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《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):106-121

The growing importance of law in American society and the potential contribution that geographers can make in implementing America's legal system point to rewarding future linkages between law and geography. This paper suggests the need for a course on Law and Geography to cultivate these linkages. The proposed course outline draws examples from water law and criminal justice law and other legal bodies that suggest significant avenues for future geographical research.  相似文献   


Despite widespread interest in the relationship between the exercise of power and control of space, few current works in geography make explicit use of the concept of territoriality. This paper does so by considering the means by which the Los Angeles Police Department pursues its law enforcement and order maintenance functions through regulating space. I draw upon fieldwork observations of a single LAPD patrol division to demonstrate that officers regularly seek to govern the citizenry through controlling the spatial parameters of permissible action. The imperative toward effective territorial control is given further impetus within the subcultural world that officers construct; indeed, officers evaluate each other's competence in large part on their ability to manage activity within the spaces for which they are responsible.  相似文献   


This paper builds on the study of student geography by critically examining college students’ perceived space of a university campus and the surrounding urban space. Rhodes College is a liberal arts college situated in the city of Memphis. As a campus with a majority white population located in a predominately black city, Rhodes College exists within but often separate from the city. It serves as a perfect case study to investigate how the college students build relationships with the environment within and beyond the campus. By using mental mapping and focus groups, this research unpacks four spatialities that shape college students’ perception of the urban space: (in)activity space, (im)mobility, boundaries, and center. This research demonstrates that student geography can be gendered, classed and racialized. The perceived space is socially constructed, and is reinforced by the lived and material space. Finally, this paper provides implications to facilitate deeper connections between students, the campus, and the city.  相似文献   


This piece argues that urban postpolitical scholarship should pay greater attention to the everyday lives of urban residents and the everyday spaces of contemporary cities. Recent debates in urban geography have sought in part to expand narrow readings of Jacques Rancière’s politics in particular, creating space for broader and more inclusive analyses of resistance to depoliticizing regimes. This article builds on this work, extending these critiques by suggesting that the quotidian is the most pressing analytical avenue for such expansion. The piece builds on ethnographic and archival fieldwork conducted in Mexico City between 2014 and 2017, demonstrating the dependence of a postpolitical regime on the maintenance of particular relations in the everyday spaces and interactions of the city, and some of the salient ways these trends are experienced, reproduced, and contested by the city’s residents.  相似文献   

翟青  甄峰  陈映雪 《地理科学》2015,35(10):1265-1271
信息技术对城市空间结构的影响一直是地理学关注的话题。随着信息技术的革新及其在社会生活中的普及应用,地理学者开始将研究视角从空间转向网络用户。引入信息科学领域的“地理关联”概念,通过南京居民问卷调查获得973个样本数据,采用结构方程模型分析,尝试从微观个体角度探索基于居民个体的虚-实空间的关联指标。结果发现:居民信息化程度、居民信息化认知、居民信息化习惯、居民流动性是微观层面虚-实空间关联的主要指标;居民流动性是空间关联最重要的衡量指标,其次是居民信息化认知、居民信息化习惯、居民信息化程度;工作地是最能展示网络空间与实体空间紧密关联的场所类型。  相似文献   

Despite decades of recognition and worry about diversity, our discipline remains persistently white. That is, it is dominated by white bodies and it continues to conform to norms, practices, and ideologies of whiteness. This is a loss. At best, it limits the possibilities and impact of our work as geographers. At worst, it perpetuates harmful exclusions in our discipline: its working environments, its institutions, and its knowledge production. This remains deeply concerning for many geographers, and there has been important research, commentary, and institutional activity over the years. Yet, research shows us that little meaningful progress has been made. We know that mentoring is one vital part of the journey toward change. As such, we reflect here on our experience developing a research collective built on a transformative mentoring practice. We outline the key challenges, strategies, and tentative successes of the collective in supporting women of color undergraduate, graduate, and faculty geographers, arguing that such feminist formations are a vital part of the path to intellectual racial justice in our field. Key Words: diversity, feminist geography, higher education, mentoring, race.  相似文献   

