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思茅盆地晚白垩世勐野井组地层是我国唯一的古代固体钾盐发育地层,由于盆地内部断层纵横,地层横向对比困难,急需有效的标志性地层以完善区域对比及后续研究的深入。本次在确认早白垩世扒沙河组地层良好的区域可对比性基础上,通过对比思茅盆地江城地区两个典型地质露头剖面及勐野井钾盐矿床钻孔岩心的元素地球化学特征探讨了江城地区含盐系地层及其下伏扒沙河组地层的化学风化、构造背景及物源属性特征。结果表明,1)思茅盆地江城地区勐野井组与扒沙河组地层在形成过程中,其物源区均经历了中至强的化学风化作用过程;2)尽管这两套地层间呈不整合接触关系,但在物源属性上二者却均具有混和物源的特性(活动大陆边缘或大陆岛弧背景的长英质物源与被动大陆边缘背景的古老沉积物物源的混合),而扒沙河组地层在沉积过程中可能还受到了少量基性岩物源的影响;3)云南江城勐野井组及其下伏扒沙河组地层的主要物源区可能为哀牢山隆起带和扬子古陆块。  相似文献   

思茅盆地晚白垩世勐野井组地层是我国唯一的古代固体钾盐发育地层,由于盆地内部断层纵横,地层横向对比困难,急需有效的标志性地层以完善区域对比及后续研究的深入。在确认早白垩世扒沙河组地层良好的区域可对比性基础上,通过对比思茅盆地江城地区两个典型地质露头剖面及勐野井钾盐矿床钻孔岩芯的元素地球化学特征,探讨了江城地区含盐系地层及其下伏扒沙河组地层的化学风化、构造背景及物源属性特征。结果表明,1)思茅盆地江城地区勐野井组与扒沙河组地层在形成过程中,其物源区均经历了中至强的化学风化作用过程;2)尽管这两套地层间呈不整合接触关系,但在物源属性上二者却均具有混和物源的特性(活动大陆边缘或大陆岛弧背景的长英质物源与被动大陆边缘背景的古老沉积物物源的混合),扒沙河组地层在沉积过程中可能还受到了少量基性岩物源的影响;3)云南江城勐野井组及其下伏扒沙河组地层的主要物源区可能为哀牢山隆起带和扬子古陆块。  相似文献   

一定的泥岩地球化学特征对应于特定的源区和构造环境,利用主量元素图解可以进行盆地物源分析。通过对思茅盆地江城勐野井矿区含盐系勐野井组(K2me)及其下伏扒沙河组(K1p)泥、砂岩的主量元素地球化学特征分析,并结合岩石薄片观察结果,表明物源区母岩类型主要为长英质岩石;通过SiO2-K2O/Na2O及K2O/Na2O-SiO2/Al2O3判别图分析,认为源区的构造背景具有类似于被动大陆边缘的特征;成分变异指数ICV、化学蚀变指数CIA表明研究区砂、泥岩物源区经受了较强的化学风化作用。  相似文献   

兰坪-思茅盆地勐野井组钾盐矿床成矿构造背景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
兰坪—思茅盆地是国内唯一发现古钾盐沉积的盆地。对云南兰坪—思茅盆地钾盐成矿背景作了总结与分析,指出中生代以来盆地经历了陆内裂谷形成到消亡、侏罗纪箕状断陷盆地发育、早白垩纪双断式断陷盆地发育、早白垩晚期干化成盐和后期挤压走滑几个阶段。在此基础上通过盐系地层沉积特征的分析,得到了盆地在成盐期(早白垩世晚期)构造活动强烈,由统一的湖盆解体为多个次级成盐盆地,盐类资源的沉积应该分属不同的沉积序列的认识。兰坪—思茅盆地成盐期构造背景分析对于了解该区蒸发岩矿床特征和成矿机理具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

