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Geography is one of the subjects offered toward a diploma of the International Baccalaureate Organization. Like the others, its syllabus is regularly reviewed and revised to remain current. The advent of a revised syllabus brings overlap that can be challenging for teachers. The syllabus that is now coming to an end was described in 107(4–5) of the Journal of Geography. The present article compares that syllabus with the new one and, particularly, the demands the new syllabus will place on teachers and students alike.  相似文献   

This paper asks why we teach what we teach to geography undergraduates in quantitative methods courses. We re-consider the origins of quantitative geography and note how partial and historically contingent the traditional syllabus is. From this basis, we suggest that other approaches should be considered in order to provide a broader training in quantitative methods. We then propose an example syllabus that attempts to integrate a range of quantitative methodologies within a common, applied context that is also connected to relevant social, economic and political issues. We conclude that students with a better understanding of methods in physical and social science could be very valuable to the betterment of society, but to achieve this may require a change to our quantitative methods teaching.  相似文献   

当前的国际形势和国内治理问题对政治地理学理论和方法发展提出了巨大需求,但是目前国内政治地理学的学科和理论体系仍相对滞后,缺乏能够反映近二十年来理论进展和取得广泛共识的政治地理教材或课程体系。为此,本文在系统梳理和比较中西方主流政治地理教材和课程大纲的基础上,尝试提出一个面向中国当前需求的政治地理课程体系设计。该课程体系以“政治/权力”与“地理/空间”的关系为核心,以尺度为主线,包含学科概览、核心概念、国际尺度的政治地理理论、次国家尺度的政治地理理论和政治地理理论和方法的应用5大方面,纳入了关于学科思想史、方法论等方面的前沿成果和近年兴起的关于政治生态学、跨境移民、绅士化和“一带一路”倡议等理论议题,可供面向本科生和研究生的政治地理教材编写和课程设计参考。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):244-245

Geography occupies a prominent position in the high school curriculum in China. The syllabus for geography, as for other subjects, has been centrally prescribed since the early 1900s but during the last 40 years it has undergone major changes. The current syllabus, which covers both human and physical aspects of the subject, also embraces people-environment and resource issues. Obstacles to the further development of the subject include a lack of qualified staff, wide variations in educational standards, and the fact that geography, although a “required” subject in some years, is not yet a compulsory subject in the University Entrance Examination. Gradually these problems are being addressed and there are grounds to be optimistic about the future of the discipline at this level in China.  相似文献   

The new Republic of Ireland Leaving Certificate geography programme (taken by 16- to 18-year-olds), which was first examined in 2006, marked a major change in approach from its predecessor. This paper presents the results of a study that explored the learning outcomes in light of the stated aspirations of the syllabus, teacher perceptions and of society's expressed concerns about the nature of education today. Research data were obtained via interviews with teachers and questionnaire surveys with participants. The results from this study indicate that the new programme appears to have some impact on learning outcomes, both positive and negative.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):198-201

The International Baccalaureate Organiz-ation (IBO) is doing much to promote the teaching of geography in schools. Since its establishment in 1968 to provide a common curriculum and university entrance credential for children of a geographically mobile international com-munity, it has evolved and now includes schools in national systems all over the world. As part of the curriculum group Individuals and Societies, geography is the-matic in organization, human in focus, and comprehensive in coverage. The geo-graphy syllabus can prove challenging to both teachers and students. Workshops are provided in each region to introduce new teachers to the assessment standards and practices of the IBO.  相似文献   

地理学“空间分析导论”课程设置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵永  孔云峰 《地理科学》2011,31(9):1090-1096
空间分析是地理学和其他相关学科的重要研究手段与方法,其重要性日益引起关注。结合1960年代以来空间分析的发展脉络及各时期的典型方法,在对国内外40多所高校、组织与机构的空间分析课程大纲对比研究和教学实践的基础上,提出了“空间分析导论”课程的教学大纲、具体内容和实习软件等问题,最后对空间分析课程设置提出几点建议:① 拟定空间分析课程66学时左右,其中至少12学时左右的上机实习,实习软件可以针对不同的数据类型选用ArcGIS、GeoDa和R。② 在地理学相关专业或其他学科领域的本科高年级开设入门级的空间分析导论课程,之后,根据具体情况在研究生阶段开设比如"地统计学"、"空间模型与建模"等专题课程。③ 为进一步完善国内空间分析课程教材,可考虑选择引进国外相关著作,并筛选、开发相关的教学案例,编写详细的上机实习操作指导。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Current curriculum developments will provide a new framework for the teaching of social sciences, including geography, in New Zealand secondary schools. This article outlines recent challenges faced by the subject, and the development and likely nature of the new curriculum. Some ways in which teachers can plan and implement innovative programmes within the framework of the existing syllabus and the new curriculum are suggested.  相似文献   

