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Non-point source(NPS) pollution is considered to be one of the main threats of the aquatic environment. Mountainous regions are particularly important water sources for urban areas. The various driving factors of NPS pollution such as terrain, precipitation, and vegetation type in mountainous regions show clear spatial heterogeneity. Consequently, the management systems required for NPS pollution in mountainous regions are complex. In this study, we developed a framework to estimate and map the treatment costs for NPS pollution in mountainous regions and applied this method in Baoxing County, a typical mountainous county in Sichuan Province of southwest China. The export levels of total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) in Baoxing County were estimated using the water purification model in InVEST(Itegrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) tool. NPS pollutant treatment costs were calculated based on the level of pollutants exports, water yield, water quality targets, and treatment costs of NPS pollutants per unit mass. The results show that at the watershed level the amounts of TN and TP exported in Baoxing County were below threshold limits. However, at the sub-watershed level, TN and TP excesses of 291.64 and 2.96 tons per year were found, respectively, with mean TN and TP treatment costs of 6.58 US$/hm~2 and 0.35 US$/hm~2. Appraising pollution treatment cost intuitively reflects the overall expenditure in NPS pollution reduction from an economic perspective. This study provides a foundation for the implementation of Payment for Ecosystem Service(PES) and the prevention and control of NPS pollution.  相似文献   

基于CLUE-S模型,以辽河流域为研究区,利用2000年和2010年两期土地利用数据,采用Logistic逐步回归方程ROC曲线,选择高程、距离、土壤等8种驱动因子,对2010年景观格局进行模拟,并依据2010景观格局、相应的辽河流域土地利用规划,设置3种不同情景,进行2010-2020年景观格局模拟。研究表明:(1)模拟的2010年景观格局,kappa精度达到90%以上,表明CLUE-S模型在辽河流域具有良好的景观格局模拟能力。(2)辽河流域在不同情境下,建设用地均出现不同程度的增加,耕地出现不同程度减少。其中,情景2中,森林有所减少,耕地转化幅度较大,建设用地围绕辽河流域城镇带建设逐步扩展,集中在沈阳、抚顺、鞍山等工业发达城市;情景3中,森林、湿地逐步扩大,表现在东部退耕还林,南部紧靠辽海入口湿地增加。研究结论可为未来辽河流域的生态保护建设及景观格局合理规划提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper firstly investigated the land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) in the Hun-Taizi River watershed, Northeast China from 1988 to 2004 based on remotely sensed images and geographic information systems (GIS) technology. Then, using the famous land-use change model of Conversion of Land Use and its Effects at Small regional extent (CLUE-S), this paper simulated the land use changes under historical trend (HT), urban planning (UP) and ecological protection (EP) scenarios considering urban planning and ...  相似文献   

Ascertaining the relationship between "source-sink" landscape and non-point source(NPS) pollution is crucial for reducing NPS pollution, however, it is not easy to realize this target on cell unit scale. To reveal the relationships between "sourcesink" landscape and NPS pollution based on cell units of a small catchment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region(TGRR), the runoff and nutrient yields were simulated first by rainfall events on a cell unit scale based on the Annualized AGricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Model(AnnAGNPS). Landscape structure and pattern were quantified with "sourcesink" landscape indicators based on cell units including landscape area indices and locationweighted landscape indices. The results showed that:the study case of small Wangjiagou catchment highlighted a good prediction capability of runoff and nutrient export by the AnnAGNPS model. Throughout the catchment, the spatial distribution trends of four location-weighted landscape indices were similar to the trends of simulated total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP), which highlighted the importance of spatial arrangement of "source" and "sink" landscape types in a catchment when estimating pollutant loads. Results by Pearson correlation analysis indicated that the location-weighted landscape index provided a more comprehensive account of multiple factors, and can better reflect NPS-related nutrient loss than other landscape indices applied in single-factor analysis. This study provides new findings for applying the "source-sink" landscape indices based on cell units in small catchments to explain the effect of "source-sink" landscape on nutrient export based on cell unit, and helps improve the understanding of the correlation between "source-sink" landscape and NPS pollution.  相似文献   

