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目的地竞争模型是空间相互作用领域的重要进展之一,但其有效性尚未得到一致认可,且缺乏基于中国的实证依据。基于中国2010年城市间铁路客流数据,采用目的地竞争模型进行实证分析,并与传统空间相互作用模型相比较,以检验目的地竞争模型在实际应用中的有效性。结果表明:空间结构对中国城市间铁路客流存在显著影响,目的地之间存在较强的竞争效应;目的地竞争模型的引入显著地减弱了距离衰减参数的空间自相关程度,较大程度上改善了传统空间相互作用模型的距离衰减参数标定偏误问题;既有研究中在区域尺度下对传统空间相互作用模型(即重力模型)参数的标定及实证分析可能会存在偏误,目的地竞争模型这一改进模型具备应用价值。  相似文献   

The geographical detector model can be applied to either spatial or non-spatial data for discovering associations between a dependent variable and potential discrete controlling factors. It can also be applied to continuous factors after they are discretized. However, the power of determinant (PD), measuring data association based on the variance of the dependent variable within zones of a potential controlling factor, does not explicitly consider the spatial characteristics of the data and is also influenced by the number of levels into which each continuous factor is discretized. Here, we propose an improved spatial data association estimator (termed as SPatial Association DEtector, SPADE) to measure the spatial data association by the power of spatial and multilevel discretization determinant (PSMD), which explicitly considers the spatial variance by assigning the weight of the influence based on spatial distribution and also minimizes the influence of the number of levels on PD values by using the multilevel discretization and considering information loss due to discretization. We illustrate our new method by applying it to simulated data with known benchmark association and to dissection density data in the United States to assess its potential controlling factors. Our results show that PSMD is a better measure of association between spatially distributed data than the original PD.  相似文献   

范淑斌  申悦 《地理科学进展》2022,41(11):2086-2098
可达性是人文地理学和相关学科研究的核心议题之一。在“以人为本”理念的影响下,以时间地理学理论为基础、基于人的研究范式的时空可达性测度方法受到学者关注,成为生活质量、社会公平等议题的重要切入点。论文通过刻画整日潜在活动空间对个体的时空可达性进行测度,并以上海市郊区为案例地区,基于2017年居民活动日志一手调查数据开展实证研究。首先利用路网分析、二次开发等方法,对个体工作日和休息日的潜在活动空间进行测度;其次以弹性时间、整日潜在活动空间面积和可达设施密度为测度指标,利用GIS三维可视化、方差分析等方法分析时空可达性的特征及其在空间和时间维度的分异;最后,利用多元回归分析方法,探讨区位因素、时间因素和社会经济属性对居民时空可达性的影响。研究结果表明,上海市郊区居民的时空可达性在空间和时间维度上均存在着明显的分异,其中远郊居民面临着更强的时空制约和更大的空间困境;区位因素和时间因素是影响居民时空可达性的重要因素。该研究是时空可达性的测度方法在郊区中的实证检验,揭示了时空可达性的动态特征和个体间差异,为设施的时空优化配置和郊区新城建设中居民生活质量的提高提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

以1936年南京城市人口数据为基础,利用城市社会生态因子分析手段,采用聚类分析方法,对南京城市社会空间结构加以分析.结果表明,影响1936年南京城市社会区形成的主因子有城市商业/居住活动因子、政治活动因子、教育因子、贫困人口因子和城市公共福利设施因子等5个.1936年南京城市社会区划分为6个主要类型:①高级政府官员/知...  相似文献   

城市公园绿地(UPGS)是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,良好的UPGS可达性可促进城市宜居、提高居民福祉。进入新时代,在建设“生态文明”和“人民城市”的背景下,关注中国大城市UPGS可达性的公平性问题意义重大。论文以武汉市中心城区为研究区域,从供给、需求2个方面综合测度可达性,从局部、整体角度评估了UPGS可达性的空间特征,并进一步探究了可达性与居民社会经济条件之间的关系,以此探讨社会公平性。研究发现: ① 区域型、全市型和综合型UPGS可达性空间分布优于社区型UPGS可达性空间分布;② UPGS的总体可达性在中心城区呈现“核心—边缘”逐渐递减的空间形态,UPGS数量多、密度大的区域的社区具有更高的可达性水平; ③ UPGS可达性与居民社会经济条件之间存在空间正相关关系,房价较高的社区,居民的UPGS可达性也较高,UPGS可达性反映的社会不平等现象明显。建议未来应重视更加精细化的UPGS布局优化和调控,不同区域和社会群体需求采取选择性策略,落实精准施策。论文弥补了现有研究的不足,应用大数据和新技术优化指标数据源,采用UPGS面积、生态系统服务价值、游憩设施和安全条件等指标精细化测度公园品质,并考虑了多种交通模式、实时路况以及不同年龄群体的选择偏好等因素,综合测度可达性,创新了研究方法;从城市经济结构视角出发,从房价入手探讨UPGS的公平性问题,拓展了已有分析框架,为中国大城市的基础设施布局和空间资源配置提供了支撑。  相似文献   

