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SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)是流域尺度的分布式水文模型,具有评价气候变化对径流影响的优势。利用SWAT模拟了三江平原典型沼泽性河流——挠力河流域3个水文站(上游的宝清站、保安站和中游的菜嘴子站)1974~1992年年径流量演变特征及变化趋势。在对模型参数敏感性分析的基础上,对模型的参数进行了率定和验证,率定期为1975~1982年,验证期为1983~1992年。率定期的模型效率指数ENS都大于0.85,皮尔逊相关系数都大于0.9,相对误差都小于10%;验证期,模型效率指数ENS有所减小,但也都大于0.61,模型对年径流的模拟结果令人满意。将率定的SWAT应用于气候变化的水文响应研究,结果发现,1995~2004年相对1975—1985年的年径流量变化只有部分是由气候因素引起的,气候因素对3个水文站(宝清站、保安站和菜嘴子站)的年径流量变化的影响率分别为25.7%、11.4%、39.9%,说明还有其他因素影响研究区的年径流量。  相似文献   

Using daily discharge data from the USGS, we analyzed how hydrologic regimes vary with land use in four large hydrologic regions that span a gradient of natural land cover and precipitation across the continental United States. In each region we identified small streams (contributing area < 282 km2) that have continuous daily streamflow data. Using a national database, we characterized the composition of land cover of the watersheds in terms of aggregate measures of agriculture, urbanization, and least disturbed (“natural”). We calculated hydrologic alteration using 10 ecologically-relevant hydrologic metrics that describe magnitude, frequency, and duration of flow for 158 watersheds within the Southeast (SE), Central (CE), Pacific Northwest (NW), and Southwest (SW) hydrologic regions of the United States. Within each watershed, we calculated percent cover for agriculture, urbanized land, and least disturbed land to elucidate how components of the natural flow regime inherent to a hydrologic region is modified by different types and proportions of land cover. We also evaluated how dams in these regions altered the hydrologic regimes of the 43 streams that have pre- and post-dam daily streamflow data. In an analysis of flow alteration along gradients of increasing proportion of the three land cover types, we found many regional differences in hydrologic responses. In response to increasing urban land cover, peak flows increased (SE and CE), minimum flows increased (CE) or decreased (NW), duration of near-bankfull flows declined (SE, NW) and flow variability increased (SE, CE, and NW). Responses to increasing agricultural land cover were less pronounced, as minimum flows decreased (CE), near-bankfull flow durations increased (SE and SW), and flow variability declined (CE). In a second analysis, for three of the regions, we compared the difference between least disturbed watersheds and those having either > 15% urban and > 25% agricultural land cover. Relative to natural land cover in each region, urbanization either increased (SE and NW) or decreased (SW) peak flows, decreased minimum flows (SE, NW, and SW), decreased durations of near-bankfull flows (SE, NW, and SW), and increased flow variability (SE, NW, and SW). Agriculture had similar effects except in the SE, where near-bankfull flow durations increased. Overall, urbanization appeared to induce greater hydrologic responses than similar proportions of agricultural land cover in watersheds. Finally, the effects of dams on hydrologic variation were largely consistent across regions, with a decrease in peak flows, an increase in minimum flows, an increase in near-bankfull flow durations, and a decrease in flow variability. We use this analysis to evaluate the relative degree to which land use has altered flow regimes across regions in the US with naturally varying climate and natural land cover, and we discuss the geomorphic and ecological implications of such flow modification. We end with a consideration of what elements will ultimately be required to conduct a more comprehensive national assessment of the hydrologic responses of streams to land cover types and dams. These include improved tools for modeling hydrologic metrics in ungauged watersheds, incorporation of high-resolution geospatial data to map geomorphic and hydrologic drivers of stream response to different types of land cover, and analysis of scale dependence in the distribution of land-use impacts, including mixed land uses. Finally, ecological and geomorphic responses to human alteration of land cover will have to be calibrated to the regional hydroclimatological, geologic, and historical context in which the streams occur, in order to determine the degree to which stream responses are region-specific versus geographically independent and broadly transferable.  相似文献   