This study investigated and simulated land use patterns in Beijing for the year 2000 and the year 2005 from the actual land use data for the year 1995 and the year 2000,respectively,by combining spatial land allocation simulation using the CLUE-S model,and numerical land demand prediction using the Markov model.The simulations for 2000 and 2005 were confirmed to be generally accurate using Kappa indices.Then the land-use scenarios for Beijing in 2015 were simulated assuming two modes of development:1) urban development following existing trends;and 2) under a strict farmland control.The simulations suggested that under either mode,urbanized areas would expand at the expense of land for other uses.This expansion was predicted to dominate the land-use conversions between 2005 and 2015,and was expected to be accompanied by an extensive loss of farmland.The key susceptible to land-use changes were found to be located at the central urban Beijing and the surrounding regions including Yanqing County,Changping District and Fangshan District.Also,the simulations predicted a considerable expansion of urban/suburban areas in the mountainous regions of Beijing,suggesting a need for priority monitoring and protection.  相似文献   

随着南方丘陵区开发利用强度的增大,氮、磷非点源污染和水体富营养化问题日益突出。由于流域尺度非点源污染过程的复杂性,难以建立大范围、重复可控的观测和实验环境,模型模拟成为非点源污染治理辅助决策的必要手段。已有学者对南方丘陵区非点源污染过程模拟开展了相关研究,但缺乏对已有成果及其存在问题的系统总结以及对下一步研究方向的分析探讨。本文首先分析了南方丘陵区非点源污染过程的机理,认为该地区的非点源污染过程模拟应满足多过程耦合、空间全分布式及考虑区域特点等要求;然后,对南方丘陵区非点源污染过程模拟研究现状以及存在问题进行了分析,总结了现有研究在描述非点源污染物迁移路径和反映区域特点等方面的不足;最后,从适合南方丘陵区特点的流域空间离散化方法、全分布式非点源污染物迁移路径的构建、特殊地物和人为活动在全分布式非点源污染模型中的综合表达等方面探讨了下一步研究方向,旨在为南方丘陵区非点源污染过程模拟研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

大都市区增长是当前中国城镇化发展的一种主要模式,如何确定其最佳空间增长形态是新型城镇化关注的重要内容之一。本研究立足于未来“生态城市”建设理念,从自然资源生态敏感性和城市发展适宜性角度构建双重约束条件,利用元胞自动机模型构建了生态空间胁迫下的城市增长过程模拟框架,探讨了边缘性增长、生态性增长与协调性增长3种发展模式,并从建设适宜性、生态安全性与斑块紧凑性等角度构建评价指标对模拟方案进行定量化对比。最后,以长江中游城市群的南昌大都市区进行实例应用,结果表明,协调性空间增长模式能最大程度降低城市建设对生态安全空间的侵蚀,大都市区在制定城市增长边界等空间政策时宜参考此种发展模式,基于生态空间胁迫分析的城市增长过程建模是一种有用的规划决策情景分析工具。  相似文献   

淮河流域是水体遭受营养盐污染较严重的地区,本研究选择淮河上游的淮滨流域(淮滨站以上,流域面积1.6万km2)为研究对象,首先构建了淮滨流域SWAT水文水质模型,然后利用2011—2017年淮滨站实测的月径流和月氨氮浓度对SWAT模型进行了校正与验证,最后基于全球气候模型(GCM)气象数据,预测了未来30年(2020—2029年、2030—2039年、2040—2049年)不同气候变化情境(RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6.0、RCP8.5)下的径流、氨氮浓度和非点源总氮负荷。结果发现,径流在校正期和验证期的Nash-Suttcliffe系数均为0.79,氨氮在校正期和验证期的Nash-Suttcliffe系数均高于0.5,表明模型的适用性良好。研究发现本研究区施肥量与土地利用类型是非点源氮负荷空间分异的主导因素。2020—2049年,不同气候变化情景下,本研究区的降水量和气温均为增长趋势。假如保持基准期(2011—2016年)污染排放强度,仅考虑气候变化影响,流域内非点源污染总氮负荷将比基准期最多增加31.8%,流域出水口淮滨站的年均氨氮浓度将最多减小42.6%。本研究可以为气候变化下淮滨流域的水文水质管理提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

区域尺度农田氮磷非点源污染与模型应用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了农田非点源污染对生态环境的危害性,并阐述农田氮、磷非点源污染的机理及其在不同自然条件下的影响因素和监测方法。同时,对农田非点源污染的定量化、应用效应等进行了对比分析。此外,结合农田非点源污染与相关模型作了应用实例分析。  相似文献   