以昌都—兰坪—思茅盆地及呵叻盆地含盐带盐类沉积为研究对象,在分析总结前人研究成果的基础上,通过系统的大地构造学、矿床学、地球化学等研究方法,总结和研究了该区含钾蒸发岩矿床的矿床特征,提出了新的成矿模式。研究表明,兰坪—思茅盆地和呵叻盆地的含钾蒸发岩矿床为"海源陆相"成因,即在陆相环境下与海水的变异有关。该矿床缺失正常海水蒸发浓缩而形成的硫酸盐沉积,同时,矿床中少量菱镁矿等自生矿物的出现无法用正常海水蒸发理论解释。矿床中少量溢晶石等矿物的出现预示着该矿床富钙。兰坪—思茅盆地内广泛发育了白垩纪蒸发岩系(勐野井组或云龙组),江城地区甚至沉积了小型钾盐矿床。同位素和微量元素的研究表明,该区蒸发岩矿床为海相成因,Rb和Br的含量变化指示海水从北部兰坪侵入到呵叻。昌都及兰坪地区的白垩纪石膏硫、锶同位素研究表明,该区大套的硫酸盐沉积为海相成因,物源研究成果揭示思茅盆地的物源可能来自东羌塘地区,预示着昌都地区的硫酸盐沉积跟兰坪—思茅盆地的蒸发岩沉积具有同源性。通过上述研究,提出了多级盆地海水迁移变质成盐成钾模式。  相似文献   

兰坪-思茅盆地与呵叻高原钾盐矿床综合对比   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
云南兰坪—思茅盆地与泰国-老挝呵叻高原处于同一构造带,两者在钾盐成矿及成因各方面都有着很大的相似性。通过对兰坪—思茅盆地与呵叻高原成矿地质背景、成盐时代、成盐物源和环境、沉积和地球化学特征等多方面对比分析,系统阐述了二者的异同,重点强调了存在的差异性,提出了一些今后开展工作的意见和建议。  相似文献   

兰坪—思茅盆地钾盐矿床的物质来源探讨   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
云南兰坪—思茅盆地是我国重要的成钾盆地。综合前人的研究成果,简要介绍了该地区的地质概况。对兰坪—思茅盆地钾盐矿床的物质来源进行了阐述和讨论,认为该盆地钾盐矿床的物质来源以残存古海水为主,并有陆源水体的补给。盆地内的富钾火山凝灰岩、古盐和风化盐也可能为该盆地钾盐矿床提供物源,至于深部地下卤水是否提供物源还需更深入的研究论证。兰坪—思茅盆地钾盐矿床成矿物源具有多源性。  相似文献   

云南兰坪—思茅盆地是我国重要的成钾盆地,对盆地内勐野井组层位的泥砾岩段(成盐阶段)粘土样品进行XRD分析;同时对滇中楚雄盆地的相同层位(元永井组)粘土样品进行了XRD对比分析。实验结果表明,兰坪—思茅盆地内的样品中粘土矿物组合为伊利石+绿泥石,表明了在成盐阶段较为干旱的古气候条件与较高的古盐度;而楚雄盆地一平浪样品中除伊利石+绿泥石组合外,还含有伊利石/蒙皂石混层矿物,反映了当时的古气候条件与兰坪—思茅盆地相比较为湿润。通过计算样品中各种粘土矿物的相对含量,指出兰坪—思茅盆地成盐阶段更晚,成盐作用更强。结合前人的研究成果探讨了兰坪—思茅盆地的成盐环境,指出盆地南部卤水较北部浓缩程度更高,南部成盐条件优于北部。  相似文献   

兰坪中新生代盆位于特提斯构造域和滨太平洋构造域的结合部位,由晚三叠纪至上新世的沉积岩地层构成,岩相环境由海相-海陆交互-陆相沉积演化,古新统云龙组,为一套湖相含盐沉积,早期为浅湖相沉积,中期湖盆上升为干涸蒸发沉积,晚期为浅湖相沉积。南新组为河流相-三角洲相沉积,与下伏地层景星组为渐变整合接触。1∶5万兰坪幅区域地质调查工作和金顶矿区详查报告认为金顶矿区原地系统由白垩系景星组和古新统云龙组地层构成,我们通过对区域和金顶矿区云龙组、南新组地层的岩性、岩性韵律、岩相特征的对比研究,认为金顶矿区原划归原地系统的"云龙组"地层应属于下白垩统南新组层,云龙组地层不是含矿层。  相似文献   

