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相较于传统的网络分析,利用在线地图API可以更加准确地获取实时出行时间数据。本文基于高德地图API,在居民出行视角下解析北京首都国际机场(“PEK”,简称“首都机场”)和北京大兴国际机场(“PKX”,简称“大兴机场”)在驾车和公共交通2种出行模式下的可达性空间格局,尝试对双枢纽机场可达性以及城市的“民航+城市交通”一体化发展提出建议。结果表明:① 大兴机场的投用使北京市民航服务在空间分布上趋于“南北均衡”,两机场分别在驾车出行0.5 h和公共交通出行1 h的覆盖范围形成互补,有效提升了城市内部腹地的覆盖;② 在以北京为起止点的出行视角下,驾车出行的1 h覆盖范围开始出现重叠;而公共交通出行模式的1.5 h范围呈现重叠;③ 驾车出行模式下的机场可达性高于公共交通出行模式,且在公共交通出行模式下,北京市两机场1 h服务面积和人口数量均有待提高,亟需打造“1 h公共交通服务圈”;④ 在以北京为中转点的视角下,首都机场到各火车站的可达性高于大兴机场;未来应重点提升大兴机场-城市交通枢纽的可达性,以提升城市内部中转能力。本研究有助于为双枢纽机场城市的“民航+城市交通”一体化发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

由于城镇化发展迅速、居民对医疗服务需求的提高,使得城市人口密集区域医疗服务压力增大,因此进行医疗服务设施可达性分析具有重要意义。本文以福州市主城区为例,医疗数据来自于福州市卫健委,利用爬虫技术获得小区户数进行人口估算,基于早、中、晚各时段的实时路况信息,计算居民点到医疗服务设施的最优路径旅行时间,并绘制医疗服务等时区,利用高斯距离衰减函数改进的两步移动搜法(Gaussian-Two Step Floating Catchment Area Method, Ga-2SFCA),考虑出行模式,对福州市主城区二级以上医院进行可达性分析。结果表明:① 驾车出行模式下,医疗服务覆盖率和居民就医可达性要明显好于公共交通出行模式;② 驾车出行模式下,医疗服务可达性受出行时段影响较大;而公共交通出行方式下,各时段差异较小;③ 随着时间阈值的增大,居民点的医疗服务可达性等级提升,且高等级可达性范围逐渐扩大;④ 驾车模式下的医疗可达性空间分布和道路保持一致,呈现出“环线层次”的现象;而公共交通模式下的可达性空间分布由于受到城市公交微循环系统的影响,呈现出“轴向扩张”的现象。  相似文献   

轨道交通的快速发展提高了通勤可达性,也被认为在重构城市职住空间格局进而影响职住关系方面产生重大影响。探究城市轨道交通站点周边地区(下称轨交站点周边地区)就地职住平衡与建成环境的关系,对于通过建成环境设计促进站点尺度职住“微平衡”,调节由于轨道交通所导致的区域性职住分离意义重大。本文基于武汉市189个轨交站点刷卡数据,首先识别了轨道交通通勤人员并分析了其出行特征,进而利用逐步回归与地理加权回归模型(GWR)探究武汉市轨交站点周边地区职住平衡与建成环境的关系。结果表明:① 从整体看,武汉市向心通勤显著,且汉口片区与武昌片区之间产生较大规模的跨江通勤,跨江交通压力较大;主城区职住平衡指数优于城市近郊区,就业集聚程度呈现“中心-外围”递减趋势,居住空间围绕二环线在外围城区分布,城市整体形成“中心就业,外围居住”的职住分离格局;② 土地利用混合度、公交站点数量对轨交站点周边地区职住平衡有正向促进作用,轨交站点出入口数量则有负向作用,且各因素的影响具有明显的空间异质性;③ 非首末站的职住状况较首末站更好,而是否为换乘站则差异不大。本研究可为轨交站点周边地区就地职住平衡的形成提供参考,促进轨道交通与城市功能协调发展。  相似文献   

