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遥感估算蒸散发量的日尺度扩展方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感是获取大面积地表蒸散发量(evapotranspiration,ET)的主要手段,但是其所获得的ET是卫星过境时刻的瞬时值,而日尺度的ET才有实际意义和参考价值。目前,已有多种由瞬时ET经过时间尺度扩展成日尺度ET的方法,如恒定蒸发比法,时间积分法、正弦关系法、作物系数法和冠层阻力法等。为了对这些方法有一个清晰的了解和在应用时为方法选择提供依据,对以上5种常用方法的原理和特点进行了总结、对比和分析,并对当前该研究领域依然存在的难点问题和研究热点进行了总结。  相似文献   

ETWatch中的参数标定方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
使用遥感手段估算区域范围的蒸散量一直是热红外定量遥感的研究热点。ETWatch是用于流域蒸散遥感监测、针对遥感应用而设计的集成框架。方法集成了具有不同应用优势的遥感蒸散模型,并以Penman-Monteith方法为基础建立时间扩展方法,利用气象数据与晴好日的通量遥感估算结果,获得逐日连续的蒸散分布图。所生成的从流域级到地块级的数据产品能动态反映区域蒸散发的时空变化规律。为深入了解遥感蒸散量估算中的不确定因素,本文将其通量计算过程分为地表参数获取(以地表温度为主)、日净辐射、蒸发比等环节与地面数据进行对比和逐项的标定。并分别采用地表阻抗扩展法和蒸发比不变法进行了时间插补的对比研究。利用站点地面观测资料对蒸散遥感监测产品的验证表明,在全年内模型蒸发比结果与实测的时段平均蒸发比的相关系数可达到0.7左右,在更长的时间尺度上(月、季、年)平均百分比误差可以减小到10%以下。  相似文献   

基于HJ-1B数据和SEBAL模型的陆面蒸散发遥感估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用HJ-1B卫星数据和SEBAL模型,进行了淮河上游段的陆面蒸散发(ET)遥感估算。选取2010年4期少云的HJ-1B卫星影像,首先对ET估算中需要的中间变量——地表温度、地表反照率进行了反演,反演结果与MODIS产品结果基本一致;在此基础上,结合部分地面气象观测数据,基于SEBAL模型进行ET估算,并利用水文站点的实测蒸发皿数据对估算的日蒸散发结果进行验证,相对误差在10%之内。将ET估算值与土地利用覆盖类型、地形因子对比分析发现,不同土地覆盖类型的ET量不同,ET空间变异性与地形特征有一定关联。  相似文献   

遥感反演蒸散发的日尺度扩展方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
遥感技术能够提供卫星过境时刻地表参量的瞬时值,进而通过模型构建可反演得到瞬时蒸散发。相对于瞬时蒸散发,日尺度蒸散发在实际生产生活中具有更重要的应用价值。本文系统地总结分析了遥感反演瞬时蒸散发的代表性日尺度扩展方法,包括蒸发比不变法、解耦因子不变法、辐射能量比不变法、参考蒸发比不变法、地表阻抗不变法和数据同化法,并对各方法的基本原理、估算精度、适用性等进行了对比分析。在此基础上,进一步综述了日尺度扩展方法存在的不确定性和主要问题,包括扩展方法本身误差、云覆盖、气象数据获取、夜间蒸散发估算、遥感反演同扩展误差累积及真实性检验等,并指出今后应从加强有云天及夜间蒸散发扩展机理和方法等方面的研究来提升瞬时蒸散发日尺度扩展精度。  相似文献   

叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)作为植被冠层的重要参数,对作物长势监测及产量估算具有重要意义。本研究以黑河流域张掖绿洲试验区为例,基于机载航空高光谱遥感影像(compact airborne spectrographic imager,CASI)数据,利用物理模型与统计模型对研究区的LAI进行估测反演。首先,利用归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)与相应实测LAI数据建立最佳线性回归模型;然后,基于混合像元分解模型和多次散射植被冠层模型构建物理模型;最后,以线性回归模型为参比修正多次散射植被冠层模型,构建半经验LAI反演模型,并比较上述模型拟合效果。研究结果表明,半经验模型为绿洲区LAI反演最优模型,模型估算精度R2达到0.89,精度提高较显著。研究对提升作物LAI的估算精度有一定意义,并将进一步推动精细农业定量遥感理论的研究与应用。  相似文献   

