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目的 探讨L形切口治疗闭合性跟骨骨折的术后疗效及影响因素分析。方法 采用回顾性分析研究方法,收集笔者医院自2010年1月~2015年1月收治并行外侧L形切口切开复位内固定术治疗闭合性跟骨骨折的患者临床资料,共150例,其中SandersⅡ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型各50例,观察术前、术后Bohler角和Gissane角度变化值,术后切口并发症,随访术后Maryland足部评分标准,对可能影响患者术后切口并发症相关变量进行单因素分析,对差异有统计学意义的变量进行多因素Logistic 回归分析。结果 所有患者均完成术后随访,随访时间12~24个月,平均随访时间17个月,以Maryland评分标准进行足部功能评估,优良率为79%,术后切口并发症为16%。结论 L形切口治疗闭合性跟骨骨折SandersⅡ~Ⅳ术后优良率较高,探索影响术后切口并发症的相关因素,发现吸烟、糖尿病、手术时长、受伤至手术时间可使术后切口并发症增加。  相似文献   

目的 探讨合并瘢痕子宫患者采用药物流产终止早期妊娠的治疗效果。方法 收集2014年1月~2015年12月新疆医科大学第二附属医院妇科合并瘢痕子宫患者早期妊娠采用药物流产的病例215例作为病例组,未合并瘢痕子宫者574例作为对照组,均给予相同剂量的米非司酮及米索前列醇进行药物流产,观察两组完全流产、不全流产、流产失败的概率,孕囊排出时间,阴道流血量及不良反应。结果 病例组药物流产成功率为87.4%,对照组的药物流产成功率为89.1%,二者差异无统计学意义;病例组在服用米索前列醇后孕囊排出时间平均为4.24h,对照组为2.57h,二者比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组患者出血量均集中在50~80ml,其中病例组中阴道出血量>80ml占21.4%,对照组为13.3%,且二者比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组均未发生严重的不良反应,主要为恶心、呕吐、腹泻等胃肠道反应,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 合并瘢痕子宫患者采用药物流产术终止早期妊娠是可行的,但需密切观察患者服药后孕囊排出时间、阴道出血量及药物的不良反应。  相似文献   

目的 探讨平均血小板体积等参数在急性胰腺炎病程中变化的临床意义及其对治疗效果评估的价值。方法 回顾性分析53例轻症急性胰腺炎(MAP)患者、25例重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)患者和40例健康者(对照组)的临床资料,检测平均血小板体积(MPV)、血小板计数(PLT)、血小板分布宽度(PDW)、白细胞计数(WBC)、C反应蛋白(CRP)及血清钙离子浓度(Ca2+)等指标。比较并分析上述指标在急性胰腺炎病程中及治疗前后的变化。结果 与对照组比较,急性胰腺炎患者入院时MPV显著升高,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);与MAP组比较,SAP组入院时MPV明显升高,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);SAP组中,MPV在入院后第3天较入院时进一步升高,至入院第5天、第7天逐渐下降;SAP组中,MPV在病程中各时间点与MAP组比较均显著升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);与治疗前比较,急性胰腺炎患者治疗后MPV显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 急性胰腺炎患者平均血小板体积与病情严重程度及治疗效果相关。  相似文献   

目的 比较三叉神经感觉根梳理术和半月节射频术治疗原发性三叉神经痛的临床效果,揭示其临床意义。方法 对37例没有明显血管压迫的且行颅内段三叉神经感觉根梳理术治疗的原发性三叉神经痛患者(梳理术组)和37例行三叉神经半月节射频术治疗的原发性三叉神经痛患者(射频术组)进行3年随访,记录和比较两组患者术后疼痛治疗有效率、复发率和颜面部麻木发生率。结果 梳理术组和射频术组术后3年有效率分别为78.4%(29/37)和73.0%(27/37),术后3年复发率分别是21.6%(8/37)和27.0%(10/37),术后颜面部麻木发生率分别为91.9%(34/37)和100%(37/37),组间比较差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论 三叉神经感觉根梳理术和半月节射频术是治疗原发性三叉神经痛较为理想的手段,考虑到开颅手术的风险,三叉神经半月节射频术可能更合适于治疗没有明显血管压迫的原发性三叉神经痛老年患者。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肥胖患者上气道结构的多层螺旋CT(MSCT)形态学改变,以揭示肥胖患者上气道结构异常及其与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAHS)病情严重程度的关系。方法 选择经多导睡眠监测(PSG)确诊的非OSAHS和OSAHS肥胖患者各25例,对所有入组患者进行额窦层面至第7颈椎水平多层螺旋CT扫描及三维重建,测量鼻咽、腭咽、口咽和喉咽的最小截面积及其周围组织并进行比较。并且分析4个平面测量指标与体重指数(BMI)、颈围、睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)等指标的相关性。结果 与非OSAHS组患者比较,OSAHS组肥胖患者软腭的面积明显增大(P<0.05),其体积增大更加明显(P<0.01);口咽部气道的截面积、前后径、体积,均比非OSAHS组患者明显减小(P均<0.05),并且软腭的体积均与BMI、AHI呈正相关(P均<0.01)。结论 MSCT能从二维及三维结构评估肥胖患者上气道阻塞及周围软组织情况,并且提示软腭体积增大可能与OSAHS严重程度相关。  相似文献   