区域土地利用变化的情景分析涉及到影响土地利用变化的诸多因素,引起了目前学术界的广泛关注与重视。论文利用系统动力学模型与CLUE-S模型的理论框架,构建了太仆寺旗土地利用变化系统动力学模型及其时空变化模拟模型,通过对太仆寺旗土地利用变化的情景设计,实现了土地利用变化的多情景分析。研究表明,太仆寺旗在人口增长、经济发展与农牧业生产发展等宏观背景下,各种土地利用类型在诸驱动因子的综合作用下处于一个动态变化过程之中。不同的模式下,各用地类型间的竞争导致区域土地利用演替的差异较大,但参考模式、生态模式与经济模式的设计及其模拟出的土地利用变化情景,都显示出太仆寺旗县城东北部和西北部的未利用土地的集中分布区将成为未来近20年时间内土地利用变化的敏感地带。  相似文献   

山区城镇扩张受山区地形和山地灾害等因素限制,而常用的土地利用模型难以有效表达这一特征。本文通过对Dyna-CLUE(Dynamic Conversion of Land Use and its Effects Model)模型进行改进并结合系统动力学(System Dynamic,SD)模型,充分发挥这2个模型在微观土地分配,及宏观情景模拟上的优势,很好地表达了山区地形和山地灾害等因素对山区城镇扩张的限制作用,为山区城镇扩张情景模拟提供了一个有效的方法。以岷江上游地区为例,根据研究区历史统计数据构建山区城镇用地SD模型,模拟低速发展、惯性发展和高速发展3种不同发展情景下城镇用地的需求,结合Dyna-CLUE改进模型,预测了对应情景下2011-2030年的城镇用地范围,并探究其对其他土地利用类型的影响。结果表明,发展速度越快,城镇主体越快达到地理限制区域的上限,并开始沿山间平地向两端扩张。耕地受山区城镇扩张的影响要远远超出其他土地利用类型,离城镇越近受影响越大。随着城镇扩张的加剧,其对自然环境的影响也逐渐增大。模型模拟结果能为山区城镇用地规划、评估由城镇扩张造成的生态环境问题和制定相应的对策提供有效的技术支撑。  相似文献   

城市增长边界是管控城市建设用地无序扩张的有效手段,科学合理划定城市增长边界是当前研究关注的重要课题。本研究试图引入百度动态交通时间和POI数据改进FLUS模型,以长沙市中心城区为例,采用2000、2010和2018年3期土地利用数据对比验证改进FLUS模型模拟精度,并利用改进FLUS模型设置2种情景,模拟2030年长沙市中心城区土地利用变化,结合用地适宜性评价划定城市增长边界。结果显示:① 纳入动态数据的改进FLUS模型模拟2010年和2018年土地利用相比原模型KAPPA系数提高了2.90%和2.74%,总体精度提高了1.79%和1.83%,表明改进模型具有更高模拟精度;② 利用改进FLUS模型模拟的2030年长沙市中心城区土地利用变化,基准情景和生态保护情景建设用地规模分别为930.06 km2和881.36 km2,均以耕地转为建设用地比例最大;③ 长沙市中心城区刚性增长边界范围为1479.59 km2,占中心城区总面积的37.38%,边界内包含了芙蓉区、天心区、雨花区、岳麓区和开福区的大部分区域;④ 基准情景和生态保护情景下,长沙市中心城区弹性增长边界面积分别为799.35 km2和742.92 km2,建设用地扩张空间主要为长沙县和望城区,结果与2010版长沙市城市总体规划拓展方向一致。纳入动态数据的改进FLUS模型多情景模拟划定城市增长边界,能更高精度的为规划决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Sri Lanka is experiencing speedy urbanization by converting the agriculture land and other natural land cover into built-up land. The urban population of Sri Lanka is expected to reach to 60% by 2030 from 14% in 2010. The rapid growth in urban population and urban areas in Sri Lanka may cause serious socioeconomic disparities, if they are not handled properly. Thus, planners in Sri Lanka are in need of information about past and future urban growth patterns to plan a better and sustainable urban future for Sri Lanka. In this paper, we analyzed the characteristics of past land use and land cover trends in Matara City of Sri Lanka from 1980 to 2010 to assess the historic urban dynamics. The land use change detection analysis based on remote sensing datasets reveal that the conversion of homestead/ garden and paddy into urban land is evident in Matara City. The historic urban trends are projected into the near future by using SLEUTH urban growth model to identify the hot spots of future urbanization and as well as the urban growth patterns in Matara City up to the basic administrative level, i.e., Grama Niladari Divisions (GND). The urban growth simulations for the year 2030 reveal that 29 GNDs out of 66 GNDs in Matara City will be totally converted into urban land. Whereas, 28 GNDs will have urban land cover from 75% to 99% by 2030. The urban growth simulations are further analyzed with respect to the proposed Matara city development plan by the Urban Development Authority (UDA) of Sri Lanka. The results show that the UDA’s city development plan of Matara will soon be outpaced by rapid urbanization. Based on the calibration and validation results, the SLEUTH model proved to be a useful planning tool to understand the near future urbanization of Sri Lankan cities.  相似文献   