水系连通变异下荆南三口河系水文干旱识别与特征分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为揭示水系连通变异下荆南三口河系水文干旱演变特征,运用荆南三口河系五站1956-2016年的月径流量数据,采用游程理论识别该河系水文干旱特征变量,并运用Kolmogorow-Smirnov优度检验法选出干旱历时、干旱强度和峰值的概率分布函数,构建出水文干旱特征联合分布Copula函数,对水系连通变异下该河系水文干旱特征进行深入研究。结果表明:① 1989年为荆南三口河系(1956-2016年)水系连通变异分割点;② 该河系连通性变异前后水文干旱特征均发生显著变化,水文干旱事件发生的次数增多,干旱历时增长,干旱强度增大,峰值增高;③ 各站点的相同单变量重现期下二维联合重现期在水系连通变异前基本上均比水系连通变异后长,二维同现重现期在水系连通变异前均比水系连通变异后短;④ 水系连通变异后,该河系水文干旱历时、干旱强度和峰值呈现增加趋势,且在相同单变量重现期的情况下,干旱历时更长,干旱强度更大,峰值更高;⑤ 水系连通变异后水文干旱特征的变化幅度与变异前存在差异,不同河系其水文干旱特征的变化幅度不同。  相似文献   

To evaluate and provide an appropriate theoretical direction for research into climate-vegetation interactions using meteorological station data at different time scales, we examined differences between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and their responses to climate factors. We looked for correlations between data extracted from MOD13Q1 remote sensing images and meteorological station data for the two indexes. The results showed that even though NDVI and EVI are derived from the same remote sensing image, their response to climate factors was significantly different. In the same meteorological station, the correlation coefficients for NDVI, EVI and climate factors were different; correlation coefficients between NDVI, EVI and climate factors varied with meteorological station. In addition, there was a lag effect for responses of NDVI to average minimum temperature, average temperature, average vapor pressure, minimum relative humidity, extreme wind speed, maximum wind speed, average wind speed and average station air-pressure. EVI had a lag only for average minimum temperature, average vapor pressure, extreme wind speed, maximum wind speed and average station air-pressure. The lag period was variable, but most were in the -3 period. Different vegetation types had different sensitivities to climate. The correlation between meteorological stations and vegetation requires more attention in future research.  相似文献   

基于有关水文、气象台站的降水、气温和径流观测资料,对天山南、北坡的代表性河流——开都河与乌鲁木齐河上游山区径流变化及其对气候变化的响应进行了分析。在此基础上建立山区径流对气候变化的响应模型,假定不同的气候情景组合,就两条河流出山径流对气候变化的敏感性进行分析对比。结果表明,近40余年,两条河流山区年降水量、平均气温及径流总体上均呈波动状上升态势。一方面径流与降水、气温的变化呈明显的正相关关系;另一方面山区径流对降水、气温变化的响应的程度存在着明显的区域性差异,即乌鲁木齐河出山径流对降水变化的响应程度明显强于开都河,而开都河出山径流对气温变化的敏感性要高于乌鲁木齐河。  相似文献   

