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Circulation in the Arctic Ocean   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Much information on processes and circulation within the Arctic Ocean has emerged from measurements made on icebreaker expeditions during the past decade. This article offers a perspective based on these measurements, summarizing new ideas regarding how water masses are formed and how they circulate. Best understood at present is the circulation of the Atlantic Layer and mid-depth waters, to depths of about 1700 m, which move in cyclonic gyres in the four major basins of the Arctic Ocean. New ideas on halocline formation and circulation are directly relevant to concerns regarding changes in ice thickness. The circulation of the halocline water in part mimics that of the underlying Atlantic Layer. A number of large eddies contributing to water mass transport have been observed. The circulation of freshwater from the Pacific Ocean and from river runoff has been better delineated. Circulation within the surface layer resembles the circulation of ice, but is different in several respects. Least understood is the circulation of the deepest waters, though some information is available. Recent observed changes in the surface waters and warm Atlantic Layer have been correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation. While these changes are dramatic, the qualitative circulation pattern may not have been altered significantly.  相似文献   

邹磊磊  付玉 《极地研究》2017,29(2):270-278
北极航道管理与北极渔业管理都是由气候变化所催生的北极重要事务。由于同处北极,两者面临着一些共性的管理问题,使两者之间具有了一定的可比性。两者的对比研究显示,北极航道管理机制构建过程体现了国际合作的精神,航道管理制度体系在形成之初始终处于动态发展以期得到完善,依托国际组织制定航行规则也有利于未来北极全面通航后执行统一协调的航道管理制度,这些北极航道管理实践中所体现的管理理念和路径对北极渔业管理具有启示作用。对比研究也揭示了北极渔业所面临的管理瓶颈,具体表现为北极5国谋求北冰洋公海"领导者"地位的单边主义行为,以及北极渔业现阶段所呈现出的"碎片式"管理格局。为实现北极渔业可持续性发展,北极5国之间、北极5国与北极域外国家之间应加强交流与合作,同时适时成立相应的区域性渔业管理组织以协调并开展国际交流与合作。  相似文献   

北极航线经济腹地范围和等级划分研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
北极航线具有重要的战略价值和商业价值,从小的范围来说,北极航线的开通将对海运格局产生重大影响,从大的范围来说,北极航线的开通将对世界经济格局产生重大影响。在这个背景下,首先根据过去各种腹地的类型和定义提出了北极航线经济腹地的概念并阐明了北极航线经济腹地划分的意义。然后分析了以往文献对腹地划分问题的研究方法及北极航线腹地划分问题的特殊性,并基于断裂点概念模型和场强模型对北极航线经济腹地范围和等级做出具体划分。最后,根据世界经济格局发展动态分析了腹地的演化趋势,并提出了中国的应对策略。研究成果能够对中国的北极航线战略制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Large increases in the temperature of the Atlantic Layer in the Arctic Ocean have been observed since the early to mid-1990s and have continued through to the present. These changes were detected in 1994 and in 1999 with acoustic "sections" using acoustic thermometry. Both icebreaker and submarine CTD sections have confirmed these observations. Calculations of the travel time of acoustic mode 2 for the submarine CTD sections show a linear correlation with the mean temperature of the Atlantic Layer of the section. A cabled-to-shore undersea mooring system of Arctic Ocean observatories is needed to provide real-time year-round observations using conventional as well as acoustic remote sensing techniques.  相似文献   

中国北极航线港口界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着北冰洋夏季冰层的逐渐消融,北极航线有望全线通航。北极航线的通航将促进东亚与欧洲、北美地区的贸易往来,从而降低传统航线的地位及作用,为我国战略资源采购提供新的通道;同时也将在一定程度上改变北极航线沿线及其延长线上港口的地位及布局,但不同港口受此影响不尽相同,只有部分港口可能因为北极航线的利用实现地位提升。在假定北极航线全线开通的基础上提出北极航线港口概念,以港口所在城市的进出口贸易总额为基本界定指标,以航程缩短程度、航线密度、港口外贸箱吞吐量和港口油气吞吐能力作为竞争性界定指标进行综合评价,筛选出符合标准的中国北极航线港口,为中国利用北极航线和未来沿海港口布局提供借鉴及参考。  相似文献   

