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南京地铁沿线地面沉降监测与危险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范雪婷  李明巨  潘九宝  王圣尧 《测绘通报》2019,(10):123-126,141
采用MCTSB-InSAR技术监测南京市主城区地面沉降状况,揭示研究区内地面沉降空间分布特征;通过对地铁线路进行条带空间缓冲区分析和沿线路剖面线分析,进一步研究地铁沿线的地面及周边建筑物不均匀沉降信息;针对主要影响路段进行地质灾害危险性评价,评价结果及特征点时间序列沉降结果与同时期实际情况基本吻合。研究表明,长期进行城市主城区及地铁线路地面沉降监测具有重要意义,同时地质灾害危险性评价工作能为灾害防治及评估提供可靠的支持,具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

在城市发展中出现地面沉降是很普遍的,地面沉降造戍的危害不可忽视。本文笔者根据本单位对西安市区历年的沉降观测数据,分析地面沉降发生、发展的原因以及计算沉降量的技巧。  相似文献   

针对传统地面沉降监测手段精度高,但监测周期长、空间分辨率低、人力物力耗费大等问题,该文基于短基线集时序分析技术提取了宁波地区的地表形变信息。首先根据短基线集技术监测结果分析了宁波地区地面沉降分布特征,然后对宁波东部新城的沉降进行了精细化分析,并给出了其沉降原因。结果表明:宁波地区地面沉降整体呈现弱发育特征,部分地区存在轻微地面隆起现象,东部新城地面沉降呈现中度发育特征,并存在不均匀沉降现象,快速的城市化建设是东部新城地面沉降的主要原因。  相似文献   

西安市及其周边地区是中国地表沉降最为显著的区域之一.针对上述问题,本文采用9景降轨ENVISAT ASAR(advanced synthetic aperture radar)数据和短基线集技术提取了西安市主城区2011年2月至2011年11月的时序形变信息和沉降分布特征.研究结果表明:西安市主城区在监测期间的最大沉降速率约为-150 mm/a,最大累计沉降量约为-125 mm.在监测期间西安市主城区共形成4个显著的沉降中心,分别是鱼化寨沉降中心、电子城沉降中心、三爻村沉降中心以及西等驾坡村沉降中心,其中鱼化寨中心沉降最为严重.短基线集监测结果对比同期水准监测数据,两者结果一致性良好,两者最大残差值为5.51 mm,最小残差值为0.02 mm,均方根误差为3.22 mm,由此验证了本文短基线集形变监测结果的精度和可靠性.  相似文献   

延安新区以其规模巨大的平山造城工程而备受关注,其快速的工程建设及复杂的地质条件导致了广泛的地面沉降。利用小基线集合成孔径雷达干涉测量(small baseline subset interferometric synthetic aperture radar,SBAS-InSAR)技术对2016-05—2019-10期间获取的升轨Sentinel-1A数据进行处理,分析了延安新区工后地面沉降时空演化特征,探讨了其沉降机理及演化趋势。结果表明,新区的地面沉降区随造地工程由城区向林区发展,其面积随时间总体呈衰减趋势;地面沉降的时间演化经历快速、减缓、平稳3个过程,填方体厚度越大,其累计沉降量越大,沉降稳定所需时间越长。地面沉降主要为填方体自身的固结压缩变形,可分为瞬时沉降、固结沉降、次固结沉降3个阶段,依据不同阶段的特征并结合时序形变,可以对新区的地面沉降过程及其发展趋势进行分析。研究结果可为新区进一步开展沉降监测预警、城市规划建设及灾害防控提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

针对潍北平原地区较为严重的地面沉降灾害,该文通过长序列地面沉降监测资料全面掌握了该地区地面沉降现状,为该地区地面沉降的预防治理提供科学依据.该文利用SBAS-InSAR技术对潍北平原地区2017年8月-2019年10月期间的Sentinel-1A数据进行了处理.基于水准测量数据对监测结果进行验证,获取了该区域的地面沉降时空分布特征,对沉降典型特征点的时序形变特征进行了分析,研究了地面沉降与地下水之间的相关性.结果表明:2017-2019年间最大沉降速率超过50(mm·a-1)的区域主要包括寿光市羊口镇、营里镇、侯镇,寒亭区大家洼镇、央子镇以及昌邑市龙池镇;地面沉降受地下水超采的影响较为显著,地面沉降漏斗与深层地下水降落漏斗分布特征基本一致.  相似文献   

