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申鑫  曹林  佘光辉 《遥感学报》2016,20(6):1446-1460
精确估算森林生物量对全球碳平衡以及气候变化的研究有重要意义。以亚热带天然次生林为研究对象,借助地面实测样地数据,通过对机载LiCHy(LiDAR,CCD and Hyperspectral)传感器同时获取的高光谱和高空间分辨率数据进行信息提取和数据融合,建模反演森林生物量。首先通过面向对象分割方法进行单木冠幅提取,然后融合从高光谱数据提取的光谱特征变量和从高空间分辨率数据提取的单木冠幅统计变量,构建多元回归模型估算地上、地下生物量,最后利用地面实测生物量经交叉验证评价模型精度。结果表明,综合模型的精度(R~2为0.54—0.62)高于高光谱模型(R~2为0.48—0.57);在高光谱模型中地上生物量模型精度(R~2为0.57)高于地下生物量模型(R~2为0.48);在综合模型中地上生物量模型精度(R~2为0.62)同样高于地下生物量模型(R~2为0.54)。交叉验证结果表明,与仅使用高光谱数据(单一数据源)相比,通过集成高光谱和高空间分辨率数据的生物量反演效果有所提升,可以更加有效地估算亚热带森林生物量。  相似文献   

估算森林地上生物量(AGB)对于全球实现碳中和目标至关重要。本文以美国缅因州Howland森林为研究区域,借助地面实测样地数据,对比分析协同不同数据源(高光谱和LiDAR)和机器学习算法(随机森林、支持向量机、梯度提升决策树和K最邻近回归)的研究,以改善Howland森林的生物量估计精度。结果表明,采用LiDAR和高光谱植被指数变量模型的最佳精度分别为0.874和0.868,协同高光谱和LiDAR变量并采用梯度提升决策树回归模型的精度为0.927,即多源遥感数据要优于单一数据源。高光谱和LiDAR数据的协同使用对于提高类似于Howland地区或更广泛区域的生物量估计的准确性,具有普遍的适用性与一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于遥感的区域尺度森林地上生物量估算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林是陆地生态系统最大的碳库,精确估算森林生物量是陆地碳循环研究的关键。首先从机载LiDAR数据中提取高度和密度统计量,采用逐步回归模型进行典型样区生物量估算;然后利用机载LiDAR数据估算的生物量作为样本数据,与多光谱遥感数据Landsat8 OLI的波段反射率及植被指数建立回归模型,实现区域尺度森林地上生物量估算。实验结果显示,机载LiDAR数据估算的鼎湖山样区生物量与地面实测生物量的相关性R2达0.81,生物量RMSE为40.85 t/ha,说明机载LiDAR点云数据的高度和密度统计量与生物量存在较高的相关性。以机载LiDAR数据估算的生物量为样本数据,结合多光谱遥感数据Landsat8 OLI估算粤西北地区的森林地上生物量,精度验证结果为:R2为0.58,RMSE为36.9 t/ha;针叶林、阔叶林和针阔叶混交林等3种不同森林类型生物量的估算结果为:R2分别为0.51(n=251)、0.58(n=235)和0.56(n=241),生物量RMSE分别为24.1 t/ha、31.3 t/ha和29.9 t/ha,估算精度相差不大。总体上看,利用遥感数据可以开展区域尺度的森林地上生物量估算,为森林固碳监测提供有力的参考数据。  相似文献   

黄克标  庞勇  舒清态  付甜 《遥感学报》2013,17(1):165-179
结合机载、星载激光雷达对GLAS(地球科学激光测高系统)光斑范围内的森林地上生物量进行估测,并利用MODIS植被产品以及MERIS土地覆盖产品进行了云南省森林地上生物量的连续制图。机载LiDAR扫描的260个训练样本用于构建星载GLAS的森林地上生物量估测模型,模型的决定系数(R2)为0.52,均方根误差(RMSE)为31Mg/ha。研究结果显示,云南省总森林地上生物量为12.72亿t,平均森林地上生物量为94Mg/ha。估测的森林地上生物量空间分布情况与实际情况相符,森林地上生物量总量与基于森林资源清查数据的估测结果相符,表明了利用机载LiDAR与星载ICESatGLAS结合进行大区域森林地上生物量估测的可靠性。  相似文献   

