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正为深入贯彻习近平总书记关于实施乡村振兴战略的重要指示精神,深入开展"思想创新大解放,职能改革大发展,服务经济大走访"活动,崇左市自然资源局组成调研组,就如何以村庄规划促进乡村振兴开展专题调研。一、崇左市推进村庄规划的经验和成效(一)编制"多规合一"的全域全要素村庄规划2019年,崇左市以行政村为单位编制"多规合一"的村庄规划,围绕"产业兴旺、生态宜居、  相似文献   

本文通过浅析第三次国土调查成果数据在村庄规划编制中的应用,旨在厘清如何将第三次国土调查成果数据应用到区域乡村空间管控当中。本文以新化县红旗新村为研究对象,从村庄规划编制中的村域综合利用现状、农村宅基地分布、乡村区域交通路网三个方面展开研究,分析第三次国土调查成果数据在村庄规划编制应用中遇到的问题和解决办法。通过挖掘第三次国土调查成果在试点村庄规划各阶段工作中的应用内涵,以期为全域乡村开展村庄规划编制工作提供应用实例。  相似文献   

正随着我国城乡发展进入新时期,"三农"问题成为我国社会各界关注的焦点问题,党的十九大提出了"实施乡村振兴战略",为乡村的建设发展指明了方向。科学的村庄规划是实现乡村振兴战略的重要前提,武汉市村庄规划与实施始于2005年"家园行动计划",针对村庄发展中存在的问题,不断探索总结,积累了一些经验,生态底线区部分村庄发展模式在省域范围内颇具影响,本文总结武汉市生态底线区村庄规划编制与实施经验,希望能为乡镇振兴发展提供借鉴。武汉市生态底线区村庄规划编制与实施面临的困境  相似文献   

近年来,我国已初步构建起乡村振兴战略的“四梁八柱”,然而,乡村振兴战略行动计划实施以来,因缺乏科学规划的引领,乡村振兴内生动力不足、成效不显著。旨在厘清“多规合一”村庄规划对实施乡村振兴意义的基础上,分析目前乡村振兴战略在指导乡村发展的过程中存在的难点和堵点,探索以编制“多规合一”村庄规划为抓手,从规划理念、规划内容、规划管控、规划方式、规划队伍、规划支撑、规划指导等方面探索解决问题的途径。  相似文献   

正为贯彻落实《中央农办农业农村部自然资源部国家发改委财政部关于统筹推进村庄规划工作的意见》和《自然资源部办公厅关于加强村庄规划促进乡村振兴的通知》要求,广西结合自身乡村特色,对各试点村庄规划进行了积极努力地探索。其中,崇左市江州区村庄规划获得了自然资源部、自治区领导高度肯定,并要求作为广西模板进行推广。带着对新时期美丽乡村的憧憬,我们走进了崇左市江州区新  相似文献   

正今年1月,在中央一号文件《中共中央国务院关于实施乡村振兴战略的意见》中,乡村旅游已明确作为实现乡村振兴战略的重要组成部分,而这也预示着乡村旅游将成为今后农业农村发展和农民增收的重要领域。土地是乡村旅游发展的载体,要发展乡村旅游,激活乡村发展的动力,实施乡村旅游用地的合理利用、规划和保护势在必行。一、乡村旅游用地的特性  相似文献   

<正>日前,河南省自然资源厅印发《河南省村庄规划导则(试行)》(以下简称《导则》),从编制原则、编制基础、村域空间布局规划等方面明确了要求,科学引导"多规合一"的实用性村庄规划编制工作,推动乡村地区高质量发展。《导则》规定,城镇开发边界内的村庄,可与城镇建设用地统一编制详细规划。  相似文献   

<正>明确规划编制主要任务和目标乡村振兴,规划先行。在自然资源部国土空间规划局相关负责人看来,村庄规划是整合村土地利用规划、村庄建设规划等乡村规划,实现土地利用规划、城乡规划等有机融合的"多规合一"的法定规划,是国土空间规划体系中乡村地区的详细规划,是开展国土空间开发保护活动、实施国土空间用途管  相似文献   

实施乡村振兴战略,是党的十九大作出的重大决策部署,是决胜全面建成小康社会、全面建设社会主义现代化国家的重大历史任务,是新时代"三农"工作的总抓手.村庄规划编制是实施乡村振兴战略的前提要求,是开展国土空间开发保护活动、实施国土空间用途管制、核发乡村建设项目规划许可、进行各项建设等的法定依据.2021年一号文件中明确提出加快推进村庄规划工作.  相似文献   