遥感估算伊洛河流域地表蒸散的空间尺度转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对低分辨率遥感数据在区域地表蒸散(evapotranspiration,ET)估算中存在的空间尺度效应问题,提出一种基于网格面积比例加权聚合(grid area ratio weighting lumped method,GARWLM)的空间尺度转换方法。通过在网格(1km×1km)内部基于各种地表覆盖类型所占面积比例,分别赋予相应权重,建立高分辨率遥感数据向低分辨率遥感数据的尺度转换模型,实现了由高分辨率数据估算的ET向低分辨率数据估算的ET的空间尺度转换,并通过回归对低分辨率数据估算的ET进行了尺度效应纠正。在伊洛河流域的试验结果表明,估算的ET与地面实测数据的平均相对误差由纠正前的23.5%减小到纠正后的12%,与高分辨率估算结果的相关性分别由纠正前的0.339提高到纠正后的0.604,经过尺度纠正后的ET精度有了很大程度的提高。  相似文献   

地上生物量能够有效反映作物的生长状态,其信息的实时估算对产量预测和农田生产管理都有重要意义。作物生长模型因其详尽的生理生化基础和对生长过程数字化描述能力,成为生物量估算的理想模型。近年来,研究人员利用数据同化算法将时间序列遥感数据同化到作物生长模型中,实现了作物模型由基于气象站的点模拟到区域尺度面模拟的外推,使生物量模拟结果同时具备大范围和机理性两个方面的特点。这一模式下,时间序列的遥感数据质量将对生物量模拟精度产生直接影响,作物生长后期受到光谱饱和的影响,遥感数据的作物冠层信息获取能力会出现明显下降,因此有必要对该阶段遥感数据和作物模型的结合方式进行优化,提升生物量模拟精度。本文针对东北地区春玉米生物量遥感估算存在的问题,提出了利用WOFOST作物模型结合无人机(UAV)遥感数据实现作物生长后期生物量准确估算的新思路。新思路首先利用多光谱遥感数据获取WOFOST模型具备较高空间异质性的土壤速效养分参数以提升模型的空间信息模拟能力,使其能在一定程度上摆脱点尺度模拟的限制。同时,结合集合卡尔曼滤波算法将生长前期无人机(UAV)遥感数据同化到模型中,以缩短模型单独运行时间,减少模型运行过程中的参数误差累积,实现无遥感数据参与下的短期作物生长模拟,并输出生长后期相应的生物量模拟结果。最后,本文利用地面实测数据对新方法的生物量模拟精度进行了评价。结果表明,与全生育期数据同化相比,新方法的生物量估算精度有了明显的提升(全生育期同化:R2 = 0.45,RMSE = 4254.30 kg/ha;新方法:R2= 0.86,RMSE = 2216.79 kg/ha)。  相似文献   

刘杨  黄珏  孙乾  冯海宽  杨贵军  杨福芹 《遥感学报》2021,25(9):2004-2014
株高和地上生物量AGB(Above-Ground Biomass)是作物长势监测的重要指标,因此快速获取这些信息对指导田间管理具有重要意义。本研究通过无人机搭载高清数码相机分别获取马铃薯5个生育期的影像数据,地面实测株高H(heigh)和AGB以及地面控制点GCPs(Ground Control Points)的三维空间坐标。首先,利用试验区域的影像数据结合GCPs的位置信息从生成的数字表面模型DSM(Digital Surface Model)中提取出马铃薯的株高(Hdsm)。其次,选取26种植被指数和HHdsm组成新的数据集与AGB作相关性分析,筛选出相关性较高的前7个植被指数同Hdsm作为估算马铃薯AGB的输入参数。然后,使用MLR(Multiple Linear Regression)、SVM(Support Vector Machine)和ANN(Artificial Neural Network)方法分别基于植被指数、植被指数和Hdsm构建马铃薯多生育期AGB估算模型,对不同估算模型进行比较分析,从而选择出AGB估算的最佳模型。结果表明:基于DSM提取的Hdsm与实测株高H高度拟合(R2=0.86,RMSE=6.36 cm,NRMSE=13.42%);各生育期基于3种回归技术均以植被指数融入Hdsm构建的模型精度最高,估算能力最强;各生育期利用MLR方法构建的AGB估算模型效果最佳,其次为SVM-AGB估算模型,而ANN-AGB估算模型效果最差。该研究可为马铃薯AGB快速、无损监测提供科学参考。  相似文献   