改善末端的慢行环境是提升绿色交通出行竞争力的关键问题。既有研究多针对出行效率问题分析地面公交末端出行的改善效果,未充分考虑城市公共交通系统与土地利用的关系。本文融合多源交通大数据构建“门到门”精细尺度的公共交通出行链,提出步行和骑行等两种方式下公共交通全过程出行时间的计算方法,据此构建基于累计机会模型的末端出行改善效果的评估模型,研究骑行替代步行后公共交通可达性改善效果。该方法两步计算具有计算量较小和数据更新机制灵活的特点,适应于大空间尺度公共交通可达性研究。基于2020年北京的案例研究表明:骑行替代的公共交通出行时间平均减少315 s,降低幅度达12.8%;末端出行效率的提高改善将进一步提升就业、医疗、餐饮、绿地、购物和休闲等城市居民活动的公共交通可达性,其改善幅度达90%、74%、94%、33%、107%和77%,且改善的区域聚集于中心城区和外围居住组团。另外,公共交通可达性改善效果呈圈层径向递减的空间特征,城市轨道交通作为公共交通的主干网络,就业、医疗、餐饮、绿地、购物和休闲活动提升效果分别为地面公交的1.43、1.43、1.70、1.42、1.70、1.71倍。  相似文献   

城市公共体育设施的分布特征与可达性、公平性等空间配置直接关系到基本公共服务的均等性与城市空间结构的完整性。本文以北京市为例,以POI数据表征城市公共体育设施,运用核密度估计、最近邻指数、改进型两步移动搜索法以及覆盖度指数等分析方法,研究北京街道尺度上城市公共体育设施的空间集聚特征及供需视角下的可达性与公平性。结果表明:(1)改进型两步移动搜索法考虑了不同等级城市公共体育设施的供给规模与“15 min生活圈”理念下的居民出行距离,适合街区级与社区级体育设施可达性分析,中心城区街区级与社区级设施空间可达性较高;(2)北京各级城市公共体育设施具有显著的空间集聚趋势,地区级设施表现为“点状集聚、面状分散”趋势,街区级总体呈现出“核心-边缘”式特征,中心城区供给数量多,周边地区配置少;社区级设施为“小集聚、大分散”模式,空间分布均匀;(3)北京社区级城市公共体育设施覆盖度高的街道最多,空间配置最为均衡,街区级设施覆盖度指数高的街道较少,覆盖范围相对有限。研究结果可为北京城市公共体育设施的规划编制与优化布局提供参考。  相似文献   

可达性作为城市绿地评价的重要指标愈加受到重视。在计算方法上,GIS网络分析法以实际交通网络为基础,相比于其他直线距离测算方法,从一定程度上真实反映了公园绿地的可达性,因此得到越来越多的应用。以长沙市岳麓区为例,运用GIS软件的网络分析法,基于步行、非机动车和机动车3种交通出行方式,定量分析了不同等级公园绿地的可达性。研究结果表明:长沙市岳麓区公园绿地整体步行可达性较差,15 min有效服务范围仅覆盖了研究区域的22.4%;社区级公园的步行可达性较差,仅有14.5%研究区域内的居民可以在15 min内到达最近的社区级公园,而基于非机动车的可达性较好,大部分居住区域的居民(占比76.2%)可以在15 min内到达最近的社区级公园;风景名胜级公园的非机动车的可达性较差,15 min可达的有效服务面积占比为30%,而机动车的可达性较好,20 min可达的服务面积覆盖了大部分研究区域(占比82.2%)。  相似文献   

等时线模型支持下的深圳市综合医院空间可达性测度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可达性是在空间分布格局、设施约束等综合条件下的空间决策问题,等时线模型为该决策分析可提供方法支持,它是以时间地理为框架,用时间成本来衡量时空可达性的重要模型。面向兴趣点(Point of Interest, POI)可达性分析通常包括2种形式:① 基于“供给”角度从特定POI出发的服务可达分析;② 基于“需求”角度从任意空间位置出发获得最近服务的便利度分析。目前的研究从“供给”角度探求特定POI的服务范围居多,对“需求”角度的等时线分析关注不够。本研究针对这一缺陷,开展面向服务需求的兴趣点可达性等时线分析,考察任意位置达到某类服务设施最近点的时间代价。在几何度量方法上,本研究利用了网络空间Voronoi图模型,与传统欧氏空间Voronoi图相比,本方法顾及了街道网络对空间通达的直接影响。本研究发现了等时线的形态、坡度等特征能够反映POI的疏密分布和道路网的通达性。  相似文献   