解佳  孙九霞  王学基 《地理研究》2020,39(7):1640-1653
随着道路旅行的兴起,中国背包客将涂鸦活动的阵地转移至道路和停泊点等非城市空间。背包客的道路涂鸦与城市涂鸦、景区涂鸦都存在着较大差别,它所具有的时空特殊性为剖析旅游过程中通道与停泊点的意义、理解旅游者如何参与地方生成、探索处于移动中的人群如何构建共同体提供了生动案例。本研究以川藏公路为案例地,采用移动民族志与多点民族志相结合的方法,探索背包客涂鸦作为空间实践的意义。研究发现,涂鸦实践使得川藏公路及其沿线的节点成为背包客旅程甚至人生经历的见证者,原本功能性、政治性的空间被改写成私人的、情感的空间,涂鸦实践还参与构建了一个后现代的流动新部落。因此,涂鸦重塑了川藏公路的空间意义,在川藏公路独特旅行文化的形成中扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

今天的中国为什么比任何时候都需要世界地理学   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
世界地理作为中国地理学的重要分支学科,特指研究中国以外区域或国家的地理学科,是中国特有的学科分类现象。中国地理学的这种内外有别的思想对世界地理发展危害甚大,至今都难以消弭。忽视世界地理研究,就会有只见树木、不见森林之虞。为了贯彻落实党的“十九大”精神,繁荣探索新型科研组织机制,打造一流世界地理学科,服务国家重大国际战略需求,来自国内高校、科研院所的百余人齐聚一堂,探讨中国世界地理学科发展之路。与会专家一致认为:地理学是国家发展的法宝,是立国之本。当前世界政治经济格局加速重构,为中国地理学发展带来了前所未有的历史机遇,也赋予地理学特别是世界地理学学科新的重大历史使命。为此,须充分发挥地理学科的优势和特长,紧跟国家和世界发展大势,树立全球眼光,面向国家重大战略需求,把自然与人文结合起来,面向可持续发展,团结国内各相关单位,进行跨学科研究,提升世界地理学科为二级学科,构建具有中国特色的世界地理学理论体系、逻辑框架和学科范式,提升中国地理学科,特别是世界地理学科服务国家和地方发展的能力。  相似文献   

Desalination is an increasingly important water source for the sunny, arid city of El Paso, Texas. As the city’s population grows, El Paso Water, the city’s water utility, has had to drill deeper into the Hueco Bolson aquifer, a primary water source for El Paso. This deeper drilling into the Hueco Bolson, however, has yielded progressively more saline water. In response, El Paso Water and administrators from Fort Bliss jointly constructed a reverse osmosis desalination plant to protect the Hueco Bolson’s freshwater supplies and expand the city’s water sources. Reverse osmosis water desalination, however, is an expensive, energy-intensive process currently dependent on carbon-heavy fossil fuels. Solar energy, however, is an abundant, carbon-free energy source that could potentially reduce the energy costs and carbon footprint of the reverse osmosis desalination process. We hypothesize that building a solar microgrid that supplies El Paso’s desalination plant with energy in tandem with the regional grid will reduce the plant’s energy expenditures in the long term compared to solely buying energy from the regional grid. We used the Hybrid Optimization for Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) model created by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The results suggest that a solar microgrid whose modules use one axis tracker could reduce the plant’s energy expenses. Key Words: desalination, solar energy, water resources.  相似文献   

Junxi Qian 《Urban geography》2017,38(5):771-794

In this paper, I examine relationships between public space, gay people’s cruising and construction of gay subjectivity in People’s Park, Guangzhou, China. In particular, I interrogate the complex dynamics between the performance of homosexual identity and the dominant heteronormative ideologies in China’s cultural–political sphere. I articulate how public cruising can be mobilized as a space of alternative socio-spatial ordering and simultaneously a closeted space to experience and reassert hegemonic divides of public/private, normal/abnormal. This paper employs an analysis of self-disciplining and the production of docile bodies to examine how gay cruisers construct gayness as deviant identity and thus attempt to reconcile gay subjects with dominant norms and values. The production of self-disciplining subjects is centered on the discursive formulation that gay men in public need to act in self-regulated and “low-profile” ways. This paper intends to enrich our understanding of the intrinsically dialectical relationships between public space and sexual subjectivity in concrete time spaces.  相似文献   