汶川地震后,余震活动频繁,加之成都平原内城市发展迅速,容易诱发地面沉降;对成都平原地面沉降进行监测,及时掌握沉降信息,可为相关决策提供科学依据。基于ENVISAT ASAR数据,采用小基线集(small baseline subset,SBAS)-In SAR技术,对成都平原2008―2010年地面沉降进行了监测。结果表明,各主要城市在监测时段内的地表累积形变量在-8~14 mm之间,总体形变量不大;成都平原西部区域受地震影响呈抬升趋势,沉降主要集中于成都市北侧和德阳市以南部分区域,最大沉降量为-22 mm,沉降范围随时间推移呈扩大趋势。通过实测数据验证了监测结果,精度达到2.9 mm。成都平原不存在区域性沉降的构造背景,且地下水资源丰富,沉降自然诱因不明显,城市建设活动可能为沉降的人为诱因。该成果可为今后成都平原主要城市更加精细的地面沉降监测工作提供参考。  相似文献   

时间主成分分析(temporal principal component analysis,TPCA)可用于地学领域中提取时空数据的时序特征和空间分布特征,北京平原区的地面沉降具有典型的时序和空间特征。在利用永久散射体干涉测量技术获取的北京平原区2003—2010年地面沉降数据的基础上,采用TPCA方法分析了北京平原区地面沉降时空演化特征。经分析发现:(1)TPCA分析得到的第一主成分反映了地面沉降在该长时序阶段的空间分布特征。(2)第二主成分得分为正的空间点与可压缩层厚度在130 m以上的区域在空间分布上有一致性和相关性。(3)在空间上,第一主成分为负值与第二主成分为正值的永久散射体点分布在年均沉降速率30 mm/a以上的严重沉降区域。严重沉降区具有明显的南北沉降分类现象和季节性差异,具体表现为:北部沉降区在春夏季节的沉降量大于秋冬季节;南部沉降区则与之相反。总之,基于时间主成分分析方法可分析得到研究区的地面沉降时空演化规律,为城市安全监测提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

地面沉降是一种对地面及地下基础设施造成安全隐患,对经济可持续发展和环境保护产生破坏影响的地质灾害现象。本文使用2017年5月至2018年5月16景Sentinel-1A卫星SAR影像,根据D-InSAR的初步形变监测结果将即墨城区内沉降明显的区域作为研究区,基于PS和SBAS两种时序InSAR方法对该区域进行地面沉降监测,获得的沉降分布和形变时序结果吻合。地面沉降的分布与新建高层建筑区吻合,地面形变趋势与区域降水量和地下水水位变化有较高的相关性。研究结果有助于了解即墨城区的地表沉降状况以及原因,为地面沉降综合治理和地下水水资源开发利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

谢文军 《测绘通报》2022,(11):138-143
本文利用不同手段和不同尺度的地面监测方法,分析城市填海区地面沉降的时空变化特征。通过深圳市大空港区的地面沉降监测工程实例分析,结合精密水准测量和遥感监测手段,实现了不同尺度地面沉降监测,获取该区域地面沉降时空变化特征。研究结果表明,精密水准测量方法与遥感监测方法均发现了会展中心周围道路产生的沉降,具有相同的变化特征。精密水准监测方法能较精确地获取局部地面沉降量,在石围路的建筑基坑周边产生最大为-303.6mm的地面沉降。结合不同手段和不同尺度的监测方法,可以较全面获取监测对象的形变特征。  相似文献   

地面沉降是西安市最为严重的地质灾害之一。本文基于SBAS-InSAR技术处理了西安市2018—2021年36景Sentinel-1A影像,获取了西安市最新的地表形变特征,并分析其成因。研究表明:(1)2018—2021年西安市主要地表形变区域为鱼化寨地区、电子城地区、三爻-凤栖原地区、城墙南部区域;(2)鱼化寨及电子城地区已转为抬升趋势,城墙南部一直处于抬升阶段,三爻-凤栖原地区呈下沉趋势;(3)西安市地表形变主要受承压水开采及回灌的影响,地裂缝则显著影响了地表形变的分布及走向,建筑载荷也对地表形变有一定的影响。  相似文献   