傅俐  王勇  曾彪  毛泳  高敏 《地球信息科学学报》2019,21(10):1565-1575
针对当前医疗资源分布不均问题,本文以重庆市北碚区为例,以行政村为最小研究单元,借助GIS空间分析技术,将多级半径和高斯距离衰减函数相结合来改进两步移动搜索法,对北碚区医疗设施空间可达性进行研究。结果表明:① 改进两步移动搜索法综合考虑了医院等级规模对居民的吸引力、距离衰减因素对居民出行意愿的影响等因素,在识别高可达性区域内部差异和边缘低可达性区域方面具有较高的敏感性,因此其计算结果能够更准确地刻画北碚区的医疗设施空间可达性特征;② 北碚区整体医疗设施空间可达性较好,呈现由中心向四周递减的特征;③ 借助冷热点分析发现北碚区医疗设施可达性空间差异大,两极分异显著,高值区主要集中在东阳街道、朝阳街道、天生街道、北温泉街道和龙凤桥街道等中心城区,低值区主要集中在金刀峡镇、柳荫镇、三圣镇、复兴街道和静观镇等边缘地区。研究结果可为相关部门制定决策规划提供依据。  相似文献   

重庆市交通网络的可达性时空特征及其演化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可达性是度量区域交通网络结构通达性的有效指标。本文以1997、2001、2004、2008和2012年为时间断面,以加权平均旅行时间为指标,对重庆市陆路交通网络中节点区县可达性时空特征及演化规律进行了研究。结果表明:重庆市交通可达性总体呈现以主城区为中心向外围区域递减的“核心-边缘”模式,可达性等值线大致呈不规则环状分布;随着路网的不断完善,可达性水平由中心向外围呈圈层式优化,各区县的可达性有大幅度的提升,但不同阶段可达性提升幅度不同,第1、2阶段(1997-2004年)可达性相对第3、4阶段(2004-2012年)而言优化程度更为显著。由于可达性值变化幅度与其初始值有关,所以,边缘地区可达性值提高幅度始终大于中心地区,区县可达性差异逐渐缩小,可达性分布趋于均衡。由于空间经济分布具有明显的不均衡性,可达性与经济发展之间具有一定的互动耦合关系,交通网络的区域效应显得更为复杂。交通网络如何与城市体系合理匹配,形成良性互动的“交通-城市-经济”复合系统,是未来区域交通建设规划应该重视的内容。  相似文献   

分时租赁和网约车同属共享汽车,但规模对比悬殊。找到差异化的出行场景有利于分时租赁在网约车主导的共享汽车市场中谋求立足之地。本文以北京地区某分时租赁公司2017年5月1日—30日的出行订单和2018年4月23日—29日的网约车出行订单为研究对象,结合城市兴趣点数据,利用地理信息层次聚类、关联规则等方法挖掘两共享汽车的典型出行场景,并进行比较分析。研究表明:① 网约车主要服务于“通勤出行”和“市内商务区之间的出行”,2种出行场景分别占网约车订单总量的40.3%和28.7%;② 分时租赁主要服务非通勤出行,其特色出行场景是“往返城市旅游景区的出行”、“城市旅游景区之间的出行”和“外城住宅商务混合区的午夜出行”,分别占分时租赁订单总量的24.4%、6.9%和5.5%。③ 在分时租赁的特色出行场景中,分时租赁与网约车或传统租车等共享出行方式相比费用更低,仅占其费用的25%~35%,具有较大的竞争优势。本研究有关出行场景挖掘的方法和结论可以为北京市分时租赁的推广以及其他共享出行研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

目前,我国的土地整治已进入生态化土地整治阶段。作为一种多类型、多尺度的综合生态治理系统,生态化土地整治可以从区域和工程尺度开展村域空间布局和工程设计,营造村域生态空间、生产空间和生活空间。村域生态空间营造可以通过村域绿色基础设施构建,形成绿色网络空间;村域生产空间(主要是农业生产空间)营造主要是通过生态化农田整理工程布局和单体工程设计,提升生态服务价值;村落生活空间营造可以通过村落空间格局塑造、街巷空间组织,庭院空间布局和公共空间建设等多个层次,形成营造适宜的居住空间。  相似文献   

A study of the accessibility of a city's scenic spots via different travel modes can contribute to optimization of tourism-related transportation while improving tourists' travel-related satisfaction levels and advancing tourism. We systematically analyzed the accessibility of 56 scenic spots in Xi'an City, China, via car and public transport travel modes using the real-time travel function of the Baidu Maps API(Application Programming Interface) along with spatial analysis methods and the modal accessibility gap index of scenic spots. We obtained the following results. First, maximum and minimum travel times using public transport exceeded those using cars. Moreover, the accessibility of scenic spots via cars and public transport presented a circular spatial pattern of increasing travel time from the center to the periphery. Contrasting with travel by public transport, car travel showed a clear time-space compression effect. Second, accessibility of the scenic spots via cars and public transport showed some spatial heterogeneity, with no clear advantages of car accessibility in the central urban area. However, advantages of car accessibility were increasingly evident moving from the center to the periphery. Third, whereas the correlation of the modal accessibility gap index of scenic spots in Xi'an with global space was significantly positive, local spatial interdependence was only evident in some inner city areas and in marginal areas. Moreover, spatial heterogeneity was evident in two regions but was insignificant in other areas, indicating that the spatial interdependence of the modal accessibility gap index in most scenic spots was not apparent in terms of the overall effect of public transport routes, road networks, and the distribution of scenic spots. The improvement of public transport coverage in marginal areas and the optimization of public transport routes in central urban areas are essential tasks for improving travel using public transport in the future.  相似文献   