目的 倾向性评分匹配法(Propensity Score Matching,PSM)评估手术联合术中放疗治疗原发性肝癌的安全性及疗效。方法 收集2009~2012年于笔者医院肝胆外科行手术联合术中放疗(intraoperative electron radiotherapy,IOERT)的18例原发性肝癌(primary liver cancer,PLC)患者的临床资料,其中16例经术后病理证实为肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC),2例为肝内胆管细胞癌(intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas,ICC);采用倾向性评分匹配方法,按照1∶2比例从同期行单纯手术的原发性肝癌患者中筛选出36例做为对照组(32例HCC,4例ICC),比较两组患者术中及术后并发症发生情况及HCC患者术后早期(2年内)复发率。结果 所有患者均获随访,随访率100%。两组患者术中出血量、术后3个月内肝功能、凝血功能、血常规及术后住院天数的比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),仅在手术时长方面,联合IOERT组长于单纯手术组(P=0.000)。此外,联合IOERT组术后出现1例急性肾功能衰竭和1例胸腔积液,单纯手术组术后出现1例肝创面出血。在疗效方面,以两组48例HCC患者为研究对象,联合IOERT组的HCC患者为16例,其中6例在2年内复发,早期复发率为37.5%;单纯手术组的HCC患者为32例,20例在2年内复发,早期复发率为62.5%,两组早期复发率的比较,差异无统计学意义(P=0.101)。结论 手术联合术中放疗治疗原发性肝癌安全可行,尽管联合放疗组早期复发率低于单纯手术组,但差异并无统计学意义。  相似文献   

目的 评价甲强龙联合右美托咪定对体外循环(CPB)心脏瓣膜置换术患者脑认知功能的保护作用。方法 选择内蒙古医科大学附属医院CPB下行心脏瓣膜置换术患者60例,完全随机化分为4组(n=15),分别为对照组(A组)、甲强龙组(M组)、右美托咪定组(D组)和甲强龙联合右美托咪定组(B组),在麻醉诱导后气管插管,机械通气。M组在体外循环预冲液加入甲强龙20mg/kg,D组麻醉在诱导后静脉泵注右美托咪定1μg/kg负荷量,之后以0.05μg/(kg·h)速率静脉泵注至术毕,B组既麻醉诱导后静脉注射右美托咪定1μg/kg负荷量,然后以0.05μg/(kg·h)速率静脉输注至术毕又在体外循环预冲液加入甲强龙20mg/kg,A组给于等容量生理盐水。在麻醉后手术前(T1)、CPB即刻(T2)、CPB30min(T3)、CPB结束10min(T4)、术毕(T5)、CPB结束后6h(T6)时采集颈内静脉球部血样,使用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)法测定血清IL-6、IL-10、S100β蛋白和神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)的浓度。记录术前1天术后2天、3天、7天采用简化智能评分量表(MMSE)评估患者认知功能。结果 M组、D组和B组在T1~6各个时间点IL-6、S100β蛋白和NSE均比对照组明显降低,IL-10均比对照组升高,差异有统计学差异(P<0.05)。B组在T1~6各个时间点IL-6、S100β蛋白和NSE均比其他组更低,IL-10均比其他组更高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。M组、D组和B组术后发生认知功能障碍的发生率均高于对照组,B组发生认知功能障碍的发生率最低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 甲强龙和右美托嘧啶均可以有效降低体外循环中IL-6、S100β蛋白和NSE的浓度,降低脑损伤,减少术后认知功能障碍的发生率,联合应用甲强龙和右美托嘧啶对体外循环后脑损伤的保护效果更佳。  相似文献   

