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组成地下洞室的围岩存在不同尺度结构面所切割形成的不同尺度、不同形态结构体。这些结构体是导致施工期围岩失稳的主要因素,而且在洞室开挖前无法确定其具体位置,给围岩加固设计带来了困难。由勘探平洞地质调查获得的结构面资料,依据不同尺度结构面的成因、规模,预测其在开挖面上的出露位置十分重要。从结构面成因角度考虑,运用几何-力学耦合模拟方法,建立大跨度地下洞室围岩岩体结构模型。依据断层机制,运用力学成因拟合规模较大的断层、破碎带、层面,而基于现场结构面调查统计的结果,应用随机模拟方法并结合结构面连通率特征拟合随机结构面。采用正交试验及块体理论,确定由结构面组合形成块体的几何形态,搜索多尺度块体的分布,确定特定块体、半特定块体与随机块体的分布。进一步采用极限平衡理论,分析可能发生破坏的块体,得出洞室开挖面上需要加固的块体。最后,开发了基于几何-力学成因的多尺度结构面组合稳定性分析程序UNDGD2.0。以某在建抽水蓄能电站工程为例,搜索洞室不同开挖面上的块体组合类型与规模,分析由结构面组合构成局部块体的稳定性,为地下洞室开挖方案的确定及设计优化提供理论依据,开挖结果表明本文研究成果是合理的。  相似文献   

深开挖岩石边坡三维随机楔体的稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对水工建筑物深开挖边坡中常出现的随机楔体,应用概率与统计学理论,分析组成楔体结构面的分布及组合特征,采用三维结构面网络模拟的方法模拟边坡工程中的结构面分布,进一步研究随机楔体稳定性及分布规律,提出了三维随机楔体的稳定性系统分析方法,为边坡加固提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为研究复杂工程地质条件下的隧道围岩在施工过程中的力学特征,以陕西省石泉县喜河—后柳改建公路的拟建隧道为研究对象,以有限元为研究方法,基于其地形地貌、地层岩性、水文地质等工程地质特征数据,形成模型相关参数,以此建立隧道三维地质数值分析模型,利用隧道钝化模拟单向全断面开挖的施工工况,探讨其应力分布特征及变化规律。结果表明:开挖的隧道会表现出显著的应力集中现象,其对隧道顶部围岩稳定性影响最大;在本模型中,隧道开挖未支护时,天然应力处于临界状态的中风化绿泥石石英片岩和断层带整体处于破坏的应力状态,而开挖前相当稳定的微风化绿泥石石英片岩、微风化石灰岩、微风化闪长岩在开挖时大部分处于稳定状态,只有局部处于破坏状态,而微风化碳质石英片岩稳定性不受影响;在参考监测数据中,中风化绿泥石石英片岩开挖后失稳,其他岩层处于稳定状态。  相似文献   

倾倒变形体的变形机理控制其变形破坏特征,反映其变形演化规律,直接影响倾倒变形体的工程治理措施类型和方式.首先,通过现场监测数据绘制累计位移曲线,结合克里金插值法,分析西部某水电站导流明渠边坡的倾倒变形破坏特点,并基于分析结果对坡体进行分区,根据不同区域的特点,提出针对该倾倒变形边坡的支护建议.其次,根据导流明渠边坡的工程地质特点,以剖面2G2′为研究对象,利用 UDEC进行数值模拟,支护后边坡的破坏区域、塑性区和位移明显减小.在此基础上分析边坡从开挖前到建议支护后的变形破坏演化规律,进而揭示边坡变形机理.研究结果表明,结合克里金插值法的分析,基于监测数据进行坡体分区后的支护建议具有较强合理性.研究成果为倾倒变形体的治理设计提供了一定参考依据.   相似文献   

目前折叠内衬法已经大量应用于大城市的市政给排水管道修复中,由于内衬结构强度的差异,鲜有折叠内衬法非开挖修复天然气管道工程的案例。通过对复合软管的性能试验,在得到的修复材料物理力学性质数据基础上,建立了多层组合圆筒的受力模型及非开挖技术修复后天然气管道破坏处的应力应变有限元模型和数学经验公式,并得到了实际爆管试验的验证。结 合昆明市燃气管网的现状,简要介绍了复合软管在燃气管网修复工程中的工艺流程及应用前景。   相似文献   