本文以京雄城际铁路河北段固安站至雄安站沿线作为研究区,利用2018—2020年共34景Sentinel-1B影像,基于小基线集雷达干涉测量技术(SBAS-InSAR)获取京雄城际铁路河北段沿线的地面沉降时空分布信息,结合空间自相关分析方法,揭示研究区地面沉降的空间分布格局,并对沉降原因进行初步分析。研究结果表明,京雄城际铁路河北段沿线地面沉降发展由北向南存在一定的差异。北部年均沉降速率小于10 mm/a,南部沉降较为严重,最大年均沉降速率达-105.6 mm/a,且沿线西部年均沉降速率高于东部区域。通过分析影响因素得知,地面沉降量与地下水埋深值存在相关性,地下水埋深高的地区地面沉降量较高。同时结合研究区土地利用变化结果发现,城市化建设所产生的静载荷对京雄城际铁路沿线的地面沉降产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

北京-天津(京津)城际铁路经过地面沉降漏斗边缘,其安全运营随着不均匀沉降的增加而威胁增加。采用时序干涉测量技术监测铁路沿线地表形变,结合剖面分析与时序分析方法探讨其与影响因素之间的响应特征,揭示铁路沿线不均匀地面沉降空间分布与演化特征。结果表明,梯度可以很好地体现区域地面沉降不均匀性,研究区可压缩层厚度、地下水开发利用情况、铁路运行等均与地面沉降呈现正相关关系。可压缩层的存在为沉降发生的基础条件,地下水开发利用与铁路运营为沉降产生的主导条件,二者的时空分布情况共同决定不均匀地面沉降的发展演化。  相似文献   

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of about 12 million people, inhabiting an area of about 625 km2. It is well known that several areas in Jakarta are subsiding rapidly. There are four different types of land subsidence that can be expected to occur in the Jakarta basin, namely: subsidence due to groundwater extraction, subsidence induced by the load of constructions (i.e., settlement of high compressibility soil), subsidence caused by natural consolidation of alluvial soil and tectonic subsidence. In addition to the leveling method, Global Positioning System (GPS) survey methods have been used to study land subsidence in Jakarta. In this paper, we characterize subsidence in the Jakarta basin using eight episodic/campaign GPS surveys between 1997 and 2005. The estimated subsidence rates are 1–10 cm/year. The observed subsidence rates in several locations show a positive correlation with known abstraction volumes of groundwater extraction. These basin-wide series of GPS measurements show how this type of measurement can play an important role in multiple public policy decision making in this rapidly growing area.  相似文献   

Human activities have a large impact on land subsidence in great metropolitan areas. In this study, the RADARSAT-2 observation data over a 4-year period (from November 2010 to September 2014) is used to investigate the trends of land subsidence in the eastern Chaoyang District in Beijing, China, and to analyze the impact of human activities on it. The observation results indicate that the temporal and spatial evolutions trend of land subsidence in this area is uneven, with deformation rates ranging from ??116.52 to 7.1 mm/year. There are two large subsidence areas located in the northern part of the study area, and we find that the groundwater exploitation and deformation rates are strongly linearly correlated. The effect of construction on land subsidence has also been investigated. Over time, land subsidence is generally increased in the study area, with an exception at the Longfor Changying Galleria area, which is under construction during the observation period. Based on the time-series analysis of permanent scattered points in the 200 m buffer area, construction activities are observed to cause both land subsidence and upheaval deformation of the surrounding soil. During the construction period, the displacement of the surrounding soil is disturbed. After completion, the initial displacement of surrounding soil is tended to involve the uplift of the surrounding soil, followed by a gradual subsidence with time.  相似文献   

针对地面沉降与地下水水位变化的内在关系,考虑地面沉降受到自身变化规律的影响,建立基于库伊克变换的地面沉降预测模型,应用该模型对某地区地面沉降统计数据进行模拟预测,有效实现该地区地面沉降与地下水水位以及本身之间的定量模拟,并探讨模型的拟合效果和预测精度。结果表明库伊克模型拟合效果较好,预测精度较高,能较好地反映研究区域的地面沉降变形趋势。  相似文献   