目的 探讨SSR在心肌重构过程中的表达改变。方法 采用冠状动脉左前降支结扎术建立小鼠心肌梗死后的心肌重构模型、异丙肾上腺素(ISO)皮下注射2周建立小鼠急性心脏损伤模型;胸主动脉结扎术(aortic banding,AB)建立小鼠心肌肥厚的模型。采用RT-PCR检测各种心肌重构模型中SSR转录水平的改变。结果 SSR亚单位1(SSR1)和3(SSR3)在小鼠心肌梗死(miocardial infarction,MI)术后2周表达明显降低(P<0.05);在ISO诱导的急性心脏损伤后2周表达降低(P<0.05);在AB术后1周表达降低(P<0.05)。然而SSR1和SSR3的表达在AB术后2周开始增高(P<0.05),持续到AB术后8周(P<0.05)。结论 SSR1和SSR3的表达在不同模型的心肌重构中均发生明显改变,且呈现动态变化,提示其可能参与心肌重构的发生、发展。  相似文献   

目的 探究持续封闭负压引流技术(VSD)对瘢痕切除创面成纤维细胞生长环境的影响。方法 回顾性分析2014年1月~2015年11月于笔者医院行植皮手术的四肢瘢痕切除术后患者60例,根据植皮手术前是否接受VSD治疗分为负压组(n=30)和包扎组(n=30),负压组均于一期植皮前接受VSD治疗,包扎组未接受VSD治疗。回顾性分析对比两组患者并发症发生率、首次植皮存活率、创面感染率、住院时间之间的差异。并用TUNEL染色、CD34染色法对比瘢痕标本中成纤维细胞凋亡指数及血管生成情况。结果 负压组菌培养阳性率明显低于包扎组(P<0.05),植皮存活率明显高于包扎组(P<0.05)。两组并发症发生率、住院时间、疼痛评分、随访VSS评分间比较,负压组均明显较低(P<0.05)。负压组成纤维细胞凋亡指数明显较低,微血管计数明显较高(P<0.05)。结论 负压封闭引流可以减轻瘢痕切除创面感染率,有效减轻炎性水肿,且可以通过改变局部血液循环微环境以及机械应力作用促进成纤维细胞增殖分裂,提高创面恢复效果。  相似文献   

目的 了解重症监护室(ICU)中心静脉导管相关性血流感染(CRBSI)的感染率、危险因素、病原菌种类、耐药性及临床结局,对有效抗感染治疗及预防CRBSI的发生提供指导。方法 回顾性分析2010年4月~2014年4月共483例留置过中心静脉导管(CVC)的患者。计算感染率、感染相关性因素及筛选危险因素分析并应用SPSS20.0统计软件进行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果 共有17例患者发生CRBSI,感染率为3.5%;不同置管者、置管地点、置管部位构成的比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。经多因素Logistic回归分析,发现影响CRBSI的独立危险因素是抗生素大量使用和导管日,OR值分别为7.898和1.044。革兰阳性菌(gram-positive bacteria,G+)占35.3%,革兰阴性菌(gram-negative bacteria,G-)占47.1%,真菌占17.6%;G+菌感染患者,经治疗后病情100% 好转;G-菌感染患者,87.5% 好转,12.5% 恶化;真菌感染患者,66.7% 好转,33.3% 恶化。结论 CRBSI的发生率随抗生素大量使用以及导管日延长而增加。患者经治疗后,大部分好转,但真菌感染者病死率相对较高,应引起临床关注。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高血压病患者颈动脉粥样硬化与血浆肾素-血管紧张素水平的关系。方法 对2015年1月~2016年3月在心血管内科住院的原发性高血压患者的临床资料进行回顾性研究。结果 颈动脉粥样硬化与年龄、血糖、总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白、尿酸相关。血浆立卧位肾素-血管紧张素水平与颈动脉粥样硬化:随着立卧位血管紧张素Ⅱ水平、立位肾素水平的增高,颈动脉粥样硬化的发生率增高(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄、卧位血管紧张素Ⅱ、总胆固醇、尿酸与颈动脉粥样硬化呈正相关,高密度胆固醇与颈动脉粥样硬化呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论 血浆血管紧张素Ⅱ水平与颈动脉粥样硬化呈独立相关关系。  相似文献   

