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BASICFEATURESOFFORESTSTEPPEINTHELOESSPLATEAUOFCHINA¥ZhuZhicheng(朱志诚)(DepartmentofBiology.NorthwestUniversity,Xian710069,PRC)A...  相似文献   

基于气象监测网络的森林火险快速预警模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林火灾发生频繁且突发性强,进行森林火险快速预警对于减小森林火灾损失和促进森林资源可持续发展至关重要。本文基于GIS空间分析和可视化技术,利用地面气象站构建实时气象监测网络,设计了运用气象监测网络的森林火险预警模型,可实现森林火险及时、快速预警。模型应用层次分析法建立了预警因子重要性层次结构并确定预警因子的权重;运用Voronoi图技术,基于气象站点和实时气象数据,构建气象监测网络;利用叠置分析技术计算得出预警结果。基于该模型设计的森林火灾快速预警系统应用于青海省林业局,验证了系统可行性与适用性,该模型可全面、准确、快速地实现对森林火险的预警。结果表明:① 根据预警模型及实时气象监测数据,可及时发出预警信号,快速实现县级、林场级别的森林火险早期预警和及时响应;② 运用GIS可视化技术,可快速生成相关区域森林火险的空间分布专题图,直观地观察预警等级的变化情况。实践表明,森林火险快速预警对森林火灾进行有效预防、中断管理和制定扑救措施具有重要的指导作用,并对森林防火工作、保护森林资源和人类生命财产安全具有重大意义。  相似文献   

森林资源是极其重要的自然资源。利用3S(GIS、RS、GPS)技术、数据库技术,以及网络技术建立森林防火信息系统对减少森林火灾损失具有重要意义。本文以四川省遂宁市为例,对该市森林防火信息系统的结构和功能、系统的数据库进行了设计、建设。该系统数据库的数据主要有1:1万地形图,1:1万森林资源二类调查数据,气象站点数据,扑火力量分布数据,了望站点分布数据,扑火物资储备数据,林业管理机构分布数据,以村或乡镇为单位的人口、经济统计数据及遥感影像数据库。该系统的主要功能包括数据的处理和管理,森林火险等级评价,森林火灾监测,林火趋势模拟和预测,最佳扑火路径分析,防火扑火预案制定,防火扑火决策,灾害损失评估,灾后重建辅助决策,相关图、表和报告制作等功能。在系统的搭建过程中,采用MicrosoftVisualStudio2005作为开发平台,利用Ar-cEngine组件对象模型进行软件系统的开发,采用SQLServer2005数据库管理系统和ArcSDE9.2空间数据库引擎来实现该系统的数据管理。该系统的建立对该市森林防火和森林资源管理等均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Introduction High mountain ecosystems are comparatively thrilling and sensitive at least at the upper elevation levels, and are determined by abiotic climate related ecological factors. Therefore, the ecosystems at the low temperature limits of plant life are generally considered to be particularly sensitive to climate changes (Koerner 1999). As temperature is a key factor for high mountain plants (Koerner and Larcher 1988, Gottfried et al. 1998), an upward migration of species must be conse…  相似文献   

邢福武,李泽贤,叶华谷,陈炳辉,吴德邻ASTUDYONTHEFLORISTICPLANTGEOGRAPHYOFXISHAISLANDS,SOUTHCHINA¥XingFuwu;LiZexian;YeHuagu;ChenBinghui;WuDelin(...  相似文献   

基于组件GIS的精准水稻种植信息系统的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组件式软件开发已经成为当今软件技术的潮流之一,基于COM的组件式GIS开发技术近些年来广泛应用于GIS工程中。精准农业(PA)是GIS、GPS、RS等信息技术综合在农业生产中的典型应用,这一应用需要集成的信息处理系统软件支持。本文就上海精准农业试点中的配套软件“精准水稻种植信息处理系统”(PRC/INFOV1.0)的研制过程对组件GIS的开发与集成技术进行探讨。  相似文献   