胡状集油田胡12块沙三中层状、中渗、严重非均质性油藏目前处于“高含水、低采出”阶段。研究表明主力油层严重水淹,改变了储层渗流特征,形成优势渗流通道,导致注入水产生无效循环,驱油效率下降,开发效益变差。为了改善开发效果,研究优势渗流通道形成的门槛,是识别与评价优势渗流通道,并进一步刻画其空间分布,探讨其对剩余油分布控制的关键。利用胡12块沙三中87小层概念地质模型,通过油藏数值模拟方法,模拟计算了87小层优势渗流通道产生的时机(下限或门槛),并进一步利用实际注水井组的已知生产、监测及地质资料分析获得优势渗流通道的认识与采用数值模拟方法获得的认识进行了对比。结果表明,建立在87小层精细油藏描述、表征和概念建模基础上的油藏数值模拟研究是优势渗流通道研究的有力手段。   相似文献   

恩施城市建设中盆地内红砂岩斜坡破坏较为严重,其中结构面控制的逆向红砂岩斜坡破坏现象普遍。以恩施市内凤凰山公园斜坡为典型实例,研究其变形破坏过程与机理。工程地质调查与室内岩体物理力学试验研究表明,该类红砂岩斜坡破坏的影响因素为斜坡地质结构构造、地层岩性与工程诱发因素。基于物理模型试验再现了该类斜坡失稳破坏的全过程,通过坡体位移监测、有机玻璃投影监测与宏观变形拍照记录分析了斜坡的变形破坏机理,并采用离散元法数值模拟对比验证了该类斜坡破坏机理。结果表明,该类斜坡的稳定性状态主要由结构面控制,在工程开挖的作用下,斜坡沿结构面必发生失稳破坏。鉴于此,工程建设中必需对该类斜坡进行合理的边坡设计,防止出现不同规模的失稳滑动现象。   相似文献   

随着城市建设的不断加大,地下空间开发程度越来越深,伴随着基坑的开挖越来越深,城市的扩展不可避免地对地下水的补给、径流、排泄条件产生影响,而水文地质条件的改变又反过来影响制约人类的活动,甚至引发工程安全问题。该文以济南某建设项目为例,通过水文地质勘查、地球物理勘探、水位动态模拟、地下水取样等手段,研究分析近年来该建设项目周边地下水补径排条件的改变对区域地下水位的影响,以及水文地质条件的变化对建设项目工程的制约。结果表明,由于地下工程开挖、大气降水、保泉政策等因素影响,地下构筑物的开挖阻断了唯一的排泄通道,该建设项目周边地下水渗流场发生变化,由此造成项目区周边地下水位大幅上升,超过前期设计的抗浮设防水位,并对地下构筑物产生了破坏。研究结果对周边类似建设项目的选址及地下空间的开挖具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

混凝土管道在我国排水管网中广泛应用,受管道自身质量、施工质量和外荷载过大等因素的影响常产生 结构性破坏,其中较典型的结构破坏形式之一便是产生纵向裂缝.对混凝土管道进行结构性修复设计时,需要确 定管道破坏时的土荷载,综合考虑管道和土体的相互作用,目前国内外尚无这方面的研究.分析了管道新建、使 用、破坏3个阶段的土荷载变化规律,建立混凝土管道破坏后土荷载模型.建立的模型中管顶土荷载按土柱荷载 计算,管底土荷载按均布荷载计算,管侧荷载等于静止侧向土荷载与三角形分布荷载之和,并根据新建立的模型 计算管壁环向内力系数,为混凝土管道非开挖结构性修复设计提供参考.   相似文献   

基于GIS的地下水流有限差数值模拟参数自动提取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据地下水流有限差模拟有关参数的空间分布特点,将其划分为点状、线状与面状空间分布参数三种类型。利用GIS的空间分析功能,研究基于GIS的点状、线状与面状空间分布参数自动提取的技术路线。通过点、线、面三者之间空间位置关系的拓扑分析,确定地下水开采井、水位动态监测井、线状与面状水系、模拟区域边界、面状参数分布区与模型空间离散格网之间的空间位置关系。经过矢量数据与栅格数据互相转换,实现地下水流有限差数值模拟有关参数的自动提取。结合地下水流有限差分数值模拟有关参数数据文件的结构,将基于GIS提取的栅格结构数据文件自动转换成模型所需结构的数据文件,达到模型参数数据文件的自动组织与提高地下水流数值模拟的效率目的。  相似文献   

