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Assessing urban vulnerability to natural hazards such as earthquakes can be regarded as an ill-structured problem (i.e. a problem for which there is no unique, identifiable, objectively optimal solution). A review of the literature indicates a number of contrasting definitions of what vulnerability means, as well as numerous conflicting perspectives on what should or should not be included within the broad assessment of vulnerability in cities. This paper reports on the findings from a project in which a GIS methodology has been developed to assess urban vulnerability through a spatial analytical procedure. First, we highlight the deficiencies of current GIS approaches to urban vulnerability analysis and discuss the ill-structured nature of the vulnerability problem. We then propose a working definition for vulnerability assessment in which vulnerability is thought of as a spatial decision problem under the conditions of uncertainty. Next, we present a methodology to incorporate this definition into a GIS framework that combines elements from the techniques of spatial multicriteria analysis and fuzzy logic. The application of this methodology is then illustrated with a case study from Los Angeles County. The results suggest that the proposed methodology may provide a new approach for analyzing vulnerability that can add to our understanding of human/hazards interaction.  相似文献   

京津冀地区县域单元地质灾害风险评估   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
以京津冀地区为例,探索县域单元的地质灾害风险评估方法。通过测算地质灾害危险性与承灾体易损性,以定性综合评估的方式实现县域单元地质灾害风险评估。实际评估中,将承灾体易损性分为人口安全易损性与资产易损性,分别用因灾死亡人口比与因灾直接经济损失比加以表征;再以国土资源部2001-2015年地质灾害灾情数据为基础,参考1950-2000年灾情数据,提出人口安全易损性与资产易损性的分级标准,并在京津冀地区进行了评估。结果表明:研究区整体地质灾害风险低,204个评估单元中仅有6个为中风险区,包括河北省涞源县、涞水县、武安市、青龙满族自治县、北京石景山区、延庆区,其余198个为低风险区,与实际情况相符。此方法快捷简便、数据可连续获取,符合建立资源环境承载能力监测预警机制要求。空间差异化评估结果可为主动防灾减灾、国土空间管理提供支撑。  相似文献   

地质灾害的研究必须基于其自然和社会经济的双重属性特征,并把它作为一项系统工程来研究;风险评估是这系统工程中不可或缺的重中之重内容,也是新世纪地质灾害防灾减灾领域的前沿和热点.鉴于地质灾害风险评估研究现状,初步探讨了区域地质灾害风险评估模型的构建,即基于格网单元的地质灾害危险性评价、基于行政单元的社会经济易损性评价和基于危险度和易损度乘积的区域风险评估.同时以广州市崩塌灾害为例,采用该模型进行评估并取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

山洪泥石流风险评估与风险管理理论与方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
崔鹏  邹强 《地理科学进展》2016,35(2):137-147
山洪泥石流是中国常见的自然灾害,充分认识其形成机制与潜在风险是防灾减灾的关键。本文阐述了山洪泥石流形成机理,以及风险分析与管理的方法和内容,系统认识了地表产流流量激增、土体破坏物质供给激增、沟道堵塞体级联溃决流量放大和动床侵蚀规模增大等4个山洪泥石流的形成过程,介绍了基于动力过程的山洪泥石流风险评估方法和承灾体易损性评估方法,构建了基于灾害动力过程的风险评估与风险制图方法。进而,基于风险评估结果,提出可用于具体灾害点减灾的风险管理内容和风险调控技术、灾害防治的工程与非工程措施与制技术方案。最后,重点讨论了包括灾害风险预测、临灾预案、灾害防治工程方案等内容的风险处置对策,并形成一套基于山洪泥石流动力过程的风险评估与风险管理理论与方法体系。  相似文献   

城市山洪灾害风险评价——以云南省文山县城为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱静 《地理研究》2010,29(4):655-664
山洪灾害风险评价对于减灾防灾决策和管理非常重要。本文介绍基于遥感和GIS方法的应用,探讨一种快速、简便而且较为准确的城市山洪灾害风险评价方法。以发生于1998年7月26日文山城20年一遇山洪灾害为实例,将GIS的数字高程模型与实测的山洪水位和洪峰流量结合进行淹没分析,研究表明采用该方法可以模拟准确山洪泛滥范围,并计算淹没水深分布。根据不同水深指标,应用GIS工具完成了山洪灾害危险分区。本研究利用高分辨率遥感影像提供承灾体类型的可靠和准确数据用于易损性分析和期望损失评估的价值计算。根据典型区财产损失的抽样调查,建立了不同承灾体类型与水深的关系,并确定其损失率;应用GIS空间数据处理和分析的集成方法完成了复杂的损失评估。在此基础上,按期望损失程度进行分区划分而完成山洪风险评价。研究结果表明基于GIS和RS方法进行山洪风险评价效果良好,值得推广应用于其他洪水泛滥区。  相似文献   