Accessibility is a factor affecting national park visitation. However, the effect of accessibility on national park visitation is not fully understood. This paper examines the relationship between U.S.national park visitation and accessibility. First, the global and local accessibility indexes of each park unit are computed based on an accessibility model that takes into account the surrounding population and its proximity to the park unit. Integrated in the model is a distance decay coefficient that is derived from U.S.national park visitor surveys and therefore pertinent to the case of study. Then correlation analysis is performed between park visitation and accessibility based on park types, regions, and visitation types.Results show that total visitation is positively related to accessibility in National Memorials, Military Parks and Battlefield Parks/Sites but negatively related to accessibility in national parks and national monuments. However, recreational overnight stay visits are commonly negatively correlated to accessibility for almost all park types. Moreover, local accessibility index displays enhanced correlation coefficients with improved significance levels in many categories of analysis. Results suggest that historical/cultural national parks which often show positive correlations tend to attract more local visitors,but nature-based parks which mainly show negative correlations tend to attract more distant visitors.  相似文献   

The relationship between the supply and demand for ecosystem services(ESs) is a key issue for the rational allocation of natural resources and optimisation of sustainable development capacity. This paper investigateed the dynamic evolution features of supply and demand of four ESs in Lanzhou of China, namely, water supply, food supply, carbon fixation and soil retention services. The crosssectional data of 2005 and 2017 were used for calculating ESs value and its supply and demand through ArcGIS software, InVEST model, elastic coefficient model and coupling coordination model. Results showed that: 1) from 2005 to 2017, the supply of water supply services increased, the demand of soil retention services decreased, and the supply and demand of food supply and carbon fixation services increased. The high-value areas of service supply were mainly distributed in the rocky mountain areas in the southeast and northwest with high vegetation coverage, while the high-value areas of demand were mainly distributed in the urban areas and surrounding areas with high population density. 2) There were five different types of coupling relations. Water supply service was dominated by a negative coupling type D, which means that the decrease in demand for ESs has had a positive response on the supply of ESs. Negative coupling type C was the main type of food supply and carbon fixation services, which means that the increase in demand for ESs has had a negative response on the supply of ESs. All three services were supplemented by a positive coupling type A, which means that the increase in demand for ESs has had a positive response on the supply of ESs. Soil retention service generally exhibits a positive coupling type B, which means that the decrease in demand for ESs has had a negative response on the supply of ESs. 3) Over the past12 yr, the coordination degree of supply and demand of water supply, food supply and soil retention services decreased, and the coordination degree of carbon fixation service increased. Various types of ES had a low degree of coupling and coordination, showing different characteristics of temporal and spatial evolution. The areas with imbalanced ESs supply and demand were mainly distributed in urban areas dominated by construction land. The research results are valuable to the optimisation of urban and rural ecological environments and the sustainable development of territory space under the framework of ecological civilisation, including similar ecologically vulnerable areas in other developing countries.  相似文献   

当前我国人口形势面临老龄化与少子化风险,抓好“一老一小”、确保老有所养和幼有所育成为我国城乡发展中特别关注的方面。在这一背景下,如何营造有利于养老和生育的社会环境,如何针对老年人、育龄妇女和儿童等弱势人群提供更为合理的设施配置成为民生工程的重要内容。社区服务设施作为城市公共服务的空间载体,其配置模式的完善与提升是落实以人为本、集中体现社会公平的重要路径。当前,从网络地图规划路径API获取的出行时间成本矩阵能够为可达性研究提供接近真实的出行时间数据,此外个体化的人口数据如实有人口数据能够以其丰富的属性信息为识别各类弱势人群提供依据,同时精确刻画人口的空间分布。本文基于弱势人群的需求特征与相关规范,对老年人、育龄妇女和儿童三类弱势人群提出了明确定义,并构建了面向各类弱势人群个体使用需求的社区服务设施供给标准。在此基础上,利用实有人口数据、网络地图出行时间成本矩阵和POI数据,综合考虑社区服务设施的服务容量,提出了基于弱势人群个体可达性评价的社区服务设施供给评价与布局优化方法,并以广州市人民南社区为例进行了应用实践。研究表明,人民南社区的弱势人群服务设施供给存在不足,优化配置后设施的供需情况更加合理,服务人口覆盖率亦明显提升。本文提出的方法能够从独立个体尺度精确评价社区弱势人群服务设施的布局合理性,在拓展数据类型及应用方法方面为当前人口形势下精细化研究服务设施的空间分布和供需问题提供新的思路。  相似文献   

