积记录相结合,总结出5个构造-沉积演化阶段:活动陆缘阶段(卡尼期,Ⅰ_1)、前陆盆地演化阶段(诺利期,Ⅰ_2)、裂陷-坳陷阶段(瑞替期-巴柔期,Ⅱ_1)、被动陆缘-坳陷阶段(巴通期-卡洛期,Ⅱ_2)和被动陆缘-坳陷阶段(牛津期-基默里期,Ⅱ_3)。  相似文献   

羌塘盆地三叠纪岩相古地理及构造控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
西藏羌塘盆地可分为北羌塘坳陷、中央隆起带和南羌塘坳陷3个二级构造单元。在早及中三叠世,羌塘盆地具相似的岩相古地理格局,北羌塘坳陷受可可西里-巴颜喀拉海槽的海侵作用,表现为陆表海沉积,而南羌塘坳陷和中央隆起带此时处于剥蚀环境。至晚三叠世,受班公湖-怒江洋扩张作用的影响,除中央隆起带西段继续遭受剥蚀外,羌塘盆地普遍接受沉积。南北羌塘水域虽经双湖海峡连为一体,但盆地性质发生根本性变化,构造岩相组合也明显不同。南羌塘盆地为班公湖-怒江洋北侧的扩张边缘海盆,而北羌塘则是可可西里-巴颜喀拉造山作用下的前陆盆地。羌塘盆地三叠纪岩相古地理具有“东西呈带,带中分块”的格局,这一特点是区域构造演化和基底断裂联合作用所致。  相似文献   

西藏羌塘盆地中生代构造岩相演化及油气远景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西藏羌塘盆地中生代构造岩相组合分带及特征明显 ,可以反映羌塘盆地的演化史。早中三叠世北羌塘构造岩相组合表现为前陆盆地沉积 ,而南羌塘盆地为剥蚀环境 ;至晚三叠世除中央隆起剥蚀外 ,北羌塘仍为前陆盆地沉积 ,而此时南羌塘坳陷演化成陆缘海沉积。早侏罗世早期盆地开始坳陷 ,造成相对较窄沉积相的构造岩相组合特点 ,初步形成“两坳一隆”的构造格局 ;中侏罗世南北羌塘坳陷继续下降 ,“两坳一隆”的构造格局更加明显 ;晚侏罗世羌塘盆地发育到晚期 ,并萎缩、封闭成型。从构造岩相组合特征看 ,中侏罗统北羌塘坳陷龙尾湖—雀莫错凹陷区与南羌塘坳陷蒂让碧错凹陷区都是有利于储、聚油气的远景区。  相似文献   

依据近年来最新资料,通过对羌塘盆地南、北边界构造带构造属性、地球动力学机制及构造演化历程的讨论,剖析了羌塘盆地晚三叠世构造属性与盆地演化历程;在对盆地内部不同位置上三叠统岩性、岩相研究的基础上,通过不同古地理背景下层序界面与体系域界面的识别,建立了羌塘盆地晚三叠世层序地层格架,讨论了煤层在层序格架下的位置、聚煤特征及空间分布规律。研究表明,羌塘盆地晚三叠世为一复杂叠合盆地,经历了晚三叠世早、中期被动陆缘盆地,晚三叠世晚期羌北前陆盆地和羌南被动陆缘裂陷-坳陷盆地等不同的盆地演化历程;上三叠统构成一个完整的构造层序和两个三级层序,煤层位于高位体系域中上部,主要受控于高频率低级次海平面变化。具含煤岩系厚度大,煤层层数多,单层厚度小的特征;三角洲平原地带有利于煤层发育,三角洲沉积体系沿分割羌南、羌北盆地的中央隆起带发育,进一步指出该带是羌塘盆地内今后重要的找煤方向,并得到新发现的赛包玛煤点验证。  相似文献   