Despite widespread interest in the relationship between the exercise of power and control of space, few current works in geography make explicit use of the concept of territoriality. This paper does so by considering the means by which the Los Angeles Police Department pursues its law enforcement and order maintenance functions through regulating space. I draw upon fieldwork observations of a single LAPD patrol division to demonstrate that officers regularly seek to govern the citizenry through controlling the spatial parameters of permissible action. The imperative toward effective territorial control is given further impetus within the subcultural world that officers construct; indeed, officers evaluate each other's competence in large part on their ability to manage activity within the spaces for which they are responsible.  相似文献   

基于空间句法的武汉城区“两抢一盗”犯罪分布环境   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郑文升  卓蓉蓉  罗静  余斌  王晓芳 《地理学报》2016,71(10):1710-1720
结合空间组构与环境犯罪学,初步建构基于空间句法的犯罪分布环境阐释理论。以武汉市中心城区为案例区域,以立案判决的2013年盗窃罪、抢劫罪和抢夺罪案件分布地点为数据源,以典型犯罪空间为实证研究对象,解读城市“两抢一盗”犯罪现象的分布环境。宏观尺度下,空间组构自发涌现的城市节点容易成为犯罪吸引场,与犯罪热点区分布形成密切关系;节点可达性衔接宏微观空间,影响犯罪人到达、逃逸犯罪地点成本的大小以及犯罪失败风险的高低;微观尺度上,局部空间与整体空间割裂形成的“空间缝隙”为犯罪人的空间探索创造了可能,空间的高集成度与空间使用者的单一化强化了犯罪集聚;空间拓扑深度则通过塑造社区人流的社会结构与领域感影响犯罪的空间防卫。空间句法为分析犯罪人的滋生环境、犯罪动机的刺激环境、犯罪人“到达”、“实施”、“逃逸”的活动环境以及防卫犯罪活动的约束环境提供了有力支撑。  相似文献   

孪生空间及其应用——兼论地理研究空间的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字孪生研究呈现由平稳发展到爆发态势,应用领域迅速增加,规模不断扩大,亟需发展用于指导各个领域和不同结构与规模的数字孪生研究与应用的方法论体系。本文在总结分析各个领域数字孪生发展过程和趋势的基础上,提出以孪生空间作为概括和统摄各尺度数字孪生体的框架,并给出了孪生空间的定义和一般特征。然后,以目前已有初步实践基础的孪生城市为例简要阐述了其应用。作为地理学研究对象的载体抑或研究对象本身的空间,由自然地理空间、人文社会空间和地理信息空间三元空间构成,彼此整合度不高。为更有效地开展地理学综合研究,我们提出以孪生空间整合三元空间,重构地理研究空间。孪生空间具有与物理空间的双向实时互馈特征,能够打破地理三元空间内部的壁垒,进而实现模拟现实、预测变化和调控过程的地理综合研究任务。  相似文献   

According to the latest data available, in 2013 a staggering 68,000 scholarly books reached print in North America alone. Book reviews have long served as an important tool to keep tabs on the content and quality of all of those books. In decades past, perusing book reviews was essential in conducting a literature review and a tool for authors to demonstrate the impact that their book has on a field of study. Most important, though, book reviews play a vital role in academic advancement by calling attention to books that successfully add to new knowledge and warn against books with defects and deficiencies. Despite their overwhelming importance, no one has systematically analyzed the value of scholarly book reviews. Moreover, in our current age of the Internet, e-mail, and social media, it is important to know the worth of book reviews. Drawing on the results of a 2018 survey sent to select members of the American Association of Geographers, this article assesses the value of scholarly book reviews among geographers. It answers these questions: Who writes and reads book reviews? What are the characteristics of a useful book review? Is writing a book review considered a valued scholarly activity? Does writing book reviews help advance a person’s career? Because geography is a microcosm of academia, this study has applicability across the social sciences and humanities. Do scholarly book reviews still matter? Key Words: human geography, monographs, promotion and tenure, scholarly book reviews.  相似文献   