机器学习算法在森林地上生物量估算中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林地上生物量是森林生产力的重要评价指标,对其进行高效监测对维持全球碳平衡和保护生态系统具有重要意义。本文首先基于冠层高度模型数据,通过分水岭分割算法得到单木冠幅边界;然后在单木冠幅范围内提取23个LiDAR变量,结合佩诺布斯科特试验森林的87组实测数据,利用随机森林和支持向量机建立森林地上生物量估算模型;最后对样地模型估算的结果进行了比较,讨论了预测结果及其精度。结果表明:本文选用的随机森林模型和支持向量机模型在估算森林地上生物量的应用中获得了较高的精度;并且,随机森林模型在基于机载雷达数据估测森林地上生物量中的估算精度更高,模型泛化能力更强,制图精度也更好,具有更好的适用性。  相似文献   

以Landsat8 OLI(operational land imager)为遥感数据源,森林资源二类调查和地理国情数据为主要辅助数据,对森林地上生物量(aboveground biomass,AGB)进行了反演和估算。以安徽省金寨县的天然林为研究对象,通过计算覆盖研究区Landsat8 OLI的光谱、纹理和地形特征,利用森林资源二类调查、地理国情普查与监测和外业调查数据建立AGB定量反演模型,以此为基础分析了不同特征对于AGB估算的影响。结果表明,基于所采用的方法得到的金寨县的森林地上生物量,最优反演模型的实测值与估算值相对误差为0.708 718,均方根误差为1.318 983,精度较高。依据该模型计算得到金寨县的生物总量为4 723 728 530 t,结果与实际情况符合。该研究对AGB定量反演和研究所采用的方法对于大范围监测森林资源具有可用性。  相似文献   

基于Landsat长时间序列数据估算树高和生物量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Landsat长时间序列数据为研究对象,旨在以光谱序列信息反演森林参数为视角,应用Landtrendr算法从时间序列数据中提取森林扰动变量,使用随机森林计算方法建立扰动变量、反射率和GLAS激光点森林参数之间的关系模型,获取树高和生物量的空间分布信息。为多源遥感数据反演森林参数提供参考,研究证明基于Landsat长时间序列数据获得的森林扰动变量能够增强反射率和森林参数之间的相关性,可提高预测精度。  相似文献   

森林地上生物量遥感反演方法综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘茜  杨乐  柳钦火  李静 《遥感学报》2015,19(1):62-74
森林地上生物量反演对理解和监测生态系统及评估人类生产生活的影响有着重要作用,日益发展的遥感技术使全球及大区域的生物量估算成为可能。近年来,不同的遥感技术和反演方法被广泛用于估算森林生物量。本文首先总结了现有的全球及区域生物量产品及其不确定性,然后综述了3类方法在森林地上生物量遥感反演中的应用,即基于单源数据的参数化方法、基于多源数据的非参数化方法和基于机理模型的反演方法,阐述了各类反演方法的特点、优势及局限性。最后从机理模型研究、多源遥感数据协同、生物量季节变化研究和遥感数据源不断丰富4个方面对今后的生物量遥感反演研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

机载多光谱LiDAR的随机森林地物分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机载多光谱LiDAR技术利用激光进行探测和测距,不仅可以快速获取地面物体的三维坐标,还可以获得多个波段的地物光谱信息,可广泛用于地形测绘、土地覆盖分类、环境建模、森林资源调查等。本文提出了多光谱LiDAR的随机森林地物分类方法。该方法通过对LiDAR强度数据和高程数据提取分类特征,完成多光谱LiDAR的随机森林地物分类;并分析随机森林的特征贡献度特性,采用后向特征选择方法实现分类特征选择。通过对加拿大Optech Titan多光谱LiDAR数据的试验表明:随机森林方法可以获得较好的地物分类精度,而且可以适当地去除部分冗余和相关的特征,从而有效提高分类精度。  相似文献   

张涛  朱建军  付海强  汪长城 《测绘学报》2022,51(9):1931-1941
由RVoG模型演变的SINC函数模型运用到TanDEM-X InSAR数据反演森林高度时面临观测信息不足的问题,且无法适应不同的森林场景。本文针对这一问题,提出小范围LiDAR数据辅助下基于TanDEM-X InSAR相干性的森林高度反演方法,此方法无须全局高精度DEM产品提供地表相位信息而仅利用相干性即可获取森林高度信息。为验证此方法的可行性,采用西班牙境内两个典型试验区的TanDEM-X InSAR数据进行验证,并利用LiDAR树高数据进行精度评定。结果表明,单基线TanDEM-X InSAR相干性可用于反演森林高度,两个试验区的精度分别为2.34 m和1.74 m。  相似文献   