Coal fire burning around the world is an environmental catastrophe characterized by the emission of noxious gases, particulate matter, and condensation by-products. In this study, coal fire temperature is retrieved based on Landsat 5 TM images and Generalized Single-Channel Algorithm (GSCA), in Wuda coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China. Then coal fire zones are extracted by Jenks′ natural breaks and threshold methods based on temperature images. Changes of coal fire zones are analyzed from 1989 to 2008. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The coal fire temperature retrieval method based on Landsat 5 TM and the GSCA model is effective and feasible, because the temperature error is relatively small (from –2.9℃ to +2.6℃) between the measured temperature and the retrieved temperature. 2) The accuracy is relatively high to extract coal fire zones through the Jenks′ natural breaks and threshold methods, because 83.56% of surveyed area is located in the coal fire zones extracted in 2005. 3) The coal fire area increased 9.81 × 10 5 m 2 from 1989 to 2005, and the annual growth is about 6.1 × 10 4 m 2 , with an annual increasing rate of 2.48%. The area of coal fire decreased by 8.1 × 10 5 m 2 from 2005 to 2008.  相似文献   

人为或自然因素造成的森林火灾常导致森林覆盖和结构的变化,对森林碳循环产生重大影响。MODIS热异常-火灾产品(MOD14)包含地表火灾位置、可信度、火点辐射能量及其他属性信息,可用于火灾频率、等级及其变化的监测。本研究以俄罗斯欧洲地区的北方森林为研究对象,采用2005-2010年每日MODIS14数据和GIS空间分析方法,对研究区过火像元进行判别提取,分析该地区林火时空变化规律,并探讨驱动因素。结果显示,俄罗斯欧洲地区森林火灾主要分布在中南部。近年来,火灾数量呈上升趋势,2010年的火灾覆盖范围是2005年的1.5倍;年内火灾发生情况随时间波动,火险期为每年的4-10月;极端干旱天气造成的的特大型火灾事件在本研究结果中得以反映。  相似文献   

天山西部林区护林防火信息系统是综合运用空间信息技术、数据库技术及森林防火专业技术,依托地理基础信息、森林资源信息及护林防火专题信息,在Arc GIS Engine开发平台上,通过VB.NET可视化开发语言的二次开发,构建的专业应用系统。该系统的框架包括数据库及林火预测预报、火灾指挥扑救、灾后损失评估、森林资源管理等子系统,可实现火点智能定位、火场信息查询显示、辅助决策指挥等具体功能。为林区护林防火部门进行宏观管理、分析决策提供多源、及时、科学的空间信息服务,旨在改善林区防灾、减灾及森林安全工作的被动局面,提升林火管理的科学化、信息化水平。  相似文献   

基于DEM的福建省小流域划分研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以1∶10万的数字线划图为工作底图,在ARC/INFO软件环境下,采用空间内插法生成福建省的DEM。其在ARC/INFO软件的水文模块环境下,经过数据预处理、流向分析、汇流分析和流域识别等过程,最终自动提取1435个小流域。研究结果表明:在山区,流域界线基本与分水岭吻合,但在平坦地区由于等高线稀疏,加上福建海岸线非常曲折,海湾支离破碎,流域提取的结果不尽人意,流域界线需要人工进一步修正。基于DEM的流域的快速提取,大大节省了的人力、物力,从提取的效率和精度来看都是切实可行的。随着DEM的精度将不断提高,这种方法将为在全省范围内实现流域各自然要素空间组合特征的快速分析与站点观测数据的综合管理,以及流域信息的空间可视化浏览、查询、统计和流域水文模型的应用分析奠定了坚实的基础,从而推动了生态环境保护、生态环境建设等生态环境管理工作的实施。  相似文献   