基于连续小波分析的混合植被叶绿素反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用DB4小波函数对两个尺度4个数据集混合植被高光谱数据进行连续小波分析,分析小波系数与叶绿素含量之间的相关性,建立模型并利用验证数据进行验证,将模型精度与植被指数经验模型进行比较,最后进行了不同数据集之间的交叉验证。结果表明,在叶片尺度与冠层尺度上,基于连续小波分析进行混合植被叶绿素反演,所得模型精度均高于植被指数经验模型精度;在相同尺度上,模拟与实测数据集之间有相同的小波系数特征区域,可以用来进行叶绿素含量反演。  相似文献   

准确反演区域尺度的蒸散发对于水资源循环、气候变化、科学灌溉及干旱与洪涝监测等方面的研究具有重要的科学意义,本文以漳河灌区为典型案例,构建了遥感蒸散发的SEBS模型,验证了其精度,分析了其时空规律。结果表明:①2009—2018年钟祥、荆门、团林站点的(蒸散发) ET观测值与模拟值的平均相关系数分别为0.86、0.84和0.83,RMSE平均值分别为0.61、0.67和0.62 mm/d。年际间的ET观测值与模拟值变化幅度均小于10%,相关系数范围为0.7~0.9,RMSE范围为0.4~0.8 mm/d,标准差比率范围为0.8~1.5。②研究区2009—2018年ET的平均值为427.34 mm,整体呈上升趋势。③年尺度、季尺度和月尺度ET与气温和降水在时间序列上均有较好的一致性。多时间尺度ET均呈东北和西南部高、西部低的空间分布特征。研究结果能够较好地呈现ET的高时空异质特征和年际间空间差异,本文将为漳河灌区水资源开发管理和科学灌溉提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Data from the first operational Chinese geostationary satellite Fengyun-2C (FY-2C) satellite are applied in combination with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite products for the assessment of regional evapotranspiration over the North China Plain. The approach is based on the improved triangle method, where the temperature–vegetation index space includes thermal inertia. Two thermal infrared channels from FY-2C are used to estimate surface temperature (Ts) based on a split window algorithm originally proposed for the MSG-SEVIRI sensor. Subsequently the high temporal resolution of FY-2C data is exploited to give the morning rise in Ts. Combined with the 16 days composite MODIS vegetation indices product (MOD13) at a spatial resolution of 5 km, evaporative fraction (EF) is estimated by interpolation in the ΔTs–NDVI triangular-shaped scatter space. Finally, regional actual evapotranspiration (ET) is derived from the evaporative fraction and available energy estimated from MODIS surface albedo products MCD43. Spatial variations of estimated surface variables (Ts, EF and ET) corresponded well to land cover patterns and farmland management practices. Estimated ET and EF also compared well to lysimeter data collected for the period June 2005–September 2007. The improved triangle method was also applied to MODIS products for comparison. Estimates based on FY-2C products proved to provide slightly better results than those based on MODIS products. The consistency of the estimated spatial variation with other spatial data supports the use of FY-2C data for ET estimation using the improved triangle method. Of particular value is the high temporal frequency of image acquisitions from FY-2C which improves the likelihood of obtaining cloud free image acquisitions as compared to polar orbiting sensors like MODIS.  相似文献   

ETWatch中不同尺度蒸散融合方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
柳树福  熊隽  吴炳方 《遥感学报》2011,15(2):255-269
高分辨率遥感蒸散数据集的构建受到数据源的限制和云的影响,单一传感器无法达到高时空分辨率覆盖。本文分 析了ETWatch不同尺度遥感蒸散结果的空间特征,通过几种融合方法的比较,分析数据融合前后的数据特征和信息量,将 时空适应性反射率融合模型(STARFM)集成到ETWatch,用于不同尺度遥感蒸散数据的融合,该方法可以很好的结合高 低分辨率数据的空间分布和时间分布信息,在时间上保留了高时间分辨率数据的时间变化趋势,空间上又反映了高空间分 辨率数据的空间细节差异,STARFM融合后的日ET数据与融合前1 km 日ET数据的平均相对误差为1.75%,融合后的月ET 数据与融合前1 km 月ET数据的平均相对误差为0.2%,STARFM适合于不同尺度下遥感ET数据的融合。  相似文献   