基于新疆阿勒泰地区7个观测站1961-2010年冬季逐日降水量资料,定义了大到暴雪特征量,并对其时间序列进行标准化,然后运用线性趋势、Cubic函数、M-K突变检验、Morlet小波变换、R/S分析等方法,研究了该区冬季大到暴雪的气候变化特征。结果表明:大到暴雪量对冬季降水总量的方差贡献较大。在气候分布上,大到暴雪特征量、冬季总降水量的大值区均位于北部东部,大值中心位于富蕴或阿勒泰站,方差贡献大值中心位于青河站;小值中心位于福海站。在年际尺度上,该区各特征量有7 a的显著周期变化特征;在年代际尺度上,有13~15 a、17~23 a、28~29 a的显著周期变化。在时间域上,大到暴雪量和频次在20世纪90年代之前以负距平为主,变化相对平稳,90年代之后以正距平为主,变化相对剧烈;大到暴雪强度60-70年代初、80年代中期到21世纪最初10 a波动幅度较大,70年代中期到80年代初变化相对平稳。Cubic函数拟合表明,大到暴雪特征量在80年代末90年代初发生了由少到多的转型,但没有突变点。在空间域上,各年代大到暴雪量大值区所在范围比较稳定,位于北部东部,小值区出现在河谷平原;值中心在60和90年代出现在富蕴站,其它年代出现在阿勒泰站;小值中心70年代出现在布尔津站,其它年代均出现在福海站;大到暴雪频次的变化与其不同的是大值中心90年代出现在青河站;大到暴雪强度在60和70年代大值中心位于阿勒泰站,80和90年代位于富蕴站,21世纪最初10 a位于哈巴河站,大值区分布也较复杂。大到暴雪特征量全区及各站均呈增多趋势;大到暴雪量是阿勒泰和福海站、大到暴雪频次和强度是阿勒泰、福海、富蕴站没有通过显著性检验,其它均通过了显著性检验。R/S分析表明,在未来该地区大到暴雪特征量将逐渐转为减少的趋势,尤其是吉木乃站。通过分析揭示了阿勒泰地区大到暴雪变化规律,对指导该地区经济生产布局、防灾减灾、暴雪灾害风险评估提供参考,同时也为短期气候预测提供依据。  相似文献   

林祥  卞林根 《极地研究》2017,29(3):357-367
利用长城和中山站的多种气象观测资料,揭示了南极气候在近15—30年全球气候变化关键时期的最新动态及其对南极涛动变化的响应。结果显示,近15年来,位于南极半岛地区的长城站增暖趋势减缓且有变冷迹象,并伴随气压下降和降水增多的趋势,表明全球增暖停滞期南极半岛经历了与过去几十年长期趋势有所不同的新变化,而位于南极大陆沿海的中山站气象要素变化趋势相对平缓,表明南极半岛和南极大陆气候变化特征存在显著的区域性差异。两站多个气象要素与南极涛动指数显著相关,两站温度与南极涛动相关关系相反等研究事实说明了两站气候与南极涛动及其对应的大气环流区域特征有着密切的联系。  相似文献   

近年来,全球再分析气象数据已经越来越多地被运用到世界各地的水文建模中,但是其模拟的效果有很大差异。为探讨CFSR再分析数据在流域水文模拟中的适用性问题,本文以灞河流域为研究区,使用两种气象数据(传统气象数据和CFSR气象数据)构建SWAT水文模型,并从年和月尺度分别进行灞河流域2001-2012年的径流模拟,利用回归分析、纳什效率系数NSE和百分比偏差PBIAS等评价方法对两种数据的模拟效果进行对比。最后,提出了CFSR气象数据订正的方法。结果表明:① CFSR气象数据在灞河流域水文模拟中有一定的适用性,模拟结果的拟合优度R2>0.50,NSE>0.33,|PBIAS|<14.8,纳什效率系数NSE偏低。尽管CFSR气象数据质量存在一定问题,但是经过降雨数据订正后能够取得比较满意的模拟效果。② CFSR气象数据模拟流量比实测流量偏高,这主要是由于CFSR逐日降水数据估算的降雨天数较多、雨强较大,一般会导致该数据在水量平衡方面能够模拟出较高的基流和洪峰流量(个别年份除外)。③ 灞河流域CFSR降水数据(x)与实测降水数据(y)之间的关系大致可用幂指数方程表达:y = 1.4789x0.8875R2 = 0.98,P<0.001),每个CFSR站点的拟合方程略微不同,此方程为CFSR降水数据的订正提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

云南气象台站迁址造成的气候"突变"分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
气象观测资料是天气预报和气候变化分析的重要基础资料,观测环境的改变造成了资料的不连续。分析了云南元阳、西盟气象站因县城滑坡迁址引起的显著气候“突变”现象,从而导致云南两项气候极值记录的改变,引起了云南气候极值点的地理转移。采用Cramer、Yamamot和Mann-Kendall法检验了两站资料序列气候“突变”事实的存在。在短期气候预测、气候影响评价等业务中对两站资料的特殊性须做谨慎处理,采用短序列的新站址气候平均值更为重要。  相似文献   