Wetland biomass is essential for monitoring the stability and productivity of wetland ecosystems. Conventional field methods to measure or estimate wetland biomass are accurate and reliable, but expensive, time consuming and labor intensive. This research explored the potential for estimating wetland reed biomass using a combination of airborne discrete-return Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and hyperspectral data. To derive the optimal predictor variables of reed biomass, a range of LiDAR and hyperspectral metrics at different spatial scales were regressed against the field-observed biomasses. The results showed that the LiDAR-derived H_p99 (99th percentile of the LiDAR height) and hyperspectral-calculated modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) were the best metrics for estimating reed biomass using the single regression model. Although the LiDAR data yielded a higher estimation accuracy compared to the hyperspectral data, the combination of LiDAR and hyperspectral data produced a more accurate prediction model for reed biomass (R2 = 0.648, RMSE = 167.546 g/m2, RMSEr = 20.71%) than LiDAR data alone. Thus, combining LiDAR data with hyperspectral data has a great potential for improving the accuracy of aboveground biomass estimation.  相似文献   



Accurate estimation of aboveground forest biomass (AGB) and its dynamics is of paramount importance in understanding the role of forest in the carbon cycle and the effective implementation of climate change mitigation policies. LiDAR is currently the most accurate technology for AGB estimation. LiDAR metrics can be derived from the 3D point cloud (echo-based) or from the canopy height model (CHM). Different sensors and survey configurations can affect the metrics derived from the LiDAR data. We evaluate the ability of the metrics derived from the echo-based and CHM data models to estimate AGB in three different biomes, as well as the impact of point density on the metrics derived from them.


Our results show that differences among metrics derived at different point densities were significantly different from zero, with a larger impact on CHM-based than echo-based metrics, particularly when the point density was reduced to 1 point m?2. Both data models-echo-based and CHM-performed similarly well in estimating AGB at the three study sites. For the temperate forest in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, USA, R2 ranged from 0.79 to 0.8 and RMSE (relRMSE) from 69.69 (35.59%) to 70.71 (36.12%) Mg ha?1 for the echo-based model and from 0.76 to 0.78 and 73.84 (37.72%) to 128.20 (65.49%) Mg ha?1 for the CHM-based model. For the moist tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, the models gave R2 ranging between 0.70 and 0.71 and RMSE between 30.08 (12.36%) and 30.32 (12.46) Mg ha?1 [between 0.69–0.70 and 30.42 (12.50%) and 61.30 (25.19%) Mg ha?1] for the echo-based [CHM-based] models. Finally, for the Atlantic forest in the Sierra do Mar, Brazil, R2 was between 0.58–0.69 and RMSE between 37.73 (8.67%) and 39.77 (9.14%) Mg ha?1 for the echo-based model, whereas for the CHM R2 was between 0.37–0.45 and RMSE between 45.43 (10.44%) and 67.23 (15.45%) Mg ha?1.


Metrics derived from the CHM show a higher dependence on point density than metrics derived from the echo-based data model. Despite the median of the differences between metrics derived at different point densities differing significantly from zero, the mean change was close to zero and smaller than the standard deviation except for very low point densities (1 point m?2). The application of calibrated models to estimate AGB on metrics derived from thinned datasets resulted in less than 5% error when metrics were derived from the echo-based model. For CHM-based metrics, the same level of error was obtained for point densities higher than 5 points m?2. The fact that reducing point density does not introduce significant errors in AGB estimates is important for biomass monitoring and for an effective implementation of climate change mitigation policies such as REDD + due to its implications for the costs of data acquisition. Both data models showed similar capability to estimate AGB when point density was greater than or equal to 5 point m?2.

