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从游客视角出发,以乌镇、平遥古城和凤凰古城为例,运用扎根理论对网络游记进行质性分析,探讨文化旅游地集体记忆对游客地方依恋的作用机理。研究表明:文化旅游地集体记忆促使游客产生地方依恋的过程受到集体记忆感知、旅游体验、情感依恋、功能依恋、依恋行为和文化特性6个主范畴的影响;游客对文化旅游地集体记忆感知是产生地方依恋的心理归因,也是游客体验文化旅游地的前提和基础;旅游体验影响游客对文化旅游地的情感依恋和功能依恋;情感依恋和功能依恋共同作用于游客的依恋行为;文化特性调节了集体记忆感知对旅游体验的影响程度。  相似文献   

构建旅游体验量表和文化认同量表,利用相关分析和逐步回归分析法,研究大明宫国家考古遗址公园旅游体验对游客文化认同形成的作用过程,揭示游客旅游体验对文化认同的影响机制。结果表明:文化情感体验、活动体验与文化认同显著相关,环境体验、空间体验与文化认同相关性不强,且不同因子对文化认同指标的影响存在差异。旅游活动设计展示与历史文化氛围对游客认知认同的形成作用显著。旅游资源丰富性、旅游活动设计展示及导游讲解方式与内容是激发游客情感认同的关键。旅游地性价比、纪念品历史特色与文化创意、旅游资源丰富性与游客享受度、愉悦度情感体验程度对游客知觉认同影响显著。旅游资源的独特性、旅游地性价比、游客在旅游过程中享受度与独特度的情感体验程度是影响游客行为认同的关键因子。  相似文献   

通过对590位有过安徽汤池旅游经历的游客进行问卷调查收集数据,使用多元回归和层次回归分析方法检验温泉旅游地认知形象对游客体验和行为的影响以及旅游动机的调节作用。研究发现:温泉旅游地认知形象对游客体验和游后行为意向都有显著的正向影响,但不同的认知形象因子有着不同的影响模式和效应,总体而言,旅游设施与活动和温泉品质2个形象因子的影响效应要大于旅游交通和整体环境2个形象因子的影响效应;旅游动机在特定形象因子影响游客满意和重游意向的过程中产生了显著的调节作用,具体地说,旅游动机正向调节了旅游交通形象对游客满意的影响,负向调节了设施与活动形象、正向调节了温泉品质形象对游客重游意向的影响。  相似文献   

旅游地形象随时间变化的研究是旅游地形象研究的7类主题之一。文章基于旅游地形象构成模型,提出了从整体角度评估旅游前后旅游地形象随时间变化的研究思路,拓展了注重构成旅游地形象多维属性变化的旅游地形象评估方法。采用主成分分析、两配对样本t检验等定量方法,分别评估对比分析了构成旅游地形象的认知形象、情感形象以及整体形象三大组分在旅游前后的变化与差异程度,并以旅游前后安徽天堂寨风景区形象感知差异为例进行了实证研究。(1)验证了旅游地形象具有一定的稳定性。(2)从整体角度比较旅游前后旅游地形象的变化态势以及变化差异的显著程度是可行的。  相似文献   

杨晴晴  杨效忠 《热带地理》2022,42(4):674-684
旅游地意象是旅游地理学的重要研究主题,旅游者具身化意象认知结果对旅游地行为忠诚、满意度及旅游资源开发至关重要。借助蕴含旅游者记忆与叙事信息的网络游记文本及图片位置数据,采用质性与GIS分析相结合的方法,建构廊道型旅游地意象。研究发现:1)廊道型旅游地意象由线性意象、色彩意象、地方意象、审美意象和情感意象五维类属建构而成。2)皖南“川藏线”旅游者在场体验过程中的情感评价积极情感占主导地位,消极情感占比相对较少,其中高度积极情感所占比例显著高于高度消极情感。3)旅游者皖南“川藏线”意象要素感知特征呈现动静结合、线性体验与感知兼具两个层级。其中,动静特征通过静态景观与动态体验共同展现,线性体验更多强调旅游者产生的刺激、惊险、震撼的驾驶乐趣及情感升华。4)皖南“川藏线”线性意象热点集中于桃岭公路及六道湾周边,色彩意象热点集中于储家滩和红杉林两地,审美意象热点集中于储家滩、青龙湖、红杉林沿线,地方意象热点集中于储家滩、桃岭公路和水墨汀溪一带。  相似文献   

以侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆为例,构建后疫情时代红色旅游动机、体验和情绪反应测量量表,分析探讨疫后游客前往红色旅游地的原因,通过结构方程模型研究红色旅游动机维度分异与体验维度之间的因果关联,以及情感反应对旅游体验的作用。结果表明:(1)动机维度均值从低到高依次为偶发性动机、疫后社会因素动机、疫后社交动机、疫后游憩动机、求知自发性动机和情感自发性动机,情感自发性动机和求知自发性动机是游客游览红色旅游地的主要动机,表明疫后游客的民族认同感攀升,对红色革命历史的求知欲较强,疫后游憩和社交欲望也较强烈;(2)游客内部动机情感自发性和求知自发性动机正向显著影响认知体验、情感体验和意志体验,游客出游自主性体验感较强;(3)游客红色旅游的积极情绪和积极的负向情绪对认知体验、情感体验和意志体验都呈显著正向影响,前往红色旅游地能激起游客对现实的思考,体验感较强。  相似文献   

城市旅游满意度可能受到城市形象感知的影响,并非只受到旅游要素的影响。借鉴行为心理学和旅游需求相关理论,通过演绎推理提出有待检验的理论假说和模型,利用武汉市旅游者的问卷调查数据,借助结构方程模型检验这些理论假说和模型。结果表明:经过细微调整后,城市认知形象感知、情感形象感知、旅游满意度的模型构建合理;与替代模型相比较,构建的理论模型最佳;城市认知形象感知、情感形象感知既直接影响又通过感知价值的调节间接影响旅游满意度,且作用大于旅游动机。因此,提升城市形象感知是提高城市旅游满意度的有效路径。  相似文献   

林玉虾  林璧属 《热带地理》2019,39(2):278-287
采用Q方法,通过收集并分析受访者对不同类型旅游目的地形象的偏好排序,发现其形象间存在兼容性和不相容性,且存在5种典型旅游目的地形象偏好结构,分别是:自然生态旅游偏好型、城市旅游偏好型、自然文化旅游偏好型、漫游体验旅游偏好型和探索冒险旅游偏好型。相似性分析表明:5种偏好类型均不喜欢厚重的文化体验,而偏爱轻松及互动式的文化体验。5种旅游目的地形象偏好结构对应特征明显、区分度高,对于旅游营销及旅游线路的设计具有较高的参考性价值。  相似文献   

旅游地形象认知心理分析与测评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析当前旅游地形象理论研究的局限性,提出从心理学特别是认知心理角度探索旅游目的地形象问题的作用和意义。分析旅游地认知形象在旅游消费者心目中形成的机理,从理论和方法上提出针对旅游消费者的旅游地认知形象测评基本思路,对在旅游地开发与发展过程中如何认识及塑造良好的旅游目的地形象具有理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

赵昭  张朝枝 《热带地理》2018,38(5):707-716
中国数量众多的租界本质是殖民统治时期的空间遗存,但随着时间的推移,一些历史背景已经被遗忘。以广州沙面为例,利用情感量表问卷对具备不同历史知识的340个样本进行认知与情感体验评价,探索历史背景认知对旅游者情感体验的作用与情感体验差异的产生原因。研究发现:1)愉悦、目标一致性与新奇/确定决定积极情感,自我投入决定消极情感;2)接受沙面历史背景介绍的旅游者情感体验更消极,认知评价具有显著差异。殖民历史背景认知通过降低旅游者的愉悦、目标一致性,减弱积极情感欢乐、喜爱,提升自我投入从而增强消极情感气愤、悲伤、畏惧;3)殖民历史认知是否导致情感体验趋于消极由个体的评价所决定。历史背景知识为旅游者带来深入旅游体验的同时不会影响旅游追求愉悦的本质,这为殖民遗产旅游的展示与管理带来新的启示。  相似文献   

Zhangjiakou is a northern Chinese city that hosted the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. As an important ice and snow tourist destination, it is essential to investigate Zhangjiakou's rate of landscape pattern change, the landscape ecological security level, and ecosystem service value, particularly the tourism ecological service value during its construction. With land use data from 2000 to 2020, this study comprehensively analyzed the dynamic changes in Zhangjiakou, including land use dynamics, the land use transfer matrix, landscape vulnerability, landscape disturbance, ecosystem service value, tourism ecological service value, and other aspects. The results show that the landscape pattern in Zhangjiakou was greatly disturbed from 2015 to 2018, and the landscape ecological security was threatened in the process of landscape pattern adjustment. By 2020, after the landscape pattern was adjusted and stabilized, the landscape ecological security was restored, and the ecosystem service value was significantly improved, especially the tourism ecological service value. The results of this study will play an important role in promoting the optimization of Zhangjiakou's ice and snow landscape pattern and the improvement of tourism ecological value. In addition, it provides important lessons for the development of other ice and snow tourist destinations.  相似文献   