滇西兰坪盆地中多数金属矿床伴生大量膏盐体,为了探讨膏盐体与金属成矿关系,对膏盐体进行了微量元素和同位素地球化学分析。发育在云龙组中呈层状黑色石膏稀土总量,δEu(0.87)和δCe(0.95),87Sr/86Sr(0.708 629~0.710 189),δ34SV-CDT(9.6‰~+11.9‰)与区域云龙组地层地球化学特征相近;分布在云龙组地层中呈蘑菇状、指状侵入的块状石膏的稀土总量,δEu(0.65)和δCe(0.85),87Sr/86Sr(0.707 695~0.708 127),δ34SV-CDT(+12.6‰~+15.4‰)与晚三叠世三合洞组碳酸盐岩的地球化学特征相近。结合微量元素和同位素地球化学分析,兰坪盆地的Sr、Cu、Pb和Zn等成矿元素主要来源于热卤水对地层的淋滤和萃取,成矿元素S主要为沉积地层中的硫酸盐热化学还原的产物。  相似文献   

During the Cretaceous, the Neuquén Basin transitioned from an extensional back‐arc to a retroarc foreland basin. We present a multi‐proxy provenance study of Aptian to Santonian (125–84 Ma) continental sedimentary rocks preserved in the Neuquén Basin used to resolve changes of sediment drainage pattern in response to the change in tectonic regime. Sandstone petrology and U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology constrain the source units delivering detritus to the basin; apatite U–Pb and fission track dating further resolve provenance and determine the age and patterns of exhumation of the source rocks. Sandstone provenance records a sharp change from a mixed orogenic source during Aptian time (ca. 125 Ma), to a magmatic arc provenance in the Cenomanian (ca. 100 Ma). We interpret this provenance change as the result of the drainage pattern reorganisation from divergent to convergent caused by tectonic basin inversion. During this inversion and early stages of contraction, a transient phase of uplift and basin erosion, possibly due to continental buckling, caused the pre‐Cenomanian unconformity dividing the Lower from Upper Cretaceous strata in the Neuquén Basin. This phase was followed by the development of a retroarc foreland basin characterised by a volcanic arc sediment provenance progressively shifting to a mixed continental basement provenance during Turonian‐Santonian (90–84). According to multi‐proxy provenance data and lag times derived from apatite fission track analysis, this trend is the result of a rapidly exhuming source within the Cordillera to the west, in response to active compressional tectonics along the western margin of South America, coupled with the increasing contribution of material from the stable craton to the east; this contribution is thought to be the result of the weak uplift and exhumation of the foreland due to eastward migration of the forebulge.  相似文献   

This article presents combined stratigraphic, sedimentological, subsidence and provenance data for the Cretaceous–Palaeogene succession from the Zhepure Mountain of southern Tibet. This region records the northernmost sedimentation of the Tethyan passive margin of India, and this time interval represents the transition into continental collision with Asia. The uppermost Cretaceous Zhepure Shanpo and Jidula formations record the transition from pelagic into upper slope to delta‐plain environments. The Palaeocene–lower Eocene Zongpu Formation records a carbonate ramp that is overlain by the deep‐water Enba Formation (lower Eocene). The upper part of the Enba Formation records shallowing into a storm‐influenced, outer shelf environment. Detrital zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic data indicate that the terrigenous strata of the Enba Formation were sourced from the Lhasa terrane. Unconformably overlying the Enba Formation is the Zhaguo Formation comprising fluvial deposits with evidence of recycling from the underlying successions. Backstripped subsidence analysis indicates shallowing during latest Cretaceous‐earliest Palaeocene time (Zhepure Shanpo and Jidula formations) driven by basement uplift, followed by stability (Zongpu Formation) until early Eocene time (Enba Formation) when accelerated subsidence occurred. The provenance, subsidence and stratigraphy suggest that the Enba and Zhaguo formations record foredeep and wedge‐top sedimentation respectively within the early Himalayan foreland basin. The underlying Zongpu Formation is interpreted to record the accumulation of a carbonate ramp at the margin of a submarine forebulge. The precursor tectonic uplift during latest Cretaceous time could either record surface uplift over a mantle plume related to the Réunion hotspot, or an early signal of lithospheric flexure related to oceanic subduction, continental collision or ophiolite obduction. The results indicate that the collision of India with Asia occurred before late Danian (ca. 62 Ma) time.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(1):35-58
This study focuses on the Cenozoic provenance and tectonic evolution of the southwestern Qaidam Basin through geochemical analysis of detrital garnet, tourmaline and rutile. The variation of detrital mineral compositions indicates that the Cenozoic evolution can be divided into three stages: (i) before the deposition of the upper Xiaganchaigou Formation (before 37.8 Ma); (ii) between the deposition of the upper Xiaganchaigou Formation and the Shangganchaigou Formation (from 37.8 to 22 Ma); (iii) since the deposition of the Xiayoushashan Formation (since 22 Ma). In the first stage, abundant garnets from high‐grade meta‐basic and ultramafic rocks in the sediments from the Ganchaigou area support a provenance from the South Altyn Tagh HP/UHP metamorphic zone. The low percentage of tourmalines from granitoid rocks in the sediments in the Kunbei‐Lücaotan area suggests a provenance from the East Kunlun fault zone, indicating that the Qimen Tagh Shan was not high enough to prevent the transport of sediments from the southern Qaidam Basin. The sediments in the Qigequan area were derived from both the Altyn Tagh fault zone and the East Kunlun fault zone. In the second stage, the tectonic activity consisted in the rapid uplift of the Altyn Shan. Changes in garnet composition indicate a lower detrital contribution from high‐grade metamorphic rocks. In the third stage, the disappearance of garnets from high‐grade metamorphic rocks and scattered temperatures of rutiles in the Ganchaigou area suggest that the source area shifted from the South Altyn Tagh HP/UHP metamorphic rocks to weakly metamorphosed Meso‐Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks. The increase in granitoid‐derived tourmalines in the Kunbei‐Lücaotan area is indicative of the rapid uplift of the Qimen Tagh Shan. The provenance evolution in the southwestern Qaidam Basin indicates that the tectonic activity along the Altyn Tagh fault zone can be divided into an early stage of Altyn Shan uplift and a later stage of left‐lateral slip. At the same time, tectonic movement along the East Kunlun fault zone initiated.  相似文献   