Forest plantations are an important source of terrestrial carbon sequestration. The forest of Robinia pseudoacacia in the Yellow River Delta (YRD) is the largest artificial ecological protection forest in China. However, more than half of the forest has appeared different degrees of dieback and even death since the 1990s. Timely and accurate estimation of the forest aboveground biomass (AGB) is a basis for studying the carbon cycle of forests. Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) has been proved to be one of the most powerful methods for forest biomass estimation. However, because of an irregular and overlapping shape of the broadleaved forest canopy in a growing season, it is difficult to segment individual trees and estimate the tree biomass from airborne LiDAR data. In this study, a new method was proposed to solve this problem of individual tree detection in the Robinia pseudoacacia forest based on a combination of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Light Detecting and Ranging (UAV-LiDAR) with the Backpack-LiDAR. The proposed method mainly consists of following steps: (i) at a plot level, trees in the UAV-LiDAR data were detected by seed points obtained by an individual tree segmentation (ITS) method from the Backpack-LiDAR data; (ii) height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of an individual tree would be extracted from UAV and Backpack LiDAR data, respectively; (iii) the individual tree AGB would be calculated through an allometric equation and the forest AGB at the plot level was accumulated; and (iv) the plot-level forest AGB was taken as a dependent variable, and various metrics extracted from UAV-LiDAR point cloud data as independent variables to estimate forest AGB distribution in the study area by using both multiple linear regression (MLR) and random forest (RF) models. The results demonstrate that: (1) the seed points extracted from Backpack-LiDAR could significantly improve the overall accuracy of individual tree detection (F = 0.99), and thus increase the forest AGB estimation accuracy; (2) compared with MLR model, the RF model led to a higher estimation accuracy (p < 0.05); and (3) LiDAR intensity information selected by both MLR and RF models and laser penetration rate (LP) played an important role in estimating healthy forest AGB.  相似文献   

森林植被碳储量的空间分布格局及其动态变化是陆地生态系统碳收支核算的基础。作为森林地上生物量的重要指示因子,森林高度的精确估算是提高森林植被碳储量估算精度的关键。现有研究已证明,由专业星载摄影测量系统获取的立体观测数据可用于森林高度提取,但光学遥感数据最大的问题是受云雨等天气因素的影响严重。区域森林地上生物量产品的生产需要充分挖掘潜在数据源。国产高分二号卫星(GF-2)虽然不是为获取立体观测数据而设计的专业星载摄影测量系统,但其获取的图像空间分辨率可达0.8 m,且具备±35°的的侧摆能力,在重复观测区域可构成异轨立体观测。本文以分别获取于2015年6月20日和2016年7月19的GF-2数据作为立体像对,其标称轨道侧摆角分别为0.00118°和20.4984°,以激光雷达数据获取的林下地形(DEM)和森林高度(CHM)为参考,对利用GF-2立体观测数据进行森林高度提取进行了研究。通过对立体处理得到的摄影测量点云的栅格化得到DSM,以激光雷达数据提供的DEM作为林下地形,得到了GF-2的CHM。结果表明GF-2提取的CHM与激光雷达CHM空间分布格局较为一致,两者之间存在明显的相关性,像素对像素的线性相关性(R2)达到0.51,均方根误差(RMSE)为3.6 m。研究结果表明,在林下地形已知的情况下,GF-2立体观测数据可用于森林高度估算。  相似文献   

The mangrove forests of northeast Hainan Island are the most species diverse forests in China and consist of the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve and the Qinglan Provincial Nature Reserve. The former reserve is the first Chinese national nature reserve for mangroves and the latter has the most abundant mangrove species in China. However, to date the aboveground ground biomass (AGB) of this mangrove region has not been quantified due to the high species diversity and the difficulty of extensive field sampling in mangrove habitat. Although three-dimensional point clouds can capture the forest vertical structure, their application to large areas is hindered by the logistics, costs and data volumes involved. To fill the gap and address this issue, this study proposed a novel upscaling method for mangrove AGB estimation using field plots, UAV-LiDAR strip data and Sentinel-2 imagery (named G∼LiDAR∼S2 model) based on a point-line-polygon framework. In this model, the partial-coverage UAV-LiDAR data were used as a linear bridge to link ground measurements to the wall-to-wall coverage Sentinel-2 data. The results showed that northeast Hainan Island has a total mangrove AGB of 312,806.29 Mg with a mean AGB of 119.26 Mg ha−1. The results also indicated that at the regional scale, the proposed UAV-LiDAR linear bridge method (i.e., G∼LiDAR∼S2 model) performed better than the traditional approach, which directly relates field plots to Sentinel-2 data (named the G∼S2 model) (R2 = 0.62 > 0.52, RMSE = 50.36 Mg ha−1<56.63 Mg ha−1). Through a trend extrapolation method, this study inferred that the G∼LiDAR∼S2 model could decrease the number of field samples required by approximately 37% in comparison with those required by the G∼S2 model in the study area. Regarding the UAV-LiDAR sampling intensity, compared with the original number of LiDAR plots, 20% of original linear bridges could produce an acceptable accuracy (R2 = 0.62, RMSE = 51.03 Mg ha−1). Consequently, this study presents the first investigation of AGB for the mangrove forests on northeast Hainan Island in China and verifies the feasibility of using this mangrove AGB upscaling method for diverse mangrove forests.  相似文献   

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