The role of tourism in social and economic development and stabilizing the Olympic legacy has been widely discussed. Beijing is the first “Dual-Olympic City”. For the first time, the Beijing Winter Olympics has adopted a model of three competition areas, which has attracted much attention to the study of its tourism legacy. In the legacy plan, the construction of the “Beijing-Zhangjiakou Sports Culture and Tourism Belt” was proposed. The development of ice and snow tourism and the cultivation of the ice and snow tourism market is also reflected in many policy documents and government actions. The scientific planning before the competition laid a good foundation for the sustainable development of its ice and snow tourism heritage. This research combines Olympic legacy research with tourism destination theory, and focuses on ice and snow tourism directly related to the Winter Olympics and the significance of pre-event planning for legacy protection. At the same time, the improvement of the quality of ice and snow tourism destinations is embedded in the pre-Olympic legacy, and opinions and suggestions on how to ensure the stability of the legacy after the games are given. This study uses the literature review method and the second-hand materials survey research method, then through establishing a tourism legacy pre-game evaluation model and the use of geographic information, government reports, policies, publicly released statistics and news reports, etc.. It explores the legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, aiming to lay the foundation for preserving the continuous value of the ice and snow tourism legacy during and after the Olympics. The results indicate that the Beijing Winter Olympics has made relatively complete plans and reliable progress in both tangible and intangible legacy. Complete tourism infrastructure, an optimistic sport and cultural atmosphere, and the improvement of residents’ health concept and sports awareness have become boosters for the development of ice and snow tourism in the Beijing-Zhangjiakou region.  相似文献   

The successful bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics has provided a new opportunity for the popularization of ice-snow sports and making improvements in the efficiency of ice-snow tourism in China. Taking Zhangjiakou City in Hebei Province as the research object and using questionnaire analysis and the structural equation model (SEM), this paper examined several hypotheses of the relationship between tourist experiential value and tourist loyalty in the context of ice-snow tourism, and a mediation analysis was conducted to explore the moderating role of travel companions. The results show that: (1) The functional value, emotional value and social value have significant positive effects on tourist loyalty; (2) Tourist satisfaction is a partial mediator between functional value, emotional value, social value and tourist loyalty, and a full mediator between cognitive value and tourist loyalty; and (3) Travel companions play a significant moderating role in the influence of emotional value on tourist loyalty. Based on these findings, several suggestions are put forward for the high-quality development of ice-snow tourism in China, including developing ice-snow family tourism products, building an ice-snow brand with winter Olympics characteristics, constructing the ice-snow industrial system, and cultivating ice-snow culture.  相似文献   

从新宅居生活看网络虚拟旅游的前景和方向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘沛林 《地理科学》2020,40(9):1403-1411
随着信息化技术和网络技术的快速发展,居家服务系统的越来越完善,不愿或不能出门实现旅游目的的人群越来越庞大。对于数量巨大的不愿或不能外出旅游的“宅居”人群来说,通过网络实现虚拟旅游是最理想的方案。网络虚拟旅游在中国起步晚,但近年来发展快,已表现出产品多样化、技术集成化、需求娱乐化、用户大众化、功能休闲化等特点。目前要解决的主要问题集中在:① 3D高清动态仿真效果提质的技术实现问题;② 运用AR等新技术优势解决现场体验感不足的问题;③ 解决景区如何在网络虚拟旅游中受益的问题。未来的网络虚拟旅游方向是:① 在线产品越来越真实化和高清化;② 客源市场越来越大众化和多元化;③ 产品内容越来越多样化和分众化;④ 展示平台越来越普及化和共享化。  相似文献   

奥运会对举办国旅游业发展具有巨大促进作用,2008年北京奥运会亦将为云南带来新的发展机遇。云南应尽快树立奥运机遇意识,引入现代营销理念,制定营销战略,利用北京奥运会的巨大“聚焦效应”开展旅游促销活动,提升云南旅游在海外的知名度、美誉度和品牌形象;培养奥运旅游业专门人才,建立高素质的旅游研发、管理和服务团队;培育针对欧美等西方国家游客的旅游产品以开拓更大海外旅游市场,使其实现从旅游大省向旅游强省的转变,以此为契机完成云南旅游业二次创业。  相似文献   