柴北缘地区大地构造位置处于古亚洲构造域与特提斯构造域结合部位的多旋回弧盆造山系;岩浆活动强烈,印支期岩浆岩主要分布于新青界山、察汗诺、哈莉哈德山南以及橡皮山等地区,岩浆岩以中酸性岩为主,花岗岩类分异程度高,与稀有金属矿产关系密切,形成于印支期柴北缘活动大陆边缘俯冲碰撞环境。柴北缘地区伟晶岩脉断续出露200余公里,伟晶岩具有集中性、分片性产出特征,其成矿作用与岩浆活动密切相关;印支期是伟晶岩型稀有金属成矿重要时期;厘定出稀有金属主要成矿类型为伟晶岩型、花岗岩型。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The tectonic evolution of a collisional hinterland sourcing the Ha?eg Basin, a Late Cretaceous syn‐orogenic sedimentary basin in the South Carpathians (Romania), is revealed through fission track thermochronology of detrital apatite and zircon grains. This basin formed on the upper plate (Getic unit) in response to Late Cretaceous collision with the lower plate (Danubian unit), an allochtonous continental block of the Moesian Platform, upon closure of a narrow oceanic basin (Severin Basin). The fission track results suggest that Turonian to lower Maastrichtian sediments of the Ha?eg Basin have been dominantly derived from pre‐Late Cretaceous sources. The age components they contain relate to pre‐Cretaceous tectonothermal events such as the Variscan orogenic cycle, Jurassic rifting and Severin Basin formation, and to Early Cretaceous compressional tectonics. These results are compatible with the tectonic evolution of the upper plate that is identified as the primary source. From the onset of sedimentation (late Albian) until the early Campanian the Ha?eg Basin resembles a piggy‐back basin formed on the upper plate concomitant with underthrusting and internal stacking of the lower plate. In contrast, important tectonic subsidence during the late Campanian and early Maastrichtian reflects a shift to extensional tectonics causing the unroofing of the collision zone and the exhumation of lower plate rocks back to the surface. Our fission track data place important constraints on the timing of lower plate erosion that must have commenced during the late Maastrichtian, as documented by the completely reset Late Cretaceous age component within upper Maastrichtian sediments (Sînpetru Formation). Late Maastrichtian uplift of the basin and the formation of positive relief at the site of the collision zone is an expression of continuous convergence. The mismatch between the amount of denudation and the amount of sediments trapped in the Ha?eg Basin underlines the importance of concomitant extensional unroofing.  相似文献   