西藏羌塘盆地东部中生代构造古地理特征及演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
贾建称 《古地理学报》2008,10(6):613-625
在大量的区域地质调研和野外露头观测资料基础上,详细研究了西藏羌塘盆地东部中生代不同构造单元的沉积充填序列、地层发育特征与接触关系、构造界面性质、沉积体系配置和沉积相分布等,阐述了盆地沉积与周缘构造带演化之间的耦合关系,重建了研究区中生代不同时期的构造古地理面貌。研究表明,羌塘盆地是一个大型叠复式盆地,盆地东部中生代有海相、海陆过渡相和陆相3个沉积体系组、9个沉积体系和多个沉积(亚)相。盆地内部包括南羌塘坳陷、北羌塘坳陷、唐古拉山隆起带,以及不同时期的次级凸起与断凹等构造单元。其中,多玛断凹是以前石炭纪构造片岩为基底的侏罗纪-早白垩世早期被动大陆边缘陆表海盆地,早白垩世晚期转换为前陆盆地,晚白垩世以来与索县-左贡断凹联合为一体,在陆内造山过程中经历了压陷型盆地充填演化阶段。索县-左贡断凹是在晚三叠世班公湖-怒江沟-弧-盆体系基础上发展起来的前陆盆地。北羌塘坳陷是以华力西期开心岭-杂多隆起带为基底,经过晚三叠世昌都前陆盆地沉积、早侏罗世断陷盆地火山-沉积作用之后,于中侏罗世与索县-左贡断凹联合为一体,形成北羌塘-昌都巨型坳陷型盆地。白垩纪北羌塘陆块和昌都陆块处于隆升剥蚀状态。  相似文献   

羌塘盆地与油气资源丰富的特提斯域西段具有类似的构造沉积演化特征和石油地质条件,隆鄂尼—昂达尔错古油藏带的发现不仅证实了盆地存在大规模油气聚集成藏过程,而且显示盆地砂糖状白云岩储层可能具有良好的油气勘探前景。以青藏高原羌南坳陷布曲组地表油藏带作为了解羌塘盆地油气成藏过程的窗口,通过精细的剖面控制油藏带含油层,利用含油层距布曲组顶底岩性转换界面垂直距离作为含油层对比标志,查明油藏带含油层并非同一层位,其层位在区域上表现为东高西低的分布特征,进一步明确了羌南坳陷油气勘探的目标层位,同时意味着羌南坳陷布曲组整套地层经历过油气运移和充注过程,而储层的有效性决定了油气的富集与成藏过程。盆地含油层空间分布特征表明:在有利封盖条件下,有利储集相带发育地区将会取得油气勘探突破。  相似文献   

伸展断陷中的变换构造分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
变换构造分析对于研究伸展断陷盆地的构造格局与油气分布具有重要的意义。在前人研究成果和近年来渤海湾盆地大量地震反射剖面解释的基础上,讨论了变换构造研究中一些有争议和有意义的问题。(1)对变换构造研究中采用的术语,诸如分段构造、变换构造、传递带、调节带和转换带重新进行了定义,并阐述了其基本概念。(2)根据侧列控凹主断层之间连接方式的不同,提出了一个新的分类方案,首先将变换构造划分为传递带、调节带和转换带3类,而后考虑每类变换构造特有的标志细分为若干亚类。(3)传递带和调节带的形成机制一般与侧列的控凹断层位移量沿其走向均匀变化有关。在断层中段位移量最大,在其末端,位移量减至最小。传递带和调节带形成于断层末端,然而,由于侧列断层叠覆程度的差异、位移量是否守恒、断层的倾向状况以及平面上侧列断层末端之间的横向距离等诸多因素,从而产生传递带或者是调节带以及与之有关的多种多样的变换构造样式。与传递带和调节带不同,转换带以连接不同伸展构造段的转换断层为特征,推测其形成是由于地壳伸展速率的巨大差异所致。  相似文献   

不同期伸展断陷的叠合类型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
讨论3个问题:(1)不同期伸展断陷的叠合类型。按照断陷的叠合方式划分为孤立型、继承型和相干型。其中相干型根据不同期断陷的相干关系进一步划分为3个亚类,即同向相干型、对向相干型和相交相干型。(2)各相干型叠合的控制因素不同。同向和对向相干型叠合与先存基底断裂系统同向和对向排列以及断裂伸展活动时横向和纵向迁移有关;而相交相干型叠合与伸展方向的旋转有关。(3)油气分布与不同期断陷叠合类型有密切关系。一些类型,如继承型和对向相干型叠合有利于油气生成和保存,而同向和相交相干型叠合类型,因为早期断陷在晚期阶段部分上升并受到改造,一般起破坏作用。  相似文献   