Attitudes to Geography in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on an initial study in Australia of attitudes to geography held by members of the community at large. The study focused on perceptions of the role of geography in contributing to wider social goals relating to lifelong learning and living. Groups of business people, government representatives, professional people, educators and members of the general public were surveyed. The results focus on the perceptions of the importance of geography to Australian society; important knowledge, skills and values that are learned while doing geography; and the importance of geography for work. The generally positive appreciation of geography that is held by the wider community needs to be promoted carefully in the education sectors and in society at large if geography is to live up to the importance that is ascribed to it.  相似文献   

Despite a long tradition of fieldwork and outdoor education in Norwegian schools, teachers and pupils are not familiar with conducting systematic field studies of modern urban environments. The authors of the present article are convinced that urban fieldwork ought to be included in the teaching syllabus in Norwegian schools, and for several years they have worked on developing urban fieldwork as a part of the study programme in teacher education at Nord-Trøndelag University College (Høgskolen in Nord-Trøndelag or HiNT). The fieldwork element has gradually been expanded, and in recent years pupils from neighbouring primary schools have participated in the programme. The use of ICT has increasingly become an important part of the work in the field as well as in the follow-up phase. Special emphasis has been put on the use of digital stories. The experiences of this work are presented and discussed in the article. In the final section of the article the authors discuss further development of urban fieldwork, paying particular attention to the use of new digital technology and enquiry approaches.  相似文献   

Personal construct theory was used to study the appraisive images held by tourists visiting the North Coast of New South Wales. In the first stage of the research, subjects produced a wide variety of constructs in differentiating between tourist places. This enabled the identification of six key evaluative constructs. In the second stage of the research, these constructs were incorporated into repertory grids that revealed how places were viewed. Principal components analysis showed that very similar images were held by tourists irrespective of age and sex, but that slight differences emerged between the images held by tourists and those held by workers in the tourist industry. The evaluative constructs identified may provide a general basis for understanding tourist perceptions.  相似文献   

褚绍唐先生是中国著名的地理教育家,历史地理学家,华东师范大学地理系教授。褚先生的地理教育思想构建起了中国中小学地理教育教学与研究的基本框架,先生组织发起的地理教育学术组织和创办的学术期刊仍发挥着巨大作用,先生编写的中小学地理教学大纲和教材惠及数代人。褚先生对上海历史地理的研究颇有建树,对上海的城市发展过程、成陆过程,水系变化等有独特见解。褚先生对《徐霞客游记》的整理和校点工作具有划时代意义,同时,先生也是徐霞客研究领域的大师。此外,褚先生还在城市地理学、地图学、地理文献翻译等领域做出了贡献。  相似文献   


This paper is a review of research themes in the field of geographical information systems, as identified from the evidence submitted to the Department of the Environment's Committee of Enquiry into the Handling of Geographic Information (the Chorley Committee) which reported in 1987, the papers and discussions at a workshop on research in GIS held in Edinburgh in 1987 and jointly sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council in the United Kingdom and the National Science Foundation in the United States, and the proceedings of an international symposium on the research agenda for GIS, organized by the Association of American Geographers and held in Washington in 1987. The interpretation of and the emphases given to these themes are, however, the author's own  相似文献   