目的 运用双源CT血管成像(CTA)探讨左冠状动脉分支夹角与左前降支斑块间的潜在关系。方法 从笔者医院2016年1~5月进行冠状动脉CTA检查患者中,随机选取100例冠状动脉正常组和100例左前降支斑块组(支架置入术后复查、搭桥术后复查、心肌桥、冠状动脉起源异常患者除外)进行回顾性分析,分析结果由2名医生共同确定。100例冠状动脉正常组中,男性57例,女性43例,患者年龄为48~72岁,平均年龄57.54±8.38岁。100例左前降支斑块患者,其中男性64例,女性36例,患者年龄为41~86岁,平均年龄62.08±13.94岁。采用多平面重建(MPR)、最大密度投影(MIP)等技术测量左冠状动脉分支夹角,探讨其与左前降支斑块的关系。结果 冠状动脉正常组左冠状动脉分支夹角范围41.25°~112.14°,平均夹角69.45°±18.71°,左前降支斑块组左冠状动脉分支夹角范围54.14°~128.12°,平均夹角85.65°±15.96°,两组比较,左前降支斑块组左冠状动脉分支夹角大于冠状动脉正常组(P<0.05)。结论 双源CTA可以无创、客观评价左冠状动脉分支夹角及左前降支斑块病变,左冠状动脉分支夹角对左前降支斑块的形成具有重要影响。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):290-300

Ralph and Mollie Izzard. A Walk in the Mountains, A Family's Trip Through the High Lebanon.

Wesley Calef. Private Grazing and Public Lands, Studies of the Local Management of the Taylor Grazing Act.

S. H. Steinberg (editor). The Statesman's Yearbook, 1960-1961.

E. Joseph Dreany. Alaska.

John C. and Elsie F. Caldwell. Our Neighbors in Japan.

R. J. Harrison Church. West Africa: A Study of the Environment and of Man's Use of it.

Alex Somme, editor. A Geography of Norden.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:

Main Street: Northeastern Oregon: The Founding and Development of Small Towns. Barbara Ruth Bailey.

Food Politics: The Regional Conflict. David N. Balaam and Michael J. Carey, eds.

The International Economy and Industrial Development: Trade and Investment in the Third World. R. Ballance, J. Ansari and H. Singer.

Neighborhoods in Urban America. Ronald H. Bayor, ed.

The English Heartland. By Robert Beckinsale and Monica Beckinsale.

Regional Dimensions of Industrial Policy. Michael E. Bell and Paul S. Lande, eds.

Tension Areas of the World. D. Gordon Bennett, ed.

Latin America: an Introductory Survey. B. W. Blouet and O. M. Blouet, eds.

Integration and Division: Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem. Frederick W. Boal and J. Neville H. Douglas, eds.

Energy and Land Use. Robert W. Burchell and David Listokin, eds.

Slopes and Weathering. Michael Clarke and John Small.

Alaska's Rural Development. Peter G. Cornwall and Gerald McBeath, eds.

The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America. Galen Cranz.

World Congress on Land Policy, 1980, Proceedings. Matthew Cullen and Sharon Woolery, eds.

Oregon Divided: A Regional Geography. Samuel N. Dicken and Emily F. Dicken.

Urban Food Marketing and Third World Rural Development. T. Scarlett Epstein.

South Africa: Spatial Frameworks for Development. T. J. D. Fair.

Institutions and Geographical Patterns. Robin Flowerdew, ed.

Industrialization of U.S. Agriculture, An Interpretive Atlas. Howard F. Gregor.

Planning Theory: Prospects for the 1980s. Patsy Healy, Glen McDougall and Michael J. Thomas, eds.

Neighborhood Mobilization: Redevelopment and Response. Jeffrey R. Henig.

The American Urban System: A Geographical Perspective. R. J. Johnston.

Climate, History and the Modern World. Hubert H. Lamb.

Climate and History: Studies in Past Climates and Their Impact on Man. T. M. L. Wigley, M. J. Ingram and G. Farmer.

China: Railways and Agricultural Development, 1875–1935. Ernest P. Liang.