随着全球气候变暖,北冰洋冰层开始逐渐消融,北极航线的开通成为可能。但北极航线通 航环境复杂,基础设施不完善,航行经验不足,船舶技术受限,至今仍无法通航。本文对北极航线通 航环境影响因素做出定义,以此为基础,结合德尔菲法建立指标体系,随后运用解释结构模型 (ISM)分析其各因素之间的层次因果关系框架并去噪简化,对北极航线通航环境进行影响因素重 要性分析,最后提出针对性的对策和建议,可为我国在北极航线战略的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

在气候变化的背景下,北极地区的战略地位不断提升,北极事务正深刻地影响着世界格局的演变。以北极8国为基础,进一步考虑北极理事会13个观察员国的影响,基于2001、2006、2011和2016年的GDP和贸易额数据,采用社会网络分析方法,结合贸易依存度和进出口位次分析,全面地揭示北极地区地缘经济关系的演变特征。研究表明:2001—2016年北极地区地缘经济关系先走向紧密,而后有所减弱;不同国家的地缘经济地位和影响力存在显著差异,双边存在不对等的贸易关系,具有明显的“核心-外围-边缘”的特征。美加双边贸易流尤为显著,占到北极国家间贸易流的70%以上;在美加双边关系上,加拿大对美国经济高度依赖,美国拥有充分的主导权;瑞典、丹麦、挪威和芬兰在地区内具有重要的地缘经济影响力,而冰岛和格陵兰地区则长期处于贸易网络的边缘地带,但二者都具有极其重要的地理位置,应引起重视;在北极地区地缘经济关系中,俄罗斯的经济影响力并未与其国际政治地位相匹配,拥有巨大的经贸潜力。德国、英国、法国、日本、意大利、荷兰和中国都是对北极地区地缘经济有显著影响的国家。以中国为代表的新兴经济体的地缘影响力在不断扩大,而一些传统经济大国的地缘经济优势呈不同程度的减弱趋势。总体来说,近年来北极地区的地缘经济关系基本格局并未发生本质变化。  相似文献   

High resolution climate simulations over the Arctic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The regional atmospheric climate model HIRHAM has been applied to the Arctic. Simulations for the whole year 1990 and for an ensemble of winter months (January of 1985-1995) have been performed. The comparison of the simulations with observational data analyses shows that the general spatial patterns are in good agreement with the data, in both the vertical structure and the annual cycle. For an additional validation of the model results, a multivariate classification of large-scale circulation patterns has been applied to the January ensemble model simulations.  相似文献   

《Polar Science》2014,8(4):397-412
We used observational and experimental analyses to investigate the photosynthetic activity and water relationships of five lichen species attached to different substrates in a glacier foreland in the High Arctic, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (79°N) during the snow-free season in 2009 and 2010. After the rains ceased, lichens and their attached substrates quickly dried, whereas photosynthetic activity in the lichens decreased gradually. The in situ photosynthetic activity was estimated based on the relative electron transportation rate (rETR) in four fruticose lichens: Cetrariella delisei, Flavocetraria nivalis, Cladonia arbuscula ssp. mitis, and Cladonia pleurota. The rETR approached zero around noon, although the crustose lichen Ochrolechia frigida grown on biological soil crust (BSC) could acquire water from the BSC and retain its WC to perform positive photosynthesis. The light-rETR relationship curves of the five well-watered lichens were characterized into two types: shade-adapted with photoinhibition for the fruticose lichens, and light-adapted with no photoinhibition for O. frigida. The maximum rETR was expected to occur when they could acquire water from the surrounding air or from substrates during the desiccation period. Our results suggest that different species of Arctic lichens have different water availabilities due to their substrates and/or morphological characteristics, which affect their photosynthetic active periods during the summer.  相似文献   

