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许炯心 《水科学进展》2001,12(3):291-299
以1960~1962年三门峡水库下泄清水时期定位观测资料为基础,研究了清水冲刷条件下黄河下游河床调整过程。结果表明,由于河床边界条件的不同,游荡段的上段(铁谢-桃花峪)和下段(桃花峪-辛寨)的河床调整过程表现出明显的差异,由此可以划分两种不同的调整方式和复杂响应类型:河岸抗冲性强、河床组成物质较粗的河段,河床调整及其中的复杂响应主要与水力参数有关;河岸抗冲性弱、河床物质组成较细的河段,河床调整中的复杂响应主要与河床形态有关。研究所得结论,可为预测小浪底水库建成后黄河下游河床演变趋势提供参考。  相似文献   

近期黄河下游河床调整过程及特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用黄河下游1999-2005年的实测水沙及断面资料,分析了近期下游(铁谢至利津河段)河床调整过程及特点,具体表现为:小浪底水库运行后,黄河下游河道出现持续冲刷。其中,游荡型河段的冲刷量占下游总冲刷量的77%,单位河长的冲刷量在高村以上河段最大,孙口以下河段次之,高村至孙口河段最小;各河段主槽横断面形态调整均表现为向窄深方向发展;河床在冲刷过程中,主槽纵比降变化不大,其纵剖面形态自1855年以来均为下凹曲线,其凹度值随河床冲刷而略有增大;汛期深泓摆动幅度在游荡段最大,在弯曲段较小;随河床冲刷,下游平滩流量增加,但断面平滩流量与河段平滩流量的增加程度不同;因床沙显著粗化,不同河型河段的河床纵向稳定程度随冲刷均增加,而河床横向稳定程度在游荡段变化不大,在过渡段及弯曲段有所增加。  相似文献   

罗优  陈立  许文盛  苏畅 《水科学进展》2011,22(6):807-812
建立反映河床调整幅度的体幅指标K,分析2003~2008年三峡水库下游宜昌—昌门溪河段河床调整幅度的沿程变化。研究发现该河段K与河段净冲刷强度不成正相关,而是与河道宽深比成正相关,当床沙中值粒径小于0.5 mm时,K与床沙中值粒径成负相关。初步分析认为:三峡下游粗颗粒泥沙容易达到输送饱和状态,当水流挟沙力减小时出现落淤,使得宽浅河段局部出现较大淤积,净冲刷强度较小,调整幅度较大;当床沙中值粒径小于0.5 mm时,该河段河床冲刷以悬移质输沙为主,河床组成越细,被冲刷的量越大,河床调整幅度也就越大。结合建库前后不同粒径组悬移质输沙量的沿程变化,对水库下游河床粗化方式进行了讨论。  相似文献   

黄河下游游荡河段河床演变对河道整治的响应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为预测黄河下游游荡性河道大规模整治后对河床演变的作用,基于河流动力学理论,通过物理模型试验的方法,以黄河下游游荡性河道典型河段为对象,研究了河床过程对河道整治的复杂响应关系。研究结果表明,河槽横断面形态的调整与人工边界约束程度、流量变差及含沙量变差有关;只要整治工程体系平面布设合理,整治工程量达到一定规模后,通过河道整治,可使河槽横断面形态趋于窄深方向发展,促使游荡型河道向限制性弯曲型河道转化,同时,河道泄洪输沙能力有所提高;河道整治后,不同河段的比降调整不会平行进行。  相似文献   

小浪底水库运行后, 坝下游分组悬沙输移特点发生改变, 不同河段冲淤过程有所差别。基于1999—2018年坝下游实测水沙资料及固定淤积断面地形数据, 分析汛期分组悬沙输移的沿程调整特点, 建立分组悬沙输移及河床边界条件双重影响下不同河段河床累计冲淤量的计算关系。分析结果表明: ①汛期各组沙输沙率远小于蓄水前, 且中沙输沙率降幅最大, 在各水文断面平均降幅为85%;沿程上细沙输沙率基本不恢复, 而中沙和粗沙恢复距离分别到利津及艾山。②坝下游河床持续冲刷, 各河段河床组成均发生不同程度的粗化; 在拦沙后期(2007—2018年), 游荡段和过渡段床沙中细沙和中沙占比不足5%, 对悬沙几乎无补给作用, 而弯曲段床沙对中沙仍有一定的补给能力。③下游各河段以冲刷下切为主, 但调整幅度不同, 故对水流的约束能力有所差异。建立了各河段累计冲淤量与前期河相系数及进口断面分组来沙系数的经验关系, 并采用2019年下游水沙数据对公式进行了初步验证, 公式能合理反映断面形态与分组悬沙输移对河床累计冲淤过程的影响。  相似文献   