In the 10,000 km2 San Pedro River watershed area in south-eastern Arizona, high-resolution spatial patterns of long-term precipitation and temperature were better reproduced by kriging climate data with elevation as external drift (KED) than by multiple linear regression on station location and elevation as judged by the spatial distribution of interpolation error. Mean errors were similar overall, and interpolation accuracy for both methods increased with increasing correlation between climate variables and elevation. Uncertainty in station locations had negligible effect on mean estimation error, although error for individual stations varied as much as 27%. Our future ability to examine spatial aspects of climate change at high spatial resolution will be severely limited by continuing closures of climate stations in this part of the United States.  相似文献   

纳帕海湿地季节性景观格局动态变化及其驱动   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
胡金明  李杰  袁寒  董云霞 《地理研究》2010,29(5):899-908
利用纳帕海湿地区2008年冬季SPOT-5和2009年春季Landsat ETM+影像,进行景观解译,结合地面植被和水文情势调查,剖析了纳帕海湿地区的景观格局年内季节动态变化,及其与区域季节性气候和人为扰动的关联。研究发现:研究时段内纳帕海湿地区主要湿地景观都大幅萎缩,湿地类景观之间、湿地类景观与非湿地类景观之间发生显著转换;破坏地景观呈斑块状散布,占纳帕海湿地区总面积15.74%;各类景观向破坏地景观的转换,主要源于季节性气候背景下周边村落家畜放养的破坏;春夏时极端干旱气候和区域人为活动扰动,是纳帕海湿地退化的直接驱动;协调湿地保护与周边农牧民家畜放养、应对极端季节性气候下的流域水资源开发和管理,是纳帕海湿地有效管理的关键。对类似于纳帕海具有显著季节性变化的湿地景观研究,将局地-季节和区域-年际两个尺度相结合,将更深入地阐明其格局-过程-驱动间的关联。  相似文献   

Landscape connectivity: the geographic basis of geomorphic applications   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Geographic concerns for spatial relationships lie at the heart of geomorphic applications in environmental management. The way in which landscape compartments fit together in a catchment influences the operation of biophysical fluxes, and hence the ways in which disturbance responses are mediated over time. These relationships reflect the connectivity of the landscape. A nested hierarchical framework that emphasizes differing forms of (dis)connectivity in catchments is proposed. This field-based geomorphic tool can be used to ground the application of modelling techniques in analysis of catchment-scale biophysical fluxes.  相似文献   

降雨量地面观测数据空间探索与插值方法探讨   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
孔云峰  仝文伟 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1097-1108
空间插值方法广泛应用于气象数据产品的制作,其精度与气象要素的空间变异特征、气象观测站分布和插值方法选择有关。选择美国得州599个地面观测站30年平均降雨量记录,设计了27个观测站样本方案,选择全年、1月和8月数据,利用空间统计、空间自相关、半变异函数等方法探索降雨量的空间变异特征,并采用5种常规方法进行空间插值,比较和解释插值结果,在此基础上讨论基于知识的气象要素空间插值方法。案例研究发现:①降雨量地面观测数据通常具有明显的空间趋势、较强的空间自相关特征和较稳定的空间变异规律,但针对不同时段或采样方案,其空间自相关强度和半变异函数模型会有一定的差异。②增加气象观测站数,空间插值误差有减小的趋势;但观测站数目达到一定数值后,增加观测站数,插值精度提高并不明显。③在观测站较少时,不同插值方法间的精度差异较大,而在观测站充足的情况下,其差异有减小的趋势。④探讨气象要素与地理环境要素之间的关系,获得定量化的先验知识,开发基于知识的空间插值模型,是高精度气象要素插值的关键;线性加权回归和地理加权回归方法的初步试验验证了这一思路的有效性。  相似文献   