吴江洁  孙斌栋 《地理研究》2015,34(9):1744-1754
基于第六次人口普查、第二次经济普查和问卷调查数据,定量描述和分析了上海都市区内部以街道为空间尺度的就业可达性及其空间格局,探讨了劳动者的工资收入与居住区位就业可达性的关系。结论表明:上海市的居民就业可达性呈现相对均衡的多中心分布格局,与北京就业可达性单中心的分布格局有明显的不同。同时,在控制个人经济社会属性和地区属性的条件下,上海的居民就业可达性对居民个人收入水平具有显著的正向影响。这一结论的政策含义是,地理区位较差的住房有损于居民收入,可能是吸引力不足的重要原因之一;政府通过提高地区的居民就业可达性,有助于改善就业机会,促进居民个人收入的增加。  相似文献   

儿童服务设施是建设儿童友好性城市的重要内容。基于北京城区社区人口数据及儿童服务设施数据,通过两步移动搜寻法,以社区为单元分析儿童服务设施可达性的空间格局及分布模式。结果显示,不同类别儿童服务设施空间可达性服务水平差异较大,在1000米阈值范围内小学的空间可达性水平优于幼儿园,3000米阈值范围内儿童诊所的空间可达性优于公园。受儿童人口和儿童服务设施分布的影响,小学、幼儿园、儿科门诊的可达性均呈现“中心高、边缘低”的分布格局,空间分布不均衡;公园分布则相对分散,其可达性呈现边缘区域优于中心区域分布特征。北京城区儿童服务设施可达性情况可分为五种类型区,类型区之间以同心圆的结构进行组合,局部体现出扇形的特征。据此提出针对不同区域儿童服务设施的改善策略。  相似文献   

The term physical accessibility has long been used by geographers, economists, and urban planners and reflects the relative ease of access to/from several urban/rural services by considering the traveling costs. Numerous accessibility measures, ranging from simple to sophisticated, can be observed in the geographical information systems (GIS)-based accessibility modeling literature. However, these measures are generally calculated from a constant catchment boundary (a most likely or average catchment boundary) based on constant deterministic transportation costs. This is one of the fundamental shortcomings of the current GIS-based accessibility modeling and creates uncertainty about the accuracy and reliability of the accessibility measures, especially when highly variable speeds in road segments are considered. The development of a new stochastic approach by using global positioning system (GPS)-based floating car data and Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) technique could enable handling the variations in transportation costs in a probabilistic manner and help to consider all possible catchment boundaries, instead of one average catchment boundary, in accessibility modeling process. Therefore, this article proposes a stochastic methodology for GIS-based accessibility modeling by using GPS-based floating car data and MCS technique. The proposed methodology is illustrated with a case study on medical emergency service accessibility in Eskisehir, Turkey. Moreover, deterministic and stochastic accessibility models are compared to demonstrate the differences between the models. The proposed model could provide better decision support for the decision-makers who are supposed to deal with accessibility, location/allocation, and service/catchment area related issues.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of spatial accessibility on service utilization is essential to facilitate prenatal care delivery. Previous studies suggest that mothers with better spatial access are more likely to receive adequate prenatal care. Their conclusions, however, are limited by use of small samples and inappropriate spatial accessibility measurements. This article examines the role of spatial accessibility in explaining the variation of prenatal care utilization among 202,377 mothers in Georgia from 2009 to 2011. Specifically, we use geographic information systems and spatial analysis methods to explore the spatial pattern of inadequate prenatal care utilization. A two-transportation-mode, two-step floating catchment area method is used to measure the spatial access to prenatal care by census tract. The effects of spatial accessibility, combined with the influences of demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and medical factors, on the adequacy of prenatal care utilization are investigated with statistical models at the individual level. The results show that mothers with better spatial access are less likely to have adequate prenatal care. The inconsistency of this finding with other existing evidence suggests that the effects of spatial accessibility on health service utilization could be complicated and context specific.  相似文献   