As an emerging mountain vacation tourism product, ski tourism is becoming increasingly important in the domestic tourism market. As an important theory for studying the quality of consumer experience, perceived value has been widely employed in tourism research in recent years, and improving the ski tourism experience value has become the focus of competition among ski tourism destinations. Taking the ski tourists in Chongli District of Zhangjiakou as an example, 305 valid questionnaires were collected by using online and offline methods. Based on the theory of perceived value, this paper adopted principal component analysis and cluster analysis to conduct a preliminary study of ski tourism experience and market segmentation. In addition, this paper examined the differences in demographic and behavioral characteristics of different types of ski tourists. This study finds that: (1) The perceived value of ski tourism experience includes four dimensions: facility value, perceived price, safety value and service value. (2) Using the perceived value to segment ski tourists, three different customer segments are identified: comfort-pursuant, price-sensitive and safety-oriented. (3) There are significant differences in key metrics, such as number of visits and stay time, among different types of ski tourists according to their demographic characteristics such as gender, age, monthly income, and behavioral characteristics. These results reveal the different dimensions of the perceived value of ski tourism experience and determine the market segments and characteristics of ski tourists. Developing a corresponding marketing strategy based on the different market segments can better promote the perceived value of ski tourists, and ultimately strengthen the competitiveness of the enterprises.  相似文献   

基于生成机制的旅游形象主导因子提取程序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游地能否在日益激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,与是否拥有一个强烈而鲜明的旅游形象休戚相关。因而,设计者对旅游形象认识的深度在一定程度上决定了形象设计的水平和质量、主观性倾向是我国许多城市和景点旅游形象设计存在的缺点之一、文章从旅游形象构成因子、影响因子及旅游动机出发,通过预备阶段获取所有可能的形象因子,精化阶段对形象因子赋值,提取阶段提取旅游形象主导因子,旨在为更客观的开展旅游形象设计工作提供一个程式化的建议。  相似文献   

Preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics have promoted the rapid development of ice-snow tourism in China, which contributes to achieving the goal of having “300 million people participate in ice-snow sports”. This paper analyzes the status quo and problems associated with the growth of ice-snow tourism in China based on the methods of documentation and field investigation. The results indicate that China’s efforts have born abundant fruits. Notwithstanding, there are still some problems due to the limited time and hastened process of ice-snow tourism development, including unreasonable exploitation, low-quality products and services, imperfect investment and financing system, inadequate management, a single marketing mode, and insufficient talent teams. Compared with developed countries in Europe and the United States, ice-snow tourism in China is in the stage of rapid development. To achieve the high-quality development of ice-snow tourism in China, this paper proposes actions from eight aspects which involve policy, products and services, marketing, safety management and control, talent teams, standardization construction, science and technology, and community participation. This study can provide references for the high-quality development of ice-snow tourism in China, as well as perfecting Chinese theoretical research on ice-snow tourism.  相似文献   

雷雅钦  王波  刘俊  赵莹 《热带地理》2021,41(5):1110-1119
基于在携程旅行网(Ctrip.com)上收集的2000-2019年成都相关游记,通过构建旅游目的地认知形象维度分析框架与专属的分词词库,运用游客感知偏好标准差椭圆(SDE)和文本分析,从时空维度探究成都近20年旅游目的地认知形象的演变。总体上,认知形象呈现丰富化趋势,其时空演变具有以下特征:1)游客偏好向“体验游”转变,SDE向东南(市区)偏移,旅游吸引物、旅游休闲和娱乐中“体验式消费”维度占比提高;2)“悠闲”的城市气质更加鲜明,浓烈的地方氛围促进市区吸引力的提高,推动SDE向市区方向进一步偏移;3)“去地震化”的旅游响应明显,表现在公共基础设施、旅游基础设施和旅游环境维度,受灾景区及恢复重建影响SDE方向偏移。  相似文献   

陈钢华  张艳  胡宪洋 《地理研究》2023,42(2):371-388
北京冬奥会的成功申办和举办推动了国内冰雪旅游产业和研究的快速发展。作为冰雪旅游产业核心地域载体的滑雪度假区亦日益受到关注。尤其是,滑雪度假区属性的结构维度识别及其影响评估成为冰雪旅游研究和实践的热点。本文遵循情感地理学关注人、情感与地方互动关系的研究传统,以新疆丝绸之路国际度假区和吉林长白山国际度假区为样本采集地,借由量表开发与验证流程,从度假游客感知视角识别滑雪度假区属性的结构维度,并检验它们对滑雪度假游客体验的影响。研究结论如下:(1)识别了滑雪度假区属性的结构维度(15个),并开发、验证了滑雪度假区属性量表(59个测项);(2)滑雪度假区的气候和自然环境、雪道、娱乐、工作人员和人文环境对度假游客体验有显著影响;(3)积极情绪、沉浸体验、难忘的旅游体验和满意度在滑雪度假区属性与游客重游意向、口碑推荐意向的关系中起中介作用。本文为与滑雪度假区属性相关的后续研究提供了可操作的理论框架和测量工具,并深化了对滑雪度假情境下人、情感与地方互动关系的理解。  相似文献   

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