Land consolidation has a profound impact on landscape patterns and ecological functions at various scales through engineering and biological measures. In recent years, China invests more than 100 billion RMB yuan on land consolidation each year. To understand how land consolidation affects landscape patterns and ecosystems, we investigated the ecosystem service value and the ecological connectivity in a consolidated area of Da’an city from 2008 to 2014 using a revised ecological connectivity index. The results indicated that land consolidation has certain negative influences on the ecosystem services in this area. The total ecosystem service value will decrease by nearly 30% in the late stage of consolidation. This decrease is caused by the loss of ecosystem service of the wetland and grassland, despite a sensible increase of cultivated land. In addition, land consolidation could change the ecological connectivity as well as the land use structure. Up to 85% of the entire area will be in low connectivity in the late stage of consolidation, representing a 6.23% increase in the total coverage compared to pre-consolidation. Finally, the different connectivity landscape and their key areas can be identified by the revised ecological connectivity index effectively. This study is helpful to trace out the relationships between landscape pattern and ecological process, and provides insights for ecological planning and designing of land consolidation in this area. We suggest that more attentions should be paid to improve the quality and ecosystem service value per unit area of the landscape, to establish ecological compensation mechanism of wetland losses, and to create the ecological corridors along the least accumulated impendence surface in the key areas during land consolidation.  相似文献   

海南旅游客流量年内变化与气候的相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
吴普  葛全胜 《地理研究》2009,28(4):1078-1084
气候是旅游资源不可或缺的组成部分,也是影响旅游地开发的重要因素,直接影响到旅游季节的长短及旅游客流的年内变化。利用海南9个气象站点自建站以来的气候资料及近5年旅游统计资料,通过特吉旺气候舒适指数、相关分析和回归分析等方法,分析海南气候舒适度及其与旅游客流量年内变化的相关性。结果表明:11月~3月是海南旅游的最适宜期;气候对海南旅游客流量有显著影响,以气温为主导的气候舒适度是海南旅游客流年内淡旺季变化及游客旅游决策的主要影响因素;温度与海南旅游客流量呈显著负相关关系;与海口比较而言,三亚旅游业对气候更加敏感。本项研究对更好地将气候整合到旅游产品中进行宣传促销、提高产品吸引力,对海南旅游业发展规划,对提前预判游客规模尽早做出对策安排及旅游投资有很强的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

电站建设对澜沧江-湄公河 泥沙年内分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用澜沧江漫湾电站上游旧州站和下游允景洪、清盛站1987~2003 年逐月悬移质泥沙含量实测资料, 分析对比了三站年内泥沙分配不均匀系数、集中度和集中期、变化幅度等特性。将上述参数与澜沧江上游干流漫湾与大朝山电站建设的响应进行关联研究, 分析电站建设进程对河道输沙变化的驱动作用。结果表明: (1) 旧州水文站泥沙年内分配与区域气候变化 (降水) 趋势一致, 研究时段内不均匀性系数呈上升趋势, 维持天然河道输沙特性; 允景洪和 清盛水文站的泥沙年内分配不均匀性系数对电站建设等人类活动的响应程度不一致, 允景洪站泥沙含量不均匀系数先减小后急剧增加, 而清盛站呈微弱减小态势。(2) 旧州水文站泥沙年 内分配集中度及集中期基本无变化; 允景洪与清盛水文站的泥沙年内分配集中度变化较大, 泥沙集中期在在电站施工的高峰期(1987~1992 年、1997~2003 年) 后延, 且不同步, 允景洪在漫湾施工期后延5~6 天, 而清盛则后延将近半个月,而在大朝山施工期, 允景洪的后延响应 却明显于清盛。(3) 旧州站相对、绝对泥沙变幅逐时段递增, 允景洪站年内最大与最小月泥沙含量的相对、绝对变化幅度均减小, 清盛站泥沙含量的相对变化幅度却先增后减, 绝对变化 幅度则一直减小。三站泥沙年内极值变幅以及电站建设前后的响应差异, 说明三站泥沙变化的驱动因子有明显不同。这些关于泥沙含量年内分配特征规律的发现, 为研究澜沧江干流电站建设对上下游泥沙变化以及跨境影响的科学评价提供了新的佐证。  相似文献   