Forest fire is one of the major causes of forest loss and therefore one of the main constraints for sustainable forest management worldwide. Identifying the driving factors and understanding the contribution of each factor are essential for the management of forest fire occurrence. The objective of this study is to identify variables that are spatially related to the occurrence and incidence of the forest fire in the State of Durango, Mexico. For this purpose, data from forest fire records for a five-year period were analyzed. The spatial correlations between forest fire occurrence and intensity of land use, susceptibility of vegetation, temperature, precipitation and slope were tested by Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) method, under an Ordinary Least Square estimator. Results show that the spatial pattern of the forest fire in the study area is closely correlated with the intensity of land use, and land use change is one of the main explanatory variables. In addition, vegetation type and precipitation are also the main driving factors. The fitting model indicates obvious link between the variables. Forest fire was found to be the consequence of a particular combination of the environmental factors, and when these factors coexist with human activities, there is high probability of forest fire occurrence. Mandatory regulation of human activities is a key strategy for forest fire prevention.  相似文献   

本文利用2000年的TM数据,经过图像增强、合成、几何精纠正、镶嵌和分割,以1∶10万地形图分幅标准,在微机Windows的ARC/INFO软件平台上,人机交互解译,最终获得2000年全国各省的沙漠、沙地和沙漠化土地面积。土地覆盖类型采用二级分类系统,第一级分为6大类:耕地、林地、草地、水域、建设用地和未利用土地。TM解译结果表明,于2000年,新疆维吾尔自治区、内蒙古自治区、青海省和甘肃省的沙漠、沙地和沙漠化土地面积分别为:79361263hm2、58570586hm2、18917225hm2和12340694hm2。面对中国局部生态环境得到改善但整体上土地荒漠化面积每年都在扩大的现实,利用遥感手段快速准确地监测国土荒漠化面积,对政府决策整治防护有重要意义。  相似文献   

Soil fauna have been receiving more and more attention because they play an important role in nutrient cycling. However, there is a lack of information on soil arthropods in the forest-steppe ecotone in the mountainous region of northern Hebei, which makes it difficult to meet the need of protecting biodiversity in this area. Soil arthropod communities were investigated in the forest-steppe ecotone in northern Hebei province to provide basic information on changes in mountain soil fertility, which could promote the development of soil arthropod communities in mountain ecotones. From the preliminary identification, a total of 7994 individual soil arthropods were collected, which belonged to 25 groups, 6 classes and 24 orders. Acarina, Hymenoptera and Collembola were the dominant groups in the ecotone. The number of Acarina was higher than Collembola, and this phenomenon was obviously different from other areas in the same climate zone. The increased abundance of rare groups in the Forest zone with the richer vegetation, higher arthropod abundance and more substantial litter depth, could be interpreted as a reaction to the suitable soil environment and food supply. And these rare groups were sensitive to environmental changes, which could be regarded as biotic indicators for evaluating soil quality. The analysis of community diversity showed that the abundance index (d), the Shannon-Wiener index (H′), the evenness index (J) and the density-group index (DG) were significantly higher in the forest zone, lower in the forest-steppe zone, and lowest in the meadow-steppe zone. Seasonal variations in community composition correlated with changes in average air temperature and precipitation in this ecotone. Groups and individuals of soil arthropod communities in the three zones were present in greater numbers in the middle of the rainy season than in the early or late periods of the rainy season as a whole. At the same time, seasonal changes in soil arthropod communities from different plots were also influenced by habitat condition.  相似文献   

可燃物含水率、空气温度、相对湿度、人口密度是林火预报中重要因子,将这些因子构建综合火险指数模型,该模型包括三个部分:植被火险敏感指数(FSI)、归一化天气火险指数(NWDI)、人口火险概率指数(PDI)。详细介绍模型各部分的计算方法,将该模型与遥感、GIS相结合,开发综合森林火险指数预报系统,制作2010年10月~2011年9月山东省综合火险指数图,并与实际火灾发生情况进行对比,结果表明,该模型能够取得较好的预测结果。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONAsanimportantcomponentoftheglobalterres trialecosystems ,forestlinkstheatmosphere ,soilandwatertogetherthroughitspowerfulecologicalfunc tion .Inrecentyears,owingtotheglobalwarmingandhumaninfluence ,forestfireoccurmuchmorefrequently .Theannualf…  相似文献   