基于FLUS-UGB的县域土地利用模拟及城镇开发边界划定研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前城镇开发边界的制定与已有基本农田和生态保护红线存在较大的龃龉,在新的国土空间规划体系下,需要科学划定县域合理的城镇开发边界以实现国土空间的可持续开发利用。对此,本文提出了基于三线协调和FLUS-UGB的城镇增长边界划定方法,以江苏省丰县为研究案例,在对其2011—2017年土地利用进行模拟和验证的基础上预测了至2035年的多情景土地利用变化,结合耕地保护与生态控制背景,最终确定城镇增长边界。结果表明:① 2017年丰县土地利用模拟的总体精度达到94.7%,Kappa系数为0.895,模拟精度较高。② 基准情景下,城镇用地呈现“摊大饼”的空间扩张趋势。在耕地保护与生态控制背景下,城镇呈“放射式”向外有序扩张。③ 预测2035年丰县城镇用地开发边界面积为80.29 km2,2017—2035年共17年增长幅度达到69.07%。明确划分城镇开发边界能够有效避免城镇用地对永久基本农田和重要生态用地的侵占,从而实现城镇扩张、永久基本农田和重要生态用地保护三者之间的良好空间协调。  相似文献   

在国家大力推进新型城镇化和落实城市群空间规划的背景下,评价城市群土地生态安全水平,并以此为限制条件预测城市群未来土地利用格局,对城市群可持续发展具有重要意义。本文以环鄱阳湖城市群为研究对象,对城市群土地生态安全格局和变化进行分析,根据土地生态安全评价结果设置自然发展情景和生态保护情景,结合多分类Logistic回归和多标准评价方法(MCE),构建CA-Markov模型,预测2种情景下2030年土地利用格局并进行对比分析。研究结果表明:①2005、2010和2015年,环鄱阳湖城市群网格平均生态安全值分别为0.574、0.573和0.571,空间布局上呈现"中部低、东西高"的特征;②预测2030年,自然发展情景下新增城镇用地主要位于九江市、上饶市和南昌市,生态保护情景下限制城镇用地和其他建设用地向土地生态安全高值区扩展,使得城镇用地和其他建设用地扩展更加集中;③预测生态保护情景下,高生态安全区面积比自然发展情景下多39.39%且分布更加均匀,包括鄱阳湖周边区域、九江市中部以及新余市和吉安市,城市群生态安全得到有效保护。该研究可为环鄱阳湖城市群土地利用规划及生态保护提供参考。  相似文献   

城镇-农业-生态空间划定(简称"三区"划定)是国土空间规划的核心内容,对于科学合理地规划、利用有限的国土资源具有重要的意义。已有研究主要根据区域内土地利用与社会经济发展现状构建指标体系进行"三区"划定,较少将未来土地利用变化纳入"三区"划定过程中,使得划定结果在指导实践过程中缺乏前瞻性。针对这一问题,本文提出一种基于土地利用情景模拟,结合指标体系评价与决策树特征挖掘的"三区"划定方法,并以武汉市2015年土地利用现状为基础,在土地利用变化情景模拟的基础上进行"三区"划定。通过对比,验证了本文提出方法的合理性。研究发现:①不同情景下的"三区"空间在规模、空间分布上具有明显差异,将未来土地利用变化纳入"三区"划定过程中确有必要;②不同土地利用情景下"三区"空间的差异主要出现在三类空间的交界区域,这些区域是国土空间规划应该关注的重点区域。  相似文献   