Large squeezing deformation of layered soft rock tunnel under high geo-stress has a significant time-dependent deformation behavior. In this paper, we studied the deformation mechanism during the construction period of deep-buried softrock tunnel by means of a combination of field observations and a numerical method. First, a new classification criterion for large deformations based on the power exponent variation law between the deformation and the strength-stress ratio is proposed. Then, the initial damage tensor reflecting the bedding plane(joint) distribution and an equivalent damage evolution equation derived from the viscoplastic strain are introduced based on the geometric research method, i.e., a new rheological damage model(RDL model) of layered soft rock is established consisting of elastic, viscous, viscoelastic, viscoplastic and plastic elements. A field test was conducted on the Maoxian tunnel in Sichuan province, southwestern China, which is in broken phyllite(layered soft rock) under high geo-stress. The tunnel has experienced large deformation due to serious squeezing pressure, thus we adopted double primary support method to overcome the supporting structure failure problems. The rheological parameters of phyllite in the Maoxian tunnel were recognized by using SA-PSO optimization, and the RDL model does a good job in describing the time-dependent deformation behavior of a layered soft-rock tunnel under high geo-stress. Thus, the RDL model was used to investigate the supporting effect and bearing mechanism of the double primary support method. Compared with the single primary support method, the surrounding rock pressure, secondary lining force, surrounding rock deformation, and the depth of the damage to the rock mass was reduced by 40%-60% after the double primary support method was used.  相似文献   

济宁市矿产资源丰富,大量的地下矿产资源开采引发了矿区及周边出现了地下采空塌陷、地表沉降、农田损毁等一系列问题,给当地的生态环境造成了严重影响,也限制了当地经济社会的可持续发展。该文主要在归类和分析济宁地区采空塌陷区治理现状和治理模式相关资料的基础上,有针对性地分析探讨了济宁地区塌陷地治理在政策、资金等方面存在的问题,提出了充分发挥规划的统筹作用,进一步加大矿区地质环境立体监测网络的建设,探索推广塌陷地“PPP治理模式”,积极借鉴引黄淤填的经验做法,进一步加大对环保方面的研究,着力发展高效生态治理模式,促进矿产塌陷区多元化发展,为解决当地和类似其他地区塌陷地综合治理提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

董寿志 《山东国土资源》2012,28(1):31-33,38
线状长导体,如金属管道、裸金属线、光缆等,其直径相对于埋深虽然很小,但受到激发时,能够产生很大的极化场,生产实践中对极化率的影响很大。该文主要研究了中梯和联剖2种装置下地下线状长导体的异常特征,分析了异常产生的原因,并提出了辨别这种干扰因素的方法。  相似文献   

王申 《山东国土资源》2005,21(11):30-34
本文简要论述了日照市奎山地区生态地质环境主要因子的特征。对海水入侵、水质污染、海岸带开发、采石对地质地貌景观的破坏等主要环境地质问题的现状、产生和危害进行了阐述。选取土壤、工程地质、地下水、地下水水力坡度、第四系厚度和植被6种因子进行了生态地质环境质量评价,将研究区分为良好区、较好区和较差区。在此基础上,根据生态地质环境条件和主要环境地质问题的分布,进一步将研究区划分为7个适宜性小区,并分别提出生态地质环境保护与治理建议。  相似文献   

Gas disasters always restrict the tunnel constructions in mountain area, which becomes a major geological barrier against the development of underground engineering. China is rich in coal resources and has a large amount of gas with a wide range of distribution. However, China experienced not only adverse effects on coal mining but also gas disasters in underground engineering construction, such as tunnels and chambers. With the increased number of tunnels passing through coal-bearing strata, the incidence of gas accidents is also rising. Therefore, the significance of preventing and mitigating gas disasters should be emphasized, and an effective risk assessment method for gas disasters should be established. On the basis of research on over 100 gas tunnels in China, a relatively ideal gas disaster risk assessment method and system for tunnels are established through the following measures. Firstly, geo-environmental conditions and gas situations were analyzed during construction. Secondly, qualitative analysis was combined with quantitative analysis. Finally, the influencing factors of gas disasters, including geological conditions, gas,and human factors, were investigated. The gas tunnel risk assessment system includes three levels:(1) the grading assessment of a gas tunnel during the planning stage,(2) the risk assessment of gas tunnel construction during the design and construction stages,(3) the gas tunnel outburst risk assessment during the coal uncovering stage. This system was applied to the dynamic assessment of gas disaster during the construction of the Zipingpu tunnel of Dujiangyan–Wenchuan Highway(in Sichuan, Southwest China). The assessment results were consistent with the actual excavation, which verified the rationality and feasibility of the system. The developed system was believed to be back-up and applied for risk assessment of gas disaster in the underground engineering construction.  相似文献   

Some unfavorable geological conditions can affect the construction of tunnels.In order to evaluate the damage degree of tunnel construction and determine the surrounding rock grade and stability of the tunnel,the authors used high-density resistivity method to detect the surrounding rocks of Shimodong tunnel in Xicheng Town of Helong City.The underground resistivity structures of the entrance,exit and middle parts of the tunnel are obtained.Through analysis,it is found that there are no bedrock faults near the tunnel,although some joints and fissures are developed in some locations,which are characterized by low-resistivity anomalies.The tunnel structures are stable overall,favorable for safe and efficient construction.The study also proves the good application effect of the high-density resistivity method in tunnel safety detection.  相似文献   