This article presents an extensive comparative review of the emergence and application of geodemographics in both the United States and United Kingdom, situating them as an extension of earlier empirically driven models of urban socio-spatial structure. The empirical and theoretical basis for this generalization technique is also considered. Findings demonstrate critical differences in both the application and development of geodemographics between the United States and United Kingdom resulting from their diverging histories, variable data economies, and availability of academic or free classifications. Finally, current methodological research is reviewed, linking this discussion prospectively to the changing spatial data economy in both the United States and United Kingdom.  相似文献   


Spatial information of land values is fundamental for planners and policy makers. Individual appraisals are costly, explaining the need for predictive modelling. Recent work has investigated using Space Syntax to analyse urban access and explain land values. However, the spatial dependence of urban land markets has not been addressed in such studies. Further, the selection of meaningful variables is commonly conducted under non-spatialized modelling conditions. The objective of this paper is to construct a land value map using a geostatistical approach using Space Syntax and a spatialized variable selection. The methodology is applied in Guatemala City. We used an existing dataset of residential land value appraisals and accessibility metrics. Regression-kriging was used to conduct variable selection and derive a model for spatial prediction. The prediction accuracy is compared with a multivariate regression. The results show that a spatialized variable selection yields a more parsimonious model with higher prediction accuracy. New insights were found on how Space Syntax explains land value variability when also modelling the spatial dependence. Space Syntax can contribute with relevant spatialized information for predictive land value modelling purposes. Finally, the spatial modelling framework facilitates the production of spatial information of land values that is relevant for planning practice.  相似文献   

基于TVDI的黄土高原地表干燥度与土地利用的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
基于地表温度和植被指数的经验关系构建地表干燥度指数。该指数对Ts/NDVI特征空间的生态特征的解释,对土壤和作物的水分含量具有一定的指示意义。通过对地表干燥度进行分级,分析陕北黄土高原区地表含水状况的空间差异,进而结合该地区的主要土地利用类型,探讨各类型的干燥度情况,并对不同地表干燥度条件下各土地利用类型对地表水分的保持能力差异进行分析,结果表明,在该区相对湿润环境中,林地以及疏林地的水分保持能力优于农地和草地,但在干旱的环境下,草地则好于林地及疏林地。建议根据不同土地利用类型的保水能力,在湿润区域增加林地的面积比例,在偏湿润区域增加疏林地的面积,在干旱区域增加草地的比例,减少农地开垦。  相似文献   

Random sampling of a known covariance function can be used during the process of estimating the variance of means or totals for a spatial random variable in blocks of variable size. One advantage of this method is that the precision of any block variance can be determined at the same time as the integral itself. In two-dimensional space this approach yields sufficiently precise results for continuous spatial random variables with exponential, Gaussian, and spherical covariance functions, as well as for point patterns with exponential covariance density or power-law-type, second-order intensity function. Practical examples of application deal with the areal distribution of felsic volcanic rocks and gold deposits in the Abitibi Volcanic Belt, Canadian Shield. The exponential model yields good results in both cases, but, as an overall fit, the fractal (power-law) model performs better in the characterization of the two-dimensional distribution of the gold deposits.  相似文献   

合理的配置公共服务设施对城市的现代化建设至关重要。空间可达性是度量公共服务设施配置是否合理的方法之一。在诸多的研究方法中,高斯两步移动搜索法由于直观且运算简便,因而得到广泛应用。但该方法也有不足之处,本文运用格网GIS方法,以上海市的绿地空间可达性为例,对两步移动搜索法进行模型方法的改进研究,并对高斯两步移动搜索法和格网化的高斯两步移动搜索法进行对比分析,结果表明:后者可降低空间可达性的误差,提高可达性精度,对上海市绿地空间可达性反映更加真实、客观。如果选择合理的数据将其格网化,该方法也可以用于其他公共服务设施的空间可达性研究。  相似文献   

The continuous degradation of ecosystem services is an important challenge faced by the world.Improvements in transportation infrastructure have had substantial impacts on economic development and ecosystem services.Exploring the influence of traffic accessibility on ecosystem services can delay or stop their deterioration;however,studies on its impact are lacking.This study addresses this gap by analysing the impact of traffic accessibility on ecosystem services using an integrated spatial regression approach based on an evaluation of the ecosystem services value (ESV) and traffic accessibility in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Urban Agglomeration (MRYRUA) in China.The results indicated that the ESV in the MRYRUA continuously decreased during the study period,and the average ESV in plain areas,areas surrounding the core cities,and areas along the main traffic routes was significantly lower than that in areas along the Yangtze River and the surrounding moun-tainous areas.Traffic accessibility continued to increase during the study period,and the high-value areas centred on Wuhan,Changsha,Nanchang,and Yichang were radially dis-tributed.The global bivariate spatial autocorrelation coefficient between the average ESV and traffic accessibility was negative.The average ESV and traffic accessibility exhibited signifi-cant spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity.Spatial regression also proved that there was a negative association between the average ESV and traffic accessibility,and scale ef-fects were evident.The findings of this study have important policy implications for future ecological protection and transportation planning.  相似文献   