The aim of the article is to discuss whether a definition of economic geography as contextual analysis still is viable and relevant. The author argues that the definition remains the key to the production of high quality and social relevant research. He concludes that contextual analysis represents the competitive advantage of economic geography among other social sciences and the best position to demonstrate its relevance to the broader society.  相似文献   

Experiential Learning,Spatial Practice,and Critical Urban Geographies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Experiential learning pedagogies are being adopted across undergraduate education and touted as an effective strategy for enhancing student learning. This paper develops an explanation for how and why such pedagogies can foster students' critical thinking and learning. Drawing on data collected from first-year students in “field based” urban geography courses at an urban university, I show how students' existing knowledge of urban spaces and specific parts of the city is constructed from a variety of sources and experiences, and can be incorporated in experiential learning activities in ways that foster critical learning. Such an approach is crucial to creating learning environments in higher education that include a greater diversity of student identities and life experiences.  相似文献   

唐佳  甄峰  汪侠 《地理科学》2020,40(8):1245-1255
以引用曼纽尔·卡斯特《网络社会的崛起》的898篇英文文献和363篇中文文献为数据基础,综合运用引文内容分析和引文情境分析方法,基于中外引文的分析与对比,研究了“网络社会理论”对于人文地理学的知识贡献。研究发现:“流动空间”是国内外文献引用最多的理论观点,且国内研究的引用比例明显高于国外研究;国内外研究对于“网络社会理论”的关注点存在差异,国内研究主要聚焦于网络社会的外在空间形态及其的转型,而国外研究则更加关注网络社会的内在空间动力;引文内容承担着9种引用功能以及3类知识贡献,体现了“网络社会理论”对于人文地理学不同程度的影响。其中,批判性引用揭示了“网络社会理论”的不足之处,指出了“空间二元论”的抽象性、地方空间的重要性以及研究数据、方法和时代背景的局限性,为未来“网络社会理论”在人文地理学领域的应用与创新提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

Craig Young 《Area》2004,36(3):287-297
This paper analyses reform of the law of wages arrestment in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Scotland to examine the spatial nature of the 'regulatory dilemmas' faced by the state in legal interventions in a spatially heterogeneous context. Though this reform was an example of how the nineteenth-century British state sought to regulate the spaces of everyday life, the analysis shows that law-making processes are the outcome of complex tensions between and within the state and legal systems. In these processes, local legal cultures, tensions between systems of common and statute law and the complex geographies of social life play important roles in shaping the conjunction of space, place and law.  相似文献   

疍民研究进展及文化地理学研究的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照地理学的发展阶段,传统地理学的疍民研究以空间描述为主,近代地理学阶段的疍民研究着重描述文化的空间占用,而到现代地理学阶段则涉及疍民与地理环境的关系问题。对疍民的研究方法主要以田野调查、历史文献法等传统方法为主,专门地理学视角的研究成果很少。从研究趋势看,文化地理学视角的疍民研究应该从文化地理过程、文化保全、文化地理模型构建等方面展开。  相似文献   

The abstraction, representation, and computation of entity–space relationship are keystones of geographic information science (GIS). The newly proposed spatial chromatic tessellation (SCT) provides a novel model to explore this relationship. SCT has demonstrated a variety of potential applications in GIS, such as reasoning spatial topology, point pattern analysis, and Voronoi diagrams. This study aims to theoretically investigate SCT by focusing on two aspects: (1) extending SCT to higher dimensional spaces. Results show that cells missing in lower dimensional spaces are hidden in higher dimensional spaces; (2) exploring the uniqueness of chromatic codes, particularly the chromatic codes of 2-cell and 3-cell clusters: their codes are proved to be unique. In a mathematical perspective, the observed phenomena from the above two aspects bring some new thoughts into the first law of geography and spatial heterogeneity. Based on these new understandings of entity–space relationship, SCT is replaced by spatial chromatic model (SCM) in which spaces are created by entities themselves rather than by partitioning the space preexisted. This makes a change from an absolute geographic space to a relative geographic space.  相似文献   

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