黄河下游不同河型河道的水沙效应及演变趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王随继 《沉积学报》2009,27(6):1163-1171
黄河下游沿程出现的辫状河流(游荡型河流)、弯曲河流(弯曲型河流)、顺直河流(顺直微弯型河流)的转化现象引人关注,并有不同方面的专门研究。本研究针对以往研究的不足,通过对不同河型段的水沙演变、断面形态对流量的响应、河道断面演变、河床沉积速率及能耗率特征等方面,系统分析了不同河型段河道的水沙效应。认为黄河下游沿程出现的三类河型是由河道比降小、河床质细、洪枯水交替、粗泥沙输入少及大堤限制等因素起主导作用。其中顺直河流的出现是人工大堤的胁迫性产物。随着近年来水沙的阶段性减小,顺直河流在大堤的挟持下得以维持;弯曲河段河道的侧向摆动依然、宽度略微变窄,河床加积速率最大,但不会导致整个下游河道比降发生明显变化;辫状河段能耗率相对较大,冲淤强烈,滩槽更替频繁,但随着流量的减小,其能耗率明显减小,其比邻弯曲河流段的河道会逐渐曲流化,表现为弯曲河段的适度上延,但延伸有限。各类治理措施中,以中上游修建水库和淤地坝是最有效的,可拦截大量粗泥沙,从而降低下游河床的加积速率,以延缓悬河的发展。当然,针对决口险情的大堤建设是必要的,但要与不同河型段的河道稳定性相适应。  相似文献   

冲积河流深泓摆动具有复杂的时空变化特点,其摆动特点对于研究黄河下游河势变化及河床演变规律具有重要意义。以1986-2015年黄河下游91个淤积断面汛后实测地形资料为基础,计算下游断面及河段尺度的深泓摆动宽度及强度,分析近30年来黄河下游各河段的深泓摆动特点,并探讨游荡段深泓摆动强度的主要影响因素。结果表明:深泓摆动方向具有往复性,各断面深泓摆动宽度呈现上段大、中下段小的特点;小浪底水库运行后下游深泓摆动宽度大大降低,游荡段、过渡段和弯曲段年均深泓摆动宽度较水库运行前分别减小了47%、37%和41%;河床边界条件(滩槽高差、河床组成等)对游荡段深泓摆动强度有一定影响,但上游来水来沙条件是主要影响因素;建立了游荡段深泓摆动强度与该河段前4年平均水流冲刷强度的幂函数关系,并对经验公式进行了验证。  相似文献   

三峡工程运用初期石首河弯河势演变三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用考虑河岸坍塌的三维水沙数值模型,对三峡工程运用初期石首河弯的河势演变进行了模拟分析.数值模型中采用基于非正交网格的局部网格可动技术,将传统水沙模型与二元结构河岸坍塌力学模型相结合.利用三峡水库蓄水前后2002~2004年石首河段冲淤演变资料对模型进行了验证,模拟结果与实测结果吻合较好;模型不仅能模拟出河道的垂向冲淤过程,而且还可模拟出由河岸坍塌所引起的河道横向摆动过程.计算分析了三峡工程运行至2016年末河段的河势演变情况,结果可为河段的河道整治提供参考.  相似文献   

采用平面二维河流数学模型,系统研究概化河道的河型转化过程及其控制因素,成功模拟得到了初始比降、流量、入口含沙量增大和河岸抗冲性减弱时,河流从弯道向分汊、游荡河型转化的过程。根据模拟得到的河道平面形态、横断面形态、河床纵剖面,沿程水面线及沿程输沙率的变化,分析了河床初始比降、入口含沙量、流量和河岸抗冲性等各种因素对河型转化的影响。结果表明,模型计算得到的河型转化过程,与经典的河型成因及河型转化理论给出的趋势较为一致。  相似文献   

赵王河古沉船河道沉积层具有明显的阶段性.早期沉积以中细砂、粉砂为主,河水游荡性沉积韵律明显;晚期沉积物以粉细沙、粉砂为主.自船底部垂向上,自下而上分为两大段,即黄泛期沉积和河道沉积,其粒径呈愈向上愈细的趋势.剖面分析表明,河道沉积有横向摆动迹象.沉船撞击边滩沉没后,辫状河道逐渐消失,沉船处接受较稳定的河道沉积.  相似文献   