南极天气预报业务的进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
卞林根  张雅斌 《极地研究》2000,12(3):219-232
第一届南极天气预报国际会议于 1 998年 8月 31日至 9月 3日在澳大利亚霍巴特举行。来自澳大利亚、比利时、中国、法国、意大利、俄罗斯和英国的 40多位代表出席了会议。近年来 ,随着综合科学考察的增多和南极旅游业的快速发展 ,对南极地区天气预报的需求有了很大的增加。许多南极考察站已使用了复杂的预报系统 ,浮标和自动观测站获得的数据、数值天气预报产品、高分辨率的卫星图像都得到有效利用。数值天气预报在预报发生在大洋和海岸附近天气尺度的低压方面取得了很大进展 ,但对当地预报非常重要的许多中尺度系统 ,在模式中还不能反映出来 ,系统的活动主要通过卫星资料来预报。期待将来能够选择南极的某些地区来运行高分辨率的有限区域模式。会议表明 ,随着近年来对高纬地区的天气过程的进一步认识、高分辨率的卫星图像和数值天气预报产品的使用 ,南极地区的天气预报已取得了长足发展。目前存在的突出问题是 :南极以外的气象中心很难得到南极的资料、南极半岛及内陆缺少高空资料、数值预报对南极地形和高纬过程的模拟效果不好等。会议的主要成果是将完成整个南极地区的天气预报手册  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):22-38
It is argued that the spatial patterns of place-ties collectively held by potential metropolitan-to-nonmetropolitan migrants are broader than those held by potential nonmetropol itan-to-metropol itan migrants. Consistent with this argu ment, it is hypothesized that metropolitan migration fields are asymmetrical , i.e., out-migration fields are more cosmopolitan than in-migration fields for the period 1965-1 970 within the United States. The hypothesis is accepted generally, and the asymmetry is found to be greatest for the largest metropolitan areas, some of which were also experiencing net out-migration during the period. It is concluded that the micro-level concept of place-ties and the macro-level concept of migration fields are important inputs to the understanding of population redistribution patterns.  相似文献   

IWGIS has been held in Beijing every three years since 1987 with the purpose of demonstrating and discussing the integrated techniques and applications of GIS. The 7th IWGIS will be held in early August, 2007. The theme of this workshop is GIS and regional sustainable development, including various topics related to new philosophies, new techniques, and new solutions of GIS.  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to plant calcium fractions in the desert.To address the characteristic of the calcium fractions of desert plants,we collected 25 plant species in Tengger Desert,observed the calcium crystals using an optical microscope and determined water soluble calcium,acetic acid soluble calcium,and hydrochloric acid soluble calcium.To do so,we used sequential fractionation procedures to probe the relationships among different functional groups,different growth forms,or different successional stages.The results showed that the psammophyte,the late successional plants,and the drought-resistant shrub and semi-shrub all held considerable calcium oxalate crystal compared to the grassland plants,the early successional plants,and the perennial herb.With the proceeding succession,the acetic acid soluble calcium decreased gradually,and the hydrochloric acid soluble calcium increased gradually.The perennial herb had more water soluble calcium,while shrub held greater hydrochloric acid soluble calcium.The grassland plants held more water soluble calcium,while psammophyte had greater hydrochloric acid soluble calcium.This implies that the plants that are relatively sensitive to drought hold more calcium ion,while the drought-resistance plants hold more calcium oxalate.Thus,the plant calcium components are in close relation to plant drought-resistance,and of important significance in plant physiology of the desert.  相似文献   

In August 1998, an international symposium on the world deltas was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. This symposium attracted discussion about more than 25 deltas from around the world with emphasis placed on those that are most densely populated and impacted by humans. Keynote papers printed details about the physical, biological, engineering and socioeconomic aspects of six deltas including the Mississippi, Nile, Ganges-Brahmaputra, Rhine-Meuse, Changjiang and Po. The main purpose of this symposium was to inform scientists, engineers and decision-makers about information that is currently available and to provide them a basis for working in such environments.  相似文献   

Sponsored by the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG) and jointly undertaken by the Geographical Society of China (GSC) and the Korean Geographical Society (KGS) and Kumamoto University, the Second Japan-Korea-China Symposium of Young Geographers was held at Kumamoto University in Japan on October 2-5, 2007. It was a successful continuation after the First China-Japan-Korea Symposium of Young Geographers launched by the GSC and held at Beijing Normal University in China on September 16-18, 2006. The 2007 project was also completed with the aid of Professor Murayama Yuji, from University of Tsukuba and the Kumamoto International Convention and Tourism Bureau.  相似文献   

The World Summit on Sustainable Development (26 August–4 September 2002), held in Johannesburg on the tenth anniversary of the first Earth Summit, provides the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the sustainable development concept. This paper uses the case study of the Russian Federation to explore the relationship between official interpretations of sustainable development and alternative understandings concerned with the betterment of humankind, which draw on Russia's cultural and scientific heritage. It is suggested that there is much to be gained from reopening the sustainable development debate to incorporate such cultural particularities, both at the national and international levels.  相似文献   

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