森林灭火决策的参与人员可能来自不同的组织、不同领域,他们有不同知识结构、专业背景、学识和各自的经验、偏好,这往往不利于决策过程中的交流、协同进行。本文把本体引入协同式森林灭火决策中,解决决策成员在协作中对他人所述的内容理解一致问题。分析了现有建立领域本体的主要方法,并借鉴软件开发的生命周期理论,提出建立面向森林火灾的领域本体的具体实现方法。以森林灭火决策为应用导向,通过对森林灭火决策的内容分析及与领域专家相互交流,根据领域中概念分类体系和概念的组合结构,从相关领域(林业、气象学、消防工程、地理学)抽象出概念术语集、关系集、函数集、规则集等,建立可共享、理解、重用、互操作的概念模型;利用本体建模工具,建立森林灭火本体库;设计与实现了本体的解析与可视化工具,用户可以交互式的查询术语的概念内涵,利用可视化工具,显示概念之间的关系。研究成果将为学科或领域间的高效协作打下通信与交流的基础,为林业、消防的信息化研究、林火本体服务提供可借鉴的框架和成果,为林火管理和应急指挥决策提供一个语义层级次上的重要途径。  相似文献   


GIS based spatial data analysis for landslide susceptibility mapping   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Landslide susceptibility map delineates the potential zones for landslides occurrence. The paper presents a statistical approach through spatial data analysis in GIS for landslide susceptibility mapping in parts of Sikkim Himalaya. Six important causative factors for landslide occurrences were selected and corresponding thematic data layers were prepared in GIS. Topographic maps,satellite image,field data and published maps constitute the input data for thematic layer preparation. Numerical weights for different categories of these factors were determined based on a statistical approach and the weighted thematic layers were integrated in GIS environment to generate the landslide susceptibility map of the area. The landslide susceptibility map classifies the area into five different landslide susceptible zones i.e.,very high,high,moderate,low and very low. This map was validated using the existing landslide distribution in the area.  相似文献   

Study on the dominant species of Pteropoda in East China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 INTRODUCTION Pteropoda is a group of marine pelagic mol- lusks, which belongs to Opisthobranchia of Gastro- poda. Although Pteropoda is not a major group in pelagic zooplankton in terms of abundance and number of species, their ecological characters are…  相似文献   

The impact of land-use on distributed groundwater recharge and discharge in the western Jilin (WJ) was analyzed in this study. WJ is a transitional, semi-arid zone with a fragile, hydrological closed ecosystem in the Songhua River Basin (SRB). The research tool includes a seamlessly linked MODFLOW, WetSpass, the Seepage packages, and ArcGIS. The model calibration showed good agreement between simulated water table elevation and measured water table depths, while predicted groundwater discharge zones showed strong correlations with field occurrences of drainage systems and wetlands. Simulated averages for distributed recharge, water table elevation and groundwater drawdown were 377.42mm/yr, 194.43m, and 0.18m respectively. Forest vegetation showed the highest recharge, followed by agricultural farmlands, while open-water and other drainage systems constituted groundwater exit zones. When present land-use conditions were compared with the hypothetical natural pre-development scenario, an overall loss of groundwater recharge (24.09mm/yr) was observed, which for the project area is 18.05 × 108m3. Groundwater abstraction seemed to be the cause of water table drawdown, especially in the immediate vicinities of the supply wells. An important issue of the findings was the ability of the hypothetical forest vegetation to protect, and hence sustain aquifer reserves and dependent ecosystems. The profound data capture capability of ArcGIS makes it particularly useful in spatio-temporal hydroecological modeling. Biography: Moiwo Juana PAUL (1967–), male, a native of Sierra Leone of West Africa, Ph.D. candidate, specialized in wetland ecology.  相似文献   

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