正杭州市桐庐县百江镇,处于杭州西部黄金旅游线的重要节点,呈现九山半水半分田的地貌特征,是经济薄弱的山区乡镇。2018年,桐庐县被农业农村部确定为全国乡村振兴规划编制试点县。2018年底以来,桐庐县以百江镇中的百江、联盟、双坞、金塘坞等村庄为重点,从全域土地综合整治入手编制片区乡村振兴规划,取得显著成效。本文以桐庐县百江镇为例,探讨如何编制乡村振兴规划。一、清晰规划方向乡村振兴规划的方向逻辑是"看趋势——谋起势"。(一)看趋势  相似文献   

北京休闲农业与乡村旅游发展研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
休闲农业与乡村旅游在我国已经有20多年的发展历史。北京作为最早开始发展休闲农业与乡村旅游的城市,具备良好的农业资源条件和旅游发展环境。至2007年底,北京全市实际经营的农业观光园达到1302个,观光园总收入13.1亿元,农业观光园和民俗旅游户接待人数达到2614.4万人次,休闲农业与乡村旅游的发展呈现勃勃生机。目前北京休闲农业与乡村旅游发展主要有农业观光休闲、民俗文化休闲、休闲度假三大类型;地域布局呈现近郊、中郊平原区、远郊山区三大圈层结构;与风景旅游区相结合,形成十大发展基地。"十一五"期间,北京市提出重点打造五条农业精品旅游专线,必将进一步推进观光休闲农业与乡村旅游的健康发展。本文从发展条件、发展现状和特点、发展布局、旅游线路组织等几个方面,对北京市休闲农业与乡村旅游的发展进行了全面、系统的分析和总结,并在此基础上提出了北京市休闲农业与乡村旅游发展对策与建议:合理布局、科学管理、加大投入、强化培训、加强法律保障。  相似文献   

Rural tourism in China,has undergone a rapid development in the last three decades.It is an emerging and effective catalyst that promotes industrial restructuring,agricultural development and the upgrading of rural areas.However,there remains little understanding about the core issues of rural tourism in China:the exact connotation,the principles,the development models and the future directions.This review paper identifies the key issues based on literature analysis,national statistics and press reports to form a general picture of the past,the current and the future prospects of China’s rural tourism.The paper firstly addresses the definition,content and principles of rural tourism,and then provides an overview and brief evaluation of the progress and the current development models in China.Finally,based on the analysis of the experiences and problems,the authors sum up with five pathways of the future development of China’s rural tourism from the perspective of rural tourism resources,product,market and promotion.  相似文献   

广州新型智慧城市应用探索:城乡规划的智慧化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新技术尤其是信息技术的快速发展为新型智慧城市的建设提供了条件,城市规划管理作为城市建设的前端环节,在新型智慧城市建设中发挥着重要的作用。规划管理"一张图"平台、多规合一信息联动平台等围绕新技术而形成的规划管理新手段,极大地提高政务效率,也倒逼新型智慧城市的规划管理更加智慧化。本文以广州市为例,分析城乡规划智慧化管理历程,从决策层、管理层、实施层、技术层和数据层5个维度探索城乡规划智慧化应用,构建城乡规划智慧化管理体系,关注智慧化提升城乡规划与管理能力,运用信息系统构建五年空间规划体系、一张图管理和实施评估、多源数据辅助规划决策等城乡规划智慧化方式,为相关城市建设新型智慧城市应用提供支撑。  相似文献   

~~STUDY OF RURAL TOURISM IN TURPAN ,CHINA@KEYIM Parhad$Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, P. R. China; The Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, P. R. ChinaBRAMWELL B, LANE B,…  相似文献   