开展产业网络灾害经济损失评估研究,是理解产业网络脆弱性和潜在风险,科学指导灾前风险防范及灾后恢复重建决策的关键环节。本文从产业网络中灾害扩散的角度,对其造成的经济损失类型及研究进展进行了系统梳理。结果表明,产业物理损失方面,主要通过建立灾害强度参数与厂房建筑、生产设备及存货等物理损失程度间的脆弱性曲线进行评估。受灾产业中断损失方面,应关注其组合投入要素物理受损情景下的生产能力损失程度(PCLR)。产业网络灾害波及损失方面,主要存在微观“企业供应链网络”和宏观“产业链网络”二种研究尺度。其中,前者以微观企业个体为基本粒度,利用复杂网络分析方法,模拟灾害依托企业供应关系扩散的空间过程及其造成的供应链中断损失;后者以聚合的产业部门或区域为基本粒度,利用投入产出(IO)、可计算一般均衡(CGE)等宏观经济计量模型,模拟灾害在产业部门或区域间的扩散过程及其造成的宏观区域经济损失。最后,从情景分析的视角,构建包括灾害事件场景、产业网络暴露、节点物理损失和中断损失、供应链网络中断损失、宏观产出损失于一体的多过程、多尺度经济损失集成评估体系,以综合模拟灾害损失在产业网络中的放大效应。  相似文献   

城市山洪灾害多目标评估方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文针对目前城市山洪灾害的突出问题, 分析了国内外研究状况和发展趋势; 探讨了城市 山洪灾害多目标评估系统方法,包括山洪灾害泛滥范围的危险区划、城市易损性分析、城市山洪 灾害损失评估和风险评价四个主要内容。关于山洪孕灾环境、致灾因子和承灾体的社会经济状 况, 本研究提出一套基于GIS 的从数据采集→空间属性数据库建立→评价指标体系选择→预测 评价分析→山洪灾害危险性评价与风险区划的技术路线和方法体系。山洪灾害危险区划采用地 貌学和数值模拟方法; 以高分辨率遥感卫星影像为数据源, 分析了城市土地覆盖类型, 应用GIS 进行了山洪灾害损失评估和风险评价。山洪灾害多目标评估可用于指导城市洪泛区不同危险、风 险地带的土地利用规划与决策, 从而达到规避风险和减灾的目的, 并为山洪灾害影响区的居民提 供灾害风险信息, 以作为避难和防洪的依据。  相似文献   

何锦屏  李双双 《地理研究》2021,40(8):2314-2330
基于1970—2017年秦岭南北72个站点气象数据,以“地理时空分析-小波相干分析-时空耦合网络”为方法框架,对秦岭南北干旱-热浪时空耦合特征进行分析;进而以干旱-热浪时空耦合网络为基础,完善时空网络连边规则,拓展单顶点网分析方法,再认识多灾种时空耦合的群聚群发效应。结果表明:① 全球变暖背景下,秦岭南北降水模态逐渐由20世纪80年代雨涝主导向干旱主导转变,同时热浪在2010年前后经历第2个谷值期后快速增加,加剧了区域干旱-热浪耦合风险。② 秦岭南北干旱-热浪变化具有同步性,但是不同时段显著周期存在差异。其中,在20世纪70—80年代初,秦岭南北干旱-热浪4~8 a周期同步减弱,并向低频2~4 a周期转变;后期同步耦合增强时段有2个,分别是1995—2002和2012—2017年。在空间格局上,秦岭以北和汉江谷地为秦岭南北干旱-热浪耦合影响关键区域,而丹江口水库附近、嘉陵江流域、秦岭南坡中段为干旱-热浪耦合波动区。③ 在研究方法上,地理时空分析为秦岭南北干旱-热浪时空耦合提供基本事实判断,小波相干可定量干旱-热浪多时间尺度耦合关系,多灾种时空耦合网络可解释多灾种“平静-爆发”现象,识别干旱-热浪耦合稳定区和波动区,三种方法相辅相成,初步形成面向多灾种时空耦合分析方法体系。  相似文献   