在弯道水槽中展开系列试验,研究水力冲刷过程中均质土岸坡冲刷崩塌输移与河床冲淤过程及其影响因素。该过程及变化特征可描述为:水下坡面侵蚀及坡脚淘刷导致岸坡失稳崩塌;暂时堆积在凹岸坡脚处的崩塌体加剧附近水流紊动程度利于其输运与分解;分解后较粗的颗粒随弯道螺旋流以推移质形式被输移至下游凸岸落淤,较细的颗粒大部分都随水流以悬移质形式被携带至下游出口;水流结构随岸坡及河床变形而调整;如此循环往复。试验成果进一步表明:冲刷状态下,试验材料黏性越小、近岸流速越大、作用时间越长,岸坡冲刷崩塌量及河床冲刷量都越大;同条件下岸坡冲刷崩塌总量大于河床冲刷总量,且河床相对冲刷率随岸坡冲刷崩塌量的增大而减小,数值范围为0.40~0.92。  相似文献   

对前文提出的平面二维混合模型进行了验证与实际工程应用.模拟了概化顺直河段在不同冲淤条件下的河岸后退过程.将混合模型应用于实际工程问题,模拟了黄河下游花园口游荡型河段的河床纵向与横向变形过程.通过对断面平均水位、流速分布、断面形态变化等计算值与原型观测值的对比,两者符合较好.表明该混合模型不仅能较好地模拟出河道内的水沙运动与河床纵向冲淤过程,而且能模拟出滩岸的后退与淤长过程,尤其能模拟滩岸的冲刷与崩塌过程.  相似文献   

 The historic processing of precious metal ores mined from the Comstock Lode of west-central Nevada resulted in the release of substantial, but unquantified amounts of mercury-contaminated mill tailings to the Carson River basin. Geomorphic and stratigraphic studies indicate that the introduction of these waste materials led to a period of valley-floor aggradation that was accompanied by lateral channel instability. The combined result of these geomorphic responses was the storage of large volumes of mercury-enriched sediment within a complexly structured alluvial sequence located along the Carson River valley. Much of the contaminated sediment is associated with filled paleochannels produced by the cutoff and abandonment of meander loops, and their subsequent infilling with contaminated particles. Geochemically, these deposits are characterized by variations in mercury levels that exceed three orders of magnitude. Continued lateral instability, coupled with an episode of channel-bed incision, followed the decline of Comstock mining, and has reexposed contaminated debris within the banks of the river. Erosion of bank sediments reintroduces mercury-enriched particles to the modern channel bed. It is suggested on the basis of geochemical and sedimentological data that during the bank erosion process, much of the mercury associated with fine (<63 μ) valley-fill deposits are carried downstream without being incorporated to any appreciable extent within the channel-bed sediments. In contrast, mercury associated with larger and denser particles, particularly mercury-gold-silver amalgam grains, are accumulated in the channel-bed sediments as the river traverses polluted reaches of the Carson River valley. Concentration patterns developed along the modern channel indicate that the valley fill is the primary source of mercury to the river today. Thus, these data imply that efforts to reduce the influx of mercury to the aquatic environment should examine methods for reducing bank erosion rates. Received: 13 December 1996 · Accepted: 15 April 1997  相似文献   

Fluvial sediments are subject to cyclic submersion during changes in stream flow, which can affect their phosphorus (P) sorptive capacity. As fluvial sediments play a major role in determining P concentrations in stream flow, we compared the P chemistry of exposed stream bank and submerged bed sediments from an agricultural catchment in central Pennsylvania, USA. Total P concentration was greater in bank (417 mg kg-1) than bed sediments (281 mg kg-1), but because bed sediments contained more sand-sized material, they could release more P and support a higher solution P concentration (0.043 mg l-1) than bank sediments (0.020 mg l-1). Phosphorus release was a function of Mehlich-3 soluble Fe in stream sediments (r > 0.65), reflecting redox processes in the fluvial system. In contrast, P sorption maxima of bank and bed sediments were related to Mehlich-3 soluble Al (r > 0.78) and organic matter concentration (r > 0.79). Overall, our research suggested that erosion of bank sediments should contribute less P and may be a sink for P in the stream system compared with resuspension of bed sediment. However, bank sediments may have the potential to be a large source of P in downstream reservoirs or lakes, where increased microbial activity and reducing conditions may solubilise sediment-bound P.  相似文献   