This study attempts to evaluate the rationality of the spatial layout of shopping malls and identify the urban area with poor shopping mall accessibility, as well as to provide a reference and assist decision-making for planning. Using the case of Nanjing, China, this study developed a method to evaluate the accessibility of shopping malls by three transport modes(car traffic, public transit, and bicycle). Specially, we divide the urban space into a regular hexagonal grid and harvest the total travel time from each of 7204 hexagon centroids to each of 129 shopping malls using the Baidu Internet map. The door-to-door travel time approach is used to evaluate all travel stages(walking, waiting, transfer, and transportation) based on travel time calculations. We further divide the shopping malls into two levels(super-regional and regional) based on the Dianping App's information and develop the indicator of accessibility to shopping malls: the number of shopping malls within tolerance time thresholds and apply the closest facility and cumulative opportunities methods to measure accessibility scores. The results show that the accessibility estimations vary greatly with transport modes. The accessibility of shopping malls presents a concentric ring trend centered on the city center under the car traffic and bicycle modes. And public transit accessibility tends to axially extend due to the topology of bus routes and metro lines. In particular, we observe that the accessibility of shopping malls in Nanjing has an uneven spatial distribution pattern, with high accessibility values in the central urban areas and lots of underserved areas in urban fringe regions. Based on the accessibility measurements, we finally map the poor accessibility area and propose corresponding implications for urban planning.  相似文献   

本文选择大连市沙河口和西岗区为研究区,以Landsat ETM、SPOT等数据为基础,通过遥感解译和反演得到1999年和2013年研究区内绿地及地表温度空间分布及演变特征,结合温度-植被指数(TVX)空间分析法测度城区发展过程中绿色空间减退所引起的热环境效应,以提出更有针对性的城市气候变化适应性规划。研究结果表明:(1)1999-2013年,研究区绿地面积减少43.8%,绿地斑块增加42.9%,城市绿地呈现面积减少、空间分布碎化的演变特征。其中,森林绿地、公园绿地和街区绿地转化为建设用地的贡献率分别为43.8%、42.9%和13.3%,街区绿地因原始面积小且转化率高,被建设用地侵占最为严重。(2)1999-2013年,研究区地表温度最高值上升5.2 K,地表温差增加1.7 K,地温聚集区间由301.6 ~304.7 K上升至306.5~310.9 K,热环境效应加剧。(3)TVX模型追踪结果显示,快速城市化过程中研究区内城市绿地转化为建设用地引起植被覆盖度下降和地表温度上升,其中街区绿地被侵占造成的地表热环境效应大于公园绿地和森林绿地。  相似文献   

The spatial characteristics of residents' leisure activities not only reflect their demand for urban leisure space but also affect the urban spatial layout. This study takes Shenyang, China as an example and analyzes the characteristics of residents' leisure activities through questionnaires. On this basis, it uses point of interest data and mobile phone signaling data to identify various types of residential and leisure functional relationships, and uses spatial analysis and community detection to assess the distance characteristics, flow patterns, and community structure of residents' leisure activities, so as to discuss the spatial structure of residents' leisure activities in Shenyang. The results showed that: 1) in addition to leisure at home, Shenyang residents mainly went to shopping malls, supermarkets,and parks for leisure activities, and the proportions of residents of the two types of leisure activities were approximately equal; 2) the average distances that residents traveled for shopping and park leisure were near in the middle and far in the periphery, and the travel costs of peripheral residents for centrally located leisure were higher than those for residents in central areas; 3) the flow patterns of the residential-shopping and residential-park functional relationships displayed clustering mode characteristics, and Shenyang presented a significant monocentric structure; and 4) residents' shopping activities were concentrated in the southern community, and walking in the park activities were concentrated in the western community. Residents' leisure activities were characterized by centripetal agglomeration,which was prone to problems such as traffic congestion and big city diseases. The spatial expansion process in the city was characterized by obvious directional inheritance and path dependence, and the construction of sub-cities is needed to improve the related service facilities.  相似文献   

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