The dramatic decline in Arctic sea ice cover is anticipated to influence atmospheric temperatures and circulation patterns. These changes will affect the terrestrial climate beyond the boundary of the Arctic, consequently modulating terrestrial snow cover. Therefore, an improved understanding of the relationship between Arctic sea ice and snow depth over the terrestrial Arctic is warranted. We examined responses of snow depth to the declining Arctic sea ice extent in September, during the period of 1979–2006. The major reason for a focus on snow depth, rather than snow cover, is because its variability has a climatic memory that impacts hydrothermal processes during the following summer season. Analyses of combined data sets of satellite measurements of sea ice extent and snow depth, simulated by a land surface model (CHANGE), suggested that an anomalously larger snow depth over northeastern Siberia during autumn and winter was significantly correlated to the declining September Arctic sea ice extent, which has resulted in cooling temperatures, along with an increase in precipitation. Meanwhile, the reduction of Arctic sea ice has amplified warming temperatures in North America, which has readily offset the input of precipitation to snow cover, consequently further decreasing snow depth. However, a part of the Canadian Arctic recorded an increase in snow depth driven locally by the diminishing September Arctic sea ice extent. Decreasing snow depth at the hemispheric scale, outside the northernmost regions (i.e., northeastern Siberia and Canadian Arctic), indicated that Arctic amplification related to the diminishing Arctic sea ice has already impacted the terrestrial Arctic snow depth. The strong reduction in Arctic sea ice anticipated in the future also suggests a potential long-range impact on Arctic snow cover. Moreover, the snow depth during the early snow season tends to contribute to the warming of soil temperatures in the following summer, at least in the northernmost regions.  相似文献   

当今北极地缘政治格局特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冷战结束后,北极地区逐渐发展为世界政治的一个热点,北极地缘政治局势处在快速的变化发展之中。地缘政治格局是控制地缘政治形势发展的一个结构因素,分析地缘政治格局有助于我们认识和理解复杂的、变动的地缘政治现实关系。本文在地缘政治格局概念基础上,提出了地缘政治格局的基本分析方法,并以此分析了冷战后北极地区的地缘政治格局的主要特征。  相似文献   

The Arctic vortex is a persistent large-scale cyclonic circulation in the middle and upper troposphere and the stratosphere. Its activity and variation control the semi-permanent active centers of Pan-Arctic and the short-time cyclone activity in the subarctic areas. Its strength variation, which directly relates to the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and ecosystem of the Arctic, can affect the lower atmospheric circulation, the weather of subarctic area and even the weather of middle latitude areas. The 2003 Chinese Second Arctic Research Expedition experienced the transition of the stratosphereic circulation from a warm anticyclone to a cold cyclone during the ending period of Arctic summertime, a typical establishing process of the polar vortex circulation. The impact of the polar vortex variation on the low-level circulation has been investigated by some scientists through studying the coupling mechanisms of the stratosphere and troposphere. The impact of the Stratospheric Sudden Warming (SFW) events on the polar vortex variation was drawing people's great attention in the fifties of the last century. The Arctic Oscillation (AO), relating to the variation of the Arctic vortex, has been used to study the impact of the Arctic vortex on climate change. The recent Arctic vortex studies are simply reviewed and some discussions on the Arctic vertex are given in the paper. Some different views and questions are also discussed.  相似文献   

北极航线的世界航运网络格局影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
北冰洋冰层的加速融化,引发了世界对北极航线相关问题的关注和思考,尤其是北极航线全线贯通之后,将会对当今世界航运网络格局产生更加深远的影响。本文分析了世界航运网络格局的内涵和现状,随后讨论了世界航运网络格局的要素,并以此为基础,分析了北极航线通航后对世界航运网络格局的影响,进而提出北极航线通航后我国的应对策略。  相似文献   

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