长江九江决口的工程地质问题及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖承煌 《江西地质》1999,13(3):200-205
本文较详细地分析了长江九江段决堤的外部因素和内在原因,认为凹岸部位江流的顶冲和弯曲河道向环流的侧蚀,是决口的外部因素,大量软弱透水地层的存在,是决口的工程地质因素;人工拦江筑坝的阻水效应,加剧了江水对软弱堤基的淘刷,加大了侧向渗透压力,堤内粘土地层复盖浅薄处是管涌的突破口,防洪墙未作基础处理终于酿成了决口的发生,从而提出了5防治对策;进行系统工程地质勘查,采用地下连续加固基础,截弯取直,拆除人工石  相似文献   

The impacts of floods on river bank erosion are generally significant in the alluvial river reaches. This paper presents the prediction of the river bank erosion along the right bank in the reach of Chenab River (starting from downstream of Marala Barrage) where excessive erosion had been reported. The bank erosion is predicted due to flow/flood events of 2010 by coupling the output from the two-dimensional numerical model to the excess shear stress approach. The predicted bank erosion was compared with the one estimated from Landsat images. The Landsat ETM+ images were processed in the ArcGIS software to assess the external bank erosion. The results show that the excess shear stress approach underpredicts the bank erosion. Therefore, the erodibility coefficient was modified by forcing the best agreement between predicted and estimated (i.e., from Landsat images) bank erosion which was used for further analysis. The results reveal that coupling the output from the numerical model to the excess shear stress approach (by modifying the erodibility coefficient) predicts the river bank erosion with a reasonable level of accuracy, thus helpful to identify the locations for the protection works. The predicted river bank erosion presents good coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.82 when compared with the estimated bank erosion from Landsat images. The findings of the present study will help to implement the river protection works at the identified locations in the selected reach of River Chenab and will also act as a guideline for similar river reaches.  相似文献   

This paper examines the long-term field performance of the check-dams in mitigation of soil erosion in the Duozhao catchment of Jiangjia stream, southwest China. Since their construction between 1979 and 1982, the check-dams have been functioning effectively. The examination is made via comparisons between the environmental conditions of the Duozhao catchment with its adjacent Menqian catchment in the stream, because no check dams were constructed in the Menqian catchment. The examination is based on recent field investigations and aerial photograph analyses, and covers four aspects: (a) bed gradients of catchment channels; (b) stability of bank slopes; (c) rates of land erosion; and (d) vegetations on bank slopes. The field data demonstrate that the check-dams have had the following good functions for mitigation of soil erosion: (1) restricting the channel depth and lateral erosions, (2) protecting the channel erosion base, (3) reducing the bed gradients of debris-flow channels, (4) fixing the channel bed, (5) stabilizing the bank slopes, as well as (6) facilitating the growth of vegetations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

季节性冰冻河流(季冻区河流)受水动力-冻胀/冻融耦合作用,岸滩崩塌机理复杂,且对河道演变具有重要影响。通过建立水动力-冻胀/冻融耦合作用岸滩崩塌力学模式,以中国东北地区松花江干流大顶子山航电枢纽下游近坝段为例,开展季冻区河流岸滩崩塌及河道演变的三维数值模拟分析。研究结果表明:岸滩坡脚侧蚀主要由水力冲刷所控制,冻胀作用使岸滩开裂深度增加,冻融过程则会使岸坡土体力学强度降低,影响岸滩稳定;岸滩崩塌对季冻区天然河流演变具有显著影响,考虑岸滩崩塌的模拟结果与天然实测结果基本吻合,可较好地模拟河床冲淤、岸滩崩塌所引起的河道演变过程。研究成果可为季冻区河流岸滩崩塌及河道演变的深入研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

针对河岸崩塌问题分析和研究,在考虑江河水位升降引起坡外水压力变化及坡内非稳定渗流基础上,同时考虑水流冲刷引起的河床冲深及河岸后退,提出了水流冲刷过程中的边坡临界滑动场和适用于天然江河崩岸的数值模拟,并对水流冲刷过程中的崩岸问题进行了分析。通过对两类不同土质岸坡的崩岸数值模拟,分析了水流冲刷引起的河床冲深及河岸后退过程中坡体的稳定性变化,探讨了不同土质岸坡的崩岸类型及崩塌模式。结果表明,坡度较陡的黏性岸坡崩塌时趋近于平面破坏且通过坡脚;坡度较缓的粉土岸坡崩塌时沿曲面破坏,且在水位骤降过程中易发生局部崩塌。  相似文献   

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