Significant structural damages to urban infrastructures caused by compaction of over-exploited aquifers are an important problem in Central Mexico. While the case of Mexico City has been well-documented, insight into land subsidence problems in other cities of Central Mexico is still limited. Among the cities concerned, we present and discuss the cases of five of them, located within the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB): Toluca, Celaya, Aguascalientes, Morelia, and Queretaro. Applying the SBAS-InSAR method to C-Band RADARSAT-2 data, five high resolution ground motion time-series were produced to monitor the spatio-temporal variations of displacements and fracturing from 2012 to 2014. The study presents recent changes of land subsidence rates along with concordant geological and water data. It aims to provide suggestions to mitigate future damages to infrastructure and to assist in groundwater resources management.Aguascalientes, Celaya, Morelia and Queretaro (respectively in order of decreasing subsidence rates) are typical cases of fault-limited land subsidence of Central Mexico. It occurs as a result of groundwater over-exploitation in lacustrine and alluvial deposits covering highly variable bedrock topography, typical of horst-graben geological settings. Aguascalientes and Toluca show high rates of land subsidence (up to 10 cm/yr), while Celaya and Morelia show lower rates (from 2 to 5 cm/yr). Comparing these results with previous studies, it is inferred that the spatial patterns of land subsidence have changed in the city of Toluca. This change appears to be mainly controlled by the spatial heterogeneity of compressible sediments since no noticeable change occurred in groundwater extraction and related drawdown rates. While land subsidence of up to 8 cm/yr has been reported in the Queretaro Valley before 2011, rates inferior to 1 cm/yr are measured in 2013–2014. The subsidence has been almost entirely mitigated by major changes in the water management practices of the city, i.e., a 122 km long pipeline bringing surface water from an adjacent state allowed to cease pumping in half of the wells.  相似文献   

A large agricultural area located in 20 km north of the city of Mashhad in the north-east of Iran is subject to land subsidence. The subsidence rate was achieved in a couple of sparse points by precise leveling between 1995 and 2005, and continuous GPS measurements obtained from 2005 to 2006. In order to study the temporal behavior of the deformation in high spatial resolution, the small baseline subset (SBAS) algorithm was used to generate the interferometric SAR time series analysis. Time series analysis was performed using 19 interferograms calculated from 12 ENVISAT ASAR data spanning between 2003 and 2006. The time series results exhibited that the area is subsiding continuously without a significant seasonal effect. Mean LOS deformation velocity map obtained from time series analysis demonstrated a considerable subsidence rate up to 24 (cm/yr). In order to evaluate the time series analysis results, continuous GPS measurements as a geodetic approach were applied. The comparisons showed a great agreement between interferometry results and geodetic technique. Moreover, the information of various piezometric wells distributed in the area corresponding to 1995 to 2005 showed a significant decline in water table up to 20 meters. The correlation between the piezometric information and the surface deformation at well’s locations showed that the subsidence occurrence in Mashhad is due to the excess groundwater withdrawal.  相似文献   

佛山作为中国珠三角地区经济和城市化高速发展的城市,由于其脆弱的地质水文条件,长期遭受地面沉降灾害的影响。同时,该区域地铁作为缓解城市交通压力的重要工具,其施工和运行所导致的地面沉降也影响了人们的生命财产安全。但目前针对佛山地区相关的系统研究不多,对地铁沿线的沉降规律认识不足。利用Sentinel-1数据监测了2015-06至2018-09间佛山市的形变信息,结果表明,佛山市地表形变呈零星分布,未出现大范围的沉降漏斗,形变速率为-20~5 mm/a,局部区域的沉降速率超过-30 mm/a。地面沉降主要与不稳定的地质结构、地下水抽取和局部区域工程施工有关。基于获得的形变结果,对佛山市地铁沿线的形变情况进行了研究,并对2018年佛山市地铁坍塌事故路段的沉降情况进行了详细分析,阐述了在空间分布上地铁沿线沉降差异的成因,并在时间上对地铁沿线的形变进行了模型参数反演。研究工作为今后当地政府开展地表形变普查、沉降灾害预警提供了参考,并为地铁正常运行与维护的安全监测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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