GIS在中国旅游资源研究与应用中的现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代信息技术的不断发展,GIS在旅游研究与应用愈来愈深入。目前,GIS已经广泛的应用到旅游资源研究中,尤其在旅游资源空间分类、评价、旅游规划、旅游资源管理、旅游开发利用等方面取得了较大的进展。首先,本文综述了近些年来GIS在旅游资源研究中的文献资料,研究发现GIS空间分析理论与方法在旅游资源研究与开发中的应用较为广泛,但在旅游资源认知、分类及评价等方面仍存在一些尚未解决的问题。其次,在总结前人和课题组研究成果的基础上,对旅游资源认知、分类与标准化理论进行了相关论述。通过梳理GIS建模技术与空间分析方法在旅游资源信息提取与分析、旅游资源评价、旅游资源开发规划等相关研究成果中发现,旅游资源研究方法已从定性描述走向定量模型,应用成果不断增多,涉及综合评价、空间结构优化、空间布局与选址、空间发展趋势预测、空间利用规划等方面。最后,提出了未来在旅游资源知识模型、旅游资源图谱、旅游资源多维仿真以及旅游资源大数据等方面的相关展望。  相似文献   

Mountain areas are often rich in ecological diversity and recreational opportunities. Mountain tourism is thought to be an effective and important means for maintaining and expanding rural economies and, thus, improving the living conditions of rural societies. As mountain tourism service research is a professional field with several disciplines involved, a multi-disciplinary management pIatform is needed and it facilitates participation in sustainable mountain development by diverse stakeholders. With the source regions of the Yangtze and the Yellow River as a case study, this paper presents a conceptual framework for an adaptation management of mountain tourism services according to technical, policy, social and economic dimensions. The framework is based on a vulnerability assessment of mountain ecosystems, and can serve as a reference for the development of tourism service in other mountain areas.  相似文献   

烟台市进行了国土空间规划平台的升级,发布了“烟台市国土空间规划‘一张图’实施监督信息系统”。该系统基本满足了烟台市的各项发展规划需求。本文梳理了该系统的构建过程,分析了该系统的技术特点,总结了使用方法及理论,为国土空间规划平台的应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

观光农业是以农业为依托 ,农业和旅游业相结合的一种新型交叉型的新兴产业。观光农业是随着经济的发展和旅游消费市场的需要而发展的 ,它为人们观光旅游、休闲健身、欣赏田园风光、享受农家乐趣等提供了新的空间场所。分析湛江发展观光农业的资源优势 ,提出了湛江观光农业的发展构想及注意问题 ,对湛江经济文化发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The rapidly developing rural tourism industry in China has deeply influenced the livelihoods of rural households. This study compares the impact of rural tourism development in poor areas on the farmers’ livelihoods, based on the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework proposed by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development. Gougezhuang, a tourist village, and Jiaojiekou, a non-tourist village, both located in Yesanpo Tourism District in the state-level povertystricken Laishui County, Hebei Province, were selected as case studies. The livelihood models of the two villages show great differentiation after 20 years of tourism development. Gougezhuang Village has been driven by the tourism industry and farmers are employed locally, enjoying a relatively higher-income life, with a developmental livelihood model. In contrast, farmers in Jiaojiekou Village earn their living mainly by leaving home to work in the city. They have a low income, with a survival livelihood model, supported by part-time business. Considering that the two villages are adjacent and have similar development backgrounds, the analysis results indicate that rural tourism has an apparent locationspecific effect on poverty alleviation and socioeconomic development, but the development of rural tourism is limited regarding large-scale poverty alleviation efforts in poor areas. To implement a propoor- tourism strategy and achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to implement comprehensive management measures to change the local conditions of rural settlements and make full use of the spillover effect of tourist consumption.  相似文献   

By focusing on Guangzhou, this paper examines how different concepts of city in terms of urban-rural relationships are shaped in transforming China since 1949, and explores how they influence the way in which urban planning are practiced. In the pre-reform era, the city was defined as a productive space under the system of urban-rural segregation established for securing rapid industrialization. Urban planning was thus only concerned with the development of urban areas. In the 1980s and 1990s after the reform, institutional change and economic transformation mobilized the urban-rural linkages. The development of suburban areas was then con- sidered by urban planning, but this consideration was a passive response to urban problems such as population explosion and water re- sources protection. Since the new millennium, the agenda for sustainable development and problems of uneven urban-rural development have called for the development of urban-rural integration. In this context, the city is conceptualized as a complex of mountain, city, river, farmland and sea, reconstructing the ideology of urban-rural division in defining urban development. Urban planning has therefore sought in an active way to develop a sustainable city embracing rural and natural elements, and to balance economic growth and envi- ronmental protection. It is argued that developing the concept of city as a complex of urban and rural elements contributes to the urban planning for sustainable urban development, while this conceptualization relies on the recognition of the integrated urban-rural relationship.  相似文献   

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