The latent heat of evapotranspiration (ET) plays an important role in the assessment of drought severity as one sensitive indicator of land drought status. A simple and accurate method of estimating global ET for the monitoring of global land surface droughts from remote sensing data is essential. The objective of this research is to develop a hybrid ET model by introducing empirical coefficients based on a simple linear two-source land ET model, and to then use this model to calculate the Evaporative Drought Index (EDI) based on the actual estimated ET and the potential ET in order to characterize global surface drought conditions. This is done using the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) products, AVHRR-NDVI products from the Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) group, and National Centers for Environmental Prediction Reanalysis-2 (NCEP-2) datasets. We randomly divided 22 flux towers into two groups and performed a series of cross-validations using ground measurements collected from the corresponding flux towers. The validation results from the second group of flux towers using the data from the first group for calibration show that the daily bias varies from −6.72 W/m2 to 12.95 W/m2 and the average monthly bias is −1.73 W/m2. Similarly, the validation results of the first group of flux towers using data from second group for calibration show that the daily bias varies from −12.91 W/m2 to 10.26 W/m2 and the average monthly bias is −3.59 W/m2. To evaluate the reliability of the hybrid ET model on a global scale, we compared the estimated ET from the GEWEX, AVHRR-GIMMS-NDVI, and NECP-2 datasets with the latent heat flux from the Global Soil Wetness Project-2 (GSWP-2) datasets. We found both of them to be in good agreement, which further supports the validity of our model's global ET estimation. Significantly, the patterns of monthly EDI anomalies have a good spatial and temporal correlation with the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) anomalies from January 1984 to December 2002, which indicates that the method can be used to accurately monitor long-term global land surface drought.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted on differentially irrigated wheat (Cv. ‘Sonalika’), on a sandy loam soil at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to evaluate the surface energy balance evapotranspiration (ET) models which use remotely sensed canopy temperature as an input. Four energy balance ET models were used in this study viz. Jackson et. al. (1977) approach; Bartholic et. al. (1970) and stability corrected and uncorrected aerodynamic resistance forms of models. To test the model, ET was estimated using remotely sensed canopy temperatrue, with the remaining to ET measured by water depletion method. Aerodynamic resistance forms of ET models performed well as compared to other models. Results indicate that remotely sensed canopy temperature as an input to surface energy balance models, offers a potential method of estimating ET from a cropped surface.  相似文献   

A procedure to estimate distributed daily evapotranspiration (ET) using remotely sensed data is presented. Landsat-TM data for a part of the Western Yamuna Canal command (Haryana) has been used for model application. The model utilizes the surface reflectance in visible, infrared and thermal bands to generate surface albedo, surface temperature and leaf area index and thus surface energy fluxes to determine distributed daily ET. Result reveals a reasonable estimate of distributed daily ET. For well-watered crop, average ET by the proposed model is estimated as 1.8 mm/d, whereas using Penmen-Monteith equation it is calculated as 1.9 mm/d. The error involved in estimating ET by the proposed model is calculated about 5%, which is quite acceptable for most applications. The proposed procedure is also found computationally simple and can also be applied on current Landsat ETM+ data.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration is a key parameter for water stress assessment as it is directly related to the moisture status of the soil-vegetation system and describes the moisture transfer from the surface to the atmosphere. With the launch of the Meteosat Second Generation geostationary satellites and the setup of the Satellite Application Facilities, it became possible to operationally produce evapotranspiration data with high spatial and temporal evolution over the entire continents of Europe and Africa. In the frame of this study we present an evaluation of the potential of the evapotranspiration (ET) product from the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) for drought assessment and monitoring in Europe.To assess the potential of this product, the LSA-SAF ET was used as input for the ratio of ET to reference evapotranspiration (ET0), the latter estimated from the ECMWF interim reanalysis. In the analysis two case studies were considered corresponding to the drought episodes of spring/summer 2007 and 2011. For these case studies, the ratio ET/ET0 was compared with meteorological drought indices (SPI, SPEI and Sc-PDSI for 2007 and SPI for 2011) as well as with the anomalies of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetic active radiation (fAPAR) derived from remote sensing data. The meteorological and remote sensing indicators were taken from the European Drought Observatory (EDO) and the CARPATCLIM climatological atlas.Results show the potential of ET/ET0 to characterize soil moisture variability, and to give additional information to fAPAR and to precipitation distribution for drought assessment. The main limitations of the proposed ratio for drought characterization are discussed, including options to overcome them. These options include the use of filters to discriminate areas with a low percentage vegetation cover or areas that are not in their growing period and the use of evapotranspiration without water restriction (ETwwr), obtained as output of the LSA-SAF model instead of ET0. The ET/ETwwr ratio was tested by comparing its accumulated values per growing period with the winter wheat yield values per country published by Eurostat. The results point to the potential of using the remote sensing based LSA-SAF evapotranspiration and the ET/ETwwr ratio for vegetation monitoring at large scale, especially in areas where data is generally lacking.  相似文献   