A Desirable Energy Future—A National Perspective. Robert S. Livingston, T. D. Anderson, T. M. Besmann, M. Olszewski, A. M. Perry, and C. D. West.

Topothesia: Essays Presented to T. S. Ó Máille. B. S. Mac Aodha, ed.

Transportation for the Poor: Research in Rural Mobility. Hal S. Maggied.

Land Uses in American Cities. Harold M. Mayer and Charles R. Haves.

Industrial Organisation and Location. Philip McDermott and Michael Taylor.

Human Adaptability: an Introduction to Ecological Anthropology. Emilio F. Moran.

Regional Analysis and the New International Division of Labor. Frank Moulaert and Patricia W. Salinas, eds.

The Nuclear War Atlas. Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada:

Urbanization and Environmental Quality. Isao Orishimo.

The Garden of Eden: The Botanic Garden and the Re-Creation of Paradise. John Prest.

Earthfire, The Eruption of Mount St. Helens. Charles Rosenfeld and Robert Cooke.

Contest for the South China Sea. Marwyn S. Samuels.

The Future of the Wetlands: Assessing Visual-Cultural Values. Richard C. Smardon, ed.

Tucson: the Life and Times of An American City. C. L. Sonnichsen.

The Geography of Multinationals. Michael Taylor and Nigel Thrift, eds.

Impact of Marine Pollution on Society. Virginia Tippie and Dana Kester.

Reviving the Industrial City: the Politics of Urban Renewal in Lyon and Birmingham. Jerry A. Webman.

Andean Reflections: Letters from Carl O. Sauer While on a South American Trip under a Grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, 1942. Robert C. West, ed.

Cartographic Drawing with Computers. P. Yoeli.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:

Geographical Aspects of Health and Disease in India. Rais Akhtarand A.T.A. Learmonth, eds.

Antarctic Treaty System: An Assessment. Proceedings of a Workshop at Beardmore South Field Camp, Antarctica.

American Electoral Mosaics. J. Clark Archerand Fred M. Shelley.

Kompas op Suidwes-Afrika/Namibie. W.S. Barnard, ed.

Jerusalem in the 19th Century: The Old City. Yehoshua Ben-Arieh.

The World as a Total System. Kenneth E. Boulding.

A Social History of Housing 1815–1985, Second Ed. John Burnett.

Human Migration. W.A.V. Clark.

Regional Population Projection Models. Andrei Rogers.

The State of Population Theory: Forward from Malthus. David Colemanand Roger Schofield, eds.

Imagining Tomorrow: History, Technology and the American Future. Joseph C. Corn, ed.

Swidden Agriculture in Indonesia: The Subsistence Strategies of the Kalimantan Kantú. Michael R. Dove.

Glacial Geologic Processes. David Drewry.

Physics of Desertification. Farouk El-Bazand M.H.A. Hassan, eds.

Housing the Homeless. Jon Ericksonand Charles Wilhelm, eds.

Settlement Patterns in Missouri: A Study of Population Origins, with a Wall Map. Russel L. Gerlach.

Desert Development: Man and Technology in Sparselands. Yehuda Gradus, ed.

Nuclear Winter. The Evidence and Risks. Owen Greene, Ian Percivaland Irene Ridge.

The Take-off of Suburbia and the Crisis of the Central City. Günter Heinritzand Elisabeth Lichtenberger, eds.

Regional Input-Output Analysis. Geoffrey J. D. Hewings.

Spatial Transportation Modeling. Christian Werner.

The Atlas of Georgia. Thomas W. Hodlerand Howard A. Schretter, eds.

Latin America. 5th ed. Preston E. Jamesand C.W. Minkel.

Applied Remote Sensing. C.P. Lo.

Localities, Class, and Gender. The Lancaster Regionalism Group.

Urban Social Movements: The City after Castells. Stuart Lowe.

Politics and Method. Doreen Masseyand Richard Meegan, eds.

Land Use. A. S. Mather.

The Kingdom of Coal. Donald L. Millerand Richard E. Sharpless.

The Presidio and Militia on the Northern Frontier of New Spain, A Documentary History, Vol. 1: 1570–1700. Thomas H. Naylorand Charles W. Polzer, S.J., comps. andeds.

Nuclear Power: Siting and Safety. Stan Openshaw.