滇西思茅盆地位于澜沧江断裂带和金沙江—红河断裂带之间,呈北西—南东向带状展布,在构造上处于冈瓦纳与欧亚两大构造域的过渡地带,其形成发展与古特提斯的演化、印度板块的向北漂移和俯冲消亡关系十分密切。通过对思茅盆地西缘早白垩世的沉积物分析表明,滇西思茅盆地西缘早白垩世的沉积环境主要为河湖相,沉积物源为盆地西侧的澜沧江造山带。结合构造背景,认为盆地的形成经历了碰撞后裂谷阶段、陆内坳陷阶段、复合型前陆盆地阶段和走滑拉分盆地四个阶段。  相似文献   

We present new sedimentological, petrographical, palaeontological and detrital zircon U–Pb data on late Oligocene–early Miocene sedimentary rocks of the thin-skinned thrust belt of East Carpathians. These data were acquired to reconstruct the sedimentary routing system for two compositionally different turbidite fans made of the regionally extensive Kliwa and Fusaru formations. On the eastern margin of the Moldavides foreland basin, large low-gradient river systems draining the East European Platform provided well-sorted quartz-rich sand forming deltas on wide shallow shelves and thick Kliwa submarine fans. Due to the westward subduction of a thinned continental plate, the western basin margin was characterized by short, steep-gradient routing systems where sediment transport to deep water was mainly through hyperpycnal flows. The Getic and Bucovinian nappes of the East Carpathians and the exhumed Cretaceous–Early Palaeogene orogenic wedge fed Fusaru fans with poorly sorted lithic sand. The Fusaru fans trend northwards in the foredeep basin having an elongate depocentre, interfingering and then overlapping on the distal part of the Kliwa depositional system due to the eastward advance of the Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt. A smaller sediment input is supplied by southern continental areas (i.e. Moesian Platform, North Dobrogea and potentially the Balkans). In general, the sandstone interfingering between distinct basin floor fan systems is less well documented because the facies would be similar and there are not many systems that have a distinct sediment provenance like Kliwa and Fusaru systems. This case study improves the understanding of regional palaeogeography and sedimentary routing systems and provides observations relevant here or elsewhere on the interfingering turbidite fan systems.  相似文献   

Detrital zircon geochronology of Neoproterozoic to Devonian sedimentary rocks from the Georgina and Amadeus basins has been used to track changes in provenance that reflect the development and inversion of the former Australian Superbasin. Through much of the Neoproterozoic, sediments appear to have been predominantly derived from local sources in the Arunta and Musgrave inliers. Close similarities between the detrital age signatures of late Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks in the two basins suggests that they were contiguous at this time. A dominant population of 1.2–1.0 Ga zircon in Early Cambrian sediments of the Amadeus Basin reflects the uplift of the Musgrave Inlier during the Petermann Orogeny between 560 and 520 Ma, which shed a large volume of detritus northwards into the Amadeus Basin. Early Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the Georgina Basin have a much smaller proportion of 1.2–1.0 Ga detritus, possibly due to the formation of sub‐basins along the northern margin of the Amadeus Basin which might have acted as a barrier to sediment transfer. An influx of 0.6–0.5 Ga zircon towards the end of the Cambrian coincides with the transgression of the Larapintine Sea across central Australia, possibly as a result of intracratonic rifting. Detrital zircon age spectra of sedimentary rocks deposited within this epicontinental sea are very similar to those of coeval sedimentary rocks from the Pacific Gondwana margin, implying that sediment was transported into central Australia from the eastern continental margin. The remarkably consistent ‘Pacific Gondwana’ signature of Cambro‐Ordovician sediments in central and eastern Australia reflects a distal source, possibly from east Antarctica or the East African Orogen. The peak of the marine incursion into central Australia in the early to mid Ordovician coincides with granulite‐facies metamorphism at mid‐crustal depths between the Amadeus and Georgina basins (the Larapinta Event). The presence of the epicontinental sea, the relative lack of a local basement zircon component in Cambro‐Ordovician sedimentary rocks and their maturity suggest that metamorphism was not accompanied by mountain building, consistent with an extensional or transtensional setting for this tectonism. Sediments deposited at ~435–405 and ~365 Ma during the Alice Springs Orogeny have detrital age signatures similar to those of Cambro‐Ordovician sedimentary rocks, reflecting uplift and reworking of the older succession into narrow foreland basins adjacent to the orogen.  相似文献   

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