In this study, a theoretical model for studying the scaling effects on the two-band ratio of red to near-infrared band (TBRRN) is suggested. The model is used to explain the relationship between scaling error and local scale error; the results revealed that a special scale scaling procedure can be divided into a series smaller scale scaling procedures, and the total scaling error is the sum of the scaling error of these series’ smaller scale scaling procedure. Consequently, under the condition that the local scale is adequately fine, the total scale error at the target scale may be estimated accurately. In order to understand the mechanisms associated with scale in practical remote sensing, TBRRN data with 250 m and 1 km resolution is estimated from MODIS data at 645 and 859 nm, retrieved on September 1, 2009, in the Yellow River estuary, China. It is found that the TBRRN estimated from the 1 km resolution MODIS data is ~2.94 % smaller than as estimated from the 250 m MODIS data. The large scaling error distributes neither in the turbid waters, nor in the low suspended sediment regions, but instead in the high-low suspended sediment concentration transitional zone, which may be attributed to the spatial variable of suspended sediment in the transitional zone. This paper also points out that, owing to the importance of total scale error in achieving NASA’s mission in oceanic remote sensing, the way in which to conveniently and precisely estimate the total scale error of remote sensing parameters may potentially be an important topic in the field of oceanic remote sensing, both in present research and in the future.  相似文献   

农田水分生产率估算方法及应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
闫娜娜  吴炳方  杜鑫 《遥感学报》2011,15(2):298-312
水分生产率是评价农业灌溉用水管理水平和节水效果的一个重要指标.本文利用遥感数据定量估算了流域平原区的蒸散量和干物质量,采用经验的收获指数计算了海河流域2003-2008多年平均水分生产率.通过在水资源三级分区的统计结果分析表明:遥感估算的水分生产率可以反映单方水产出的空间差异,海河流域平原平均水分生产率为0.99kg/m3,变化范围为0.02-2.13kg/m3,总体水平较低,南北差异较大。通过ET,产量和水分生产率关系的分析表明水分生产率与产量线性相关(R=0.97),提高产量将一直是流域提高水分生产率的重要研究方向。水分生产率与产量随ET变化均为先线性增加后减小的特点,在两季作物区当年耗水量在335-575mm范围变化时,水分是影响产量和水分产出效益的关键因子,要着重提高中低产区域的水分生产率; 当耗水量超过575mm,水分不是唯一的限制因子,以提高作物的收获指数为重点。  相似文献   

This paper provides an approach for rapid and accurate estimation of built-up areas on a per pixel-basis using a integration of two coarse spatial resolution remote sensing data namely DMSP-OLS and MODIS NDVI. The DMSP-OLS data due to its free availability, high temporal resolution and wide swath was used for regional level mapping of built-up areas. However, due to its low radiometric resolution, the built-up areas cannot be estimated accurately from the DMSP-OLS data. In present study, the DMSP-OLS data was combined with MODIS NDVI data to develop an Human Settlement Index (HSI) image, which estimated the fraction of built-up area on a per pixel basis. The resultant HSI image conveys more information than both the individual datasets. These temporal HSI images were then used for monitoring urban growth in Indo-Gangetic plains during the 2001–2007 time period. Thus, the present research can be very useful for regional level monitoring of built-up areas from coarse resolution data within limited time and minimal cost.  相似文献   

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