The Central African Republic: The Continent's Hidden Heart. Thomas O'Toole.

Environmental and Dynamic Geomorphology. Márton Pécsi, ed.

Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation. Floyd F. Sabins, Jr.

Acid Rain and Friendly Neighbors: The Policy Dispute between Canada and the United States. Jurgen Schmandtand Hilliard Roderick, eds.

Earth's Changing Surface: An Introduction to Geomorphology. M.J. Selby.

International Migration: The Female Experience. Rita J. Simonand Caroline B. Brettell, eds.

On Geography and Its History. D.R. Stoddart.

Transportation Networks: A Quantitative Approach. D. Teodorovic.

Processes in Physical Geography. R.D. Thompson, A.M. Mannion, C.W. Mitchell, M. Parry, J.R.G. Townshend.

Imaging Radar for Resources Surveys. J.W. Trevett.

Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets. Yi-Fu Tuan.

Capturing the Horizon. The Historical Geography of Transportation since the Transportation Revolution of the Sixteenth Century. James E. Vance, Jr.

Nations at Risk: The Impact of the Computer Revolution. Edward Yourdon.  相似文献   


Geographic Software Reviewed in this article:


MENTMAP2. Lawrence W. Carstensen Jr.

PC-MATLAB, Version 1.0. The Math Works, Inc.

QUICKMAP, version 1.0. Sammamish Data Systems, Inc.


USA DISPLAY. Instant Tecall  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):194-200

Ronald Freedman (ed.). POPULATION: THE VITAL REVOLUTION. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1964. 274 pages. $5.00.

Efraim Orni and Elisha Efrat. GEOGRAPHY OF ISRAEL. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1964. 335 pages. $7.50.

SOURCE BOOK FOR GEOGRAPHY TEACHING. London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd., 1965. Distributed by UNESCO. xvi + 254 pages. $4.50.

T. W. Birch. MAPS TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL. (Second ed.). London: Oxford University Press, 1964. xiv + 240 pages, illustrated. $4.00.

Harry D. Berg, editor. EVALUATION IN SOCIAL STUDIES. 35th Yearbook of the National Council for the Social Studies. Washington, D.C.: the Council, 1965. 250 pages. Paper $4.00. Cloth $5.00.

Farrington Daniels. DIRECT USE OF THE SUN'S ENERGY. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1964. 374 pages, maps, illustrations, bibliographies, index. Paperback, $2.45.  相似文献   


Book Reviewed in this article:

Latin America: Case Studies. Richard G. Boehm and Sent Visser

Locality and Rurality: Economy and Society in Rural Regions. Tony Bradley And Philip Lowe

The City and the Grassroots. Manuel Castells

Geopolitics and Conflict in South America. Quarrels among Neighbors. Jack Child

Post-Industrial America: A Geographical Perspective. David Clark

Coastal Research: UK Perspectives. Malcolm W. Clark

A Rural Policy for the EEC? Hugh Clout

Peasant Agriculture in Assam: A Structural Analysis. M. M. Das.

Environmental Change and Tropical Geomorphology. I. Douglas and T. Spencer

Advances in Abandoned Settlement Analysis: Application to Prehistoric Anthrosols in Colombia, South America. Robert C. Eidt

Measuring Culture. Jonathan L. Gross and Steve Rayner

North America: A Human Geography. Paul Guinness and Michael Bradshaw

A Geographical Bibliography for American Libraries. Chauncy D. Harris et al.

Geography and the Urban Environment: Progress in Research and Applications, Vol. VI. D. T. Herbert and R. J. Johnston

Changes in Global Climate: A Study of the Effect of Radiation and Other Factors During the Present Century. K. Ya. Kondrat'ev.

Rural Development and the State: Contradictions and Dilemmas in Developing Countries. David A. M. Lea and D. P. Chaudhri

The Martial Metropolis: U.S. Cities in War and Peace. Roger W. Lotchin

The Climate of the Earth. Paul E. Lydolph.

Weather and Climate. Paul E. Lydolph.

Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the Geography of Production. Doreen Massey.

Panorama of the Soviet Union. N. Mikhailov.

Soviet Armenia. K. S. Demirchian.

USSR: Geography of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period. K. Spidchenko.

Planung und Verwirklichung der Wiener Ringstrassenzone (Planning and Materialization of the Ringstrasse-Zone of Vienna). Kurt Mollik, Hermann Reining, Rudolf Wurzer.