城市的快速扩张不断改变着土地资源的转化,带来了诸多生态环境问题。分析和模拟城市扩张的机制,并对城市未来土地利用变化的风险进行预警,利于合理调控城市的发展。本文提出了一种基于地理分区和未来用地模拟(Future Land Use Simulation,FLUS)模型的城市扩张模拟模型,用于模拟和预测复杂的土地利用变化。该模型利用多指标数据进行空间聚类,耦合地理分区结果进行城市扩张模拟。珠江三角洲2005-2015年的城市扩张模拟结果显示,分区下的模拟精度(FoM=0.2329,提高了9%)明显高于未分区,说明不同分区在土地利用转化上存在空间差异,该模型能更有效地模拟城市土地利用变化。另外,本文构建了一种城市扩张预警指标评价体系,用于评估城市扩张的警情。根据在2005-2015基础上预测的2025-2045年土地利用变化结果,对珠江三角洲城市扩张进行多尺度预警分析。综合预警结果显示该区域大部分城市至2045年城市扩张警情将达到中警和重警,其中东莞警情一直维持在重警。由此,未来需要加强对珠三角城市扩张的宏观调控,以此来缓解未来城市扩张的警情。  相似文献   

In this study, three-phase satellite images were used to define rules for the allocation of time and space in construction land resources based on a complex adaptive system and game theory. The decision behavior and rules of government agent, enterprise agent and resident agent in construction land growth were explored. A distinctive and dynamic simulation model of construction land growth was built, which integrated multi-agent, GIS technology and RS data and described the interaction among influencing agents, Taking Fuyang City in the Changjiang River Delta as an example, an assessment process for the remote sensing data in construction land and scenario planning was constructed. Repast and ArcGIS were used as simulation platforms. A simulation of the spatial pattern in land-use planning and the setting of scenario planning were conducted by using the incomplete active game, which was based on different natural, social and economic levels. Through this model, a simulation of urban planning space and decision-making for Fuyang City was created. Relevant non-structured problems arising from urban planning management could be identified, and the process and logic of urban planning spatial decision-making could thus be improved. Cell-by-cell comparison showed that the simulation accuracy was over 72%. This model has great potential for use by government and town planners in decision support and technique support in the policy-making process.  相似文献   

最佳管理措施(BMP)是治理流域土壤侵蚀、非点源污染等环境问题的有效途径,基于流域过程模拟的情景优化方法可得到综合效益近似最优的BMP空间配置方案集。目前用于配置BMP的空间单元(如子流域、水文响应单元、地块、坡位)均不能有效地综合体现BMP与地形部位间的空间关系以及同一地形部位内不同土地利用斑块上的BMP差异。本文提出将坡位单元与地块单元叠加生成的坡位-地块单元作为BMP空间配置单元,结合分布式流域建模框架SEIMS和多目标优化算法NSGA-II建立一套流域BMP空间优化配置方法。以江苏省溧阳市中田舍流域的非点源污染治理为例,选取减量施肥、退耕还林、封山育林和生态林草4种典型BMP,以最大化总氮削减率、最小化经济成本为优化目标,分别采用坡位单元、地块单元、坡位-地块单元进行情景优化。结果表明:相比坡位单元和地块单元,采用坡位-地块单元可获得最多具有近似最优综合效益的BMP情景,定量评价解集分布性和收敛性的Hypervolume指数分别提升了7%和4%,且BMP在空间上分布更加精细、配置更加灵活。本文方法可有效、合理地优化流域最佳管理措施的空间配置,为流域治理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

本文以扬州市市辖区为例,利用2001年的ETM影像与2007年的ALOS影像两期遥感数据,采用面向对象的信息提取方法,获取了扬州市2001年与2007年两期土地利用空间分布图.在此基础上,研究了CLUE-S模型的原理及CLUE-S模型的应用;探讨了CLUE-S模型所需数据、驱动因子选取、模拟参数设置、模拟结果获取等,进...  相似文献   

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