富烃凹陷是当今油气勘探的主战场,中国近海已发现的油气储量主要集中在14个富烃凹陷中。利用钻井、测井、地震及化验测试等资料,结合最新油气勘探成果,从温压系统、储盖组合、热流体活动及油气输导与聚集等方面分析、总结了中国近海典型已证实富烃凹陷的油气成藏特征。研究表明:中国近海富烃凹陷深层超压普遍发育,地温梯度高,复合型温压系统构成,为油气成藏提供了充足的动力;主力储层物性好,发育1~2套优质的区域性盖层,至少存在2套有利的储盖组合;发育多种类型的烃类包裹体,油气主成藏期集中,并存在快速幕式充注现象;发育高效优势输导体系、多种圈闭与油气藏类型,存在多种油气成藏模式,油气呈带状差异富集与分布。  相似文献   

Almost all intraplate caprocks experienced strong deformation during the convergence of microplates, and then disintegrated into many secondary geologic units with the special characters, such as irregular boundaries and particular structural assemblages. In order to understand the formation mechanism of these special phenomena, a rheological experiment on the structural scenery of the Tongling area is carried out. The result shows that the primary regular and uniform boundaries of the Tongling area becomes irregular because of the enclosing and confinement of surrounding geological units in the process of "compression-shearing-rotation-drag"; simultaneously, two specific "drag depressions" developed at two opposite corners of the block. The former and the later phenomena can be regarded as a typical regional-scale rheological effect and necessary outcome of intraplate deformation respectively.  相似文献   

Significant differential hydrocarbon enrichment occurs in depressions in a petroliferous basin.There are multiple depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin, and each depression as a relatively independent unit of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation, contains significantly different hydrocarbon generation conditions and enrichment degree. On the basis of previous documents and a large number of statistical data, this work comparatively analyzed the differential hydrocarbon enrichment and its major controlling factors in depressions of the Bohai Bay Basin. The results show that depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin have various hydrocarbon enrichment degrees, and can be categorized into four types, namely enormously oil-rich, oil-rich, oily and oil-poor depressions. In general, the enormously oil-rich and oil-rich depressions are distributed in the eastern part of the basin along the Tan-Lu and Lan-Liao faults, whereas depressions in the western part of the basin are poor in hydrocarbons. Moreover, the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons is also highly heterogeneous, with Pre-Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the northern and western depressions, Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the entire basin, and Neogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the off-shore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin. From early depressions in onshore areas to the late depressions in offshore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin, the source rocks and source-reservoir-cap rock assemblages gradually become younger and shallower, and the hydrocarbon resource abundance gradually increases. Hydrocarbon supplying condition is the key factor constraining the hydrocarbon enrichment for different depressions,while the main source-reservoir-cap rock assemblage, sufficient hydrocarbons and the transportation capacity of faults control the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons. The main factors controlling hydrocarbon enrichment are different for different layers. The hydrocarbon supplying condition of source rocks is the key controlling factor, whereas the source-reservoir configuration, the main sourcereservoir-cap rock assemblages, and the fault transportation are the main factors of hydrocarbon enrichment in the Paleogene, Paleogene and Neogene, respectively.  相似文献   

Kuzmenko  I. V. 《Astronomy Reports》2021,65(12):1254-1264
Astronomy Reports - Several solar events with different types of negative microwave bursts have been studied using data from different spectral ranges. The total radio flux data obtained at the...  相似文献   