The American West Transformed: The Impact of the Second World War Gerald D. Nash.

An Overview of the Survey of Income and Program Participation. Dawn Nelson, David McMillen, and Daniel Kasprzyk.

Phenomenology, Science and Geography: Spatiality and the Human Sciences. John Pickles.

Biological Diversification in the Tropics. Ghillean T. Prance

Die Wanderviehwirtschaft im gebirgigen Westen der U.S.A. und ihre Auswirkungen im Naturraum. Gisbert Rinschede.

Social and Economic Aspects of Radioactive Waste Disposal: Considerations for Institutional Management

World-Wide Weather. K. Takahashi

Coastal Geomorphology in Australia. B. G. Thom

Settlement System in Rural India: A Case Study of the Lower Ganga-Yamuna Doab. Ram Chandra Tiwari.

Computer Programming for Geographers. David J. Unwin and John A. Dawson.

Late Quaternary Environments of the Soviet Union. A. A. Velichko, ed. H. E. Wright, Jr. and C. W. Barnosky

Ethics in Planning. Martin Wachs  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Books reviewed in this article:

Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing Aerial photography and image interpretation for Resource Management. DAVIDP. PAINE.

Analytical Models and Techniques Spatial Processes Models and ApplicationsA. D. CLIFFAND J. K. ORD

Quantitative and Statistical Approaches to Geography: A Practical ManualJOHNA. MATTHEWS.

Cartography and Maps Map Data Processing. HERBERTFREEMANAND GOFFREDOG. PIERONI, eds.

Computer-assisted Cartography: Principles and Prospects, 1982. MARKS. MONMONIER.

Cultural Navajo Architecture: Forms, History, Distributions. STEPHENC. JETTAND VIRGINIAE . SPENCER.

Rational Landscapes and Humanistic Geography. EDWARDRELPH.

Economic The Structure and Control of a State Economy. W. L. L'ESPERANCE.


The Myth of the Family Farm: Agribusiness Dominance of U.S. Agriculture. INGOLF VOCELER.

Libya: The Experience of Oil. J. A. ALLEN.

Geography of Public Finance, Welfare Under Fiscal Federalism and local Government Finance. ROBERT BENNETT.

Environmental Management, Resources, and Systems Mountains and Man. LARRY W. PRICE.

Environmental Geology. DONALD R. COATES.

An Introduction to Environmental Systems. G. H. DURY.

The Environment: Chinese and American Views. Edited by LAURENCE J. C. MAAND ALLEN G. NOBLE.

Land Use in America. RICHARD H. JACKSON.

Medical Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Medical Geography. MELINDA S. MEADE (ed.).

Philosophy and Geographic Thought Birds in Egg/Eggs in Bird. GUNNAR OLSSON.

PhysicaI Climatology: Selected Applications. J. E. OLIVER.

Geomorphological Techniques. ANDREW GOUDIE (ed.).

Political Politics, Geography and Behaviour. RICHARD MUIR AND RONAN PADDISON.

The State of the World Atlas. MICHAEL KIDRON AND RONALD SECAL.

Population The Population of the South. DUDLEY L. POSTON, JR. AND ROBERT H. WELLER, eds.

Regional Latin America: Economic Development and Regional Differentiation. ARTHUR MORRIS.

Developing the Amazon. EMILIO F. MORAN.

Western Europe: A Systematic Human Geography. BRIAN W. ILBERY.

Settlement Systems in Sparsely Settled Regions: The United States and Australia. RICHARD E. LONSDALEAND JOHN H. HOLMES, eds.

African Perspectives: The Economic Geography of Nine African States. HARMDEBUJAND ESMOND MARTIN, eds.

Rural Nonmetropolitan America in Transition. AMOS H. HAWLEYAND SARA MILLS MAZIE, eds.

Social Crime and Environment. R. NORMAN DAVIDSON.

The Ghetto: Readings with Interpretations. JOE T. DARDEN, ed.

Urban Urban Problems and Planning in the Developed World. MICHAEL PACIONE (ed.)

Problems and Planning in Third World Cities. Edited by MICHAEL PACIONE.

The City in West Europe. D. BURTENSHAW, M. BATEMAN, AND C. J. ASHWORTH.  相似文献   

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