城市暴雨内涝情景模拟与灾害风险评估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Scenario modelling and the risk assessment of natural disasters is one of the hot-spots in disaster research.However,up until now,urban natural disaster risk assessments lack common procedures and programmes.This paper selects rainstorm waterlogging as a disaster to research,which is one of the most frequently occurring hazards for most cities in China.As an example,we used a small-scale integrated methodology to assess risks relating to rainstorm waterlogging hazards in the Jing’an District of Shanghai.Based on the basic concept of disaster risk,this paper applies scenario modelling to express the risk of small-scale urban rainstorm waterlogging disasters in different return periods.Through this analysis of vulnerability and exposure,we simulate different disaster scenarios and propose a comprehensive analysis method and procedure for small-scale urban storm waterlogging disaster risk assessments.A grid-based Geographical Information System (GIS) approach,including an urban terrain model,an urban rainfall model and an urban drainage model,was applied to simulate inundation area and depth.Stage-damage curves for residential buildings and contents were then generated by the loss data of waterlogging from field surveys,which were further applied to analyse vulnerability,exposure and loss assessment.Finally,the ex-ceedance probability curve for disaster damage was constructed using the damage of each simulated event and the respective exceedance probabilities.A framework was also devel-oped for coupling the waterlogging risk with the risk planning and management through the exceedance probability curve and annual average waterlogging loss.This is a new explora-tion for small-scale urban natural disaster scenario simulation and risk assessment.  相似文献   

昆明市东川城区后山泥石流危险性评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
云南省是中国遭受泥石流灾害最严重的省区之一,而对危险范围和危险程度进行划分和评估是泥石流减灾的重要内容。以昆明市东川城区后山泥石流为例,应用泥石流沟危险度综合评价法对泥石流危险度进行了评价;接着应用流域背景预测模型对泥石流危险范围进行预测,在这些数据和已构建的东川城区数字高程模型数据的基础上,应用GIS生成了以上泥石流危险范围预测图,研究成果为东川城区减灾防灾提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

This paper argues for a multidisciplinary framework to assess the relationship between environmental processes and social sciences that can be adapted to any geographic location. This includes both physical (earthquake hazard) and human (social vulnerability) dimensions in the context of disaster risk reduction. Disasters varies drastically depending on the local context. Indeed, the probability of a natural disaster having more devastating effects in one place than in another depends on the local vulnerability components of the affected society (cultural, social and economic). Therefore, there is an important correlation between the potential risk and the social resistance and resilience of a specific place, thus the disaster response varies according to the social fabric. In this context, the evaluation of social vulnerability is a crucial point in order to understand the ability of a society (studied at individual, household or community level) to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact of natural disaster events. Within this framework, the paper discusses how it is possible to integrate social vulnerability into the seismic risk analysis in Italy. Specifically, socioeconomic indicators were used to assess and mapping social vulnerability index. Afterwards, a Geographic Information System (GIS) approach was applied to identify the spatial variability of social vulnerability to seismic hazard. Through the use of a risk matrix, the classes of a social vulnerability index map were combined with those of a seismic hazard map proposed by INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology). Finally, a qualitative social vulnerability exposure map to an earthquake hazard was produced, highlighting areas with high seismic and social vulnerability levels. Results suggest the importance of the integration of social vulnerability studies into seismic risk mitigation policies, emergency management and territorial planning to reduce the impact of disasters.  相似文献   

Participatory methods are a common approach for giving voice to local communities in hazard and disaster research. Drawing on a study that trialled and modified a range of participatory methods in North Sulawesi, eastern Indonesia, this paper reflects on how such methods help document the capacities of small island communities. We assessed capacity from a sustainable livelihoods perspective, identifying the assets that enable villagers to cope with hazards. This overall approach promoted a discourse of strengths and resourcefulness, contrasting with vulnerability and needs‐assessment approaches common to government and non‐governmental organizations, which tend to focus on weaknesses and can sometimes fuel undeliverable expectations of funding. We provide a critical reflection on participatory methods and their significance for researchers, policy makers and funding agencies working with communities in hazard‐prone regions.  相似文献   

城市防震减灾是地震潜在频发区提高自然灾害防治能力建设的重要方面。本文结合福建省永安市城市防震减灾信息管理系统的建设,探讨设计防震减灾数值模型,分析模型集成的关键技术,构建了地震风险评估、建筑物易损性评价、生命与财产损失估算、救援与救灾管理调度等模型和基于GIS开发的震害预测和应急模拟系统。该系统在福建省永安市的实际应用表明,通过对地震灾害预测结果的分析,可加强城市抗震中的薄弱环节,为灾区政府应急响应和制订对策提供决策支持辅助信息,从而显著提高城市防震减灾的综合能力。  相似文献   

农业气象灾害风险分析初探   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
杜鹏  李世奎 《地理学报》1998,53(3):202-208
为了从经济效益方面描述农业气象灾害,本文在农业气象灾害风险体系的基础之上定义了风险链以及风险体系两个风险度,并简略地分析农业气象灾害风险的特点和分析方法。同时还阐明了进行农业气象灾害风险决策与风险管理的基本方法.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Within the hazards‐ and disaster‐research community consensus exists as to factors that magnify or attenuate the effects of extreme natural events on local places. But less agreement and understanding exist concerning the methods or techniques for comparing hazard vulnerability within or between places, especially small‐island developing states. Using two Caribbean nations, Saint Vincent and Barbados, as study sites, we asked which island has the greater level of hazard vulnerability, and why. Results indicate that, although neither island has a large portion of its population living in extremely hazardous locations, Barbados has many more residents in risk‐prone areas. The methods used in this research provide valuable tools for local emergency managers in assessing vulnerability, especially through the delineation of highly vulnerable hot spots. They can also help donor organizations interested in vulnerability reduction on islands use their resources more efficiently.  相似文献   