The impact of Southern Oscillation on thecyclogenesis over the Bay of Bengal duringthe summer monsoon has been investigated.The analysis of correlation coefficients(CCs) between the frequency of monsoondepressions and the Southern OscillationIndex (SOI) reveals that more depressionsform during July and August of El Niñoyears. Due to this, the seasonal frequencyof monsoon depressions remains little higherduring El Niño epochs even though thecorrelations for June and September are notsignificant. The CCs for July and August aresignificant at the 99% level.The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)is known to affect Indian MonsoonRainfall (IMR) adversely. The enhancedcyclogenesis over the Bay of Bengal duringJuly and August is an impact of ENSO whichneeds to be examined closely. Increasedcyclogenesis over the Bay of Bengal may bereducing the deficiency in IMR duringEl Niño years by producing more rainfallover the eastern parts of India duringJuly and August. Thus there is a considerablespatial variation in the impact of ENSOon the monsoon rainfall over India and El Niñoneed not necessarily imply a monsoonfailure everywhere in India.The area of formation of monsoon depressionsshifts eastward during El Niño years.Warmer sea surface temperature (SST) anomaliesprevail over northwest and adjoiningwestcentral Bay of Bengal during premonsoon andmonsoon seasons of El Niño years.May minus March SOI can provide useful predictionsof monsoon depression frequencyduring July and August.  相似文献   

The Bohai Bay Basin contains many depressions with varying degrees of hydrocarbon enrichment associated with the geological structures of different depressions. This study discussed the relationship between the geological structures and hydrocarbon enrichment of the depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin. Based on the Paleogene strata distribution and the length to width ratio of different depressions, their geological structures are divided into three types in plan-view: open(length/width 2), narrow(length/width 4) and transitional types(length/width 2–4). In cross section, the geological structures can be divided into dustpan I, dustpan II and double-faulted types. Based on tectonic evolution and sedimentary characteristics, the depressions are classified into early-formed, inherited and late-formed categories. Generally, narrow depressions are mainly located in the northeast and southwest of the Bohai Bay Basin, while open depressions are dominantly distributed in the central area of the basin; late-formed depressions are mainly around the Bohai sea area, and early-formed depressions are mostly located in the periphery of the basin. Geological structures of the depressions control the formation of the source, reservoir and cap rocks as well as hydrocarbon accumulation setting, and further influence the pay zones and oil-bearing sequence. In detail, dustpan II and doublefaulted depressions mainly have A-type sags, which often possess better hydrocarbon generation conditions than dustpan I ones; hydrocarbons in open dustpan II depressions tend to accumulate in the central uplift areas or buried hill, while those in narrow dustpan I depressions always accumulate in gentle slope belts. The oil-bearing sequence for different evolutional depressions corresponds well with the sedimentary strata of the main development stages of depressions. In early-formed depressions, hydrocarbons are mainly enriched in deeply buried reservoirs, while in late-formed depressions hydrocarbons are abundant in the relatively shallow traps. In summary, most inherited and late-formed dustpan II depressions are enriched in hydrocarbons due to their extensive source rocks and good source–reservoir–seal assemblages, whereas dustpan I and early-formed depressions are relatively poor in hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The distribution and genetic mechanisms of abnormal pressures in the Bohai Bay Basin were systematically analyzed. Abnormal pressures are widely developed in the Bohai Bay Basin, primarily in the Paleogene E2s4, E2s3, Es1, and Ed formations. From the onshore area of the Bohai Bay Basin to the center of the Bozhong area, the top depth of the overpressured zone in each depression increases gradually, the overpressured strata in each depression gradually move to younger formations, and the pressure structure successively alters from single-bottom- overpressure to double-bottom-overpressure and finally to double-top-overpressure. The distribution of overpressured area is consistent with the sedimentary migration controlled by the tectonic evolution of the Bohai Bay Basin, which is closely related to the hydrocarbon-generation capability of active source rocks. The overpressured strata are consistent with the source-rock intervals in each depression; the top of the overpressured zone is synchronous with the hydrocarbon generation threshold in each depression; the hydrocarbon generation capability is positively correlated with the overpressure magnitude in each formation. Undercompaction was the main mechanism of overpressure for depressions with fluid pressure coefficients less than 1.2, whereas hydrocarbon generation was the main mechanism for depressions with fluid pressure coefficients greater than 1.5.  相似文献   

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