一种改进的生成区域日降水场的方法及精度分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
林忠辉  莫兴国 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1161-1168
利用全国687个气象站点11年的日降水数据,对基于地理特征和统计回归的函数拟合类模型DAYMET生成中国区域日降水场的能力进行了验证。交叉验证表明,DAYMET模型估计日降水累计得到的年降水量的绝对偏差11年平均为29.8%,年降水总量估计偏差低于20%的站点占48.3%。鉴于中国陆地区域降水深受季风的影响,不同方位气象站点对插值点的影响也有所不同,引入了站点不同方位对插值的影响权重,对DAYMET模型进行了改进,改进后年降水量的绝对偏差降为27%。与梯度距离平方反比法相比,该方法具有较高的区域降水插值精度。还以无定河流域降水插值为例,说明降水插值精度的高低与区域内雨量站点的多寡紧密相联。  相似文献   

Location-based social media provide an enormous stream of data about humans' life and behavior. With geospatial methods, those data can offer rich insights into public health. In this research, we study the effect of climate and seasonality on the prevalence of depression in Twitter users in the U.S. Text mining and geospatial methods are used to detect tweets related to depression and their spatiotemporal patterns at the scale of Metropolitan Statistical Area. We find the relationship between depression rates, climate risk factors and seasonality are varied and geographically localized. The same climate measure may have opposite association with depression rates at different places. Relative humidity, temperature, sea level pressure, precipitation, snowfall, weed speed, globe solar radiation, and length of day all contribute to the geographic variations of depression rates. A conceptual compact map is designed to visualize scattered geographic phenomena in a large area. We also propose a three-stage framework that semi-automatically detects and analyzes geographically distributed health issues using location-based social media data.  相似文献   

东北地区融雪期径流及产沙特征分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
焦剑  谢云  林燕  赵登峰 《地理研究》2009,28(2):333-344
严重的水土流失已威胁到东北地区的土地资源,融雪径流及其造成的侵蚀作为该地区水土流失的重要组成部分,但相关研究较少。本文利用全区93个气象站降水资料,分析了东北地区降雪与积雪的基本特征。利用27个典型流域水文站径流泥沙资料,分析了融雪期内径流与产沙特征。结果表明:东北各地雪期长度为5~8个月,自南向北逐渐延长。年降雪量占年降水总量的比例多在7~25%,由此形成的融雪期径流深占全年径流深比例达13.3~24.9%,融雪期输沙模数占全年输沙模数比例达5.8~27.7%。融雪期流域输沙模数受地貌影响十分显著:丘陵漫岗区降雪量和径流深均低于山区,但输沙模数平均为山区的2.9倍。融雪输沙模数与流域面积有十分显著的幂函数递减关系。为揭示融雪侵蚀影响因素及其作用机理,今后应加强融雪期内流域侵蚀及产沙监测。  相似文献   

李军  黄敬峰  王秀珍  朱蕾 《山地学报》2005,23(6):687-693
山区降水量数据非常有限,而且它们的时间序列长短不一,需要将短时间序列的降水量数据延长到统一的长时间序列,才能进行相互比较,这是山区气候研究中的一项重要的基础工作。以浙江省仙居县为例,通过分析月降水量的时间分布类型,选择了县内10个降水量测站,分别以上张水文站和苗寮水文站为基本站,以其它7个水文站和括苍山气象站为订正站,对基本站和订正站的月降水量之间进行相关分析,并采用月降水量相对系数的稳定性特征对各订正站的月降水量进行了时间序列订正,然后,从订正误差的角度分别对订正结果进行了分析。结果表明:基本站与订正站月降水量之间的相关系数越大,则订正站月降水量的订正误差越小。此外,当基本站与订正站月降水量之间的相关系数相差不大时,则订正站月降水量的订正误差与月降水量的时间分布类型有关,月降水量属于同一类型的订正误差比不属于同一分布类型的订正误差小。  相似文献   

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