风暴潮灾害脆弱性研究综述   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
脆弱性是自然灾害风险研究的热点,风暴潮灾害脆弱性与风暴潮自然过程强度以及沿海社会经济、人口、自然环境等因素相关。本文从风暴潮灾害脆弱性定义出发,对国内外风暴潮灾害社会脆弱性和物理脆弱性进行了回顾,重点对人口、海堤、房屋等风暴潮灾害典型承灾体物理脆弱性研究进展进行了论述,分析了风暴潮灾害脆弱性评价中存在的不确定性,探讨了风暴潮灾害脆弱性在灾害损失评估、保险及再保险、防灾减灾决策支持等领域的应用,对未来风暴潮灾害脆弱性研究提出了以下展望:①开发符合中国沿海区域风暴潮灾害特征和承灾体分布的定量化、精细化脆弱性曲线,拓展风暴潮脆弱性评价结果在保险理赔、灾害损失评估等领域应用;②气候变化背景下中国沿海面临风暴潮巨灾风险,迫切需要建立科学的基于灾害实地踏勘以及物模实验、数值模拟相结合的风暴潮灾害典型承灾体脆弱性评估方法模型。  相似文献   

气候变化风险及其定量评估方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
风险评估是气候变化研究领域的核心课题之一,减缓和适应战略的理论需求推动下发展出许多定量评估方法,完成了大量的评估工作。然而,已有研究在气候变化的风险构成上从不同的角度去认识,且评估方法论在整体上缺乏对致险因子与承险体的集成分类。基于此,本文明晰气候变化风险构成,包括致险因子的危险性、承险体的暴露度与脆弱度及其相互关系,明晰了风险产生与变化逻辑。融合致险因子与承险体特征,将气候变化风险定量评估方法归纳为突发事件和渐变事件两类,并分别进行了理论阐述和案例剖析。最后,根据气候变化风险的研究现状和评估需求,从温升目标、脆弱性曲线、适应措施等方面提出未来展望。  相似文献   

基于GIS技术的泥石流风险评价研究   总被引:49,自引:15,他引:49  
唐川  朱大奎 《地理科学》2002,22(3):300-304
为了满足对自然灾害预测不断增长的紧迫要求,泥石流风险评价成为帮助决策过程重要的基础工具之一。即使泥石流风险性各组分的评价很困难,但地理信息系统可辅助提出这种风险性制图的有关方法。我们以云南省为研究区,选取6个成因因子参与泥石流危险度敏感性分析,通过将研究区易损性评价图与危险性评价图叠加分析,编制出云南省泥石流风险评价图。该图描述了在现有自然条件和人类活动下的泥石流风险敏感区。研究成果为全面反映灾情,确定减灾目标,优化防御措施,进行减灾决策提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a survey conducted in four villages in central Pakistan regarding people's perceptions about irrigation‐ and flood‐related issues. The article uses the perception studies methodology from the human ecology school to address the political ecology agenda in resource and hazards geography. The log‐linear analysis of the survey data shows that people are knowledgeable about social power differentials and interactions between various social factors in influencing their access to resources and vulnerability to floods. The article further demonstrates that water users and vulnerable populations are much more likely to suggest social explanations than naturalistic or fatalistic explanations for their differential access to irrigation water and vulnerability to flood hazard.  相似文献   

The role that family and household structure, size, and ethnic/racial composition play in increasing or decreasing vulnerability to natural hazards, which has been missing from the literature, is investigated. The study first reviews the conceptual foundations of the relationships between families/households and natural hazards vulnerability and then employs a principal components analysis to uncover spatial variations in the vulnerability of families and households to hurricane storm surge hazards in Sarasota County, Florida. The analysis identifies and maps five principal components that explain approximately 83% of the variance in family/household population: nuclear families/households; Black families/households; nonfamily, young adult group households; Hispanic families/households; and Asian families/households. Comparison of storm surge risk maps with the locations of these families/households shows the relative vulnerability of each of these family/household categories, with elderly householders living alone on exposed barrier islands being the most vulnerable. The research suggests that family and household structures integrate several socio-demographic vulnerability indicators central to most social vulnerability assessments. Results indicate that future research and hazard mitigation policies should focus on families and households as core analytical units. Findings also suggest that recognizing the diversity of families and households is important to reducing vulnerability to natural hazards.  相似文献   

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