区域喀斯特石漠化信息系统的设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本系统采用ArcGIS 软件作为基本平台, 以广西都安县为例, 借助其中的空间叠加分析与 地理统计分析方法, 构建了基于ArcObjects 的专业型GIS———区域喀斯特石漠化信息系统 (RKRDIS)。该系统是以喀斯特石漠化专业分析模型为核心, 以空间数据为信息材料, 以计算机网 络为传输载体, 解决喀斯特石漠化研究数据分析、查询、显示和管理等信息处理技术, 实现从“数 据”提取“信息”, 提供喀斯特石漠化的空间数据分析、动态监测、驱动诊断、预警分析、灾害评估和 辅助决策等多方面支持。  相似文献   

引入人口规模因子和医疗设施等级规模影响系数改进潜能模型,基于GIS空间分析技术,以上海杨浦区为例对其医疗设施空间可达性进行研究。结果表明:杨浦区医疗设施空间可达性分布不均,大桥街道、定海路街道及殷行街道部分区域医疗设施空间可达性较高;中部区域一些街道存在同等级医院位置密集、医疗资源相对集中的情况;杨浦区三级医院的居民就医空间可达性整体优于二级、一级医院。改进的潜能模型综合考虑了居民点人口数量、医疗设施与居民点之间的出行阻抗、以及医疗设施的等级规模对居民就医选择的影响,能更合理地评价医疗设施的可达性。研究结果可为城市医疗设施科学规划与决策提供依据。  相似文献   

冯健  黄琳珊  董颖  宋蕾蕾 《地理学报》2012,67(12):1645-1656
城市犯罪的时空模式是地理学“格局”和“过程”研究的重要课题。本文以北京城八 区财产类犯罪为研究对象,利用GIS工具获取和处理空间数据,探讨城市犯罪的时空格局和时 空模式,并建立时空机制模型。研究发现:北京城市犯罪总体上呈现多中心分布格局,在商 业繁华地带和对外交通运输区存在明显的高强度带;各种犯罪类型空间格局既有共同性又有 差异性;城市犯罪嫌疑人数量存在季节分异特点,但同一区域的犯罪地点数目具有一定的稳 定性;就时空机制而言,场所的时空特征作用于财产犯罪参与者,进而作用于犯罪要素并影 响犯罪实施成功与否,而不同类型的财产犯罪对场所时空特征要求不同,这些要求一旦与北 京城市环境的特有属性耦合,便产生犯罪高发地段和高发时段,最终影响城市空间结构特点。  相似文献   

Spatial Accessibility to Health Care Facilities in Suhum District,Ghana   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
To improve geographical accessibility to health facilities in rural Ghana, it has been recommended that additional health facilities be built. Resource constraints make this recommendation infeasible. Using location-allocation models, this paper demonstrates that in the Suhum District of Ghana substantial improvements in accessibility can be achieved with better locational choices and without additional facilities. Also, additional facilities will produce little improvement in accessibility if location is not explicitly considered. The paper demonstrates the utility of location-allocation models for improving accessibility to services in the Third World.  相似文献   

20世纪中国铁路网扩展及其空间通达性   总被引:110,自引:18,他引:92  
金凤君  王姣娥 《地理学报》2004,59(2):293-302
作者设计了运输距离Di和通达性系数等度量交通网络通达性的指标,并以“最短路模型”为基础,分析了100年来中国铁路交通网络的发展以及由此引起的通达性空间格局的变化。结果显示,中国铁路网络结构的演化经历了起步、筑网、延伸、优化4个阶段,但空间扩展的速度相对缓慢。路网扩展和原有路网优化是通达性提高的主要方式;100年铁路建设导致“空间收敛”效果显著。通达性空间格局呈现同心圈层结构,由华北区向四周辐射;且通达性高于全国平均水平的范围也由华北向华东区、中南区扩展,交通中心由天津向郑州逐渐转移。铁路的建设推动了社会经济空间结构的演化,运输走廊的现代化将推动空间经济轴线进一步强化。  相似文献   

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