枣庄市市中区主要地质灾害有喀斯特塌陷、采空塌陷和崩塌。地质灾害易发区划分利用袭扰系数法,按易发程度依次为高易发区、中易发区、低易发区及不发育区。地质灾害点按规模、危害和潜在危险性划分为危险性大、危险性中等、危险性小3级。在评估基础上确定了地质灾害重点防治区、次重点防治区、一般防治区。对喀斯特塌陷应通过地下水的合理开发利用结合工程治理予以防治;对山体崩塌应以避让为主;采空塌陷应侧重土地综合开发治理。  相似文献   

某国家重大引调水工程引水隧洞将穿越聚龙山向斜可溶岩地层,可能面临严重岩溶涌突水问题。为了查明隧洞突涌水条件,选择岩溶水害风险较低的引水方案,综合采用岩溶水文地质调查、水化学与同位素分析等方法对聚龙山向斜岩溶水流系统特征进行了识别。结果表明:聚龙山向斜含水系统具有"两含夹一隔"的多层结构,下部二叠系主要为埋藏型岩溶弱发育区,而上部三叠系裸露型岩溶区中发育了具有多级水流系统的巨型岩溶汇水盆地。穿聚龙山向斜段工程论证的3个方案中,A线方案从向斜西段岩溶水系统的补给区穿越,隧洞穿可溶岩段长度短、且全部为埋藏型岩溶,剖面上绕避了三叠系岩溶汇水盆地,发生岩溶涌突水的风险低;而B线方案和C线方案均进入了三叠系岩溶汇水盆地,穿越裸露型可溶岩段的长度大,遭遇高压岩溶突水的风险高,故推荐A线引水方案。研究成果可为引水隧洞线路比选提供科学依据,对类似深埋长隧洞工程建设也具有参考价值。   相似文献   

Landslide hazard mapping during a large scale earthquake   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports a method to make hazard maps of sediment disasters resulting from an earthquake and following heavy rainfall for the entire region of Gunma prefecture, Japan. Firstly, we identified the slopes in the study area, which are susceptible to large-scale landslides and land failures during an earthquake with a magnitude of seven on the Richter scale. To analyze the sheer volume of the data, we employed a statistical method to evaluate the susceptibility, mainly considering geomorphologic conditions. Secondly, we extracted mudflow and slope failure susceptible areas and potential flooding zones resulting from a damming at a river triggered by the earthquake and heavy rainfall, and we identified the settlements which would be isolated by the road disruption caused by the sediment disasters. As the result, 359 settlements were classified as potential isolation areas. Combining the above-mentioned susceptibility maps, we obtained two types of sediment disaster hazard maps of the study area, depicting the potential hazards which would occur during the earthquake and the disasters which would be caused by heavy rainfall following the quake, respectively. These hazard maps and the disaster information would be useful for the regional disaster prevention planning and countermeasures in the future.  相似文献   

In the warm summer of 2017,a landslide failed from the south-east side of the Col des Clochettes on the top of the underlying Trajo Glacier.The study area is at an elevation of about 3500 m a.s.l.in the Gran Paradiso Massif and can be hardly reached by walking from Cogne(Aosta Valley,NW Italy).Studies conducted by field surveys,photogrammetry(structure from motion)and satellite images analysis,integrated with the evaluation of data from meteorological stations have been used to reconstruct the phenomenon and infer its causes.The site is very complex to be studied especially due to logistic problems,therefore,measurements and observations that are common practice in other landslides are very difficult to apply here.So,many of the results achieved are not adequately supported by field studies.Anyway,the following factors could have affected the stability of the slope:i)the tectonic structure of the area,which is reflected on the morphology and on the geomechanics characteristics of the rock masses;ii)the meteorological conditions during 3 months before the main failure,resulting in an extremely high temperature compared to historical data.Moreover,the analysis of multitemporal satellite images allowed to recognize that it was not a single landslide but that the phenomenon is articulated over time in at least five failures in about 2 months.Moreover,several predisposing factors may have been playing an important role in causing the instability:the degradation of permafrost(probably affecting rock mass due to the circulation of warm air and water in the discontinuity systems),the alternance of the freeze-thaw cycles and the availability of a considerable amount of water from rainfalls and nival fusion infiltrating deeply in the rock mass.More common causes such as rains and earthquakes have been excluded.  相似文献   

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